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Latest revision as of 02:39, 14 May 2019

Casinos and Kisses: Make It Rain
Date of Scene: 27 March 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Joker, Killer Frost, Poison Ivy

Joker has posed:
Atlantic City, the city of dreams; if your dream is a lousy casino experience and a horde of polite but seemingly rude beachgoers. Located south of Joker's haunt of Gotham City, Joker had heard of an Atlantic City gala to boost casino numbers and the money plied into the service sector. The local contractors and real estate dons of Atlantic City had given a hotel discount to vacationing elderly from Florida, transporting them north in droves with buses and charter church services. A horde of Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant senior citizens, had descended on Atlantic City for a week, living in affordable hotels.

The old men, were watching sports and eating professional made cuisine, blowing their meager stipends. The women, meanwhile, were hording around slot machines in the casinos.

The wealthy sophisticates of tourist commerce of the city were laughing. But not the Joker. The Joker was not amused.

The elderly were one of America's greatest resources! The Joker felt that, without the elderly, there would be no more traditions of circus clowns, classic Friar's Roast comedy, and particularly, no more medical stockpiles for him to raid for base industrial elements for his weaponry.

Naturally, Joker had to act.

At 5:30 PM, the senior citizens in the Studley Bakerson Hotel and Casino were just getting out of the early bird buffet, having eaten their fill of fried clam and crableg and rare soda produced in exorbitant quantity to make it cheap. They were sitting down at slot machines, while grinning casino bosses watched on cameras. Meanwhile, the men were in the sports parlors, shouting and ranting and raving, at global sporting events, many of which the old men didn't understand.

In the primary computer complex, deep under the casino, the sealed door collapsed, the alarms severed from the outside. Security guards looked up in horror as they hit silent alarms that failed to fire, a complicated severing of cables and phone lines having occured while the security staff was busy dealing with a potential Legionnaire's Disease outbreak that had been reported by a retired circus actor, Sarge Struthers, that could no longer be found for questioning.

There was uproarious laughter as the security guards dropped out of their chairs from Joker Toxin, gassed into the room, while Joker slipped a disk into a computer. A smiling clown face uploaded onto a computer screen.

Then, Joker pressed the enter key, and there was a rattle throughout the slot machines in the casino. The old women blinked, as the slots went through a synchronized spasm. The casino bosses noticed the shift, mumbling in the upper offices, briefly concerned.

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost is in Atlantic City. A bunch of old people are in the casino. And Frost is going to take advantage. All she needs to do is commandeer some moneys and make a clean break and everything will be fine. She is wearing 'old people clothes' (a dress with huge flowers on it - not pink, a pale blue) as a disguise - her hair is white anyway. Sunglasses cover the glowing blue eyes as she walks in, hmmmmming softly as she looks all around, deciding on her first target - right as all the slot machines freak out a bit and security gets heightened. "I didn't do anything yet," she growls to herself.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Is also In Atlantic city but for different reasons she's hear because of a business meeting that she finished earlier .. Since she was here she's sitting down enjoying some food when everybody starts to freak out and make a huge fuss that has her slowly pulling out her purse and walking to various places to drop seeds, Just in case especially when she hears that laugh .

Joker has posed:
There are chirps and bells and whistles, all over the casino, as the slot machines start spitting out quarters. Musical klaxons go off for each slot machine as they light up, pouring out quarters into their dispenser trays. Elderly women howl and cheer as they all hit the jackpot simultaneously, loading the quarters into their associated coin buckets.

Security, meanwhile, is not amused. They begin rushing about, talking into walkie talkies, as the casino bosses watching through cameras curse and slam their hands on desks. Guards try to pull little old ladies politely away (and there are very few guards compared to grannies), the women cursing and batting at the guards with their pocket books and purses and canes. More old women crowd to the lines of slots, trying to take advantage of the sudden cash windfall.

The Joker whistles a tune as he walks out of the now empty computer room, with staccato radio belches from the office complexes hailing the casino computer technicians (now deceased) to check-in and report the error.

As security guards rush down stairs to get to the computer complex, Joker draws a large revolver, with a deliberately oversized barrel.

Killer Frost has posed:
Security guards vs. grannies. Generally it'd be a tossup due to numbers... unfortunately, the granny population has an infiltrator. Frost is in the middle of the walkway, pushing towards a machine, and a guard grabs her. She turns and lays a kiss on him... and the guard simply freezes solid. She then smiles as she kicks over one coin bucket, and as several people went for it, grabbed a few more, hummming happily as she just carries them along. The dress is ridiculous, but it's helping her to blend in, as he blue lips curl into a malicious grin. Now with a coin bucket full to the brim, she decides to go for another one, and another guard accosts her... and he, too, gets frozen with a kiss. She then repeats the show, kicking one bucket over, and snatching a different one - now having quite a haul, laughing softly. "Oh, this is so much fun," she coooos happily.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Is being good well she appears to be good she spots frost moving about, While her dress and hair help can't hide that youthful body or good looks. It makes her green eye's sparkle and lift an eyebrow even as she walks slowly over to watch what's going on. For her part, she gets a different thing where a guard tries to keep her from going into the casino but a soft kiss and moments later he's opening the door for her.

     She looks towards frost " Well now aren't you cute .. not sure about those powers through " . That said Ivy has her own little plant Minions Collecting money while Nobody is looking and Moving camera's and destroying them so they can't catch them in the act.

Joker has posed:
The slot machines continue to pour change and flash, as guards begin arriving from elsewhere in the casino. It's a full riot by now, as they begin to notice a metahuman in the facility. Thinking that the chaos is the work of Killer Frost, the guards move to stop her with tasers drawn, while little old ladies run about the casino in all directions, using their dresses to hold massive bundles of quarters. Old men are filing out of the betting halls, by now, lifting canes and chanting slogans from World War 2 and the Korean Conflict.

The Joker steps around a door and shoots a guard coming down the stairs into the subterranean computer complex, blowing him off his feet in a blast of gib that splatters the wall behind him. The Joker slips his hand into his pocket and whistles louder, pointing his smoking pistol upwards as he rises to the ground floor, then sidles around a wall, while guards go rushing past him, out onto the casino floor, having heard the gunshot.

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost shrugs, and sets the change buckets down. "This was not my style anyway." She rips the dress off, revealing her usual outfit. "My name is Killer Frost. Now - I would suggest you tend to my ice sculptures back there. I'm pretty sure one of their name tags is Thompson." She raises one hand, icy mist shimmering through it. Suddenly, every tazer freezes solid, shorting the current and causing them all to smoke. She idly kicks an old lady in the face who was going for her buckets before she quickly picks them up. She then glances as she sees a woman in green coming in. Definitely not a senior. Oh my - is that Poison Ivy? She starts heading in that direction, firing an icicle at a security camera. She snatches one more bucket as well, considering making a break for it.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Opposites attract maybe hard to say, While Ivy doesn't like winter that much it's still a part of nature and a part of her. She moves closer She's got something else going on She's not holding any buckets but she has several Security guards now thanks to a few kisses and touches who are hauling Buckets for her.. And tazing any of the other guards who try and stop them.

     She gets closer and smiles " Well now aren't you just the cutest thing " She looks towards the stairs where the boom came from " better hurry Frosty because the big bad Joker is on his way and things tend to go not the way you want when he's around " . Is ivy actually being nice?

Joker has posed:
The security guards back off, hands up, dropping their shorted tasers. As police sirens echo in the distance, the elderly women begin hustling out of the casino and into the street, quarters all over the casino floor and on the sidewalks outside, each old woman hauling at least one bucket of quarters filled up to the edge, worth hundreds of dollars a piece. The old men, meanwhile, are attempting to buy king crab legs purely in quarters at the food court, being sternly refused and getting quite irate.

Joker slides his pistol into his jacket, and steps out of the annex where the security was emerging, smiling and plucking the lapels of his jacket. He saunters up to Killer Frost and Poison Ivy, smiling broadly.

"Hi, Pam," he says to Poison Ivy, before looking to Killer Frost. "And who is this lovely lady?"

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost bows, holding her two buckets. "I will take it that you are the Joker. My name is Killer Frost. I'm new to town - I was going to compare notes with a local - but this convention caught my attention." She smiles softly. "I will assume that you're the one that made all the slots hit triple-seven? I like your style." She smiles faintly. "But I think it's getting about time to flee. I took a cab here in disguise - any thoughts? This isn't really my turf."

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Smiles softly " Hello J nice to see you fancy meeting you here after my business " she laughs softly " Hands on I saw her first " she says before she looks to frost " Welcome to the club dear come with me I have a car waiting outside " She winks " Hassle free unless you want to join the boys club but I think we girls do better together " .

Joker has posed:
"I'll be exitting, stage left, of course. I've requisitioned a table at a nice surf and turf house, operated by our friends in the dockworker's unions. I am dearly in the mood for some scallops and shrimp, with a nice flank of Delmonico on the side."

Joker raises a finger. "And a Mr. Pibb."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Frosty. I will be on my way."

Joker points at Ivy. "And watch for this one. She's got a habit of growing on you."

Joker spins about, on his heel, and goes walking out the casino doors, moving in the opposite direction from the incoming sirens.

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost nods. "I'll go with Ivy. It was a pleasure to meet you, Joker." She nods as she follows Ivy to her ride. "I would bet that you wouldn't want to touch me - I get it. I've heard that your touches are dangerous anyway... I mean, that guard's following you around like a lost puppy." She smirks as she sees several guards trying to thaw the two she froze as once the two leave the casino, she snaps her fingers and a solid wall of ice form sealing the exit. "Where are we going? And do you know if Dr. Fries is available?"

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Smiles as joker goes to leave " Oh J Be a dear and leave the cops a present for us after all they are showing up in far too orderly a manner don't you think? ". She turns to frost and laughs softly as she gets into her limo with frost next to her as the two slip inside, She smiles " Yes I think we booth have deadly touches darling but that's what makes it fun. But i think our kisses are the best " she winks lightly as she crosses her legs "Are you hungry? I know one of the best steak houses in the city would you believe it's Japanese but they serve that wagyu beef it's so good " She purrs.

Killer Frost has posed:
Killer Frost nods softly. "Most definitely. Working together, there's nothing we can't do. Oh... ummmm... do you have any cold-hardy plants? I can try not to cause damage but... I can't always stop it." She shrugs. "Do you think they'll let us pay all in quarters?" she finally asks, jingling her couple buckets of quarters, as she glances out the back, seeing if any fuzz is chasing them.

Poison Ivy has posed:
Pamela Isley Grins because she left the guards to point the cops in the other direction and to give a description that doesn't look anything like the two girls. She smiles as she chuckles " Maybe but I can make them accept whatever we want " She winks " Plants don't like the cold but some do and winter happens " she shrugs " I will make sure if you're around I'll use the winter ones " .