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Sentinels: Strange Gathering
Date of Scene: 20 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Hulk, Stardust, Danger and Nyx stop an entire flight of Sentinels from joining the fight at the NYPD building vigil.
Cast of Characters: Frank Quaid, Hulk, Stardust, Danger, Nyx

Frank Quaid has posed:
It is well into the evening. New York is muggy under low clouds, but it still hustles as the street lights come on. There has been a bit of a buzz in the news and online today about a big protest vigil that was going to be held at the NYPD Headquarters to protest NYPD use of Sentinels and remember those who have been killed or injured by the machines. Judging by the pictures on the live news and Tweets going out, that vigil is well underway.

Central Park is comparatively quiet. Much of it has recovered from Oomycetan incidents two years before, but only someone who really knew the park could tell.

It is all the more strange then when there is a sudden, massive downdraft over the Sheep Meadow. People on the patio at the Tavern on the Green get to their feet and point into the sky. Two firey blue lights descend out of the clouds. They are the boosters of a gigantic robot, a Sentinel, three storeys tall. The thing lowers itself carefully to the grass and then stands there unmoving.

Hulk has posed:
One Bruce Banner had been doing a daily walk through Central Park. Wearing completely non-descript jeans and a white shirt with a baseball cap, most of his attention is glued to his tablet as he ran through some research on the go. It was almost relaxing for him.

Well, it was, until GIGANTIC ROBOT in the face.

He stops a fair distance away, already breathing to keep himself calm. "It's probably one of the good ones Banner... no need to fret..." He muses to himself, even as the nervousness wells up.

Stardust has posed:
     The giant Sentinel is not the only thing flying tonight. Though much smaller and distinctly non-fiery, two dots in the sky can be resolved into the forms of Stardust and Danger, two of the flight-enabled members of the Titans. The pair are hovering discretely over midtown Manhattan, doing a combined patrol / overwatch of the protest vigil.

    "I'm bored," Stardust comments to her team mate. "This is boring." She puffs out her cheeks. "Nothing's gonna happen," she says in the exact opposite of prophetically.

    And then someone decides to drop a booster descent over Central park. Regardless of the nature of the attached robot, this is rather reckless behavior. Stardust gestures towards Daro. "What do you make of that? Can you zoom in and take a peek? We should probably fly over and see what needs punching."

Danger has posed:
Flying with the use of large metallic wings, Danger smiles as she flies over, "I think it's interesting what the people are doing. Human nature always fascinates me. Even the simple stuff." She then looks toward Colette as she flies around in a circle, "What do you mean nothing is happening? A large metallic object is approaching." She nods her head and then looks over to watch it land and points, "See." She nods her head.

She then looks up to Colette, "We should investigate." She then simply zooms on down without really zooming in, "I wonder if it is intelligent? I know most are not but this one could be." And she lands, looking all the human as she does, her wings simply vanishing a burst of light as she lands. A pink T-Shirt that says 'Heavy Metal!' on it in purple letters is on her upper half while her lower half has some jeans with a hole torn in the right knee. She looks up at the sentinel after landing and hmms.

Frank Quaid has posed:
In the distance toward the vigil, Colette and Danger can see Sentinels and a helicopter heading toward the NYPD headquarters building. However, more immediately there is a huge roar and more blue lights. A lot more. Sentinels start dropping out of the sky and touching in Central Park, clustering near the first Sentinel. As they do, they maneouvre around on the ground like clumsy toy soldiers with their awkward gate. They seem to get getting into some kind of formation, all facing to toward the NYPD Headquarters. There are eight on the ground and it looks like they are trying to get into a wedge.

People are coming out of the bars and restaurants around the southwest end of the park to look at the collection of robots. No surprise, there are a bunch of little flashes on the distant sidewalks as people take pictures of the Sentinels.

Once the Sentinels are finally in a wedge formation, they start running through a quick series of movements. It looks very much like testing systems.

Hulk has posed:
It doesn't take a genius to figure out a larger pattern is at play, and some sort of control swap was probably just started.

Bruce brings his tablet up, and he begins to run through some wireless checks, testing their network as he tries to monitor it. They have a baseline from weeks of testing at the Avengers Mansion... and Bruce wants to see if it's the same.

Meanwhile, Bruce is walking forward one eye on the formation.

Stardust has posed:
    "Unless it's an alien robot, my bet is no on the intelligence, Daro." Stardust swoops through the air alongside Danger, flying winglessly as is her wont. "You're kinda unique, you know. I mean there's that guy on the Avengers and maybe one or two others, but most robots are dumb as a stack of bricks. Usually they're made by some power-mad lunatic who somehow manages to also be dumb as a stack of bricks whilst also being a tech genius. It's almost a rule."

    Coming to a halt about a foot off the ground by Danger, Stardust studies the giant Sentinel with wary curiosity. She's dressed rather less civilian than her companion, her outfit having a distinctly superhero cast to it in somewhat dramatic shades of black and white and a fabric that might be woven carbon fiber or kevlar or something similar. "Big, isn't it," she comments. "A Sentinel then. I wonder what it's up to. Think it's come to try the seafood special? I hear the crab claws are good. "

    As the sky lights up with the arrival of many more Sentinels, Stardust cocks her head back and raises an eyebrow, puzzled by the bizarre attempt of synchronised stomping. She drifts upwards for a better view, attention switching between the troop heading towards the NYPD headquarters and the assemblage on the ground. "This is getting weird," she comments. "What are they planning, advancing through the city in a wedge formation? Do they think this is the battle of Cannae or something? You need open space for a wedge formation and they're gonna run out of that well before they hit Police Plaza. Are they planning to storm down Broadway? Manhattan will be in a full scale panic before they hit Times Square. Hmm. Don't suppose you feel like trying to hack a Sentinel or eight do you, Daro?"

Danger has posed:
A look at Colette as she lands and Danger puts her hands on her hips and points, "That's Robotist." She nods her head and then looks at the creatures. She looks then to the NYPD and stares fo ra moment and hte looks past the sentinels before saying, "Someone is controlling them." SHe nods her head, "From somewhere else other than here. Like big giant puppets." SHe nods her head and then looks from one to the other before saying ,"I'm not sure they are aware just how large of a threat I might be to them or I imagine they would act. That or they are after a particular target. It could be possible that there's a chance that they are being controlled by multiple people or just one and if it is just one I doubt they are as capable as me." She nods her head.

"They are, however, without a doube focused upon the NYPD." She then begins to focus on the signals, attempting to intercept them.

Frank Quaid has posed:
"ALERT. LAUNCHING. STAY CLEAR." booms the first Sentinel. A moment passes and then the boosters under the feet of all the Sentinels light and start to ramp up.

They have stopped sending signals towards the NYPD building. In that direction a sudden localized rainstorm has broken out. There is a bright ruby red flash from that direction as well that lights up the underside of the clouds. The Sentinels continue their two-way broadcasts with whomever it is to the north.

Hulk has posed:
Bruce brings up a PIP of the protest. It's easy to see what's happening here. Adding this many Sentinels-

"No. No no no no no. NO!" Bruce drops the tablet and starts to run at the Sentinels. He's taking off his baseball cap and waving at the Sentinels himself. "STOP! DON'T DO IT! STAND DO-"

His voice starts to get growly as the panic is full blown. Soon, the clothing is breaking, and his skin is turning green as he starts to stumble. "OOOOOOOWWNNNN!" His voice transforms mid-sentence.

To anyone watching, what's happening is obvious. Bruce Banner is Hulking Out as he runs at the Sentinels.

Stardust has posed:
    "Robotist isn't a thing," Stardust replies to Danger. "It's like... animals, right? There's a big difference between a gnat and a human. You're a person, that doesn't mean every mechanical humanoid walking thing is. " It's an interesting philosophical debate, and Stardust could easily find herself stopping to discuss it while the world burned around her if she didn't try concentrating, so she does.

    "Okaaaaay," Stardust comments, floating higher. "Stuff is happening in multiple locations. I'm going to take a closer look back at the NYPD building, see what's flashing red over there. See if you can track what's happening with this group here. They're kinda clumsy. Hmm. One person trying to control multiple 'bots? Not using any kind of swarming routines, that would surely be more... elegant? Iunno, you're the expert. Do your expert stuff, Daro. See what you can pick up on the communications going on here, and get ready to try hacking or something. I'll be on the comm."

    Stardust activates her T-Com to keep in contact with Danger as she zooms away to find out what's happening back at NYPD central. <<No trashing them just yet, okay?>> Stardust's voice pings back to Danger via the comms as she flies overhead. <<Uh. Wait. I think... Is that...? Uh. Danj? You may be about to get some company of a green sort. By which I mean a Hulk. So that no trashing them thing may be redundant. Crap. Um. Don't get between his fists and anything he's swinging them at, okay? You only just replaced the last head.>>

Danger has posed:
Danger stares and hmms as she seems unable to make any headway into the signals being launched and taken in by the sentinels. She then looks over at Colette and then states, "I can't seem to break their signal. Perhaps not enough time." She then looks over at the Sentinels as they begin to move and then back at the NYPD, "Whatever is happening, it is happening ri-." She pauses and looks toward the Hulk before saying, "The Hulk."

"Powerful being of green color capable of incredible feats of strength. Known for generally causing a great deal of destruction whereever he goes though he seems to have a tendancy to fight evil despite his seemingly large amount of rage." Danger seems to be repeating something from the internet even as she looks at him before looking to Colette, "I do believe your assessment is correct."

She looks toward the clouds and the light before looking back toward Stardust, <<I Have something I must investigate.>> She then flies up and away from the Hulk and the Sentinels, attempting to find the source of that ruby red light.

Nyx has posed:
Samantha and Nyx are back in the States after that exceptionally successful mission in Austria.

Agent Twinning played a key role in said operation she is never allowed to ever talk about outside the walls of SHIELD.

Instead of posting it to Social Media and going over to a friends house, which she has few of now, she went uptown to celebrate and was headed out of FAO Schwarz with a video game after stopping there post a nice meal.

Having a SHIELD Salary has perks.

The Sentinel landing in the park and then others has her veering that way now. "Jesus Nyx.. okay .. okay right I read the briefing and you want to examine one of these primitive earth robots I get it..." and yeah she makes good speed to the park.

Bursting out from around a bend right as they start powering up and the Hulk.. well Hulks. "Crap..." totally not knowing about signals or problems.

"What he said.. Stand Down!" mostly Samantha thinks so she can scrap em.

To the Sentinels or anyone with advanced scanning, Sam is not of this world, or well something is messed up there. She isn't human even remotely anymore. Not really.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Danger and Colette get high enough to have a vantage when more red lights flash. Sentinels are shooting at something in the air at the vigil.

Mind you, the flashes are even less of a mystery when they explode out from Central Park. Three of the eight Sentinels immediately stopped their takeoff when the Hulk appeared. They each raised a hand in unison and fired ruby red bolts at the the Hulk. The remaining five start to lift off now.

If Danger monitors any news, some metas have attacked the Sentinels that showed up at the vigil and there is a battle while people flee. And apparently the police are shooting at the Sentinels.

Hulk has posed:
"Robots not allowed to leave!" Hulk shouts as he starts to run at the Sentinels.

Then he takes red Sentinel bolts to the face. The first two land directly on his face and against his chest. The third hits his arm as he brings it up to block.

By the time the bolts are done, Hulk is roaring in white hot rage. "HULK SMASH ROBOTS TO NOTHING!"

He slams two fists into the ground as he grows another foot to eleven... and The Hulk leaps directly at the nearest Sentinel, going right for the chest as he starts to SMASH! into it, roaring.

Stardust has posed:
    <<You can add member of the Avengers and expert in bio-sciences,>> Stardust comments on Danger's wikipedia readings. <<Though when he's green and angry he smashes things rather than sciencing them. What are you tracking? It's... Daro, head back. NOW! There's a fight over at the vigil, I think our guys are the back-up force. We need to head them off.>> So goes the advanced tactical planning of the Titans.

    Stardust is not quite sure what to make of what's going on, but sometimes you have to make snap decisions. She turns back and speeds to rejoin the action at Central Park. Just for added security, as she flies, her costume changes into something head-to-toe covering in shiny black. With her ability to change costume at a whim she doesn't exactly have a regular look, but she does tend to a regular theme, and this is very much not it. Might be useful to not be easily identifiable right now, who knows.

    So what do you do with a Sentinel, if you're Stardust? She has a few moments to think about this. Flight. Yep, that'll get you there, but then what? Punching. Ah. Probably not that useful. While she's way stronger than any regular human, she's a long way from being a Hulk, or even a Danger, at the punching stakes. Metal melting abilities? Promising, but she'd have to be real close and have a fair bit of time to actually do any real damage. Maybe not. That pretty much leaves by far her most powerful ability (or so she believes). She's really, REALLY hard to damage. Time to cause a distraction.

    Stardust barrels through the air, straight towards one of the Sentinels, at Sentinel head-height. She holds her hands out, open, and as she closes in on it she yells out "Hey, metal man! I'm unarmed and not a mutant, don't shoot! Get outta my way, I don't have any brakes on this thing!"

Danger has posed:
<<Ah, that does make some sense.>> Danger turns to look at the rising five. She considers the one that Colette is after before she slowly transforms into her base form. The now android like woman floats there with wings flapping behind her before she calls out far more vocally.

"Fellow robots, I am going to have to ask you to stand down." She states simply even as her left and right arm transform into two rather brutal looking cannons, "I believe that you will find I am far more of an urgent threat." She then flips once in the air to build speed and her wings are gone. She's falling now feet first, aimed right for one sentinel, meanwhile, both of her arms are tracking two more.

Hit or not, just after she attempts to slam into one, she fires two heavy blasts into another pair as she comes down, attempting to get the attention of at minimum three of these things.

"I believe you will find me to be quite the target, fellow robots."

Nyx has posed:
Well things were not really under control, but Samantha could tell herself they might be under control.

Then the Sentinels, three of them, up and shoot an active duty Avenger right in the snoot.

I mean sure thing it is just pissing off the hulk and he is about to rip that machine in half but damn that was a bad move on their part.

"Well this has gone to shit." she tilts her head and sends a message back to SHIELD ~I guess I am engaging a bunch of Sentinels attacking an Avenger.~ thanks for the excuse Hulk dude.

With that comm sent, with her MIND..well okay advanced communication array... Samantha starts to walk across the field. "Woah nelly" and she lifts her hand and points palm first, like Iron Man, at one of the lifting off Sentinels, her HUD system locking onto it's head and then magick happens.

Okay not magick. Science.

A cascade of white light ripples down the young woman (what is she in her teens) arm and burns the air igniting it into plasma between her hand and the Sentinels head.

That for those storied in advanced technology was an actual to god atmospheric based particle beam. You know. The kind theoretical to earth and to those (cough: Colette) with alien technology knowledge used mostly on big ass capital ships.

The funny thing about atomic structures, when one bombards them with other atomic structures they tend to get really excited (punny).

To most non-sciency types it looks like the young woman just fired a big ass laser from her arm at the Sentinels head.


Frank Quaid has posed:
Sentinel 1 is hit full force by the Hulk in the chest. Its center projector caves inward and the robot tips backwards faster than it can get a leg back to catch itself. It goes over and crashes. Its head cracks into the feet of Sentinel 4, which tips forward and cuts its boosters, falling down beside Sentinel 1. The tremors in the ground can be felt for at least a block, and onlookers from the bars and restaurants ooh and cheer, oblivious to the dangers.

Sentinels 2 and 3 try to track the Hulk but he is fast. They are stil turning when he hits Sentinel 1 and trying to bring their hands to bear for more shots at him.

Sentinel 5 cuts its boosters and drops 20 feet to the ground with another tremor inducing thud. Danger can easily calculate from the impact debris and noise these things must weigh about 200 tons each. Without any hesitation, it fires a blast from one hand at the chest of Sentinel 1 on the ground.

Sentinels 6, 7 and 8 continue lifting off. Whether or not Sentinel 6 notices Stardust, it does not react. Danger flies straight into the chest of Sentinel 7. She has little inertia given her size, but hits very hard. She punches right into the chest of the thing like an armour piercing round. Its boosters sputter. It loses upward moment and arcs backward just a bit as it starts to fall back to the ground. Sentinels 6 and 8 both get hit by Danger's shells and the jolt sends them off flight path. Sentinel 6 drifts sideways towards some trees with most of one arm ripped off. Sentinel 8 loses a leg with booster and veers due south toward the edge of the park and the people watching.

Right after Sentinel 5 shoots, its head just disappears under a massive energy beam that lances through it, past it, and punches a hole through the clouds.

Hulk has posed:
"ROBOTS ANNOYING, HULK WILL SMASH MORE!" Can be heard from inside Sentinel 1 as it topples over from the Jade Giant, helped by the blast from Sentinel 5. Hulk can't be seen at all for a moment in the machine massacre... then, Hulk pulls out of the chest of the Sentinel he just smashed in, and leaps right at Sentinel 5, the attacks from 2 and 3 knocking him around just enough to send him at the legs instead.

As he unceremoniously slams into a leg, The Hulk visibly grows to twelve feet as The Hulk gets back up and starts to smash in the legs with pounding fists.

Stardust has posed:
    Some distraction Stardust was. No reaction. Well, that's a good thing to know, it seems she can get pretty close to these things without attracting much attention. Though to be fair they are rather distracted by being shot at. She pauses in the air a moment to assess the damage to the Sentinels 6,7 and 8. They all appear to be at least for the moment out of the fight, but that's not to say they can be forgotten about. There are civilians present. Run, fools!

    It takes just a moment for Stardust to decide what to do: try to deal with Sentinel 8. She hares off after the falling Sentinel. With its unbalanced thrusters, it's veering off to the side and endangering the onlookers - but that also offers a possibility of stopping a lethal collision. You don't have to move the entire robot, you just have to move one leg a little bit to redirect the thrust, and that's her plan. If she can swing the leg far enough, she'll try to direct it into the trees. At the least, if she can direct the thrust up a little, it should hit the ground sooner, hopefully before it reaches the onlookers.

Danger has posed:
Scanning around, Danger blinks at the realization that there will be a problem. She notes Colette on the move though and states <<Thank you for taking care of that, Stardust.>> She then turns her gaze to what remains and considers. She flies down to above the fight of Hulk and considers Sentinel 4. She flies down to it and tries to land on its back before she raises up a hand and then pucnhes into the back of its head and attempts to start scanning into the thing, looking for a way to break into its network...more directly.

Nyx has posed:
Well that was very effective.

Then the HULK is up and smashing the headless Sentinel in the legs.

Well shit. Sam isn't about to tell the Hulk how to do his smashing in case he throws a Sentinel at her or something.

Her head tilts watching Colette try to redirect the Sentinel away from collateral damage.

Nyx does some calculations.

Sam then turns and raises her hand once more.

This time she seems to be targeting Sentinel #6, still walking methodically forward. "You really aren't listening." then a pause and a quip "It was coming right at me." old South Park reference for everyone.

The next beam of light lances up and if her aim is on target right into #6's Torso, gut shot.

The thing is, it doesn't fire and turn off, it lances this time trying to carve it from 'belly button' to head.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Sentinels 2 and 3 keep turning to try and track Hulk, but are slow and clumsy. They are just not able to get into firing position before Hulk jumps out of Sentinel 1. Sentinel 5's shot really does not do more than cause pain and the headless Sentinel goes over when Hulk crushes its chest, crashing into the meadow.

Sentinel 2 keeps trying to turn to get a shot at Hulk. Sentinel 3 stops and starts turning back the other way toward Nyx.

Sentinel 4 does not seem to be making any effort to get up. Though it is not entirely clear how a robot like this gets back up. Danger punches through the back of its head revealing what appear to be many of the primary sensors for the system, cabling all neatly bundled with coloured zap straps. It even smells of new plastic. It would certainly be possible to splice into any of the cabling coming from any of the various sensors, though it's unclear whether the processors somewhere down in the chest will accept anything other than sensor data packets on those lines. But given how bad humans are at coding, they probably would.

Stardust's intervention is timely. It takes a /lot/ of thrust to having impact whatsoever on a 200 ton flying robot. But going in the direction of rotation is easier than anything else, and it is enough send the robot powering downwards almost head first. It digs a furrow in the dirt and the first half of the street before it comes to a stop in front of wide eyed hipsters at a trendy bar. They stand in stunned silence until one of them cheers.

Nyx's beam lances out at Sentinel 6 as it falls sideways toward the ground. The beam drives up through its torso to its head, punching right through the entire way. The angle is not that steep for her though and she comes close enough to the windows of a black glass office tower that they warp and shatter.

Hulk has posed:
The roaring intensifies as Hulk tears apart Sentinel 5. He's not stopping at just disabling it. He's tearing it completely apart as he vents his rage on the robot.

By the time he's done, there's nothing but debris.

"Hulk done with these. Others might need smashing." Hulk growls. He stomps on the debris once more, before Hulk /leaps/ away, in the direction of the NYPD protest.

Stardust has posed:
    Stardust rides the Sentinel all the way down. She wrestles with the leg, heedless of the presence of dangerously hot exhaust gasses rather close to her, putting all her strength into steering the thing short of the stunned crowd. Teeth bared, she pushes with all her strength, and plows down to the ground with it as it lands short.

    As the machine tears into the dirt, Stardust lets go and rolls, a wild, high-speed tumble of flailing limbs crashing through the upthrown dirt and paving slab fragments the robot leaves in its wake. A few moments after it comes to a halt she springs up out of the settling cloud of dust, caked in dust herself. "I meant to do that!" she announces cheerily to nobody in particular. Her eyes settle on the hipsters, and she calls out "Get back! There might be more!" and takes off back into the air to check on the rest of them. <<Danger. Grab any bits of Sentinel brains you can. Any still moving?>>

Danger has posed:
<<Technically, no.>> She turns as she spots Hulk racing off and then raises up a hand to aim at one, "I assume that you will handle the other one, whomever you are." She calls toward Nyx and then proceeds to open up with a different weapon. This appears to be some kind of powerful gatling gun. The weapon is fairly similar to what is used on major jets. She opens up all over the 2nd Sentinel's chest as she then turns the gun toward number three, just in case Nyx isn't able to fully waste it.

Nyx has posed:
Okay when Sentinel 3 starts to turn towards her Samantha finally puts on some speed.

Nyx really wants to root through one of these things and is goading the teenager on.

She leaps, not quite a Hulk Smash sort of leap and seems to be aiming to land right on it's stomach before it can blast her.

Up close and personal not another blast of energy after accidently blowing a hole in a skyscrapper.

This AAR will be messy enough.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Nobody runs when Stardust tells them to, but there's a lot of cheering and yelling. Cellphones come out and one very drunk 20 year old with a massive beard runs toward Stardust unsteadily. His drunken, cocky leer says everything about what is on his mind. His buddies trail behind him with huge grins on their faces, bringing up their cellphones to catch video.

Danger has no problem sighting on Sentinel 2. Things this massive are just not hard to hit. The gun rips all up and down the torso. Sentinel 2 stops moving, and electrical fires burn inside, sending smoke out. Then its optics go dark. The various indicator lights inside Sentinel 4's head go dark as well.

Nyx is able to fly up to the Sentinel's chest while it is still turning toward her. Its head turns a few times back and forth, and then its optics go dark. The sentinel stops moving.

Stardust has posed:
    Stardust rolls her eyes as it becomes clear that nobody is taking her advice and getting out of the way, but she's not going to stop and argue. Especially not with the drunken horde oncoming. She wags her finger at the bearded one and shakes her head grinning as she rises up into the air.

    "Danger, stick a tracker on one or two of these please," Stardust says as she flies back down to rejoin her team mate. "Be interesting to know where they beat up ones get taken. And let's be quick, probably not a good idea to hang around too long all things considered." Her eyes turn to Nyx. "Same goes for you too, I'd suggest. Oh, and by the way. Who the hell are you and why do you have a particle cannon?"

Nyx has posed:
Samantha cocks her head as the thing goes dead like that. Like someone cut it's switch. "The fuck." the teenager mutters.

She pivots to look down at Colette "I was actually considering having this one brought in relatively intact." she punches her hand in through it's armor and starts to use technopathy to give Nyx its fix and sate its curiosity. "Relatively."

"Life is really strange you know!?" is what she yells in return to Colette's question. "Agent Twinning, SHIELD" she leaves off the In Training part for now.

Frank Quaid has posed:
Stardust hears howls of laughter from the bearded Don Juan's friends when she wags a finger at him and flies off.

Stardust has posed:
    "Yeah, I do know," Stardust replies to Samantha feelingly. "I really do. Okay. You have that one, we're gonna take a few bits of this one," she says nodding with her head at the Sentinel Danger is investigating. She thinks for a few moments, then with a nod adds "Stardust and Danger. Titans. For the record? If you're going to be zapping particle cannons around town, fire down. Get above them. That way you'll only be ionising a bunch of dirt beneath their feet, not the Starbucks and half a block beyond."

Nyx has posed:
"I'm... uhm.. working on that." the teenage?? agent admits. "I can't fly so things are .. well it is hard to get above targets."

It is more than Nyx hasn't tried to distract Samantha with flying yet. Not that she can't. Not that she knows that.

"But.. good advice.. I really hope no one was in those offices.. it is late right?" she actually sounds worried. She keeps her arm shoulder deep in the Sentinel working.

~Central Command. I have a Sentinel in Central Park .. for um.. Pickup I guess.~

Stardust has posed:
"Luckily it wasn't a direct hit. And it's evening, offices won't be full." Stardust gives a shrug. It clearly could have been a whole lot worse. "Two fliers on scene, you could have called for a carry. After the first shot, believe me I'd have listened." Stardust gives Samantha a broad grin. "Not Earth tech I think. Interesting. We're gonna hop it, but if you want to do some info sharing, Titans tower is in the book. Call us some time.