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Latest revision as of 23:58, 13 August 2019

Making Amends
Date of Scene: 21 June 2019
Location: The Bronze, Sunnydale
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Spike, Buffy Summers, Daniel Osborn, Willow Rosenberg, Rupert Giles

Spike has posed:
The Bronze is just your average nightclub familiar to Sunnydale residents. It's not an alcohol serving premises but....but......people drink anyhow. Spike's in a dark corner enjoying a soft drink....and thinking over the past few days. He's annoyed his friends so he figured here is a good spot to unwind. Still.....Spike's Spike. Still wanting to show he's changed...and he's trying to figure out how to show th world he's not an evil, evil vampire.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers has had some long hard days studying and then having to pull some night shifts at work following by slayering. Finally its the end of the week and time to unwind. So naturally she shows up at the Bronz, hoping to meet up with Xander and Will for good times. Unfortunately they never responded to her text and are probably busy with who-knows-what. Hey, they're in college now, and things are a bit more complicated than before. With Oz back in town, Wil's probably busy, and Xander's probably hooked up with Anya again, leaving Buffy on her lonesome. Things are pretty darn lonely lately, and she hasn't had a date in a long, long time. So she ends up at the Bronz alone. Hey, maybe she'll get lucky and get picked up by some cute guy here, or maybe she can just drink herself silly and have a good time on her own. She brought her own drink, a cold ginger beer, and she pops open the can, sipping on it as she heads over to the pool table, testing one of the cues. "Hmm..." she peers around at those gathered, "Hey, anyone up for a game of pool? It's on the house." she grins, searching for a familiar face..

Spike has posed:
Spike gets up. "Oh I will, Miss Summers" Spike says graciously then looks amused. "I'll play" he nods and strides to the pool table. Fortunately, a pool cue is not a stake...and Spike has a soda he's sipping on it as he smiles, but stays back letting Buffy dictate the situation. If she punches him.....well.....that'll best go outside. Still, Spike's down for pool, he's good at pub games. Like pool....as Spike looks amused, though he's not taunting Buffy yet. it's like he's learned his lesson....maybe?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shoots a glare at Spike. "Ugh! Why do you always turn up like a bad penny? Seriously! I came here to get *away* from complications like you..." Did she just say complications? How annoying. "..And there you are, again.." she rolls her eyes, "Ok fine, whatever. I just want to enjoy a game of pool." doesn't mean she has to talk to him or anything. She grabs the balls from the pockets, lines them up in the triangle and leans over the table to look at them along her cue, practicing a few test shots before she shoots. "I wonder, how many other slayers you have encountered in your time..And I wonder how those exchanges went down?" she ponderes aloud. Of course the moment she says it she regrets it. Buffy just knows this is gonna end up with some long involved history of Spike's past..

Spike has posed:
Spike shrugs, "I'm a complication?" he asks taking a cue and watching her with a smile. Shaking his head he's waiting on her to miss so he gets a shot...but he's not trying to get in her head. "How many slayers? Two before you, Buffy. Both dead. And.....you're alive." he says with a nod as he explains it with a careful, patient tone as he's explaining things. He's watching Buffy with a gentle look. It's almost.....caring? Spike though sighs. "I came here for the same reason. I wanted to unwind, come on, is that so bad?" he asks and sips his soda, looking over at Buffy again before he says his next words. "Fine. I'll turn around and walk away if you want" he says, the unspoken 'but you are gonna miss me' in the air. Spike though...is willing to help and teach Buffy pool.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip as she looks down the cue. Actually, she's not much of a pool player. She always wanted to try but never had much luck. She lines up the balls and shoots..While her power is good and she scatters the balls, she does not sink anything. "Ooh, lucky me. I managed not to get killed..Yet." although she smirks, "Guess I can say the same for you too though." she arches a brow though, curious to know more of his history as she tosses him the cue. Looks like there's only one cue, who knows where the others went? "Forget it. We started a game, let's end it." she smirks, "Unless you're afraid to lose a game of pool to the slayer?" Oh yeah, just pretend she knows waht she's doing.

Spike has posed:
Spike grins and catches the cue. "Alright..." he says and sets to showing Buffy how pool's supposed to be played. Or in other words...showing off. Spike's good. He's damn good. "You're alive because I don't want to kill ya. Can you say the same about me?" he asks with a genuine curioisity. He's figured out there's /something/ there...but he's focusing on the pool game, potting balls easily. He looks up to Buffy with a smile. "I'll teach you to play pool if you want. Besides, means you get to ask me questions"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks as she watches, quite thoroughly impressed. He's pretty good. Annoyingly so. She cant help but feel like he's showing off a little. "Well, you're alive, aren't you? I think that speaks for itself. I could have killed you many times in the past, but I didn't. Clearly it's because you're more use to me alive than dead. What I can't figure out is why you don't want to kill me, given my obvious occupation." she smiles, "Aren't you afraid that one day or another, I'll stake you? Or is it simply that you think if you behave then I wont hurt you?" she chuckles and nods, "Alright, show me how to beat you at this game, and in return, tell me..About yourself, your history. How you killed those other slayers." Translation: Tell her how to avoid getting killed by clever, sexy vampires.

Spike has posed:
Spike looks amused. "Fine. You got a deal, Buffy" he nods. "Nah, you won't kill me. Why? Because you like me....even though you pretend not to, Summers.....you do. And if you kill me, it'll be killing a small part of yourself" he says and walks her through lining up a shot. All without a hand on Buffy. Good going, Spike. He then clears his throat. "My history? Me?" he asks. "If you insist, well I was born into high society in London" he says putting on a Posh English accent for this next bit. "All high tea and airs and graces and the commoners are not fit to even look at me" he says reverting his usual accent. "I was a poet in that high society. Not a great poet, but I tried. I got turned by Drusilla." he explains, "I ran with her and Angel for a while. Eventually came here. Yu want to know how not to get killed by a vampire? Don't piss 'em off, Buffy. Don't give them a reason to hate you" he advises. "See? I'm not all bad am I?" he asks and smiles, a sheepish smile.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at him but us thankful (but a little disappointed) that he doesn't pay a hand on her. "No sweat! I can do this.." even if she sucked at physics in highschool. Ok so it's about 50% aim and 50% physics. She lines up and nearly makes the next shot but over compensates and the ball flies off the table. "Um whoops! Gee this is a lot harder than it looks.." she makes a face as she scrambles for the balk, handing it to Spike. "I'll get it, give me a minute or two.." she draws a breath, "wow, YOU were an aristocrat? Are you saying your cheesy accent is actually real?" she laughs, "But let's hear some of your poetry, it can't be all that bad..."

Spike has posed:
Spike looks amused then motions for her to try the shot again as he sets the ball back down. He's gently got a hand on Buffy watching her with a smile. "I could read my poetry....but the last time I did" he says with his hand on her back, he's smiling and watching Buffy. "You can do this. Here" he says and slides his other hand onto the cue brushing hers. "Okay, remember, line it up and don't hammer the balls around" he says leaing his hands where they are, one on her back, one next to hers on the cue. Spike nods. "I was an aristocrat. But my accent's all real. I'm....what would in the 1800s be called an urchin. Tel me. You ever study Charles Dickens or Oliver Twist?" he asks gently.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods and focuses on the ball, flinching only slightly as his touch...Actually she kinda..Doesn't half mind it and pretends to be so focused on the ball that she doesn't notice. "Like this?" she shoots the cue and this time her aim is perfect. She knocks the ball, hitting her intended target at an angle and pockets her first ball of the day. "Alright! I did it!" she grins and high fives Spike. "I mean..I guess it's your turn now." she tosses the cue to him. "Then how did you go from high society to hanging out with vampires?" she smirks, "Ah she seduced you. Offered you a better life didn't she? And you fell for it.." she chuckles. "Yea, I had to read both in high school. Is that your style of poetry? C'mon read some to me, I promise not to laugh too much!" she smirks.

Spike has posed:
Spike shrugs and looks amused then catches the cue. He hands it back, though he's got his hands on the cue, arranged so Buffy could touch him taking the cue back. "No no, it's still your turn until you miss a shot or pocket the white ball" Spike says with a laugh. Shaking his head Spike looks amused then smiles. "Be honest Buffy, did you mind my touch?" he asks then starts reciting his poetry from memory. Once done he looks amused. "You're right. I wanted immortality and things" he points out.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs, "Oh. Oh right. Of course. Duh!" she takes the cue back, feeling like s total moron as she takes another sip of ginger beer. She had *accidently* brushed fingertips with his when he passed the cue and again pretends not to notice. "What are you even talking about? I thought you were just showing me the moves." right right. Feign innocence. She takes the cue back and lines it up again. This time she nearly knocks the ball in the pocket but it didn't quite make it. "Ugh. This is a complex game. Now it's your turn." she smirks, "So you gave up everything for immortality. And do you regret that decision? Don't you miss the sunshine? Ir eating real food? What about all those people you killed? You want to be good now but are you even capable of feeling remorse for those you killed? And what of those slayers you murdered? Slayers like me.."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
A new face enters the club, a familiar face, and in fact people seem to recognize him when he walks in, and he raises his hands to wave at them. But a pair of people at a pool table catch his attention, and the sound of his boots on the floor can be heard when he approaches Buffy and Spike. "Hey guys," he says. He really looks much the same as he did when he left town, except his hair is shorter again, when it'd been longer then, and the color is different, no surprise. He's still wearing the same clothes, a DAMB band t-shirt, jeans and boots, complete with a studded bracelet on each wrist, but what's new is the prayer beads around his neck. He's seen Spike already since his return, but he smiles at Buffy, not saying it, but according to his body language he's missed her.

Spike has posed:
Spike laughs, "Do I feel remorsse? Yeah" he says then lookss to the balls setting to it clearing the table, hoping Buffy's taking notes. "Oh I was. I was starting with the basics" Spike nods and looks impressed. If he wanted to anger Buffy, he'd have hands all over. That....isn't quite what Spike's all about. Still he sets the pool table up again and offers the cue to Buffy. Oh he could show her the moves alright.....but that requires certain other things...

Spike looks to Oz with a grin. "Hey Oz, I was shooting pool with Buffy" he says then he opens his mouth again. "What about the slayers, Buffy. Trust me, both those slayers went out ot kill me without even stopping to figure me out" Spike says simply. "You, though...you're different, you know that?" he asks gently. "You're different. You're not stake happy, so...."

Spike nods and looks from Buffy to Oz as he nods to Buffy. "Pool's an interesting game" he admits.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers folds Alger arms as Spike talks of remorse and of self defence against other slayers. "Self defence. Uh huh, sure." she frowns a bit, knowing how many times she came close to being killed by Spike. "Somehow I find it hard to believe you could truly have felt remorse at those you killed. If you did, you would be in tears right now. You'll have to try harder than that. Honestly? I feel sorry for you, Spike. You're an empty shell, a mockery of life, trying so hard to be something more.." she shakes her head at the offered cue. "Ok then, new game. Don't go easy on me this time though.." she grabs the cue and breaks the balls but doesn't sink anything. She tosses the cue back to Spike before she notices Oz come in and breaks into a smile. "Hi Oz! How you been?" she steps over to him to give him a hug. "I heard you were back in town..Wil must be so happy.."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz returns the hug, with a smile. "I think she might be, but I've only seen her once," he says, with a half shrug. "I've been well, I can stay home when the moon is big now." Yep, he's fixed his werewolf problem. Mostly. Though talking about Willow does have him just slightly worried, or sad, but he doesn't talk about that, and it's gone as fast as it came. "What about you? Anything new? Still doing college? Still killing vampires?"

Spike has posed:
Spike shakes his head. "Don't go easy on you?" he asks, with a wry smile and gets an idea, scribbling a note to Buffy and doing his best to slip it to her, The note said....you're right but I'm trying my best to change.He slips it in her pocket and his hand doesn't linger there too long. He's....capable of being a gentleman after all.

Spike waves to Oz. "You know Oz...I'm taking singing lessons now" he says with a grin as he's clearing the pool table.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a brow at Oz, noting the hesitation as she lets go. Was..Was Spike pulling a fast one on her? She could have sworn she felt someone slip something in her pocket. But right now she is focused on Oz. "That's great that you got stuff under control. As for Wil.." well, she's heard that Willow has one complicated love life. "Well don't worry about her, she hasn't seen you in a while but I'm sure she still loves you! I'll talk to her if you like." she glances at Spike, arching a brow. "What are you up to..?" she feels the note in her pocket and smirks, but doesnt read it. "Yiure singing now too? Let's hear.."

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz considers Buffy's words and nods slightly. He's very hopeful that Willow still loves him, but he's going to go easy on Willow now. If he's lucky, things will work out. If he's not, well, he'll be broken, but he'll cross that bridge when he gets there. "No, no, let's not," he says, immediately. "The last time I heard you singing a cat was dying. But there wasn't a cat at all, it was just you." Yeah, he still remembers that day, it wasn't that long ago, after all.

Spike has posed:
Spike listens and nods, looking thoughtful then he nods watching Buffy. "You're getting the hang of this" he says with a....caring tone to his voice. "You suree are a quick learner, Buffy" Spike nods looking impressed "Though I could teach you better tricks and show you moves huh?" he asks.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers lets Oz go as he heads to the bar for a drink and some contemplation. She shrugs and turns back to Spike, feeling her pocket for the note he left here. "What's this?" she frowns and pulls it out, reading it with a smirk. "Trying, are you? Trying what, to be a 'good boy'?" She chuckles, still making fun of him. "Yeah, of course, this isn't so hard, just point and aim..It's mostly the physics part that stumps me, but I'm a quick learner." she pauses, arching a curious brow at him as she steps up to the table, taking the cue. "Really? So show me some neat trick then, but don't pull anything weird on me.." Not that she would half mind, but she's not about to admit that of course..

Spike has posed:
Spike motions for the cue and grins. "I could show you moves alright Buffy. It's all about physics, yes. But" he nods. "It's about mindset too. I could show you a thing or two" he nods wisely and smiles. "Yes I'm trying. Give me credit, Buffy"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smirks, "Seriously, I mean, I don't think I like the innuendos. I wonder if you've even taken physics in school, mister poet?" she chuckles as she knocks the ball, pocketing three in one. "Alright! How's that?" she walks around the table, searching for her next ball. "But anyways, I wanted to talk to you about those other slayers you killed. How, as a slayer, do I avoid falling into the same trap? What mistake did they make that I can avoid?"

Spike has posed:
"You don't get me mad at you for one thing" Spike says softly. "Look. Buffy" he says and watches her. "Don't worry about me killing you. I got no interest in it at all. So...." he sighs and stays put. He wants to go to Buffy and explain, and be honest. "Listen. I'd rather protect you than kill you. You know how you solve your problems with fists? I'm the same way, slayer. But I'm not that different. Besides" Spike adds with a smile. Right now though he's waiting for Buffy to make a move. Any move. He's feeling like he's getiting through to her.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers shakes her head and grins, "Oh, it's not you I'm worried about. I'm just worried about fighting some uber vamp like the Master again or..Who knows what?" she aims the ball and strikes..But this time she's not so lucky. Her technique is still a bit off and could use some work. She's not focusing enough. Spike's desire to 'protect' her is greeted with another eyeroll. "Seriously Spike? Don't..Don't talk like that. Why would you even *want* to protect me, when I might kill you at any moment?" she's still smiling, it's hard to tell if she's just taunting him or what. "Yeah, sometimes the easiest way to solve problems is with your fists. Nothing wrong with that. It's too bad we can't really spar I guess, I mean, any match we have would be terribly one-sided.."

Spike has posed:
Spike sighs. "We can spar. C'mon. You want to spar, put 'em up" Spike says. "Oh no. I'm serious about protecting you, Buffy. I'd rather take a stake to ensuure you survive. Why? Because" Spike says "Admit it. Patrolling with me helps you out. Less vampires. I get to fight vampires. We get to stake them. Win win" he says, nearly putting 'together' in there...but stopping short. Spike's aware of Buffy trying to keep him at arm's length, but Spike feels like he's getting through to Buffy.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles, "You know what happens any time you try to hurt anyone. You just hurt yourself more. It's sad..Pathetic really. But you sure are tenacious, aren't you." she does pause when he talks of sacrificing himself for her, and it even causes her to frown a bit. "Why are you acting like this? Like, like you actually..You know..Care about me, when all I ever do is beat you up all the time? Don't tell me you actually enjoy it." she's frowning a bit now, "Yeah, I suppose, it's nice to know someone else has my back. The other scoobies, they're not super powered so they can't always keep up with me. But you know, it's kinda weird. we've been enemies for so long." she frowns at the cue, handing it to Spike as she misses her next shot, nearly knocking the ball off the table. "Ahh, I'll never get the hang of this game. Maybe I'm trying to hit the balls too hard? Maybe I should have paid more attention to physics.." She's getting restless, frustrated with this game.

Spike has posed:
Spike shakes his head and puts the cue back. "Care to come dancing?" he asks and gestures to the dance floor. "It's got to be easier than pool, right?" he asks and steps toward it and offfers a hand to Buffy. "I do enjoy your company and patroling though. Gives us a chance to talk...about patrolling. And....things" Spike admits with a grin. "ee. I do care about you. If anything happens to ou, the Scoobies will think it's me" Spike says simply. "So I do care about you. Cause my well being is tied to yours and not getting Scoobies killing me"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs, "I guess I've had enough of pool one day. I guess I'm good with brute force and aim, but trying to make balls dance around on the table is a little tricky." she grins, "Not like I'm gonna give up so easily. One of these days, I'll be you at pool!" she glances towads the dance floor as an old favorite song of hers comes on. "Ahh, I like this song.." she peers warily at Spike though, "Just don't get any ideas.." she smirks, "c'mon, I mean, we don't have to talk about patrolling all the time. Sometimes it's fun to just sit back and relax. Like now. I think you're completely nuts though.." at least, when he puts it that way, it causes her to relax a bit as she puts down her cue and heads for the dance floor, shrugging out of her jacket to reveal a cute, short red sleeveless dress worn underneath. "Soo, really what you're trying to say is you're afraid of me.." she lifts her arms in the air, swaying to the fast beat of the song. "Let's see how well you dance." she grins and winks. "Unless you're afraid of me on the dance floor too?"

Spike has posed:
Spike steps onto the dance floor and watches Buffy dancing....as he too slips into an easy dance to go with the beat. "Ideas?" he asks softly as he leans toward Buffy to speak...as he has his arms out dancing...and....has his arms out, though they're close to Buffy dancinc. He's leaning in to speak, certainly not loking for a kiss....though....or anythng even. Still, he does move and dance and his fingers brush toward Buffy as they're both dancing.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles as she continues to say to the upbeat music. "C'mon Spike. Admit it. You're afraid of me! You're so scared that I'm gonna stake you one of these days that you figure if you suck up to me, try and get on my good side, let you into the Scoobies, I might give you a break.." she smirks, and someone accidently shoves her, causing her to crash into him - totally by mistake.

Spike has posed:
Spike catches Buffy and in the process wraps his arms around her. Given he's leaning in, he accidentally kisses her and still does his best to speak. "No I'm not afraid of you" he says against her lips before pulling back. "I'm not afraid of you. I enjoy your company. You help me out" Spike admits not letting Buffy go quite yet...though he does loosen his grip on Buffy though....and glare at the person who knocked her into him. Stil...."If I was afraid of you I'd have got somebody else to deliver my blood and help decorate, and I'd have never gone patrolling" he says gently with a wry smile.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers's eyes fly open in surprise. She's pretty agile and doesn't fall on the floor, but with Spike in the way, it ends up being..Super awkward. Her eyes fly open in surprise and annoyance as she stumbles into his lips..And actually enjoys the sensation. Not that she'd admit it. "Dammit Spike!" she yells, shoving him away. "What are you trying to do? I'll bet you did that deliberately!" Buffy brings a finger to her lips, but doesnt brush the kiss away. Dammit, why did she actually enjoy that.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz went to the bar to get a drink, and he's on his way back with a soda when he spots the couple on the dance floor. "What. The..." He's not even sure what to say about what just happened. He's not exactly a Spike fan himself, and he can kinda tell that Buffy may have enjoyed that kiss a bit too much. It's not his place to get involved, but he knows he doesn't like it. That's going to lead down a path that'll end badly for everyone, and he knows it. He lifts a hand to wave to them, to signal he's back, before going and finding a place to sit down and...not look at them. And meditate. And drink soda. And stuff.

Spike has posed:
Spike shakes his head. "I didn't do it. Somebody knocked you into me. I caught you and I was leaning to talk to you and I kissed you" Spike says, even said aloud it sounds weird. Though he secretly enjoyed it too. He gets her wied eyed look....it was sort of cute really as Spike sighs and shakes his head, licking the taste of Slayer off his lips. It tastes....good. Spike's not denying he enjoys it...at least to himself, thankfully. Still he keeps dancing, just careful not to lean in too close to Buffy. Though if she's game for it he won't object really.

Spike's liking dancing....and not just watching Buffy dance, either. THough he's getting ideeas from that alone. He's trying to figure out how to get through to her that he actually, genuinely likes the Slayer....

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers laughs, "Sure. Of course." she rolls her eyes. Of course, there was some shoving on the crowded dance floor. And there was also her..Not really minding the kiss as much as she should. "Hey! don't lick your lips! Ugh....!" she shoves him back towards the dance floor, not enough to hurt, maybe just enough to show her annoyance, knock him off-balance a little. It's at that moment that she spies Oz who clearly saw what happened - which could be bad if Giles or the other scoobies caught wind of it, for many reasons. "Oz, heey!" she follows him to the table, rubbing her arms self-consciously. "Geez, I hope you didn't..See that, and if you did..Don't tell anyone, okay? I mean, it was just an accident. I get it, he's a vampire who we can't trust. I mean. Not totally.." This must especially suck for Oz, struggling as he is with Willow. "Hey, how are you doing? Why don't you join us on the dance floor? Loosen up a bit, y'know?" at least if he was there, it wouldn't be so awkward. Spike wouldn't try..Things.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz comes out of his meditation when Buffy approaches, turning his head to look at her. "It's not my place to stop you," he says, with a sigh. "But do you really want a boyfriend who's drunk all the time, and who has no soul?" He shrugs. It really isn't his place, of course. When she asks him to dance he shakes his head slightly. "No, you 2 have fun. I'll be here." He takes another drink of his soda, but he doesn't go back into meditating, still looking at Buffy and realizing just how badly he misses having Willow by his side.

Spike has posed:
"I'm actually sober" Spike points out. "Are you suggesting Giles, since he's drunk all the time" Spike points out and shakes his head looking from Buffy to Oz, though he gives Buffy a gentler look than Oz. "Do you think Willow wants a boyfriend who is furry and goes wolf every full moon?" Spike asks, turning Oz's question around on him..though he's quietly watching Oz and Buffy.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip, shaking her head. "No.." her response is a bit hesitant, a but slow, "Of course not. We were just goofing around. It's not like I don't take my responsibilities seriously. It would be a bad idea but..Would it really be..?" she catches herself. "No, I did NOT just say that..Ugh..This is soo very confusing." And she has no right to ask for Oz's help with all that's going on right now. "Hey Oz, take it easy. I'll talk to willow, I promise. I'll get through to her, so don't worry so much." she touches his shoulder, trying to reassure him. She glances towards Spike, who is probably still having a blast on the dance floor. When he starts taunting Oz, she glares coldly at him. "Spike, shut up! You'er only making the situation worse. And besides, he's got *some* control over his shapeshifting now, right, Oz?"

Daniel Osborn has posed:
"That's right," Oz says, nodding to Buffy. He doesn't elaborate, though, closing his eyes again and resuming his meditation. Better to just stay out of this than to make it worse. What happens between Spike and Buffy isn't his problem, and he's not going to turn into a werewolf version of Angel just because Willow's being hesitant. He's stronger than that. Right? Meditation seems to help, at any rate, and he seems calmer, closing out the world around him for a little while.

Spike has posed:
Spike shakes his head at Oz then looks to Buffy with a raised eyebrow. He's still not saying he enjoyed the accidental kiss...but.....he's just not saying a lotta things to Buffy

There's so much he could say, but..he's staying quiet for now. Instead he watches Oz then Buffy and scuffs the floor with a heel. he's feeling awkward but....but.....he's not being able to help liking the Slayer. Plus, that accidental kiss /was/ fun and good. Spike wouldn't turn down more Slayer kisses....

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow had to admit it had been a looong time since she'd been at the Bronze. Last time John had bought her a drink ad teased her the entire while. She hadn't like those first sips, but by the end of the evening she miiiiight have been a tiny bit tipsy.

Thankfully John wasn't here to buy her an illegal drink. *ahem*

She's toting her satchel, laptop stuffed inside, as well as an assortment of course catalogues, bus fare, and sage (because you never knew when you might need some for smudging, and besides, it was on sale!).

Having prior agreement to meet up here, she marches to 'the usual table' and plops down, untangling her satchel strap from around her neck. "What I don't understand is why they won't let me take 7 courses. I figured out how to make them work into my schedule and everything. Something about rules and focusing and we don't want our students burning out, Ms. Rosenburg.. it's our experience that leads to failure. How am I going to cram in all the courses I need! It's bad enough they won't let me take more than two majors."

With a harumph, and that out of the way, Willow finally makes it to "Hi guys."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers nods and smiles at Oz. She's pretty used to his quiet, contemplative tendancies, although he seems moreso today. She can only guess that he's got Willow, and only Willow on his mind a lot lately.

"Alright, Oz.." she takes a long sip of her gingerbeer, practically guzzling the rest of it down (Hey, she's thirsty and needs to chill!), before setting it down on the table again, "I hope you'll join us on the dance floor if you change your mind! Looks like they got a good band playing tonight!"

She's just about to rise to her feet again, her feet eagerly tapping to the beat of the drum, when Willow steps in, quiet as a mouse. She pauses and grins brightly at her. "Wil! Heey! Long time, no see! How've you been?" Oh yeah, there's Oz, sitting quietly at the same table.
"Listen, I should probably leave you two alone for some, uh..Catching up?" she gently nudges Willow. "Hey, go easy on him, he's trying real hard." As for Spike, she just smirks and waves to him.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
A familiar scent, that alone would be enough to snap him out of his meditation, but the voice too, yeah, no more meditation for Oz. Buffy would be pretty much right in thinking Oz has had Willow on his mind a lot, and he turns to her when she arrives, managing to restrain himself from getting all excited and stuff, instead settling for a restrained smile. He remembers what she'd said, and is trying not to go too all out about missing her and stuff, deciding it's better if she takes her time to decide. Even if it's not necessarily what he wants, it wouldn't be fair to her otherwise. "Maybe they care about your mental health," he offers, in reference to her not being able to take so many classes. "You know, everyone has a limit. And remember, you got a B minus last semester. Wouldn't want that to happen again." His tone is just a little sarcastic, he knows how seriously she takes her classes, but sometimes it's just a bit too serious, and he has to lighten her up a little.

Spike has posed:
Spike waves to Willow and motions her over hoping for a hug. He's happy to see her too and listens, though he really wants to wrap his arms around Buffy. High school was so long ago. He smiles, "Hey Willow, ever thought about sharing the love for classs?" he asks. "I mean, stop trying to take the whole syllabus by yourself" he says and raises his palms. See. No gift this time....

With that he looks to Willow again then oz and whispers "You want a drink? I'll pay" to Willow and Buffy. Given how Oz is to Spike....Oz isn't included in the generosity.

Rupert Giles has posed:
The Bronze is not precisely his favorite place in the world. In fact, if Giles could avoid stepping foot into the loud, dark, obnoxious breeding ground for STDs and Poor Life Choices, he'd certainly do so. Unfortunately, his disinterest in 'jamming' or 'hanging' (or whatever the young and hip are calling these days) is nearly unique when it comes the scoobies. So, here he is, looking out of place in his tweed as he enters.

Behind the glasses, the Watcher's gaze is sharp. He wouldn't be here at all if he didn't have a good reason. It's Buffy he needs, and he can't wait for social time to be over.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh Hey, Buffy," Willow beams at her beste. "So weird seeing you.. like every day for a change." Because it had been ages since the two had been more than passing ships in the night. When she's elbowed and told to 'go easy' and to 'catch up', Willow ohs, "I guess? We already kinda did?" Not actually following where Buffy is leading with all this.

She does give Oz a grin. "So when are you playing a set here? I promised I'd bring banners." In fact she was itching to get her hands on bristol board and markers. Fine, those wouldn't quite be banners, but they'd be signs. Signs counted. They did too!

When Spike leans in, he can see that she's considering it, saying yes. Cheeks flushing as she remembers the last time she was here.. and then she remembers the last time she was here and quickly shakes her head at him. "No, I shouldn't."

To the table in general, "My mental health would be much better if they'd just let me do what I want!" Ah, the eternal lament of the over achiever.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Something is bothering Oz, it's visible in his expression, but he stays silent about it. "Friday," he says, when Willow asks about the set. He sighs, seeming to consider something, maybe whether to just meditate and pretend he isn't here or something. He's been gone too long, he almost feels like an outsider now, there's so much he doesn't know. But he decides against it, still listening, staying engaged as much as a silent person can with the conversation.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers glances up at Spike, arching a curious brow at him. "Oh, you're paying for drinks now?" she smirks, and shrugs, "Okay sure..Just don't put something funny in mine..I got my eye on you, Spike.."

She just smirks at Willow, "Seriously? why are you even *considering* taking seven classes? I'm only taking three this semester, and I'm positively *dying!* I'll bet you're gonna finish your degree like, in one year, while I'm still lagging behind.." but hey, she's got an excuse, she just returned from abroad - you know, official slayer business - and she's still feeling a little jet-lagged.

Peering around the club, Buffy does spy something a little surprising. "Heeey, is that Giles? In the Bronze? what's he doing here? I wonder if he has a Daaate?" she can't help but laugh.

Glancing back at Willow, she arches a brow, peering between the two of them. "Oh. Really? Maybe I was mistaken then.." but from Oz's mood, she's not entirely sure things are quite the same as before. But she doesn't want to intervene. It's not her place, really.

Rupert Giles has posed:
It's dark, noisy, and crowded, and he's not in a very good mood. If he can find Buffy quickly and get out, there's tea and books and a very small demon waiting for him at the Magic Box, which Giles has spent most of the day dusting, reorganizing, and feng shui-ing into exactly what he wants it to be. Which... turned out to be a problem.

Pushing through a crowd of gleefully snagging youngsters, the older man glances around for a familiar face... and finds it. Unfortunately, the familiar face is Spike, which brings an immediate look of irritation to his face. The look softens only when his gaze flicks to Buffy, Willow, and finally Oz.

The Watcher makes his way towards them and is already speaking-- his shoulder turned slightly to try to edge Spike out a bit---- as he draws closer. "---and it came out of the box, and it's started chewing on the bookshelves. Some sort of imp, or lesser demon, I imagine, but I spent all day on that display and in less than a -minute-...!"

Spike has posed:
Spike nods to Willlow then spies Giles. "And Grandpa joins us" he says needling the Watcher. What else is new with Spike and Giles. They are an odd pairing, really....as Spike folds up a note. It's like grade school all over again.

Don't be mad at me but I didn't mean to kiss you. But it was good.

The note folded up Spike considers sliding it down the top of her dress. He's not that suicidal or in need of an insta-staking however for getting a feel...., he just....slips it under Buffy's drink and hopes she notices..

Then he looks to Oz. "I'll come along and cheer you guys on" he says before coming back with a whole bottle of Scotch. He'd found somebody selling it. And because Grandfather Giles is here...Spike takes the cap off. It's one of those with a cap....and chugs a good third of it in one go. As if daring Giles to beat him. He's probably secretly trying to kill the Watcher or get Giles so drunk he forgets why he's here. Spike and Giles are the best of frenimies.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow looks utterly lost in the face of Buffy's 'guess I was mistaken then'. Then again, conversation happened before she showed up, so perhaps things were said. All she knows is she's not getting it, other than there seem to be about a hundred undercurrents going on and it was a little noisy for doing homework. Ah, yes, that was the other reason Willow hadn't been coming here often.

She blinks at her beste, "Why? Because I can't make up my mind what major to take, and they won't let me declare more than two, so I'm trying to fit in all the courses I would have taken if I could do three.." Four her brain silently corrects, because who are we kidding, she wanted to take four, and even then she'd had to narrow the list down. "Then I'd be able to pick whatever graduate school I wanted."

Not that she'd held it against her beste, but it had hurt just a little to turn those scholarships down. And she's suddenly reminded, as Giles is announced, that she and Buffy hadn't caught up. And that now she, Willow, had two Watchers to be accountable to. After the Enchantress affair, John wasn't leaving Willow and her magical studies up to chance.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz looks to Spike's scotch and shakes head, with a glance toward Buffy, as if asking her if she was seeing this, and explaining exactly why she would not want to be with Spike, a sort of "see what I mean?" look. "She thought we hadn't caught up yet," he says, to Willow, with a sigh. He looks to Giles when he arrives, and wonders if social time is ending, though somehow the grumpy old man's antics manage to make him laugh, just a little. But it doesn't brighten his mood completely.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers bites her lip and just shakes her head. "Um, don't worry about it. It's just good to see you getting out and having fun for once, instead of being all cooped up in those suffy books." she grins, "I mean, it's nice to get back here in Sunnydale after all that cramming at college. I still can't believe I got in, but I'm feeling lucky that I got a C+ on my last psych test. I'm really enjoying it though ,even if it *is* really hard.."

She rubs her temples at Willow's struggles, "Um, sweetie, maybe you should take it easy at college, sounds like you're trying to take on too much at once. Maybe just spread it out more, take the normal amount now, and take some more in the summer so you can cram more in the year. I guess they really cram a lot of content in summer classes but hey, itll help you get there faster if it's important to you." Buffy's gonna take it easy herself, just try stuff here and there. She's in no hurry really.

She glances up at Spike and Giles as they approach at fairly the same time. Grabbing the drink from Spike with a nod and smile, she arches a brow at the second note he's attached to the bottom of it. "Seriously, Spike? You're out of your mind..This isn't grade school anymore.." still, she seems amused, and her face even reddens a bit at the message, quickly stuffing it in her pocket. As for glugging down Scotch? She tries not to notice.

Buffy is quite glad for the interruption from Giles, although his story does cause her to smirk a little, "Oh, a little imp demon? Are you sure it wasn't just a cute little mouse? I mean..I don't think I could kick-box with a mouse sized demon. Maybe Wil here can poof it away?"

Spike has posed:
Spike is, amusingly, stone cold sober as he offers the Scotch to Giles. Then he looks to Willow and Oz, then Buffy again. "Imp demons huh?" he asks. "That's....cute and adorable" he adds and grins. Shaking his head Spike wanders over to the bar to get a drink. Again.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"But I am taking it easy..." Willow says in ever softening tones, realizing as she's speaking that she and Buffy do not share the same ideas on educational prowess. Only to pipe up, nearly agahst, "You got a C? Oh, Buffy, that's horrible! You didn't say you failed. I could have helped you register for summer makeups at Mount Royal." She shivers as she says that, though. "They're kidna stuck up, but it's okay, I guess."

She'd never admit the classes were better. The rest she wasn't fond of. Like who actually paid 7$ for a coffee - and not evena fancy coffee at that? There was a reason Willow was packing peanut butter sandwiches and carrot sticks every day.

Oz gets an excited, "So soon?! And you didn't say. Oh gosh, I don't know if.. maybe someone moved in. I can use cardboard boxes. Friday, huh?" Totally flying past the fact of Them having or not having caught up.

"Huh? Imp demon? Wonder if it's leftover from John," Willow muses. John didn't have them, but they did like to torment the warlock.

Rupert Giles has posed:
"It's bigger than a mouse! And it isn't 'cute'!" The Watcher is at his prissy best. "And it's behaving like a blasted... I don't know, termite? Beaver? It's eating everything made of wood." Do you know what most of the Magic Box is made of? WOOD. Giles is certainly in a right state, but without missing much of a beat at the Slayer's prompting, he glances 'round from Buffy and manages a brief smile, "Ah, hello, Willow, it's been ages, I trust you're well... Oz, likewise, I'm sure I could use whatever help is available..." ...well, almost whatever help. Spike gets a sideways glance and a bit more shoulder before his attention swings back to Buffy and he goes right back into the rant:

"The manuscript said nothing- absolutely nothing!--- to suggest the box contained anything untoward, and yet suddenly I've got this maniac turning everything upside down and eating what he isn't rummaging through..."

Then, once more, he glances around, eyes the offered scotch from Spike as though he's just now noticing it, and winds down to a bit of a pause. With a blink, Giles clears his throat. "Ah... am I interrupting?" The scotch is taken, but not imbibed.

Spike has posed:
Spike shakes his head and comes back from the bar.....wel he got halfway back...and he's accosted by a drunk girl who is all over him, Spike shrugs her off as she follows him to the table professing undying love to him. Spike wants to shrink into the floor and hide. Hell he'd even take a chaos demon at this point. Spike though looks over the table again sliding into a seat.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a doubtful brow at Willow's 'taking it easy' with all her courses. "Oh, um..Okay, sure!" she chuckles, "Soo, Mount Royal, huh. I'll keep that in mind. If I actually fail at something, but c'mon, C+ isn't *that* bad. I mean, it's still a pass, right?" she grins, "Hey, maybe we can do more study sessions like before. Although I dont think you're in my psych class, or if you're even taking psychology. It really is quite brutal, but I enjoy it still.."

She glances at Oz and smiles, "Hey, that'd be great! I haven't heard your band in a while. I'll be there for sure."

She tries to take Giles' 'Imp Demon' seriously, but it's hard, really, she's not used to fighting cute widdlemouse sized demons. "Well, I mean, it *is* a magic shop, guess something magical was bound to be hiding in there, but I'll do whatever I can to help, as long as I dont have to, uh, finger wrestle with it or something." because that would be weird. "You know, I really need to meet Mr. Constantine one of these days. I've heard so much about him, but havent yet met him in person.."

She is interrupted when she sees Spike coming back to the table with some tart clinging to him, which causes her to frown a bit but not say anything as she busies herself again with the drink, pretending not to notice.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz can't help but laugh just a little at Willow, again. And her excitement about his concert does make him smile a little. "Just a few days," he says. It's not his first gig since returning, of course, but it's his first at The Bronze. He's been playing in New York City a lot, though, it's given him a chance to get out and move around, while still staying close to home. He's still stuck on Willow's over obsession with school, though. They're basically completely opposite people, and somehow they still made it work all through high school. How? He still doesn't know, and he likely never will, it's an eternal mystery.

Spike has posed:
Spike gets up and circles the table. The drunk tart goes to grab Buffy's hair as Spike locks his fingers around her. "Ow!" Spike yells, having got slapped and his hair pulled. But...he'd got between his drunk fangirl and Buffy. "Ow, you pulled my hair!" Spike says sounding shocked. "You fight like a drunk whiny college girl. No offense Willow or Buffy" Spike says as he simply moves a step to the left. The tart rears back to kick him and does a kick that'd make any football player or MMA fighter proud. In her inebriated state she goes backside over hair extensions and thuds to the floor. She's grabbing at the floor. Spike's....not having any of it.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers draws a deep breath and tries *very* hard to ignore the insanity going on between Spike and his crazed fangirl behind her. But it's hard, even as she tries to chug down the rest of her vodka soda drink quicker than she should. REALLY hard. And hard for her not to feel...Annoyed in other ways too. Finally she climbs to her feet, glowering at Spike. "Excuse ME. I'll just leave you two alone." she manages a smile at Oz and Wil and Giles as she heads for the dance floor. "I think I'll dance for a bit, feel free to join me." Spike is still ignored as she grabs her jacket before crazy fangirl can steal it. Or something.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow smiles happily, and leans into Oz. "This is like old times. Kinda. Most of the gang together."
Brightening, "Hey! I have an idea, we should all come to Oz's thingy here. Thingy? Band?" A furrow. "Set? What do you call it when you're inviting people to listen to someone play?"

Willow: not the social butterfly.

There's a quick nod for Buffy. "You're going to have to tell me all about your secret mission. And I'll tell you some about mine. I'm sure you're going to meet John. He's kinda not happy that I almost got possessed a little...."

And woah. There's a fight breaking out. Willow, instinctively scooches away from the fight and prepares to ward against it (What? That's what she knows!) "Oh no." When Buffy gets those cold little words out.. that's worse than a fight. "Uhm.. Buffy? Do we need to go to the washroom?"

That's what beste's did to dish the dirt, right? Willow wasn't sure. She'd never been in that social circle.

Rupert Giles has posed:
It is very clear, at least to Giles, that nobody cares as much about his demon as he does. And while normally that would be cause for a sharp sniff and a wounded look, he can't quite bring himself to fuss as much as he could. The imp isn't exactly mouse-sized, but it's also not going anywhere. He put a tupperware bin over it and stacked a few heavy books on top, so at least it's contained.

And then there's some sort of commotion, and of -course- it involves the neutered vampire... best just to move away and ignore it. And when Buffy moves away, he follows-- not because he has -any- intention of dancing, of course, but because the Slayer is needed and also that's kinda the way to the exit. "When you're done," he grouses quietly, "I should very much appreciate your assistance." And he's very happy to nod to the others and head towards the exit in the meantime, secure in the knowledge that the Slayer will follow eventually. Probably.

Daniel Osborn has posed:
Oz smiles a little when Willow leans on him. When the fight breaks out, he seems ready to protect her if it came to that, but fortunately, that's not the case. "Gig?" he asks, turning to Willow. He can't help but laugh. "Dance? Set? Band thing?" He smirks slightly, clearly just being silly at this point. When Buffy mentions dancing, and heads for the dancefloor, he seems to have an idea. "Hey, wanna dance?" he asks, still looking at Willow. They hadn't done that in a while...