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When Agents Go Missing
Date of Scene: 17 June 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Alopex and Pippi go looking for Agent Garrett, but find evidence of the Foot Clan's involvement instead.
Cast of Characters: Nemean, Alopex, Pippi

Nemean has posed:
The apartment building where FBI Special Agent Cody Garrett sleeps has been relatively quiet. Mostly because the Foot has either paid off anyone who would have investigated it, or have silenced any witnesses. The door to his apartment is freshly repaired, and the doorman at the front is not the usual guy. The old guy just never came back to work one day.

Things seem quiet. How did Alopex even find out about this place? Did Cody tell her where he lives or did she track him down like he did for her? She would have an easier time of it, he had to do it while she was bleeding and hurt.

Alopex has posed:
    Call it ninja intution, or call it 'I followed him one day' because the information would be useful at some point. When Cody didn't answer his phone call, or reply to texts, for a couple days, the fox decided to go knock on the window and see what was going on. There was no going in the front door for her. Still too dangerous, and with him being FBI and doing so much work on the side, she felt it best to keep all their mutual activity low key.

    Thus: Tonight. After moving along streets, rooves, and even getting the lay of the land underground, Alopex has arrived at the window of one 'Cody Garret' tap tap tap. ... tap tap tap. .... "That's odd.."

Pippi has posed:
    Where as Pippi might have scent tracked, the Fox knew the way. She followed behind, her ears pricked forward as she listened to the world around, her fingers stretching and folding behind her as her tail gives a curl. She peers over her shoulder, watching their back.

Nemean has posed:
The knocking on the balcony window goes unanswered, but a look inside with those eyes tuned for night vision will reveal that the place looks like a mess. The couch is flipped over, there appears to have been some kind of a scuffle or something. The TV lays flat on the ground, having been knocked over somehow. It looks like someone ransacked the place.

Alopex has posed:
    After tapping away a few times with no response, Alopex takes a closer look inside, raising a hand to shield out citylights. When she does her ears flick back. Without another thought, she takes hold of her blade, puts the hilt to the window, and taps just enough to break the glass without making a lot of noise. "Pippi. The place is a wreck, be careful," she warns before carefully reaching inside. She's feeling for the lock on the window so she can open it. With the window open, however, "Are you picking up anything strange out here? I'm not.."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi sticks her head underneath Alopex's arm as the window goes up, her ears flicking forward as she peers all around the room. She brings her ears back, and as she closes her eyes she takes a big, deeep breath.

    And then she slips along the fluffo f the fox, setting down in the room in a crouch, trying to sort the scents. Separating Cody from take out boxes, from visitors, ambient smells. The smoker next door.

    She snuffles, and continues her investigation by scent.

Nemean has posed:
The apartment is definitely trashed, but Pippi is able to smell that there were at least six people in here other than Cody. It's been a couple of days but the scents are still there, if only faintly. If Alopex looks around, she'll see that there was a scuffle, and she may be able to spot blood near the door. From the looks of it the door was smashed in, as there are still splinters from the old door on the ground and embedded in the wall

Alopex has posed:
    Once she's inside, just after Pippi, the fox takes a long hard look all around the place. Broken door, thrashed room, no signs of gunfire though. "Whoever stormed this place did it fast, and made sure Cody didn't get a chance to fight back. I don't think he fired a single shot..." she muses aloud before realizing something, gritting her jaw, and looking toward Pippi.
    "I know you may not wanna really try to pick up this scent, Pip, but do you detect any trace of that 'lab' smell from the other day?" Pex inquires as she starts to look for something that would seem like a secured spot. For a safe. She's concerned the mutagen is gone.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi raises on hand. "There's blood." she states softly, and she shifts her weight, uncomfortably as she draws herself up. "But it's not his." she sniffs around, poking her head under the end table, and using her foot she pokes around under it, pushing a tonfa out one side.

    "There's Agent here the strongest, an' then... five? Six others? Not real strong, probably not here long." she states, and carefully begins to move around the room.

    "The lab.. the mute-a-gen... it was here -- but it's gone now. I don't smell it very strongly."

Nemean has posed:
The mutagen smell leads to the back room, where there's an open safe in the closet. There's several guns inside of the safe as well, all of them still there. The only thing that's missing is that briefcase with the mutagen in it.

Under an endtable near the door is a tonfa baton. But not a police issue one. Alopex would recognize the style. There's also a sawed off shotgun taped under the endtable, untouched.

Alopex has posed:
    This is all adding up to exactly what Alopex didn't want. She's gone quiet as a result. None of the guns have been touched. The briefcase is missing. She slowly takes up the tonfa, knowing exactly where it came from. There's a pause in the room, an eerily calm moment despite the carnage all around. It was clear, now: The mutagen was taken, Cody was kidnapped, and it was the Foot Clan that did the deed.

    It's why, very suddenly, Alopex's fist goes through the endtable where the tonfa was with a very loud bark of anger. It only lasts a moment, and then it's gone, the fox going deathly calm again. The tonfa is tucked away before Pex stalks back toward the window. "We're leaving. The building is probably being watched. We'll have to take a long way around to get back underground," she explains despite a face full of guilt on her face.

        This. Is. All. Her. Fault.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi peers around the corner at the safe.

    She looks at Pex, her ears drawing up though her tail lags downwards, and she helplessly looks left and right before the fox smashes her fist through the end table -- startling Pippi to the point where the red and white canine backs away in fright, raising her arms up to defend herself from Alopex's own anger -- and like tha,t it's gone, and Pippi lowers her arms, and looks around before she looks to the door, then looks down at the floor, and reaches to grasp the handle of the backpack she's carrying.

    "A-alright, 'Pex." she replies gently, and before she leaves, she takes a big, deep breath.

    She'll be able to track the scent, she thinks, trying to lock it in her memory as she bends over to pick up and right the couch.

Nemean has posed:
It was nice of Pippi to right the couch before she left. The building is indeed being watched, Alopex may pick up on a pair of Foot ninja attempting to follow her and Pippi, but not attacking them outright. At least not yet. Explicit orders from the big man to find where they go.

Alopex has posed:
    Too bad for them, Alopex knows just how the Foot works, and isn't about to lead them back to their new home on the very first night. "If that building was being watched, we're probably being tailed. We're going to have to duck through a few places and buildings to ensure we aren't being followed, alright?" It's almost like the endtable didn't even happen, now.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi comes out the window, and she closes it behind her with a soft 'eh?' sound, and her ears rise up. She considers a moment, then turns to Pex "Think we can loop back and follow them instead?" she inquires, giving her tail a wag. "I bet if they're the ones who took him, they're going to know where he is."

Alopex has posed:
    The thought gets Pex to pause, blink, glance back, and actually smile at the pup. "I actually like that idea," she points out as they move along. Alright, here's my idea. We head over.." and then she starts to point in a few different directions, all under the cover of an overhang and after they turn a corner. Instructions are given. It's time to turn tables around.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi doesn't often get to be the Brain. Her tail gives a slight wag, her ears coming forward as she listens, giving a nod, and she tries to memorize the directions that Pex is giving, her full attention on the white fox as she gives a brilliant, toothy grin.

Alopex has posed:
    The pair would emerge from an alleyway and then, if instructions are followed, Alopex would head upward very quickly and Pippi would head down another alley really quickly. Gasp! Whatever will the ones following them do!? Better figure it out. Alopex is just -darting- across the rooftops, bounding from one roof to the next, giving a glance back once in a while. They can hide or they can keep up, they can't do both!

Nemean has posed:
The two ninja look at each other confused, and then split up to go after the two mutants. They're trying to keep up as best they can. They figure they must have been made, somehow. But they need to try to keep tabs on them, that was their assigned mission after all!

Pippi has posed:
    You take the High Road, I'll take the Low Road...

    Pippi books it down another alleyway, moving with an odd swiftness, darting around and over trash cans, hopping a fence at the back end of an alley and running along an overhang. Keeping in sight of someone who wanted to follow from the rooftops as she skids along pavement, sliding through a narrow gap.

    She knows there's an abandoned building down this block, and she pauses, checking her backpack as she pushes open a boarded-up window and hops through.

Alopex has posed:
    Perfect. They took the bait. It wasn't their fault, really. Once it was clear who had been in Cody's apartment, Alopex was certain it would be observed, and she was right! On a chance glance over her shoulder, she spots the clan member chasing after her and makes a hard pivot to her right, leaps the gap in the rooftops, but once she's there she dips behind a roof-top air conditioning unit for the building below and waits...

Nemean has posed:
The ninja following Pippi opts to follow her into the building through the window she entered. As for the other, he appears to have lost track of Alopex entirely. He looks at the rooftop where she vanished, drawing his tanto blade and slowly creeping along. He's heard everything he can about her, and how dangerous she is. So he's afraid he's going to be ambushed..

Alopex has posed:
    ...Well... he isn't -wrong-. It's just that humans have this horrible habit of never really looking up. Most have never needed to deal with aerial predators and scavengers. It's why once she was out of sight, and could hear the Foot member closing in, she quietly scaled the A.C. unit, kept low, and just waited. She let her ears tell her everything, and once he was moving alongside the A.C. unit she tries to drop on him, feet first, fist shortly after.

Pippi has posed:
    The Foot Ninja enters in through the Window Pippi did.

    Right over a crouched canine under a radiator case. The board slides back into place, bathing the basement storage area of the abandoned building in darkness.

    And Pippi could track by smell. She stays where she is, her ears pricking up as she listens to footfalls and tries to gauge if the second one is outside.

    And she tries to get a good sniff of this guy. This poor unfortunate soul.

Nemean has posed:
The second one is not outside. Because he just got stomped and then punched for good measure. He's not out, not entirely, but he's sure as heck not fighting back.

The one inside of the building with Pippi is moving around quietly, but he can't see anything and she can smell and hear his every movement, so she's at a distinct advantage when it comes to this situation. If she's going to track him, it may be best to stay low until he leaves.

Alopex has posed:
    Crouched over this unfortunate ninja, Alopex can only glare. If looks could kill, this man would have been dead already. Since he isn't, however, she just gets right in his face. "Tell Saki to expect me. -No- one hurts my friends. I hope you live after delivering the message," she says before delivering one more blow. He should be out, now.

    With that done, and a single slice from The Shard across any Foot insignia's on his garb (without harming him) Alopex would move to the rendevouz she set up while giving Pippi her instructions. An alley not to far with a particular manhole cover.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi struggles. She could wait him out. Follow him back to where Cody might be. She knows she should mindful (especially since she still has to figure out the chore board)... but the temptation of finding her friend...

    Pippi lays in wait. She keeps her eyes open, her nose flared, taking in the Foot's scent in the dark, her ears pricked forward.

Nemean has posed:
The ninja will deliver the message, because he might be killed just for failing to tail Alopex. Either way he's probably screwed.

The other ninja continues to pace around in the dark, before he finally speaks up, "Come in. Jack. Damnit.." Realizing that his partner is probably either unconcious or dead, he heads back out the way he came in, moving to try to find the other ninja, even if it means abandoning one of the mutants.

Pippi has posed:
    And Pippi moves. She slips about the side, coming out a vent hole long since robbed of its fan, and she begins to tail the other Foot Clan Member by scent.

    And this she can do keeping a bit of distance. Rendezvouz with Pex might have to wait a little bit... she had an Agent to find.

Alopex has posed:
    A little while later: "... Well this could be a problem..."

Nemean has posed:
The ninja Pippi is trailing has made his way back to his friend, and the two of them discuss what to do. The injured one decides that he needs to deliver the message to Shredder and also report that they lost the mutants, but the uninjured one insists that they get him treated first. If Pippi continues to trail them, they'll lead her back to a safehouse which, from the outside, appears to be a regular corner pharmacy. Even has a little old lady sitting behind the counter.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi's good at tailing, and she follows her nose to the pharmacy. She doesn't enter (that'd be bad), and weighs options, and choosing to try something a little daring. She makes her way tot he alley behind the pharmacy (since going in the front door would be a bad idea probably), and she starts poking around, trying to pick up the scents again as she pauses at doors, at closed windows, and at vents.

Nemean has posed:
She finds a vent that she can pick up the ninja's scent through. If she puts her ear up to it, she can hear voices inside talking. They're defintely in there. There is a back door, but it has a video camera looking over it.

Pippi has posed:
    They're in there. She can hear voices talking, but there's that camera on the door to worry about, and she lets her ears fall -- had it caught her?

    She weighs her options, and then she wishes she'd worn a hoodie instead of her tee -- but she figured she might not be able to take two *ninja* in a fight. She's not Alopex.

    ... and she's certainly not one of the Turtles.

    So she closes her eyes, and listens at the vent, trying to hear anything important, her fingers curling into the flaps on the vent and trying to -- gently -- pull it off.

Nemean has posed:
"We can't go to him empty handed." Says one voice, she'd recognize it as the one she was following. The other voice chimes in, "We have to. If we try to run they'll just send Assassins after us." That must be the one Alopex dealt with, "The traitor was insistant she's going to find the agent."

"We had nothing to do with that, that was all the Master and his Assassins. We don't even know where he is." The second voice, the injured one sighs, "At least she didn't attempt to interrogate me. I've gone on missions with her before, I know what she can do. I should have been more careful."

Pippi has posed:
    Well. That was disappointing. The Master and his Assassins, these two fools just had to deliver a message. Pippi leaves the vent in place then. HEr ears draw forwards, and she glances around, taking a deep snuff of the air and trying to remember the building the best she can, scraping her feet against the rooftop a moment before she turns, and retreats, leaping accross the alleyway, and going on a round-about trek back to the meeting place with Alopex.

    She at least had some useful information -- a Foot hang out, the normal Foot didn't know...

    ... and that Alopex scares the Foot Clan.