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Latest revision as of 00:48, 14 May 2019

Dead and Deader
Date of Scene: 16 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Deadshot, Zombie-Girl

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot is recently out of prison, though his current appearance would not suggest it. Walking down the street in towards a shopping center, the marksman is not wearing his normal gear, instead he is wearing a borish black suit with the contrast of a red tie. As he walks he glances down at a phone which is playing videos out loud. Most of the commentary should anyone be listening is on various 'powered' sightings from the last several months, with occassional step-in news about the Batman. Getting closer to the shopping area, he pauses, glancing over the shops in the area.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl is patrolling her usual stomping grounds. The young woman is mostly hidden beneath a long and hooded coat, and a pair of darkly tinted goggles. She has a peculiar appearance and does her best to hide that. Luckily New Yorkers know how to keep to themselves, even when presented with a weirdo.

  She stops between alley ways and seems to be looking at the graffiti there. A few notes are scribbled down in the book before moving on.

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot continues his trek towards the shopping center, occassionally muttering about 'everyone and their grandma having powers nowadays'. He stops at a small fast-cash and pawn shop. Emerging with slightly more satisfied look on his face he stops at a billboard just outside the tucked away store. Turning back to the street he pulls out his phone again, pressing a button before holding it to his ear. "Lex Luthor. Yes, it's me again. Yes, I promise he knows me. Well tell him to call me back." It's a fast phone call before the device is back in his pocket. Lifting his hand to a passer-by.

  "Hey, are there cheap rooms around here, houses, not hotels or motels?" He asks in a businesslike tone.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl doesn't look up, but tilts her head to the side slightly when the man speaks to her. Though she does her best to conceal it, the fact that her skin is a peculiar gray color is hard to miss. She points to a building down the street. "Right down there I think I saw a sign for some efficency apartments. Don't know if it's cheap, but it looks it."

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot narrows his eyes a little at your hand color, but leaves it be a moment. He lifts his hand to seemingly run through his hair, but it leaves behind a circular red visor in place over his red eye as he looks across the street where you point. He studies the building for a moment.

  "That'll do just fine for now, thank you." He says, directing his attention back to the strange abnormally colored woman. "So are you sick or something, or is it all the craze to turn grey and lower your body temperature now?" He asks bluntly.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl sticks her hand in her pocket and harumphs. "Didn't your mom ever tell you that it's bad manners to ask about a lady's body temperature?" she replies. Though it's a snarky response, it isn't a denial that she is atypical. "I mean I could ask about your Best Buy monocle," she adds.

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot shrugs and leans back against the billboard. "Well, generally speaking I don't think it every came up while I was young to be honest." He says, seemingly unfazed by the attitude at the moment. He taps his lens with one hand. "And trust me, Best Buy is ripoff, these you'll want to buy off Amazon. Sure, you pay a little more for the off brand, but it does so much more. I feel like I've seen you before, are you a famous name around or something?" He continues asking, looking quizzical about how your general 'hiding' demeanor.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl laughs, "Famous? Like the big green dude or the blue S? Nah. Most of the people who know about me are either the people who thought that the Bronx was a place they could fuck with, or the people whose job it was to clean up afterward." She flashes you a smile. It's something of a boast, but while still maintaining an air of evasiveness. It's not like she's going to come right out with saying that she's an undead escapee of Hell after all.

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot cracks a light smile, though he looks thoughtful. "So you stay in the Bronx then. It sounds like you like it here, and it actually sounds like you take the law into your own hands. Are there people around here I need to worry about, or big names with money I should avoid working for? You know corruption is just something I like to keep an eye on." He says, it's making half a joke about his own eye. Though it's not like he's going to flat out say he's looking for people to hire him for marks either. Especially to an unknown grey person.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl shrugs, "Bronx girl born raised, and "raised". There's a gang around here that's been causing trouble. Well gang might be a little over simplification. They were a gang, but now they're more like a cult. They've been cutting the hearts out of people. Mostly the homeless and rival gangs. They're based here in the Bronx, but I've seen them far away as Gotham. Their boss seems pretty connected, even if his foot soldiers are dumb-shit bangers."

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot nods, looking a little quizzical about the double raised. "Well, I can't say I was raised twice, only had the one childhood." He looks around the area, as if another glance around might give him more information that he ahs already discovered. "Gangs can be problematic. You got any leads on this well-connected leader?" He asks, the question being double edged to find out if she's investigating crime in general. "I mean, I'm just trying to stay safe out here."

  "Oh, and its Floyd." He says, reaching a hand out in the traditional offer to shake your hand. "Regu

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl hesitates a beat before extending her own hand to shake yours. "Yeah, call me ZG," she replies. She points to your visor and says, "I'm pretty sure that anyone with hardware like that is doing a little more than just trying to stay safe. The fact that you're not more concerned with how I look is another hint. I have a friend who uses some visual hardware, and he's a little more involved than just keeping safe."

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot shakes your hand firmly, but not hard. "ZG. Very endearing, I'm sure you have a lot of friends." He says, a touch of sarcasm in his statement, though it's not malicious, He gestures to his equipment. "Just a tool of the trade. As far as how you look that seems to be the least of my concern, I've been catching up on the news. Sounds like there has been a lot of strange stuff going on lately. I've been spending some time out of town." He explains. "And if you have connections to friends with hardware like mine, I'd be curious what he's doing to do more than just keep safe, seeing as you're in the know. You should introduce me."

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl seems to consider that. "Yeah, well I'll see what I can do. But really it's not something that I can easily do. I don't actually know how to get in touch with him. He shows up on his own time. Those Gotham guys, paranoid I tell you."

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot furrows his brow and his mood seems darken slightly. "Ah, he's based in Gotham then. I take it this same guy like doing all his work mostly at night, dressing up in black caped costumes then?" He asks, taking a clearly wild guess.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl shakes her head, "Nah. I mean yeah does most of his work at night. But think more leather jackets and red helmet. I haven't managed to make enough of a splash to warrant having a connection with the Bat."

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot seems to lighten up at that. "Well that is interesting then. Glad to hear there is some new folks around keeping work options open. Can't make a living without it." He says. He reaches into his pocket and removes a plain brown wallet. From that he draws a card, replacing the wallet and offering it to ZG. "Give me a call if you need work done, or if someone else does. I'm sure there are a few people here who remember me." The card is simple, a phone number on one side, and 'Deadshot' on the other.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl looks at the card briefly before putting it into her pocket. "Well yeah, I'll keep you in mind dude if I find anyone who needs your services. Personally I don't have the dough to hire you. I spend my last three bucks on a gas station burrito earlier today, so I can't exactly fork out for a sellsword. But shit's simmering here in the Bronx, so I'm sure someone will hire you if things keep going as they are. Just watch that you don't throw in with the wrong side. They want to literally bring Hell onto Earth, which wouldn't be a wise long-term investment for you. Plus you don't seem totally an ass, and I wouldn't want to hafta throw down with you.?

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot shrugs. "Plenty of money selling your skills out. Plus it looks like you have a few extra ones that aren't normal. I'd recommend it, seeing as there isn't really a good or bad side. Life is gonna keep moving on regardless." He turns to a new street, not in the direction of the housing that he had brought up at the beginning of the conversation. "I hope I don't have to shoot you either. Trying to find a thermal image on you would be a bear." He says, an amused grin from his partially sick joke on the corners of his lips.

Zombie-Girl has posed:
Zombie-Girl considers that for a minute then responds, "Well I guess we gotta agree to disagree on that one. Don't get me wrong there's a lot of middle gray in the world. But I've seen the bad side, and what happens to people on that side. I won't be so high 'n mighty to say that I have a higher calling, but I have to keep as many people as I can from going down the path that I did."

Deadshot has posed:
Deadshot hesitates taking a step. "Well, I have to say, glad you understand about the middle ground. Just remember, I'm not actually the one pulling the trigger 9 times out of 10." He starts heading out, pulling his phone from his pocket again. A few moments later the soft tone of a news-caster speaking about vigilantes in Gotham can be heard as the hitman walks away.