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Sentinels/Genosha Rising: Attack of the Sentinels
Date of Scene: 02 September 2019
Location: Midtown, Manhattan
Synopsis: A protest against Sentinels turns bloody, The X-Men and Magneto will not be moved.
Cast of Characters: Magneto, Pixie, Beast, Kid Omega, Iceman, Nightingale, Polaris

Magneto has posed:
     A small protest march had started in Mutant-Town, and determined to reach City Hall, The peaceful protest had stayed that way, young mutants walking with signs and chanting a message of stopping the hate.

  The mid-day protest was moving along at a steady pace, loudspeaker-carriers chanted 'Stop the Hate! It shouldn't be legal to discriminate!' A young man, clad in ice, seemed to be helping keep things cool, by literally providing a gentle cold breeze. Others, outwardly showed their mutations, a green glob with eyeballs here, a young woman with what looked like quills there, people of all colors of the rainbow were marching to City Hall, the goal was doing their part to stop what was going on in the country.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn has been interested helping keep the peace in Mutant Town lately. Of course, aside from helping stop the occasional uprising of crime, and keeping certain druglords in check, she felt pretty helpless to stop the wave of anger as they marched through the city. But maybe she can help calm down fears if things get out of hand. Either way, she's here, dressed in her Pixie uniform, fluttering overhead the march at a safe distance, just observing for now.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy has been an active presence in Bushwick for some time. Visiting with the victims of local violence and their families. So with this march happening, he decides to join it. Marching near the front, he holds a sign and joins in the chants. However knowing at least Megan is around to watch, he will have worked with her to ensure that in the event of trouble, the team could talk.

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin Quire likes protests, although he's not entirely thrilled with being all packed in close to a bunch of his sweaty fellow mutants. It was one thing when he was buzzed out of his mind in a dance club in Mutant Town, his brain sizzling like bacon in the pan, with a beat pulsing and throbbing along with his heartbeat and scantily clad honeys far as the eye could see.

It was an entirely other thing in the daytime (ugh) with a lot of sober people (double ugh). Not that Q was sober. God no. Gross.

He floats slightly above the scrum, legs folded lotus style, his pink hair flipped to one side and draped over the shaved portion of his scalp. "Hell no we won't go! Attica! Attica! Keep your gnomes out of my genomes!" he shouts intermittently while flicking through his phone.

Iceman has posed:
    Spending more and more time in Genosha has gotten to Bobby as he's found his way away from the mansion today and has set up shop above the path of the marching crowd. The Ice man has taken up his icy persona and even changed his very skin to ice. Because why not? The x-man wears a simple bandana on his head and a pair of cargo shorts at his waist, and yet he's sitting with his legs hanging over the side of the roof, watching the crowds go by with a smile and a polite wave to those that notice him.

Nightingale has posed:
     It was a rare afternoon off from studies, and when word got out about the march, well, the resident winged healer was not about to say no to helping out--even if it was just acting as lookout from high above. Shannon's in the air right along with Megan, a bit closer to city hall to keep an eye on things over that way. She has no uniform, not being technically part of any team, and instead is just in her favorite jeans, a plain t-shirt, and sensible sneakers. She keeps an ear out for either trouble on the ground, or chatter on the comms, whichever happens first. So far, so good. Nothing yet. But how long would it stay that way?

Magneto has posed:
     The protest seemd to be going along nicely, the group had not managed to encounter violent counter-protesters, or much hate as they trudged on.

  Those viewing from above would be the first to see something headed their way, from afar, it just looked like a bright dot with a dark dot in the center. As it got closer, though, it was clearly a sentinel on its way to interfere with a peaceful protest.

  After a scant 30 seconds, the Sentinel made a landing on the street, looking to the crowd and commanding. "Halt, mutants, retreat to your domiciles."

  The sentinel reached out a palm to the crowd, a faint glow as the sentinel readies its weapons.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and smiles to Shannon, "Nice day for a flight, huh? I just hope this goes over peacefully, but I dunno.." she bites her lip, glancing below, spotting a few recognizable X-men, for which she is grateful. Who knows how this protest might turn out?

However, those words are no sooner out of her mouth when she spies something in the sky. Eyes widen in alarm at the realization, and she's already talking into her communicator to alert those below. "Sentinels! Coming towards us!" she freezes as it orders the crowd down, glancing at Shannon uncertainly. If they do as the Sentinels order, will they really stop there? She tenses, readying for a fight but doesn't strike just yet.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy naturally weaves his way to the front of the group once trouble starts. "Getting to the lead of the march," he says to the X-Men as he does march right in front. "Some of us will go home who have families," he starts to call out, giving a cue to some marchers to get out of danger if they choose, "but the Constitution of the United States gives us the right to assemble peacably. You can't take that away from us. I shall not be moved." he calls out to them. He then adjusts his fedora and vest, hoping LexCorp's stuff continues to do its job for him.

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin's gesture is probably not suitable for description in front of sensitive souls, but it involves his fingers, his tongue and is punctuated by a liberal amount of words describing very obscene parts of the human (and, in some cases, strictly animal) reproductive anatomy.

Suffice to say, he's not about to give the Sentinel what it wants. He does project a certain soothing calm telepathically, just to keep the scrum underneath from breaking into a panic and trampling one another under foot and tentacle, as the case may be.

"Y'know, I've called a lot of people on the internet tin-can fascists, but it's weird to actually see one in person." He wraps himself in a telekinetic shield, straightening his glasses on his nose, "Sucks that they don't have minds, but it's also kind of appropriate."

Iceman has posed:
    With a jolt, Bobby is standing on top of the lip of the building, his hands balled into fists as he sees the robot and he frowns as he activates the communicator in his ear with a clench of his jaw. "Hank, Winks Club, Quenty, sure you already know, but we got a sentinel on the way. Might be best to have everyone do what it says and then if it starts any funny business we put it in the river."

    Bobby wants to slide down to the crowd and stand before it and the giant robot, but he doesn't, he knows that he's in the best position to take the lead. With Hank down in the crowds, Bobby is the experienced one with the eyes on the whole situation so he waits and bites at his frosty lip as he waits to see what happens.

    At Hanks show, Bobby pumps a fist sharply and smirks. "You tell 'em Hank but don't get yourself hurt. We don't need another Peru incident." Then he gives a little surprised look. "Did, did we teach Quentin those words? I'm... I'm turning red up here."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon might not quite be able to translate some of those words, but by the way her face turns beet red, she gets the general gist of them--particularly with gestures involved. She coughs noisily, and keeps a wary eye on the Sentinel, tapping the comm in her ear. "Nightingale... Houston, we have a problem, let's hope that one doesn't bring friends to the party." She beams with pride, hearing Hank's speech down below, but keeps an eye on the crowd, praying her other gifts would not be needed. However, with a Sentinel involved, the likelihood of needing a healer grew more than she liked....

Magneto has posed:
     Some of the crowd backed away, others stood their ground, one such mutant was the seventeen year old icemaker. The ice-armored blonde male formed a barrier in front of thopse willing to stand their ground, and those who wanted to take shelter.

  The sentinel in question positioned its palm to the mutant and with a whine of its electrical components, fired an energy shot right into the young man's back, to which the mutant faltered and landed on the ground with the sound of shattering ice.

  "Retreat to your domicles, or ensue more casualties." The sentinel commanded, the robot did not feel, it was only following the programming of Trask and eventually the Friends of Humanity. On the horizon, two more balls of light were headed to the fray, though they were farther out than the original had been.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn has been hesitant to attack until given the word. When Bobby tells them to do what it says, she is ready to back down. "Heeey, the name is Pixie, not Winks club!" she can't help but retort into her communicator. But it doesn't look like these Sentinels are willing to back down. She snarls as it attacks the ice guy, glancing back at Shannon. "Hey, can you check on him? Dammit!" she summons her glowing pink dagger, pulling it out of her chest as she glares at the Sentinel. Still, she is hesitant to attack without orders. She doesn't want to draw its ire. "It attacked that guy! Should we draw fire? I see two more headed our way.." she queries into her comm.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy scrunches up his face when the shooting begins. "Our hands are forced," he says into the comms before taking off in a sprint. "Shannon, can you heal him? If not, Pixie, can you get him to a hospital?" since he doesn't have time to stop. He's charging the sentinel, but not in a straight line. Weaving, running a little randomly, trying to be hard to hit. "I don't know about you but that's what I'm doing now."

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin Quire is hesitant to attack the Sentinel because it's a ****ing Sentinel and, while he opposed the Mecha-Gestapo with all his deviant heart and soul, he didn't really want to fight one. He wasn't cowardly, he just liked to pick fights where he was almost certain of winning. That's just good sense.

He flares his TK, though, to start spreading his protection over others and give them shielding so they could at least flee in a relatively safe fashion. Was he going to stay and fight?

Yes, dammit, but he would at least be bitchy about it.

Iceman has posed:
    The report from Pixie is the most alarming news as Bobby stands on the building as overwatch and frowns. "Pixie, you're quicker, get the injured out of here. Shannon, you stand by for any wounded that need your help." Bobby says frowning as it's time to act.

    With Hank diving in a full speed, Bobby can't do a whole lot from where he is without risking others. He has to be the eyes and ears for the team. "Quentin, I need you to give us all a TK bubble, keep those robots out as long as you can... Oh, I hope you already are, I don't know. Can't see it." Bobby frowns deeply, wishing Lorna or even Erik was here to help. This would be over already.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon lets out a quick oath of her own. "Mr. McCoy, we've got more company on the way... one coming from three o'clock high, the other from five... watch your back down there!" She looks at Megan, nodding grimly at Hank's call to action, and seeing the young man shot down herself. "Try and keep those two occupied up here, Megan? Time to go to work." She dives towards the ground, but the TK bubble is going up. "Shoot! Hey, come on, there's injured in there... let me in?" She's forced to hover just above the fray, keeping a wary eye on the surroundings. "Those Sentinels are really booking... this is going to get messy."

Magneto has posed:
     The young man on the ground did not move, but his ice armor gave way, retreating and revelaing the mutant inside. He had a large burn wound on his back that was still smoking through his tee shirt, it was a bootleg tee shirt bought in Mutant Town that bore the X symbol, one that he had worn proudly. The sentinel however, started to blast multiple times in the direction of Hank, missing the blue mutant and creating small craters in the pavement as it did. The metal menace held out both palms, and its head turned on a swivel to keep an eye on the crowd, and on those who attempt to distract it.

  The other two sentinels landed, and joined the fray, one on either side of the retreating group. The ground shook with their enourmous mass as they stepped towards their compatriot at the front of the fray.

Pixie has posed:
"Yikes..I dunno if I can take 'em on.." to be honest, her powers tended to work best on living creatures..But Pixie is up here, and they're down there and she may just have an advantage. When Shannon decides to help the wounded man, she swallows and focuses on the first Sentinel. "Alright ugly..Come and get me!" she quickens her speed, buzzing around it, trying to lure it away from the action below, literally spinning circles around it. And then, once she is within throwing range, she'll hurl her soul dagger at the giant robot's eyes, praying that this will actually work. Because so far, her dagger's been somewhat unpredictable. It may do nothing at all, or if she's lucky, it will at least stun the creature. If she's very lucky it may just short circuit its system but that seems unlikely.

Polaris has posed:
From above the sky turned purple, and a portal to //some where else// opened up from above, directly on top of the two new Sentinels that tried to block off the group's retreat. From the portal flew out Polaris, green cloak snapping in the wind about her as she came from on high, the King of Genosha following in all his glory. A scream of metal came from somewhere down the street, and two buses came flying at the Sentinels with a scream of metal and powerful electromagnetic burst from the younger of the two magnokinetic. One for each of the two Sentinels joining the fray.

"Everyone get down!" The green haired Princess shouted as she drew on the electrical grid to further charge herself in the next planned attack.

Her gaze swung toward the gathering of X-men about, and she flashed Bobby a grin and a two fingered salute.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy let out a series of grunts and groans. "Under fire, any support appreciated. But better they fire at me than the whole crowd..." He keeps on running. Trying to flank the Sentinel shooting at him, taking cover wherever he can along the way. Poor cars. And then, when Lorna calls out, he FLATTENs behind a car.

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin Quire keeps shielding, focusing himself on defense for the moment even as he uses his Big Beautiful Brain (TM) to start analyzing the Sentinels patterns and behavior, trying to get a glimpse of the technology underlying the things - and look for weaknesses within it.

He lets Shannon through, per her request, but otherwise keeps things locked down pretty tight. When Magneto and Polaris swoop in, he raises his eyebrows.


Iceman has posed:
    Bobby sighs to himself as the people that he's possibly responsible for seem to have a problem with listening. This causes Bobby to flip off his comms for a moment to complain. "How does Scott do it?" He asks rhetorically to himself and no one else. With another clench the radio is back on.

    He's about to step off the building and enter the fray himself but the opening and rending of reality seems to catch Bobby off guard, that is until two people he asked for drop out of the hole in reality. "Thank you god." He mumbles into the open comm. "Magneto and Polaris are friendlies on the field, mind your p's and q's." Bobby says as he keeps asking himself what would Scott do.

    Oh, he would do this, Bobby snaps his hands forwards and a rush of wind and ice particles freezing the air before him rushes out towards the closest sentinel to the Ice-Man as he tries to freeze the systems and joints if he's even close enough to affect the machine monster.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon finally manages to land next to the fallen mutant, and becomes very, very still for a moment. Where she was beet red before, now she has gone ghostly white. There was no help for this one. She sighs softly and reaches down to brush her hand down over the young man's face, closing his eyes. She taps her comm, her voice gone very steely and grim. "Nightingale here. One fatality. I'm sorry." She stands and doesn't bother to brush herself off, there is no time for niceties.

     The chatter on the comms from Bobby gets her attention. Polaris... right, that one, she recognized as she looks up into the sky, seeing a green cloak. But the other... "Holy sh... confirm... Magneto??"

Magneto has posed:
     As Pixie flies around the sentinel, the robot's tracking program can barely keep up, mainly due to the head swiveling on a bearing. As she hurls her soul dagger into the optical sensors of the beast, some shorting out can be seen from the right sensor, and the sentinel reacts by holding a hand to the damaged sensor. "Rerouting power." It seems distracted enough with the one hand as it tracks Pixie and attempts to pluck her out of the sky, do one-eyed robots have a problem with depth perception?

  The busses crashed against the two newer sentinels, causing them to stagger and one even falters to its rear. Of course, their first order of business was to get back up to their feet.

  Iceman was able to slow down this movement by freezing joints on the closest sentinel to him, the one that did not fall down. Creaking metal cries against the frozen joints as the machine's motors try and break through, ehich starts to work, although slowly.

  Magneto himself was clad in his battle armor of crimson and purple, and along with Polaris, start attacking the sentinels with full predjudice. A purple gloved hand reaches out towards the sentinel, and through much force, metal starts breaking apart, with the other hand it had at its disposal, it reached out towards Magneto and fired a blast from its palm. The Master of Magnetism released his grasp on the sentinel and outstretched both arms, a sphere of lightning absorbs the blast, the crackling of plasma rings out from him, and produces a brilliant light in front of him. To which Megneto remains afloat, and unscathed.

Polaris has posed:
Polaris hovered above the street on the magnetic currents, keeping her position near her father, her back to him as she trusted him to deflect and watch over that part of the battlefield. As he chose his target and she choose the opposite, reaching through the fields to attack the metal structures of the Sentinel and effectively rip them apart in a controlled explosion of metal being torn and ripped asunder. Her main goal beyond that was in keeping the civilians from being squished or otherwise trampled by flying bits of metal, and ensuring that each part she ripped out, be it arm, or leg, or massive chest plate, landed on the ground and not on the people blow.

"Hey Iceman, what's the situation with the civilians? Do we have an eyes on police at all? Or anyone controlling these directly?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy radios to the group. "If those two are going to take on the sentinels, I'm going to redirect and start trying to evacuate the crowd, clear the street. Anyone else need backup though?" He then retraces his steps back DOWN the street, taking cover where he can just in case, trying to get back to whatever's left of the march. And at that point he shouts "Get off the street. Go to your homes. It's dangerous!"

Kid Omega has posed:
Quentin floats behind Henry, "Yeah, what he said! Run but not, like, in a running way, but in a sort of leisurely jaunt. An even pace that doesn't raise your heartrate too much. Don't put stress on your arteries, you ****ing dweebs!"

He turns around to see Magneto and the others engaging with the Sentinels. Does he telekinetically lift his phone up to film some of the awesome Magneto action? Sure he does. But he's still prepared to act if need be. Noticing a particular weakness in the vents along the plasma blasters of one particular Sentinel, he psi-transmits that information to the relevant parties, although Magneto's helmet might keep him out of the proverbial loop.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby smirks slightly as the pair of living magnets do their work against the metal robots. "No word on police or any first responders, but I might have forgotten to check for it too." Bobby says before he falls off comms for a few seconds. "Police, Fire and EMTS are all on the way."

    Bobby remains above with his hands blasting a concentrated cold front on to the robot's joinst, trying his hardest to freeze the thing in place but there's just too much distance between him and the bot and he needs to stay up to give orders and reports.

    "Shake it off Wings, we have other things to worry about right now. - The way their moving it seems too robotic, I'd have to guess they were autonomous but Beast, that's your field. I'm just trying to keep everyone alive."

Pixie has posed:
Woah, Magneto is here..And he's helping them? Oh right, the mutant protesters. Pixie relaxes just enough to know they are on their side, but it's enough distraction for the Sentinel she's fighting, to knock her back. With a yell, she tumbles into a nearby building. "Ugh...That seriously hurt." she reaches out her hand, summoning the dagger back to her, but with all the vehicle tossing going around, she has an idea.

Fluttering towards the ground, she spies a volkswagon beatle, which doesn't seem too large for her to handle. Now if she can just time this right..Pixie reaches out to touch the small car, while focusing her aim at the Sentinel that plucked her out of the sky. "Sihal novarum chinoth!" she yells, pointing at the Sentinel.

With a flash of purple light, both the beetle, and herself vanish in a vortex of energy, reappearing above the Sentinel in the sky as she lets it drop on it from above. Hopefully she can knock its head off with this thing..Or..Something..

Nightingale has posed:
     Well, at least this time Magneto was on their side. Shannon picks herself up and takes to the air once more to get a better look at things--or at least as high as the TK dome of Quentin's will allow for. Close-quarters flight was something a bit new for her, and it takes a little bit of adjustment. At least so far, nobody seemed to be hurt, and the dome seemed to be doing its job of keeping any stray debris away from the retreating protesters. Letting out a low whistle as she witnesses the grisly fate of the Sentinels, she turns her attention away from the aerial carnage, to watch over the protesters and the ones helping them. Hopefully, for once she wouldn't be needed.

Magneto has posed:
     The sentinel that was standing did indeed freeze, it can be heard trying to move, but to no avail now. As the Sentinel could only turn its head and watch as it was torn asunder by Polaris' magnetic assault.

  Polaris dismembers the sentinel with relative ease, and with her cautious use of power, keeps debris from falling on the crowd, that now make their way out of the danger zone, per Beast's command. It was a fast dispatch, and the yellow light in its eyes dim as power is lost and it dies.

  Magneto's ire is much more focused on the one in front of him, as the sentinel writhes in an almost unnatural manner, bending in places it shouldn't. The screams of bending and pressing metal ring out as the sentinel contorts, first the knees, breaking and folding. Then the arms, twisting in places that would be harrowing if it was a human, folding and compressing on each other with sharp movements.

  Pixie's use of a vintage beetle was very creative, as the car lands, the head is dented in, making the sentinel kneel and slowly crawl on its one good arm, reaching out with its palm to Polaris, showing that exact weakness on the plasma port in its hand, charging for a shot.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn breathes a sigh of relief as the small car hits its mark. But the Sentinel is still moving around. "Hey, watch out!" she yells at Polaris as it aims towards her. And again, she hurls her soul dagger at its plasma port. "Take this!" she yells, charging towards the sentinel as she does so. "Please let this work.." she murmurs.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy gets to the crowd, or at least the remaining stragglers deciding to gawk at the fight instead of getting to safety. "Back up, Back up, at least one more block. They aren't fooling around. Either side." A couple people he feels the need to physically pick up and carry, in shock at the death and destruction.

Polaris has posed:
Polaris grinned as she took down the entire Sentinel bit by bit and sent the remaining ends to the street below. She waved a hand that wasn't busy directing metal parts at those that looked up from below her. Confident in what she was doing and how she was handling herself. After all, she could hear and feel what her father was doing to the other Sentinel behind her. She was confident in her abilities to handle the rest of the fight.

The Blast that came out from below caught her unaware, but unlike last time, she was fully encased in an electromagnetic bubble of protection. Something she'd learned from in her last fight with the Sentinels when she and her father had last fought together.

The physical force of the blast sent her tumbling head over her heels and crashing into the ground.

But the burnt of the plasma blast didn't touch her. She landed hard though, and was knocked from the sky as a result.

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby breathes a heavy sigh as things look like they're starting to wrap up but then he spies Megan rushing towards the sentinel that's charging up an attack. "Pixie! Move out of there!" Bobby shouts into the headset and down from his perch above. With moments to act, Bobby leaps off the roof to fall down towards the sentinel and try and block the blow back from the blast from injuring Megan by spraying a blast of ice to clog the robot's arm. He uses his other hand to create an ice slide to prevent him from splatting on the road below.

    A gasp from his mouth as Lorna gets hit and Bobby's already reacting, "Shannon! Get to Polaris. Now!" Bobby's concerned with the green haired princess, maybe a little too concerned for some people's liking.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Copy that, en route." Shannon calls down to Quentin, "Let me out of here, would you? The moment she is free to do so, she's out like a shot, winging her way over to Lorna. She hadn't seen her fight before, but by the way she had handled herself out there, guessed it was fairly likely that she was not unprepared for a circumstance like this one. Still, it couldn't hurt to check, could it? She lands next to Lorna and smiles, glancing around to make sure the area immediately around the pair was clear. Yeah. Just bits and pieces of fallen Sentinel. This was no small display back at the mansion. As she's checking Lorna over for injury, she chuckles lightly. "Remind me not to get you or yours mad."

Magneto has posed:
     The combined actions of soul dagger and ice clogging the plasma vents, cause the first sentinel's arm to explode alongside that last blast that hit Lorna. The sentinel was left with twisted metal all around the one good arm it was left with. The sentinel had already sustained damage to the head, but this explosion paired with it was enough to harm the sentinel enough that it deactivates, in pieces.

  Luckily for Magneto, Lorna's EM field can be felt, it allows each other insight into the other like a sixth sense. As she flies, he softens her landing a bit, slowing her down enough that she doesn't get too hurt.

  The sentinel Magneto was working on is approached by the Master of Magnetism as he continues to fold and destroy the sentinel until it can be seen what he was doing. He was folding the sentinel into a cube, right now with the head sticking out. "Tell your masters, I'm coming for them next." He warns, allowing whatever is monitoring them to understand his message before he clenches that outstretched hand, crushing the head into the cube, and dropping it to the ground.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks slowly as Bobby shouts out a warning to her and darts quickly out of the way of exploding metal. "Phew, that was close!" but geez, what a rush! Her heart is still beating rapidly, but with the rest of the Sentinels dealt with by Magneto and Polaris, she is ready to join the other mutants back on the ground. "All clear! On my way!" she calls, although her wings and eyes have turned dark, filled by a strange bloodlust that perhaps only Illyana could understand.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy is content that the innocents are driven back to safety, and then starts jogging toward the fight. It's going to take him a moment to catch up with the fast-paced action,a nd see who needs help.

Polaris has posed:
The green haired landed in her magnetic bubble buffeted by her father's slowing of her fall. It still jostled her, and knocked the air out of her lungs but she was otherwise fine as she sat up, patting herself off and coughing as she inhaled sharply. Her lips twitched briefly as Bobby came sprinting over, and she waved him away, even if her eyes were watering slightly and she was coughing still.

"I'm fine." She breathed, rubbing her side where she'd landed a little harder than she would've liked.

"Didn't hit me. Just knocked me around a little." She grimaced, looking around.

"Better see to the civilians first."

Iceman has posed:
    Bobby drops to his knees next to the debris of the sentinels and frowns to himself. Looking down at his hands, still shaking and he takes a moment to catch his breath with another sigh. "Damn Scott... how do you do it?" He asks no one before he shakes his head and pushes himself back to his feet to help clear the streets. "Okay, we need to get out of here also, there's more than likely more coming. I'd bet Hank's allowance on it."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods to Lorna and smiles, getting to her feet and reaching down to help Lorna up. "Fine, but please... at least let get checked out a bit later?" Once Lorna is on her feet again, she backs off, taking to the air and keeping an eye on the area once more. Hopefully nobody else would need her. That was a good day.

She glances over towards Magneto as he makes short work of the Sentinel, shaking her head a little bit. Yeah, definitely not someone to tick off. But she could also see why he could earn one's respect.

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto lowers to the ground, approaching Lorna and the rest, but sees that body on the ground.

  Holding a hand to the body, he looks a bit sullen at the now closed eyes of the protester. "Rest, brother. You did not die in vain." He says in a hushed tone.

  He stands again, ice blue eyes surveying the rest. He holds out his arms, raising the two dead Sentinels and with a swift clasping of hands, does the same thing he did with the other, dropping two cubed Sentinels on the street. He picks up the body of the slain mutant and as the cubes form a line, Magneto rests the body atop the makeshift altar. A more dignified place to rest than on the street. "Yes, a hasty retreat is in order." The sirens can be heard approaching, police and EMT alike.