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Latest revision as of 20:29, 14 September 2019

Healing Shannon
Date of Scene: 11 September 2019
Location: Medical Lab - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Hisako got healed. Shannon got healed and re-injured. Hank uplled a Leonard Nimoy and didn't do anything. Sam dreaded responsibility.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Armor, Beast, Cannonball

Nightingale has posed:
     What a night it had been last night. What had started out as a simple trip into Bushwick with Sam to hear some music in Club Evolution had turned chaotic in short order. An arms deal in a nearby warehouse went wrong, with an unknown masked man having stepped into the fray. Megan had shown up, and before the three from Xavier's could chat and catch up, shots were heard being fired. Though the three worked well as a team to help bring the situation under control, one stray shot did hit Shannon in the lower left leg, towards the calf. With the fight just about over, the trio erred on the side of caution and beat a quick retreat, with the winged healer winding up in need of healing herself. Hank had insisted she rest in the medical bay that night; while she didn't argue, neither was she too happy about it, and rested fitfully through the night.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki may HAVE armor, but she doesn't always WEAR armor. A minor injury during training in the Danger room, causes her to start limping down the hall to see what's going on. First person she sees is Shannon. "Oh hello," she says. "Are you... alright?" she asks, lowering herself down onto a seat. She's wearing an all-black catsuit with yellow boots, belt, and padding over her torso.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy comes in with a white coat over his suit. Seeing Hisako AND Shannon, he smiles faintly. "Good morning. Shannon, thank you for remaining for observation. And Hisako, you just visiting, or did you need something? I thought you were training." He walks over to Shannon's bedside, checking readouts.

Nightingale has posed:
     The readings on Shannon are proving relatively normal, with signs of her acclerated healing kicking in to seal the wound on her leg. Whereas on most humans a gunshot wound would take a few weeks to heal, it looked as if she was already at least halfway through that in one night. She smiles a little bit and ducks her head. "Remind me to dodge next time, Hisako. Bit of a firefight last night." She nods towards Hank and tries to smile. "Hey, no problem. Just not the way I'd have preferred to be in here."

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki is seated, and raises her left leg, and points to her ankle. "Hello Doctor McCoy. I twisted my ankle while I Was training. It's important I work on mobility in case my powers get deactiviated, of course. It's probably just a strain, but you're the doctor, and I wanted to get checked first before I exert it." she says to Hank, as he stands bedside to check on Shannon.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy folds his arms as he considers Shannon's readings, then looks to her on the bed. "How's it look?" he asks, while lifting the blanket covering her just enough to see where she was shot. "Healing very nicely. Fortunately you take a gunshot about as well as I Do, and it wasn't hitting anything vital." Now Hisako. "Ah, sorry to hear that. Can you hobble over there? I can give you a quick X-Ray. There in the corner. Put that weighted gown on. Shannon, you're free to get up and go to class."

Nightingale has posed:
     "No, it just stings like a son of a gun. No pun intended." Shannon slides off of the bed, and very gingerly tests her weight on her left leg. "I just feel bad for Sam, he's going to blame himself, and I'm worried he'll get in trouble." Her expression shifts to something of a grimace, but she holds steady as she tries to take a few steps. There's a bit of a limp, but she's at least able to walk. "Need a hand in here at all?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie heard Shannon was getting checked out now, and after giving the docs time to do their thing, and filling out mission paperwork. He will stop back into the medlab even having made a stop by the kitchen and brought the hurt girl a rootbeer float in a big mug. "Someone order a refreshing fizzy drink?" He will ask as he steps into the room.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki covers her mouth and snickers as Shannon's prediction seems to come true. For her part, she gets up on one leg, hops over, and starts putting on the lead gown to get herself scanned. "Thank you doctor. It is good you're well Shannon. Good morning Sam."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy smiles to Shannon. "Sure. After I verify what's wrong with Hisako, maybe you can help her ankle out, so she can get back to training and classes as well. Good morning Sam. I do hope to read your report once you've had a chance to take stock of everything." Then walking over to Hisako, he mkaes sure she's in position and protected, and fires up the X-Ray machine, an image of her ankle coming up on a screen instantly. "You're right. Just a sprain, Hisako. No tearing that I can see, and definitely no break. Just go easy on it... unless Shannon's help take care of that, too. Listen to your pain."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon grins at Sam, ruffling her wings a little bit. She limps over for a hug, gladly accepting the rootbeer float. "You sure you're not the angel here? Thank you so much!" The treat and the hug did a lot to lift her spirits, with a healthy swig of the stuff disappearing in short order--to the tune of a very comical grimace on her face. "Owwww..." She sets the mug down, holding her head in her hands for a few minutes, but laughs a bit. "No problem, Mr. McCoy... just... ugh, I'll never learn about brain freeze! Give it a minute, I'll be right there with her."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Hisako "What happened?" he will ask her, after looking over and says "Our masked friend from the other day was busy in town again, this time, gang members and friends were having a weapons deal he crashed it seems.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki trise to hold still for the X-Ray, then sighs once it's done. "That is a relief. Thank you again Doctor McCoy." Carefully removing the gown, hanging it neatly, she then hops on her toes back to where she sat before. "Shannon, you're hurt. I Don't want to put you to any trouble."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy nods to the others. "Well, I'm glad to see you're both just going to be limping, and there's no serious injuries to either of you. Anymore. Do try to get shot less." Then he finds a seat, picks up his coffee, and sips, listening to Sam.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs and smiles at Hisako a bit. "No trouble at all. You'll be back on your feet, and it'll just take me a couple days to be back on mine." She pulls a chair over near Hisako's and has a seat, knowing all too well that to be standing would be a very bad idea for this. "Please, just hold still?" She'd never tried taking on an injury when already hurt herself, so this was going to be interesting. Unless Hisako tries to stop her, she leans down to rest her hand on the other girl's ankle and closes her eyes, hissing softly as the transfer begins.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie does look over watching this. He has talked to Shannon a bit about how it would be with the whole different levels of damage, and taking on more when hurt. He will walk over towards Hank, and says "We may have to try to get some time to actually talk to our sword wielding friend soon.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki bitse her lip and nods to Shannon. "It doesn't hurt as long as I don't put any weight on it, so i will have no problem holding still." Then then watches Shannon work, tensing since this is a new thing for her, this power.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy chuckles, watching the healing going on as Sam talks. "Oh yes, yes. I'm sure that masked man, whoever he is, would show some enthusiasm. Unless the guy we ran into was just drunk that night. Never know in this city. Well, I have a class to teach, Be careful kids. Leave the getting shot to me."

Nightingale has posed:
     By the time Shannon moves her hands away from Hisako's ankle, any outward sign of puffiness or bruising will have vanished, leaving behind only a gentle warmth and tingling. Instead, her own left ankle took on that appearance, and she winces when putting a little weight on it. "There... how does that feel?"

     She glances over at Sam and Hank, frowning slightly as she hears them talking about the masked man. She nibbles her lower lip, hesitating for a moment, and then speaks up. "Just before we left... this is going to sound crazy, but his voice sounded kind of familiar. Like something I heard pretty recently... but it's hard to place just who that might be."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms, and says "Good to know, Ah don't try to find out other peoples ids often, but if he is going to be working in the area. " He admits "So, does your leg feel any different than it normally does when you heal someone Shannon?"

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki takes a deep breaht, as the feeling of healing envelops her leg. "Well," she says softly. "It feels much better than it did before. Should I try to walk on it?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon glances to Hank for confirmation before she nods, smiling a bit at Hisako. "See how it feels if you put a little weight on it. I'm not the doctor here, though. Just... be sensible about it?" She tilts her head, considering the other question put to her, nibbling her lower lip. "It's like taking on the injury myself in slow motion, when absorbing it from someone else. I mean, most injuries happen very quickly, less than a second. I feel the tissues stretching, skin tearing, bones breaking if need be. But I heal very quickly, too, so it doesn't last for very long." She cracks a small smile. "I'll be taking it slow for the next couple days, but by Friday I'll be back in action. Good thing, too, just in time for Logan's class. Probably going to eat a lot of protein for a while, it kind of helps the healing along." She offers a reassuring smile to Hank and Sam, giving them both a thumbs-up.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Keep a journal for the next couple days, Ah want you to compare this healing till others. Basically same as when ya healed Pixie's ankle, so can use it as a guide if your healing slower or not, and also how the healing of te gunshot wound is doing."

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki blinks. "Wait.. I didn't realize that's how it worked. Thank you but.. I didn't want you to take on my injury. It was my mistake and I deserve to take the lesson from it." She will then stand, and very carefully see if standing on the ankle will hurt.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs and smiles. "Hey. We're all a team here. It's worth it. In the field, I don't think there'd be time to argue about learning lessons from the injury." She looks over to Sam and nods. "Good idea. I'll make a note of diet in that, too, see how that affects the process. I've never pushed it too far, but sooner or later, going to have to try. Hopefully in here, where it can be monitored."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Hisako, and says "And actually right now your helping us learn a bit without one of us having to intentionally hurt ourselves. We need to know the effect will happen if Shannon is already hurt on her healing others and speed of healing herself afterwards.

Armor has posed:
Hisako Ichiki lowers her weight onto the ankle... and sighs. Stopping to hold her breath only after she feels it. "I do hope you are better soon, thank you very much," she says, giving a deep bow.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles, seeing Hisako's alright. Returning the bow, she replies, "You're welcome." She herself is slower to get up, though, biting her lip and keeping as much weight off of her left leg as she can. "I'll set a notebook aside for that, Sam. Good idea." She grimaces a little bit, grumbling. "Bobby had better NOT chew you out for this, it was an accident."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit and says "Oh if Ah am chewed out it will be by Jean or Scott, not Bobby." he tells her. "Actually though Ah am considering an extra lesson for you and Megan both." he smiles and says "Ah am going to show ya what is needed for an AAR, and Ah want both you and her to write up seperate ones and also what you think could have should have been done different.