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Revision as of 15:04, 22 August 2019

X-Corp One
Date of Scene: 19 August 2019
Location: Bushwick (Mutant Town), Brooklyn
Synopsis: Brainstorming for the X-Corporation. Decisions are taken!
Cast of Characters: Sunspot, Cyclops, Cypher, Cannonball, Armor, Polaris, Siryn

Sunspot has posed:
Like most ghettoes Mutant Town doesn't get nice things. No skyscrapers, no well-kept and restored buildings, no wide avenues with enough greenery, not even decent parking. So it was not easy to pick a good building for the X-Corporation.

There was some restoration work to be done. And ultimately it is not an impressive thing. It is a six stories building that was attacked by Sentinels and had to be evacuated. The city hall was going to leave it derelict. Another ruined thing in Mutant Town to draw in gangs and duggies, but Da Costa International made the owner an offer he couldn't refuse, and then Damage Control moved in.

After some high-tech magic, the building looks too good for Mutant Town. And that is how it should be, in Roberto's opinion. Most of the residents were invited back, no raises in rent, but he kept a couple floors for offices and a chunk of the lower plant for expansion.

It is in this floor he has called for a small meeting from friends and former teachers. Office space is modern and clean, and the AC keeps the August heat out of the area. Boxes of office and computer equipment seem to crowd at the corners of the rooms. Today Roberto wears a charcoal grey power suit and navy blue tie. He seems quite comfortable with himself as he shows the others the future New York X-Corp central. "This floor is for human resources. Er... mutant resources? Super-human resources? Still thinking about labels and brands. We can have some kind of operation center above, and a testing-training center on street level. But I will need Xavier help with the technology. McCoy has offered to help, but most of the mutant-related technology is based on Xavier's ideas."

Cyclops has posed:
"Personnel," Scott offers immediately to the question of what sort of Resources. "It's the older term for the same position and allows you to not force terminology on others." He glanced around as he walked through the building, taking in all the details about the rooms in a way that differed from the normal person looking at such things. They might be considering where to put a desk or chair. He was picking up the spatial design and full expanse of the area they were within.

"I am certain the Professor would be willing to help in any way possible. Need to be thinking about security too. Especially considering the history of the building and location." He paused and glanced up at the structure above their heads. Not that he could see it through the ceiling but the effect was the same.

"You can do a lot of good with this place. Are you certain it is wise allowing the residents to move back in here though? Might have been better to give them another location. You are likely to be a target and that could put them in danger."

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks up. He's wearing slacks and a tie, but his suit coat is off and his sleeves are rolled up. "I wired up this building with the best technology money can buy." He says, "And since it was Berto's money, that means I've been working with the best technology on Earth, period." He gestures. "Look at this," With a wave of his hand he brings up a holographic interface from the center of the business table. "Fully interactive holographic display, it works based on the body's bioelectric field-- go ahead, try it out." He sets a globe of the Earth spinning with a wave of his techno-organic hand.

Then he looks up, and says, "Most of them wanted to come back... who wants to just up and leave their home, Scott?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shows up wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Seems he was out about doing stuff, and called ahead to see if he needed to gussy up. "They live in mutant town, they are going to be targets for something be it sentinels, gangs, or hate mongers. Living here, they might encounter a bit more if someone is going to target the corporation, but they will not get the lower level stuff as bad, and better living conditions than most places in town. Ah would guess, as come better living options come open with some future products if they would want to move there, will be offered spots and assistance moving?" He looks to Berto and Doug as they are the planners on this one.

Sunspot has posed:
"Funny thing, Mr. Summers," replies Roberto with a smirk, "I have a large number of applications for security. A fearsome group of mutants, trained in the Danger Room." He leads the group to a round meeting table, inviting them to sit down. Letting Doug to show off for a few seconds. Then he continues.

"Actually I find a bit off-putting most of the mansion residents can think only in their fighting skills. I would like to have more of my friends, and more Xavier students, taking over leadership roles and heading departments. I am going to have to talk with the Professor about the courses he offers," he jokes.

Cyclops has posed:
"None of those answers change my opinion," Scott says with a half smirk as he shakes his head. "I understand they feel it is their home and wanted to come back. It's just they already had targets on their backs by being mutants. You just put one on their back, front and one right in the middle of their foreheads." He taps his forehead right between his eyes. "That is what the building is going to be, because it represents mutants doing well and getting out of the bad that is outside your doors. It's going to draw them in. It's why Xavier's is kept private about being a mutant school, after all."

He doesn't take up the offer to play with the technology for now but does give a nod to the fact they have all the high tech toys. He does take a seat at the meeting table, adjusting his brown bomber jacket as he settles in. Otherwise he is in a blue button down shirt and jeans with a pair of hiking boots on his feet. "Sounds like you have it all lined up. Ideas for what you want, resources to reach out for more through Xavier and his networking."

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki joins the group at the meeting table, sitting quietly. "Trained in the Danger room. Trained by Logan...." she murmurs. "More than are needed for security, even." She's still in her school outfit after summer classes today.

Cypher has posed:
"We have to start thinking about the future." Doug says, "The world we're going to build for ourselves. Because while I respect everything Professor Xavier has done... is doing, the future of Homo Superior doesn't belong to him, or to Magneto. It belongs to us, right now, and eventually to our children." He leans down, and plants his hands on the table.

"...So we leverage our gifts constructively. Both our powers, and our experiences."

"...With all due respect, sir, that's precisely why we brought you here. You're approaching this--well, like a soldier would. We need that. But we also need Scott Summers, *not just* Cyclops."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna entered, perhaps a bit behind, all things considered it was getting harder and harder for the Genoshan royal to travel about in the States without going to some lengths to hide her appearance. Riots had already happened and she didn't particularly enjoy being caught in them. She entered with a rough exhale, stepping in and taking off a wide brimmed hat that had hidden her long green locks from view. They now tumbled freely down her shoulders, and she flashed everyone a sheepish smile as she strode into the room at large.

She wore a white button up blouse trimmed in black edging, and a grey asymmetrical skirt, jewelry jingled as she moved, a matching set at her wrists, neck, ears of simple gold plate.

Her heels clicked as she adjusted her grip on her bag, and found a spot to settle that didn't interrupt too badly. Her green eyed gaze swung toward Scott briefly. When there was a pause in the conversation she cleared her throat, "As a representative of Genosha, currently the only one actively doing //anything// remotely constructive.." She grumbled the last part. "I would like to offer support. Formally.. Be it tech, or in buildings, and trade deals..."

Siryn has posed:
"It's going to happen no matter what. Happened during aparthied, too. But if there aren't places that we can show up to prove we can do good, too, then we're not making a lot of progress." This is from Theresa as she steps in, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed lightly over her chest. "I'm for it. So long as those involved realize the danger, it's their choice to make. Just another part of fighting in a way. Good propoganda." Of course she wasn't here as one of the big shots, so she just shrugs leaving her two cents on the table with a smile flashed to Roberto to show her encouragement.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will take a seat, leaning back to listen to the others talking for now. He might lead his friends in a fight, but this is Berto's and Doug's territory and he lets them lead the way here, waiting till he has something important or at least semi interesting to add.

Cyclops has posed:
"Actually, if the two parts of me were separate, Cyclops would be berating you as though this was a Danger Room simulation and you'd made a bad call. I'm just making observations. As the only me there is, which is Scott," he points out simply. No offended tone, no annoyance. Simple statements in a conversational way.

He gives a nod to each of those who entered as well, smiling at the offer from Lorna. "There go more resources for your efforts as well. That's very kind of you, Lorna." Then he turns back to Roberto and Doug.

"Let's simplify things instead of just giving the dog and pony show then. What is it you were wanting to ask of me?"

Sunspot has posed:
"Hmm, you might have a point there," admits Roberto. He does expect the usual mutant haters hitting them sooner or later. "But there are not many places most mutants can go in New York. Rundown buildings and the Morlock Tunnels are the main options. And they had their homes here. The building right now is far more secure than the neighbors. We have a reinforced structure, a working fire emergencies system, security cameras and we will have some very tough security people when this place is running." But... "actually, a soldier approach is also welcomed. Please, Doug, let Mr. Summers review all the security measures and take note of his advice."

He stands up when Lorna arrives, "Lorna... well, I am not sure we will want any association to Genosha. But the moral support is appreciated. Hopefully with less flying islands of death, this next month."

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki lets them argue, as she quietly sits, folding her hands in front of herself at the table, not really having strong opinions. She's here for a part time job, not to be a leader.

Cypher has posed:
"Sometimes our instincts are to adopt a siege mentality -- to castle up." Doug says, "The problem is is that a siege is an inherently passive thing. It's *not* a position that you want to be in, militarily or psychologically."

"So yes, the security of residents of the building is something we need to be thinking about. But, counterpoint? This building was wrecked by Sentinels before we renovated it, because it was a tempting target, an easy target. A structure with a determined security force and advanced security measures is a high-risk target. Sadists don't like those, they prefer soft targets. And Sentinels, created by sadists, are sadistic in and of themselves." He gestures, and a holographic folder appears in the air in front of Scott. "By all means."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's lips thinned into a fine line at Roberto's words, a single eyebrow lurching upward as she glanced about and settled her gaze back on Roberto. "Mutants whether we want to be or not, will be associated with Genosha for the simple fact that it's a mutant nation, and we're mutants. Those that hate us will not differentiate and they won't care about the differences between a 'good' mutant or a 'bad' mutant. Not when they're already set on our deaths." She paused a beat, and shrugged, folding her arms over her chest as she leaned back.

"Publically, if you want to keep your hands clean of Genosha, I understand business wise. But under the table, I'm more than willing to discuss terms. I've done so with most of our contracts in Genosha. Save Lex Corp, which is so far the only business willing to deal openly with Genosha." She muttered the last part, sounding entirely too miffed at the prospect. She bit her tongue to stifle further angry rants, and just settled back, waving a hand at Scott and Doug as she fell silent.

Cyclops has posed:
"I have no doubt it is well in hand. You don't need my expertise. If you do, you didn't learn anything back at Xavier's and I already know better," Scott says as he glances to the folder. In truth, he's itching to look at it. It's just something ingrained in him after doing this for a decade of his life. The reality though? The New Mutants (as they would always be to his mind) had things well in hand. He would bet his life on it. To look at that folder? It would make it seem he didn't believe in them and their abilities.

He waved away the folder and looked to each in turn. "If you brought me here to do that, then I will. I feel like you wanted to see me present for some other reason."

Sunspot has posed:
"Flying island jokes aside, my main problem with Genosha is not as much the ruler, but the lack of democracy," points out Roberto, addressing Lorna. "Da Costa International is already withdrawing for all African and Asian dictatorships, and Genosha is not going to be an exception. The X-Corporation will also stay away from totalitarian regimes as long as I have a say in the administration."

As for Scott, he nods gratefully. "Well, you do have more experience in most fields. I do want your advice in security and in all other matters, as well as a liaison to the X-Men. This is not a secret school, however. The X-Corp is a business, for adults that need good jobs, and it needs to be in the open. The risks are different, and we won't be centralized. And yes..." security is going to be a nightmare as they extend to other cities, as they can't rely on the human governments protecting them in most places. He sighs. "I think I am aware of the problems."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the group, and says "Ok, if I may make a suggestion that I am not exactly happy with." He looks over to Doug, and says "Can you fake us some school references and such. We may need to hide our connections to the school. He looks over to Scott "Nothing against the school, but if we want to keep the school secret, we don't want it showing up that most of the officers for X-corp all went there.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki smiles faintly at all this fancy talk. International politics, doctored records, it's all so... out there. She shifts a little bit inher seat, fixing her skirt, settlign in for a serious meeting.

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy lifts a hand to finger-gun in Sam's direction when the suggestion is made. "That's probably a good thing to do. The school still needs protecting, after all, and this is going to look suspicious otherwise. Might want to toss in some online education for degrees as well to explain why there's no recollection of any of you attending the schools you are faking going to. I mean..." She shrugs a little. "Reunions and yearbooks are a thing."

Cypher has posed:
"In my case I want to work with you, not necessarily as an X-Man. I like you, Scott -- as a person, and we all value your opinion and your participation. The future is only won if every mutant, everywhere, has a seat at the table, to make their needs and their desires and their *hopes* known."

"This is an ongoing plan. Mutant Town in New York is one of our first testing grounds. Mutant enclaves in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Miami, Metropolis, Gotham, Chicago. All are opportunties for expansion, IF we can establish working proof of concept *right here*."

Doug sighs, and says, "...I'm already working on the best way to do that. I don't like creating fraudulent educational records... I think we can spin the narrative that this is an idea we conceived of together while were students at the most elite of private schools. People will spin conspiracy theories, but they do that anyway. There are people on the internet who believe the school is run by *aliens*. As for me, I've already decided I'm not going to keep being a mutant secret." He looks down at that black and gold arm. "...Not that I can hide being a meta, anymore."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna's eyes narrowed as she tilted her chin up, but otherwise didn't argue against Roberto's choice in keeping the corporation out of dictatorships. It was a choice, and given how her father ran Genosha... well, the Council was more for show than anything else. She exhaled a breath, and glanced about the room once and pulled out her tablet with a shrug. Her nails made a tapping sound as she cast a glance toward Doug. Her voice soft, as she offered him a sympathetic look.

"If you need to talk after going public I'm here." She offered gently.

Sunspot has posed:
"There are a number of famous mutant graduates from Xavier," muses Roberto, looking to his friends. McCoy is the most famous, but Lorna and himself are also in the news and no doubt all over Internet. "That is really something else we should talk with Xavier. If he wants more discretion, we should accept it. You would have to go on with fake credentials or remain in the shadows." He nods a thank you to Lorna. All advice is welcome.

Cyclops has posed:
"Exactly my concern," Scott says, nodding to Sam. He looks back to Berto and Doug as he continues. "I have no problem being your liaison to the X-Men. I can try to help as I can with things. However, I don't think I should be openly associated with X-Corp. Not on paper at all. I'm already known as a teacher at Xavier's and that would just be another arrow pointing at the school saying 'mutants are here.' In addition to all of you coming from the same school. I agree that there needs to be some sort of records created that will lead away from Xavier's. Perhaps the Professor would be someone to consult on the best course of action there. After all, it is his school at risk. He should be in that discussion directly." He nods as Roberto comes to the same conclusion he had.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, Ah am sure we will figure out the way of making sure we are kept hidden from it. We could set up internships with a lot of different schools mutants and humans both coming to work here if willing to explain why any of the schools students are here. Ah have wondered how much can we help with the running of the neighborhood and improvement will the fact it is part of New York City be an issue? Can we donate to help things or would it be taken by new york in general?"

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy clears her throat a little while lifting a hand. "Honestly doesn't have to be that you keep *everyone* from being tied to Xavier's. That'd just look suspicious. Nah, just make sure you're not *all* from there, is all. Got to have a good mix."

Cypher has posed:
Doug notes that down as an issue, typing it into a holographic clipboard with a flick of his fingers. "I managed to reinstate my identity after being dead for two years. This is not an insurmountable hurdle." Then Doug says, "We have to work with the city government and municipal authorities, and also community leaders and spokespeople. Mutant culture is emergent, just bursting into its first vibrancy. We want to encourage it. That's part of our mission statement."

Sunspot has posed:
"We could accept workers by their codenames only," offers Roberto, after some thinking. "The public could know our IT Director is a mutant called 'Cypher'. But not who he is or where he came from. Also, it is mutant culture. Some mutants have disregarded their human names and only use their code names. Very much like some ancient tribes did."

Cypher has posed:
"Already working up a conspiracy theory that I'm a brain in a jar you keep in your server room," Doug says, to Roberto. "They'll go crazy for it." He looks to the others. "This plan is going to have setbacks... it has *risks*. But I--" He looks toward Berto. "When I was a student with Berto, I used to fight and argue with him endlessly. And what I learned fighting him is, his honor is beyond reproach, and when he has a goal, he *will* achieve it. I have faith in his vision on this."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna exhaled a breath, and tapped her tablet off, sliding it back into her over the shoulder bag. "I'm interested in supporting it, personally. Though I understand that you want nothing to do with Genoshal, and I respect that. If you have anything you need setup wise, and don't mind asking I am here. You've got my physics degree and magnetic skills if you want them.." She shrugged, and reached up to tie back her green hair, and once more plucked up her wide brim hat to cover it. The sunglasses came out and she offered a finger wiggle of a wave in departure.

Cyclops has posed:
"That might be an idea," Scott says as he considers the idea of codenames. He gives Lorna a nod in parting but then pushes out his chair and rises to his feet. "Forward any of the things you want looked over to my email. You should have my personal one, not associated with the school. I'll give it a glance. When I get back to the school, I'll touch base with the Professor and see what he might have to suggest. But for now, I need to head out. I have somewhere to be." He doesn't elaborate.

"Thank you for showing me around and telling me about this. I think you are all going to do great things here." With that, he's heading for the door as well.

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto chuckles. Brain in a jar, indeed. "Thank you, Doug. In truth those old arguments seem childish now. We were children. Now, we both want the same, and we will fight together. Thank you all for coming. I believe the X-Corp will be a step forward into reaching Xavier's Dream of integration and coexistence. It will help humans to see mutant powers are an asset for their cities and nations. And mutants to partake in the benefits of the societies humans have been building for centuries."