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Latest revision as of 05:37, 1 June 2019

Avengers Natural Disaster
Date of Scene: 29 May 2019
Location: Civic Center - Empire Bay
Synopsis: Spider-Man, Kally, War Machine, Doctor Strange, and Scarlet Witch respond to an earthquake in Empire City.
Cast of Characters: War Machine, Spider-Man, Scarlet Witch, Omnis, Doctor Strange
Tinyplot: Empire Bay Earthquake

War Machine has posed:
     "Dateline May Twentyninth 2027 Rush hour. What started as a peaceful evening of fun and mystical merriment in the midst of the modern mayhem of Troubling traffic has turned deceptively deadly for the dedicated denizens of Empire Bay" None other then THE Flint Nathanial Steele III Esq on the scene reporting with a full camera crew at the ready. "But for once it's not just a crazed carnival killer or a mountainous madman with radiant road rage but a killer of a new sort: Mother nature herself!" He voice booms out over the screams and chaos that fill the air.

     The bodies aren't even cold yet, the incident only just started a few moments ago and already he's talking about it for the evening life report. That monstrous mustache those bushy eyes and he is loving every single second of the chaos as he reports with an earnest seriousness to his voice.

     "Behind me you can see the first fruits of the fury of father fate who's deemed an extreme earthquake the exact fate to set an example of Empire bay." The bridge behind him is already engulfed in smoke where the X-men do their part to lesson the impact of their presence on the public but there are plenty of other pressing matters at hand. "The earthquake rocked the city just moments ago and already the agile handed have jumped into action aiding the people who are at their worst." He pauses just a moment.

     There's cracks ran through the buildings abound and people are already fleeing out as they grow larger by the moment. Large segments of the road are torn completely assunder leaving some vehicles teetering on the edge of a large pit opened up in the earth.

     In the back of that camera's viewing a school bus full of children from the True Believers of Empire Bay church camp bus is one such vehicle stuck on the edge with a bus driver trying to keep students calm while they all scream and panic from the precarious predicament.

     An oil tanker has been lifted up slammed onto land where it was torn by the initial wave caused by the earthquake dumping precious oil out onto the streets. There's a panic all abound as some scream and shout, others work to help their fellow man and even still a group of mask men take this opportunity to take what they can from Empire Bay's very own branch of the Bank of America.

     At the top of a tall building older then any other in the city a small group of people are trapped the stairwell having collapsed in the quake. They shout and argue back and fourth while the buildings cracks grow larger by the second.

     and all the while Flint N. Steele reports on the goings on an impartial observer raking in the ratings with his front line exclusive.

Spider-Man has posed:
Spider-Man is here, the details of how or why remain largely unimportant next to the devastation of the Earth Quake that's rocked the city. Swinging from line to line between buildings, he's trying to provide assistance to first responders while gauging the severity of structural damage to some of the surrounding architecture.

When he sees the transport bus full of children, of the True Believer variety, he leaps into action. Darting across the top of a store-front, he dives out over the street and fires a webline to carry him down towards the precariously balanced vehicle of terrified youngsters. Upon touching down he attachs a line and yanks the safety door off the back, grabbing hold of the rear of the vehicle with his arm looped in around the bumper. Extra support provided with another line fired from his oposite arm against the brick face of a building just up the corner from him. "If you'll look to your rear, you'll see the house hold, friendly neighborhood Spider-man straying his muscles to keep the bus from falling into a black hole in the street."

Said whimsically, if strained, "If everyone could exit the vehicle in what we'll only CALL calm and orderly fashion, since we all know it's going to be paniced and irrational, that'd be super... Selfies later. Phones down."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
One of the Avengers quinjets was already in the air, returning from a mission up in Canada, when word of the earthquake was received. The plane changed directions, rerouting to the Empire Bay area as word comes in that it seems to be getting hit the worst.

The jet dips its nose and dives down nearer the ground, where it can make a landing if anyone inside needs it. One occupant doesn't wait. The back door opens and Wanda Maximoff jumps out, wearing her Scarlet Witch costume. Red energy glows about her hands almost like thrusters as she glides down, surveying the damage. "This is Wanda, I've just arrived in Empire Bay." She looks about her eyes settle on a building that has one side of it starting to crumble. "I'm going to focus on this building with the Daily Bugle billboard on top," she says over comms as she flies over that way.

Wanda lands amidst the frightened people streaming out of the building. She begins drawing in more energy to her, coalescing it into a bright ball before unleashing it on the building, bracing it while people continue to evacuate. "Move it! Quickly but calmly!" she calls to the people as they continue to stream past.

Omnis has posed:
Lucky for Peter Parker, Omnis was on her way as well. She wasn't swinging or anything, she was instead racing along at amazing speeds. At nearly half the speed of sound, she was running, leaping and then running along the edge of buildings as she went. She lands near to the bus and looks at it. She immediately can see those that perished. Her power informing her of all the death in the area and causing her to suck in a sharp breath.

Her dark blue glow flares around her for a moment before she looks up and she smiles for the kids, "Fear not, we are here! Spider-Man! I can see those that are trapped. I..." She sees the Quinjet, "Do you have this? I hope so, I am going to inform the other arrivals of locations."

With that, she leaps and lands near to Wanda and anyone with her, "I am glad you are here. I am Omnis." She then points, "I can see those trapped, those that are still alive." She points to a nearby collapsed building, "For example in there, about...fifteen to twenty feet in from the front." She then starts pointing at another spot and another. Directing people who will listen.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Stephen happened to be walking past a news stand when the news of the earthquake breaks the news and the wizard steps into action. The pink button up shirt he was wearing with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow suddenly and casually shifts into a more mystic looking garb. A long flowing cloak hanging off his shoulders and an amulet around his neck holding the cloak in place. A blue tunix with a yellow sash around his waist and pressed slacks that stay the same with shoes perfect for walking across all surfaces.

    Stephen steps through a portal he opens with a spell and steps through, traversing from Greenwich to Empire Bay in the shortest time possible. He starts to lift up into the air with a frown as he observes the issues going on. "Blast." He says to himself as he begins to prepare a spell while floating near the tanker and then, the wizard hesitates for a brief moment.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff is focused on keeping the building upright. More bits of rubble fall from it but the scarlet aura that surrounds it is keeping it from collapsing. She spares the concentration to look over to Kally.

"Omnis... can you help get the people out of this building? When I let it go I am afraid it is going to come down," she says. Holding up the immense building is within her power. Holding it for a long time is definitely putting a visible strain on the Transian woman. "The more quickly... the better," she says, teeth gritted as she pushes her hands forward as she sends a greater surge of power about the building to keep the routes open for people to escape.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Hey Omnis, yeah I'm good, just hanging out with the kids. Positive role-model and all that." Spidey says, straining against keeping the bus from tipping forward with the sudden movement of children chaotically exiting from back to front in precisely the wrong way to keep the vehicle balanced. "I'm giving you a mental thumbs up." To Kally, because his hands are busy.

"Is that everyone?" He asks with a peeking glance into the buses interior, only the bus-driver remains frozen in place in the driver seat. "Hey! You up there in the brown pants? You want to shake a leg on the evacuation? Contrary to what you might think, this bus is heavy and I'm not Superman."

Reluctently, there's proof of life from the front and the driver comes to join Spidey and the kids. "Nice to see you, now if everyone will just take a hundred steps back..." Pete releases the webline and grabs the bus with both arms wrapped in around the bumper. The weight of it pulls him towards the edge until he finds traction just before he's pulled over as well. Each step backwards after that is with great effort for about thirty cellphones in children hands as he pulls the bus back out of the pit and settles it back down in the street with a heavy sigh.

No time to rest, plenty of things to keep a Spider busy going on.

Omnis has posed:
"I'll see what I can do!" She declares and nods before turning and running to the building. She uses her speed to try to move people fast, lifting them with her strength and using her speed to move fast. She is very light on her feet, "Alright folks! When I come to you, grab on!" She grins and takes them out, "No frowns, no sadness! We got this! You're safe now!" She sets people down. She's no flash but when you can move as fast as she can combined with her strength, anyone who isn't able to move fast can be moved fast.

"I am sorry that I don't know you all that well but please hold on! As long as you can." She looks up at the building and scans it, "Still just a couple more! I'm going to get them, I'll be out fast. I know we can do this!" She then rushes back inside, zipping up the building as fast as she can.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    Strange continues to float above the tanker, holding the spell as he hasn't cast it yet, though the wizard frowns at the situation. He looks back and sees several avengers and other heroes actively trying to keep a building together in order to get the citizens out in time.

    "Screw this." Stephen bellows and he pushes his hands out towards the spilled oil on the streets and with a motion the black substance starts to transmute into a clear liquid that simply washes back out to sea.

    With that issue taken care of, Stephen turns back towards his former student and lands beside her and holds his hands up to aid her in keeping the building up via magical means. "Focus Wanda, you have a lot of work to do."

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff watches as Kally hurries the evacuation. The help from Doctor Strange gets a grateful look, and a surprised one. "Wong is going to be so disappointed in you," she says. It would be in a teasing tone but for the exertion being given. And even with that, one can catch her approval as Doctor Strange helps out with the situation.

Wanda notes the last people evacuating and says, "Alright, they are out. Going to let it settle into a pile," she says. The energy surrounding the build stops trying to hold it up, and instead just encapsulates the building as it collapses straight down. The debris that would normally billow out in a blinding cloud is contained by the joint magic.

Wanda turns away, dusting off her hands as she looks for the next most serious threat. Before she can though, a man runs up, "Please, you have to help, my wife! She's giving birth! Right now, in our mini-van!" Wanda takes a look over towards the mini-van, then turns to look at Stephen. "Good thing we have a Doctor in the house," she says. "And Wong won't even have to scold." She flies off into the air then, heading for the distant skyscraper where the trapped people are waving shirts and things out of broken windows to get people's attention to their predicament.

War Machine has posed:
     Out from the third floor of one of the already partially collapsed buildings is thrown a familiar figure. It's James Rhodes in the Assault Armor. To be fair he wasn't exactly supposed to be using it on US soil but then again this wasn't supposed to be a public mission.

     A large War Machine sized hole is torn through three buildings causing one that had only been evacuated a few brief fleeting moments to collapse under its own weight. Rubble is kicked up into the air hard from the force of the collapse filling the air with yet more chaos as a few people panic.

     There's not a word from the man before he kicks on those thrusters which echo out with the sound of five jet liners taking off into high gear. He throttles full speed right back into the same building he'd been knocked out of with rotary cannons whirring back up. Vanishing back into the smoke cloud.

Spider-Man has posed:
After a half seconds rest, Peter fires off two lines to yank himself up into the air between two buildings and resumes swinging through the disaster zone looking for anything that could use his particular brand of heroics and/or isn't funny enough yet. Either is fine with him. Only a few short flips away flame has caught upon a torn gas mane in an apartment building and a blast blows one corner of the complex across Spidey's path.

His senses alert him and he twists midair to run along a large chunk of wall, web it, and throw it harmlessly towards an alley. He leaps in the direction of the roof and lets loose a pair of webs to pull him towards the Water Tower atop the building with increased speed. Another line on the two legs facing him as he bends and twists through the small gaps without stopping his momentum so that when he pulls on the other end, it snaps the structures beams and turns the Tower over to spill water out across the side of the roofs edge. The fires is extinguished and the street has a small waterway rushing up against the side of a mini-van.


Spider-Man lands beside said mini-van and glances int he window at the lady with her legs up on the dash, "WHOA! Hey sorry.. uh... Hold on, Im gonna find a doctor!"

"Is there a doctor?!" Hands cupped around his mouth, standing ankle deep in runoff water. "Either this lady is having a baby or she peed on herself! Either way, I'm thinking it's a medical emergency!"

Omnis has posed:
Landing with the two people who needed to be gotten free, Omnis smiles at Wanda and sets the people down. She then gives them a nod, "Get to safety. Everything will be fine." She nods her head and then looks in the direction of Wanda again with a blink at the words before looking to Spider-Man, "Yeah, I'm not equipped for that..."

Then she lifts off the ground slightly thanks to her wonky flight powers as rubble kicks up. She drops and then races up to look where War Machine was and then tilts her head, "Uh, was...was that Iron Man or something? It didn't look like Iron Man but then again." She then looks back down at Wanda before looking up. She stares at where he was, her eyes glowing darker as she stares into the area he went to, "I can't see anything that he might be doing. Whatever he is facing, it isn't alive." She then frowns, "But there are people near there!" She looks down, "We need to get them away!" She then leaps toward that area to help, pointing out to any who will listen to where some people are to try to get theem away from whatever it is James is doing.

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Oh, seriously, she couldn't have waited about ten minutes." Stephen says, rolling his eyes as he turns to start jogging towards the calls from Spider-Man and then double checks over his shoulder on Wanda. She's an avenger, she's good, the flying girl looks familiar, and so does the War Machine. Stephen shakes his head to clear his mind as he steps over to Spider-man and addresses him as such.

    "Spider-Man, calm down, you're supposed to be a beacon of hope, not some chattering clown." The wizard says as he steps towards the door and opens it and calmly says to the woman. "This is going to feel rather unusual, but you'll be okay. I promise." Stephen says. He looks down at his hands, and knows he can't do this any more, but there is something he can do. Stephen and the woman in the car both simply fade from view. They seem to just fade like a bad movie effect.

    Miles away, Stephen deposits the woman onto a hospital bed and demands doctors to see her. Time is of the essence and they're about to get swamped with injured. Then in a blink of an eye, Stephen is gone once again and is next to Spider-Man. "No, I wont teach you that." He says before he looks up and flies up into the air to move to his next task.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda flies up to the skyscraper, it taking a few moments to get the people there to calm down enough to tell her the situation. Trapped, the stairs collapsed. "Alright, I'll get you dow-" she says, when suddenly War Machine goes flying through buildings. "James, what the-" she manages to get out, and then hears the sound of his cannons going off. "What are you shooting at?" she calls to him over comms.

Without waiting for the response, Wanda scoops the people up in a red aura, flying down with them to deposit the group of a dozen on the ground. "Try to help others who need it," she calls to them, before launching herself back in the air, arcing towards where War Machine was last seen, searching for where he went to.

Spider-Man has posed:
"Chattering clown?" Spider-Man says into the suddenly empty mini-van, peeking everywhere for where Stephen and the lady may have gone. In the back seat, in the front seat, even UNDER the seat. Both hands come up to pat the air at the approaching husband, "Y-you should stand back, friend." One hand against the fellas chest, not really wanting him to see that his wife and new born have just disappeared. "It's a real mess in there."

Then Stephen returns, "Oh, hey.. where did you g- and there he goes." Spidey glances from Stephen, to the soon to be father, and back again. "I.. uh.. you should probably check the local hospitals. Maybe the magic shop over on Fifth Ave next to the Quisnos."

Spidey, too, is gone on to the next task.

In this case stopping some would be robbers from getting away with, of all things, an entire ATM machine.

He lands on top of it as they strap it to the roof of a Honda and tilts his head to one side after webbing their hands to the doors they were opening, "I'm curious what your exit strategy is here..."

Doctor Strange has posed:
    "Wanda?" Stephen calls out, looking around once he reaches the height of the sky scrapers and he frowns again, following Rhodey and trying to learn what he's shooting at. The wizard is having a hard time keeping up with the speed of the Iron Man Variant.

    "Wait!" Stephen calls to James before an incredible swell of mystic energy causes the sky to bubble down before it pops, creating a large hole in reality and a trio of enormous faces linger over the situation. "You will come with us Stephen." And with that the hole in space, time, and dimensions closes like an orifice with Stephen being removed from the situation abruptly.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff can't find War Machine. "Tony, War Machine is fighting something in Empire Bay but I've lost him. Please see if you can locate him." She turns about in the air, looking for something else that needs addressing. That's when Strange disappears. She frowns and flies back that way, sensing the magic that was done, before finally turning and flying back to where Spider-Man is standing.

She lands lightly by his side. "Spider-Man, one of my teammates was engaged in combat, but I cannot find him," she says, frowning. She looks around. The rumbling has stopped long ago by now. People are out in the streets and away from buildings. Emergency responders are trying to make their way through but the snarl of cars stopped in the road makes it nearly impossible.

Wanda raises her arms and red light wreaths one car after another. The cars are pushed to the side, essentially moved into parking spaces, or just open space, creating lanes through which the responders can travel. She lowers her arms and turns back to Spider-Man. "Thank you for your help today," she tells him, the green eyes focused on him for a moment before turning to look back towards where James Rhodes was last seen, frowning.

Omnis has posed:
She gets a few people away from the area where Rhodes was apparently fighting, well, something. Either way, she looks back in his direction, trying to use her senses to see where he is. She then turns and rushes off to another person who needs help. She keeps looking back, watching with amazement as the guy with the weird cape is taken away by...something. Either way, she jumps over to where Wanda and Peter are and her lips go thin, "I can see him. Or at least I could when I looked." She looks back to where she last saw Rhodes, "I can sense the living, even see them, sorta, if I look hard enough." SHe shakes her head, "Any idea what is going on?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Spidey looks to Wanda when she lands near him and then follows her gaze into the sky with the eys of his mask squinting slightly, "Who is it? I mean which teammate. I'm sure you'd have better luck finding them, but I'll kee an eye out when I'm swinging around." He promises her while she just waves her hands and moves cars out of the way of first responders. "Huh... I don't even have a wise crack for that, it was just awesome."

Somewhere, someone screams for help and Spider-Man takes off with a leap and webline carrying him in the direction of a businessman hanging onto a broken piece of wall that use to be his office building. The Red and Blue hero lands against the wall with toes and the fingers of one hand while the other reaches out to snag up the dangling office work, "Hey buddy, anybody else inside?" There's an affirmative as Spidey lets loose the wall and swings them down to the street.

Two fingers tap to the side of his mask, "Omnis...hey Omnis, I hope you installed that sim chip. I've got a dozen people stuck in an office building at Roxxon Energy Corp. Think you can give me a hand?" Flung back up into the air, a pair of weblines pull him into the office where he lands atop a desk held in place against a tilting bit of cubical wall.

"Hey! If anyone can hear me, shout! It's Spider-Man, be tee dubs." Emergency lights flicker and water is pouring out of one section of ceiling from a broken sprinkler mane.

War Machine has posed:
     Rhodes finally comes back out from the building holding up a figure who's now got their hands tied firmly behind their back. Over the shoulder of his assault suit are slung no less than six figured made entirely of metal.

     These tinmen are covered in Hammer and Sicels and look to be from another era all together. They're simple tinker toys but from how little is left of them and the state of his suit they put up one hell of a fight for as simplistic their design may be. The look he gives to his surroundings as he walks into the world at large inside of his helmet would say it all.

     "What the hell happened out here?" Clearly speaking with a sound of surprise at the sheer state of this section of the city. "I'm not taking the fall for this much damage." Sad under his breath inside of the suit as he walks out further.

     The boots of his assault suit leave little segments where the ground has indented firmly into place their sheer weight too much for the dirt to handle.

     He slowly starts to take off flying up, as the survivors left behind take their time to grieve in safety for their lost homes and find their satisfaction in the fact that they've survived a great tragedy.