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A Human and some Gods Walk Into a Coffee Shop
Date of Scene: 12 August 2019
Location: The Coffee Bean - Manhattan
Synopsis: A casual coffee shop hangout gets awkward when some old baggage is stirred up.
Cast of Characters: Haytham Nazari, Supergirl, Power Girl, Mon-El

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Its a quiet day in Manhattan for once. No Sentinels blowing shit up and for now, no criminals robbing banks or small businesses like this fine establishment.

'This fine establishment' Being a small coffee shop in Manhattan. College students and other young adults like to chill out here in a sort of small get-together kind of gathering. Haytham Nazari, a medical student, is certainly among them.

He looked like he was slightly stressed out by stuff, so he's here with a coffee at a table...by himself. But what he's learned since his first arrival in the city is that anything can happen. But at least he has good coffee!

Supergirl has posed:
Drinking coffee by yourself?! In this town?!

Not on ~Supergirls~ watch.

Well. Kara Danvers' watch, at least. With her schoolbag slung over her shoulder, she seemed harried, even as she taps on her cell phone, sending messages out. #worldendingcaffeinedisasterneedcoffeenow.

That's what would show up on Peej and Mon-El's phones, along with an emoji of a woozie face.

And so Kara bursts in through the door, going to the counter. "I need a coco latte, please. With a few extra squirts of the go go sugar sauce, please," she says to the man, heaving a sigh before she turns about and sees, "Haytham?!"

Power Girl has posed:
There are stranger and more urgent things that Power Girl has recieved before. Monsters, horrors, thugs and evil gods...caffine was probably on the lower end of the scale. Even so, it seems that it had been enough from one Kara to the next to get her moving. She could probably use the break herself anyway.

Stepping through the door, PG was dressed in her 'civies', a pair of jeans, a black shirt and her hair down. Thanks to certain time hyjinx leading to a few differences, people who'd spotted Kara Danvers wouldn't think they were seeing double exactly with Karen Starr...but she certainly looked like a relative as she walked through the door.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar gets a text on his um, primitive comm device that everyone on 21st century Earth seems to have. After getting his memories back he'd finally felt confident enough to get one just to blend in better so to speak and not constantly break it.

    But, oh, it's from Kara, so he does have to look at it immediately. Frowning at it, he eventually figures out that she's inviting him to coffee.

    So he walks into the shop and joins her in the line to order. "Hey Kara." he says, grinning. "You okay? I thought you said something about a world-ending disaster."

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham turns his head and looks at Kara when she recognizes him, and he gives her a friendly and warm smile. "Hey Kara! I didn't know you frequented this place. I have a free table, if you want?" Then her friends come in. He notices Lar, who he assumes is someone who knows her pretty well. One might say closely, buth e doesn't want to make assumptions. Then PG walks right in.

Hey, those two look REALLY alike. I mean, they both look like amazons.

But If they were directed at Haytham, he'd wave shyly at the two people he doesn't know....not knowing that each of them could obliterate him with no effort whatsoever.

Supergirl has posed:
"Yes, I want, and I brought friends!" chirps the secret Supergirl.

"It /is/ a world-ending disaster. I stayed up all night..." she complains to Mon-El. "Doing the thing, /and then I had an essay due so it was basically the worst night ever," she complains.

"Oh, oh, Karen! Get a coco latte, they're amazing!" she says, waving her hand to Power Girl from across the shop. "And by the way, this is Haytham Nazari," she says, gesturing to the man. "He's good people," she says.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar rolls his eyes at Kara's dramatics, chuckling. "You're ridiculous, you know that?" he laughs. Then Karen is spotted. "Oh, hey." he greets, and motions her over. Hah, would you look at that. Not too long ago he would've cringed at the idea of hanging around Kryptonians. Er...how long ago was it, technically, if you count the Phantom Zone? Time is a strange, strange thing.

    At the introduction, he smiles politely to Haytham, sticking out a hand for a shake. "Lar Gand. Nice to meet you, Haytham."

Power Girl has posed:
Sure enough, the beverage was likely to be exactly to Karen's taste too. After all, they were rather 'similar'. Moving forwards with the line and placing her order before turning back to the exclaiming Kara. The disaster discribed? She gives a mock exclaimation. "How horrid," she calls, tilting her head to the side with a little laugh.

Introductions made, she nods her head and flashing Haytham and smile. "Karen Starr, pleasure to meet you."

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham seems to look honored when Kara says he's good. He just got the 'Your alright' and he's welcome amongst them! He doesn't have a lot of friends, so while its a small thing, it means a lot to him. "Nice to meet you, Lar." Haytham shakes the Daxamite's hand, not knowing that he's a Daxamite, and then he turns his head to Karen.

"Nice to meet you too Karen." he pauses then, then looks between Kara and Karen. "Are you two sisters by chance? You look a lot alike."

Supergirl has posed:
"Uahhmmhmm... are we /sisters/?" Kara says to Karen, kinda narrowing her eyes at her. "Well. Maybe somewhere related in the family tree, somewhere... there," she says, making a kinda dismissive gesture. A sip from her coco latte, and she gives Karen a grin, crinkling her nose with how wide it was.

"But we also get to meet up, and talk about things, so... win win? Break time?" she says.

Of course, no one was asking how these other two responded SO FAST to Kara's text, but. Maybe they had all arranged this beforehand.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Uh..." Lar just peers over at Kara and Karen when Haytham asks about them being sisters, because he's not really sure how to answer that.

    Eventually he just shrugs. "So Haytham, how do you know Kara?" he asks.

Power Girl has posed:
"Not quite," That's Karen's answer which is equally as vague as Kara's own while she finally moves over towards her seat finally. Taking a little laugh, she follows it up with a little sup before glancing towards Lar. Simple questions had nearly stalled them all, but they move on none the less!

His question? She raises an eyebrow in shared curiousity.

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Super Vague! But Lar's question gets his attention. How does he know Kara? Well thats easy! "I met her on a college field trip at an art museum. Walked just about the entire thing with her and we managed to become friends in the process. She's very kind."

Haytham clearly has fond thoughts of Kara, but he gestures to the seats at his table so Kara, Lar, and Karen arn't just...standing.

He looks between all of them though. "How do you and Kara, or you and Karen, know each other, Lar?" might as well ask the question back?

Supergirl has posed:
And Kara takes a long sip of her drink. "So um. Whatcha been up to, Karen, Lar?"

"I mean... you know. Besides all the stuff and the things," she says, continuing to be vague as she makes a wide gesture. But as opposed to get through this more, she takes a long, long sip of her coco latte. "Yeah uhm," she sits down, taking a seat at the table.

"And what have /you/ been up to, Haytham?!" she adds, with her usual excitement.

Mon-El has posed:
    "Oh. Sounds...great." Lar responds, nodding, although when Haytham mentions having walked and talked to Kara the entire field trip, he gets a bit of a nagging sensation deep down that he tries not to let show. No, no he is not jealous. Nope that was over, he's been over this..."Well, u-um. Karen and I have faced a few baddies together, you uh...you know." Though he doesn't answer the question in regards to Kara.

    He clears his throat a little bit awkwardly, brushing the thought away, turning back to answer Kara's question with a bit of chuckle. "Well grife I don't know, besides all the stuff and the things, not much. Lots of stuff and things, though."

Power Girl has posed:
Hooray for akward conversations about things that can't be freely discussed! Karen simply goes for the easiest technique for not answering questions as she crosses her legs, leans back in her seat and takes another deep sip of her drink. Of course, she -does- eventually have to say something and thus the woman shrugs. "Much the same as you two," she offers, "meetings and random encounters that build to friendships...and the occasional 'baddie'" she adds with a grin at the last, clearly intending to pass it off as a joke.

Haytham Nazari has posed:

Haytham has no idea why they are all being so vague. "Its...totally fine if my questions are too personal." He looks al ittle shy about it actualy. But he looks at Karen when she tells him about the occasional baddie. "Baddie? I hope they weren't too mean to you then. People are jerks, sometimes." He's really not catching on.

Then he looks at Lar who is just...saying 'things and stuff' over and over again. Haytham doesn't know with him.

To Kara however, Haytham smiles again. "Well, not much really. Just finished some summer finals and...getting ready to suffer for another college semester. But my volunteering at the hospital is really paying off."

Supergirl has posed:
And Kara snaps her eyes first to Mon-El, noticing the weirdness in what he was saying as she slurps at her coco latte. That hashtag was starting to seem like a bad idea. "Yeah? You're going for doctor, right? A Super PreMed?" she says, giving a thumbsup to the man before she looks to the others.

A long moment, and she takes a deep breath.

"OH MY GOSH OKAY ALREADY," she says, no doubt shocking everyone in the coffee shop.

Clearing her throat again, she leans forward, and says, quietly. "It's kinda secret, but I help with superhero stuff, sometimes. It's kinda what I do," she says. "You know. And... stuff and things," she says.

"So I need you to protect that secret with your /life/, Haytham," she says.

Mon-El has posed:
    Personal...right. Lar looks away from Haytham, staring out the window for a moment. Yeah, this was very awkward and he was starting to regret coming. He might have to say something to Kara later. But, how? What exactly would he say? That he's still not over her? Ugh. He can punch baddies to the moon all day. But women? Sigh.

    Then Kara finally breaks the tense moment at least somewhat by simply admitting...well, part of it anyway. He tries to appear relieved at this. "Ahem, anyway! So, Premed, yeah? Or something else? Kara, what are you studying, exactly? Or have you made your mind yet?" he asks, trying desperately to quickly move on to a different subject.

Power Girl has posed:
Well yeah, that earns a little blink towards her dopple-ganger. Had she ever been this blatant? A thought crosses her mind, she bites her bottom lip. Yes. Yes she had.

Pre-med? That has her tilting her head to the side curiously, "you have a field you're looking to get into down the line Haytham? A specialty. These days there's everything from Anaesthetics to cardiology and even mutant-studies." If she'd picked up on Mon-El's discomfort and maybe guessed his thoughts towards Kara? She wasn't going to call him out on it. Now -that- would be more akward!

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham looks at everyone before suddenly Kara erupts to try and end the awkwardness. Then she leans forward and stares him in the eyes, he blushes mildly, but then she tells him a partial truth of the secret. That she helps out with the superhero life, and that he needs to take that secret to his grave if heh as to.

After a small moment, he seems to rub the back of his neck. "Secrets safe with me. Promise." Its not like people usually talk to him anyway.

But oo! Focus! Haytham looks at Karen then. "W-well, I am thinking about Radiology as a specialty, but I would like to have a bit of everything. Like Jack of all trades, master of one."

Supergirl has posed:
    "I'm studying journalism right now!" says Kara with all of the fervour of someone desperately clinging to the last life raft on the Titanic. "Alright!" she says, throwing up her hands in fighty fists.

And then she turns her eyes towards Karen. "You're like... a super scientist, right? These days," she says, kinda narrowing her eyes at the other woman as if trying to figure out her secrets with her vision alone.

"No, no... ayum..." she says.

"But thank you for keeping my secret, Haytham," she says.

"So like a family practice doctor, then," she says.

Mon-El has posed:
    "J-journalism. Cool. That's...that's really awesome. I...I think you'll make a great writer, Kara." Lar replies, clearly sounding distracted. Kara Danvers isn't supposed to know Clark Kent, is she? Well better to not risk it.

    Oh, he noticed that blush. But he really, really wished he hadn't. Ugh. oO(I just want her to be happy, that's what's important. Let her be happy...let her be happy. Don't be like--no, don't even go there.)

    Meanwhile, he just sort of gets this distant look on his face, not really responding to either Haytham or Karen.

Power Girl has posed:
Well. Perhaps Karen should have gone for a cookie with her coffee instead of a side of 'akward', but here they were! Nodding to Haytham's answer, the taller blonde shrugs. "Nothing wrong with a bit of variety, it helps you find what you like. Worked for me and..." she grins Kara's way, "My 'super-sciency' ways. Starr Technologies are doing pretty well these days, all things considered. Even if we're a little less diverse than Wayne or Stark'."

Haytham Nazari has posed:
For some reason, Lar looks extremely uncomfortable. He doesn't know why though, so Haytham looks at him. "Are you okay?" he asks Lar innocently, but also genuinely, wanting to know if he was alright. He knows this is an awkward situation in terms of conversation.

"W-well...I haven't really thought that far into it. I'm not hyper-intelligent or anything like that. I'm just average, but I want to know as much as I can so I can help people in the largest variety of ways."

Certainly has the heart of a superhero.

But then he looks at Kara. "Journalism is awesome. You'll get to be at all the hotspots and getting the killer stories. I bet its exciting."

Supergirl has posed:
"I think so," says Kara. "I mean, it's kinda just a thing, right now. I was doing science, but I took some journalism classes, and did a few interviews, and wa-wa-woosh!" she says, making an airplane with her hand as she punches it into the air.

"Oh! I need to do an internship, Karen. You think you could put a word in for me, you know, in your own company?" she says.

Maybe there was a charming flutter of eyelashes, too, it's a mystery.

"...what. You're thinkin' about something wierd, aren't you, Lar?" she says to Mon-El.

Mon-El has posed:
    "..." Lar probably would have said something like 'Well maybe you could be a journalist who writes science-related columns' or something, but not this time. Haytham has to just go ahead and actually pry, and make this even worse. Even if it was well-intentioned. He doesn't say anything at first, just sort of staring at Haytham, that is until Kara asks him if he's thinking about something weird. "Uh--" he stammers. "Nothing. It's nothing. Yeah, just something weird, that's all." he says quickly, standing up suddenly. "In fact, um. Yeah, I have to go."

Power Girl has posed:
Something wierd indeed. Even Kara Zor-L was starting to feel like she was intruding. Clearing her throat, the woman started to make a stand herself. Perhaps it was simply sympathy for Lar. "I should be getting back to the office anyway," she offers, giving her drink one last sip. Of course, it -was- her day off, but...

"I'll leave you two to it." A glance to Mon-El, she tilts her head to the side. "Walk me to my car?" Of course, there was no car either but... who needed to know that?

Haytham Nazari has posed:
Haytham watches as Lar seems to shoot up to his feet and immediately announce his departure. Frowning a little bit, he looks at Kara for a moment and he leans to whisper to her. "Did I make him uncomfortable?" He looks legitimately guilty, and feels horrible if he did. Though when Karen also says she's gonna take off, he gives her a smile. "It was nice meeting you. I hope you have a good day at the office." to Lar. "It was nice meeting you as well, Lar Gand."

He gives them both a light wave.

Supergirl has posed:
Kara pauses, her brows knitting together. "Hey, Haytham - it was good to see you, you know? No. He's /fine/. But I think I gotta go too," says the hidden Supergirl, starting to backpedal towards the door. Up comes her half drunk coco latte, and she gives him a smile.

"You know. Stay cool, and stay in school!" she says, moving to try to catch up with the two fleeing superpeople just a bit. "Well, I'll catch you guys later, too?" she says, her eyes glancing between the two.

Mon-El has posed:
    Aaand again, Lar definitely heard Haytham whispering to Kara. Yep, nope....he doesn't know Lar can hear that. He quickly starts to walk away, and then Karen also gets up to leave. "Uh, yeah. Sure. Sure thing, Karen." he says nervously. The Daxamite starts to walk away with her, when Kara -also- says she has to go as well. Great, he just managed to ruin what -could- have been a perfectly fun and relaxing social outing. Sigh.

    As Kara catches up to them a bit, he gives her an apologetic look. "Kara..." he sighs. "I'm--I'm really sorry." Then he briskly makes his way out of the shop and just shoots up into the sky as soon as he's outside.