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Latest revision as of 01:01, 14 August 2019

A Mafioso Meet-Up
Date of Scene: 15 May 2019
Location: Unknown
Synopsis: Summary needed
Cast of Characters: Nemean, Alopex, Huntress

Nemean has posed:
This whole thing started two days ago. Intel from a 'reliable source' had told Cody that a high ranking member of the Gambini Family was going to be meeting with a member of the Triad. Cody had gone to his higher ups with that information, and was told in no uncertain terms to leave it alone.

The constant stonewalling and red tape had been getting him fed up for weeks now, but at this point he knew they were comprimised. So he ignored orders, and set up an observation post on his own volition. He knew where the meet would be, he knew who the players were, and with the mid-day execution of a pair of Triad soldiers the day prior, he knew they would be on edge.

Cody has set himself up in a parking garage near the meeting site, watching the rooftop garden across the way where the meet was to take place. Camera sitting next to him, he was using a pair of binoculars to scan for any security.

Alopex has posed:
    Given a bit of time to recover and settle into her new home, Alopex had started to roam outward from her new digs, trying to root out any sort of problem she could find. It was weird, starting from day one all over again, but on the hero side. Small time muggings, stopping burglers, minor assault, the typical things street level folk do all while she was zero-ing on the day she'd go for her new weapon, but that was later. Today, she had out during the day to actually take care of something.

    She had over heard about everything that had been going on. The executions, the Punisher, the Triad on edge in the area, and the target of her current ire, a crime family in the nearby area. Nope, that won't do. She had been doing things a little differently than Cody. She may be a mutant, but she still had plenty of contacts from her time in the Foot, ex-communicated or not. Currently she was perched somewhere with a nice view of the same garden as Cody, just atop another building with a large antenna that was being so kind as to give her a little cover. It was all the waiting game now.

Huntress has posed:
Mid-day wasn't her usual 'hunting season' and the Gambini Family not her usual prey. Or the Triad for that matter. But this is where the trail she's been stalking has lead her, after a few nights of prowling had gotten her more familiar with New York's layout. The mafias back home at all been trying to wiggle their influence into other cities. But she was here to cut off any potential connections with the other mafioso before they can be made.

Besides, other than less sixty's gothic architecture, it wasn't THAT different from Gotham City, really.

With the number of buildings surrounding the rooftop she managed to find a suitable spot that wasn't already claimed, hunched down between some decor on a building side ledge, dark colored costume blending into the shadows of the protrusive structures. There was no one to see how silly it likely looked that she was wearing spy goggles -over- her vigilante mask, nor did she care. They were receiving from a tap she'd fired into one of the garden trees with her crossbow, giving her reasonable view and very thorough listening range on the garden.

It wasn't her usual hunting grounds, but the Huntress was on the prowl none the less.

Nemean has posed:
Several guys who are obviously bodyguards and heavies for either of the two sides step into the garden first, checking around for anyone in the garden, one of them looking at the various nearby buildings with a pair of binoculars, which causes Cody to duck down before he gets spotted, waiting a moment for the look to pass before he sticks his head back up.

Once the guards think it's clear, one of them pulls out a phone and talks into it. The first guy to step out is Jackie "Brick" Gambini. "Brick" is a pretty obvious name for this guy, he looks like a professional football player, four hundred pounds of muscle somehow managed to squeeze into a black pinstripe suit. He takes a seat, and the chair creaks below him.

The other man arrives shortly after, a short, older Asian man, who appears to walk with a bit of a limp. This would be Dai Liang, who from any research done by the others, is an accountant for the Triad and not actually one of their enforcers. Why they would be sending him is anyone's guess. Dai bows to the larger American man, and then sits across from him, folding his hands on the table.

Huntress' planted mic would begin to pick up the begining of their conversation, "Thank you for seeing me, Mister Gambini. I know this is under short notice, however we have pressing matters that need to be attended to."

Alopex has posed:
    Much like the agent in the garage, Alopex uses the cover of the antenna on the roof to avoid being spotted by the enforcers that emerge onto the roof first. She counts to twenty then slowly comes back around to have a look at each of the VIPs that arrive. The Brick's name serves him well, though she's not aware of the triad representitive at this time. At least she has good enough ears to pick up on what's being said. Time to see if any good info comes first..

Huntress has posed:
See? This is why you crouch in the shadows ahead of time. Though Huntress doesn't take her chances and presses back against the decorative protrusion she's using for cover all the same. She doesn't need to directly look, since she's got the mic playing back to her.

Once they start talking and it's clear they haven't been noticed she starts to load her crossbow. She'll be ready, as soon as her chance emerges...

Nemean has posed:
The trio of observers seem content to continue to observe. Cody has a large directional microphone to make up for his lack of mutant enhanced hearing or cool spy tech.

The asian man continues, "As you are aware, we have a large shipment of product coming into the city in a few days, however due to an...Unforseen incident yesterday, we lost two of our men and one was taken by The Punisher. We cannot assume that the shipment information is safe, therefor it has been decided to accelerate the time table."

One of the enforcers steps up with a tablet and hands it to the man, who unlocks it before handing it over to Brick, "We will be bringing it in tomorrow night, at the docks owned by your family. However the reason for this meeting is that we need to ensure that you can increase security in that timeframe."

Alopex has posed:
    Yeeesss. Glorious information. Just the king of thing Alopex was hoping to get. In fact, it may be better to let the meeting go off without a hitch! Increased security or not, this was an opportunity and she figures it's best not to spook either group further. She is taking notes of this, and everything she can, as she listens. She does wonder what the 'product' is but doesn't expect something like that to be said out loud..

Huntress has posed:
Can't see the tablet, but with her spy mic Huntress doesn't need to. She tilts her head a little. Not the first time in her snooping locally she heard the name 'Punisher' pop up. The lower ranks of the local mafioso seem to be as wary of him as the Gotham Families are of her.

Shipment at the docks owned by the Asian gang. She doesn't need to hear what the product is. It's likely guns, drugs, or other black market goods. That's what mafias usually deal in, and buying stuff overseas is how they get their blood money out of their hands and across borders.

She scoots over a little on the ledge, one hand adjusting her goggles to zoom in on the meeting, then grips the crossbow with its counterpart to raise it. It's the full sized one, her mini-crossbow wouldn't cross the distance without losing too much force to be effective.

One of the reasons she prefers this weapon over guns? It's not nearly as noisy, especially when as high quality and finely tuned as hers. Little more than the faint twang of the line releasing and the bolt whistling through the air.

Aimed right for Brick's thick neck. It's still probably more vulnerable to puncture than his even thicker skull.

Nemean has posed:
The bolt sails through the air silently, the only sign of it coming in being a glint of light from the mid-day sun reflecting off of the head of the bolt. Brick is saved by sheer happenstance, as he bends down to give the tablet back at just the right moment for the bolt to miss his neck...Well it still grazes enough to draw blood. He does have a REALLY thick neck.

The bolt slams dead center into the tablet and pins it to the table, and everybody around is silent for a moment, but only just a moment, as two of the guards jump up and begin to fire in the direction the bolt came from with sub machine guns. They have no idea what they're shooting at, so it's really just automatic weapons fire.

Cody rips his headset off and drops it, and the microphone, because now they're going to scatter and he's going to have to go over there and stop these guys from shooting up half of uptown.

One of the guards grabs the old asian man and begins to escort him to the exit, but they're stopped by two of Brick's guards, who obviously think the Triad may have something to do with it since those ninjas are always using bows and the like, right?

Alopex has posed:
    Note note note- what was that noise..? With ears up and eyes turning to the meeting, Alopex can only stare as she spots the cross-bow bolt in the tablet and the frenzy of activity that erupts afterward. Bullets start flying, not toward her at least, but she still dives down to the base of the antenna as she grumbles. "Guess I wasn't the only one that knew about this, and now they had to go and get over eager.. that shipment won't even show up now,". Bleh! Why don't people think of the bigger picture? WHY?! As the frenzy continues, the fox considers their next move, and if they should go after some member of the family over there.. Hrm! Better think fast, fox.

Huntress has posed:
Huntress cusses under her breath at her luck, or lack of therefor. The killshot missed, but she's got the guards jumping. Bullets ring and spark against the building behind her as two of the guards start firing blindly in her direction with zero idea where to aim more specifically.

Looks like she's going to have to get more... personal. The goggles are pulled off and discarded, having served their purpose, leaving her mask in place.

She grabs the second quarrel she had ready, attached to a rope and anchored to the building above her. It's loaded into the crossbow, and when there's a lull in the gunfire she stands and fires. Not aimed at either of the gunmen, but the sound of it thunking into the tree trunk might have them jumping even more just from nerves. The larger weapon is strapped across her back as Huntress grabs a zipline with one hand and jumps off the ledge. What is it with Gotham crimefighters and their ziplines and grappling launchers? Just because most of them don't have superpowers?

The tail ends of her coat flutter behind her in lieu of a real cape as Huntress zips to the rooftop, deploying the smaller crossbow from her forearm with her free hand, firing it at one of the two guards that were shooting her as she comes in.

The shot is actually aimed for the muzzle of the submachine gun to jam it, though that will still be unpleasant for the weilder if it backfires or explodes.

"I'd say I'm sorry to crash the party, but I'd be absolutely lying."

Nemean has posed:
Well that at least proves that the Triad aren't the ones behind the assassination attempt. The two guards blocking the old man and his body guard step out of the way, drawing their own guns as they set up, aiming at The Huntress, even as the two that were shooting suddenly have barrel obstructions, which causes their weapons to jam and then a round to go off in the chamber, rendering the weapons useless and them with bloody hands and busted ear drums.

"You're a long way from Gotham, girly." Brick says, one of his hands over his neck where the bolt had broken him open, "It's one of you and like eight of us. And we ain't your Gotham City families, our boys actually know what they're doin' and ain't afraid of no costumed loonies."

He snorts and turns to head for the exit, to his elevator, "Send her back to Gotham in a bag, boys."

Well Alopex, if you're going to step in, now'd be a good time because it is eight versus one, even if the one is very capable.

Alopex has posed:
    "Eight vs One? eh. Eight vs Two though? That actually sounds fair.." It seems that Alopex DID step in. See, you have your ziplines, but people in this town use -grappling- hooks and don't miss when they throw! Granted, she had to hop up over the edge of the building, but hey, here she is, "You guys are -really bad- about keeping your stooges quiet about meetings and such. You should really give up this gig and try something different. What about ubereats? Door Dash? .. what's the other one?" She actually looks at Huntress. "You know what I mean, right?"

Huntress has posed:
Huntress would point out her costume is a lot more practical than most of the other 'loonies' running around Gotham, but she doesn't really care to give Brick the satisfaction in being partially right. She will give him credit for being smart enough to his men between him and her and make for an exit instead of joining in the fight. Just not out loud. Instead it's a quippy "Then I'll just have to give you something proper to be afraid of."

That he IS a bit sharper than the average mob boss is duly noted though.

Then there's a... is that a costume, or some sort of hairy metahuman? She can't tell, and at the moment, doesn't really care. "Grubhub," she fills the blank in for the fox woman.

Then capitalizes on the moment by lunging at the gunman closest her, grabbing for his weapon arms and throwing her weight into his side so his aim is swung towards the other mobsters instead.

Alopex has posed:
    The fox would lunge for another of the people in the same moment!

Nemean has posed:
The heroes instigate after the moment to strike comes, and they catch the goons off guard. By getting in close, they prevent the others from opening fire. Most of these guys have never seen a mutant before, at least not one of the variety that Alopex is.

Without being able to open fire without hitting their compatriots, however, the other six rush in, trying to engage with the two of them in close quarters, swinging their guns like clubs, some of them wielding knives and what appears to be a table leg.

Meanwhile Cody has reached the ground floor of the building, and has planted a GPS tracker under the wheel well of the Triad car. He heads inside, jumping in an elevator and hitting the button for the top floor. He's not wearing any FBI branded gear, but he takes a bandana out of a pocket and wraps it around his head. Someone will have reported the gunfire and the NYPD will show up sooner or later. He's not supposed to be here, after all.

Alopex has posed:
    Goons goons goons. Why do they think they even have a chance, really? The first one finds an elbow in the gut and a fist to their chin in the blink of an eye before the others rush in. One will have Alopex attempting to sweep a leg out from under them before trying to deliver a palm strike to whatever ends up close. The last one she has to deal with has a table leg? It swings down, she side steps, and continues the motion to try and deliver a swift roundhouse kick to the guy's head, wrist, or otherwise. "Can you all stop? We're going to win, we all know this."

    Wheezing, a goon stammers, "We don't-"

    "No, shhh, we do."

Huntress has posed:
She actually considered getting her finger over the goons to pull the trigger and fire on his fellow gangsters for him. But relented when she saw the fox-lady leap into the fray at well. Huntress may be willing to go the extra mile in brutal force but she's not so cold-hearted she's going to 'friendly fire' on someone. Especially someone else also willing to beat up mafia thugs.

Instead she waits until the last minute in the other goons' rush. She jerks her head to the side, the knife thrust at it cutting across her shoulder instead. The kevlar-nomex material blend of her costume save her from any dangerously deep wounds, but that's still going to leave a mark she'll feel in the morning even if it's not a thorough cut.

She twists, throwing the man she had been holding onto into the one that tried to stab her in the face. She needs her hands free to grab the makeshift club being swung at her. "I'll take that." Followed by headbutting the goon to daze him enough to wrench the bludgeon out of his hands. And smash it into the face of one of his buddies instead.

It's not per say lethal, but this lady is definately not holding back any, either.

Nemean has posed:
The goons are not having a good time, it seems. The two women are quite frankly tearing into the goons. One is out cold thanks to a swift head kick from the fox, and another gets bashed in the face by a table leg from the Huntress.

Several of the goons are down but not all of them, trying to get back to their feet and go again. The elevator doors inside open, and four more guys step out, each of them wielding what appears to be electrified batons.

They rush out towards the two, when a second elevator door opens and a guy in tactical gear with a black bandana and sunglasses rushes out, grabbing one of the baton goons from behind, sweeping his leg out from under him with an extendable police baton, and then grabbing the electric one out of the air and zapping him with it in the chest, "Hey you two, heads up!" He calls to the mutant and the hunter.

Alopex has posed:
    Between herself and the visitor from elsewhere, Alopex had really thought things were taken care of! It's the callout from Cody that keeps her from being caught off guard. .. At least the guy in the black bandana took one out. "Oh, they brought toys," she muses, annoying as those kind of batons are. Rather than deal with those herself, the fox hauls up one of the knocked-out goons and then charges toward one of the new guys, heaving the mook before lunging right after! Stupid electricity..

Huntress has posed:
"No, just listen to the volpe," Huntress snorts as she puts a boot to the back of one of the still struggling goons and pushes with enough force to smash his face back into the rooftop. "And stay down."

Then the elevator dings. She glances aside just as another arrival is yelling to look out. Though these guys only have taser batons instead of guns. "They never learn..."

With the toe of her boot she hooks her mini-crossbow from where she dropped it to deal with the first guards and flips it into the air. At the same time pulling a quarrel for it from the mini-quiver on her right glove, so she can grab the mini-crossbow and reload it at the same time. Then snap her arm out towards the elevator and fires at one of the remaining goon's chest.

Nemean has posed:
An unconcious guy goes flying through the air, the taser guy getting dropkicked by a flying fox a moment later.

The third guy, unable to stop himself, takes a crossbow bolt to the chest. He's not dead, but he's going to need medical attention sooner rather than later.

The last guy with the taser finds himself in a three-on-one situation, and he drops the baton and puts his hands up, "They don't pay me enough for this shit!"

Cody taps him in the chest with the taser baton he stole off the guy he KOed earlier, and then looks at the other two, "Alopex what the hell." He knows she's probably doing what she thinks is right, though, "And who's your new friend? Another ninja? Outfit doesn't look very ninja-ish."

Alopex has posed:
    He knows her na- "...Really?" siiiigh. THREE people? What the hell is with these guys. They have no idea how to keep a secret! "I didn't start the fight! I was trying to gather a bit more information for this delivery they were going to make to the docks buuuuuut," she glances sidelong at Huntress, "Someone decided to attack anyway, so that shipment won't happen, and a chance at a lot more information and what they may be bringing in is lost now."

Huntress has posed:
When there's no more struggling goons Huntress collapses the mini-crossbow and clamps back into place on the other arm. She could shoot them all to ensure they don't threaten anyone again... but they're just goons. Hired thugs. Not worth wasting the quarrels on.

She makes a face, though it's partially concealed by her mask. She dislikes having her brashness pointed out... but at the same time, in hindsight, she did leap before listening longer than she could of. Maybe a little over her head until the white fox joined in. Though again, she's not going to admit that to strangers.

"Not a ninja, per say." It's followed by a short sigh, and Huntress does relent a little. "Okay, yeah, I jumped at the chance to get one of their big names and it was badly timed." Followed by a shrug. "But a shipment not delivered and less of these thugs on the street is still more lives saved, compared to these ones wasted on crime and cruelty."

A glance takes stalk of the group. Most of them aren't immeadiately lethal wounds, though the guy shot in the chest. Not that she cares, with a very off-handed, "That one probably needs a doctor. Then maybe you can get him to talk."

Nemean has posed:
"NYPD is probably already on their way." Cody says, as he pulls his mask down just so Alopex can confirm it's him, "The delivery is still going to happen, you can bank on that. There's WAY too much money on the line for it to not happen."

He moves over to the guy with the bolt in his chest, and frowns a bit, pulling a packing bandage out of his gear and wrapping it around the bolt, "Don't pull this out or you'll bleed out before you get to a doctor." He says to the guy, before getting back up, "I don't recognize the outfit but you're not one of the usual heroes running around here in New York." He says to Huntress, "I haven't seen a file on you which means you're either new or from out of town, and I really doubt you're new, judging by, well.." He motions to everything around them, "We should continue this discussion somewhere that's not about to be raided by the ESU, though."

Huntress has posed:
If this was Gotham they probably would of paid off the cops to not bother investigating any 'incidents'.

Is what she could of said, but that would just be a needless jab at the local authorities. Especially ones that might actually do their job. And something about the man, despite his lack of identification, strikes her as having a connection to law enforcement. Maybe just in the way he handled himself. She's better off keeping her snark in check to not piss off any more locals than she needs to.

"They've been trying to make contacts in other cities, and vice versa." The woman turns to start walking towards the edge of the rooftop. "Ask them about The Huntress, you'll probably get better info than any police report."

Nemean has posed:
"Well, Huntress, if you don't want to debrief that's fine." He says to her as she heads for the edge of the roof, "Alopex, if you want to meet back up after this, there's a car park two blocks north of here, meet me there." He has to go back downstairs the hard way. Sirens are just finally able to be heard in the distance, seems like even the red tape couldn't keep them away from the sounds of automatic weapons fire.

Alopex has posed:
    The fox was pretty sure it was Agent Garrett, but since he's nice enough to reveal that, she's kind enough to give him the nod for it. "That all makes sense. The entire tri-state area is affected by what the Foot Clan is trying to do. More red tape for -everyone-. Cops, FBI, CIA, any organization tasked with crime busting. People that get arrested are out in a couple days if not a couple hours. Shredder has his mits in -everything." Cody gets another nod, "Yeah sure, give me a few minutes to get my gear from one of the other buildings."

Huntress has posed:
She was entirely ready to leave. Until the fox drops another name, and they both fill in more details on what's been going on here. More importantly details on a possible source, deeper than she's been able to dig on her own. That gets the dark clad woman to stop, and consider for a long moment.

She dislikes relying on strangers... But at the same time, her own know-how of the mafiaso has only gotten her so far. And if Brick was any indicator, the ones working in this city were on a different track that what she is familiar with.

"Foot Clan, huh?" She brushes some fingers through her hair to get it tucked back behind the mask and not in her field of vision, turns and walks back towards the other two. "I take it the silly sounding name conceals something a lot more sinister."

Nemean has posed:
Well at least that changed the mind of the Huntress. Cody nods, "Okay, a few blocks north of here, meet me on the fourth floor of the parking structure." He says, as he looks to the other two, "I'm sure you guys are gonna do your fancy running across rooftops thing, I'm gonna go down the elevator like a reasonable person." He says, turning around and entering the elevator.

Once the door closes, he rubs his face with both hands, "What the hell have you gotten yourself wrapped up in, Cody. You have lost complete control of your life."

Alopex has posed:
    There a sort of look given to Cody, who she's told a lot already, which indicates that Alopex isn't about to give the newcomer ALL her information. Especially not the 'I was with them and now i'm not' bit of it. "Yes, well, they are a ninja clan that dates back quite far, with origins in Japan. Their current leader has a lot of sway with a LOT of groups right now, and there's been a sort of war going on in the shadows and.. well to be honest, they're winning right now."

    "Cody's given a curious glance, and once he vanishes behind the elevator door she just offers a shrug over toward Huntress again. "The life of a regular person suddenly thrust into the secret world of ... what we do. I can't imagine it's all that easy." With that said, the fox does as she said she'd do. Gather up her grappling hook, get back to the antenna she was using earlier, gather the REST of her stuff, and probably meet up with Cody.

Huntress has posed:
That's okay, Huntress is certainly thinking the same thing about her own 'secrets'. She wears the mask for a reason, and not just for the danger to herself if her identity got out. Though that is a big part of it.

"Mmmhmmm" is all she really adds to Alopex's assessment of Cody being thrust into the middle of things. "And you're both right. Those shadows starting to dig into places, even in Gotham where most of the big crime does NOT want to give space to newcomers. That is what lead me up here."

She watchs Alopex take off to retrieve herself. "I could say the same about seeing you, volpe bianca." Metahumans, people with weird powers or technology, sure. Even mutants. I mean the other kind of mutants. She's dealt with them before.

Mutants like the ninja fox, THAT was still new.

She glances over her shoulder, again considering in the light of the fact that these men would probably be getting off easy... Then shakes her head. No, still not worth the effort to just kill them. A show of lethal force wasn't going to be intimidating, not if what the other two were saying was true. Instead she just reloads her crossbow, and again does that zipline grapple thing Gothan crimefighters seem to prefer to get down from the rooftop and head for were the agent wanted to meet.

Nemean has posed:
Cody gets to the ground floor, mounts up on his motorcycle, and tears out of there a couple of moments before the cops arrive. Of course once they get up stairs they'll wind up finding lots of unconcious, bleeding goons, they'll get arrested and taken in and none of them will ever have charges filed.

Since he's on a motorcycle, he probably will beat the two of them there. He takes it up to the 4th floor and sets his helmet on the bike, waiting for the ninja and the vigilante. He turns on his police scanner in his earpeice while he waits, listening to the reports going on in the mean while.

Alopex has posed:
    Around ten minutes pass before Alopex can be seen just casually wandering up to the bike. Unlike before, she actually did walk, and actually did grab something to eat before she met up with Cody, and maybe the Huntress if she decides to show. Too bad for her, Alopex only grabbed a small burger for herself and for Cody. Huntress would have to find her own snack, "Appreciate the help, Cody. Sorry that it kinda went south, had no idea you and her were watching too."

Huntress has posed:
Cody got there first, but his motorcycle isn't the only one to sound it's engine through the parking garage and in a few minutes after Huntress rides up on a Kawasaki Ninja colored the same purple and black hues as her costume. Once she's idled to a stop she turns off the ignition and drops the kickstand with one heel as the motorcycle settles to that side lightly. She slips the other leg over to dismount, pulling off the matching helmet as she does so. Gives her hair a flick to disperse it after being bunched up inside said helmet. "I bet you were expecting me to be one of those crazies that don't bother with one," she remarks dryly as she hangs the helmet on one of the handlebars. "I'm reckless, not stupid."

Nemean has posed:
"For what it's worth Alopex, I wasn't supposed to be. I came to my bosses with that intel two days ago and got told it wasn't worth following. I'm pretty sure the Foot are just buying their way into power, and it pisses me off how many corrupt people there are in positions of power and in law enforcement. Once this is over and we've dealt with Shredder I need to make it my mission to bring down everyone he's bought off."

He turns to look at Huntress and her bike, "Well trust me I am glad you didn't come flying in on a rope or something. So, I suppose we should get introductions out of the way. I'm Cody Garrett, Special Agent with the FBI." He looks to Alopex, "This is Alopex, she's...Helping me with the case I am working against the Foot." He finally takes the burger from her after introducing her to Huntress, "Thank you. I don't know what shop you found that would sell to you but...I mean I'm glad you did find one."

Alopex has posed:
    One burger given, one burger nommed. All Alopex does at this point is give a nod to Cody's introduction and confirms that she is, in fact, helping him out with whatever information she can pass along. After a few moments, "I haven't ran into the other folks that you wanted me to give your card to, but they can be -really elusive- so.. that'll take some time." No she isn't mentioning the turtles around Huntress. She already has to take in the walking, talking, arctic fox. Granted, Cody didn't really get eased into all of this either..

Huntress has posed:
A half-smile briefly curls one corner of Huntress' mouth, mostly at herself for her hunch about Cody having some manner of law enforcement connection being correct. She's no Batman or Sherlock, but her skills for investigation and deduction weren't subpar either. But it's fleeting before fading back to demeanor for fitting the solemn moment. "Someone fed up with the rules being abused instead of enforced to help others. I can relate."

As for Alopex, she's still a bit of befuddling. At least in what she is. Not quite metahuman, not quite 'mutant' in the way she's familiar with. But clearly intelligent, and skilled. Probably trained for as much of a 'lifetime' as she has herself.

"You can just call me Huntress." Briefly she taps her fingertips against the lower corner of her mask before lowering them. "I have my reasons... And you know I'm from Gotham, you shouldn't be too surprised." She huffs a little into her bangs and folds her arms. "At least it's not some bat or cat or other critter costu--" Pause. "No offense, miss. You're clearly more than 'critter'."

She's still going to be careful with just how much she says.. but if there's potential to get a better grasp on things, more information, she's willing to share some. "You could say I'm one of the... specialists when it comes to the mafioso. Enough that I noticed they were acting -very- differently as of late, when the Five Families of Gotham are almost always constantly at each others throats normally. The trail I picked up on eventually lead me here."

Nemean has posed:
"Yeah, like Alopex said earlier, the guy behind all this is consolidating power all over the tri state area. Gotham, New York, Metropolis, and everywhere in between. From what I can gather, and what I've learned from her and other sources, he's trying to esentially bring the entire criminal underworld under one banner, and killing anyone who gets in his way."

He looks back to Pex for a second, nodding about her mention of being able to find the 'guys' he wants her to give his card to, "Just keep looking. They're around somewhere I'm sure. Met a guy yesterday who had an encounter with one of them and the Foot not too long back."

Turning back to Huntress, he considers what to share for a moment, "At least we have a potential ally in Gotham for when this all comes to a head. I'm sure Batman is on top of things but he's still just one guy..At least I assume he's just one guy, who knows there could be a whole army of Batman running around. Anyway, getting off topic. This shipment that's coming in tomorrow, they're bringing it in to use as tribute to Shredder and the Foot. If we can intercept it, and either capture or destroy it, it'll be a major blow to them and it'll keep whatever it is out of the hands of the Shredder."

Alopex has posed:
    Fox still nomming, but still acknowledging things when Cody points them out. Once the snack is finally finished, she goes on about a few things, "No offense taken. You're taking my appearence better than some others, to be honest," Alopex points out before considering everything. "Mm.. maybe your right then. If that shippment coming in is for the Foot Clan, it's going to come in no matter what. They will KNOW we are coming, however, and will be prepared. . . We may need as many as possible for it. Here's hoping I can find the brothers.."

Huntress has posed:
"Of course he is. He's likely on top of every move they've made in Gotham." Huntress then repeats that last part with extra emphasis. "In Gotham. Oracle probably has her sharp eye on things too. But as far as I'm aware, they're not willing to stray from 'his' city very often." We won't get into the whole 'his' city thing.

This wasn't Gotham, and no need to worry about him getting pissy about her being willing to go a few more steps down the darker side of vigilante justice. When necessary.

"If this Shredder is able to get the Five Families to stop their bloodfighting, he's either got big pockets or big cajones.... Or likely both." She nods a bit. Then unfolds her arms to hold her hands up. "I'll try not to shoot too soon this time.... but not certain promises. Most of these men don't deserve going easy on."

Nemean has posed:
"Good, so it's settled. Alopex, try to find the brothers, they'll want in on stopping something big from getting to Shredder I'm sure." He says to the fox, before looking back at Huntress, "If you want to head to the docks and set up surveillance, you'll probably have an easier time doing it than I will." As for what he'll do, well, he'll reach out to the OTHER mass murdering vigilante that he knows and see if he can't call in a favor, "I suppose I'll see you all tomorrow." He does give one of his cards to Huntress, however, "Just in case you need to contact me. I always answer that number."

Huntress has posed:
"That's.. actually more or less what I was thinking of doing." Huntress takes the card, slipping it into a pocket of her utility belt, and restraddling her bike. "I'll buzz you if something comes up. They may try to change the timetable again so they can beef up their security."

With that she flicked the ignition, revved the motorcycle, and spun it on the rear wheel to turn around and speed out of the parking structure.