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Latest revision as of 15:41, 14 May 2019

Strength is in numbers
Date of Scene: 19 April 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Martian Manhunter, Crusader, Nyx, Dusk

Martian Manhunter has posed:
This late at night, streets are generally empty and the atmosphere is usually quiet. Even the majority of criminals are in their beds right now, or planning evil plots in their secret lairs. The sunlight is not visible yet, and only the light of streetlamps provides elumination to the various streets. Everything seems to be quiet, average, almost boring, and indeed J'onn himself is walking quietly, averagely, almost bored along one of the many back halleys of this part of New York, wearing the shape of a quite average black-haired tall man, if an athlete dressed in average clothes could be called average.

Crusader has posed:
All hours of the day is the time for Bjorn to come out and play. The worn-weary old man, was cruising down the sidewalk, a corgi by his side. A deep baritone rumbling out musical words as if he had not a care in the world "Sweet Bacon Bacon. Bacon bacon. Sweet bacon bacon!" which got him all sorts of odd looks. But Bjorn always been an odd fello.

Nyx has posed:
What do you do when you find yourself not needing nearly as much (or maybe any) sleep and you have been use to .. you know sleeping... your whole life.

What do you do when you also do not have uninhibited access to the computers at the place you live and work, and even the access you do have you know is monitored very closely.

Well in Samantha's case she gets out of her place of work/living and hits the streets. Sadly at this point the last of the under 21 clubs has let out, and the after after places are mostly a wrap, so she is walking back from a Thursday night out.

Counting herself lucky she won't be zonked out when she reports for training in the morning, though it is still really taking a lot to adjust to that fact.

Sam does slow and squint at Bjorn, coming to a dead stop quite a ways down the block now.

Dusk has posed:
Dusk is looming on a rooftop melodramatically, a girl-shaped silhouette in Vantablack. Which would probably work better if anybody was actually looking at her, but it's slow. Something will turn up. There's a few people out and about now, but most people aren't doing anything exciting. Just another boring night in the unlife of the living dead. wooOooOoo. spooky. ugh, no, it's just boring right now. Nobody needs protecting, and there's nobody to talk to. Hmph.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn is walking in Bjorn's and Sam's direction, so it doesn't take long before he probably can hear the singing man prompting a quick raising of eyebrows. Probably in the line of sight of both of them, he stops now, his eyes moving around as if to look for something. And in fact, coming from the opposite direction, someone is approaching.
If J'onn is actually tall at 6 feet and half, the mountain of a man that comes from the other side of the street is definitely above 7 feet, almost 8, and seems to have muscles everywhere, probably even more than it is allowed for a human. It wouldn't however be worrying if he wasn't intent on ripping pieces from every parked car he sees, stuffing them into his mouth.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn himself doesn't register Nyx stareing at him. He was off in his own little world it seems. And yes, he put out some major tech signal voodoo. Of course he didn't make it apparent. His eyesight was...different. He actually did see Dusk up above, and wonder if there was a glitch in his eyesight.
    But otherwise, he didn't recognize any of the people. Not Nyx or J'onn...and definintly not the 8 ft person eating pieces of cars. He sees this and litterly the first thing out his mouth "Oh no fair! If Bjorn did vast, Bjorn vould be in trouble! Wait...hmmm. Maybe person jist need a hand"

Bjorn kinda preys this fella doesn't eat everything made of metal, considering Bjorn (though it didn't look like it) was made of metal. And so he quite casually walks past Nyx and J'onn offering both of them an "Excuse Bjorn friends" as he makes his way to the over muscled brute. He looks up to the brute and says "Excuse Bjorn friend. Bit you should not be doing vee eatink of othar peoples vehicles! If you are needing da helpink of finding some good food, Bjorn may be able ta help" yup he was going the peaceful and understanding route.

Nyx has posed:
Sam was out clubbing, she is wearing some tastefully ripped jeans, a nice top, and a flight jacket (without the SHIELD logo).

She blinks when Bjorn stands up and starts to walk towards her and .. okay not her.. she turns and blinks again at the big .. big guy eating car parts. "What the hell.."

Nyx meanwhile knows a lot more than they are letting on. It registers Dusk. It registers Bjorn. When Sam turns Nyx will register the big guy eating cars.

"You know if I was drinking I would think this my due... really.. how is this my life..." there is this slow shake of the young woman's head as she turns and faces to watch Bjorn and the big guy. Maybe peaceful will win out.

Nyx is highly skeptical of this and starts to populate Samantha's HUD.

"The... oh...." says Sam blinking a few more times. "Well... okay." well Bjorn isn't fully human. This should be a mess and now she will have to do .. paperwork.

Dusk has posed:
Dusk peers at the ferrovore, trying to think if it looks like any magical beasties. Not that she suspects magic more than anything else, but when you have a hammer..


Now, she doesn't care all that much about cars, but she's pretty sure someone is going to show up and start a scene here.

Like the guy walking toward the obvious danger. Wonderful. Well, maybe they'll know how to deal with this mess.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
The guy eating car parts stops his meal at Bjorn's approaching, and even gives Bjorn enough time to fully try the peaceful route, then of course explains his disagreement with one of his massive fists coming at Bjorn with an amazing speed considering its size, and well, the force behind that fist is definitely more than the average human's strength.
Meanwile, J'onn is looking the scene from a distance, so far, his eyes and other senses registering the presence of Bjorn, Sam, and maybe even Dusk, but he's not close enough to intervene so far.

Crusader has posed:
     Well, people never DID like the peaceful route. Of course, Bjorn wasn't exactly ordinary himself. The old man weighed as much as a car, packed into a 6ft body. It was virtually the equilivent of trying to punch through a 2 foot wall of solid steel. Animals stronger than humans have been held in captivity with weaker walls than that.

Needless to say, Bjorn actually doesn't move an inch, and the other fella, if he had put all his force into it, may or may not have a cramped hand. Bjorn just put his hands on his hips and taps his foot, like an old man annoyed with a rude young whipper snapper. "Alrioght. Sie see here young man! Vat was uncalled fer! Sie could have seriously hurt someone, und yerself punching like vat. Nae nae nae. If sie want an effective punch, sie do not just punch straight ahead." was...was he LECTURING the man on proper punching?

"Instead, yer want to turn your upper body sideways to wind up sie punch. Ven when comming in, send yer fist down and den upwards to yer intended spot. Et will put much MUCH more force behind it. Vough Bjorn does not recommond trying et on him. Believe me you, Bjorn did not take a punch from juggernaut fer no reason!" he laughs heartedly and good humoredly "Now. Last chance before Bjorn need git mean. Will sie tell Bjorn vat is wrong or will Bjorn hauf to kick yer bit!" through this entire interaction, Bjorn actually stays all smiles, calm and peaceful.

Nyx has posed:
There is a curious Hmm of a noise from Samantha as she watches all this unfold. "I'm pretty sure that you aren't ...really talking to a human." she isn't quite sure what Bjorn is or what he is talking to yet though. Really nothing has been exhibited yet for Nyx to get a solid lock on from it's array of experiences and alien races.

There is a huff of a sigh and she starts to walk towards them both. "Seriously though... one of you needs to stop eating cars.. and probably be arrested... and the other one of you .. well probably shouldn't .. I don't know.... you should probably let the authorities handle it." fishing her SHIELD issue phone out of a jacket pocket. Though really she isn't entirely sure what SHIELD will tell her to do here yet.

Her luck this will probably escalate dramatically quickly.

Dusk has posed:

Dusk decides to get closer, just in case, and jumps from the edge of the building, a dark spot of Darkforce flitting silently across the sky to the top of a traffic light pole nearby. From there, she looms, looking between people as things get more surreal if anything, waiting for a chance to step in and protect people.

So far, things look pretty much under control, though.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
The creature withdraws his hand that, however, seems to be very intact. Looking at bjorn for a couple of seconds with a quite empty expression, as if not understanding why a human is not yet a puddle on the floor, the creature just punches again, using double the strength he used for the first punch, apparently it doesn't get the concept, "don't punch a man that just gave you the last chance before kicking your ass." and it doesn't seem like the creature understands Nyx, either.
J'onn is now standing close to both Bjorn and Sam, maybe a couple of steps behind the woman, and confirms the suspicion that this creature is all muscle and no brain by saying "it doesn't have a very intelligent brain, it won't understand you. Its body works on the simple functions of feeding and dealing with threats. You two are considered as threats currently"

Crusader has posed:
Well double the strength works a bit better. It actually makes Bjorn slide back just a tiny bit. "Fine, than hard way it is" he says to J'onn, still not recognize him. "Hold wait...so...he not human or something?" he didn't exactly want to hurt an innocent animal, but at the same time, this fella was going to be trouble.
    Bjorn sighs "Very well! Citizens arrest it is! Or fight. Whatever the case, Bjorn hopes we find this guy good home" and with that, Bjorn finally springs into action. Like one of those strange toys one can stretch and deform before it snap back to normal, Bjorn body squeezes down wards into an Arc as he dives between the creatures legs and through them, before snapping back to normal.
    From there he tries to wrestle the entities hands into the back, like one would do when preparing someone for hand cuffs. Of course, the fact this creature just straight up double its strength was cause for concern. "Also greetings!"

Nyx has posed:
J'onn gets an interesting read about Samantha standing behind her like that. Her brain activity is not, right. It is a lot like Cyborg's but even more so. So much is running with the A.I. in her head and also has been replaced with techno-organic it would be difficult to call the teenagers thoughts normal neural activity any longer.

"Because of course we are..." wait the guy behind her... she steps a few steps to the side now not liking having someone right behind her that is evidently knowledgable about the 'person' punching Bjorn repeatively.

Sam shoots a glance at J'onn in his disguise and squints at him next and then looks at the punching going on. "So.. it won't surrender it is just going to keep eating cars and punching people?"

When Bjorn goes... crazy there ..and by crazy more his body and power crazy. "Ugn." she puts her phone back in her jacket. "Do you know what either of these things are..?" yeah that was to J'onn.

Dusk has posed:
    "So what's the plan here? We aren't just watching and taking bets, are we?"

Both combatants get studied. Ugh, this is awful, so much confusion. No easy answers. She isn't even quite clear what they are trying to achieve, exactly.
    Although they seem to be having fun doing it, so far. Boys. Go figure.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
The creature is actually surprised for a second when his arms are twisted behind his back so easily, or at least surprise is the emotion that his face seems to express. The problem there is that apparently both his arms separate from his body, and Bjorn so will probably hold arms that are not attached to a body anymore. The disturbing thing is that new arms are slowly starting to grow on the creature, and even worse, the arms Bjorn is holding twist until they touch one another and then start to reform, assuming the shape of a creature similar to the first one.
J'onn turns to Sam, answering "I don't know, yet... Obviously not human, the both of them..." he seems to pause for a few seconds "as about what they are precisely, I don't know, yet..." he admits, while his mind tries to scan subtly Bjorn, Sam and now even Dusk just to get the basic information of who they are. Dusk is the next one that has an answer "of course we're intervening, if the situation gets worse" and well, facing a foe that reforms itself is surely going to turn out into a worse situation very soon.

Crusader has posed:
Wait...did this guy just say, he wasn't human? Oh hells no. He takes the reforming arms and gestures at the three other people, mainly Nyx and J'onn, as Dusk wasn't being rude "Excuse Bjorn? Vell! If yer must know, Bjorn is mutant, vhy vat is considered different from human is beyound bjorn" and with that he breaks the arms apart like wood over his knees, seeming displeased now.

"Vat beink said, seems we are dealink wit an extream regenerator." as J'onn scans his mind, he would note that...Bjorn is well telling the truth. He is a mutant. But the signals from his mind despite this was strange, as if J'onn wasn't scanning one mind, but multiple minds simulatniousely when checking out Bjorn. More was going on here thats for sure.

And with that...he tries to stick the arms back on the creature, cause they do NOT need an army of these things. He steps back "Bit Bjorn is open to ideas"

Nyx has posed:
"Well.. if I punch it.. and trust me I can punch it.... I am pretty sure we will just get a lot of little .. whatever these are." and Samantha pauses a moment.

"Sorry, Mutants are humans just different.. and um.. definitely people to." and Samantha gestures. "Is this thing a person though or an animal.. it is definitely dangerous but I don't want to just unload on it if it is a person.. or a person who is in trouble or anything." she has more than just the punching hammer as it were, so not everything is a nail, but the other options are big wrenches.. this metaphor is getting away. "It could be.. mutant.. meta... alien.." and then there is a sigh and Samantha will reach out and grab the one growing arms, by the shoulder to try to get a better scan of what they are dealing with, not knowing that but Nyx drives that action.

Dusk has posed:
"If you can make it quit thrashing around and fighting, I can probably dump it somewhere else. I might need a guide there first, though. The places you would want to dump things aren't exactly tourist friendly."

She steps off the lightpole, misty Darkforce tendrils whooshing outward from her to set her lightly on the ground near J'onn before vanishing like smoke.

"I don't think it was ever human, if that helps. I'm not sure what it is, though."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
The arms break, and they are easy to break too for Bjorn at least, they don't stay broken for long however and considering they're regrowing a new body already there's no way to stick them back on the original owner, especially because the original creature now has a new working pair of arms already. Nyx, anyways, could probably grab the shoulder of what is now a smaller version of the brute, a childlike version that is however growing, and determine that it doesn't belong to any of the currently classified creatures, so an intresting new lifeform that can apparently duplicate itself by using his own bodyparts. Internally, his cells are not very different from a human, but apparently they duplicate at an amazing speed, dead cells being reassimilated almost instantly and living ones replacing them in a matter of seconds
"Ok, I was not accurate in my definition. They are not your average humans, lets say. But well, one is a mutant even if a quite particular one, the other is definitely not human. I can't even communicate with it, it is like trying to talk with a mussel." J'onn replies, glancing at Dusk as she lands and looking thoughtful for a moment "maybe containing it could be a good idea... The watchtower should have a secure enough place, what kind of guiding would you require?"
While they talk, the creature is not just standing peacefully there doing nothing. The original one, the one with a new pair of arms, is using said arms to try to repeatedly punch Bjorn, notable is that its strength is about two third of the one used in its previous attack.

Crusader has posed:
"Well, Bjorn hopes sie can do vat else Bjorn will hauf ta go fer a much more extream and less pleasant option" he claims. He noted the arms growing more bodies and...well that was not good. He tries to ignore the weaker punches from the bigger creature.

"Perhaps somewan has some food on them?" he asks the others. He was thankful he had an armored hide basicly. "And a mussel. Interesting." he would have to search his database later. "Well, maybe it is a mussel! A mutated one. Like one of those science experiments gone wrong! Hopefully et is nit like da Thing!"

Nyx has posed:
Samantha will step back there and look preturbed. "Okay.. so um... lets see." there is a pause and Sam just looks at Dusk and then back to Bjorn and his .. more than one problem now. "Not really sure how to make the thing hold still for you.... since when you grab it parts just break off and form more... so yeah can't grab it. I could probably vaporize it though but that seems extreme?"

Dusk has posed:
"I've never been there, and I can't see it from here. I'd have to go there and come back. I move fast, especially if I know where I'm going."

This plotting is really starting to grate at her, though. She wants to DO something. It would probably work. Probably. Maybe. Impulse control, not her strongest attribute.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
The creature keep punching Bjorn, almost like this was the only effective way of dealing with another living thing, the smaller version is instead distracted by Sam since it is closer, and apparently decides that throwing punches at her seems to be the right thing to do.
"Do you need to phisically go there, or just knowing the location will work? I can, place the information in your mind if needed." J'onn says to dusk, apparently the only one not being attacked, apart from J'onn himself. "I think it can be grabbed, maybe not his limbs though. And well, if you can pulverise it completely, so that it won't have even a small piece to regenerate from... Because if it does, we'd probably have tousands of little mindless creatures on our hands."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn is looking VERY annoyed by this point as the creatures keeps punching him. "Fine ven! Bjorn hopes sie are correct Strange talkink man! Oi, Solare is goink ta hauf vee field day wit me fer vis" he says
    Bjorn tries lifting the large creature above his head, facing upwards so he couldn't be punched as effectively, as well as to prevent it from losing any more limbs "Bjorn hopes vat works, cause if nit, Bjorn swear he will eat dis ving"

Nyx has posed:
Sam doesn't even try to dodge really, seemingly unphased by the punching from the smaller creature. "God this thing is annoying.. okay so mmm ..well I don't really get the physics of this but it shouldn't really leave anything to regenerate."

That sounds, potentially troublesome.

Sam gives the smaller one a shove, creating some space and then brings her hands up, palms out in a very Iron Man style, pointed at the smaller creature.

Blinding white energy coils and cascades down the young woman's arms, and lances out from both of them. Two blasts of high energy particle beams, turning the air to plasma by exciting the molecules into exploding. When it hits the creature .. well she said she could vaporize it. It is hard to regenerate when your own molecules are exploding excited by the particles bombarding them.

If it works, well that is anyone's guess.

Still two thing for sure as far as anyone familiar with energy weapons.

One, is that is just absolutely not earth tech.

Two, is that even safe to use in a city.

Also how old is she, maybe 18? Jesus.

Dusk has posed:
"We'll find out in a second, won't we? Gather close, ladies and gentlemen."

She proceeds to march into the fray, sure J'onn is going to do his part and that this is going to work. Avoiding the plasma beam, she throws her arms wide, wings unfurling beneath them in a writhing sheet of utter blackness that she tries to surround the whole group with. Tries. People aren't exactly close enough together yet. The intent is obvious. Hopefully.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
The energy pulverizing beam does his part, the smaller creature is no more and even part of the sidewalk and a piece of streetlamp, they are no more, causing said streetlamp to fall down on the roof of a car, someone's going to pay for that right?
"I guess that worked." J'onn says, then looks for Dusk's mind and projects the image of a square holding cell in the watchtower, one with reinforced walls and quite a bit of security, but at least one that allows teleporting, for now at least. Stepping closer to Bjorn, he glances at Sam to see if she'll join them, then wait for Dusk to do her part.
The original creature is safely held by Bjorn, his arms and legs kicking and punching the air, but nothing seems to go wrong, so far.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn gets the idea quickly enough and steps much closer to Dusk as J'onn steps closer to himself. He looks to the light pole and winces "Oi! Vell, Bjorn vill fix thar latar" he declares, still holding the struggling being. Definintly not the smartest creature has has faced.
    He let out a whistle and says "Borgi, come here boy. We goin ta da WatchTower!!!" the tiny corgi trots on over and sits next to Bjorn, occasionly trying to nip at the darkness. And...stay the hell away from Nyx!

Nyx has posed:
Sam actually steps away from Dusk and the gathering shadows and the others now, looking over the spot she blasted, eyes sharper than any eagles as she studies it and then looks at the damaged car. She winces.

"I should probably..." stepping over she pulls out a notebook now and writes a note to stick on it's window. Yeah she isn't gathering close to take whatever ride this is, though going to the watch tower sounds interesting but Skye and May would probably flip their shit more than they already will.

Dusk has posed:
Dusk closes her wings around everyone but Sam, starry flickers showing through the darkness. "We're off to see the Wizard.."

The wings close around those who are going and envelop tightly, until they collapse in on themselves in a ball of blackness that vanishes to nothing. >shrrrrpt!<


    Within, everyone finds themselves floating weightless in cool blackness, sound muffled as though through water, a white glowing Dusk alongside, wings starting to close around you.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
As soon as the teleport begins, the creature in Bjorn's hands stops trashing and kicking, going still as if trying to understand what was happening. Its understanding however is very limited so, if there's something new, punch it! And indeed the creature starts trying to move and punch the dark air again. Nothing else happens though, for now, J'onn himself just standing there and waiting for them to appear in the watchtower's cell.

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn feels the creature thrashing, and decides to give it back rubs! "Oh calm yourself! Not sure where sie came from bit yer fine!" he says to the punching creature. He was quite calm in the expansive darkness, though he was a bit started by the glowing White Dusk!

Dusk has posed:
...Everyone is suddenly and inexorably drawn back to the Light Dusk...


..And suddenly, the group has arrived!
"The wonderful Wizard of Oz! Over to you guys."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
as soon as the creature in Bjorn's arms realizes what is happening, if it realizes what is happening, it lets out what could pass for a very annoyed scream, there are no longer delicious cars in sight after all! It spreads both arms and legs, and they just fall down to the floor, already starting to move closer to form another body to complete a second creature, while the first one is already regenerating its limbs.
J'onn glances around as soon as they arrive in the new location, a cell that could be five square meters in size for an equal height, forming a perfect cube. "Looks like we're in the right place, very well done..." he just says, addressing then Bjorn "you can let it go, if you want, and we can walk out of the main door, or the magical girl can move us back via teleport?" of course, if the newly formed creature won't start attacking them...

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn looks around...well specifically at the limb "Uh...how many of vese vings kin dis cell hold? Cause...et jist dropped off et arms" he gestures to the two new forming creatures, and punts one away and than the other. He let down the larger struggling creature who seemed fairly peeved. He asks "Does dis cell come wiff stasis inducing tech?"

Notably speaking, as far as The WatchTowers Systems goes, it actually seems to recognize Bjorn as a regular here when a secuirity scan sweeps through the cell considering folks just teleported in.

Dusk has posed:
Dusk extends smoky tendrils of blackest blackness and backs toward the door, fending the ..things off and shoving them away.

"Doors are nice. And I must have left my short skirt and uniform shirt at home."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
the smaller creatures just start running around, not really aiming for anything, and even the large one runs towards one of the walls and at first starts punching it, then tries to bite it. Of course it doesn't work but, how could they know, poor things?
J'onn nods at Bjorn's question "it does, it'll activate when we get out... Also, welcome back to the watchtower, I didn't quite recognize you..." he admits, then just teletinetically grabs all the creatures and shoves them in a corner with no apparent effort, walking till he is next to Dusk close to a door that just now opens for them. "Do you usually save the world in short skirts?" he asks, walking out of the cell and waiting for the others to follow him before closing the door.

Crusader has posed:
"Not sure whit sie mean friend? Perhaps Bjorn resemble a friend of yers?" he wasn't about to admit he been here or knows J'onn in front of a stranger he doesn't even know - said stranger being Dusk.
    None the less he doesn't waste any time getting out of the cell alongside his dog corgi. "Still, Bjorn does wonder vat vat ving is"

Dusk has posed:
Dusk follows after. "You're the one calling me a magical girl. I'm Dusk." She looks around a bit, leaving the other two to talk while she figures out what sort of situation she's in now.

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn waits till the door closes and the others leave the cell before hitting a button next to the door, activating the various security measures inside. He doesn't comment on what Bjorn just said, letting the thing drop and just nodding at him "I'm sure we will find out, hopefully sooner and not later. That thing looks, intresting enough" he admits, then turning toward Dusk he offers his right hand in what he learned to be the general introduction gesture for Humans "I am J'onn, it is a pleasure to meet you, Dusk..." after all, revealing the man who really hides under one of his many shapes is not a big deal, or so he hopes

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn hmmms "What does short skirts hauf ta do whit magical girl?" he wonders at Dusk. Seems he didn't understand the reference. "Still nice to meet sie Dusk. Vould shake hands, bit purdy sure ah git mussel clam man sweat thing on dem" he laughs heartedly

Dusk has posed:
Dusk shakes the hand softly. "Pleased to meet you."

She lets the reference drop. If you have to explain...

"Is there anything else I can do for you two? Or should I just let myself out?"

Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn casts a last glance towards the door of the cell, then turns to Bjorn and Dusk, releasing Dusk's hand after a brief handshake. "I think we're done, for now. First of all, thank you for your help" he speaks to both of them "and, well I'm not sending you away of course... If you want a coffee or anything I'm sure there's a coffee machine on here somewhere, otherwise you're of course both free to go, if you need and want to..."

Crusader has posed:
Bjorn smiles "Et is nit of vee problem! Always glad ta help! Vough Bjorn needs lift back down." he exclaims with a laugh. "Bit vank sie fer yer generouse offer" he tells J'onn, before looking to Dusk who seem to be the most obviouse choice for leaving if at all

Dusk has posed:
Dusk nods. "I'll pass. It just doesn't taste the same after you're dead." She shrugs slowly.

"I can check back later if you like. Otherwise? I'll just confuse people."

Martian Manhunter has posed:
"confuse people?" J'onn asks, raising an eyebrow slightly at Dusk "I see..." he comments about the different taste of coffee after someone's death, not that he has ever experienced death himself. "well Bjorn, I'm sure you could ask Dusk to transport you back, find the transports in here or I suppose I could fly you down myself if needed. Those are your options"

Crusader has posed:
"If Dusk does not mind, Bjorn will travel wit her. Transporter feel weird..and Bjorn is not sure he can fly through da vaccuu of space wit yer!" Bjorn muses. Though he does eye Dusk when she references being dead "No stealing Bjorns souls though"

Dusk has posed:
"I'll try to restrain myself." She steps up and envelops him in her wings again.


Martian Manhunter has posed:
J'onn nods at the both of them "safe travels, them..." he says, crossing his arms and waiting for them to disappear before turning to walk towards his own rooms, where he will first of all have a meeting with an oreo or two or five, then write a report, maybe.