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Latest revision as of 14:02, 24 July 2019

Rumble in the Cocrete Jungle
Date of Scene: 23 July 2019
Location: Ling Exports, Chinatown, NYC
Synopsis: Hammerhead attempts a hostile takeover of the Dragons' business. Unfortunately, he's picked a very bad time for it.
Cast of Characters: Hammerhead, Kid, Typhoid Mary, Spike, Pixie

Hammerhead has posed:
The Ling Exports warehouse in Chinatown has been abandoned for 5 years. In its prime, it would receive hundreds of imports from China and ship them to restaurants all over NYC and beyond. However, the warehouse being closed has not stopped it's day to day activities. Recetnly, the relatively intact warehouse has been bought out by a small-time Chinese gang called The Jade Dragons, who have been using it as a hub to traffic exotic animals all over the city. Recently, it has been Underworld rumor that Hammerhead is planning on buying the warehouse and taking over the Dragons operations. One way or another you find yourself in Chinatown near the warehouse.

Kid has posed:
    Well, as it turns out, Gangsters, goons, random passerbyes...they all work to feed the beast. And Kid despite his recent injuries still needed too! But when he heard through the grape vine about Hammerhead planning a take over...a more deviouse idea came to mind. The flattop mob boss had rubbed him the wrong way. The gorilla figures it was time for a bit of fun, and to mess with the Wannabe King Pin some more.
    As such, Kid, was hanging around the warehouse. Knowing his way around the area, he himself was on the side of the building, having climbed up a dumpster, some old boxes, and a fire-escape to reach the roof proper. From there he looked into a broken old side window, to observe and see where the best place to come in was. He was currently in his 'teenager' illusion, hiding his real gorilla self as per usual during these kinds of instances

Typhoid Mary has posed:
The fun thing about bad guys is that they talk. They aren't supposed to. It just seems to happen. Someone at a bar having a few beers mentions something to a buddy and the next thing the boss knows, his secrets are being spread through the grapevine. Other bosses then find out the rumor and that is when things happen. Bad things. For one of those bad guys, it's going to mean a payday.

Typhoid is strolling in the direction of the warehouse. She could use stealth. She could sneak in to do the deed. But honestly? She was bored and this would be more exciting for her. Thus she was strolling toward the front gate, a few weapons tucked into her jacket and her machetes in sheaths by her legs. She was whistling quietly to herself as she walked, an old song called 'Monday Monday'. Her senses were on high alert and she was entirely focused, including her telepathy, despite the nonchalant strolling approach.

Spike has posed:
There's a black 1959 DeSoto Firefly parked near the warehouse with a blanket covering the back. The blanket's not laying flat though. Spike is very much under it, pretending to sleep. He's been intrigued on a lead finding things for Contessa, and his leads led him here. Salacious as the things he's been tasked to find...salacious as they are, Spike's watching the warehouse, sitting up now a little, enough to watch, the blanket around him now. Then again, his hair's totally not going with the blanket color, he's sort of giving himself away there. Hair. Distinctive hair.

Pixie has posed:
As luck would have it, Megan was enjoying a nice flight above the city, specifically above chinatown and heading in the general direction of the warehouse. She had heard rumours of gang activity or crimelords working in this area, but she didn't know many details.

Actually, she had wandered into this particular shady area by sheer coincidence, having so thoroughly enjoyed riding the wind currents that she didn't yet notice what's going on down below.

Dressed in a simple black frilly mini dress with shorts underneath, she's out and about, just enjoying herself. Good thing it's dark enough that she's not easily spotted unless she moves towards a streetlamp. It also makes it harder for her to see, so she does move towards said streetlamp.

Hammerhead has posed:
As kid peered into the warehouse he would see cages, boxes, and other containment materials containing a variety of animals, large and small. In the center of this were a group of Chinese gangsters wearing suits, one of them obviiously shorter then the rest, crossing his arms frowning. Among the growling, chirping and other animal noises, a garage door slid open and a group of men wearing 1930s gangster clothing, the tell-tale sign of being members of Hammerhead's outfit walk in. The leader of this group is a tall, musuclar man of hispanic descent. In one hand he is carrying a suit case of money and in the other, a large, ugly looking machete. The two groups stop in the center of the warehouse. The short man and the tall man then start talking to each other. But, what is being said is drowned out by the noises the animals are making.
     Mary would notice a doorman outside of the warehouse. He is a tall, bald chinese man wearing a suit and covered in tatoos. Once he sees Mary, he immedialtey starts walking towards her trying to be intimidating. Once he gets close enough, he says to her," Beat it, this is restricted area.!"

Spike has posed:
Spike hops out of his car, pulling himself up to his full height and leaving the blanket behind. He's curious now. Plus he's wondering if Contessa's....things are in there. One way to find out. Okay, two. One, spend weeks scoping thing sout. Two. Break in. Spike's a fan of option two, career criminal and all that as Spike looks over, crossing he street but staying to the shadows...well in theory, he's got his duster and usual clothing on, and a sneer on his lips too. Spike's slowly edging toward the warehouse.

Kid has posed:
Kid glances up, as Megan passes by a street map, noticing her. But she seemed to be in a world of her own, and not bothering him, he so he turns back to what he was doing, noticing who was showing up. That is untill he notices the door man. Who is now being conviently distracted by Megan! Well this works out perfectly for Kid. He swaps from his teen illusion to his invisible one, and climbs back down the way he came. Kid has been...breaking and entering into places for awhile, so despite his immense size, he was quiet on his feet.
    Kid being 'invisible' and quiet, attempts to sneak into the opened garage door. And if successful, he wouldn't go directly to the group of goons. Oh no, he had a much more...fun idea. He would instead try to make his way over to the animal cages, see what exactly they had stored here, and what he might be able to use to his advantage.

Typhoid Mary has posed:
As the man moves to meet her a bit away from the door, Typhoid can't help but smile. Despite the half mask of white makeup on her face, she makes it as friendly as possible. A shift of her head has her dreads falling over the front of her shoulder. She brushes them back absently with a hand, drawing attention to her shoulder and the open jacket she was wearing. With nothing underneath but a leather harness of a sort usually kept in quiet dark rooms for naughty play. The jacket is what is keeping her decent.

"Oooo, really?" she says playfully. "Cause that just makes it so much more appealing." Even as she is talking, she is reaching telepathically for his mind, giving him the suggestion that he would like to let her inside. After all, she's supposed to be here, right? Or so the mental suggestion is trying to tell him. "They're expecting me. I'm new on the payroll. So why don't you just let me in and you can get to your job and I can get to my job. Although maybe we can meet up later after all this is over."

Hammerhead has posed:
Kid manages to sneak past the gangsters. Amongst the animals at the various cages are parrots, various types of snakes, a few monkeys, and most alarmingly, a full-grown siberian tiger. The tiger seems to catch Kid's scent and growls agressivley. Suddenly, you hear footsteps rushing towards the area and one of the Chinese gangsters shows up. Upon seeing nothing, he starts to yell at the tiger in Madarin and bangs his fist at the cage. Meanwhile, the doorman's eyes bug out as he is being telpathically manipulated. He steps aside and says to Mary," Come in, Mr.Chong is expecting you."

Spike has posed:
Spike's not quite sneaking. He's walking up looking like he's got money or....or....something. Then again. Billy Idol walking up, less sneaking is conspicious. Spike finally speaks. "Oy, how much for a tiger in there? I want one for my house"

Spike probably could fit one in the Hugo Building's sub basement...whether everyone else would be okay with it is a whole other matter, but for a way in, short of bribing the guard....Spike can't think of other options. It's like he's calmed down some and isn't quite as homicidally violent. Or at least hair trigger temper.

Kid has posed:
Kid grins at this. He wasn't alarmed by the tiger, infact he was rather excited by it. It is the first time he has seen a tiger beyound Tony the Tiger. The parrots and snake and monkies where nice. But that goon...was not. A plan was hatching...and it was time to flex those psychic muscles.
    Kid first quietly goes up to the goon, and in one fell swoop attempts to cover his mouth and pull him away from the cage (to prevent further paniced banging) to drain his mind and knock him out. If this was successful, he would send out a telepathic 'message' to the animals (not humans) in the warehouse. A o O ("Quiet Down. Than you get out") it was very simple and to the point. And yes, Kid could infact use his telepathy on animals. Language wasn't an issue when it came to thoughts.

Hammerhead has posed:
The doorman, who i suddenly jogged from his telepathic stupor with almost no memroy of Mary turns in surpise towards Spike. He was about to hreaten him when he brought up the tiger. Mr.Chong had been wanting to get ot that thing for weeks and he was told to let in coustomers who have an interest in buying it. He then grins and says in his most polite voice," $15,000

Typhoid Mary has posed:
"Thanks, babe," Typhoid says to the guard, trailing a hand over his arm as she walks past then into the open door. From there, it is just a matter of pausing to get her bearings, keeping those sense on full alert. She hears a voice behind her talking to the guard as the door closes but isn't worried about that. Her concerns are going to be up ahead. She starts humming to herself again as she heads further into the interior, in search of Mr. Chong and whoever might be with him.

Spike has posed:
Spike goes on in, looking around with a sigh. He could just get a tiger from here. Instead he's looking around and looking for the darkest, most shadowy corner to sit in and watch everything. Impressively, Spike's looking at the tigers, all to keep up the facade of buying one. Before he does his thing. His vampire thing.

Hammerhead has posed:
The goon lets out a grunt as he is grabbed. Once the mind draining begins, he immeidatley goes limp falling unconcious. The animals immediatley fall silent as Kid's message spreads through. Yo then hear two voices in a heated argument. One in a thick.Hispanic accent and the other in Chinese accent.
     "200,000 dollars is a rip-off! I want more!"
     Does it sound like i am giving ya a choice ese. If you don't take the money, Signore Hammerhead will take this place by force!"
     The sounds of guns clicking fill the air. Obvoiusly things are starting to turn sour.

Kid has posed:
Kid grins and keeps on broadcasting o O ("Alright...time to let yalls out. And no eating me") that was especially directed to a certain tiger. But he wasn't just going to let them out. He said quiet...mainly to start getting the sense of something 'wrong' going on.
    Step two would be...much harder. He concentrates hard, and the animals begin to....vanish! Well some do, those closest to the goons. He was spreading his invisibility illusion to the other animals, hoping the gangsters, being in shock and surprise would open the cages themselves to figure out what was going on, providing the oppertunity for escape! But meanwhile....the creak of an iron cage opening...the cage of the siberian tiger, can be heard in the now quiet(er) warehouse.

Typhoid Mary has posed:
Sounds like a party was about to start and she wasn't even there yet! Typhoid may not have the time to wait for the sale to happen before letting loose. It was supposed to be Hammerhead's business but honestly, he'd be losing something he obviously wanted so did it really matter?

She began to whistle now, drawing her machetes in each hand. Then she walked into the open, doing her damndest to draw all eyes her direction. Telepathically, she would send a suggestion to each group that the enemy was the opposite side. Hammerhead vs Chong and vice versa. She was just a there on the fringes and no threat. "200K really is a ripoff though. You should do something about that, Mr. Chong."

Hammerhead has posed:
The telepathic assult Mary is doing seeoms to ding it's job as Mr.Chong suddenly pulls out a nasty looking blade from his pocket and Hammerhead's enforcer raises his machete.
     "I will kill you you snake!"
     "Not if i kiil ya first ese!"
    . The other gangsters were about to join into the fight when one of the chinese gangsters lets out a sound of shock. Two others turn around and notice some of the animals missing. One of the gangsters immedialtey runs towards the parrot cage and opens it. meanwhile, two of Hammer's goons hear the toger cage opening and go to investigate. Suddenly, the tiger pounces on one of the goons and starts to maul him as the other pulls out his pistol and fires at the tiger. The parrots also immedialtye fly out and start squaking and making all kinds of noises.

Kid has posed:
And the fun begins! Kid couldn't hold the illusions forever, not with so many creatures and people, but it was enough to start things off. o O ("Try not to kill anyone Tiger") he suggest to the tiger. He...keeps the tiger invisible, and himself, the parrots reappearing.
    Next up where the monkies. Well..actually, he had to skip on the monkies for the moment. Instead when he notices one of the goons shooting at HIS tiger (he mighta grown attached already), he charges the goon and shoulder checks him with avengence, intent on sending him flying.

Spike has posed:
Spike looks to the tiger, then the other cages. He's trying his best to sneak over and let the other big cats out. The parrots need no help in that regard, they're out. There's one tiger out. What's more big cats? Spike's trying to get to the cages and open them all. He may even see about bringing a new friend home, too. Then again, Spike's ready to totally not save the goons from being mauled. They got it coming, in his view.

Typhoid Mary has posed:
Now this was a party! Lions and tigers and bears! At least a tiger. Who is doing something amazing over there with that goon. However, she is not going to let others have all the enjoyment. One moment Typhoid is smiling happily, the next she is leaping for one of Hammerhead's goons with the pair of machetes flashing in the air. The intention was to remove his head from his shoulders with the swish-swish action.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn does eventually notice activity going on below, and she flutters down and into a nearby open window for a closer look. Ooh wow, animals in cages. That's different. And gangstas and a fight and..."Woah, what on earth did I just walk in on?" well if she didn't stick out before, she probably sticks out a bit now.

Hammerhead has posed:
The goon shooting at the tiger is suddenly shoulder checked by Kid. He goes flying from the force and slams into the monkey cage, denting it heavily. Everything is in complete chaos now as two more tigers are released now as Mr.Chong and the hispanic man seem to snap out of whatever control Mary had on him. Mr, Chong gapes at the chaos before him as Hammer's enforcer suddenly notices Gwynn in the background. He pulls out a pistol and says to her while shooting at her," This is your doing isn't it?" Meanwhile, Mary sucessfully decapitates the goon and is greeted by a Chinese Gangster an another one of Hammer's goons. They looked disgusted from a minute before pulling out pistols and shooting at her

Spike has posed:
Spike's slowly working his way alon to the cages, his aim's to open them all. Two more big cats, the flying goon into the monkey cage. Spike's going to have a story to tell. If he knew he'd walk into this, he'd have brought something for the cats. Spike tough is wanting to hide in the shadows andwatching all the chaos. It's relaxing and amusing really. Spike's watching everything with a wicked grin.

Kid has posed:
Time to add a new animal to the fray! Kid drops his invisiblity, but alter his look enough to resemble a normal gorilla. But it wasn't just himself that was being changed or shown. He was now adding to the illusion, creating the growls of tigers, the squawks of parrots, the howling of monkies! Amplifying the sounds already present, making things seem places they were not. Growing chaos!
    But also taking action, he charges towards the goons, intent on barreling into them with all this confusion to further begin driving away these criminal underlings!

Pixie has posed:
Yikes, this is literally a zoo! Megan meeps and darts out of the way of random animals runnig around and goons fighting random people. It doesn't take long for one of them to start shooting at her however, and she yelps, fluttering around and ducking under a nearby crate to avoid getting hit by gunfire. "Okay fine, be that way.." she makes a face, trying to slip behind the goon and flings some fairy dust at him from behind. "That's not my doing, but this is!" hopefully he will inhale a shower of pink sparklies and be too distracted to point that gun at her anymore.

Hammerhead has posed:
Mr.Chong's eyes widened as he sees the gorilla charging towards him. He leaps awway from the gorilla as he plows into a group of both his and Hammer's goons. Mr.Chong immiedialtey starts trying to crawl awway towards the emergency exit of the building as the chaos around him seems to get worse. This is not helped by the snake cage being broken ipen by one of the flying henchmen. As hte snakes start slithering about, Chong finally gets on his feet and attempts to flee to the exit, panting heavily as he did.

Typhoid Mary has posed:
Chaos makes Typhoid happy. This is her kind of world. Animals everywhere, the noise getting louder by the second as beasts are freed. There is a gorilla now too! Only, she can't enjoy the craziness as the guns are aimed in her direction finally. As the first bullet is fired, her blade flashes through the air. There is a distinct 'ting' then the bullet falls to the ground about ten feet away where it was deflected. Her smile turns dark as she blocks another bullet. And another. "You fired. Now it's my turn."

Out of her jacket float two daggers into the air. They hover a moment as she holds steady with machetes in hand, ready to deflect anymore bullets coming her way. Then the daggers are sent flying telekinetically toward the two goon shooting at her.

Spike has posed:
Spike's laughng now. "Bloody hell it's like feeding time at the zoo!" he shouts, retreating to a dark corner, or the nearest corner in fact. There's enouh going on that he's happy enough to sit and watch and cheer on the chaos. Because Spike's majorly enjoying this one. Majorly, sure it's not him fighting but this is awesome to watch, relaly

Kid has posed:
Well, Kid wasn't about to go anywhere without his meals! Men being scattered and batter was good and all. But the big fish is where it's at. The gorilla, drums his chest as if in intimidation...before charging towards Chong! He would leap towards the man, and attempt to grab and drain him like the rest! Draining not only feeds kid, but gives him access to infomation and skills at time...and he was curiouse if this was apart of a larger operation. Sure he didn't like the police, but there were other avenues.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn has hopefully subdued the mobster after her, and while he's distracted, she attempts to kick the gun out of his hand too. Huzzah! She doesn't really like guns, but they're handy too, so if successful, she'll keep the gun before fluttering to a higher vantage point so she can peer around at the chaos below. "Alright, let's see if I can free the rest.." she searches for any cages that are still closed, and does her best to bust 'em open, using the gun if need be. She's not sure what kinda crime ring she's stumbled upon - were they planning on selling them to the zoo or illegally to people with exotic tastes? - But it's kinda mean to leave them all caged up like this.

Hammerhead has posed:
The Enforcer was hit by the fairy dust and fell into a coughing fit, only to scream in pain as the gun was kicked from his hands. He tries leaping at pixie, only to miss and faceplant onto the ground. As Meg did her job by relasing the animals, Mary's blades found there way int othe chests of the two gonns killing them instantly. Kid manages to grab Chong and as he began to drain him, he discovers that there is a larger animal smuggling ring in mainland China and Chong got his animals from a contact living in Staten Island. Meanwhile, Hammerhead's messanger recovers from flaceplanting and, upn seeing all that happend, starts sprinting towards another exit, cursing in Spanish as he did.

Typhoid Mary has posed:
As the man makes a run for the exit, Typhoid is planned on letting him. After all, she needs at least one witness to report to Hammerhead what happened. "Be sure to tell Hammerhead that Fat Ernesto sends his regards!" she yells out to the retreating figure even as she reaches for her last power, the one she will use to finish her deed in the warehouse.

Flames begin to appear, an inch deep layer dancing along the outside of her clothes and skin. She glances to a crate and it bursts into flames. Then to an empty cage where more flames start to lick and dance. Mentally, she sends out a telepathic burst toward the animals in the area, urging them to get out of the building. Thinking Kid is one of them, he would be hit by it too. She figures any humans are dead or going to die soon. Other than the pixie thing up there which is definitely something she's never seen before. She leaves her out of the telepathic wave.

Kid has posed:
With Mr. Chong out and downed, he got the infomation he needed. And that when he feels the telepathic burst. He shivers as it passes through his defenses, giving him the urge to get out. And he almost doesn't resist it, as he found himself stepping towards the exit. The only thing that stopped him from following through...where the tigers. Animal control...moreso than any other animal here, was potentially quite likely to get shot on the spot.
    The desire to make sure this doesn't happen to them JUST manages to stop him from fleeing. But not from leaving. Having gotten the sense there were three tiger totals...he 'calls out' to them. o O ("You three, with me. Find home") he hoped the tigers would come without issue...he knows someone who may be able to help get them home.

Spike has posed:
Spike smells the smoke and just....wastess no time in leaping through the window. or at least doing his best impression of diving through it to get out of the building. Because the windows are a more direct way out. Spike's not caring to run out the door, short, simple, gettng out works just fine for this vampire. Spike's looking worried at the plce, imagining it going up. That's making him want to get out of here even quicker.

Hammerhead has posed:
As the warehouse caught on fire, the animal's headed Mary telepathic message and began streaming out of the building. The tigers top short however, and look at Kid before approaching him.

Kid has posed:
And...there was fire. Lots of fire. NOPE! Kid OUT! With the tiger following, he would lead them out of the warehouse...and towards a Van. It takes but a few moments to get the van open, and coax the tigers in...and for him to more or less hijack it. Needless to say...yea, he wasn't going to stay at the scene of the crime. And between the fire, gunshots, animal noise, he is damn sure the copper would be here any moment.

Typhoid Mary has posed:
As the flames started to rage, Typhoid calmly walked over to pull her daggers out of her two victims. The blood was wiped off on their clothing then she tucked the blades back into her jacket. Then just as calmly as she had arrived, she headed for the exit as the world around her burned. She began to whistle again as she left.