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Sentinels: Meet the Mold - Team 1
Date of Scene: 29 June 2019
Location: Trask Industries -- Hackensack, Bergen County
Synopsis: Team 1 lays down a major distraction with an attack on the factory. Master Mold reacts with extreme force.
Cast of Characters: Scarlet Witch, Cannonball, Vision, Blinkdog, Dazzler, Punisher
Tinyplot: Sentinels: Meet the Mold

Scarlet Witch has posed:
It is the day of the raid on the Sentinel factory, hoping to get information on the Molds, files that might hurt Trask in the PR battle, and possibly figure out where the Sentinels still being made, but not purchased, are being sent to or stored.

Kitty Pryde has handed out some equipment to the group already. Each person is given a jammer that should be capable of disrupting Sentinel and Trask personnel communications in the very nearby area. Not so wide of field to alert others, but enough to try to quietly take someone or something down if discovered. Each is single use before the battery will be depleted. Also each person is given one device, with multiple options for plugging into computers or network ports, capable of hacking and downloading information, while trying to conceal its presence on the system.

There is a surprise there as well. Wanda Maximoff makes an appearance. She looks over the group, before saying in her slowly spoken way, "I cannot act openly at this point. To do so would allow Trask to link the Avengers to the 'mutant terrorists' he likes to speak of. But I can offer this support," she says. She goes to each person in turn, pressing a small good luck charm into their hands, one by one. "Keep these on you," she says in her soft Transian accent. "It will let me locate you," she adds.

Then Wanda gives each person a second item. It just looks like a small bit of carved wood, as long as a thumb, and as thick as a straw. "If you snap this I will sense it, and will then use the other charm to locate you and teleport you back here," she tells them.

"I wish you all the best of luck," she tells them. Scarlet energy gathers around Wanda's fingers as she moves them slowly, as if pressing against something that causes the magic to gather around her. The Scarlet Witch touches each person in turn if they allow, wishing them luck in a far more tangible form than just the words normally convey: a good luck hex given to each that will shift probabilities in their favor in some fashion during the hours to come.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has set up for the Punisher to meet the shock and awe team at the town at one of the close in gas stations. As they land to start out, he calls all together and noticing an extra head in the group "Dang it Bobby, Ok, your to stick with me and Dazzler. Kurt, AH want you to lead the stealth team in to get any information you can. Stealth team is You, Rahne, Rachel, and Alek. Rachel if you can keep us all connected mental please do, don't use the coms unless we have to. Alek, Once inside, I want you to get all the information you can, and if you can set it up so the sentinels can't see any of the x-men in their known data base that is extra goal. Allison, Bobby your with me, we are to give the stealth team a distraction if they need it. And from this point on code names only. Alek you do exactly as Kurt says and Bobby you are mine or Allison's shadow and you do as told as well.

Vision has posed:
Hackensack, Bergen County, used to be a purely rural corner of New Jersey. About 20 years ago now, the township got the idea to attract tax dollars by offering incentives for industrial complexes to locate there. Located just across the river from Gotham, Hackensack had the advantage of being close enough to the major cities without all the zoning headaches that go along with them. Most of the town itself is a little criss-cross of roads with cute, 1950's and older houses on little square lots. Picket fences and American flags abound. Outside of the town itself there are still small farms. But much of the area is now devoted to massive industrial facilities. LexCorp, Stark Global Solutions, Rand Enterprises and Trask Industries all have major manufacturing sites here.

The Trask Industries facility, officially known as Facility 12 within the company, is massive. It occupies hectares of land. The perimeter is surrounded by 12-foot chain-link fencing with barb wire. Neatly trimmed grass gives wide open sight lines. Every hundred feet there are metal posts with a light, cameras and what look like motion-sensors on them. The facility has one primary entrance, which is quite wide to accommodate the traffic that goes in and out. The entrance has a manned guard post and there are half a dozen local police officers there standing in front of a crowd of at least 300 protestors. From the looks of the tents, litter and portable toilets, the protestors have been there for a while and are planning to stay. At this time of night, they are mainly sitting around fires built in makeshift pits right on the lawns out front of the property.

The facility has a parking lot the size of a football field. Right now it is about a quarter full. Trucks and forklifts move across wide paved expanses with their lights blinking. The main building is gigantic, the kind of warehouse that can develop clouds at the roof. There is a four-storey office building and three other warehouse buildings nearby. There are four landing pads, three marked with 'S' and one marked with 'H'. There is also a ridiculously large round metal hangar door set in the ground right in the middle of the facility. There are lights everywhere, it is lit up like daytime.

A Sentinel marked A-03 is on one of the landing pads. A-04 is standing north of the facility near the administrative building. A-05 and A-06 stand near the parking lot, facing down the main causeway toward the front gates. A not so subtle display. A-7, A-08 and A-09 are spread out around the pe?rimeter, walking clockwise at the same speed.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will get the group to Frank's van, and makes sure the other man is on their com frequency, and hopefully Rachel can add him on the Telepathy link. "Ok, our job is to cause a heck of a noise and light show if the team needs a distraction. There is a lot of sentinels there so hoping not to need it but we are there. If we do bring them down, you draw them away from the civilians, Ah don't want people to get hurt. Bobby set yourself a waypoint at the station so you can get back here if We tell you to run or you get separated. He will give The Punisher the briefing on their powers. "Ah'm a flyer that while flying can not be hurt. Dazzler is a walking laser show, with some nice offensive capabilities. Blinkdog is a teleporter" He will give Bobby the items Wanda gave him, and the info on how to use them. Punisher, here is a walking arsenal with experience on how to use what he brings.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog had heard the murmurings of something going down. Just small stuff. People gathering gear, some dressing in 'uniform' early. Kurt bamfing into the kitchen and grabbing snacks in full gear and then vanishing. Having been in on a recent rescue mission, why not invite him for this one? He has to admit to himself he's something of an adrenaline junkie. He quickly heads to his room and puts on some stealthy clothing. He then pops down to the hangar and finds a hiding spot. Teleporting last moment onto the Blackbird.

A short time later Bobby McFadden hangs his head a bit when he is found out, but grins that he isnt immediately sent home. Time to take the pup out for a walk! "Sure thing, boss." he says and does as he is told, sticking with Cannonball very glue-like... at least for now. When he finally gets to step out into the first scene he realizes he is nowhere near Xavier's school. Most of his landing sites are way out of his range. This is going to be sight-teleportation unless its to southern Harlem at best. So that's why they didn't ask him along. Oohboy.

Blinkdog clamors back on board and then rides to the second landing zone with Canonball and the others. ((Okay, Sentinels... Another reason they didn't include me.))Oo. he thinks to himself clearly feeling more nerves than the bravado and excitement he had earlier. He focuses a moment trying to recall the gas station. He flickers away for a second then returns confirming it as a Site, it had a distinctive old-gasoline smell to it that helps. It may not be one tomorrow but he can keep it in his head for a few hours at least. He then nods when Sam hands him the magical tokens and nods at Punisher who he had recently met... sorta.

Dazzler has posed:
"Distractions, I can handle," replies Dazzler, noting the information given to them by Cannonball. "I never made the cut for the stealth team, anyway." She grins, and sets forth with the others, sticking close. But as resilient as she is, her expression is tense. She has had to deal with anti-mutant sentiment all her adult life. But she has never looked it in the face like staring down the barrel of a gun. Or...a mutant-vaporizing death robut.

Punisher has posed:
Never it let be said Punisher didn't know how to do stealth missions. There was no flashy assault from him. In fact, he came in civilian clothing for this one, his skull vest and trenchcoat inside the Battle Van, near the ammo crates with all the anti-armor M4 Carl Gustav shells be brought along.

The Battle Van was currently self-driving near the complex, looking for all the world like a normal, red pickup van, even as Punisher was still setting up the ammo bins and getting the explosive ordinance be brought along ready. Against one wall on the inside was a map of the entire complex, with red circles and words around targets and points of interest.

"That's a touch nut to crack for sure... but if anyone can do it, it'd be you lot, probably." Punisher grates out as his gear web gets more EMP grenades... his backpack getting more anti-armor M4 shells. "I'm thinkin' C4 at all the gas and electrical mains, with timed thermite charges all around the hangars where the spare parts are."

Vision has posed:
The closer everyone gets to the facility the louder it gets. In fact, the noise must be horrendous inside. There are massive metal booms, clanging and the drone of what must be a small army of arc welders. Further in, it is a pretty good guess that shouting voices will be needed just to have a normal conversation. The police officers line up across the road at the front gate look bored and resigned to a long night on their feet. The protestors are really just enjoying a campout right now, blaring their own music. The Sentinels on the perimeter continue walking. A-07 is walking north along the west fence. Anyone who knows where Team 2 is, will know it's near their position. The other two fence walkers are spread apart for even coverage. The ground under the feet of the Sentinels is compacted to near rock consistency inside the fence.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie makes sure all three of his team have their stealth units on. He will look to Dazzler, and says "Ok, walk about see what you can see." If you see anything important let me know. He will remind all com quiet except emergency." Then he will lead to walk into the protesters letting Blink decide if he wants to follow him or Dazzler.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog nods slowly at Punisher, "Okay, just so you know. It takes me about a second for each jump. Maybe two. Also, I've never been here before. So you will have to point out to me where you want the stuff. I work best on line of site but if you have a drawing I can go high up then pop down to the spot from overhead. I've never once in my life handled explosives... don't give me anything that isn't idiot proof. If it looks like its gonna go off on me its going into a river." he says as he puts on the gear Cannonball gives him. He then looks up, "I'll be with Cannonball, call when ya want me and I'll be here." he says concentrating a moment and shifting to human form and adjusting the wrappings around his head.... he'll fit right in with the anarchists that attend these things.

Dazzler has posed:
"You got it," Dazzler replies to Cannonball. She slips off into the heart of things, trying to get some bearing on where the guards are watching, and which directions the sentinels are scanning. Trying to find clear paths, in case they need to make a not-so grand entrance.

Punisher has posed:
"I can set them, you just need to stick them where the red dots are, at the obvious utility junctions. Syncronized explosives should be easy enough to dump this whole complex into darkness." Punisher grates out in reply to Blinkdog as he actually does start to stack the C4 charges be brought along. "I've got an M4 and an m-134 with depleted uranium rounds ready to fire. Should be able to take on a Sentinel itself, at least."

Vision has posed:
The two guarding Sentinels are about a kilometer away from the front gate, where the main area of the facility starts. All in all, the fenced area is probably 3 square kilometers or more. It's all just neatly mown lawn except for the center square kilometer and the massive parking lot. A few of the protestors are standing near the fence, filming with their cell phones or larger handheld digital cameras. Some of the protestors here are very obviously mutants. Most are not, and some are probably human.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will stop at this and actually seem a bit confused. He did not expect to see mutant protesters used to seeing the big robots blasting any and all mutants. He will make sure to Think towards Rachel to let them know of this, as it may come in handy. He scans the crowd some more as he walks along, and leans in to talk to Bobby. "These guys seem like normal protesters to you?"

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden 's voice is more full of nerves than humor, "Did he say 'a sentinel'? Dude, this is their factory. There could be thirty in there..." he spots one patroling the parimeter and angles his head up, "God, those things are hyooge! I... I... I've never seen one in person." he takes several deep breaths and clears off the com tracking in behind Cannobball into the crowd after pausing in his tracks for a second without realizing it. Then nearly walking into his back he looks around, "Its... kinda random... maybe some are... some arent? Yeah it's too mixed everyone has the look but its like from different parties."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler, by contrast, is keeping low, trying to get a bead on exactly what is going on. So far, she hasn't encountered any guards. But that noise will top her off nicely, if she should find herself in need.

Punisher has posed:
"Blinkdog, any chance you can get me some video of the current goings on inside so I can plan and see patterns? I have drones, but they can't teleport like you." Punisher takes out a small camera device with a /very/ large lens, and plops it on the desk near him. "It self-stores, no transmissions to pick up."

Within moments, Punisher is working on getting the C4 charges ready again. He has a half dozen now.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthriewill say "Ah don't want use of powers until the shit hits the fan. We only have a we bit of use for it, and Ah want to use those for surprise tactics." He does not add he is not having the kid port in blind. "Ah aint seeing any sign of them, but in this case no sign is a good sign." He admits. He will pretty much roam from one end of the protesters to the other end getting the lay of all they can see.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden looks at Cannonball, "Um, inside?" he answers Punisher over the com. "You might wanna just tap into whatever mindlink is going and get it from the other team. If I go in there I might mess up whatever the other team is doing. Besides, like I said, I've never been here. I'd have to walk in through a /door/ to get inside. I can get you an overhead if thats what you want, but I don't think I'm ready for solo."

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler is walking blind. But what luck! She has run across a small family of mutant hippies who have made garlic grilled cheese sandwiches. She stops for a moment to commune with them. Enjoy the vibe, sign a few autographs. And enjoy one of those delicious garlic grilled cheese sandwiches. She can see forever from here....but so far there is nothing of note to report.

Punisher has posed:
"I was thinking from the /outside/ looking in. This is a high zoom lens. You can pick up detail from miles out with it." Punisher offers as he continues to prep C4. "It'll prob-" Punisher stops mid-sentence, his hands coming up as he starts to mark locations, lines, electrical patterns... and begins to formulate a plan to cause maximum destruction to the complex with minimal collateral.

"I'm getting the full complex plan. Electrical, gas, and all. I'll have a maximum effect layout in just a minute." Punisher finally states.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will stop in his tracks giving Bobby a hand motion to stop him from bumping into him this time. He will start to lead the young man more towards where the protesters are less and where if things start to go south they can move more. He will look around to spot, Dazzler, motioning her towards a point where she can get a clear shot at one of the sentinels that may topple one into a building.

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden leans close to Cannonball and whispers, "Maybe I should go to the van in case Punisher needs me right away." he suggests looking around at the scattered crowd of protesters as they settle in for a long night.

Punisher has posed:
"Blinkdog. I have the first batch for you." Punisher grates out to the team "First three on the satellite links and microwave relays, here." Punisher points them out for Blinkdog. "The admin building trunks are here." Again, pointed out. "The generator building... will be a bit more time, we'll get that one next. First, comm network and the admin building. Then, get back here for your next batch of C4."

When he shows up, Punisher points to a switch on the detonator. "This will turn on the remote receiver that ties into my detonator out here. I'm not chancing a synch detonation with innocents inside. All you need to do is place it black side against your target, and hit this switch."

Vision has posed:
The roof is dark and just where it should be. The metal of the satellite communications struts is cold. The white drums of the microwave relays hum so ominously that it's probably not wise to stand in front of it. The admin building mains are in a lit room in the basement. There is nobody there when the C4 is planted.

The generator is in a cavernous room four storeys tall. The generator is over two stories tall itself and 50 long that just oozes the impression of weight that heavy machine does. And there seem to be three others in here.

Nothing else changes.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods to Bobby not liking to let the kid out of his site, but sees it is the best thing to do. He will edge into the shadows now, waiting and watching. The young man ready to show himself at the word of the others

Blinkdog has posed:
Bobby McFadden heads back to the van with some haste but not enough to attract attention. As soon as he arrives he swallows hard as Punisher begins giving him jump locations and instructions. "Okay I think I've got it. Roof, first, tower then dishes, then look for the generators... um there." He nods and is gone, his teleportation is absolutely silent and seems instant. He first appears for a second high up above getting his bearings, for a split second it is as if he is standing on something solid before he starts to fall and then he is gone again appearing next to the communications tower. Selecting a side of the tower with the most cables he places a charge up against a box trying to make it blend in a little. He then turns and rather than walking appears next to one of the dishes, again targeting electronics rather than the dish itself. He repeats the process with another and then... barring interrruptions he will head back to the van.

Punisher has posed:
Yet more C4 is prepped, up to a dozen now. When Blinkdog gets back, Punisher wastes no time in pointing out where on the generators he should plant, "Here, here. Here. Most of the base not on backups will go down. If they do have backup, and I have to believe they do, we'll need to hit them afterwards." A glance to the map Rachel gave him has him pause, "I was going to hit the gas mains, but with a complex that big and without better intel, we'll have to play it by ear and see what they do."

Vision has posed:
There will be nobody in the generator room Bobby teleports to. A-03 on the landing pads turns and starts walking toward the big hangar. The hangar begins to open. Two more Sentinels walk out of the gigantic hangar onto the causeway between buildings. The two Sentinels watching the protestors hold up a hand each and red scanner lights dance across the protestors. The police look over their shoulders. There are startled cries from some of the protestors, but a few mutter reassurances this happened last time someone climbed the fence.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is ready to jet into one of them, he will move farther away from the protesters watching the sentinels. If they seem to lock onto someone he is prepared to move. upon the connection he will engages the after burners and is heading into the nearest sentinel to draw it's attention from the people at the gate. He calls over the com "Time to Rock and roll."

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog nods slowly, "Okay, but I wont go indoors somewhere unless I have to... but I will land rooftop first and see if I can find where the lines cluster and hit that first." he says, "If they go underground then I'll have to go inside and reach them from there." He doesnt wait for an answer as he heads off to do three more spots. The first one taking longer than the rest because he has to scout it first. He approaches exactly the same way as the first. First from above, then to a rooftop. He doesnt walk unless he has to, teleporting short distances instead. He finds he has to go inside and then once he has placed the explosives he goes back to the rooftop and freezes as he watches the new activity.

He thinks, .oO((Oh $#!t!)) He searches the shadows in the distance looking for a spot away from the van, away from the crowds, but near where he can duck into cover if he can.

Punisher has posed:
"Gonna need more after this..." Punisher grumbles under his breath, in a musing manner, before he takes the detonation controller at the explosive crate, flicks the safety cover off, "Fire in the hole. Admin building first."


The C4 charges go off on the satellite and Microwave relays first, with a few seconds to spare to allow the people to get out of dangerous situations in the admin building from that 'warning'.

After the cushion time is over. *flick*. The admin building trunks charges go off for the electrical mains to that building.

"Time to see if they have backups...." Punisher mutters, watching the carnage from his high-powered binoculars through the window.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler is on the outskirts, just beyond the fence, when she gets Cannonball's command. Seemingly without warning, a hologram appears just outside the fence. It is a dazzling purple sentinel in a vibrant pink tutu, and it quickly grows to enormous size. Staypuft Marshmallow Man-sized.

The laser light show begins, lighting up the sky with a tremendous blaze of color and light. Slowly, the tutu'd sentinel begins to dance the Charleston. At the same time, shields go up in a 100-foot perimeter around the spectacle, preventing protestors from coming anywhere close enough to the hologram. Another shield goes up between the protesters themselves, and the sentinels. She can only pray to whatever gods there are that the sounds around her can keep her powers replenished.

"You got your distraction, I'll stay here as long as I can. Get the civilians out of harm's way. There are enough sentinels here to wipe out the whole lot of protesters. I don't know how many of them they'd need to do that, but I know how many they're gonna use," Dazzler says over the comms.

Vision has posed:
A lot happens all at once. There is a bright flash on the roof of the administration building that encompasses the bases of the satellite antennae. The lights in the admin building flicker and go out.

There are several explosions in the generator room.

A-01 and A-02 ignite their boosters and start to lift off, angling toward the front gate but gaining height.

Sam rockets into the air at A-05 from about 100 meters away from the protestors. Dazzler's dancing hologram appears.

A-05 raises a hand and points directly at Punisher's window. It unleashes a massive, wide, ruby red blast that will tear through the wall, through the room and probably out the other end of the building. At the same time, it's other hand that it was using to scan protestors lets out a continuous red beam that sweeps across the protestors, incinerating flesh and tents and burning a lining across the lawn. When Sam hits A-05, he smacks into its chest and it reels backwards. Both of its beams track upwards. The one cuts up and out of the ceiling of the Punisher's building. The one sweeping across the protestors swings upward, tracking across the street and between two houses before pointing into the air. Sam riccochets off.

A-06 fires a blast from its right hand towards Dazzler. Its left hand also fires into the protestors. One of the police officers is so close to the beam that her uniform ignites. She screams and rolls on the ground. The others drop to their stomach.

A-04 ignites its boosters and starts flying toward the main gate. Two... people? Come running out the gigantic hangar toward the big ground hangar door at absolutely stupid speeds.

The Sentinels on perimeter continue their walk.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move to try to hit the other coming around trying to get the sentinels targeting him. The young mutant is trying to keep them on him, and as many as he can. He will lead as many sentinels away as he can in opposite direction of the others

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog looks around from his current vantage point. He now sees where the first strikes hit. There is so much going on it is confusing. His first instinct is to go right at the red beams and rescue people but he hesitates. Friends first this time... He sees a figure dressed in black launch himself out of the building whose roof just got parted like a bad haircut. Blinkdog vanishes...

There is a new figure appearing right below where Frank Castle is falling, catching him... the impact is hard, bone shattering even as Bobby feels his left forearm crack. They hang for a moment, still suspended by whatever it is Blinkdog anchors himself into when he jumps... the longest its ever held before, before they start freefalling once more. Blinkdog embraces the Punisher in a rib crushing grip, sending screaming pain up Blinkdog's arm and then... they vanish just before reaching the ground...

They will both appear in a tangle inside a small cramped dark space with lots of shoes and coats crowding them in. There is a pause, and then they are gone again this time they land on the south lawn of Central Park.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler's shields hold off the initial blast, but incinerate within seconds. Just enough time to engage her sentinel-b-gone device, making her invisible to the sentinel, as long as she can stay out of its line of fire. With a good bit of dodging and rolling, she manages to evade the continued blasts until she can get out of harm's way. If she re-engages at this point, that will render the device useless.

Without a second thought, Dazzler runs into the crowd of protesters and covers as many as she can with a shell of a shield that covers them between themselves and the sentinels, from the front and from above, allowing them an umbrella under which to make haste away from the facility as she runs with them. "We have to move now! Keep up, get as far away from here as you can!" she shouts, herding them forward....mutants and possibly police, alike.

Punisher has posed:
"Oh FUC-" The rest doesn't register in the middle of that ruby red blast as Punisher dives out of the window to get out of the way, managing to not be flash fried by the soles of his boots. Literally.

Then, "What the f-" And they're in Central Park. "uck! OOOF."

Punisher lands with a solid thud into the grass... and he glances around to get his bearings. "Interestin' one you got there, blinko." Punisher grates out as he grumbles from the sudden pain... then he reaches for his smartphone, and turns it on. "Micro, I got a super exfil. Bring the van home." Punisher sighs as the autotext sends that to Microchip... who immediately remotely activated the self-driving AI in the Battle Van to start heading back to a garage.

Vision has posed:
Sam comes around and rockets into the back of A-06 as it sweeps its beams across Dazzler's shields and more of the protestors. There are screams and the smell of burnt flesh. It reels forward and starts to topple. A-05 lands on its back with a huge boom and the concrete under it craters. It raises a hand and fires a red blast toward Sam from its back.

A-04 fires a nullifier blast from its optics at Dazzler as approaches the gate. A-01 and A-02 fire one hand each at Sam.

A-03 stops at the edge of the open hangar door to the underground and stands there.

The perimeter Sentinels continue walking.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is battered off course by the force of the beams and digs a trench through the ground a bit but it is not dep, and with effort he keeps blasting and is back in the air, screaming at the sentinels "Come get me you blasted hunks of junk, your mother was a toaster." He can;t really be heard over his own blast field but he is trying his best to provoke the sentinels and get them at him.

Dazzler has posed:
Dazzler is invisible to the sentinels, but when the blasts fired on the protesters hit her shield, the sentinels take it down significantly with their nullifier blasts.

"Faster! Shields are taking damage! Take shelter if they go down, take care of each other. They know what we are. Using what the gods gave you now is what may save you! Take care of each--"

Two more blasts obliterate Dazzler's shield, but before she can create another, a third shot hits her head-on. Some of the remaining mutants flee from the sentinels. Some turn to fight. Some are spirited away by those who can do so. Some are shielded. And some just circle behind to help those who have been injured. For Dazzler's part, she simply falls.

Vision has posed:
A-06 falls on its face, making another ringing boom and crater in the pavement. A-05 tries to fire again. A-01 and A-02 are closer but the angle is bad, if they shoot at Sam they will pummel A-06, so they hold. A-04 lands in the middle of the road at the gate. It starts firing at any protestors attacking it. Others are scrambling away as fast as they can, many throwing themselves down the other side of a small drop in the grass toward a drainage ditch for cover.

In the distance, sirens have started up. The burning police officer has rolled the flames out, but is still screaming. The other five and pulling her toward the guard shack and trying to cover themselves. One fires a single shot in the direction of the protestors as an energy bolt flashes past him on its way toward A-04. The grass area where the protestors were gathered is.... A warzone.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will continue to draw attention. He gets hammered now and again, blasts hitting him, and knocking him around one even knocking him through a large tree and out of the air for a moment. His blast stopping for a moment but He is kicking it b ack in full blast back to the air. The young man trying to draw the sentinels from the plant and away from eople

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog had an idea of how things were going when he left. He knew he had to reach Dazzler next. Though he had no idea that she was sheilding the people herself. He only knew vaguely about her projections from talk at the school. He vanishes from his stance in Central Park, and appears right near where she was when he left before. But this is several steps away. It takes him a moment to re-orient himself and spot her fallen among some of the other mutants and protesters. He flickers, pushing his teleporting rate to his limit, there is a red mist left behind as he injures himself internally doing so, and he is beside her picking her up. This time he aims for a hop directly to Josh at the Blackbird. He almost drops her in front of Josh, setting her down quickly before trying to return again. He flickers but stays and coughs, a gout of blood foams out around the edges of his muzzle.

Vision has posed:
A-05 is going through the process of getting to its feet. It will take time. A-06 is not moving. A-04 scans the ravaged zone in front of it and finds no further targets. Any who had stayed to fight have fallen. Any who could flee have done so. It does not pursue the fleeing mutants across the gate.

A-01 and A-02 Switch to firing nullifer beams toward Sam. They largely hover in place to do so. A-03 starts turning to do much the same. Sam is the only target left.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will hit his anti nullifier and flys out of the area. He is small and fast, he kicks on the speed as fast as he can to get out of the area, while his nullifier protecto thingy is on.

Blinkdog has posed:
Blinkdog makes a face and again he is gone. This time there is not red mist left behind. This time he appears again in almost the same spot as he was before. He spots Cannonball streaking away into the distance. He rushes to pick up another two civilians. Two this time real close to eachother. He is a bit careless this time as he grabs hold of limbs rather harshly and giving them a little shake to lift the person off the ground.... but what is a dislocated limb when compared to being baked alive by a beam. Again he appears in the Blackbird. Drops his victims dragging them at his side, and then lets go vanishing again... somewhere. Pushing himself once more he leaves another spat of red mist behind.

Vision has posed:
A-01, A-02 and A-03 fire nullifers at Sam as he blasts away. But the two flying Sentinels stop at the fence line. The one on the ground never left its spot by the hangar.

Not far away under cover of its stealth technology, the jet lifts off on emergency autopilot and blasts back toward the mansion.