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Day Off At The Museum
Date of Scene: 30 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Kara Danvers, Chris Powell, and Haytham Nazari all meet at a famous museum in Vancouver. Surprisingly, nothing breaks and they enjoy introductions and exploration.
Cast of Characters: Supergirl, Darkhawk, Haytham Nazari

Supergirl has posed:
    All in all, Kara Danvers was enjoying this. Really, if she thought too hard about it - she could be Supergirl /everywhere/ at once, and never have a moment's free time. Be rescuing people in China, and then zooming back over to the states. Maybe she will, eventually, like her cousin.

    But for now, she needed 'Me time'. Even if that was hanging out with friends at the Vancouver Art Museum, trying to turn off her superhearing as much as she could.

    She was dressed as Kara Danvers might - glasses perched upon her nose, blonde hair tied up into a mousy ponytail, blouse and long skirt leading down into stockings and a pair of slightly heeled flats. Cell phone in her left hand, she had a stylus for her phonetablet in her right, chewing on the end of it as she waits, outside of the Vancouver Art Museum.

    It was dry out, and a little warm - so most people tended towards summer clothes, walking down the streets and ways.

Darkhawk has posed:
Super hearing was a funny thing. It was a lot like eye sight, the way people tended to focus on the familiar. In a crowd room, you were more likely to notice people you knew than strangers, and so too it held for sounds. Down the street, there was a voice, hardly a professional singer, but a familiar voice sounding out, "I'm living in the moment. I'm living my life, just taking it easy, with peace in my mind. I got peace in my heart. I got peace in my soul. Oh, wherever I'm going, I'm already home."

Chris was on foot, wearing a white dress shirt, the top three buttons undone, and sleeves rolled up to his elbows. It was tucked into olive green pants, with a light brown belt. He wore no socks, or at least that's how it looked. He actually had on loafer socks, which gave the illusion he was going sockless. They were slipped into some brown loafers.

He'd been letting his hair grow out a bit, which accentuated the natural wave to his hair. He was going to have to cut it soon, but it was just right for now in that wild, unkempt, but still stylish stage. He'd no doubt used some shaping product to get it that way, but he hadn't gone too far overboard as it was flowing in the wind.

Arriving at the Vancouver Art Museum, he smiled, flashing his pearly whites, "Hey Kara, it's great to see you! I'm excited we're hanging out."

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham usually doesn't have the time to go to things like a museum. Especially not THE Vancouver art museum. He wears a light brown jacket over a neat dark blue polo with black jeans and some regular shoes. He has no special abilities, and no superhero (or villain) persona to get up to, so this is literally all he has on his agenda tonight. As he looks at many famous pieces of artwork, he manages to be so distracted that he almost runs right into Chris and Kara as soon as they seem to be reunited!

"Woah! so sorry. Got kinda...distracted. This is a bit of a first for me." He says wit ha shy smile as he looks around. He seems to try and introduce himself, since he almost ran the pair over.

"Haytham Nazari." whether they offer their own names or not is completely understandable. "are...you two from one of the colleges?"

Supergirl has posed:
Super senses were a thing. Kara enjoyed... the natural noises, actually. The heartbeats, the rushing wind, the birds chirping in that nest that they managed to make in the crook of one of the awnings of the museum. But living too much outside of your head can lead to losing it a bit.

And sometimes... Kara just wanted to feel normal.

She always had some anxious tics that she worked into her disguised persona, and one of them was wrapping a length of her long blonde hair around her fingertip, loosening it, and wrapping it again, her distant eyes on her cell phone. But she was looking through it - distracted, perhaps, with something else.

So much so that she didn't notice Chris' approach, at least at first. Jumping in place, the smile that she offers Chris was large and a little sheepish, color touching her features. "I'm happy you could come! For one of my summer classes, I have to write a thing on a piece of art, and I thought - why suffer alone? I'm not very arty," she says.


This was about when Haytham runs into them, and she turns her eyes towards him. "A first?" she says, voice open, welcoming. "I go to school up in Starling, so... yeah. I'm a college student. Uhm... is it that noticeable?" she asks.

Darkhawk has posed:
"One woman's suffrage is... I probably shouldn't finish that joke," Chris caught himself trying to make an entirely innocent joke, and before he had even mentioned the punch line, decided to hastily retreat from that line of thought. Lifting his head up and then sort of nodding it down as he spoke, he was doing that for dramatic effect, "let me just say, there is no such thing as suffer..."

And then he gets jostled by the swarthy looking man. Chris might not have had any heightened reflexes or special awareness, but he instinctively moved to protect Kara, to guard her from having both himself and Haytham falling into her.

After Nazari introduced himself, Chris offered his hand to shake, "My name's Chris Powell, and this is Kara Danvers. It's great to meet you Haytham, even if it's a bit of an unusual means, I mean, I'm all for non-verbal communication, but it's definitely non-standard. More memorable that way, don't you think?"

"Is anyone really from anywhere? That's such a subjective thing. Aren't we all just sum of our collected life experiences?... I might have already taken a gander into a psychology text book."

Haytham Nazari has posed:
"Erm, n-no? Is...is there a right answer to this question?" Haytham says with no small amount of possible shyness and confusion in his tone. After all...er, yeah. "I go to school in New York. Going to one day try to be a doctor, if I can make it." he chuckles. "It was mainly just a question of curiosity. Nothing meant by it." he offers to Kara a bit more confidently than before. He does look at Chris though as he introduces himself and Kara.

"Nice to meet you, Chris, Kara." he shakes Chris's hand, nice and firm and maintains eye contact, and offers the same for Kara.

"That...is a very interesting way of thinking about it." he says to Chris, apparently not quite agreeing, but at least admiring that he thinks in a specific way. "I can tell." he says with a bit of a chuckle. "I took psychology last year but...I barely made the grade." he says with a small sigh. "But, have you two seen any interesting pieces of art that has grabbed your attention?"

Supergirl has posed:
"I can introduce myself too, Chris," jokes Kara at that, offering her hand to take Haytham's own when it was offered to her. "He's being all goofy and metaphysical again," says Kara with a wink afterwards. "And you can tell he's on his philosophy classes," she says, straightening up again, and adjusting her purse under her arm.

"A doctor? That's noble. And a hard road to walk. What draws you to it?" she asks.

A glance back to Chris. "Well, we hadn't quite gone in yet. But... I'm sure they'll have /something/ in there that'll catch the eye. Although maybe I should stick with something easy to start with," she says.

Darkhawk has posed:
Chris was in a jovial mood it seemed, as he said after his faux pas, pausing between each spoken word, "oh... yeah... right... sorry," in a dead ringer impression of comedian John Wing. He was more relieved by the wink than he'd care to admit, glad that she was only joking to be upset.

  "I heard that the Harold Edgerton exhibit is pretty neat. It's supposed to be some incredible high speed camera shots, like a bullet going through a playing card, a golfer in mid swing, which I guess he blends layers or something, a black and white water sprinkler that looks like a night time concert, things like that."

"Why don't you join us Doctor Nazari?" He smiled, making a joke and repeating the name in the hopes it'll make it easier to remember. He was great at remembering facing, but names could be hard to commit to memory. "I hope I didn't mess up that pronunciation? Sudanese I'm guessing?" And then to Kara, he gave her a very gentle shoulder bump, "and don't sell yourself short. You can do anything you put your mind to."

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham looks at Kara as she asks him why he wants to be a doctor. "Well, I've always wanted to help people. Always, in any way that I could. And technology probably won't steal the need for doctors and those with medical knowledge. And....well, not all of us can fly." he seems to be joking, as he has no idea about Kara's actual self. "Its a hard road, but its one I'm willing to walk."

a lover of people, clearly. Compassionate.

But he seems to smile. "I'm sure you'll find something that speaks to you." He looks then to Chris. "O-oh, n-not a doctor yet but....sure, why not." he says with a happy smile. "Close, Egyptian." he says with a chuckle.

Back to Kara.

"and he's right. All you need is the will to do it, and you'll do it. Just need the drive." he smiles.

Supergirl has posed:
Withdrawing her hand from the handshake, Kara tilts her head to one side as she looks to Haytham, letting a little smile touch the edges of her lips still. "I tend to like Monet. The pieces by him are some of my favorites - just the bright colors, it almost lends a bit of fantasy to reality," says Kara, the young woman kinda considering. "But maybe I tend to lean more towards fantasy in what I appreciate," she says.

"But you're not wrong, Chris. That photography display was amazing. I liked the hummingbird shot," she says.

She was solid with his shoulder bump, but she rocks in the direction away from him anyways, flashing a smile. Eyes turn back to Haytham.

"Sure - join us. After you become a doctor, where do you think you'll end up practicing?" she asks, blue eyes looking to him as she starts to lead the way towards the museum, more or less.

Darkhawk has posed:
Snapping his fingers in mock frustration, Chris says, "so close! Well, it used to belong to Egypt, and Egypt used to belong to Britain, just like Canada, and America, and another quarter of the world." He might have been delving into his history books too, or just retained that from high school.

He follows after Kara begins to lead the way, falling along her right side, likely with Haytham on her left. "I wish had some artistic talent, but after that snake head I made from my fist when I was 7, I decided my talents lay elsewhere." He still had it, having moulded clay around his fist, and then turning it into a snake, which he painted grey. He was so proud of it at the time, but since then, it had crashed and lost pieces in the mouth, near the fangs where it had been thinner. It occupied a place of respect alongside his academic and athletic awards.

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham follows alongside Kara, and as suspected, on her left. As she speaks about the artwork that she fancies, he seems to smile. "I also enjoy fantasy. I think, for me, it is a toss-up between works of fantasy and depictions of mystical origin and of course, times of olden days when there were knights in shining armor and noble kings." he seems to smile.

"I don't know where I'll end up. I would like to go into Radiology, er-X-rays and the like, so that I can help find the problems just as much as help in fixing them." He smiles. "But hopefully, I'll be right where I can help the most."

Then he looks at Chris as he snaps his fingers and speaks of great britain and its effects on the world. "I think it speaks more to Great Britain's poor mass-leadership skills in the past." he seems to be joking, but there was a tint of fact in his words most like. But, it was thanks to their actions as well that contributed to why the world is the way it is. "It is alright, Chris. I don't have much artistic talent either. I find that I simply cannot place images from my mind onto a piece of flat paper."

Supergirl has posed:
"Yes - I guess Britain did own half the world. And before that was France, and before that, the Romans, and before that - probably warlords and things we've not heard about, lost to history," she says, with a bit of a sigh. "Wherever people have power, they try to put it over others, it seems," says Kara, her brow knitting with a bit of mild consternation.

That was chased away as Chris starts talking about his snake. "What talent are you most proud of, Chris?" she asks, blue-eyed attention full on Chris as they walk along to the museum. Kara pays for her tickets at the booth, giving the clerk a smile before stepping inside.

She turns then, not having paid for the boys - or letting them get into a fight over who will pay for her!

"I'd like to think there isn't such a thing as bad heart. Just art that isn't... inspired by the heart of the artist," she says, inclining her head to both.

Darkhawk has posed:
The young man didn't want to start something, especially with someone he just met, and in public, but his body language belied that he was biting his tongue on that suggestion that Britain had poor leadership skills. He just let it drop, even if it clearly bothered him. Instead, he went back to talk of art by saying that "I can draw stickmen with the best of them."

Kara's question stopped Chris in his tracks for a moment. He quickly began walking again to catch up, but it really made him think. He loved those kinds of questions, "I get my best marks in literature, love history, and have really been working on my three point shot, not that I'll ever make it in the NBA, but what talent am I most proud of. I'd have to say that's my community spirit."

"I like meeting people, making new friends, making them feel a part of things, and doing what's right. Because no matter how smart, or fast, or this, or that we are, we're all people just trying to fit in. If I can make someone else fit just a little bit easier, if I've put a smile on someone's face, welcomed them, then that's a great day."

He will pay for his own ticket, and Haytham's. He might not have gotten to pay for Kara, but he could for Haytham, "don't worry, it's on me. Welcome to Canada, doctor to be."

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham looks at Chris and gives an apologetic smile, knowing he offended the history-buff, and he gives a bow of his head. "S-sorry.." he murmurs, before he looks over at Kara with a small smile. "It seems this may be the case." he's not asked a question, so he lets Chris answer what she asks.

Very educated, it appears Chris is. He listens quietly, and doesn't dare interrupt, but he does smile. But then he's having his ticket bought for him! "o-oh! Thank you, Chris. I really appreciate it." he seems to greatly approve of Chris's desire to help put smiles on peoples faces and his apparent love for humanity.


Supergirl has posed:
With that said and done, Kara draws nearer to the coffee shop just a little ways into the museum, trading a few donation dollars for a cup of liquid caffeine, "I should see one of your games, sometime," she says, thoughtfully, head tilting to the side. "Or would that make you nervous?" she asks.

Likewise, there were smiles on her face as she lets the other two talk for the time being, steaming cup of coffee brought up to her lips to take a sip of the same.

Darkhawk has posed:
"I'd have to make the team first. I didn't get an athletic scholarship." He was going to have to play his way onto the team. Since they'd just graduated high school, his days as a soccer and basketball player were behind him, unless of course he could somehow make one or both university level teams, but good luck with that. They usually recruited people on scholarships for those teams. Unlike others, he had no special athletic talents. He was a superhero because of the gem, not anything god, genetics, or science given.

"But I'd love that. You never make me nervous," though he was thinking more to himself. It was a good thing that there were no telepaths about. "So Haytham, since you're new here, why don't you pick the first exhibit?"

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham seems to be looking between Chris and Kara, apparently amused by Chris's very subtle move. Though he doesn't speak on it. But then he's chosen to pick the exhibit! "Oh! erm...I, uh, I don't know. Its my first time here. Uhm..." he seems to turn away, pondering what to do.

"How about we check out the community creations exhibit? See what the people who arn't famous in the art community have to offer?"

He tests the waters with his tone, wondering how they think about it.

Supergirl has posed:
And Kara, well... signing up for an athletics team would be unfair. But... cheerleading seemed to be okay. It was better, though, if normal old Kara was boring. All the better to hide the fact that she was ~Supergirl~, after all. "Never ever?" teases Kara at that, her eyes looking back to Chris. Didn't need to be a telepath to spy that change in tone.

"I think that's an excellent choice," she says.

"It has a different feel than the usual art exhibits, at least, but at this museum... is the community bit down in the basement?" she asks.

Darkhawk has posed:
He might have been a little embarrassed by the teasing in front of a new friend, but Chris didn't shrink under that spotlight. "Nope," he said confidently, so confidently that he probably even fooled himself, before adding, "except in the way I like to be nervous." So much for subtly. He was still a teenage boy, even if he was about to start university.

"It is," he concurs with Kara regarding Haytham's choice of exhibits, "um," and he looked around, walking a few steps away, his eyesight wasn't nearly as good as Supergirl's, and he looks at the free standing map, before returning, this time with a copy of the map on his phone, "okay, it's down that corridor, a left, a right, and another corridor."

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham looks between the two as its confirmed the community section is revealed to be in the basement. "Oh! Uhm...maybe we could work our way down then? Or...up, in this case. If its too far of a walk, we can always do something else." clearly more of a team player when in a group, he looks between them, but if it is agreed upon that they are still going to the community exhibit, he'll start leading the way!

With Chris as his handy-dandy navigator, what could go wrong?