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Latest revision as of 23:51, 13 August 2019

On your Lawn, scaring your Newbies
Date of Scene: 11 August 2019
Location: Main Foyer - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Shannon meets Deadpool.... and so do a lot of other characters! Pure fun and chattiness!
Cast of Characters: Deadpool, Nightingale, Magik, Shadowcat, Jubilee, Spider-Man

Deadpool has posed:
In the zone of approximately the gravel turnout, there WAS a red and black mercenary shaped thing. It wasn't there for very long, so it would be difficult if one isn't a security camera, something with incredible vision or memory, or a Wolverine, to identify it quickly enough to make sense of what it WAS- -- because 'it' taps an image inducer almost immediately after arriving.

Which means that the red and black thing isn't so important, so much is the red and black thing it becomes.

It's Harry Potter! To visit the magical school of weird children! ... in the sense that it looks like dear Harry just got dragged through a wringer by Voldemort himself, with touseled hair, black eye, ripped muggle jeans, hoodie and sneakers. Someone might have watched the last of the movies recently.

Without even visually checking to see what the apparent 'shapeshift' ended up like, Harry trots up from the driveway, then stops, patting pockets. "Wand wand wand," he hums to himself quickly, hunting.

Nightingale has posed:
     'Weird' was the norm around the school, and image inducers were de rigeur for students when in public that was less than mutant-friendly. However, on school grounds was often another matter. Perched on the porch with a phone and what looked like a notebook, was a young tow-headed, winged mutant, humming a lilting little melody and stopping every few notes to transcribe what she hears. So unless she looks up at the right moment, she might not spot the newcomer just yet. "No... no, that's not right either..." She's wearing her favorite cream poet's blouse, ribbon-embroidered jeans, and sneakers, with her hair long and loose.

Deadpool has posed:
Since old Harry Potter lacks an invisibility cloak, there's no special window needed to spot him. He does pause suddenly, as if the wand idea was forgotten, and looks around the lawn as if it outraged him for some reason. There's a sudden bolt towards the porch. "Where's my CHAIR?" yells 'Harry' in a voice that doesn't, at all, match his appearance. The tone is closer to a detective rat than it is remotely close to Harry, in addition to being outraged.

"It was HERE," exclaims the wizard upon getting closer, and throws both hands out towards the recently mowed front lawn outside the foyer.

Magik has posed:
Where no Illyana was moments ago, now there is an Illyana. Standing behind Shannon, staring up at the school with pale blue eyes as if she'd been there the whole time even though she absolutely was not. Immediately her gaze falls on Deadpool, then over at Shannon directly infront of her, then back to the yard as if she's certain the solution to this problem is out there somewhere. It, like her having been here the whole time, is also false.

Instead of her usual sword, however, she's carrying a potted plant. This potted plant looks like something directly from a nightmare; mouth, eyes, ears, fingers... This is Petrovich. A pale hand holds Petrovich out to Shannon. "Please hold this... and look away child. This could get messy."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon can't exactly miss the aerial histronics, even through her earbuds. She pops one out, looking up at the newcomer. Well, this was different. Something about the disconnect between appearance and voice made it pretty plain someone was messing around with an image inducer. But before she even has a chance to hide behind her wings, let alone get out of the way....

...there's an Illyana. A very cold, deadly Illyana. And a warning from her was nothing to mess around with. She scrambles to her feet and takes several steps back out of the way. If she said it was going to get messy, then there was no reason to doubt her.

Deadpool has posed:
The chair gets forgotten, because Illyana has introduced a miniature nightmare. "Cotton candy on a fuckstick, whose body parts were those? I don't even actually care, it's not hugely important - I mean, I can get my own - but I don't collect them and make Audrey 2's," 'Harry Potter' observes, his vocal tone flippant and playful, no edge of danger to it. That can change in a blink, though, or faster.

"So -- If she won't hold it, I'll hold it!" 'Harry' offers to Illyana, upbeat, though, grabbing the edge of the porch and acrobatically pulling himself up onto it at the railing location: probably the worst spot to actively decide to arrive from. "Is it going to explode? Or grab my face like a face-hugger? I'm undecided if I'm in the mood for face-rape via plant. Does it wait for consent?"

Shadowcat has posed:
Out on Greymalkin Lane a car pulls up to the gates, which opens as the security recognizes car and driver. The 2026 Toyota Avalon's deep blue body has so far managed to avoid any scratches, in part due to careful driving and fanatically applied amounts of wax. Though a recent off-road trip in search of a wounded Gothamite sorely put that to the test.

Kitty drives up to the school, still satisfied that her trip to the car wash and thorough inspection didn't find any damage to the car from racing through fields. She raises an eyebrow at the sight of Harry Potter at the front door. "Either Rogue's mother's kidnapper is back or...?" she wonders. She glances down at herself. "No kittens chasing butterflies sweatshirt." She works her tongue over her teeth. "Real, no dentures. Think that rules out that possibility."

Not really, but it's enough to forestall her thoughts further until she pulls into a parking space and climbs out of the car. Kitty grabs a small case from the passenger seat and heads over towards Shannon, Illyana and the Gryffindor... Gryffindorian? Gryfindorite?

Towards Harry.

Magik has posed:
Illyana is still standing there holding Petrovich out to Shannon as if the young student is bound to change her mind on the notion of taking the horror plant off the Russian. One thin finger points up at Harry-pool, "Stay there." Looking to Shannon, "Where are you going? Take plant... If I sit it down it will run, if it runs are you going to chase it? Nyet, you will not chase it, I will have to chase it..." The horror pot is held out further towards the young student.

"Do you knowing what happens if this gets into the pool? You see gremlins? This is how you get gremlins..." Pause, eyeing the terrible manifestation of floral nightmare, "Only plants instead of demon creatures. Same thing though, koshmarnoye toplivo..."

A glance to make sure Harry is still there, then another at the car pulling up the drive. Head tilting one way, then the other, eyes always a little too wide, a lot too intense.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon meeps and drops her music notebook in favor of the potted plant, very careful with the horror she was warned quite explicitly to not get very close to. This could get interesting. Very quickly. "Okay, okay... ummm, Petrovich isn't going to bite me, is he? She?" She keeps a very, very wary eye on Illyana and 'Harry', not quite sure just how close to the action she wanted to be.

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee has been at the pool. That much is clear, as she comes wandering up, humming a song that can only be the theme song to Monty Python's flying circus. Or maybe she has been swimming at the lake. She is pulling a little blue and white wheelie cooler and carrying two lawn chairs. Her cutoffs are damp, and her cropped pink tee is wet in the perfect pattern of her swimsuit top beneath.

"Haaarry!!" she suddenly shouts and breaks into a run, with the wheelie cooler clattering along behind her, all but forgotten.

Deadpool has posed:
"Me, meememememe, will chase it," Harry says, raising one hand like he's in school, using the other hand to support the elbow as if he were expecting to need to keep his hand up a long time before he's called upon. He also bounces a little bit, as if that might attract Illyana to give him the horror plant.

"I also know the rules of Gremlins. We need to feed it now, not tonight, and -- fuck really?" Harry says, as Shannon actually takes the plant, and drops his arm, defeated. He still approaches, with a clear lack of awareness of personal space, though he isn't aggressively grabbing at the plant.

"Will Petrovich be upset if misgendered? We can use 'they'," suggests Harry very kindly.

And then there's a Jubilee yelling at Harry. Harry doesn't react to his own name at first. Then he figures it out. He waves brightly back at her. "It's WADE," he yells back. As if that was needed.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty slides the strap of the case over her shoulder as she approaches the others. Seeing Jubilee running along with the cooler, Kitty flashes a smile over to her. "Hey Jubes, how are you today?" she asks.

Her gaze swings back to the quartet, and for a moment she can't seem to decide which to be more concerned about. Shannon holding the demon plant, or Wade... anything Wade really.

"Hey Wade. You look like you lost some weight. And about a foot of height," she says, motioning towards where his head should be. "What happy occasion brings you by? Or just here spreading sunshine and smiles?" she asks, Kitty's own expression a smile for him.

She slips her car keys into her pocket and looks over to Illyana and Shannon, giving them each smiles of greeting. "Careful of fingers," Kitty warns Shannon. Though whether she means to be careful of her own fingers, or Petrovich's, isn't made clear.

Magik has posed:
Petrovich is a lovely thing, really. Friendly to a fault it is. Grabbing playfully at Shannon's hands with viney like limbs that could be arms if they weren't made entirely of fingers and ears. Certainly the intention is not to bring Shannon's own fingers closer to one of the snapping mouths! And if it is, certainly it is something friendly and lovely.

A floral kiss?

Illyana stares blankly at Wade. "Oh, it is you." Narrowing pale blue eyes. "Piotr warns me about you." The atmosphere changes around her, all heated up and unpleasant, until Jubilee bounds forward with a cooler and Kitty strolls up casually from her car.. Things settle, as they do, on the Queen of Limbo staying weird rather than dangerously weird.

"Why do you look like small child?" After greeting the newly arrive, staring, again, openly, and unblinkingly, at Harry-pool.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Ummm, what if Petrovich has other ideas, Kitty?" Shannon holds very, very still, not at all keen on antagonizing Petrovich and becoming his next meal. But still, at what would normally be a very old-fashioned, courtly gesture from a humanoid, is more than a little strange from a normally carnivorous plant. She cracks a small smile and holds onto the pot very protectively. "Hey there... nice to see you again." Was she weird, talking to a plant? Even if it was sentient, and only lacked a voice? Or did it? He? She?

     She looks around between the adults, tilting her head slightly--though hopefully not tempting Petrovich with her hair as well. "Okay, and I thought Mr. Stark was... intense. Wow."

Jubilee has posed:
"Har-Wade!!" Jubilee is still running in the direction of the others, waving brightly with the arm that is looped beneath the lawn chairs hanging from it. Her hair is twisted into twin pigtail buns atop her head, and her brass goggles are jostling from a belt loop on her cutoff shorts. "Where ya been? I bet I totally beat your high score on Space Invaders from Hell, by now! She is pulling her phone out of her pocket. "I finally found the trick to beating the big demo--" She looks at Illyana. "Y'know, that one boss!"

Deadpool has posed:
"My head is where it should be, it is just a magical image to not scare kids here. So if you need to slap me, aim high," 'Harry' sage-whispers at Kitty. "When I remember the occasion I'll update you." Really, by now? he's forgotten in the wake of plant.

"Does it take donations? Can I donate to Petrovich?" Harrypool needs to know. He drops one hand to a thigh. The image inducer bends and fluxes bizarrely in that area as it attempts to deal with the reality of Wade pulling a knife out of a sheath at the back left thigh. It ends up looking like reality just bent to allow a rather massive hunting knife, with heavy serraded side, to appear in his slim wizardly hand. He flips the knife backhanded, positioning it against the pinky of his other hand, as if he were going to, quite clearly, cut into his other fingers.

There's a pause, though, as the lawn chairs register in the frothing pool of current events going on in Wade's brain. "Space Invade--? Wait. Is that MY chair?" Wade asks Jubilee loudly, turning the knife around to stab it towards Jubilee's lawn chairs, as if she did some style of blasphemy.

"Update: I was looking for my missing lawn CHAIR," Wade says to Kitty while still staring at Jubilee. "Or Colossus. Not that he's like a chair. Except that I would sit on him, and that he is often lost."

And then Illy says some magic. "It is m---HE TALKED ABOUT ME?!"


    He isn't apped: I don't know what you're freaking out about.

"LET ME BE HARRY. Err, HAPPY. LET ME BE HAPPY. I'll stab you if you continue to stifle my happiness with your reality checks."

    -- Yes, that was aloud, and clearly said to nobody, since yellow-box voice isn't actively present at the moment.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty sees the knife come out and her eyes widen. "Shannon, he heals like Logan does. Do not try to heal him if he cuts something off," Kitty warns quickly. "Wade, do not cut something off," she says, just as quickly. "If you do, you get to fill out all the paperwork."

There really isn't paperwork. But Kitty banks on the odds of Wade not knowing that. Plus he seems the kind who would hate paperwork.

Kitty watches as Petrovich tries to draw in one of Shannon's fingers. She moves over to gently take the vine, phasing it free of her hand before letting it go. "Be nice Petrovich. She's a new student," Kitty says to the plant in a familiar tone.

Kitty looks back over to Jubilee. "Jubilee, have you been stealing lawn furniture /again/? I thought you had that habit kicked?" she kids.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods to Kitty, but still keeps an eye on Har-wade. "Got it." It looks as if she would fold her wings around herself if she could, but looks down at the pot in her hands and thinks better of it, not exactly caring to have them become Petrovich's snack. Wings of chicken, nothing! She draws her hand back, but smiles at the odd plant. "You weren't going to eat me, were you? Not very nice, and besides, I wouldn't taste very good." It's become a bewildering array of faces, some she knows, and one she definitely does not, and she stays off to the side, eyeing the situation warily.

Magik has posed:
Petrovich don't know no better. Sentience is questionable when it comes to Limbo floral, but her certainly doesn't appear to know the intricacies of demon plant, mutant student relations. It barely registers that Kitty has phased its vine through a limb except that it retracts the fingery appendage back into the pot... Which Illyana takes with both hands now that there is no immediate threat represented by Harry-pool. "Blagodaryu vas." Said quietly to Shannon, sliding the horrible thing up against her hip as if she doesn't care at all that one of the mouths is biting her exposed flank.

Not like it can hurt her.

Floral kisses.

Pale eyes search faces, shifting so that she's one foot supporting most of her weight. She very well may look like a trailor park mom holding her baby.. a baby only a trailor park mom could love, but there it is.

"I am leaving." She says matter of factly. There was a disturbance and she undisturbed it. Now she is no longer needed.

Jubilee has posed:
"Wha? Nooo! I just borrowed these two from Colossus' gardening shed, since I heard he wasn't ap-er around. I mean, you know how easily things fall into disrepair when no one is using them. See?" Jubilee holds up the chairs and tilts her head. "These ones have red on them but you can sit in one if you want! Where'd yours go?" She asks, looking around, perplexed. "I put a Hello Kitty sticker on it for ya."

Deadpool has posed:
Wade finds Illyana's lack of chattiness to his chattiness frustratingly upsetting. He was trying to engage and she's like conversation deadweight. He ends up giving her a frustrated waggle of his hands (including the knife), but then just drops the hands to his sides. "I won't feed it. Even if it's before midnight. Fine. This place isn't half the fun I remembered," Wade mopes, playing with the knife, now. "I guess Logan's not here either, he'd come grump at me if he were."

    He isn't apped either.

"How does this reality exist, and why am I trapped in it?"


"I do not know where mine went. Maybe the /trash/," Wade laments, finally leaving the porch and coming over to sit on Jubilee's cooler in a huffy plop.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon stares strangely at Wade, and the way he seems to be talking to thin air every so often. Something wasn't quite right about this one, and whether wise or not, she reaches to touch his hand. "Hey... are you okay?" Her wings ruffle behind her, and her brows furrow with actual concern--however misguided it might be in this case.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde looks relieved that no longer do any digits seem about to be severed in the name of horticulture. She shifts her case about a little bit, letting it rest against her backside more than the outside of her hip. "Why'd you have a chair out here in the first place?" she asks Wade.

She glances at the school and frowns. "Where has Logan been lately? Haven't seen hide nor hair of him. Nor smelled for that matter," she adds, and if she frowns it's mainly because he wasn't there to hear the zing.

She looks back over to Jubilee and the lawn furniture. "Probably went back to France and his farming," she says with a soft sigh. "Would be nice if he was still about more often," she says of Piotr Rasputin.

Jubilee has posed:
"Mebbe so. But I'll take care of his chairs for him till he returns!" Jubilee beams brightly, and looks back at Wade, sitting on her cooler. Then she looks back at Kitty. "Y'know you should never tempt Wade with paperwork, though. He'll just fill it out by drawing ducks on it." She half-grimaces, with a hint of smirk.

"There's beer in there if ya want one later," she asides to Wade quietly, gesturing to his newly - acquired stool.

Deadpool has posed:
Wade's hand may feel really confusing, because he appears to be barehanded yet will feel like leather glove. He naturally turns his hand though to grab hers in a friendly way, as if she clearly wanted to hold hands and be pals. It's automatic, and does cause him, also, to turn his head and beam at her. New Friend! "Nope!" he says, as if he'd answered in a more positive way.

"I can find Logan. I'm good at it. I'll stab him a little. Or a lot. Depends on the mood when I find him," Wade promises Kitty, as if that were at all what she just asked him for.

"I chose to ignore all of the paperwork talk. I don't need to get worked up over my fear of being a secretary." Wade looks at the knife he has out, and finally puts it away. "I kind of want something tasty right now. Like mocha-something-fruitysounding-something. Which is decidedly not beer."

Shadowcat has posed:
A familiar purple form comes flying down from out of one of the windows. Lockheed circles around to land on Kitty's shoulder and poke his muzzle into her hair. She reaches up to pet the purple dragon. "I know, sorry I was gone so long. Can't really take you into work," she says. "Or, hell I probably could and say you were a project. But that's more attention than I want to draw there," she tells him.

Kitty glances back to Shannon and says, "Just be careful with your touch. Never know who is going to have something wrong you might pick up, like you did with Peter," she says gently.

Kitty glances towards the school thoughtfully for a moment. "We should probably plan something for the start of classes for the year. Jubilee, do you feel up to some fireworks for it?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon glances over at Kitty and smiles, looking a little uncertain as Wade takes her hand, but does not seem to be in any undue distress. It appears that this time, her gifts have not been triggered--just a massive amount of blushing all over her face. "I've actually been working on that with Josh. It's hard, but at least we know it -is- possible for me to sense an injury without healing it. But that's going to take a LOT of practice."

She looks over at Wade, smiling uncertainly and canting her head slightly to one side. "Well... what's wrong, then?" She wasn't quite sure what to make of this one, but still....

Jubilee has posed:
"I dunno....that sounds like a lot of work, Kitty. I mean...." Jubilee grins. "Heck yeah, bring it. I'll fireworks the crap outta this place. Let's do it. I'll do it right now!" She fingerguns, and a little pink spark pews out in a sad little arc and lands in the grass, flickering pitifully before it goes out. "I got this...."

Deadpool has posed:
Shannon said a magical question. And in such a concerned tone? Wade is touched. He's also holding her hand. He draws her hand up to attempt to cup it between his against his cheek. From afar, it would look sweet: just a teen boy being romantic with a teen girl. Or something.

"Aw. Nobody asks me that," Wade says, his tone full of a depth of despair. "I mean, they ask me in a 'what the fuck is wrong with you' way, not that way. I almost feel bad to tell you. But the truth is, among other things... I am just very bored," Wade whispers, as if he'd just told her he was dying of cancer.

"I know that sounds like 'whatever', but I get very dangerous and murder people, and I am trying to be heroic," Harry Potter shares, "Only stabbing Voldemorts in the eye. Oh, sorry. He-who-must-not-be-nameds."

"Don't tell her not to touch, Kitty. She's got the TOUCH. She's got the POOOOOOWWWWERRRR~~," the merc sings.

Spider-Man has posed:


Is it luck or destiny?

Peter steps out of the mansion with his headphones in, METS cap turned around backwards, wearing a t-shirt with the GI-Joe logo and a pair of shorts, all complete with sandles. Lip syncing as he bobs his head, but when the opening rift starts he pauses to get really into some air guitar.

Because he actually is a geek and doesn't care who sees it.

Knees bent, really working it. In another life, on another planet, with another kind of radioactive spider bite, he could have killed it in at Stan Bush cover band.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde watches Harry Potter hold Shannon's hand to his cheek. "I am so telling Ginny Weasley," Kitty jokes with them. She holds a hand up at about where she recalls Wade's head to be, and compares the height to where Harry Potter's cheek appears to be. "Just don't let him hold your hand to his..." Kitty lowers her hand a bit. "Lower chest," she judges.

Kitty clears her throat, "Seriously though, she absorbs others wounds. So if you cut off a finger and she touched your hand, she might lose a finger and not be able to regrow it. So please be careful around her. We've grown quite fond of Shannon already in her short time here."

The small firework from Jubilee gets a grin from Kitty. She knows the spectacular displays the woman is capable of. "We can brain storm up something, maybe play some music for you, ooo, get that student band to play while you go nuts?"

And then speaking of nuts, someone else emerges. Kitty watches Peter go into the air guitar and she covers up her face and lets out a sigh, though grinning and laughing softly.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon turns bright, bright red, getting the general idea of what Kitty is driving at. She coughs a little, ducking her head. "Got it. Avoid lower chest." She peers at Wade curiously, wondering just how much was sarcasm, and how much to take seriously. So long as her hand was kept in ahem, G-rated areas, there didn't seem to be a problem. But seriously, bored? Really? She laughs a little, shaking her head. "Kitty's right. I haven't been here very long, not even two weeks, if that at all. And she's not kidding about absorbing others' injuries, either. I haven't learned to control that yet, so... yeah."

Only Shannon would try to be -nice- to Wade. Actually, genuinely -nice-. "Don't know what I can do about boredom... but I don't get why nobody's been nice to you."

How could anybody be so... forgiving? Was that the right word?

Jubilee has posed:
Jubilee has become a little distracted. Her nose twitches a little, and she crinkles it and rubs it with her palm. "I should go put these chairs back," she notes, and drops the handle of the wheelie cooler for now, heading off to walk around the school to to shed where she found the chairs.

Deadpool has posed:
"She's what ... twelve? I'm not a fucking creeper," Wade Potter says to Kitty, 'insulted' with a jab of finger, before going back to cradling Shannon's hand to his face-zone. "I mean, I am, but there's self-imposed limits." So there. "I need to keep it more like PG-13. Except that I forgot to count how many f-bombs I've dropped. Let's just go with that I've done one."

Suddenly Harrypool drops Shannon's hand and bolts, straight at Peter. There's some distance, but Wade is very quick when he's actively trying, and will cover the ground quickly, leaping over the lawn chairs Jubilee is dragging. Though, to Peter's view, Harry Potter is in a really big hurry to get inside the mansion. Except that Wade probably sets off ALL the spider-sense alarms in a klaxon. Maybe there's some invisible Dementors after him.

Spider-Man has posed:

Peter was mid sweet guitar rift when Deadpool darts at him like a speeding bullet... a locamotive... a leaping tall bui- nevermind. His senses do go over. They go off like a sinking sub escaping beneath depth charges! Like a cheesy looking robot trying to warn a hapless family of impending disaster! Danger, Danger Peter Parker.

With Wade so close, Pete snaps his hands up like he tossed his invisible guitar and holds it up by the neck like a baseball bat. This could be a new student if it weren't the spitting image of Daniel Radcliff! Complete with scar?! Seriously bro? Universal? In a Disney product?

You're better than this.

"Don't make me whip out my Patronus... It's a Kitty... KITTY! Is this a new student?! He's scaring me... I need an adult." Jerking the invisible guitar up like he's going to brain Wade with it. "Where you just molesting the sixteen year old?! WHY WAS SHE IN THE HELLFIRE CLUB?!" He's not letting this go, guys, seriously.

It's a thing now.

Hands up, scooting around the creepy Radcliffian Wade, "You give me free hug vibes.." Walking backwards, very cautiously, towards Kitty and Co.

Nightingale has posed:
"Oh, for FUCK sake!!! I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING IN THAT CLUB BUT GIVE BETSY HER BIRTHDAY PRESENT!!!" Shannon rolls her eyes, now looking completely annoyed. It seemed taking risks to be nice to someone wasn't going to pay, not in this lifetime and not in any other! "And he WASN'T molesting me!" By now, her wings are at their full span, feathers most definitely ruffled. Enough was enough!

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty covers her mouth, hiding her smile though she clears her throat to try to sell it. "Peter, you know Harry's look-alike cousin, Wade Dursley, I think?" she asks him, her eyes twinkling. It's much funnier watching someone else have to deal with Wade, after all.

Kitty gives Shannon a little grin. "Well, it isn't the kind of place to write home to your parents about having gone to. Though Betsy did have it rented out, so..." She gives a little shrug. And they did get the students out of their after the initial birthday traditions were past.

As Peter backward walks over to her, she moves over to slip an arm about him in a side hug. "Hey Pete," she says warmly as she does. "Just getting back," she says. Her car is over in a parking space, so obviously she's coming from somewhere other than just New York. She also has a black case slung by a strap over one shoulder.

Deadpool has posed:
"You're very jumpy," Harrypool observes, not actually pouncing on Peter or anything. But the voice? There's no way anybody could mistake that lovely Reynolds purr for anything other than exactly what it is, image inducer or not. It probably sounds in spidey's nightmares. Or daydreams.

"SO MUCH YELLING," Wadepool yells along with them, lifting both hands to over his ears, clamping them down just for a moment, before dropping them again to his sides. "I came over to Bill 'n Ted airjam with you, but there's a whole extreme vibe up in here that's offputting. Do you need to sit down?" Wade asks Peter with some gentle concern. "Or be stabbed-slash-shot? Like, I have two settings. Stabbing and shooting. I do take requests. And there's a healer-angel here. So I feel really open to being additionally creative---"

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete actually starts a little at Shannon's sudden shouting, "Whoa, hoss... settle down. I'm just playing with you..." Hands out in her direction, brow furrowed, "But I learned my lesson. /Don't joke with Shannon/-" Not Fluttershy, not Nightinggale, Shannon. "Also, watch your fucking language. Just bec-..." Wade... Reynolds... Pete takes a long sigh and drops his head forward in exasperation. Thankfully Kitty is there with a sidehug to pick up the pieces.

He turns towards her and kisses her temple. "Talk later?" Nodding at her black bag with head tilt. Offer, anyways. His arm slinks around her waist to return the hug, but his attention is shifting back over to Wadepool. "Do me a favor, at least pretend like we're a school? I get that kids are going to cuss and... god knows I said an f-bomb like a paragraph ago... but is it alright if maybe we don't get /her/ doing it?" Pointing at Shannon. This was your fault, Parker.

Nuh uh.

Shadowcat has posed:
"Everyone remembering it is a school would be fantastic for morale," Kitty agrees. Lockheed just stares everyone down from Kitty's shoulder. No one knows it, but when he does that he's pretending he's the cannon that the Predator wears on his shoulder. Just waiting for Kitty to open fire.

But he's also cute, so there's that.

Kitty grins at the kiss to her temple. "Sure thing, just come find me. Speaking of, I should get back to my room and get cleaned up." She gives Peter another quick hug and then lets him go as she heads for the front doors. "Wade, nice seeing Harry. Take care of yourself," she offers, giving him a friendly enough wave. Shannon gets a gentle touch on her shoulder a smile as Kitty heads inside.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon opens her mouth as if to reply, but simply closes it again. The seemingly devestating effect of her verbal slap has its backlash effect on her, too. Annoyed she might be, but even more, she -liked- the people here, and really had no desire to hurt them. She goes from shouting to silent inside of a few heartbeats, her wings drooping behind her as if the fight's gone right out of her. "I'm sorry," she almost whispers, brows furrowing. All she can do is turn away, picking up her almost forgotten sheet music notebook, and making her way slowly up the steps. "All I was trying to do was be nice to her, and ever since, it's come back to haunt me."

Deadpool has posed:
"Don't upset the angel," Wade admonishes Peter with a scowl, abruptly choosing to side with the girl. "She's new. Somebody told me that. Let's go inside and have slushies," Wade suggests in a low, friendly voice to Shannon, attempting to grab her hand again. If she lets him, he'll swing it, too, WHEE, so pleasant.

"I'm haunting but in a different way," he adds, in a loud whisper.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter cannot win with Shannon.

His head falls backwards, staring up at the clouds swallowing with the prominent adams apple bobbing. His arms hang down at his sides after a palm up shrug, "Really? This is what we're doing? Even Wade is..." He closes his eyes and waits for rain. Or Jean. So she can tell him what a hypocrite he is and threaten to fire him again!

That's always fun.

Nightingale has posed:
It didn't seem Shannon could win with Peter, either. She felt awful for her outburst, but what was done was done. "I'm sorry, Peter. You were just doing what you had to do." She ducks her head, and it takes her a few moments to notice Wade's taken her hand. Something did tell her to be a little bit wary, it was pretty obvious that everyone else knew something about this Wade Potter-esque person she hadn't a blessed clue about yet. Why should she be angry about that? "Maybe we'd better stay out here. It's too nice a day to waste, anyways." She sighs softly. "If I haven't ruined it entirely as it is."

Deadpool has posed:
"Okay, I'll get slushies from inside," Wade decrees, releasing her hand, and turning to look at Peter. "What flavor? Cherry? I'm going with cherry for you," determines the mercurial mercenary. He dodges around Shannon and rather literally is gone in a matter of a few seconds of quick footsteps.

Whether Wade returns with slushies or gets distracted is entirely difficult to know: he's good at moving on to the next shiny (or tasty) thing in the offering....

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter puts an envelop to his brow.

'He will get distracted and not return'

His head pops up to stare at Shannon, then over at Wade, "Hey... it's good to see you." Because he has to keep the Merc with a Mouth on his toesies. It will almost certainly backfire, though.

Then to Shannon, "Can we just start over? Pretend none of the awkward happened? Hi, I'm Peter Parker, Biology Teacher, I joke about everything." Reaching out a hand to her, "Nice to meet you."

Nightingale has posed:
"Well... at least he actually managed to pick one of my favorites." Shannon smiles slightly, just shaking her head. This one was hard to pin down. 'Mercurial' might be an apt word. 'Flighty' could be another addition to the thesaurus of words to describe Wade Potter. Well-meaning? One had yet to see.

Shannon smiles a little bit more, offering her hand. "You got it. Shannon Lance, far from an angel, and maybe sometimes caring a little too much. Biology teacher? Okay, so if I have to ask -the- mother of all questions, I know who to go see." Was she actually -joking- with him? She shakes his hand with a firm, but still gentle grip. "How about we just count on the awkward happening and just try to let it roll off our backs?"

Spider-Man has posed:
"Whoa..." Peter returns the shake, noting her firm grip with a turn of his wrist and a respecful nod, "My Uncle Ben said you should always judge a person by how they shake hands." He tucks his wrist up so their hands are locked upwards, then brings it down so just their fingers are locked, finally pushing forward to loop over thumbs and snaps. "I was not a very good listener."

Mother of all questions? What's the secret of the universe? Is there a God? Is thunder really the heavens bowling Alley? "You... don't mean..." Brow knitting, oh sweet god she does. Hands up, "Go to the Hellfire Club... You'll figure out the answer right through the front doors."

Deadpool has posed:
"I forget where the cafeteria is," Wade says as he returns from the interior of the mansion, looking disinterested with the situation, and not overly distraught. He passes right by them to Jubilee's abandoned cooler, lifts the lid, and digs inside.

A juice box is found, and he flips the lid closed, trying to fiddle with the straw. Gloves don't make fine tune things like plastic straw manipulation easy.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon attempts, albeit unsuccessfully, to stifle a giggle at Peter's expression when he realizes just what question she meant. "Thanks, I'll pass on that. Not my kind of place anyways. Truth be told, I was glad to get out of there once all the 'happy birthday' stuff was taken care of." She chortles to herself, eyes soon twinkling with... mischief? "By the way... it's a good thing you didn't bet on the whole kissing business at the pool party. It's been over a week, and still nada." She steps away, trying and failing to keep the smile off her face.

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter side eyes Wade's return, but keeps the lions share of his attention on Shannon for sanity reasons... which turns out to be largely an error on his part when she dips back in the pool and fishes up old news. "Good..." He manages, rubbing fingers against his forehead where his hat ends. "I.. am still sorry I said that." He murmurs quietly, glancing over at Wade again, then back to Shannon. "Things tend to get me a little more frustrated than they typically should, but it turned out for the best." Grinning a little, goofish, "Later that day, I got to have a long talk with Kitty. So..."


Things went the right direction. "If it happens for you, just take care of yourself. Don't let anyone push you around or make you do something you don't want to do. You're a kid.. but you are your own person, not someone elses." Adult voice, big brother lilt, "The second you're not comfortable with something.. beat feet and find a teacher. This is a place to learn and grow, part of that is going to be relationships-" It's a slippery slope! "-Just remember that Rome wasn't built in a day. You've got your whole life to figure it all out."

Deadpool has posed:
Well, that is a whole lot of sage advice and Deadpool does not have the bandwidth for it. There was a long stare at the pair of them, and then he just sets off towards the garage. "Loooooooo-gaaaaan, bub snikkkkkt," Deadpool calls, with a series of kissy-lip noises as if he were trying to coax a cat down out of a tree.

"...There's beeeeer," he adds, strolling in a circle before continuing towards the garage. "And nobody's containing my funnnnnnn...."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and smiles. Is that a bit of a blush on her face now? She just shrugs, though, not saying anything for a moment. "I have this funny feeling if anything like that ever -did- go wrong, I'd probably have you, Sam, and about half the school ready with baseball bats, pitchforks, and torches to chase the other person in question off."

She watches Wade Potter wander off in search of Logan, and shakes her head. "He's a hard one to get a read on. Sometimes it seems like nobody's ever just really been nice to him, and then on the other hand, he goes... like that."

Spider-Man has posed:
Pete smirks at Shannon, rubbing at the back of his neck. His fingers curl a little just where his skull meet his neck for a second, but then his hand drops back down to his side, fingers in his pockets, "Yeah, probably. Nobody here is going to let you get crushed.." They can't fight a broken heart though. Nobody can. Pete knows.

He, too, glances off after Wade, "You have no idea." He adds with a slight frown that vanishes almost as quickly as it appears, replaced with a half smirk. "He means well, though. If you tell him I said this, I swear to everything I'm going back to annoying you, but... I kind of like him. In the way you like that cousin that only shows up when they need money for meth."

Deadpool has posed:
It's almost like talking about Deadpool attracts him, because after his attempt to find his friend at the garage... he's roving back out again. There's an overplayed MOPE to his behavior, as he comes back over, snaring the cooler on the way. He lost his juice box somewhere in the garage; there may have been some brief event in there that involved throwing things.

"My ears were burning," Wade says as he comes back. "Did somebody mention making out with me?"

That's what burning ears must mean.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs and smiles some. "Seems like he'd be okay if you just took the time to get to know him. Doesn't seem too bad to me, but then again, I don't know him like you do. At least he's been nice-ish so far." She goes very, very still, even the feathers on her wings seeming to freeze in place. "He's right behind me, isn't he?"

Spider-Man has posed:
She should have known, Shannon.

Peter started clearing his throat the second Wade started walking up behind her, LOOK*COUGHCOUGH*BEH*COUGH*IND*COUGHCOUGH*YOU*COUGH* alas.. some kids?

When she asks if he's standing behind her, Pete just bobs his head in a sardonic yup, and reaches out to lay a comfortabl hand down on the young students shoulder. "Whatever happens next? You did this to yourself." Pat pat.

Obviously, Pete isn't going anywhere and shoots Wade a warning in a look, but likely doesn't need to. "We were just talking about how you're lowkey a nice guy and Shannon was saying people should get to know you before they make judgement calls... She's never been kidnapped and forced to watch Definitely, Maybe until the entire movie's dialog is burned into their head, though, has she?"

A glance at Shannon, shaking his head, I'm just kidding, I love that movie. He mouths.

Deadpool has posed:
"If you're baiting me to reveal things to ENTRAP me, I won't take the bait. Hero bros don't reveal secrets about.... whatever kind of thing you are," Wadey Potter says, as if confusing himself. He lifts a hand and rubs his lightning bolt scar a little bit, squinting.

"Also I have SO MUCH reputation that it's okay to be prejudiced. So long as he didn't tell you how ugly I am. I get to say that myself. Like a screaming corpse pulled out of a closet to burn your retinas and scar the psyche," Wade says, calmly, although it isn't really funny. Not really.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon frowns deeply as she turns to look at Wade, more than a little concerned. She actually steps right up to him, her voice an odd mixture of concern and deadly calm. "It can't be that bad. And please... don't put yourself down like that in my hearing?"

Spider-Man has posed:
Peter shrugs helplessly at Wade when Shannon turns to face the merc rather than Pete himself, "Anyways! I have some things and stuff..." Double pointing at the mansion, "You two play nice. Wade... Keep it Cinderella." Squinting, hand on Shannon's shoulder as he slips off, grabbing the back end of his hat to pull it around forward on his brow. Not yet ready to face the music of Wade's appearance again just yet. Some nightmares cannot be undreamt.

Deadpool has posed:
"Oh, I'm a legend of awful. It's best to be realistic. I have an image thingy that makes me look palatable," Wade says, evenly. "I can stick to mostly putting others down, but so far I haven't really seen a great thing to clearly make fun of about you," Wade says, openly, in his flippantly honest way. "But I did hear that touching me would be BAD so we'll be super careful then, and I'll keep all my clothes and skin on," Wade adds, attempting to pat her on the shoulder with a hand that appears bare-- but isn't.

"He's leaving you with me," Wade adds, more quietly. "I feel like I'm almost trusted here. I've been working on it. Trying to get a teaching position, maybe. Part time. Or substitute. I could unfurl much knowledge onto little eager fucking brains."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles a little bit, not moving away with that hand on her shoulder. As long as it wasn't Roman hands and Russian fingers, so the old saying went. "Give it time, you'll probably find something. Heck, Negasonic already calls me 'Fluttershy', even though it's supposed to be 'Nightingale'. But she's not too bad, either, once you get past the prickly cactus bit." She tilts her head as she looks up at Wadey Potter, and nods. "They weren't kidding about the touching part. And it's not just trying to keep me innocent, either. If you've been hurt, or you're ill... there's a pretty good chance I'd wind up absorbing some of that."

Deadpool has posed:
"Negasonic Teenage what-the-shit calls me Lame-pool!" Wade says pleasantly, perking up, and then starting to grow skeptical. "Naturally moping goth teens do lots of things for attention. I get it, it's their thing. You're probably a different memeber of the breakfast club, am I right? And too young to get the reference. It hurts."

Wade taps a finger against his mouth, and then nods. "No touchies, no cancer for you. Sure. HEY. I thought of another hiding spot for Logan. I'm gonna check. Be good, angelfluff," Wade decides, abruptly. And he brings a hand in to tap at his belt... and just VANISHES.

Gone. Teleport. Boop!

Nightingale has posed:
"Hey, I happen to actually -LIKE- that mov..." Poof. Gone. Shannon is left blinking, looking utterly confused, and bewildered as Wadey Potter just up and disappears. Cancer? Angelfluff? Who or what was he, really? She just shakes her head and smiles some, ducking inside to continue the project she had been working on earlier. "Wow... he's just... wow..."