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Sentinels: Meet the Mold - Team 2
Date of Scene: 30 June 2019
Location: Trask Industries -- Hackensack, Bergen County
Synopsis: Team 2 infiltrate the Trask facility and soon discover they have been discovered!
Cast of Characters: Elixir, Wolfsbane, Nightcrawler, Marvel Girl, Smart Alek
Tinyplot: Sentinels: Meet the Mold

Elixir has posed:

It is the day of the raid on the Sentinel factory, hoping to get information on the Molds, files that might hurt Trask in the PR battle, and possibly figure out where the Sentinels still being made, but not purchased, are being sent to or stored.

Kitty Pryde has handed out some equipment to the group already. Each person is given a jammer that should be capable of disrupting Sentinel and Trask personnel communications in the very nearby area. Not so wide of field to alert others, but enough to try to quietly take someone or something down if discovered. Each is single use before the battery will be depleted. Also each person is given one device, with multiple options for plugging into computers or network ports, capable of hacking and downloading information, while trying to conceal its presence on the system.

There is a surprise there as well. Wanda Maximoff makes an appearance. She looks over the group, before saying in her slowly spoken way, "I cannot act openly at this point. To do so would allow Trask to link the Avengers to the 'mutant terrorists' he likes to speak of. But I can offer this support," she says. She goes to each person in turn, pressing a small good luck charm into their hands, one by one. "Keep these on you," she says in her soft Transian accent. "It will let me locate you," she adds.

Then Wanda gives each person a second item. It just looks like a small bit of carved wood, as long as a thumb, and as thick as a straw. "If you snap this I will sense it, and will then use the other charm to locate you and teleport you back here," she tells them.

"I wish you all the best of luck," she tells them. Scarlet energy gathers around Wanda's fingers as she moves them slowly, as if pressing against something that causes the magic to gather around her. The Scarlet Witch touches each person in turn if they allow, wishing them luck in a far more tangible form than just the words normally convey: a good luck hex given to each that will shift probabilities in their favor in some fashion during the hours to come.

Elixir has posed:

Samuel Guthrie has set up for the Punisher to meet the shock and awe team at the town at one of the close in gas stations. As they land to start out, he calls all together and noticing an extra head in the group "Dang it Bobby, Ok, your to stick with me and Dazzler. Kurt, AH want you to lead the stealth team in to get any information you can. Stealth team is You, Rahne, Rachel, and Alek. Rachel if you can keep us all connected mental please do, don't use the coms unless we have to. Alek, Once inside, I want you to get all the information you can, and if you can set it up so the sentinels can't see any of the x-men in their known data base that is extra goal. Allison, Bobby your with me, we are to give the stealth team a distraction if they need it. And from this point on code names only. Alek you do exactly as Kurt says and Bobby you are mine or Allison's shadow and you do as told as well.

Elixir has posed:
Hackensack, Bergen County, used to be a purely rural corner of New Jersey. About 20 years ago now, the township got the idea to attract tax dollars by offering incentives for industrial complexes to locate there. Located just across the river from Gotham, Hackensack had the advantage of being close enough to the major cities without all the zoning headaches that go along with them. Most of the town itself is a little criss-cross of roads with cute, 1950's and older houses on little square lots. Picket fences and American flags abound. Outside of the town itself there are still small farms. But much of the area is now devoted to massive industrial facilities. LexCorp, Stark Global Solutions, Rand Enterprises and Trask Industries all have major manufacturing sites here.

The Trask Industries facility, officially known as Facility 12 within the company, is massive. It occupies hectares of land. The perimeter is surrounded by 12-foot chain-link fencing with barb wire. Neatly trimmed grass gives wide open sight lines. Every hundred feet there are metal posts with a light, cameras and what look like motion-sensors on them. The facility has one primary entrance, which is quite wide to accommodate the traffic that goes in and out. The entrance has a manned guard post and there are half a dozen local police officers there standing in front of a crowd of at least 300 protestors. From the looks of the tents, litter and portable toilets, the protestors have been there for a while and are planning to stay. At this time of night, they are mainly sitting around fires built in makeshift pits right on the lawns out front of the property.

The facility has a parking lot the size of a football field. Right now it is about a quarter full. Trucks and forklifts move across wide paved expanses with their lights blinking. The main building is gigantic, the kind of warehouse that can develop clouds at the roof. There is a four-storey office building and three other warehouse buildings nearby. There are four landing pads, three marked with 'S' and one marked with 'H'. There is also a ridiculously large round metal hangar door set in the ground right in the middle of the facility. There are lights everywhere, it is lit up like daytime.

A Sentinel marked A-03 is on one of the landing pads. A-04 is standing north of the facility near the administrative building. A-05 and A-06 stand near the parking lot, facing down the main causeway toward the front gates. A not so subtle display. A-7, A-08 and A-09 are spread out around the perimeter, walking clockwise at the same speed.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane accepted whatever Wanda was offering, even if magic really is not her thing and it might not do anything in her mind. If it helps, she's not going to object, not even to the 'good luck' hex. Aside from that, she's quietly focused, if concerned about their plans, but she's come to understand they have to do something to turn the tide with the Sentinels. She examines the jammer and hacking tool, but after a concerned expression shows up with Alek's inclusion, there's not much they can do about it now. "Everyone be careful. Which way are we trying tae go in through?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
    He's seen too much to deny 'magic' as it has been offered to him. Kurt moves on all fours, a patch of shadow among the darkness, murmuring into his comms as he goes, "Rachel, they may hear me port, give Rahne, Alek, and I a lift?" slipping closer to the fence. "Alek, Rahne - I'll need your eyes, ears, and nose in your case, beautiful." tipping a wink at the Wulfen as he gets ready.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel establishes the mental link to keep everyone in the loop on where things are going, tucking their various helper devices away in her pockets. As she shifts her focus to the mission at hand, even the illusion that hides the markings on her face fades away. She's dedicated all of her attention to the mission.

"Lift...where?" she asks Kurt, looking between him and the building. "I can get you over the fence, but someone's going to notice a bunch of floating mutants. And I can make the //brains// ignore them, but these machines aren't so much with the brains. Those are Sentinels out there. They may be on stand-by right now, but they'll pick up if we start flying."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek is currently zoned out, his slightly glowing blue eyes seem to watching something in the ether in front of him. From his view, the area is dancing with sparks, data packets from the various wifi devices in the area, the sentinels, the cameras, and even people's cell phones. The trick is what particular color spark gets a response and what freqency that is. He's completely passive right now, just a reciever without a transmitter, so it's undetectable by the systems involved that they are being watched, usually. He talks, "Yes Mr. Wagner, lots of sparks out there.."

Elixir has posed:
The closer everyone gets to the facility the louder it gets. In fact, the noise must be horrendous inside. There are massive metal booms, clanging and the drone of what must be a small army of arc welders. Further in, it is a pretty good guess that shouting voices will be needed just to have a normal conversation.

A-07 is walking north along the west fence. The 50 foot tall robot is a good kilometer north of Nightcrawler and Wolfsbane. The ground is compacted to near rock consistency where the Sentinels have been walking inside the fence. There are light poles with the cameras and motion sensors about fifty feet to the north and south of the position.

The air is alive with the usual spider-web of signals going back and forth. The amount of data traffic in and out of the facility is not unusual. The satellite dishes and microwave relays on the roof of the administrative building seem to be the main over the air links. They have the kind of encryption you would expect for secure corporate communications. The kind that takes half a millenium to decode. There is the bounce of radio signals from the guard house, the buildings and coming up from out of the ground in the center of the complex.

What is unusual are some tight, extremely powerful signals that transmit in both directions constantly. They seem to connect the heads of the Sentinels in a multi-node mesh network. Bright orange lights of data stream back and forth into the ground under the complex. Two more are coming from inside the gigantic hangar. Six smaller data-links of the same type join the mesh, two from the giant hangar and four from underground. There are outbound data-links to each Sentinel coming from underground that are powerful enough it is a wonder they are not melting things in their path. The encryption is strange, changes quickly and is like nothing Alek has seen before.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane keeps a low profile with all the power and scanning capabilities around them. She flashes Kurt a briefly warm look but leaves it at that. They have more important things to focus on here. "I could get over th' fence on muh own, but it could still draw more attention than we want. I'd like tae no' have tae try using anything they've given us before we're even in there." The Sentinels get more than their share of wary looks from her, and she adds, "We can probably find a way past th' patrols, but we're just going tae have tae get over th' fence wi' th' most cover we can, fast as we can. We need tae be inside."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Thinking over the link, Kurt's shrug is practically mental as well **"Well it's loud here, so that works... I was originally thinking just up and over, Rachel. I can bring us right across the fence." slipping closer to the group, offering his hands for people to link up with him. Kurt turns his head, watching the facility, nightvision cutting through the darkness, eyes squinting and looking for grounds walking guards now. "No time to debate really, it'll only be a couple feet. You'll feel like you sprinted a quick twenty feet, but it'll pass."

Marvel Girl has posed:
"Kurt, if you can get us //to// the building, take us there," Rachel suggests even as she reaches out her hand. Through the link, she shares Alek's images of the electronic activity across the grid. "Blank spots are dark," she offers as advice, then looks to Alek. "You got a hub there? Something that looks like a source for all of this? You're the map here. We're looking for source code."

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek comments, "Their hub is underground, but it looks like that large hangar has some connections to the Sentinels too. I think there is two more sentinels in that hangar too." He asks, "You guys can teleport right? Just need to see where your going?", he looks for camera feeds in the buildings that might be easier to be able to decypher, he rubs his fingers over the hacker tool in his pocket, he makes a mental copy of the program that kitty put on there.

Elixir has posed:
The patrolling Sentinels continue their slow walk. The others just stand where they have been. There is no noticeable change in things at all.

Alek would know the internal wireless network would be the softest target, though he could try to negotiate something transmit only with the satellite dishes (they do not transmit, only receive. Transmission is usually by cable). Mircowave might be painful. But the buildings are about three blocks away, well out of Alek's range. The cameras are not wireless, they are actually cabled, bundled with buried power lines that make the loop of the perimeter between light posts.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"She's right," Wolfsbane says, nodding to Rachel's suggestion. "Th' closer we can get, an' th' fastest, th' better off we'll be." She paces back and forth, watching the routes the Sentinels take, squinting further at whatever else is in sight. "I'm just worried about th' cameras," she adds, a wary eye on the nearest poles they're connected to.

Elixir has posed:
When Rachel uses her telepathy to scan the facility, she gathers a wealth of information.

The gigantic hangar has several partly complete Sentinel bodies in the memories of people on site. There are two fully built ones in there, too. There are also some people sized dudes in there that look a lot like Sentinels. People's memories are coloured dark about them. The admin building is four floors with a lot of offices. Security office on the main floor. The two other warehouses are receiving sites for massive amounts of raw materials.

What is really notable is that there is an underground complex that extends out past the fence line under here. It goes down 20 stories of gantries, machine rooms, power and cooling and heating equipment, robotic assembly lines..... And in the middle under that giant hangar door in the ground is a Sentinel that is easily close to 200 ft tall. One of the most prominent memories of it that lots of people have is of Sentinels popping /out of it/. It is huge.

There are about 150 staff on site right now. There are six security personnel in the admin building and six more underground. They are a lot more serious than loss prevention officers. They feel like military people.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel reaches out, holding up a barrier between the group link and her own mind as she starts digging into other memories. No sense in making them sift through the rest of it, after all. It takes a moment, but when she's done, she shares a map of the facility along with an overlay of Alek's read on the tech to the rest of the party.

"Here," she says to Kurt, sharing an image of one of the underground hallways between the massive Sentinel and the main facility, less traveled and convenient to the rest of the facility. The minds of the people inside tell her no one should be there at the moment, and paths around it should be clear.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Now that I've seen inside I can..." Kurt's reponse a little huff. Focusing his thoughts now as he prepares, "Give me a location, as soon as we have it we're in." and he means it, as soon as he has a location, he teleports with them.
    He chooses a corner of the hallway Rachel offers, telling them all to, and does so himself, take a deep breath and then BAMF. He drags them through dimensions into the place in his mind. Dropping to the floor, hands and knees, breathing hard as he literally smokes beyond the normal indigo cloud.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek pops in with the help of Kurt and blinks several times, he spins around, his senses are overloaded as the brimstone was a surprise along with the change of scenery, from simply being eyeshot of the radio frequencies, now at the heart perhaps of the transmissions. He almost speaks but puts his hands over his mouth and mentally speaks, "woah, that was intense... we're? inside?"

Elixir has posed:
The noise inside the hallway is deafening. The floor and walls up to knee height are painted a bland grey. Above that the walls are a pastel blue. The ceiling is white, the lights are fluorescent. And it smells like a machine shop from hell down here. The ventilation works hard enough that a faint updraft can be felt, but the smell persists. This section of hallway has several doors, which Rachel will know are several storerooms and an inventory control office. One way down the hall will lead toward doors into the main cavern. The other way will lead to some intersections, a variety of other rooms with other purposes, stairs, elevators and more. There is nobody on this level right now at all. Most people seem to be clustered in the top four or five levels right now.

From inside, Rachel can sense some really faint minds now. They are there, but really not thinking or dreaming. They are probably on level 6 and there are about six of them.

Wolfsbane has posed:
The teleport is what it is. Wolfsbane's been through them before, and while they aren't her favorite thing in the world, if she's going to be seeing Kurt the way she has, it's something she's going to experience from time to time. In this case, it saves them a whole lot of time and effort to get inside, to an area that's going to give them a chance to make their way through with the least chance of being spotted. Rachel's trick with the minds in the facility could prove to be vital to this part of the mission, combined with Kurt's teleporting and whatever Alek's able to do with his own powers.

The wolfen woman's use? Her senses, her ability to sneak around quietly, her speed and extra strength. As loud as it is, she grimaces and has to tone down the hearing to something a bit more normal, and those scents aren't the most pleasant either, but she gestures ahead of them. "Th' main area is tha' way. I dinna think we want tae be all tha' close. If we can get tae some computers an' grab some files, maybe we can be in an' oot o' here before anyone's th' wiser." With the things meant to work in their favor, it might just go well for them, and she begins to advance cautiously forward. "It's quiet so far." Relatively speaking.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Taking a breath, careful to keep his tone low, making it take longer than it should. He shuffles up one of the walls and to the cieling to use the shadows to his advantage. His tail is acually looped around his own middle to keep it from dangling, getting his wind back, as it were.
    He speaks through Rachel's link, the strain there as well, **"Keeping pace. Alek, let us know if you... ermm... See anything."** trying to find the wording as he slips along above Rahne, eyes open and listening - knowing that he's secondary to what Wolfsbane can do.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel keeps the link moving, piecing together thoughts and memories until she has a clear image. << This way, >> she says, starting purposefully down the hall. << Alek, there's a terminal in this closet, >> she notes as she reaches the doorway. << It's for inventory control, but it reaches into the network. I'll grab the download. You read what you can. Per Cannonball, if you can plant a delayed release timebomb of a virus, do it. But we're grabbing info and then we're getting right back out of here. >>

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek nods as he slips into the closet, he touches the terminal and a copy of it is made within the mutants head and then he activates Kitty's hacker tool. He doesn't need a keyboard just a touch. In order to make this a bit more productive, he actually kinda goes limp, his viewpoint is the insides of the network with it's flowing data packets, he absorbs thems into his mind, for later upload and decrypting to a computer later. He mumbles, "This shouldn't take too long."

Elixir has posed:
The closet is an office with a reception desk and four cubicle offices behind it. There are filing cabinets along one wall. The station Alek sits at has pictures of a middle aged guy with a receding hairline and two young children posted on the fabric walls.

The computer is used almost exclusively for surfing the net, playing solitaire, email, sending messages to friends and co-workers. Oh, and tracking inventory across the complex. There is a local copy of a huge number of queries and responses that will take time to unpack and process. This place is ridiculously big. The USB starts downloading roughly half a terabyte of cached data. This terminal was only user locked and does not use on the fly encryption, probably because employees just can't wait that extra second. It will take a minute or two for the USB to catch up with the absolute crush of data packing into Alek's head. There are a number of shared drives, and a whole web of connected computers. The internal network in the complex is ridiculously large, segmented across hundreds of networks.

When it starts operating, the computer also connects back to a local server that it is in use, and the time and date. That server is on this floor and it immediately logs the activity and then sends it off as an exception for immediate review. A good guess would be the facility uses heuristic monitoring for detecting unusual computer access.

If Rachel is monitoring the minds in the facility in addition to the link, a pair of people on the fourth floor of the administration building have a sudden spike of curiousity and confusion about a minute after Alek sits down at the computer.

Wolfsbane has posed:
As they advance to the room in question, Wolfsbane takes up a spot near Rachel, near Kurt, and says, "Do whit ye need tae. We'll keep ye safe." That is, they'll try to, and as long as nobody comes upon them - the blocking of their mutant signatures should help with that - this should go smoothly. Perhaps Wanda's added benefits will keep it that way. As of now, she is unaware of anything going on above them unless it's conveyed through Rachel's abilities. In fact, she's keeping a partial eye on the woman from the future, making sure she's handling all of this well.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Kurt continues to follow, resting, brows knitted together. Ears perked and eyes peeled. He hurts, but they need him for this. Even if all he does is rest and prepare himself for the jump out.
    "Rahne, I may need you to carry me when we jump out." there's not much else he can do but keep watch, an prepare.

Marvel Girl has posed:
Rachel seems to be in complete mission mode. As unstable as she's been, it's easy to forget that this sort of thing was her life not that long ago. This right now is more familiar territory to her than dinner at the school. And while she looks like Jean and calls herself Grey, that's not the only side of her family.

<< Someone's picked up on our computer activity, >> she shares as she notes interest in minds a few floors up. << Tracking security response, but we're on borrowed time. Be ready for exfil. >>

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek eyes dart back and forth as he scans the data, "Maybe they know who killed Kennedy..." He half-jokes, he multitasks a bit and embeds a virus in a IP camera, "Find it there I dare ya." He also checks to see if the elevators are networked, if they are... they won't be going to the correct floors anymore they should.

Elixir has posed:
Rachel can feel more confusion and alarm. The security people inside the underground are moving.

Anyone with really good, perhaps wolfen, ears will hear a big metal thump through the din. Something landed heavily outside the door to the cavern.

The elevators are networked for tracking but their core programming is firmware. The virus from Kitty's USB is placed in memory in an IP camera.

Wolfsbane has posed:
"If it gets bad enough, we can always try Wanda's way," Wolfsbane reminds. "But in th' meantime, o' course I'll carry ye if needed," Wolfsbane promises Kurt, now putting some of her focus on him to see how he's holding up with his stamina from the long teleport of multiple people into what was formerly a blind place before Rachel's mental link revealed it to them. "But th' best thing tae do is get back ootside as fast as we can. I dinna want tae be stuck doon here wi' all those Sentinels, no' tae mention tha' big one. We need tae--"

Suddenly, she quiets up real fast, and she swallows once. "We'd better hurry it up, an' I mean hurry it up. I just heard something big an' heavy no' far away."

Nightcrawler has posed:
    Dropping down to the floor again, and actually leaning against her slightly, giving a small smile. "If we have to, I should have one more big port in me, and we'll see how I am after." moving to crouch on all fours when Rahne's head comes up, resting a hand on her side, and aiming to put a tail and a hand on Rachel an Alek so they don't have to cluster up. His lips move, silent, but clearly praying by how they move. "Tell me when."

Marvel Girl has posed:
<< Yeah, it's time to go, >> Rachel agrees with Wolfbane's comment, reaching a hand for Alek's shoulder. << Count of ten, back where we started. >> It's enough time to get one last urgant look at things if Alek needs to, but her mental voice is firm when she starts the countdown. No delays, no chances.

She widens the mental net to the rest of the group for her next. << We've got info, they've picked up our activity. You may want to start the retreat. Exfil in ten, nine, eight, seven... >>

Elixir has posed:
Wolfsbane can hear something heavier than a person sprinting down the hall. It's fast.

Rachel can feel the security guards inside the underground are moving as a group, well rehearsed, serious. The initial two that were alarmed are now very focused.

The desktop Alek is using begins running everything it can get its processor on. It very quickly slows to a crawl.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane ensures she's made good contact with Kurt and the others, in a slight defensive crouch as things begin to close in on them. "It's time. We need tae go right noo or we might not have th' chance. Get th' thing an' let's go!" Best to not leave the hacking device behind. They're just going to have to live with whatever they've got. She readies herself to give Kurt a hand topside if need be.

Nightcrawler has posed:
    "Amen..." Kurt finishes at the end of the count, making sure he is touching the others before. BAMF!!! Ripping them through the fabrics between dimensions again, leaving rather considerable clouds of smoke in their way, and upon their return to earth. Kurt drops face first again, hands and knees. Unless there was something wildly wrong, they should be back outside, on the correct side of he fence and ready to get away as they need.

Marvel Girl has posed:
<< Good job, Nightcrawler, >> Rachel offers in support once they're outside, taking a quick head count and sharing back to the rest of the group. << We're out. Heading back to the Blackbird. Nightcrawler's tapped out, if we run into anything else we'll take the red road. >> Not that anyone's going to be monitoring psychic chatter, but no sense in giving Wanda away when she went out of her way to help them.

Smart Alek has posed:
Alek is now outside again and perhaps in a bit of a state of system shock pulling himself out of that PC so quick was a bit like getting knocked in the head, "Well, it's going to take a bit to read through all these files... I still can remember every episode of MacGyver so.. at least those files are intact still. I think Mrs Pryde will need to teach me more about programming.. she's pretty good.

Elixir has posed:
Explosions go off behind Team 2. Fire erupts on top of the administration building and the lights there go out.

The two Sentinels near the front gate start to fire. A-05 fires at an industrial building in the next complex, and with the other hand, toward where the protestors are. Its beams track upwards wildly as a flying mutant careens into it and riccochets. A-06 fires both hands towards where the protest was. A-01 and A-02 lift off from outside the gigantic hangar and start gaining altitude while tracking toward the front gate. A-04 also lifts off and heads more directly toward the front gate. The Sentinels on perimeter continue their slow walk.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Held breath, closed eyes, teleportation out, and a bit of praying from the wolfen woman. When Wolfsbane reopens her eyes she finds they're back on the surface, and she immediately goes to aid Kurt in helping him move along. "We made it. Now tae get th' rest o' th' way tae safety. Come on." To the Blackbird they go! They might actually get out of this untouched!

But, her eyes widen as they return to the sight of some activity going on around the protest area and beyond. "Uh oh."