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Latest revision as of 05:16, 18 July 2019

Coffee, Cream and Cytosine
Date of Scene: 16 July 2019
Location: Kitchen, Xavier's School
Synopsis: A little chatting in the kitchen. And pizza. And vodka and cranberry.
Cast of Characters: Elixir, Pixie, Magik, Scarlet Witch, Wolfsbane, Cypher

Elixir has posed:
Josh is sitting at the big prep island in the kitchen. It is getting late but the room smells of fresh coffee and re-heated pizza. Josh has both with him as well as a tablet and a dual holo-display that projects a bunch of neuroscience reference material on one side and a section of a brain scan model on the other. He sips his coffee while reading. He is just in a loose white t-shirt, blue shorts and flip-flops. His hair is a mussed mess.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn has been studying some books on the occult lately, an increasing interest of hers ever since she learned how to use magic. It really is quite fascinating stuff, but all this reading is making her hungry too! She heads into the kitchen, making a beeline for the fridge which she raids for food. Of course, her nose redirects her towards re-heated pizza and fresh coffee. "Ooh!" she flutters towards Josh and said pizza. "Do you need help eating that!?"

Elixir has posed:
"Yeah I do!" Josh says with a smile. "Help yourself."

There are five slices of pepperoni pizza on his plate. He slides it towards Megan.

"I mean, it's not magic super fae pizza, but it's still good," he jokes.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn beams, flitting over said pizza and gives it a good long sniff. "Mmmmmm, this smells sooo good! After all this reading, Pixie needs mega fuel!!" she's only too eager to dig into tasty pizza, even if it isn't ready-made. After munching on her first slice and finishing in under five seconds, she glances up at Josh. "Oh. Hey! It's you! Josh, right? It's been a while." she smiles, "How have you been? I know we've been in a couple of trainig sessions but never had a chance to talk much!"

Elixir has posed:
"See, priorities! Pizza then people," Josh laughs, approving.
"That's me. I'm good, actually. Just moved back in here from Mutant Town a couple days ago. I won't get away with missing training or not being around here anymore. How're you doing? I'll be honest, I've got no idea what you've been up to."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn reaches for a second slice, nibbling hungrily on it for a moment or two. "Ooh, Mutant Town. That's absolutely lush! How was it? I haven't been in a while. Only went there once briefly actually. As for where I was, well, I was doing some research and magical training."

Elixir has posed:
It was okay. I couldn't afford much, so I had a crap little apartment. But it was close to Evolution. I dunno, it's not a nice part of the city, you know?"

"Magical research?" he asks with interest. "That's really cool. What're you studying?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles, "It sounds expensive but might be fun! I'm always up for something new and different!" she chirps cheerfully, "Heey, mind if I pour some coffee? All this studying makes my brain hurt.." she smiles and shrugs, "Hmm, mostly just the history of magic, a lot of long exhaustive reads but kinda interesting too..If you can get through the dull stuff."

Magik has posed:
Illyana is a suspiciously quiet person for having such a larger than life presence when she arrives. Padding upon bare feet, she's wearing a three sizes too large t-shirt with Slytherin symbol on the front. It appears as if she's just risen from sleep and her hair is tossled, if still mostly straight as she enters the kitchen and goes directly for the coffee pot. "Dasvedanya Megan." This is Pixie's introduction! She also acknowledges Josh, but without saying so.

She drinks black coffee.

Elixir has posed:
"Help yourself, there's lots," Josh says. "If you wanna go to Evolution, a bunch of us are going in a few days Dazzler is gonna be playing there, should be great. Sam said he'll get us in, too."

"Nice shirt, Majesty."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn ooohs, flitting over to coffee and eagerly pouring herself a cup. As if she's not hyper enough as is, this stuff is likely to make her ever more hyper-er-er! She sips on it, nearly burning her tongue in the process. "Eeps! It's soo hot!" blowing on it a little, she grins, "Oy, that sounds marv! Count me in!" she beams, grinning widely at the mention of Dazzler, her all time idol. "Oh WOW! Totally! I wanna see her in person!"

Oh. There's Illyana. She shouldn't be all grr at her but. "Oh. Illy. Hi." she bites her lip, peering at the shirt. "Slytherin huh? Heh." somehow she finds that ironic but keeps her thoughts to herself. "Sooo what you up to?"

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda's boots have soft enough souls to not be too loud as she comes down the school hallway, but her footfalls can be heard if the kitchen is not too noisy. She steps into the doorway and looks inside the room. The Avenger is wearing her costume. Black leggings and a scarlet coat of interesting cut. Her hair hangs lose about her shoulders, while the woman's expression looks a bit weary or tense, with a slightly furrowed brow. Her eyes sweep about the room, giving little nods to those she knows, before finally settling on a golden-haired young man that she begins walking over to slowly.

Magik has posed:
"Da." Illyana says to Josh, clipped nod of appreciation for his appreciation, but the lion share of her attention is on Megan. Staring at her without addressing the elephant in the room or the snark in her tone. All the while sipping coffee noiselyly everytime Pixie tries to speak. Like REALLY noisely. And ONLY when Pixie is speaking.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Sometimes, people converge on the same place all at once, or in relatively short order. Whether by coincidence or divine intervention - in some cases perhaps more than others - another one of the mutant residents of the place makes her way into the kitchen, though from a different direction than others. Scents and sounds told her the place was occupied, but when hunger hits...

Picking out all who are present, the wolfen woman, just in a t-shirt and shorts this time around, quietly approaches the fridge with a muted "Hullo" in general. Keep the head down. Get in and out.

Elixir has posed:
Josh smiles at Pixie's enthusiasm. "It will totally be good, and so crowded, you know? We're so lucky Sam can get us in."

Josh gets up and refills his coffee. He watches the... interaction... Between Pixie and Illyana. Then he frowns and looks to the doorway a couple moments before Wanda arrives. He looks concerned and walks over.

"Hey, what's going on?" he asks Wanda quietly.

Josh glances in Rahne's direction when she appears. "There's pizza on the second shelf," Josh lets Rahne know. "Really good."

Then he turns his attention back to Wanda.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda gives everyone present a soft smile. "Hello Illyana," she says, knowing the other sorceress the best of those present, though her look is no less friendly to anyone else. Though there is still some tension visible in Wanda's expression as Josh comes over to her. The woman rests a hand on his side, lowering her voice to talk to him, though the others will be able to hear her words as well.

"Something happened in the palace in Genosha. Someone managed to paint a certain evil symbol on the wall while we were practically in the room," she says to Josh. "The lights flickered, someone thought they saw something. We went into the hall, lights flickered again and we came back and... there it was. I brought Lorna back, figuring she would sleep easier here," she says. Given the tension visible in Wanda, one can imagine others might not want to sleep in the room it happened.

Magik has posed:
"Dasvedanya, Wanda." Illyana slurps her coffee once more, shoulders bucking forward a little in Megan's direction ... maybe teasing, even if Illyana doesn't tease. "Is good to see you." Turning to the other's present with her pale blue eyes shifting between them now that she's greeted the most familiar of the two newly arrived. Her hand comes up to wave in Rahne's direction.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wanda and Josh, who Wolfsbane can hear perfectly fine if nothing is being done to hide the words. Illyana and Megan, who have their own history. That leaves Wolfsbane to more or less keep to herself, giving Josh a brief nod. "Thanks. I was actually just here for some fruit," she explains, giving Illyana a quick wave in return, studing the way Megan is reacting to things. Whatever she's heard from Wanda about Genosha and a symbol on a wall..well, that surely does not sound like a good thing.

Elixir has posed:
"What? That's crazy. I'm glad you got her came back here," Josh says with a frown. "Too bad Rachel's not here. She could probably nail down who it was in a heartbeat."

"Or any of the psychics. I swear they read minds so they know when to lie low."

Magik has posed:
Illyana realizes she missed something important in her little revenge slurp at Megan and squints slightly at Josh's reaction. Barefeet pad her closer, standing with her blonde head poking out around the corner of the wall towards Wanda, "What is symbol on wall?"

Cypher has posed:
"That's not really fair," Doug says from the doorway, with his arms crossed. "...We're all just exceptionally busy people." He's wearing snug jeans, red chucks, and a t-shirt that says 'ROKAR QAGH QE' 'EJ HIVJE' TUQ - QO'NOS' on it.

"Pow-wow in the kitchen, what's up?" He asks.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff glances over to Wolfsbane as she comes in, giving her a friendly enough look of greeting. She says to Illyana, "Good to see you as well. It was a swastika. Which, given some of our family's religious heritage..." The woman looks back to Josh then, nodding. "I couldn't detect anyone there. I'm not even sure if anyone was present, or perhaps an illusion of some kind. Oddly, the control center didn't notice the power flashing anywhere but near us," she says.

Wanda shakes her head then. "Well, hopefully the matter is thousands of miles away now, and not anything any of us have to worry about for now." She keeps her hand on Josh's side though, fairly obviously finding comfort in his presence now.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Rooting around amid the fruits, a brief 'ah' heralds Wolfsbane coming up with a nice big orange she takes to peeling with a few claws, licking some of the flavor off her fingertips before biting in. "Mmmm.." A nod is returned to Wanda, then Doug's arrival gets some of her attention as well. Since he's returned, she hasn't often been around the same places he has. Whether that's by design or happenstance, who can really say? The "Hullo" from earlier is repeated for anyone who wasn't there at the time, but she comes off looking uncomfortable as she hears about swastikas.

Elixir has posed:
"Let's hope so," Josh replies to Wanda and gives her a side hug.

"Let me get this out of the way," he says. He moves back to the island and shuts off his portable holo screen so the brain scan and medical literature are not in everyone's face.

"I dunno, Doug. I just see a lot of eyes closed nodding from psychics. Doesn't look that hard," he quips light-heartedly.

Scarlet Witch has posed:
Wanda Maximoff leans into the side hug. "I think I'm going to go see if I can't get a little sleep myself," she comments. She glances to Josh to say, "Ok if I crash here for a bit?" Assuming she gets an affirmative comment from him, she says, "Feel free to wake me up."

She'll give everyone an apologetic smile for having interjected the unpleasant topic. "Nice to see you all," she says before departing then to head out into the hall and down towards the stairs.

Magik has posed:
Illyana looks like she just got out of bed. Blonde hair hanging straight, certainly, but also bedheadish. She's a long green t-shirt with the Slytherin logo on the front. And a mug of coffee. All of this would be completely normal too, if, and this is important, she ever slept at the Mansion. Which she does not. "Doug." Then to the departing Wanda, "Dasvedanya."

Cypher has posed:
Doug's response to that is to just raises his eyebrows, and smile. Then he turns to Illyana, and holds out his arms. "You just got up. I just got out of work. Someone spilled their vodka cranberry on me... can I have a hug?" He asks.

Elixir has posed:
"Sure, go for it. I'll be up in a sec," Josh says to Wanda. He heads to the island to power down and clean up his stuff. He puts his cup and plate in the dishwasher.

"Getting late, I'm turning in," Josh says. "Night everyone."

He gathers his stuff and heads out.

Magik has posed:
"Da." Illyana opens her arms for Doug, coffee mug held in the loop. "Do not get vodka on my shirt."

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane makes her way from the kitchen as well, orange in hand. "Aye, sorry. I'm in th' middle o' some reading an' I just needed a quick bite. I'll see ye all later."

Cypher has posed:
Doug mutters, "I just smell like booze and cranberries, that's all." He looks up at Rahne, and says, "...Night Rahney," Before he gives Illyana a warm hug, with a squeeze. "Mmmf."

Magik has posed:
Illyana does not squeeze, but she closes her arms. It is very stiff as far as hugs go. Then she releases him and resumes sipping her coffee with a squinting stare. "Is true, you smell like vodka and cranberry. Maybe is good time for shower."

Cypher has posed:
Doug lets Illyana go, and puts his hands on his hips. He pauses, and then tries to surreptitiously sniff under one of his arms. "Might be." He says, before he glances back to Illyana. "Is something wrong?" Then he gestures. "...Answer completely contingent on whether you feel like talking about anything that might... or might not be wrong. Of course."

Magik has posed:
Illyana stares at Doug, squinting at first, then wider eye, but never very expressive. She's sizing him up, trying to deside if he's bieng serious, "We did not cover this already?" Motioning back and forth between them with her coffee mug. "What is it you are wanting to know? Why you are thinking something is wrong?"

Cypher has posed:
"We did." Doug says, stepping back. He is, at this point in time, an open book. Then he says, "...I don't know. Just--" He gestures, "I--" He quirks his mouth up, and then says, "...I'm stupid?"

Magik has posed:
"Da, you are very stupid." Illyana agrees, rubbing at the center of her right shin with the hell of her left foot almost as an after thought. "Come on, stupid. I do not want to stand in kitchen smelling your vodka shirt." She motions towards the back doors leading out to the yard, but first stops at the coffee machine to refill her mug.

Cypher has posed:
Doug pads along behind, after getting himself a cup of coffee. He takes it black. "...Hey, I've been trying to wrangle a packed nightclub full of people all night! Of all the jobs I'd have figured Sam would take, Impresario wasn't one of them. Then again, I wouldn't have pegged myself as a bouncer either. But considering, I think I smell pretty good!"