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(Created page with "{{CharacterNew |NameOnMUSH=Colt Cassidy |Color=#333 |TextColor=#c1c1c1 |Char_id=8429 |FullName=Colt Cassidy |Gender=Male |Species=Mutant |Theme=Original |Chartype=OC |Active=A...")
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|Profile=Life used to be normal for Colt Cassidy. He was a high schooler, he played football, and he tried to do his best to help out in his town. Then one day his mutant powers activated in the middle of a football game, and before he knew it his whole life had been turned upside down. With his father as one of the more militant members of the Friends of Humanity, he knew he had to go on the run. Now he's trying to make his way in life without a home or family and knowing that he's made enemies just by existing. Yet he still wants to help people when he can, it's who he is. He just hopes they don't run scared when he tries to help.
|Profile=Life used to be normal for Colt Cassidy. He was a high schooler, he played football, and he tried to do his best to help out in his town. Then one day his mutant powers activated in the middle of a football game, and before he knew it his whole life had been turned upside down. With his father as one of the more militant members of the Friends of Humanity, he knew he had to go on the run. Now he's trying to make his way in life without a home or family and knowing that he's made enemies just by existing. Yet he still wants to help people when he can, it's who he is. He just hopes they don't run scared when he tries to help.
===Current Player Approved: June 2, 2019===
|Description=This creature used to be human, but he barely looks the part anymore. Standing at almost six and a half feet tall, he appears to be made entirely out of stone. His face appears vaguely reptilian, with a long muzzle and slitted yellow eyes, as well as spines rising up from the back of his head and fin-like ears.
|Description=This creature used to be human, but he barely looks the part anymore. Standing at almost six and a half feet tall, he appears to be made entirely out of stone. His face appears vaguely reptilian, with a long muzzle and slitted yellow eyes, as well as spines rising up from the back of his head and fin-like ears.

Revision as of 18:12, 3 June 2019

Colt Cassidy (Scenesys ID: 8429)
"I don't want trouble. But I'll give it to you if you make me."
Full Name: Colt Cassidy
Gender: Male
Species: Mutant
Theme: Original (OC)
Occupation: High School Student
Citizenship: United States of America
Residence: None
Education: Some High School
Status: Approved
Groups: Xavier's School, Mutant-OOC
Other Information
Apparent Age: 17 Actual Age: 17
Date of Birth 15 March 2010 Actor:
Height: 190 cm Weight: 226 kg
Hair Color: Bald Eye Color: Yellow
Theme Song: {{{Song}}}


Life used to be normal for Colt Cassidy. He was a high schooler, he played football, and he tried to do his best to help out in his town. Then one day his mutant powers activated in the middle of a football game, and before he knew it his whole life had been turned upside down. With his father as one of the more militant members of the Friends of Humanity, he knew he had to go on the run. Now he's trying to make his way in life without a home or family and knowing that he's made enemies just by existing. Yet he still wants to help people when he can, it's who he is. He just hopes they don't run scared when he tries to help.

Current Player Approved: June 2, 2019



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This creature used to be human, but he barely looks the part anymore. Standing at almost six and a half feet tall, he appears to be made entirely out of stone. His face appears vaguely reptilian, with a long muzzle and slitted yellow eyes, as well as spines rising up from the back of his head and fin-like ears.

He is wearing a large black hoodie, which still barely fits his increased size, usually with the hood pulled up. His form is hulking and muscular, the stone clawed hands visible at the ends of the arms of the hoodie.

What he can't hide is the tail, a thick stone appendage which juts out from under the hoodie. His pants had to be very roughly modified to be able to fit it. He has digitigrade style legs, with large stone talons for feet. His legs are exposed from the knees down due to the design of his clothes, which appear to have been torn off to allow him to fit his legs in.


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Life seemed pretty normal for Colt Cassidy. He was born in the small town of Blaine, Texas in 2010 to a sheriff's deputy and a nurse. Everything seemed fine and dandy for his childhood. He was a perfectly normal young man, his dad ran a strict ship, and Colt had to abide by all of his father's rules. Despite having an interest in music and wanting to learn to play guitar, his father insisted on forcing him into sports. So he did, taking up wrestling and football, while also learning to play guitar with one he bought off of an online shop using his saved up allowance money. Unfortunately for him, his mother passed away from cancer when he was only twelve. Her death was devastating to him, but more so to his father, who began to drink more and became even more abusive.

Once he entered high school, he was a shoe in to make it onto the football teams. His dad was friends with the coach, but Colt felt he needed to earn his way in instead of letting his dad make connections for him. He always felt that he needed to earn his own way and not just allow himself to be handed things. Privately, he knew his dad was staunchly anti-mutant and anti a lot of things. He hated the way his father acted, but stepping out of line and challenging him on it would result in him getting punished, a lesson he had learned early on in life.

It was in between his Junior year of high school and his Senior year when things would fall apart for him. He was participating in what was supposed to be a simple charity scrimmage game between the Blaine High Cowboys and their bitter rivals the Pecos Twisters. He was playing linebacker when he went up for an interception. Picking the ball, he landed heavy, but the adrenaline forced him to push through the pain and run for the end zone. He transformed as he ran, his body reshaping itself as his X-gene activated, throwing off tacklers and tearing apart his uniform. Cheers from the crowd turned into a deathly silence as he reached the end zone. He found himself looking down an alien muzzle at a crowd that was stunned silent, but rapidly turning hostile. Blaine was a good Christian town that didn't have mutants.

Some members of the crowd began to throw things, his team and friends wouldn't come anywhere near him. All he could do was run, leaving the field and trying to get back to his house. Despite being larger and heavier he was still as fast as he had been before. He ran home, but his dad had already beaten him there. As he opened the door, his dad shot him square in the chest with his service sidearm. The bullet ricocheted off and stunned him, but not as much as it stunned his father. He managed to stay on his feet, and he smacked the weapon out of his dad's hands.

Quickly getting to his room, he grabbed what he could, a backpack with some personal belongings and his phone, his guitar case that he kept under the bed and some clothes that he wasn't entirely sure would fit him anymore. He could hear his dad getting the shotgun outside of his room, so he opted to go through the window, smashing it out and running. At this point, he has no idea where to go or what to do. All he knows is he can't go back home.


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He might look big and scary but Colt is a teddy bear. He wouldn't ever want to hurt someone, though he did participate in multiple contact sports and played rough, he never acted with the intention to hurt anyone, just to succeed. He likes to succeed, because it feels good to be successful. He hoped every time that he won a game or beat an opponent that it would be the time that would finally make him feel the kinds of self-confidence that he needed.

Despite his successes at sports, he is still socially awkward, not wanting to get too involved in social situations. He considers himself to be an introvert, usually having a few very close friends but not going out of his way to interact with strangers unless he needs to or if they share some kind of common ground that he can work from. He's always been a bit of a geek, despite the fact that his father forced him to participate in sports and develop a very jock like physique, he always wanted to play music and watch cartoons, but could only do those things when his dad wasn't around.

He was taught early on by his mother to help people when they need it. His mother was a nurse, she always went out of her way to help people who needed help. Her death when he was twelve years old devastated him, but it also left him alone with his abusive father, which made him more determined to do everything he could to honor her memory.

After his powers manifested, he found himself homeless and on the run from his father who has sworn to destroy him. The rough living of being on his own and looking like a monster hasn't managed to break his spirits, but it has forced him to do things he never thought he would do, like breaking into places and stealing food and clothes. He hates that he has had to do those things, but he also likes survival. He has sworn to go back and pay for the things he's taken once he's able to do so.

He wants to be the best person he can be, and will work towards those goals however he can, but he's also very confused about everything that has happened to him, and is still a scared teenager, despite his outward appearances. He was never really one to judge others based on appearances, but because of his own outward appearance, he especially believes that now.


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With his mutation comes the strength to be able to move his stone-like body around. This has allowed him to possess strength far beyond any normal human. He can pick up and throw something in the range of about 4 tons, with a lot of effort. This may increase with training.

The claws on his hands and feet are made of a much sharper material, closer to obsidian, allowing them to dig into surfaces and enable him to scale up walls or enabling him to slash through objects.

His skin is made of rock, or at least something that is a close approximation to rock. It can absorb hits and impacts and will chip and break as a result but unlike real stone will repair itself like it was normal flesh. He can take small arms fire and impacts up to nearly four tons of force, but impacts greater than that can result in serious damage.


Colt's tail is thick and powerful, and he can use it as an extra appendage when he's fighting. He can swing it with a lot more force when he puts his whole body behind it. It's not dexterous enough to use it as an extra hand, but it can be useful in a fight.


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He was a dual sport athlete when he was in high school, as well as doing weight lifting and other activities to keep himself in shape. These skills can still help him day to day, and he's always more than happy to drop football trivia on someone.

He's self-taught with how to play the guitar. He doesn't think he's very good, but he can put together some music. He mostly does it as a hobby, though he'd have loved to start a band before his powers manifested. It's a bit rougher to play with claws but he has managed to make it work.

He's got pipes on him, he can sing to go with his guitar playing. His father never would have allowed him to follow his musical talents, and his voice has gotten quite a bit more gravelly as of late, but he can still sing when he wants or needs to.


He was on the wrestling team in high school along with the football team, and his training allows him to know how to use his body to manipulate his opponents in close quarters, and how to escape holds.


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A rugged backpack that he used for camping, he stored everything he could when he fled inside of it. The backpack is important to him because it's one of the few connections he has to his old life.


A Fender Telecaster that he purchased after saving up his allowance for over a year, it's his most prized possession and the one thing he made sure to grab when he fled his home. He tries his best to keep it as safe as possible. He still has to use picks because his claws can slice through the strings, but with practice may be able to use it without a pick.


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Colt will quite literally sink like a stone if he goes in water. But he still needs to breathe, so he'd need to be rescued if he ever went underwater.

His father is a card carrying member of the Friends of Humanity and has sworn to hunt down the 'creature' that attacked him the night that his powers manifested. Colt feels like he has to stay on the run to keep away from his father who wants him dead.

Being a mutant is already looked down upon by a lot of the world, but a lot of them still look human. He doesn't even remotely look human and has no way to hide what he is. This makes interactions with the world at large a lot harder, as well as making it much more difficult for him to get by day to day.

He was already pretty socially awkward in his life before his powers manifested, he had a few very close friends, but despite being on the football team in high school, never reached any high levels of popularity. He's never really gotten past it.


While his stone skin is a benefit, it is also a major problem. Traditional medical treatments are nearly impossible, needles can't penetrate his hide and while his stone skin can heal to an extent, life threatening injuries can't be treated in traditional ways.


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Title Date Scene Summary
New Student Testing CC-1 June 27th, 2019 Colt does well in his first time in the Danger Room.
Looking Like A Human Again June 20th, 2019 Kitty meets with Colt to give him an image inducer and talk about the New Mutants
Sentinels: Vigil June 19th, 2019 Storm, Rogue, Kitty and Stoneclaw leap into action when Sentinels attack an anti-Sentinel vigil.
Lunch time Pizza time June 16th, 2019 Food and Deadpool times had by all.
A Day At The X-Pool June 14th, 2019 Kitty, Colt, Blinkdog, Lorna, Doug, J'onn and X-23 get some sun by the pool as news of the Sentinels breaks. Jason Todd comes by and gets thanked by the kidnapped students.
How do powers work anyway June 9th, 2019 Summary needed
So You Got Detention... June 6th, 2019 Steve, Janet and Tony visit Xavier's school and meet the students and staff for a cookout and then a motorcycle race against Cap. Doug Ramsey wins!
Tan Lines or No June 6th, 2019 Summary needed
Student Orientation part 2 June 5th, 2019 Summary needed
Everything is Lizardier in Texas. June 3rd, 2019 Summary needed
Colt's First Day June 3rd, 2019 Sibil and Colt wait for a tour from Lorna. The mansion is a busy place, though, and Sean, Doug and Samuel show up to chat as well, while Lorna takes off to leave Sean with tour duty.


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