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Comfort Food
Date of Scene: 28 July 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Kaydin and Shannon cook together, Megan joins them for taste-testing. A good time was had by all. Megan and Shannon then head outside for flying practice.
Cast of Characters: Kaydin LeGraize, Nightingale, Pixie

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin was in the kitchen, boiling some water on the stove. Nearby was chicken boullion and pasta and veggies to throw in. He puts the chicken bouilion in first and waits for it to boil. The afternoon sun shining through the windows.

Nightingale has posed:
     It was hard to ignore good smells coming from the kitchen. Thus far, such things had usually meant good company, so Shannon took her chances. Today she's wearing a pair of well-worn, straight-legged, light blue jeans with ribbon flowers embroidered around the cuffs and partway up the legs, a simple but modest cream cotton poet's blouse laced modestly at the front, and her favorite flip-flops. She peeks in the door and smiles, watching for the moment as Kaydin cooks.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Once the water is boiling he mixes in veggies and pasta. He turns when he feels someone watching him and smiles at Shannon. "Hey gorgous." He says as he sips his soup and nods. "Wanna come in here and cook? I am about done, just cooking a snack." He says as he pats the large pot of soup.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon stifles a giggle, her hand covering her mouth, but her wings fluttering as if ruffled by sounds of mirth. "That's a snack? That would feed a family of four!" She does step in, her cheeks going almost instantly a light rosy pink; behind one ear is a sprig of lavendar that's begun to dry, but still bears a sweet scent. "Guess I could always make a little mac 'n cheese if you don't mind sharing the stove space?"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "No go ahead." Kaydin says as he clears off the stuff he been using, putting everything back with superhuman speed. He then nods. "So Shannon, how are you liking the place? Folks here are friendly, except for negasonic. Trust me, you will know her when you see her." He says as he sips some more soup. "My mom taught me how to cook, said a man that can cook can win hearts over easily."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just rolls her eyes and laughs a little. "I've already met her. She insists on calling me 'Fluttershy', but it's 'Nightingale'." She starts by setting some water to boil for the pasta, getting a second pan with some butter and flour to make a roux. No boxed mac 'n cheese for this one! "It's kind of overwhelming at times, there's so many new people to meet. But so far, I like it. And at least nobody's been seriously hurt yet, so I haven't really needed to use my other gifts." She shivers a little bit. "Going to have to practice that somehow, though. Learn to deal with it better, perhaps blunt some of the worst effects of it on me."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "My gifts are superhuman speed. I became connected to the speedforce, a force of energy which is produced by the flash. Augments my own personal sense of time to be at a more heightened state of awareness. In layman's terms, it means everything appears slow to me." He says calmly. "Could show you what it is like. I can pull people into my aura and include them in my heightened state." Kaydin says as he turns off the fire for his soup and begins to go about eating it.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon pulls the pot with the roux in it off the stove, perhaps ruining it, but it took very little to make all over again if need be. She turns off the burner and looks at Kaydin, blushing a little but offering a smile. "That sounds kind of trippy. So how do you deal with it? People moving and talking normally must seem to take forever to you."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Thankfully sound travels at the same speed as always. Its lipreading thats a bitch." Kaydin says as he smiles. "A little like trying to lip read a dubbed film." He says as he watches the woman. "So who taught you how to cook?" He asks curiously as he watches her while he eats his soup.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon shrugs a little. "Mostly my dad. It was that or let mom cook. She could burn water, and on nights dad would get called out for a removal... well, that'd leave us short for dinner." Well, alright, maybe it did make more sense to wait to see what the world was like to Kaydin until after the mac 'n cheese was in the oven! With the water boiling, she drops some rotini in and sets the timer, and gets back to work on the cheese sauce, warming the roux and adding some milk, and a hefty dose of colby-jack cheese. "Mac 'n cheese is a pretty basic dish... it was one of the first he taught me from scratch."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "My mother was the cook of the family. My dad was a biker. A good man, but always in trouble with the law. He had a habit of beating the crap out of people who abused other people and animals." Kaydin explains. "Oldest brother became a sheriff. I am the middle child and have two younger sisters, twins. Dad worked as a mechanic, mom worked in the local cannery. Came up with a few of their recipes." He explains.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Wow, a few people I've met here have come from big families. I was an only child." Distracted for just a second while talking to Kaydin, Shannon does not see the pot of pasta starting to froth and boil over...

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin moves quickly and soon turns down the heat to keep the macaroni from boiling over. "Technically I have a big family. Native american, so the tribe is my family. Grew up on the reservation. To be honest Seattle was the tribal lands we owned originally before the white man came." He explains. "My brother is tribal police."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon blushes at the near-miss, checking the pasta to see if it's al dente yet. "Thanks... good save there!" Well, at least the pasta was close enough to done, so she gets a colander and turns off the heat, and sets the oven for 350. Steam billows up from the sink as she drains out the pasta, and she's careful to lean back away from the burst of vapor. "I've never been out to Seattle. What reservation is home, if it's okay to ask?" She gets a baking pan deep enough for lasagna, some butter, and bread crumbs, and starts preparing the pan. Still, she steals shy glances at Kaydin, not quite able to keep the smile from her face.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Duwarmish." Kaydin says as he watches the girl. "Long ago, Chief Seattle signed a treaty with the white man to allow the white man on our lands. In a nutshell, the people have been brushed aside. According to the government, our tribe went extinct, despite the fact there are atleast 600 members of the tribe still alive." He says softly.

Nightingale has posed:
     There is no way Shannon can help it. As soon as she's got the pasta mixed into the sauce and put in the baking pan, she sets it all down on the counter. Her eyes mist over slightly as she hears him, and she sidles over, with her arms open to offer a hug. "I'm sorry," she says softly.

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin hugs her back and he smiles. "It's nothing. Just means my family isnt as spread out as we like." He says as he smiles at her. "In any event, We just live life and move on with it." He says as he watches her. "So you bake the macaroni and cheese?" He asks as he watches her.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon blushes as she hugs him, stepping back in a few moments. "I hear you there. Make the best of what you've got and just kind of go from there." She turns back to the counter, sprinkling some breadcrumbs on top of the macaroni and cheese, and putting it in the oven. Nodding, she smiles some. "You do. The boxed stuff is okay, I guess, but you can't beat making stuff from scratch sometimes."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin nods as he eats his soup. He drinks some of the broth down and he watches the woman. "So What about you? Dad liked to cook, mom couldnt cook, and dad went out on emergencies so that makes your dad a first responder or a superhero." He says with a grin.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just laughs, shaking her head. "By removals, I meant removals of corpses. Dad's an undertaker. Sort of a first -last- responder." She rolls her eyes and perches on a stool by the counter island, chuckling. "You don't know how many times I get asked 'Did you live above the funeral home like in the movie My Girl'."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I bet the conversations between people were a little dead." Kaydin says with a wink and a smirk as he eats his soup. "As I said my ma worked at a cannery. The cannery is owned by the more wealthy members of the tribe and they use a few of my mom's recipes to make the food." He explains.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Well... like which recipes?" Shannon's curiosity is piqued, and she leans forward a little as she listens. "Oh, and dad's place was the one everyone was just dying to get into..."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "Alphabet soup...Clam chowder and chicken noodle soup." Kaydin says as he watches the woman. He then smiles. "Mom and dad are the only ones who encouraged me to try and become a good artist. Brother thinks I need to get a real job and my sisters like me drawing them." He says calmly

Nightingale has posed:
     "Well, at least your folks encouraged you. And maybe that's something about your sisters, gives you practice." She brushes a little hair out of her face and smiles, her azure eyes twinkling as she watches him. "The real question is, though... what do -you- want to do?"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I want to help people. Sometimes helping a person means doing something legally wrong but spiritually right." Kaydin says as he drinks some more broth. "I just want to help folks. Thats why I try and help others as one of the new mutants." HE says calmly.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just tilts her head, looking perplexed. "New mutants?" She sounds a little hesitant, as if perhaps venturing into forbidden territory. "So you're already getting out there and helping people... lucky."

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin chuckles. "The new mutants is a group headed up by Sam Gutherie. He assigns missions to us and encourage us to work together and complete the objective. We handle stuff the x-men are too busy to handle. Little stuff." Kaydin explains. "It may be little stuff but still important."

Nightingale has posed:
     Now there's a name Shannon recognizes. She smiles somewhat, though this time, she does not blush in the slightest. "He's a good guy. Been real nice to me since I got here a few days ago. Wicked sense of humor, too." She glances down at her hands and sighs softly. "Who knows, maybe at one point I might actually be able to help you guys a little." There's the smell wafting through the kitchen of a good, savory soup, and the rich smell of cheese coming from the oven, both aromas mixing and floating out into the hallway like a siren's song to the stomach.

Pixie has posed:
Mmmm, what's that de-licious smell? Well whatever it is, it certainly does draw a crowd, a particularly ravenous little pixie to be exact! She flutters in from the nearby hall, blindly following her nose towards tasty smelling soup, her stomach grumbling hungrily as she glances around. "Oooooh, who cooked dinner? Care to share?"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin pulls a bowl down when Megan showed up. He uses a ladle to ladle some soup into the bowl and offers her the soup. It was chicken soup with shells as pasta and peas and carrots for veggies. "Here you go." He says as he smiles at the woman.

Nightingale has posed:
     Megan's timing is perfect, for just as the hungry pixie wings her way into the kitchen, Shannon is sliding off of her perch on the kitchen stool to get an oven mitt, and retrieve a large pan full of baked macaroni and cheese. "Hi," she says softly, smiling shyly. "Think I remember you from my first night here... Megan, isn't it? Come on, there's plenty of food here."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, glancing between the two of them. "That smells absolutely delish. You made this?" she nods and smiles to Shannon, "Yea, I remember you from the other day. How have you been? Are you finding your way around the school alright?" she nods to Kaydin and smiles, having seen him here and there in the halls, but not knowing him well. "It's Kaydin, right? Nice to meet you, that's right, my name is Megan. Are you both fairly new students here?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head. "I didn't make the soup, Kaydin did. The mac and cheese is mine, though. Help yourself!" She smiles, busying herself getting a few plates, a serving spoon, and some forks, setting them out so the trio can partake of the feast. "I'm the new one, think Kaydin's been here a while. What about you? How long have you been here?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn oohs, "Nice! What's the special occasion?" she grabs a spoon and serves herself some soup, only too eager to dig in. The first couple of bites are superb and she smiles and gives them a thumbs up as she quietly sips on it. "Mm, perfect! You're quite the cook, Kaydin!" she shrugs, "Hmm, well I've been at the school for about two years now. Recently graduated to the Xmen but I'm a T.A. in some of the classes. I recently left for a vacay back home for a few weeks, so when I returned I guess there were a few new faces. I've seen Kaydin around before, just never really talked to him much. But I'd looove to get some cooking lessons from him this soup is incredible!" she glances curiously at Shannon, "So where are you from? How do you like the school so far?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and serves out both a bowl of soup and a small plate of the macaroni and cheese for herself; it had been a long day, and pixies weren't the only ravenous ones! "I'm from a little town called Waterford, in Connecticut. It's a good eight to ten hour drive away from here." She nibbles on the macaroni dish, letting the soup cool down a little bit first. "So far, I love it. It's a lot to get used to, but it's going okay."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods, "Small towns are the best. So full of history and wilderness. I miss my hometown but it was good to go back and visit, at least I still have my grandparents there." she shrugs, "But this place is like a second home too, you know?" she finishes the rest of her soup in shocking record time, delicately wiping her mouth and peering back at Shannon, "I looove your wings by the way. I 'm so curious to see them in action. I mean, you look like an angel or something. Very lush!"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Small towns can be good... but they also mean everyone knows everyone, and once you're known as a mutant, it can be really hard for you and your family." Shannon shakes her head and sighs a little. "For better or for worse, this is home now. At least it's safe, and people look out for each other here." She munches thoughtfully on her plate full of heaven, her wings moving slightly behind her, just flexing and stretching them out a little bit. "Still think your wings are way more beautiful. And I'm not that great at flying. I mean, I kind of had to learn the basics on my own but there's a lot of room for improvement."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and smiles, "Yes, there is that. I mean, when I reached adolescence, my powers began to manifest and in such a small town, rumours totally do spread quickly. I had to hide in my room most days, and I couldn't go out for fear of being run over by mobs. I ended up running away from home and I found this place, or rather this place found me. And the rest is history!" she arches a brow at Shannon's coment. "Really? You like my wings? Thank you! I try to keep them in shape, you know, they're like a muscle like any other muscle. And maybe we can practice together? You know, I used to wear a helmet because I'd often fall when flying, but now I'm pretty good. I'm sure I could help you improve your flying skills too."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly, understanding all too well the sort of thing Megan is talking about. "I know how that feels. Only difference is, I didn't run away. My family brought me here. Part of me hopes they can either finally get some peace back home, or maybe even be able to move somewhere that's a little more mutant-friendly, where they won't catch heck for having a mutant daughter." She finishes her soup and her macaroni and cheese, and cleans up her dishes, smiling. "Flying sounds fun. Warning you right now, though, I'm not very good at all! I mean, when you have a non-flier giving you tips, that's got to tell you something!" She turns red, giggling softly. "Even if he's a charmer. Come on, I'll meet you outside?" She puts her dishes away and heads out, making for the backyard and some room to stretch out her wings.