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Latest revision as of 08:11, 8 June 2019

The Tale of Walter
Date of Scene: 08 June 2019
Location: Weequahic Park, Newark
Synopsis: Ice cream and social conversation
Cast of Characters: Kid, Daniel Osborn, Mon-El, Harley Quinn

Kid has posed:
Its a nice warm day at Weequahic Park in Newark. While the place is known for being quite busy due to the Fisk center and Airport, the park and the surrounding homes have acted as a sort of get away from that. It had winding pathways, and even a pond, with an icecream/snack shack on the property. It was currently mid afternoon on a friday, and with school nearly out, it was not hard to find teens and such at the park, along with families here and there.
    Of these folks, was one large teenager. Most would think the...unkept teen was a mutant. Massive build, large canines, beastial....everything. He wore used overalls, and heavy boots, a satchel on his side. Currently he seemed to be working on a longboard...that has a small engine attached to it. The meathead doesn't appear like he should be smart enough to be working on something like that. But there he was.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Another person can be found in the park, a young man, early 20's probably, with short, auburn hair, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, the t-shirt appearing to be for a band called Dingoes ate my Baby. What a strange name. Around his neck appears to be a set of prayer beads as well. He looks a bit tired, but happy, and he seems to be taking the park in, relaxing, becoming one with nature? Could be. He spots the big gorilla looking guy, since that kind of person would definitely draw attention, and he starts walking in that direction. He doesn't speak, yet.

Kid has posed:
The large teen glances to Daniel with a certain...intensity in his eyes. In the past, Kid would have growled threatening at anyone who got to close. But that was the past. Now Kid seems to just being eyeing Daniel, having a sort of 'aggressive/angry' teen vibe about him. But despite that intensity...that sensation of held back animlistic fury, he offers a small smile. Not that his large canines made him seem any less threatning to some people.

He continues working on the board, and turned it on. The wheels began spinning as the engine hummed to life. But it began emitting a horrible smile, making Kids face curl up in disgust. He flips it back off and opens a panel, to check what was going on. Only when Daniel was in 'socializing' distance, that he determined humans use often, does he bother offering the man a half hearted wave.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz lifts a hand to wave back, the sight of the engine causing him to frown a bit. He walks closer, though his pace is a bit slower, more caucious. He's not in the mood to be attacked today. At least he still has a human mind when he's in human form, which obviously he is now. This guy, this giant mutant, doesn't seem to. not completely anyway. Oh well, oz decides to take his chances with walking closer anyway.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar was feeling a bit...dejected, after the situation in Westchester. It's not fair when certain problems can't be solved by punching them to the moon. Well he's at least glad that others who had more useful abilities and skills had been present to deal with the circumstances.

    So after he peeled himself off of the massive crater Jean Grey had created using his body, he'd come here, hoping for some time alone with his thoughts. He recognizes the large teen as Kid, and feels yet another pang of guilt, remembering the last time he'd seen the guy--well, things hadn't gone very well.

    He approaches the pair, and leans against a nearby tree casually, watching the work on the engine. "Looks like a belt snapped." he remarks, in regard to the nasty noise.

Kid has posed:
Jua continues working on the engine. The massive mutant seemed quite enthralled in his work. But his eyes kept glancing to Daniel, noticing his...apprehension? He wasn't quite sure...and he kinda loved that. He had to really look at a person, which could be a bit odd.
    And than he sees Lars, and remembered him well. They had a few meetings...and well, they were not the best. But that was the past, and he tries to keep it that way.
    Kid raises his hands and begins to sign, addressing Lars first, his watch as usual speaking in place of a teen, who one can assume was mute "Think your right. Which is annoying. I had to dig through 5 dumpsters just to find this one. place sucks for parts. Might visit dump soon" he tells the alien.
    His signing, and his body than turns towards Daniel "Bud if your curiouse just get your arse over here. I don't bite less you piss me off...so don't do that" it hard to tell if it was an inventation or a threat...both maybe?

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz's gaze turns to the newcomer, and he lifts a hand, waving to him as well, before actually walking over to them, gaze shifting between the 2, but he gains more confidence. The mutant seems friendly enough, and the newcomer at least looks, key word, human, so he's definitely much less nervous, seeming more like his usual self. "Hey," he says, with a smile.

Kid has posed:
"Woopdie do. You manage to say hey" comes the synethetic voice of Jua bracer as he signs. The mutant can be abbrassive at times. It came with the territory of who he was. But he none the less continued to sign "So got a name chump?" before he begins taking out the belt of the motor. And sure enough it was indeed snapped, much to his annoyance.

Mon-El has posed:
    "The dump?" Lar quirks a brow. "I could get you better than that from Brainiac's junk pile if you want." he jokes. Of course, he'd leave out anything exclusive to the future, and stuff.

    Then his expression sobers a bit. "Hey listen I wanted to apologize for uh....the last time we met." he says. "I'm glad you recovered, but I was worried there for a bit that I might've done irreversible damage."

    He looks up and smiles in a friendly fashion when Oz approaches. "Hello there," he says, glancing at Kid then back up at Oz apologetically. "Don't mind him, he's like that toward everyone." he chuckles.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz outright laughs, his smile widening a little. "Oz," he says. He was about to offer his hand, but the mutant's back to work. "Yours?" he asks.

Kid has posed:
Kid looks Lars up and down like he was about to punch his lights out. Not that he could, but still. He signs "Irreversible damage to me? Booooooooooooooi, your going to have to do WAY more than that to keep me down. Now I can say I been shot, stabbed, thrown and lazroed beamed and lived through it all!" he let out a beastly laugh, a genuine one. Seems he harbored no ill feeling towards Lars "Sides, it not like you, were you. I been the person who was you...." he shivers after signing that "...it not a fun place"
    "But seriously dude, I will so take some braniaic crap. No clue who the heck that is, but gotta have some damn nice tech for a name like Brainiac" he loved tech. But none the less he looks to Oz and signs "Kid...as in my name is Kid." he tells him. He reserved Jua for when he was a rilla. "What bring you to this side of town?" he wonders.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz laughs again, though his eyes widen a bit. "Sounds like a lot," he says, in reference to everything Kid just said about what'd happened to him. "What brings me to town? Apart from landing at the airport earlier today, and looking for a place to relax before I go home, nothin'," he responds.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar chuckles at Kid's response. "Well, I'm glad it wasn't as bad as I might have thought." Then he sighs at the comment about having been in that place before. "Yeah...." he says, running a hand through his hair. "It's not the first time something like that has happened to me either. I just hope I don't have to deal with it again. Well, more like I just hope -other- people won't have to deal with it again."

    He smirks at the subject of Brainiac. "He does have quite a bit, I'll have to dig through his pile and see what you might be able to use without screwing over the time-space continuum." he says with a wink.

Kid has posed:
Kid chuckles and signs to Oz "You do not know the half of it. New York City is CRAZY I tell you. Definintly crazier than Bludhaven. Folks don't tend to believe the stories I tell" which was amuzing. "Ironicly, I am here relaxing myself. No crazy criminals to knock out, muggings to worry about, random evil bath toys" all this signed with complete seriousness.
    "...I forgot you were from the future" he admits to Lars. Clearly this was typical conversation to the mutant, by the way he was acting

Harley Quinn has posed:
Walking into the park, incognito, Harley Quinn is well, Harley Quinn sans the white clown make-up. She's chewing a freshly unwrapped stick of Juicy Fruit gum, and is smacking it loudly as she walks. Seeing as she is at this park, with all the teenagers, it's appropriate that she's in a pleated skirt, some comfy sneakers, and a white short-sleeve blouse. Hair in pigtails has her moving through, though clearly she's no teen, she's dressed like one today.

The backpack she's got on her back is being held in her hands, and she's showing something from inside of it to a particular teenager who just happened to be walking by. "Ya want any? Real cheap, needin' ta get enough fer one of them ice creams. No? Yer loss." And she walks on, shaking her head, "Stupid kid don't know nothin' good when he sees it." Then there's a parent, and she walks up to them, "Keep yerself safe from yer kid. Ya know, the right kind of protection? Want it? Real low low price." The parent looks in, looks confused, and then shakes their head with a worried look and moves on.

Harley is making her way through the park this way, getting closer to the weirdos surrounding a longboard with an engine attached.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz chuckles, offering a smile and a shrug, as if to say, oh please. Because really, the things that go on in Bludhaven...yeah. Probably a good thing most people are smart enough to stay in doors at night. "So what happened?" he asks. Clearly he hasn't noticed harley yet. Most likely he has, he just hasn't said anything.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Some telepathic mercenary happened." Lar answers Oz, shaking his head. "And you know, people like that, they tend to pick people like me to take control of." he says with a sigh.

    He chuckles at Kid's rather interesting list of examples. "Sounds about right."

    He notices Harley, going around apparently trying to sell something weird to people who look kind of disturbed by it, so he does try to use his enchanced vision to peer into the bag and see just what it is that she's trying to pawn.

Kid has posed:
Kid doesn't take notice of the odd ball harley, he seen plenty of freaks try and pawn weird stuff. Hardly new or worth his attention "Basiclly yea. Telepaths can be a nasty lot sometimes" he should know, he WAS one. "You should considering seeing if you can find a telepath to train you in resistance Lars" he signs

Harley Quinn has posed:
At this point, it's difficult to make out anything in the bag with normal vision from the angle in which she's holding it. But with a dive deeper past the bag's material into the realm of x-ray vision, there's certainly an object about the size, a bit bigger than the size, but shaped like, a human head. Though if Mon-El has true layering capabilities he might just realize it's only a helmet. Though, one that's a bit smashed up, a little burned, and even has some blood on the glass visor.

Finally over to the weirdos, "Hey you there. Need somethin' ta protect ya from when people wanna bonk yer head for bein' so ..." She pauses and looks over Kid, thinking a moment, "Well, ya know. Raven haired? I kno' that's gotten a few people jealous when I dress up like that Dracula fella." And she holds open the bag, now everyone can see the motorcycle helmet with the bloody visor, crack and scratched up existence, and the burn marks, "Real low price. I spent all of my Walter money, an' got me a real hankerin' fer one of them rocket pops. You know - what's this about telepaths? I don't think I ever met me one of them."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Telepathy," Oz says. "Cool, and uncool. All at the same time." When harley approaches he looks into the bag. "Oh my," he says, leaning forward toward the bag and sniffing. "Hey is that...human...blood...?"

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar nods. "Yeah, I might pay Martian Manhunter a visit at some point." he says, in regard to learning how to better resist telepaths.

    Huh, well that was kind of strange, but seeing eccentric types around here wasn't all that unusual. Then she approaches them and tries to sell it just as she had with the others. He chuckles. "It's a little beat up for market quality don't you think?" he remarks jokingly. "Not that I'm some kind of business expert, but maybe you should try selling something else more appealing."

Kid has posed:
Kid nose flares, and he signs "I smell....lunch" those are three words one does not want to hear at a moment like this. Was it because he smelled the blood? Because he was hungry? It is hard to say, but when he looks into the bag...he unphased by it. Infact he seems to chuckle in amusement. He signs "How much for it?" yes, he was interested. Definintly interested.

Harley Quinn has posed:
With a big smile to Oz, probably far too big to be a regular smile, she offers, "Sure is, an' I won't even charge ya extra fer it." And then she squints at Lars and points at him with a waggling finger, "I see wha'cha doing mister, an' when someone's negotiatin' the price they're interested. That's fer sure. So, what'll you give me for it?" And then she looks around, and then hrms, "More appealin' you say..."

Clearly she's looking at some of the younger kids in the park, "Well, I could scrounge up somethin' more appealing. Depends on your appetite-" A pause in her words as Kid says something about lunch, "Really? There's a lot of lunches goin' on around. I smell lunch too, but ain't like I'm announcin' it. Especially not to the girl who's jus' looking for enough to get herself one of them rocket ice cream pops." To Kid, "That's like 300, maybe a bit more after we carry the one, and add on the taxes..."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz shakes his head, suddenly a bit worries. Who even is this woman? Someone he doesn't know clearly. But definitely someone he's not exactly inclined to trust. But he doesn't say anything, no, he appears in thought, actually. But what could he be thinking about? Probably what a rip off this creepy lady is. Or something.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar watches Harley's gaze she looks around at some of the younger kids at his comment about getting something more appealing. "Uh-huh. Exactly. More appealing."

    Then she seems to start with a ridiculously high asking price. He chuckles. "300 huh? Well I'd say that would be enough to buy quite a few more than just one of those ice cream things. You expecting people at your place or something?"

Kid has posed:
And Jua eyes squint togeather his temper just flares! 300 dollars for a helmet? Was this lady serious? Oh he signs like a mad man "300? 300!!!! That better be the damn helemt of elvis presly or some crap like that! I can go into a damn alleyway with a biker gang and crack a few skulls to get the same thing" oh he was pissed at the ludacriss price. And...if Lar has learned anything about Kid...it probabyl that he has at the very least probabyl done these things in the past. "You can take that helmet and shove it" he signs to Harley his large canines bared at her. God he wishes he still mugged people right now.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The comment gets Harley thinking and she holds up a finger, "Give me a minute and I'll find ya somethin' to suit yer tastes." And the comment about the money gets to her a moment, "It ain't that much. Ya don't even know the story about the helmet, do ya? You aren't probably even aware of who Walter was, as a man, as a motorcycling hobbyist. Are ya? No. So how do -you- know if it's fair or not?"

Turning to Kid she squints a moment, and then wonders, "Shove it where? I mean, it's a helmet, it barely would fit in a trash can." She thumbs in the direction of Kid while asking no one in particular, "Who is this maroon, thinkin' that 300 is too high of a price. I was thinkin' it was rather fair, if anything I'm losin' money. Assumin' I'd paid anything fer it."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz shakes his head, frowning. He closes his eyes, almost seeming to tune out the conversation around him. But oh, is he listening. Or meditating. Probably both. He's still silent of course.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh yeah?" Lar seems interested. "You're right, we don't know who Walter was, so why don't you tell us, and tell us what happened to him? Then maybe we can clear up this little misunderstanding, hm?" he says, gesturing toward Kid. "No need to get all riled up, he just has a bit of a temper. I'm sure he'll calm back down as soon as you explain your reasoning for that price."

Kid has posed:
Kid signs "I do not have a temper. Just a large passion bubble" he claims as he seeths and scowls. "And frankly, do not much care who Walter was. 300 is still too high a price for a piece of plastic. So shove off" he wasn't interested in the story, that much was clear. he glances to Oz with his eyes closed and signs "...Yo Ozzy, the heck is up with you?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"This here helmet belonged to the fabled Walter. He was a guy, rode this motorcylce that later got burned up on top of a sentient manfish." Harley stops there and then scrunches up her brow, "I really thought there was more ta the story. But, come to think of it, I didn't know him very long. I barely got his name from the ID in his wallet. That's at Josie's, a bar, down in Hells Kitchen. Maybe you fellas know the place? Tip well there, else ya get some looks."

To Kid, she says, "It ain't too high of a price. You all must be the wrong kind of fellas. I was thinkin' 300 pennies be somethin' simple fer a coupla regulars like yerselves. 100 each, and done."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz holds up a finger to Kid when he signs to him, still with his eyes closed. Once Harley's done speaking he opens his eyes, looking a lot quieter. "Quite a story," he says. "And, let me guess, that helmet was a gift from his wife who got stabbed through the heart by a minataur, yeah? Sounds pretty accurate," he says, with a slight smirk. "But surely the name of the man, Walter, adds some value to it."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar quirks a brow at Harley's story, then scoffs slightly. "Wait, so you don't even know the story yourself." he points out. Then he glances at Oz, smirking. "Well sounds like we actually -do- know it even better than you. Oh, and maybe you should mention the units next time? Might have been able to avoid that little misunderstanding."

Kid has posed:
Jua eye twitched. He just stares daggers into her. Next moment Kid reaches forward and with all the strength of a gorilla...yanks the bag/helmet from her hands...and crushes it, the sound of crunching glass being heard. He than procedes to toss it way behind him without looking. It could have hit a car, a person, a tree...he didn't much care. He signs "I got better things to do than this crap." oh he was peeved now. He takes his stuff and begins walking away before he begins strangling someone....quite litterly.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn turns to the other two men present, "Well, it seems like you both owe me 150 each fer that helmet. Your friend, you owe. And that way I can get myself that ice cream and get outta here." Harley looks after the large teenager who's headed away and she sticks out her tongue in his direction.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz laughs, shaking his head. Clearly, he doesn't owe her anything. But he does look at Lar, giving him a friendly smile and a wave. "Gotta get goin'," he says. "Take care." He turns, walking away, without even looking at Harley. Yeah, she's not getting anything from him today.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar watches as Kid grabs the helmet and crushes it, chuckling a bit. That was kind of expected. Turning to Harley as she sticks out her tongue, he chuckles. "Tell you what," He zooms off to one of those ice cream stands, pays for a pop, and then comes back within a few seconds and hands it to Harley. "For your trouble." And then he's off too!

Harley Quinn has posed:
Taking the ice cream, Harley starts licking it and stops being angry in the least. She does sit down on a nearby bench, where there's a family having a picnic. "Gather around one and old, ladies and germs. Have I got a story for you about a feller named Walter..." Lick lick, "And how he got me this here ice cream in a very round about way. It's a fascinatin' tale, one fer the ages..."