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Latest revision as of 18:54, 10 August 2019

Red, Blue, and Gold
Date of Scene: 27 July 2019
Location: Atlantic Ocean
Synopsis: Impulse runs into Supergirl and Mon-El after escaping Doom-Bekistan!
Cast of Characters: Impulse, Supergirl, Mon-El

Impulse has posed:
Freedom! For the last several weeks Bart has been kept captive in Latveria, courtesy of Doctor Doom. Having not been able to find Doctor Wells, the teenager gets his barings and starts to make his way towards America, following the winding roads of Europe.

Supergirl, in the quite void of space would be able to spot the bright streak of crimson and gold lightning as it makes it's way westward taking the better part of two minutes as well as at least fifty wrong turns before finally leaving the coast of France to start moving across the Atlantic Ocean at high speed.

Supergirl has posed:
She comes up here, sometimes. To get away from the stress of life. To get away from the stress of it all. And just...

Listen. Listen to the heartbeat of the world.

Clark had his fortress of Solitude, where he could get away from it all. Kara had... the sun. The stars. The brushing of the wind as it worked across the entire globe, a rush in her hearing. The ocean waves. Kara smiles to herself as she focuses on that, basking in the lifegiving rays of the sun, when...

SPLASHSPLASHSPLASHSPLASH... or whatever the sound would make. It was unusual. Twisting around in space, Kara sets her eyes down on the Earth itself, noting that streak blasting across the ocean. Was that... "Flash?" Kara says to herself. But no one was listening up here.

She'd have to be careful. So she aims at a point where it looked like Impulse was running, rocketing towards the ocean at that point, and pulling up at the last moment. He'd probably outrun her in a second. "FLASH!" she calls out to the blur, using every ounce she had to keep up. "SLOW DOWN! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?"

Impulse has posed:
The Flash.. Isn't himself it seems! wearing an outfit predominantly of white and red with gold hightlights Impulse glances up when his grandpa's codename is called out, the teenager looks a mess, his cowl gone, missing one leg of his uniform completely, the other ripped and gone from the knee down, his right arm missing it's covering as well as part of the lightning emblem on his chest. "ohh!Wow!Superwoman!ManamIgladtoseeyouIneedhelp!" he says excitedly "Orhasthatnothappenedyet?AreyouSuperwomanorstillSupergirl?" he asks "Can'tslowdownI'llsink" he explains. "Quick!Catchme!" he calls out speeding up just a little bit to get ahead of the Maiden of Steel to leap into the air his arms opening wide!

Supergirl has posed:
Eyes widening, Supergirl reaches out her arms, twisting about to catch Impulse under the arms. "I um... I'm Supergirl?" says Kara to him, catching the teen. "And you aren't the Flash... I... who are you? Where are you running from?" Kara asks. Maybe she's flying dreadfully slow for him, but she was still going in the same direction, holding him under his arms, dangling beneath her.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar has been looking for Kara, having heard some disturbing news from Kal the last time he'd spoken to her cousin. Hovering around in low orbit is also something he finds himself doing as well from time to time, to get away from all the sights and sounds of the world.

    He spots her carrying...someone? And flies down toward them. "Kara!" Oof, that guy didn't look so good. The Daxamite starts scanning his body, searching for any serious injuries that might need medical attention. "Who's this?" he peers at Impulse. "You okay?"

Impulse has posed:
Impulse is panting, something Supergirl probably has never seen Flash do before. "Names Impulse, Flash is my Grandpa. It's a long story, Time travel's involved." he explains. Mon-El's x-ray scans will show that Impulse is physically perfectly healthy, though his enhanced vision will notice the crystalline lattice of a 30th century AI NanoMesh (tm) computer fused with his bones as well as his cortex, the small crystalline implant a sharp contrast from the rest of his body.

"Could be better, kinda tired, running on fumes havn't eaten decently in weeks. Just got broken out of the dark fortress Doom-bekistan and their room service sucked." he explains. "Can, we like find an island somewhere so I can catch my breath a little?" he asks

Supergirl has posed:
    "Flash doesn't even have a girlfriend!" exclaims Kara, her brow furrowing, her blonde hair whipping in the wind. "Time travel?" Kara quirks her lips into a thoughtful glance, shifting the hold she was taking on the futuristic supersonic boy a bit. Hopefully to something a little more comfortable.

"Wait. You escaped from Doctor Doom? He's messing with time?" Supergirl asks. Nodding at his answer, she moves as if to gain height, trusting that Mon-El will fly along with her. She was getting a little more altitude so she can spy an island - and as soon as she sees something reasonably islandly, she was turning that way.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Ah." Lar says with a nod when he sees the 30th century tech and Impulse mentions time travel. It's not as much of a strange thing for him, being a time traveler himself. "Doom, huh? Well I'm glad you managed to get out of there."

    He follows Kara and Impulse to the island. Hopefully it's a nice one. "Kara, I um...need to talk to you about something."

Impulse has posed:
When the island comes within reach and he's let go of by Supergirl, the teen just sits on the sandy atoll and lays back arms and legs splayed about. "You two.. Talk, I'm gonna just lay here for a minute." he says politely closing his eyes and just enjoying the still warm sand and the cool night air his mind turned inward to poke at the mental connection that is Gideon. <Gideon, wake up..> he gives the AI the mental command but doesn't get any responce back a frown forming on his face oblivious to all.

Supergirl has posed:
Supergirl pauses, having let Impulse go upon the island. Cape and skirt fluttering in the wind, she moves to take a landing in the soft sand, folding her arms in front of herself. "Is it private? I'd like to think he can listen in," says Kara. "I know we don't know him, but..."

Kara looks back at him. "I think he needs our help. Whatever Doom is up to... it sounds like it's messing with the timestreams now," Kara tells the Daxamite, heaving a sigh as she looks to him.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar peers over at Impulse as he lies on the sand, debating whether he should allow the speedster to overhear this conversation or not. Well, he didn't appear to be trying to deceive them about anything thus far...

    He shrugs and turns back to Kara. "It's about Kal." he says, frowning. "Have you talked to him recently?"

Supergirl has posed:
    Kara pauses a half second more. "Hmn," she says, letting her eyes flick to Mon-El again. Then back towards Impulse. "I haven't. Is everything okay with him? I know he had some hard times lately - but I figrue he's busy and all," says Supergirl.

Mon-El has posed:
    "He wasn't very specific, but he said he thinks whatever had a hold of him back on Apokolips isn't gone, just defeated, and that it's coming back. Something called 'The Darkness'." Lar explains, still looking worried. "He said it was trapped in something called the Source Wall...do you know anything about it?"

Supergirl has posed:
    "Goodness. That all sounds very Kryptonian," says Kara, kinda narrowing her eyes as she looks over the salty waters. "...is that a part of the Phantom Zone, maybe? Did Superman think I knew something about it?" she inquires.

Impulse has posed:
Impulse's eyes remain closed, but his mouth doesn't. "I might have some info, but I'll need some help in accessing it." he says another frown playing on his lips before his eyes finally open. "So, First.. Doom didn't bring me from the future.. I brought my self by accident. He's curious about The Speed-Force and captured me to experiment on. Besides, temporal mechanics don't work the way I think you're thinking they do." he adds. "Do either of you have access to a Sunstone Computer core? I remember my history class talking about them being of Kryptonian design."

Mon-El has posed:
    "I don't know--he didn't say, but I just thought I'd throw it out there, since I've never heard of it myself." Lar says with a shrug. "He also said...it was trying to hide the existence of someone named Grail from him, and that we need to find her. Do you know a Grail?" he asks.

    He turns to Impulse as the speedster speaks up again. "Hm, I could ask Brainiac about that."

Supergirl has posed:
    A shake of her head, "I don't know any of that," Supergirl says, lifting her chin to Impulse. "Or anything about that, really... except I had a Sunstone computer... back on Krypton," she says, letting the excitement fall from her voice again. "...oh," she says. "Why do you need a core like that, though?" she asks.

Impulse has posed:
"When I was captured, my AI companion Gideon went into lockdown mode. I think she was damaged in the fight though, cause I can't turn her back on. The only thing in this time period that would have the capabilities for me to manipulate my cortex implant would be a Kryptonian computer. I can then set Gideon to searching her databases for anything in relation to The Source Wall." he explains frowning and tugging on a piece of his costume that's barely hanging on by a thread tugging it off and tossing it to the ground where it turns into a grey powder that's blown away by the sea breeze.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sighs as Kara doesn't seem to know any more than he does. But it couldn't have hurt to ask, right?

    "The Fortress of Solitude is the only place I can think of that would have something like that." Lar replies to Impulse. "So it would have to be up to Kara or Kal to allow you access to it."

Supergirl has posed:
    "I'd kinda have to know what it's for. I mean... Kal let me in there, but it's kinda... meant to be private. Kinda the one place in the world we can go and get away from things," says Kara. "I'd kinda wanna check with him first, if that's alright," says Kara to Impulse.

    "You know, the Justice League might know a lot of this stuff!" says Kara. A gasp. "And I'm /in/ the Justice League, too!"

Impulse has posed:
A look of sadness washes over the young teens face, but he doesn't say anything and just nods. "Totally understandable. If he'll let me use his Fortress just for a little bit, I promise I won't break anything." he says moving to stand up his breath caught. "Either of you know a good all you can eat breakfast place? I really need to eat something." he explains, his stomach letting out a massive gurgle of agreement.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Well, even if you can't use the Fortress, I'm sure Brainiac could come up with something. As far as I can tell, you're from the same time period he came from." Lar encourages him. Because if Querl Dox can't figure it out, then it probably just can't be done period.

    As for breakfast. "Erm..." he glances around the island. "Not around here, that's for sure." he chuckles. "Honestly, you're kind of asking the wrong person. I don't have to eat like you do, so I don't uh--pay much attention to it. It's kind of optional for the sake of enjoyment, so if I don't find myself with the time to do it, I don't."

Supergirl has posed:
    The future stuff, Kara didn't quite have a handle on. See? It was good for Mon-El to be around. "/Oh!/" she says, latching onto a bit in the conversation she did recognize. "Yes, I know a cute little diner in Metropolis. Mon-El will pay, though," she says, winking to him.

    She had a feeling she knew how much speedsters ate, after all.

Impulse has posed:
Impulse grins, and leaps up into Supergirls arms. "Onward!" he calls out with a grin. "Lets eat before my stomach rebels and tries to devower my upper lip and nose!!" he exclaims pointing to the west where morning is starting to break upon the United States.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar arches a brow at Kara. "I...am?" he questions, then chuckles. Oh, he knows how much speedsters eat. "Right, whatever you say, Miss Kara Zor-El." he smirks and follows them back to Metropolis.