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Latest revision as of 19:18, 10 August 2019

Kings Park Carnival
Date of Scene: 03 July 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Darkhawk, Willow Rosenberg, Daniel Osborn, Supergirl

Darkhawk has posed:
It was warm Starling evening. The sun was still bright and shining, despite the hour, and everyone was enjoying the good weather. T-Shirts and shorts or summer dresses were the order of the day, with anyone out and about in long pants sure to find it a bit uncomfortable.

Pennytown was hosting an annual carnival, set up in Kings Park, which would be in desperate need of some gardening attention afterwards. There was a purposefully rickety old looking wooden roller coaster, though perfectly safe. They'd actually covered much of the metal framework with wood for appearances sake.

There was a Crazy Beach Party spinner, which would rotate in a giant circle, even taking the people upside down on a large axis. There was the Atmosfear, which was one large central tube, which sent out revellers around in a giant circle, and also turned them on their sides for part of it. There was the dreaded Drop Zone, which needed no explanation. But that was just a small sampling of what was available. There were hoops, sharpshooting, ring tosses, anvil strength tests, a couple of water rides, go carts, and anything else one might expect.

And best of all, it was University Night. All you had to do was show your university ID and you'd get in for free. They may not have thought this program through, as the place was way too crowded, but they were making a killing on shirt, souvenir, and food sales.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow had her own reasons for dropping into Starling - most of which had to do with a certain arcane item she was tracking down. It had blipped off her radar for a time, and returned recently with vague hits on the West coast. One of which was directly in the Starling area. The only thing with her particular brand of scrying was that sometimes it took it's own time. Actually, she suspected that something had either blocked her attempts before, or something had changed. Either way, when she'd gotten the invite to come enjoy the fair - in Starling of all places! - Willow hatched a plan to hit two birds with one stone.

Three if you counted the fact that Oz had never been on a zetaport before.

And, okay, it was a bit of a cheat, but she'd asked Sam if he could provide an ID for Oz so that he could get into the fair free too, making a mental note to send them some money as soon as she'd found herself a part time job and could save up for it.

"It's mostly a good likeness?" she told him on their way there. "Just.. I don't know. Sam says you kinda hold your thumb over the corner and look bored. Like they're bothering you by asking. He's kinda good at this pretending thing."

He was also on walkabout, having dropped the package off for her, along with his latest bus pass and some stickers for the next few months, telling her to enjoy, he'd 'paid' for them. Which Willow didn't believe, but gosh.. free bus?

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"I'll remember that," Oz says, with a bit of a laugh. A fair? In Canada? Of course he got a driver's license that'd let him cross the border and function as a passport between the US and Canada, so, that was no problem. As for the fake ID for the fair, he was a bit surprised, willing to pay to get in, but, okay. Free fair? Fun times ahead. Plus it was a chance to spend more time with Willow, even if he knew she had other reasons for being there. But he'll take whatever he can get at this point. But all that asside, fair time!

Supergirl has posed:
Or maybe they did think it through, and were making a killing on sales of things that they don't normally do.

Either way, Kara Zor-...erm... Danvers was hanging out in the carnival, enjoying a faint break of normalcy admist all of the chaos that was in her life lately. Warm summer nights were the best. And Kara was enjoying it! All the people, and the energy of this carnival. Dark blue bikini - well, more of a sports bra top, but it was obviously a swimsuit. A dark blue bikini bottoms, covered with a crimson long-sleeved sweater sort of top, tied around her waist in a makeshift skirt that shows off her right leg.

Ah, and a pair of sunglasses, tucked into her blonde hair, which was currently allowed to hang free around her shoulders. With a bit of fried dough in one hand, she was laughing with a handful of other girls, when in this crowd of people, she manages to spy, with her little eye - Willow and Oz both.

Willow she recognized at least, and with powdered sugar decorating around her red-painted lips, she beams a smile, lifting her hand up to wave the fried dough in her direction. "Willow!" she calls.

Willow might be forgiven for not hearing her in this carnival crowd. At least she was near the edge of it?

Darkhawk has posed:
Chris Powell was running late. He'd been up on Mackenzie King Station in Low-Orbit, working on some satellite. He didn't really understand it, but when Doc Hudson told him to attach something to a satellite, he was okay with a screwdriver. It was plug and play. Security up there was kind of non-existant. They didn't expect anyone to be able to reach, so it was pretty easy to do a repair.

Trouble was, he couldn't make it back to the station's Zetaport in time either. It was quicker to just free fall, and so he let himself fall, and fall, and fall. It was like he was a human sized mass driver, except that instead of making a crater in the Earth, possibly kicking up dirt and destroying an area, he'd slow his descent towards the end.

He'd forgotten to radio ahead, but fortunately one of the people on the station saw him, and arranged to notify NORAD so that nobody thought Canada was under attack. In any event, his suit barely registered on their systems, a cause for great concern. He was a friendly and they couldn't figure out how to track him. Too bad he didn't know how to help. It was alien tech. He was barely a college student.

Once he slowed, he landed in an alleyway, transformed, and was once again wearing the clothes he had before he went up this morning. He had on a turquoise t-shirt, breathable, with grey accents underneath the arms and down the sides. It was actually a swim shirt, in case he ended up in the dunk tank. You never knew. He had 80's style black swim shorts on, with pink and turquoise highlights, and swim shoes, which had a sort of Octopus pattern, as if the Octopus' tendrils were coming out of his ankles and wrapped around his feet. He had his wallet in his pocket, and the gem, but both were neatly locked away in waterproof containers.

Heading into the park, he made a bee line to where he was supposed to meet Kara, and some friends. It was a wonder he could find anyone in this crowd. How he wished he had X-Ray vision, or whatever it was she used. He'd heard some lecture about how it wasn't actually X-Ray, as that'd give everyone Cancer, but being able to spot someone in a crowd would come in so handy. For now, he was lost, trying to find a familiar face in the crowd.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I know you could pay," Willow says laughing, dragging Oz along beside her. "But it's for college students! The whole point is to.. I guess if you want to pay you can." It did solve the problem of how much money would she need to save up to send, right? It wasn't like they even had the ticket prices showing today. All the booths that sold them had placards in front of them. Willow wasn't even sure you could get in today without a student card. Like she said, that was kinda the point..

Of course they weren't going to make a killing off of her on the merchandise. The only reason she was here was that it was free. Yay for flunking that course and having a valid card from Mount Royal for the summer semester. (Fine it was a B- but in Willow's world that was a fail).

When Kara is spied, Willow leads Oz through the crowds towards her. Where Kara might be beach ready, Willow is in what could best be described as Bohemian garb. Loose flowy dress with tiny brass bells strung along the bottom, and a similarly loose top. Her satched, in which there were all sorts of odds and ends, including, despite the impracticality of it all, her laptop. She was actually hoping she could check that somewhere, but she wasn't going to turn down the opportunity to scry if she could. Not since she was /right/ /here!/ after all.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz spots Kara, but he doesn't recognize her. he does lift a hand to wave to her when Willow leads them in that direction, though. "Is this one of the friends you were meeting up with?" he asks Willow, with a smile, turning to Kara. "Hey," he says. He looks about, unfortunately being short doesn't allow him to see over the crowds, and he doesn't spot any other familiar faces.

Supergirl has posed:
There was a moment when Kara takes another bite of the fried dough, taking a step to separate herself from the small crowd of friends that she had gathered near, nose crinkling with a wider smile. Kara doesn't go to hug, but her demeanor was warm, friendly, as she approaches the two. "Willow!" she says, lifting her voice to rise above the hubbub of the crowd. "You look nice, I love the bells," she says, waggling her toes in her flip-flops. "What are you doing here, here for the carnival?" she asks, with a cant of her head to the side.

Eyes go to Oz, "And who's this?" she asks, giving a smile to him.

The glance to Oz, in fact, let her spy Chris in the crowd, and she brings up a hand to wave him over. "Chris!" she calls. "Over here!" A beat. "You guys have met Chris, right?" she asks.

Darkhawk has posed:
Panic had yet to settle in, but it was a bit of a zoo. Chris was starting to think that he might never find a familiar face, well, actually he did spot Josh Singh, but Josh was not the kind of guy that Chris liked to hang out with. He did drugs, he cursed, and Chris was pretty sure that he had cheated on his girlfriend Lisa while on a vacation last year. Josh had shown him pictures of himself with two women, barely dressed, so for that, and so many other reasons, Chris went another way when he spotted that guy.

And then he heard a voice calling his name. He didn't see her at first as some 6'9" tall guy in a Lions jersey walked by, but then he spotted her, and Willow? Small world. Heading over, he immediately leaned in to plant a quick kiss, "thanks," he said, his voice sounding relieved, "I thought I'd never find you. Busy night, huh. Oh, hey Willow, how are you?" And then seeing the guy next to her, apparently with her, so he extended his hand to shake, "where are my manners, Chris Powell, what's your name?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow waves happily at Kara, and when they finally are in the same small square of space together (it really is crowded here today), she beams, and digs her hands into her skirt, lifting it a bit to show how the gathers have a fullness to them, even though the entire thing is very light. "Isn't it neat? I got it at a second hand shop in the bargain bin. Look!"

And to demonstrate what, to Willow, is the best quality of the skirt, Willow spins a little, the skirt flaring out and the bells jingling as she does so, creating a small aura of sound about the young woman. Then again, just walking did about the same thing, but honestly, Willow liked doing the spinny thing.

When she's back to facing the group, Willow blushes faintly. "Oh, yeah. I met Chris when I signed up for my course at Mount Royal. He shared his fries with me. Oh gosh, I guess I still owe you for those. Actually, Oz here, and his band, are playing at the Bronx if you guys wanted to come, and I could repay hte fries then?"

Remembering ever belatedly, and flushing further, that none of them know Oz. "Uh. Oz, these are some frie.. peopl..these are my friends, Chris Powell, and Kara Danvers. We met.. Well, Kara and I.. that is.. we kinda bumped into one another doing a thing." There. That covered that whole Superman thing without saying anything, right? "Guys, this is my friend Daniel. He's been abroad."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Hey guys," he says, smiling. "A thing?" he asks willow. He doesn't elaborate though, getting a feeling it's one of those secret things she's not going to tell him about. He can't help but laugh when she does the spinny thing though. "I like the sounds it makes," he says. He turns back to the others with a smile. "I haven't met either of you. Oz," he says. And he shakes Chris's hand, a good, firm handshake. "Are you friends or not?" he asks, with a slight smirk.

Supergirl has posed:
Nose crinkles at the kiss upon her cheek, and Kara turns towards Chris as he comes near, the girl returning the kiss onto his cheek. "You need to shave," she teases him, straightening up again. (Even if he didn't.) Eyes turn back towards the others, her posture and demeanor relaxing considerably.

And as Willow shows off her skirt, Kara unabashedly reaches down to give one of those little bells a tinkle - a flick of the fingertips, laughing audibly even if it doesn't respond. "Cute!" she says, straightening up again as Willow completes the spin.

The blush on the other woman's cheeks seems to catch her off guard, her head tilting to one side. "Oooh, he shared his fries with you. I don't even think he lets /me/ steal fries!" she teases.

"We're friends, don't worry Willow. But we are people too. Promise," she says, nodding her head to Daniel. "Dan," she says. "And yes, doing secret things," she asks, offering her hand after Oz was done shaking Chris'.

Darkhawk has posed:
As Willow shows off her skirt and the way it drapes down to her legs, Chris's eyes naturally go to there, noticing her shoes, whether or not she's shaven her legs, and how it flows in the light breeze. He did give a brief look at the second hand shop, evidentially he's never had to buy anything second hand, but he quickly masks that initial honest reaction.

"Hey, careful there, you don't want to spin yourself out." And he gestured with his hand to one of the monstrous spinning rides, "I heard that one's nicknamed the Vertigo-Maker. And not to worry, it was a gift. I didn't expect anything in return. Besides, you seemed kind of hungry." Yep, Chris, son of a Crown Attorney and a high ranking police officer. He was doing all right.

"Friends, I think," he replied to Oz's question. "And hopefully yours too." Though caught by Kara, he reaches up to brush his skin, "you know, I can never seem to get into the habit of it. It grows just slowly enough that I can't seem to figure out a pattern. And yet this stuff," he tugs at the hair on his head, "grows like a weed. Had another haircut two weeks ago and I already feel like I need a new one."

Eyeing Kara, his lips turned into a mischievous smile, "yeah, that's true. Last time I ordered a plate of fries, I don't think I got more than two of them. And you tried to yank those two out of my hands too!"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow's feet are in Birkenstock sandals - are any of us surprised? And shaving.. well, not that a lady says, but Willow has other things to occupy her time and energy, and besides, she kinda likes her legs the way they are. Doesn't everyone??

There's a giggle as she comes to that stop, Chris' tease reaching her. "Oh, I already did that in the park. I fell over and everything. The sky spun for, oh gosh, forever it felt like." There's a happy sigh from her. "It was amazing. Hey! Do they have spinny rides here?"

Kara gets a sheepish look from Willow. "Everything cost so much there and I didn't have any lunch. I bought a coffee with the only change I had. I think he felt sorry for me. He said he was in town visiting you, and we sorta talked for a bit." She leans closer and whispers, "I didn't mention you know what."

Like that was subtle. Not.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Oz," Oz corrects to Kara, a gentle correction though, but it's what he prefers to go by. "Willow, Chris just pointed that out," he says, gesturing to the same spinny ride mentioned. "I wanna go on it. It's a pleasure, Kara," he says, turning back to her. Of course the secret thing means he doesn't ask questions, but when Willow whispers, he hears her, not surprising, and turns to her with a slightly quirked eyebrow. Something's going on here that he doesn't know about, and likely isn't supposed to know about, and he's not so sure he wants to stick around for it, but, hey, at least he's with Willow.

Supergirl has posed:
Willow was /definitely/ in the superspy territory.

Leaning forward to catch that whisper (although she had superhearing, so, yeah), Kara straightens up and nods her head at that. "Well," she says. "I'm happy he fed you then," she says. "Even if you didn't mention, ah... do I actually know what?" she asks, face screwing up in thought. Talking about ~that~ in public was probably a ~thing~ and a ~half~.

Or something like that. "They have spinny rides, and rolly rides, and all sorts of rides - you guys wanna go on one?" she asks.

Although the most intense ride probably didn't reach near the level in her average fight, it was still nice to look at it. "Oh, and bumper cars!" she says, looking to Oz. "Oz? So not Sherman Daniel Wellington Osborn the third?" she asks, sticking out her tongue in mild joke before she straightens again.

And Kara offers the remains of her fried dough to Chris. "Here - I'm not really hungry anymore. If you're hungry," she says.

Darkhawk has posed:
At least Oz didn't miss it. "I think Willow might still be dizzy from the spinning," he tried to cover for her possible embarrassment." Chris might well be the least informed person here, as he doesn't have super hearing, doesn't know about Willow's magic, whether Kara knows about it, and whether Oz knows about Kara. He was just your everyday college student who moonlit as a member of Canada's young heroes, Gamma Flight, which were affectionately known as the New Warriors.

"Yeah Kara, let's go on one. Ladies choice?" He offered, thinking that he and Oz could tag along with whatever nightmare ride, or kiddy one, they picked. Kara's joke nearly floors Chris, so when she follows it up by offering leftovers, he eagerly accepts it. It'd hold in the laughter. Munching on some, he said, "Ooh, food." Chris eagerly took the fried dough. He hadn't had lunch. Thankfully he was still young and athletic, so he could afford to eat terrible foods like that without worrying about piling on the weight. "Thanks Kara." With Willow and Kara really hitting it off, he hung back a little with Oz, "so, how'd you two meet?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Yeah, Willow had missed it. She was spinning! But that's okay, she's happy to be corrected, and oh wow! Now that she's looking around and not worried about finding her friends, it's the fair! So many rides. So many colours! And once it's dark, all those lights will light up and it will be just like a wonderland here.

Willow is transfixed for a moment until Kara mentions bumper cars and an actual *Squeeee!!* escapes the petite red-headed witch. "Can we? Oh please please say we can. I love bumper cars. They're like the best thing. When I was little, we used to pretend that we were on the highway and we'd shake our fists like we saw in the movies. Even more fun than go-karts." She gives a little shiver. "Too fast. Don't like them."

She can't help an excited grab of Kara's arm at that, only to lean in again and murmur, "You know the thing with Upermanay.."

Wait, was that how you said it? Willow frowns and ponders that. Upermansay? Larkcay? Oh bother.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Unfortunately for Oz, he doesn't have food to stop the laughter, and he actually does laugh outright at Kara's joke. He takes on a terrible, obviously fake royal British accent. "I, king Sherman Daniel Wellington Osborn the third here by decree...okay I can't do this anymore." He calms down afer a moment, and Willow's excitement about bumper cars is a little infectious. He's not so excitable like her, but he's, more...quiet excited. "Go carts are fun though," he says to Willow. "I'd love to do bumper cars though." He turns back to Chris with a smile. "Well, it was...junior year of high school, no wait, my first senior year, Willow's junior, we met at The Bronze. Well, we didn't actually meet there, but that's where I first saw her.We met at this...job fair thing." he doesn't elaborate further, but if he did he'd probably pretty much be saying the rest was history, even though there were a few complications along the way, the latest being his over half a year of absense, but he's not going to spend time talking about that.

Supergirl has posed:
Did Willow just speak Kryptonian?!

Kara's eyes widen a bit at the word for... well, it didn't matter, but it was a noun, and Kara's confusion was evident, but brief. There was a solidness to Kara's form that didn't seem to fit a slender young blonde woman, but still. Maybe she just worked out?

"Ohhhhh!" she says, as she translates the pig latin internally. "Right," she adds, adding a huge wink back to Willow afterwards.

"I think bumper cars is a go, unless one of you have like... bumper car PTSD," she says jokingly.

Whether or not her arm was still grabbed, she looks back to Oz. "So you're a musician or something?" she asks of Oz afterwards, her eyes going back to Chris. "I think... ah... I know you play Basketball, but didn't you play an instrument too, Chris?" she asks.

Darkhawk has posed:
Watching Willow's excited reaction to bumper cars, Chris says, "I do believe our Willow wants to have a go on the bumper cars. A round of whiplash, table of four," he jokes, but is smiling and walking along with the group towards the bumper car section. "I don't know about you guys, but I'm eyeing the purple one with the blue flames."

Oz just had to continue with the joke, didn't he? Chris had managed to not laugh at Kara's joke by stuffing his mouth with her fried dough, but now Oz was getting into the act. He burst out laughing, thankfully having chewed and swallowed by then, "oh, don't stop, keep up that accent all night, m'lord."

Oz's story was kind of hard to take, as every time he'd say something, he'd clarify it, and Chris was starting to wonder if it was on purpose. He was smiling throughout. Turning to Kara, he said, "yeah, I made the summer league team, figured it was best to focus on soccer or basketball. Hoping to make the season squad. I play a mean clarinet, and a little bit of guitar. Because that's where the money is. Those clarinet solos."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
That everyone is happy to bow to her desire to go on bumper cars makes Willow gleeful.

"I want the red one. Because I can't wear red. And we all have to go in our own cars so that we can do the most banging into one another!" Willow might not seem the sort, but when left to her own devices, she can be something of the organizer. Not quite bossy, as she's more than willing to defer to others if they show the impetus to lead, and given her Beste is The Slayer - and most often the leader - Willow mostly defers. But today, it seems she's been given the reins. "If you guys want to go on the go-karts, I'll watch. I really don't like them. I feel like I'm flying out of them. Kinda like roller coasters without the tummy lurch." Again that shiver. "Not for me. Oh, I mean, roller coasters are okay, but not the upside down ones.. They're scary."

Willow. Faces down demons, undead, and all sorts of other supernatural creatures... Doesn't like speed or upside down things. They're scary.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz grins at Chris. "Your wish is my command, sire." In the horrendous accent again, but he can't keep it up, he just laughs again. "Guitar," he says, to Kara. "For a few years now." He grins at Willow. "I'm taking you on go carts," he says, with a grin. He wouldn't do that to her, surely, but he likes to have fun with her sometimes. Of course, he does enjoy go carts. But he can't wrap his head around how someone would love whiplash central, but go carts are scary? And, the whole demon thing, that too...well, either way. "Oooh, I want the orange one. Because orange." It's almost time to kick some ass on bumper cars.

Supergirl has posed:
"Blue is my pick!" chimes in Kara.

Tossing the strap of her purse over her shoulder, the swimsuit clad woman starts down the way. "I wouldn't keep up that accent," says Kara to Oz, sticking out her tongue at him and Chris in general. There was a way that Kara liked to take charge, and now was no different, turning to lead the posse of peeps through the crowds of students towards the bumper cars.

Maybe there was something about blond that made you take charge even when it wasn't the best idea.

And bumper cars were something reasonably novel that she could enjoy.

There was a line, of course, but it would go fairly quick as they work their way through. "Clarinet, see? Maybe you could use a clarinet in your band, Oz?" she says, lightly.

Darkhawk has posed:
"Hey Willow, don't ever let anyone stop you. If you want to wear red, then you rock the heck out of red." Yes, he said heck. H E double hockey sticks was a bad thing to say, but for some reason, heck was acceptable.

When Kara stuck her tongue out at him and Oz, he gave it right back at her, showing her his pink tongue for all its worth, before widening into a bright smile. He just couldn't even fake being mad at her. "Clarinet's not really a rock instrument, though there's this uh, British and Australian band called Bomb that does some amazing things with classical instruments. I love their Explosive song." They were moving along the lines and their group was up next.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow is a heck kinda girl. Just like she's a 'sugar' and 'fiddlesticks' kinda girl. She doesn't even notice Chris says heck instead of the rather more socially acceptable H E double hockey sticks. "I don't know that I really like red. Maybe because of school or soemthing." Kids were cruel. As it was, Willow had borne the brunt of many opinions that she was weird. "I like orange though." Another colour she rightly shouldn't wear, but did, and proudly, so maybe it wasn't the red-headed thing at all.

"I tried clarinet," she says with a nod. "I almost figured it out." Which is to say it stopped sounding like she was mortally injuring a cat. "Oz is really good, though. I mean, at guitar. He doesn't play clarinet." Like that needed explaining.

And then they're next in line!

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"Thanks Willow," he says, turning to her with a genuine smile. He's not one for holding back a bunch when it comes to swearing, but he doesn't go all crazy with it or anything like that. He just...doesn't sensor himself like some people do. He listens to Chris when he mentions the group that does things with classical instruments. "That sounds cool," he says. "Might give them a listen." Of course, he's not planning to bring the accent back, it's just...too funny and silly. He grins at Willow as it gets closer and closer to their turn. "Ready to relive old memories?" he asks, with a smirk. Of course he's done bumper cars with her in the past. How could he not? And it's looking like time to do it again.

Supergirl has posed:
There was a bit in this where Kara was quiet, pulling her sunglasses from her forehead and tucking them into her purse, bringing her hands up to rearrange her hair into a quick little floppy ponytail at the back of her head. Leaving her hair dangling free around engines - well. The bumper cars didn't really have anything dangling free, but still.

Better to not get her hair caught in anything.

But they were off! And Kara was moving to a blue one, beating out one of the strangers in the line behind them, settling in place. Tucking her purse near her feet, she points two fingers at her eyes, then points one finger at Oz, Willow, and Chris all at once.

She'd take them all on!

Darkhawk has posed:
When their time was off, Chris aimed for the purple one with blue flames, but a young kid went for it too, and although Chris was there first, he smiled and said, "all yours kid." However, his act of kindness left him without a car and he began scrambling, looking for one. He went towards a dark green one, and just as he was able to slip his foot in, some angry looking woman said, "this one's mine," which made Chris hold his hands up in the surrender pose. She wanted it more than he did. It wasn't worth fighting for. The cars were quickly filling up with little available. But there had to be one for everyone. They released people as a group after counting them. Finding the last one, a hot pink one, Chris slipped in just in time to see Kara giving him and the others the eye. He repeated the gesture, and hit the accelerator.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Turns out, Willow is a wicked driver -- which might explain that not liking go-karts thing. Like she takes aim at someone and lays taht pedal to the floor, plowing into them, giving gleeful cheers. And when Kara points at her, there's totally a 'bring it on' look in the red-head's eyes.

"You and me, Danvers! Loser buys the candy floss!" Which is a huge vote of confidence to her winning, because Willow likely hasn't that much spare cash on her person.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz does manage to grab an orange car. He has a similar challenging look as Willow, with a grin. He's also very good, very close to as good as Willow. He has a lot of practice. And, although he isn't quite as vocal about his excitement as she is, by the look on his face, he's having just as much fun. And he doesn't hold back either, he loves pushing people around, and he does it well. But he's not quite as competitive as the others, he's more in it for the fun of running into others and being run into. That doesn't mean he's not kicking some ass, though.

Supergirl has posed:
"Careful, Rosenberg!" Kara jokingly calls back out to Willow.

"I can eat a /lot/ of candy floss," says the totally human college student. Chris' inadvertant choice of hot pink has Kara looking his way - she would have been okay taking the hot pink, but it was too late now. Because they were turning the power on!

Sparks fly from where the car touches the ceiling, and Kara turns her car to aim directly at Willow's own, hunching forward like a bikini-clad supervillain. Everything was there but the cackling.

Unless someone were to intercept her, that is.

Darkhawk has posed:
Whether it's Chris' driving skill, or the hot pink blinding those around him, Chris seems to weave in and out of the derby, avoiding being hit as he seeks out a proper target. He doesn't want to hit any random person, but he's been lucky to not have been bumpbed at all yet. Seeing the brewing battle between Danvers and Rosenberg, he goes in for the kill, aiming to save Kara by knocking Willow off her course. However, in his efforts to help her out, he's lost track of the dreaded Oz...

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Boom! Bang! Willow is a tyrant on the bumper car floor. Which might be why she likes them so much. And for a non-driver she manages to slip between cars and corner on rails like she does this professionally. And even if she didn't, her joy in this is infectuous. Enough so that the ride tenders wave the group on for a second round, leaving her blushing in her bright red car. Yeah, he's young and cute. That might be playing into it too.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz is a bit surprised when they get a second go around, but oh yeah, he's taking advantage of it. Especially now with more players, this is team play now, and he's on Willow's side. He gives her a grin, wink and thumbs up when he passes. He knows how to drive the cars too, and his skills are probably helped by the fact that he's a proper driver. He'll have to teach Willow one day, maybe, but anyway, he's good, executing beautiful spins and corners that some would die to pull off. Thanks to Willow, mostly, but the real thing for him is seeing her so hapy and excited. Her smile always warms him up inside, so it's all worth it. Even if he were the one who had to buy the candy floss, he would.

Supergirl has posed:

Kara's car is knocked back by Willow's dreaded acceleration, leaving Kara spinning around with a whoop and a laugh. Turning her head, though, at Willow's winning, she sticks her tongue out at the redhead, before setting her sights forward. Betrayal!

She was hoping to ram into Chris.

Maybe Lex Luthor was right about Kryptonians.

Darkhawk has posed:
Chris didn't even notice that they got another go round, as he was desperately trying to avoid an angry Kryptonian. "Hey, we can talk about this, it wasn't my fault, has anyone ever said how blue your eyes are when you're angry?" He called out, constantly looking over his shoulder as he weaved. In his head, he was going to lead her back to Willow, sacrificing his own car to a Willow assault so that Kara could get a clean shot and a chance to win the candy floss. Alas, there was still an Oz to deal with. Where'd he go in all of this?

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Oh yeah? Suck on that Chris Powell! And Oz! And Kara! And, okay, a few innocent bystander bumper cars who just happened to be wide open for being sideswiped. She's rounding her car for another go at everyone when the cars come to a jarring halt!

How could the second round have gone so quickly?

"I win!" Willow declares trumphantly, standing in her car, looking for the exit. "All the candy floss is mine!"

Dude at the gate grins at her, and 'helping' her find the exit, slips her a piece of paper with his number on it, telling her "I'm off at eleven if you really want to see the park.."

Leaving poor Willow all flustered and nodding, bewildered, because really, it's Buffy who gets the passed notes and the pickup lines. And oh gosh, what do you even do in a case like this?

You make for the exit quickly is what you do, leaning into the only other girl in the group, muttering "Help".

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz is a little confused when he hears what the guy says to Willow, but he decides to keep his anger down for the moment. That really wouldn't do now. He just hopes Willow comes around eventually, but he can only hold onto hope. Of course, it might be slightly visible in his face and his reactions, but he's doing a pretty good job of not tearing that guy's throat out. He follows the others, taking deep breaths, trying to meditate while walking, and it mostly works, and soon he's calm again, and he even manages a smile. "Well, that was fun," he says.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara wasn't angry so much as having fun!

Even if she was getting bumped around. Laughter follows the bumps of the cars until the power turns off, and she gets out of her cart, almost forgetting her purse behind. Dashing forward, there was a quirk of her brow at the gate guard, her eyes looking back to Willow with a wider grin. Although the look of 'help' and the words has Kara bringing up her hand to give Willow's shoulder a squeeze, leaning in to whisper something in return.

"Lookit you, getting all the ride guys," she says. Hearing Oz's heartbeat increase in tempo, though, has Kara looking back to Oz, briefly, her blue eyes growing serious for a moment.

But she doesn't linger onto that too long. "C'mon, I think we owe her candy floss for being the queen of the cars, now," she says, jovial tune hoping to lighten the mood.

Darkhawk has posed:
'Well, that was fun', Oz truly is the master of understatement. Though the number being slipped into Willow's pocket was a bit odd, really odd. The guy was just so blatant about it despite Oz and Willow being, well, from Chris' perspective, a couple. He followed along, and when they reached the candy floss station, he paid for it, getting one for Willow and Oz to share, and another for himself and Kara. "You earned it, Wrathful Willow," it was his play on Mad Max, though he was pretty sure nobody would get it.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow looks unsettled as she follows the group for the candy floss, giving a very subdued, "The blue, please. Or maybe pink. Wait, no, blue.." The vendor taking pity on her (or maybe just the lineup behind them all) and gives her a bit of both, and a much larger cone than everyone else's... how is it Willow gets that sort of treatment anyway??

The number was a surprise to her, and not a thing she'd asked for. Buffy would know what to do with it. Buffy would have told the guy off if she weren't interested. Or handed the number to some other passerby to make a point of things. Or maybe done it later on, but Willow? Willow didn't live that life. Willow wasn't the popular one. Or the one the boys chased. Add to that Oz's very discernable unhappy with the whole deal, and the fact that she wasn't sure how to navigate that.. Well, some of the glow of winning wore off real fast.

"Wrathful Willow?" There's a confused and bemused look on her face. "I wasn't so mean, was I? Oh gosh, I'm sorry if I was, but the cars, and everyone, and then there was winning.." Yeah. Maybe folks might not like to play monopoly with Willow either.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz meets Kara's eyes when her expression becomes serious, and he looks, well, just a little sad. He had the whole time really, though it was almost impossible to notice without some sort of mental powers, he's hidden it well. He almost feels like a part of him is missing without Willow, and, well, the guy giving her his number kinda really drove that point home. He would have a lot to talk about, if he would only talk, but he couldn't say anything now. But he notices Willow looking a bit sadder, putting a hand on her shoulder and offering a smile. "Hey, you did great," he says. "Like, really great. Always makes me wonder if you'd drive like that in a real car, the terror of the road or something." he chuckles. "Oh, did you ever try and get your license while I was gone? You never mentioned it, but..."

Darkhawk has posed:
"Nah, just you were a demon out there, a demon in a bumper car. You kicked our butts." And he had a bit of a nibble of the cotton candy he and Kara were sharing. "You did great out there. There's nothing to be ashamed of. It was all in good fun."

"I can't wait to get my full licence. We have to drive with a 'N' on the back of our cars, can't drink alcohol, not that it's a problem, or have more than one non-family member in the car, unless there's someone with a full licence who's over twenty-five. Just got to count the days until I can take the full test." He could pilot one of Alpha Flight's Arrow ships, but he wasn't allowed to drive a car with two friends.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"No real reason to learn to drive in New York," Willow says rightly. "But I do like the bumper cars. Besides, they're not so fast and it's only pretend crashing." Which seems to suit her fine. Besides, she's got TWO kinds of candy floss. How can you complain about that?

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz nods, taking some of Willow's candy floss for himself with a grin. "That's true. But it gives you freedom. You can go anywhere you want, anytime you want, not limited by the trains. Then again I didn't know how amazing the zetaports were until today..." He shrugs, sticking a bit closer to Willow than he had before.