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Latest revision as of 05:32, 16 June 2019

Dead as a Dog
Date of Scene: 15 June 2019
Location: Alleyway, Central Harlem
Synopsis: NYPD investigates a vampire-lycan fight only to get more of both. And Harley! And Punisher!
Cast of Characters: Frank Quaid, Selene (Underworld), Harley Quinn, Punisher
Tinyplot: Dead as a Dog

Frank Quaid has posed:
The call was sent to patrol initially. Big mess. Dead creatures in an alley behind Luke's Bar. The dispatcher had the presence of mind to call Captain Quaid immediately and as luck would have it, he and Detective-Sergeant Elaina Bever were driving through the neighbourhood after meeting with a source.

"Damn it, Frank. Everytime we go anywhere," Elaina complains. A 20 year member of the NYPD, Elaina ran Special Crimes Unit's main investigative team.

"New York never sleeps," Frank says dryly. "Alley behind Luke's Bar. Some drunk's calling in dead werewolves. Patrol is on the way."

"It's gonna be a dog. And I'm gonna be pissed. At this rate, Trevor'll be asleep by the time I get home," Elaina sighs.

Frank snorts. "Good thing you two aren't Catholic. You'd have 18 kids."

Elaina laughs and turns the corner. She pulls the black Tahoe up in front of Luke's Bar and the two officers climb out.

"You could, you know, go on a date once in a while," Elaina points out as they walk into the bar.

"Don't have time for that crap," Frank grunts. They are quickly pointed to the back and they go through to the door to the alley and step outside.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Up on the roof of a nearby building, Selene's sitting and watching them.She drops down as quietly as possible and trails them out the back door of Luke's bar to the alley. Dead vampires. Dead werewolves. Well....shit. Selene's no t happy, folding her arms and staying leaning against a wall with her Death Dealers that she handpicked to comre with her tonight. She got warned about the fight but figured her Death Dealers could handle it. They didn't get there quick enough, and now there's newly turned wolves and vampires dead outside Luke's bar. Wonderful. Fan. Fucking. Tastic.....Selene's already not happy....and the NYPD make it more of a shit show. Selene's pretending to check her phone while the cops do their thing. Selene's figuring out a way to get the dead vampires out of there. Lycans....she can just 'persuade' them are dogs. But vampires? nope. Halloween's months away.....and......Selene's looking out of place. Still......she's silent. If things go south, she'll have to kill new York's finest and run away. Nothing new....but she gestures a rookie patrol officer over. "Hey, what happened here?" she asks softoly, her voice a mix of European accents. She sighs and listens patiently...then grits her teeth. "So you're saying two gangs, one dressed like vampires and dressed like werewolves had a fight?" Selene asks, faking her disapproval. "Why?" she asks and resumes leaning on the wall, hands in her coat. If they want her to go through her coat....she'll book it and flee. No sense in getting caught with a mini armory on her, really. Still, Selene's watching the police, watching them for the tiniest mistake that'll let her get a foot in this scene. Thankfully....the press ain't turned up yet. Imagine the farce it'd be....as Selene looks to her Death Dealers, making sure they go up on the roof and get this situation under control....from above.^r
Selene's watching Frank and the other officers quietly, looking them over as if figuring out how dangerous they'd be in a fight. Sure....it probably won't come to that, probably, but.......just in case....Selene's ready. She could always bluff she was in Luke's bar and got dragged outside by the noise....or.....or......something. Selene's thinking on her feet given it's dark out. She's also wary of other supernatural creatures showing up too to make this a real bloodbath.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank turns and frowns. Elaina's hand drops to rest on her holstered firearm.

"NYPD," Frank says, walking over. He pulls his suit jacket open enough for Selene to see his badge. "Not sure what this is yet."

Elaina moves sideways enough that she can see past Frank to Selene and looks up and down the alley for any other surprises.

"Didn't see you in the bar," Frank says. He eyes Selene suspiciously, then pulls out his Blackberry and starts checking it. "Were you out here when this happened? Know what this is about?"

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene looks over at Frank and Elaina. Once Elaina's hand goes towrad her gun, Selene's on alert. "Now now. There's no need for pulling guns" she says. "I was in the area and heard what happened" she says. That's...totally not true but she's going with it. "I was a few blocks away riding home" Selene says and fixes her eyes on the officers as the Death Dealers have kept out of sight up on the roof....or at least from the alley. "Do you need a statement?" Selene asks and raises her palms, "I can give my statement" she explains while looking past them to the bloodbath. Yes. Vampires. Werewolves. This is....not good at all. Dead vampires. Dead werewolves. Selene's worried now if they figure this out. She shakes her head. "Ohj there's no need to look into me. I just came here when I heard about the bloodbath and was curious. That's not a crime, is it?" she asks quietly, doing her best to play the 'oh holy shit I stumbled on this' card.
th a look, Selene watches the officers then shakes her head. "I'm just somebody who came here for a look, officers. Can I help you?"she adds and looks unhappy at the police thinking things about her.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Sure, in the area. Nobody worth looking into. We just didn't see you when we came out here and looked around," Frank says dryly, still looking down and tapping away on his phone. "You run into piles of dead bodies a lot? You're pretty calm for someone just passing through."

Frank looks up. When he does he brings his phone up as well. It is clear he is going to try and take her picture. He points the phone toward Selene and presses the button.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
5Selene shakes her head "I thought they were sleeping" Selene says and once the phone's raised, she moves in a blur ending up down the other end of the alley Her nose tells her....well her senses tell her there's a lycan down here that's got a gun in hand, and a baggie of weed. Selene slides past as the lycan's set up shop here, though when Selene looks down the alley back to the officers, the lycan looks along with her and snarls, noting the dead bodies. "That's my friends!" the lycan says and snarls at Selene. "You did this" he says as Selene decides noww's a good time to lead him back to the officers. One. More guns are better than just hers. Two. She's not going to pull a gun on this lycan with officers down the other end of the alley. The lycan races past Selene in a dead run. Selene's apparently found the haunt of a lycan drug dealer.....though she jogs after him. If that guy's gonna be stupid enough to show up with drugs and a gun....Selene wants to watch karma happen. She taps the lycan on the shoulder. "You saw anything?" she asks as the lycan snarls. "Ya. Bunch of vampires were chasing my friends into the alley and cornered 'em. They took each other out. I've been here all night. I live two blocks over" he says. Selene sniffs. "Is that...weed? You do know those are officers, right?" she asks as she gets a punch thrown at her. Apparently, the lycans' been trying his own product.

Or in other words, the local dope fiend isn't the brightrest wolf in the city, Selene ducks and runs past the wolf and is baiting the lycan to the officers. She's hoping he'll punch the cops. or go for his gun...which is at his hip, or get caught with weed. Selene's not wanting to kill this guy. he's not a Corvinus wolf. She whistles, and lets herself get hit in front of the officers. That....right there.....is another reason to take him in. "Officers, that guy's werewolf and a witness and he saw what went down. I smellweed and he's got a gun" Selene says inn a faux panicked voice

"Fuck my life" the lycan says and raises his hands. I" got out of jail three months ago. I don't wanna go back! I want to cut you cops a deal! I got names, locations of suppliers" the lycan pleads as selene still isn't keen on her photo being taken. "You're Selene!" the lycan says. Well. Shit. So much for keeping her identity secret.....she's outed now.

Frank Quaid has posed:
The flash of Frank's cellphone goes off and bounce back to him from bare wall. It takes the two humans moments to realize that Selene is not there anymore. They glance at each other and look toward the alley mouth. They move carefully around the blood and bodies to disturb the crime scene as little as possible, then see the two people coming back.

Frank and Elaina move to opposite walls of the alley and draw their firearms.

"NYPD, you're both under arrest! Get on the ground, do it now!" Frank orders. He and Elaina advance slowly up the sides of the alley together.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
"For what?" Selene asks, raising her hands. "I didn't do anything. That guy though?B?# she says with a sigh meaning the lycan. "Pretty much admitted a lot more than I did. You ain't got grounds to take me in, officers" Selene says firmly, setting her feet. "I want to figure out what happened here, and you arresting me will mean you can't investigate" Selene says

She hits the deck. The lycan goes for his gun, as Selene looks worried for a second...then.....just gives up. She isn't running. Not when she's got enough control on corporations and things to get good lawyers to get her out of trouble.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Gun gun gun!" Elaina shouts. She drops to one knee and fires two rounds at the man's center of mass. If he goes down, she advances on him. "Police! Stay down! Do not move!" she shouts at the man and Selene. She advances to disarm the man and secure him.

As long as the man goes down, Frank covers Elaina, moving up towards Selene. Since Elaina takes contact, Frank takes cover. He keeps his firearm pointed toward the man as long as he can until Elaina moves into his line of fire, then he advances on Selene with his firearm pointed at her.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
While the lycan is distracting them, Selene debates running away. That being said...she doesn't really want to get arrested....or....worse. Selene shakes her head...being a 600 year old vampire, she's not familiar with modern law. Modern and ancient wars, sure. Laws....not so much. She watches the officers deal with the lycan and shakes her head. She's smarter than a lycan. Stil, Selene decides to go along with this....she may get more information this way on the lycans....and she knows a thing or two about the lycans in the city. Not enough to bust a case wide open, but just enough to be interesting. She just needs to ditch her stuff first....or find a creative way out of this. Second one's preferable, though she'd like to be let go without any charges or....anything.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Elaina kicks away the man's gun, and drops a knee between his shoulder blades while holstering her own firearm. She cuffs him quickly and rolls him on his side so she can see the damage.

Frank moves to do the same to Selene. He moves up to her, holsters his firearm and tries to kneel on and secure her as well. If he manages, he nods to Elaina.

In the distance, the sirens of approaching patrol cars can be heard. Elaina gets on the phone and calls dispatch for emergency medical assistance at the scene and Internal Affairs for an officer-involved shooting. Then she quickly checks the injured man for other weapons while reassuring him that help is on the way and to keep breathing.

Meanwhile, Frank goes to make a cursory safety search of Selene.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Currently dressed in her not-so Harley Quinn costume - but still clearly her, is well ... Harley Quinn. She's a blonde woman with some glitter eyelid makeup on, and some sparkly pinkish lipstick, and her pigtails with the colorful ends. But she's currently dressed for New York City instead of Gotham in something a bit less standoutish. Possibly.

She's got on a midriff revealing white and read jersey-styled sleeved shirt that reads Daddy's Lil' Monster on it. A baseball bat is gripped by one hand, along with some short shorts that are glossy blue and red, some really torn up fishnets, and a pair of heeled calf-high boots.

And there she is whistling as she walks into the alleyway where there's lots of police things going on. She looks around a little casually, and keeps moving forward. If there was a police line, those cops are sleeping currently, as Harley wanted a looksies at the crime. Kneeling down over one of the dead bodies she speaks up, "Well, this fella ain't gettin' up any time soon. I think he's dead. Doctor!? Do we have a doctor in the house?!" She shouts back, and then her eyes get wider, "Oh, yeah, I am. Maybe I should've become a coroner? Oh well." With a bit of a shrug, and then a smile crosses her lips, "Hey there Selene, fancy meetin' ya here." As if, nothing is going on at all.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene isn't about to give up her coat. or blood. Or weapons. Or.....anything else. Nor her Death Dealers up on the roof. Over at the entrance to the alley, there's the roar of an engine and shouted voices.

"That's Rick. Fuckin' cops got him. Get 'em boys!" Selene hears as she throws her head back and aims to whack Frank Quaid with her head. The running footsteps turn to the scratch of claws...but the lycans, the dealer's friends are too interested in checking out the bloodbath. Selene nods to Harley, though given she was in the midst of being arrested.....she can't get her hand free to wave. instead.....she lunges to her feet,and stares at the wolves. Now she's on her feet she waves to Harley. "Hey Harley" she says. No mistaking that face. Or greeting....as Selene looks at the wolves, the sounds of lycans eating bodies filling the alley. Selene looks over as a wolf noticed her, and in wolf form leaps at her. Selene just....casually....holds out a dumpster as the wolf clangs into it. "I'm doing the trash guy's job" Selene grunts.

Punisher has posed:
"Frank, there's something going on at that bar, in the alley." Microchip remarks to Frank from the back of the Battle Van as they're heading to another safehouse.

The Battle Van had been doing a lot more traveling in the last week since the chop shop shootout, with Frank wanting to keep the Foot guessing as to their patterns. Today though, there's a ton of activity going on in the city, and that means potential targets being called out. "Do we have a target there, Micro? I'm not lookin' for a narration of the entire fuckin' city." Punisher grumbles back to Microchip from the drivers seat.

"Not yet, but I'm monitoring the bands. Two potentially dirty cops were called in for this one. I think it's a good opportunity to start surveillance to find evidence either way."

"Fine. it's on the way anyway. Get the gear web and M4 ready in case." Punisher relents as he turns the Battle Van around and heads for the alleyway.

It wasn't far. Just a few minutes out, and the drone would be much faster to get eyes on.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Frank is experienced but not as fast as he used to be, or anywhere near as fast as Selene. The back of Selene's head catches Frank in the nose. His world explodes in pain and blood explodes out of his nose. He reels back off Selene and stumbles to his feet swearing with his hands covering his face.

Elaina starts to open her mouth to shout at Selene and then sees the insanity coming down the alley at her.

"Run!" Elaina shouts to Frank.

"Out of the way!" Elaina yells at Harley, unable to get a shot without hitting the apparent civilian.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene draws both her handguns now....one wolf already found a dumpster, and Selene moves in a blur. One moment she's by them. The next, she's up on the roof with her Death Dealers. The four of them have their guns trained on the wolves in the alley. All it takes is one word....or something like that and they'll open fire. Selene though is not firing yet. She's worried about Harley, she considers the crazy lady her friend....insomuch as Selene has friends. She /did/ help Harley out of Arkham and....all that. Selene leaps down into the alley and takes up a position by Harley....which just so happens to be in Elaina's line of fire. Totally didn't plan that, as Selene simply moves to Harley's other side to get a better shot on the lycans. Selene. Death Dealer. Trenchcoat. Her handguns in....well.....her hands. She's looking calm and prepared as she waits for th wolves to move. The lycans don't. They're not moving an inch, as Selene motions with one of the guns, then steps out the way to avoid getting shot by Elaina....and Selene promptly keeps the lycans at gunpoint, too. She knows she'll be in it for hurting that cop, the one in the suit....but she's looking out for her people. Harley, her friend, and.....figuring out what the hell the wolves are doing here. There's a scratching sound as the wolves are clawing and biting at the cuffs though. Not that it'd be smart to move, and going for the cuffs gives everyone a telegraphed message of why the wolves are here. Free their friend....and then slash and slaughter the cops, Selene, and....everyone else.

Harley Quinn has posed:
There's a look over her shoulder as Selene starts to utilize super strength to move things like dumpsters. And Harley cracks her fingers from one hand and looks on at the others. With a small amount of time to pass she squints, "Oh, murder pups are ya?" And she stands her ground snarling a little bit at the wolves coming down the way.

She doesn't even show a tremor of fear. And then she's saying, "Heyyyyyy here puppy puppy puppy." She looks to Selene, "They are so cute. I mean, I understand they murder yer family an' all, but every dogs gotta have their day, am I right?" Her voice is higher pitched like she's talking to a baby, as she looks in the direction of the Lycans. "Oh, hold on a second." And she's rummaging around in the tops of her boots before she pulls out a doggie treat, "Here ya go!" And she tosses it in the direction of the Lycans.

With a look to Elaina though gets a wide-eyed look, "Oh, well, excuuuuse me fer bein' in the way. I make a better door than a window, are ya callin' me tender? I've been worried about that since a fish told me." But she gets out of the way, she still has her bat though.

Punisher has posed:
The drone is in the air by the time the werewolves were messing with the cuffs... and it has a birds eye view of the whole situation.

"What the fuck is that." Punisher asks, mildly bewildered by the scene playing out on the screen. "Running facial recognition now, Frank." Microchip replies, typing at a furious pace.

A few moments pass, "One's an NYPD Captain." A moment passes... "Quinn is in there. Why is she in New York?" Microchip muses, "the rest are taking a bit longer." Punisher turns his head back to regard Microchip, "Quinn? As in Harleen Quinn? Isn't she usually around crazy town?" Microchip shrugs, "must be doing a deal over here. It's not /that/ far, Frank." Microchip replies, "I'll keep looking. The backup isn't here yet. That Captain looks like he just took a hit, though. That woman might start shooting."

Punisher looks at the monitor, towards Selene, "Yeah, might have to do somethin' about her, if this turns into a shitshow."

Frank Quaid has posed:
Elaina goes wide-eyed as the Lycans bear down on her.

"What the fuck?!" she shouts at the monstrosities.

She does exactly what her training tells her and opens fire, despite the civilians in the backdrop. She starts emptying her clip into the attackers while backing up in a combat stance. She steps on the torso of a dead vampire and nearly falls. Some of her rounds go wild and high. She is only three feet or so from the downed drug dealer.

Frank can barely see through the tears but can tell Elaina is firing at the blurry things running toward her. He draws his firearm and starts shooting as well, but in pain and barely able to see, his aim is good enough to point in the right direction, but that's about it. He unloads, gun slimey in his bloodied hands, standing right beside Elaina.

Patrol car and ambulance sirens are getting nearer as the backup Elaina requested after shooting the drug dealer makes it way towards Luke's Bar.

Harley Quinn has posed:
When gun fire starts - Harley Quinn begins moving. She's more quickly sidestepping in the alleyway, and then doing one of those cool wall runs up a few steps. She's not magical or anything, but she moves fast, and has far more powerful legs than a normal human should.

This takes her out of the fire fight for a moment as she's twirling in mid-air, her bat swinging around in a circle as she's upside down, doing a ballerina pirrohuette till she lands on the dumpster that Selene used earlier. Spinning she tosses her bat, reinforced by a heavy steel bar on the inside... and upon closer inspection is that Petrified wood? It's as tough as stone as it clangs right into the head of one of the lycan.

The same one that Harley is backflipping onto, kicking off of his back and landing in time to pull off her best impression of Captain America by... catching her Bat. Though she's got it from the thick end and she hrms, and looks at it, then flips it over once to hold it by the handle again, "Oopsies. That didn't work exactly like - whaaa?!" She's now back in the middle of a fire fight, and there's lycans around her. And now she's doing her best impression of some physical comedic act as she goes to step one direction and bullets zoom past her so she flails and rotates her arms a bunch like she's about to fall over, then turning to go the other direction just to have the same from Elaina's bullets.

"Fer cryin' out loud! Who actually brings a gun to a gun fight? This city is bonkers!" She lets out in a tone that sounds more than a bit annoyed.

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Selene stays put while everything goes on....and.....unloads on the lycans. The Death Dealers on the roof join in, but Selene wheels around and reloads her guns, taking aim and firing towards the drone, too. She's clued the Death Dealers in, and they home in on where Selene's shooting. Four people gunning for the drone.....well, three since one of the Death Dealers goes back to keeping fire on the lycans, Selene herself slaps a new magazine in both her pistols, firing on the lycans. Given she's using silver ammo.....she's....not entirelty too nice to the lycans....yet she's just doing her thing.

Up on the roof, the Death Dealers are carrying on firing on the drone. Selene can pretty much handle the wolves by herself, though one of the Death Dealers comes down to help Selene, silver-tipped shuriken get slung at the wolves, as Selene's standing on the dumpster to get a better vantage point, the Death Dealer keeping out of Elaina's line of fire. Mostly because getting shot, even for a vampire, really....really sucks! Plus she'd never hear the end of it from Selene

The lycans are, understandably, pinne down by the gunfire, bat, and...shurikens. Though the ones at the back are trying to flank...like that's even doable in an alley...though one has the right idea of pushing something with his nose as cover. The downside. Splinters in snouth. There's a howl of pain.....while the other lycans are scrambling to get to cover, or for the ones that got hit by silver bullets or shurikens, dragging themselves to what can charitably be called 'cover.

Six lycans entered the alley. Plus the one dealer. Seven lycans. The dealer's got his hands uncuffed. The six lycans? Two are dead from Selene's (and the Death Dealer's) silver ammo. One's jumped /into/ a dumpster and is hiding there, and the other three? One's got hit with a silver tipped shuriken, the other two are caught between attack and retreat. Or, frozen in place. The one that's shoving a trash bag along is the one that's closest to Frank, Elaina and company. That's the one with the splinter in his snout. The last lycan is using the trashbag pushing one for cover. The one in the dumpster? yeah hee leapt in it after getting whacked by Harley's bat. That girl can swing a bat!

Punisher has posed:
"Yeah, I don't know what the fuck that is, but that's pretty obvious. I don't have any special weaponry for werewolves." Punisher muses as he loads his custom M4, then pops out of the rooftop hatch in the Battle Van just down the block.

As the werewolves close in on Elaine and Frank, Punisher opens fire into the werewolves going for Quaid with burst fire.

Once the cops are free and clear with the aggressors pinned down, Punisher grates down to Microchip over the transceiver, "There's a whole shitload of supernaturals involved in this, and we don't have the gear to take them on. They're free and clear. Gun it." Punisher snaps.

As the Battle Van drives away, Punisher continues to snap off burst fire to the werewolves /and/ the Death Dealers going for his drone.

So much for keeping a low profile.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Elaina and Frank retreat toward the back door of Luke's. Frank goes in first, reloads and then gets on the phone to dispatch. He calls in shots fired, officers in distress with multiple metas.

Over New York, a helicopter with NYPD markings is diverted and banks sharply towards Luke's Bar.

The first two patrol cars screech to a stop outside Luke's Bar and run to the back. Frank starts updating them and they get on their radios to coordinate a response.

Elaina uses the door jamb for cover. She drops the mag in her firearm out of the gun to the ground and slams in another. "Every. Fucking. Time," she complains to Frank through gritted teeth. Elaina takes aim at the nearest Lycan before it gets rocked by large calibre gunfire. She slips fully inside the doorway for cover.

"Jesus, can I start being Catholic?" she asks Frank.

"Way too late," Frank answers with one forearm pressed up to his nose to stem the bleeding. "The dog things?"

"That speedy bitch and someone else got them. Gotta say Frank, that other chick looks a hell of a lot of Harley Quinn."

"I got enough problems right now, Elaina."


Elaina pokes her out of the door again to assess the situation.

Harley Quinn has posed:
So, there are a lot of Lycans, and Harley is also dealing with random gunfire. Her response is to do what any sane person would do ... start leaping wildly about landing on the ground and cracking heads with her super bat. It really is something, for a normal human type person.

Looking around she's just clobbering this guy in the head, that doggie in the legs, and then smacking him over and over again with two hands gripping the handle of the bat as she yells down, "Sit!" Then she's leaping back a few feet to avoid getting claw-swiped by one Lycan when a bullet pierces her side as she jumped in the way.

And she grimaces, putting a hand right over the wound, "I'm shot? Really? Shot? This is why your masked vigilante is better'n than any number of cops an' unmasked hero-types. The Bats uses these lil' bat shaped thingies, and wowzers they can sting." She scratches at the side of her neck in memory of just 'one-time' "And they can do all sorts of things, like zap ya or try an'-"

Talking just has her standing there so two of the Lycans leap at her and she's forced to move again quickly, though now she has one hand on her side and one hand on her bat.

"Hey Miss S ya got yer bike around or somethin'? We could jus' hop on and drive away. Let these pups kill some people, eat'em, I dunno what they do, chase some cars... an' we can get to a place a bit more kosher."

Though she's still swinging her bat and beating on the werewolves it's not like the bat is made of silver or anything. It's just really heavy and really durable, so much so when a lycan ducks under her bat swing she hits the side of the alley and cracks some bricks. Doesn't seem to hurt the bat none. "What a time to leave my monkeys at home..."

Selene (Underworld) has posed:
Once the gunfire dies down, Selene's been sharing a dumpster with a now dead lycan. She shot it, and now the large caliber bullets have quit flying, Selene picks herself out of the dumpster and the Death Dealers take off running. Selene's not far behind. She's got her bike stashed nearby and leaps on it, there's the whine of the bike's ignition before she peels away in a cloud of tire smoke, though she's smart enough to blend into traffic at least. The Death Dealers have their own transport and are....doing as much as is possible to blend into traffic. Selene, too. She's not wasting time, but she's not trying to get noticed, either. She knows the NYPD will be onto her. Yet.....when lycans were involved. and vampires...she's going to have to ...

She grins, the last Death Dealer had been waiting on Harley and had motioned her to hop in. They were gonna go for a little drive. Or....the Death Dealer was gonna bail and let Harley have the beat up sedan. Generic, average as anyone wanted, really...

Frank Quaid has posed:
"Damn it, that bitch is gone!" Elaina says when she gets her glimpse of the alley.

The helicopter arrives, but too late to see or notice Selene or the death dealer. The spotlight floods the alley with white light.

One of the roving Emergency Response Teams arrives at full speed with a mass of patrol cars. The armoured van screeches to a halt at the mouth of the alley and the team deploys. "NYPD! On the ground!" the point yells at Harley.

The officer inside with Frank and Elaina is giving updates on the radio. Patrol cars block the roads leading up to Luke's Bar and the alley. They immediately start locking down the area. Two ambulances stop a couple of blocks away and wait to be called in.

The bartender pokes her head into the back and sees Frank's face.

"What happened to you?!" she asks and throws a bar towel at him.

"Bad night. Thanks," Frank replies and sighs. He tilts his head back and presses the towel over his nose. "You know the drill. And CID down here. What a mess."

"On it, boss," Elaina says.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Running in the direction of the sedan, Harley hops deftly up to the edge of the dumpster, and flips off of the thing, landing and spreading her arms out with a perfect forward flip, "Ta-da... oooh." And she favors her side that got shot again, and holds her hand over it. "Darn these ridiculous things called bullets ... so glad the Bats ain't figured out guns yet." And she keeps moving, though less dynamically.

About to get into the sedan, to take it from the death dealer, and saying, "I'll drive." Once in, she slams on the gas as soon as the Death dealer is getting out to swap seats and she cackles gleefully until there's a big armored personnel vehicle blocking the exit. "Ooooh hooo hoooooo! Chicken? I see, well, I ain't chicken!"

Keeping that ridiculous sedan grumbling as she speeds up, the vehicle just crashes right into the armored van. It dents the bumper on the armored vehicle but the back end of the sedan is lifted off the ground, airbags deploy, crumple zones crumple, and Harley smacks right into the steering wheel air bag.

The door is forced open as she comes rolling out onto the alley floor, groaning, "Shoulda worn my seat belt. Oooh, jus' need'ta lay down fer a minute..." And there she'll lay for the police to cuff her and bring her back for questioning ...

The Death Dealer, being a vampire, is also probably long gone since, you know, super speed and all.