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Catching up on stuff
Date of Scene: 03 September 2019
Location: Apartment 214, Hugo Building (TBD)
Synopsis: A quiet evening turns into a gathering, complete with pizza, beer, Chinese, more beer, and a Galoo demon.
Cast of Characters: Buffy Summers, Willow Rosenberg, Constantine, Captain Britain, Faith Lehane

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers has been busy lately, trying to enjoy the last couple days of her summer vacation before having to go back to classes, running her usual patrol routes, and dealing with other, personal stuff. She's pretty tired after patrol a few nights ago, and she returns to the apartment building with a tired yawn, ready for some R&R. Armed with food and textbooks, she's ready to veg out in front of the tv one last time..Fortunately, most of her classes start slightly later.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow was stressing as only a Willow can. She had a full course load, plus one - perhaps not the wiesest decision she's ever made, especially given her other obligations with the Scoobies, and the Justice League, plus her training with John... Not that Willow was precisely known for taking it easy where academics were concerned. And armed with two scholarships that she knew of, the start of this semester was slightly less frenetic for the redhead than they'd been last year. She was able to afford all her books, supplies, a few new items of clothing, and as of this afternoon, their fridge and freezer were full. Perhaps a first in the life of the apartment.

And, because Willow is Willow, she's already trying to read ahead, curled up on one end of the couch, wearing her PJs, and reading a textbook. Calculus if anyone is interested.

Constantine has posed:
John didn't have much on his plate at the moment, so, he decided may as well check on his charges. That's what Giles roped him in for after all, would be a shame to let down old Ripper.

Though John doesn't come empty handed, he's got a pizza and some beer stuffed under his arm as he comes to the door of Chez Scoobie and knocks on the door.

"Oi, open up, or I'll huff and I'll puff and blow your bloody door down."

With that noise (and accent) even odds it's John or Spike.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers steps into the apartment to find Willow on the couch. Studying. In her PJS. On a weekend night. Because she's Willow. Buffy sighs tiredly, slapping down the books on the table. "Oh hey Wil, how's it going?" she sighs and yawns. "Geez, I really hope they don't overload us with homework on our fist day back. I hear my philosophy teacher is a real killjoy.." she murmurs before putting food away in the fridge.

Nope, no studying for her on one of her last days before school starts up. No way, she's gonna enjoy the night, maybe have a beer, curl up with a cheesy rom-com. Let her brain rest for one more night.

And then the door knocks again and she peers back, smirking, reaching out to reopen the door. "Mr. Constantine. Is that pizza and beer you have? Need some help eating it? I'd gladly oblige." she grins, swinging the door open a bit wider to let him in.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow hastily reads the rest of the page she's on before looking up at Buffy; she'll have to reread it again later, but she feels better for not leaving anything dangling.

"Oh, I'm just trying to get ahead," Willow offers sheepishly. "I figure with the other things I'm doing if I can shove a few hours reading in here and there it will help? And you know I'll help with anything you need. Wait.. philosophy. Is it that Forester guy?" Willow shudders. "He looks like a drowned rat. I wonder if everyone in philosophy looks funny. Like all my maths teachers wear the same outfits. And the science guys always look like they didn't brush their hair.."

It was something she'd have to ponder at a later date as John knocks and is let in, him bearing gifts of pizza. "Pizza and.." She pauses. This is their own home. They're allowed to have beer here, right? Wait, does she have a problem with this? Now she's stuck wondering how ethical she needs to be, but more importantly, "You made one vegetarian, right?" Because priorities.

Constantine has posed:
"Did order too much, so could use some help, yeah" John answers Buffy with a smile. "And call me John, luv," he says as he wanders in with the food surveying the place.

Willow and her books get a shake of his head, of course she'd be reading before the term started, still it wasn't entirely dissaproving, just an expression of his total lack of suprise. "Yeah, one abomination pizza, with your name on it," he says putting that particular pie in front of Willow and setting the other box beside it, straight pepperoni for those who check.

That done he grabs a beer and cracks it, "Anyhow dig in, food's on me tonight," he says as he finds himself a seat.

Captain Britain has posed:
A few minutes after John had been let inside; there would be another knock on the door. It would seem that today was a busy day at Chez Scooby. Brian Braddock hadn't actually been invited, nor did he know anything was happening here. Instead, he was trying to be spontaneous and hoping for the best.

He was wearing a white dress shirt, with pink buttons, a pink logo over his left breast, and a pink collar. It wasn't immediately clear whether the cuffs were pink as well, given that he had rolled them up to just below his elbows. The shirt was left untucked, covering his black leather belt and the top of his dark blue jeans. On his feet, he had black leather shoes.

A black leather bracelet was currently wrapped around his right wrist, while a silver watch with a black leather band was on his left. His right ring finger had a black and silver ring, and upon close inspection, had three greek letters, Alpha Kappa Psi.

He knocked with his left wrist, while in his right hand, he had a rather hefty brown paper bag with a bunch of Mandarin letters, as well as some English, which said 'Happy Good Friends Chinese Restaurant'. On the floor, there was a case of Britannia Brewing Wave Crusader XPA. He'd evidentially set it down in order to knock.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers just smirks at Willow and her desires to get ahead. "Wow, I wish I had your drive. But unfortunately I think I'm happier enjoying the last few days of summer.." After she finishes filling the fridge with much needed brain food, she plops down on the sofa next to Willow, peering up at Constantine's pizza box.

"John, huh? Alright, and thanks! I'll be happy to help you eat all that pizza.." her nose wrinkles in anticipation, just realizing how very darned hungry she is today. "Awwe, you're too generous. What's the catch?"

Buffy hungrily reaches for a slice, only managing to take a single bite before there is another knock on the door. "Wow, did someone throw a party and forget to tell us?" now who could that be, either Brian or Spike, her two most frequent visitors. Hopefully not Faith. She can't handle Faith shenanigans right now.

"Who is it?" she calls, although the door is probably still unlocked after Constantine just entered. Assuming he closed it before Brian came up.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
There's a perplexed look for Buffy. Sure, Willow wants to get ahead, but didn't everyone like learning for learning's sake? How could you not want to learn! Willow didn't get it. Then again, most people didn't get Willow, so the playing field was even in that respect.

"It's not an abomination," is her protest over the pizza, grabbing up her personal box and clutching it to her chest like John had threatened the thing with tossing it out the window or something. "Not everyone likes meat." She'd learned to stop short of 'meat is murder' - a philosophy she wasn't sure she subscribed to, but she certainly didn't feel the need to add one more meat eater to the world. Besides, cheese was awesome! More cheese for Willow!

"Are we expecting anyone else?" The second knock confusing her. Then again, there were the other Scoobies, but Oz and Spike she half expected would knock and let themselves in if the door wasn't locked. The beer John has brought gets a considered look before she adds, "Can I have a beer?"

Constantine has posed:
John chuckles from where he's flopped trenchcoat and all into the chair. "If I was going to do anything to your pizza I wouldn't have ordered it in the first place," he points out with a cheeky grin. Honestly that he bought the thing at all spoke volumes.

As for the beer? That is quickly lobbed, underhand to Willow. "I see I'm a bad influence," he raises his beer. "Cheers."

The mystery guest at the door situation, is taken in stride though Willow can likely feel John gathering up his power the same way Sam might have reached for the nearest weapon. Hey this was slayer central, who knew what might come calling?

Captain Britain has posed:
Where Brian comes from, it is rudeness of the highest order to simply open someone's door and walk inside their home. When Buffy calls out to inquire who it is, he replies, "it's Brian." It was simple and to the point. He then kneels down to pick up the case of beer, hopeful that someone will open the door and allow him inside.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Okay, okay, so she's feeling too lazy to get up again. She does smile visibly at the familiar voice and nods. "Come on in, door should be unlocked!" she glances over at Wil and John and smiles, "Looks like a pizza party. Let's just hope Faith doesn't crash our party.." because that would be so Faith. She reaches for a beer, eager to relax before school starts. "How've you been, Brian?" her eyes light up at the sight of him.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Oh!" Willow exclaims, "I'm supposed to tell you hello and something else from her. Only the rest wasn't so nice."

Willow makes a face. That whole encounter wasn't nice. Between Faith and Brian and Spike, poor Willow's head was spinning. But she did get fries and a chocolate shake out of the deal, so maybe it wasn't so bad.

John does have a point about the pizza. He had brought her the abomination. Willingly, even. Paid for out of his ownb money. Not that she has a lot of time to think on that before she's catching the beer, which she now has to wait before opening.

She carefully doesn't point out he's been a bad influence all along, because she still has a lot to learn from the man, and the possibility still exists he'll slip up and teach her something impressive sometime soon.

Then it hits her. "Oh! I'm in my pajamas."

John might get a pass, because he's John, and eww.. but someone else? Willow's cheeks flush.

Constantine has posed:
John's drawn power doesn't subside, not yet, "Who's this Brian then?" he asks Willow.

As for the PJ's situation, "Well, best you change now then, an' remind me to teach you about glamours soon, handy for these situations," he says the latter coming as an afterthought as he downs a swig of his beer.

Seeing as Buffy let this Brian in, John lets go of his drawn power, calling out, "Welcome to the party, mate."

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Goddammit, I liked these boots." Those words announce the arrival of someone else in the hallway. Faith is stepping out of a nearby apartment, shaking her leg and flicking something blue and slimy off against a nearby wall where it hits with a loud SPLAT. Then it begins oozing down the wall toward the floor. "I really hate Galoo demons," she adds in a mutter. At least it smells like cotton candy, despite being ichor from within the beast.

That's when she spots a figure in the hall that she recognizes. They are far from the Hellmouth so she just lucked out on finding Brian's apartment? This is too perfect!

She walks down the hall toward him, sliding up near but not touching--yet. "Well, hello there, Scooby Snack. How's tricks?"

Captain Britain has posed:
Brian turned his head, while still holding the beer and Chinese food, facing the doorway. "Faith," he repeated, not shouting through the door, but loud enough someone could reasonably hear his conversation through it. He could smell the cotton candy on her. "Um, would you be kind enough to get the door for me?" As he had his hands full. Perhaps he should have pointed out that this was Buffy and Willow's place, but he didn't volunteer that information.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers chuckles at Willow. "Don't worry. Go get changed. I'll watch the door." Umm speaking of which, what's taking Brian so danged long to just open it, already? With a sigh, she climbs rather lazily to her feet, taking a wild guess that he probably has his hands full. And as she opens the door, she is greeted by the rather unpleasant appearance of. "Oh..Faith. What are you doing here?" her tone is hardly friendly, momentarily forgetting that Brian is also standing there, probably awkwardly sandwiched between the two of them.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
With a *very* disappointed look at John, Willow complains, "You could have taught me before now. Heck, you could have used one now instead of.."

But Buffy is going for the door, and oh gosh, John might be furniture, but Brian wasn't and there is no way she's getting caught out in her pajamas by the man.

With a small squeal of embarrasment, Willow puts beer, textbook, and pizza aside to scoot to her room and throw on some sweatspants and sweatshirt.

Constantine has posed:
"Jesus, it's turning into a real party now," John exclaims as he hears a second female voice from the doorway.

As for Willow and glamour spells, "Wouldn't be as much fun if I did now would it?" he asks cheekily. In fact John had just not gotten around to it, he wasn't exactly the best at this whole teaching business.

Though he does cast a quick glamour to obscure Willow's run to the bedroom.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Sure." Faith was about to reach around Brian for that door handle only to see it swing open. She steps back, weight going to her back foot automatically. Then she sees the last person she was expecting. "B! So good to see you! I was just helping Brian here." She reaches an arm to wrap around his waist in a very comfortable position even as she tries to take the beer from him. To help free up his hands cause she's helping, right? Right! "What're you doing here, I should ask? You living here with him?" She's following that assumption right to its inevitable disproving which should be happening any moment now.

Captain Britain has posed:
Oh, this wasn't awkward in the slightest. Brian was relieved that the door was open, and he smiled upon seeing Buffy, except Faith was, well, he had done nothing wrong, but it was still awkward. "Hello Buffy, I brought dinner, and ran into Faith in the hallway." The hand around his waist is given a glance, but he doesn't pull away, nor does he allow it. Mostly, he's showing his frustration with his eyes and facial features. And seeing Willow run past, "oh, hi... Will... ow. I guess she's in a hurry."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers folds her arms, glaring at Faith. "I'm pretty sure he doesn't need help from the likes of you." she practically snaps. "And if you must know, we were having a *private* party." she doesn't bother answering that last question, not directly at least, quite content to let her imagination run wild with that one. "Oh, wouldn't you like to know.." she's so focused on Faith right now, that Buffy nearly forgets that Brian is still sandwiched between them. "Oh, hey, Brian. Sorry about that." she steps aside, openning the door a little wider. "Why don't you come in? Thanks for the Chinese food. Guess it's a real party now, huh." her expression softens markedly as she regards him for a moment.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Saved by a fashion emergency! Okay, she'll still be facing the awkward when she returns, but not being there when the door opens on that little scenario? Totally worth having to run out of the room like a bat out of hell. Not that it takes long to pull on a sweatshirt.

In the end she opts for her pajama paints looking enough like leggings to pass. And the sweatshirt comes down over her bum, so really, she's doubly covered there.

Constantine has posed:
John for his part has turned in his chair so he was facing the doorway, legs thrown over the arm of the recliner he'd settled in, and when Willow returns he looks back he says, "Just a glass of wine thrown in someone's face from a soap opera out here," he informs his apprentice cheerily to catch her up.

"What should we call it? 'Slays of our Lives'?" he takes a swig of his beer and shakes his head sliding around properly now, "This happen a lot around here?" he asks Willow.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Holding the beer in her free hand as Brian steps through the open door and into the apartment, Faith doesnt try to follow him. She just stands there in the hallway, glancing over Buffy's shoulder to the crowd inside. "Let's see. We have the queen B. The Bestest Bestie. Scooby Snack. Cause I wouldn't mind getting a nibble of that one." She smirks as she says it, being sure to watch Buffy's reaction to the words. Then she spots another one. "Oh! Hi, John!"

She raises the beer up in her hand, dangling it like a treat in front of a puppy. "Guess I'll just take this with me since it's a /private/ party. Weird you asked him in though. Habit you developed after all the bloodsuckers?" she asks Buffy pointedly. Pun intended.

Captain Britain has posed:
Brian was a little taken aback by Buffy's rudeness towards Faith, though he didn't know the other Slayer as well as Buffy. Perhaps she was justified. "It's all right," he replied when Buffy finally addressed him, and he walked through, and away from Faith's arm that had curled around his waist.

Things between the slayers were anything but cordial. And Faith still had the beer he had bought especially to pair with the Chinese food. He'd have to ask Buffy, or maybe Willow and John, about Faith later. He was starting to get curious, but for now, he walked in, and set the Chinese food down on the kitchen table, leaving it in the brown paper bag as he walked back towards Buffy and the door. He looked to Buffy, wondering if she was going to make nice, or close the door on the other woman.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers waits for Brian to step into the room before she turns back to Faith, glowering at her. "Oh and by the way? Brian is off-limits." There's that threatening look in her eyes as she says that. But now Faith has her at a check-mate. Constantine didn't bring that much beer, and she totally wants to relax before school starts. But she's not about to sink to Faith's level, or make a fool out of herself. Maybe she should give her one last chance, or maybe she'll impress Brian by showing what a good host she can be, even towards her enemies. Either way, Buffy forces a smile for her arch-nemesis and steps aside. "Alright then, Faith. Come on in and bring that beer with you." The death glare she gives her sure doesn't match the forced smile on her face.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"Uhm.. thanks for the update?" Willow's words are for John, but her attention is on the detente at the door. Or at least she hopes it's one, because she's fairly certain her Beste wouldn't think twice about slamming the door in Faith's face on a good day, let alone one where she'd curled her arm about Brian's waist and made 'whatcha gonna do about it' face at her.

Then again, Faith has the beer.

Willow carefully takes up her perch on the couch again and tries not to hold her breath while waiting to see what's going to happen... and then nothing happens other than Buffy inviting Faith in, which begs the possibility of all sorts of other drama, but at least Willow won't have to decide whether to horrify her beste by rushing to the door and inviting Faith to join them herself, or to remain silent on the couch ignoring the little voice in her head telling her she's not using her best manners.

How bad could it possibly be to let Faith join them? It wasn't like Spike was here. And Faith seemed to know John well enough.. wait.. how'd she know John well enough anyway?

Constantine has posed:
John snorts, "Figured you'd want to know what was going on," he says before he grins as Faith says hello.

"Eh there, Faith, been awhile, how you been?" he calls from the chair while things are being sorted out at the door.

When it's finally settled, John sighs, "Good stuff, now we can get down to eating."

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Awww, so protective. Isn't that sweet." Faith's words mean it is anything but sweet how Buffy is trying to warn her off. Which knowing Faith? It won't lead to anything good.

She does step across the threshold when the offer is made, only passing the beer over to Buffy after she's firmly inside that door. She's also in a position so that she can't be kicked back out, literally, and any physical attack would have her falling to the side and further into the room instead.

"I've been good," she calls out to John, sauntering into the room and trying to ignore that she smells like sugary goodness right now. At least it didn't get on her black leather pants. Just her damn boots. They will be rotting by morning so she has no choice but to toss them. "Y'all need to make sure you clean up that Galoo demon two doors down before it starts stinking to high heaven tomorrow," she offers as an aside. She looks back to John as she moves to find a spot near him and flopping onto the end of the couch nearest his chair.

Captain Britain has posed:
As Buffy so publicly states that he is off limits, Brian turns to regard Buffy. His lips curl into smile at the thought. The threatening look she gave to Faith just made it all the sweeter. With Faith now being invited in, he too stepped aside to let Faith walk through the doorway and share the beer that he had actually brought.

Seeing John and Willow again, he nods his head, "Hello Willow, and... I don't believe we've had the pleasure?" He gives John a look, offering a hand, "my name's Brian Braddock." And then the party atmosphere, if there was any, is broken again, "galoo demon?" He asks, as if Buffy and Willow would know their neighbour.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers arches a slow brow at John. Indeed, how does he happen to be on such casual terms with ~Faith~??? It kinda bugs her, because if she gets comfy with any of HER Scoobies, she may well attempt to turn any of them against her, which would be baaad. Not to mention her propensity for trying to steal Buffy's boyfriends. Grr.

Still, Buffy manages to maintain a smile as she settles on the sofa again, and proceeds to gorge herself full of pizza. And beer in awkward silence as she ponders if she just made a grave mistake.

And then Faith mentions a Galoo demon that she expects THEM to clean up?! "Waaait a minute. You brought all that mess in here, you clean it up. It's the least you can do." her hand clenches around the unfinished beer on the table, taking another, very long chug of it. Because she really, REALLY needs to be sedated right now.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow gives Brian a grin, and then, because it's getting cold, helps herself to her peronal abomination. Otherwise known as the cheese pizza John brought her. She's forgotten for the moment she's got a beer, too, but then again, it still probably needs a bit longer to settle lest she adds beer spray to galoo demon mess.

Constantine has posed:
"Good to hear," John says with a nod to Faith as she settles down near his chair. "Met Willow yet?" he asks Faith with nod to his red-headed apprentice with the horrible pizza.

As for Brian, John stands giving the man an up nod as he does, "Name's John," he says producing a business card from seemingly nowhere and offering it to the man, it reads:

John Constantine
Exorcist, Demonologist, and Master of the Dark Arts

"An' the card's definitely not cursed," he adds giving Willow a bit of a wink as if that was some inside joke.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"Oh I've met the Bestiest Bestie," Faith says with that half smirk, half sneer she's known for. "When I met the Scooby Snack." She jerks her thumb over at Brian. Apparently though warned, it didn't change her nickname of choice. "Pretty sure they don't like me much." Talking like they weren't right there able to hear her. "Something about me not being a nice person." That gets a snort of derision as she picks up one of those beers, popping the top as she hops up to go get some of that Chinese food that was brought in, leaving the pizza to others.

Captain Britain has posed:
"Master of the Dark Arts? You're a master?" John didn't look like a master. Also, he was pretty sure that the Masters of the Mystic Arts were pretty choosy about their ranks and such. But then it said 'dark arts'? Was this some kind of magical copyright thing going on? It was a lot to unpack from just a simple business card.

Still cognizant of the demon that Faith had mentioned was currently dead and rotting down the hall, he asks casually, "how much for you to clean up the galoo demon?" He didn't want to do it, and wasn't quite certain how to clean one up. He didn't even know what a galoo demon was.

He really wanted some of that Chinese food. But duty was duty, and they really should deal with the demon first. Besides, who knows how galoo demon mixes with soy sauce?

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers sighs and yawns, curling up on the sofa, still munching quietly on her pizza, only half aware of what's going on around her. Grr. Faith. She glances at John's card and smirks. "Heh, Harry Dresden has a similar one. Guess he's got some competition now too, huh."

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
"I wouldn't --" Willow begins, but it was already too late. It was always too late. They always took the card. She wasn't sure if John had actually cursed the things, but like true names, she was pretty sure you wanted to be careful with those things, and he handed them out like candy. That alone worried Willow.

"Someone should deal with the demon," she agrees. "Is it dead?"

Constantine has posed:
John nods, "More of a petty dabbler, but the birds dig the whole master vibe," John says lying like a rug. As a matter of fact he was a master, just under some highly dubious circumstances. "An' ol' Harry and I we've got our niches, I handle demons, Harry burns stuff down. Separate markets you understand."

He sinks down into his chair again, "And with that Galoo demon you're going to want bleach, works like a charm," actually it made the sickly sweet smell a hundred times worse, but, what's the point of knowledge if you can't have a bit of fun with it.

"An' yeah, you'll want to make sure that bastard is dead, tend to hold grudges," he explains.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"It's dead," Faith assures as she comes back with a small box of lo mein which she is already digging into with actual chopsticks that were in the bag with the food. She pokes around at the noodles as she explains, plopping back down on her end of the couch. Cause yes, it is hers now.

"Followed it here. Seems that was it's girlfriend's place. She's out of town. He was house sitting for her. Sweet, for a child-eating bastard, huh?" She takes a big bite of noodles and finishes it off before continuing. "So I took care of it. It'll be gone in 24 hours on its own if you don't want to clean it up. I personally don't care about the stink it'll create as it disintegrates. After all, I don't live two doors down." She gives a bright smile, obviously not giving a damn about their suffering if she leaves it.

Captain Britain has posed:
"Oh," Brian says to Willow as he holds the card. Why was she warning him against accepting the card, and why would someone they welcome into their home be handing out dangerous cards to people? "Why's that Willow? Should I be concerned?" He did not sound concerned, but was curious given her reaction.

Clearly John's business was a failing one. He didn't seem to be taking much notice of Brian's question, so he asks again, "how much would it cost for you to deal with the cleanup of the galoo demon?" He didn't like repeating himself, but John was from Liverpool. He was used to having to repeat himself and dumb things down when speaking to Scousers.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow makes a semi-pained face at Brian. "Magic people tend to.. uh.." A sidelong glance is cast at John, and then she shrugs. He was handing the cards out willy nilly. He was starting to take gleeful amusement in doing it in front of her and waiting for her to protest. He wan't likely to stop her from spelling it out to Brian now. "...they tend to charm the things. Or can. It's usually best not to wiullingly accept them."

Sorta like inviting a vampire into your house, only with significantly less bloodletting. For all Willow knew, the cards were just plain old ink and paper, but why take chances? After all, John was terribly careful not to actually voice his entire name..

The demon, however, was a lot easier to deal with. And given the lack of volunteers, Willow gets up and heads to the kitchen. Not for bleach, but for rubber gloves and a trash bag, fully intending on bagging the thing and throwing it down the garbage shoot. Who cared what it smelled like in the trash bin?

Constantine has posed:
John takes in the news of the demon's demise with a nod, "That's good then," John says before looking to Brian. "What? Oh you wanted me to clean it up?" he shakes his head. "Nah, mate I'm off the clock, but you go and knock yourself out, big man like you'll get the job in no time."

Though with Willow heading to the kitchen John calls after her, "You're really going to clean up the bastard?"

Captain Britain has posed:
Frowning at Willow's explanation, John hasn't made much of an impression upon Brian so far, and it's rapidly decreasing. Catching sight of her going for cleaning supplies, he follows, taking the bag, and another set of gloves, should some be available.

To John, he adds, "you seek employment in this field. I was a willing customer. But you Mr. Constantine, are off the clock, so yes, we will clean it up by remembering that we serve others." Looking to Buffy, he made eye contact and his body language radiated, 'are you going to be okay watching Faith and John?"

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Joh, Willow was sure, was able to stand up for himself. Besides, if it were really dangerous, she knew he wouldn't be sitting there. He might be a jerk, but he didn't put people in danger. At least not that way.

"Of course I'm cleaning it up," she says. "People live here." By which she mostly meant little kids lived here. And you didn't really want to leave that kinda muck lying around for them to play in. Adults probably knew better than to stick their fingers in unknown blue goo, especially in this neighbourhood, even if the building was pretty clean and well maintained. But kids?

She shakes her head at Brian. The thing wasn't a two man job, unless he really wanted to stand there holding the bag. She'd dealt with worse. Heck, she'd made worse messes in the kitchen trying (unsuccessfully) to master potions.

Constantine has posed:
"Then forget what I said about the bleach," John calls to Willow just in case. She was doing the good thing here, no sense making it worse.

As for Brian. "Got plenty of employment thanks," he says with a shrug. "But have fun with the demon, mate, Once they're dead don't really bother with them after that."

Then to change the subject, he turns to Faith, "Kill anything else interesting?" he asks her.

Faith Lehane has posed:
Watching the duo gathering things to go clean up the beast, Faith has to shake her head. "Seriously? It's not going to hurt anyone in there. Just the smell might be a little annoying." She looks at John as though they are all crazy and he's the only sane one in the room.

"Not today. Got a few bloodsuckers last night but this is the only demon I found. So far. Gotham isn't usually my turf but may have to change that a bit." She looks pointedly at Buffy, then Brian then Willow. "All things considered. How did you end up with this bunch?" she asks John.

Captain Britain has posed:
The differences could be summed by saying that John is a bastard, while Brian is not. One was perfectly willing to leave a rotting, festering demon, next to an open door, a door that Willow and Buffy would have to pass every day on their way to the elevator or stairs, and think nothing of it. Brian needed to do something about it, and it was better to do it now, rather than later.

The shake of the head surprised Brian. She didn't want his help as she dealt with a fully grown humanoid body? To John, Brian barely showed any response. He just shook his head slightly. "Up to you Will, if you want a hand, I'm here." It was rare someone was so dismissive about being given help. All he could think was 'Americans'. And then with John, he had to add to his thoughts, 'Americans and scousers.'

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Right. So Willow has no actual clue how big this thing is.

Size of a potted plant? Medium dog? Surely the thing had melted down some?

Mostly she was trying to avoid the tension that was brewing in the room.

When she gets out there, the first thing she realizes is that Faith left the door open - the thing wasn't *actually* in the hallway so much as hallway adjacent.

The second thing is that it's a full grown man. Which, now that she thinks on it really does rather fit the whole 'dating' scenario much better...

It's really not more than a few minutes before she's back. Very quietly removing her gloves. Trash bag still in hand, and obviously empty. She sits back in her seat on the couch.

"I closed the door," is all she says. And *now* Willow opens her beer.

Captain Britain has posed:
Willow returns, not very long afterwards, with gloves, an empty trash bag, and explains that she closed the door. "Very well," Brian takes the trash bag, and the gloves, and heads back out. If you want something done right, you might as well do it yourself.

Constantine has posed:
John watches as Willow heads out, curious how she'd fair with well a full sized demon like the one down the hall. "Well, that one, I just met tonight." he nods at Brian, "But Will and Buffy? Their Watcher got me to fill in, the bastard, knew him when he was in school, owed him some favours."

Big, big favours or he would have laughed at the idea of filling in for the tweed brigade.

"So here I am, not a bad gig though," he says nodding to the pizza food and beer.

John smiles as Willow returns early and cracks a beer, the smile becoming a chuckle as he lifts his beer, "Good call," he says and takes a swig along with his apprentice.

Faith Lehane has posed:
"You were a Watcher? Damn, you sank low. Really, really low, John." Faith shakes her head, making a disapproving sound as she does so. Then she rises to her feet as Brian heads out the door to do the deed. Clean up the demon, that is. Since it was a big guy after all. Thankfully it won't last long.

She grabs another beer, putting her half eaten container of lo mein on the coffee table because isn't that where it goes instead of the kitchen like any normal, polite person would do. She takes a swig of the beer as she goes toward the door. "Need to meet a guy about a lead on a coven. I'll see you later, John." She gives a nod to Willow and eyes the sleeping Buffy. "Now that I know where to find you, I'll be sure to stop by more often." It sounds like the threat it is. Sadly only Willow is awake to hear it.

As she exits the room, she glances at the apartment where Brian had gone. "Next time, Scooby Snack!" Then she opens the door for the stairwell and disappears from sight.

Captain Britain has posed:
Once in the apartment, Brian considers the situation. The galoo demon was bigger than he expected. It also smelled positively delightful. 'That's a new one', he thought to himself. It smelt like cotton candy. He took stock of what was on hand. There was no way the demon was going to fit into the garbage bag he had. So he rifled through the woman's cupboard under the sink. Now he had more garbage bags, none of which would fit the creature.

Standing over it, he stroked his chin, though he was still wearing the gloves, which made it feel odd against his skin. Then he snapped his fingers, or tried too, but was unable through the gloves. He rifled around, finding the demon's mobile phone, which he looked through the contacts, trying to find who the girlfriend was. Finding one girl in the phone with a humanoid name, he pulled up the messages, and by the brief glimpse of history, seemed to be its girlfriend.

He wrote a note that said 'hi Lisa, thanks so much for the guacamole and chips on Friday. I enjoyed watching Captain Proton with you. However, I just don't feel a spark. Ultimately, I think it would be best if we ended things here. I wish you all the best and I know you're going to find someone great. Oh, and I broke your blender, so left some money to replace it.'

That said, Brian got to work. Later... much later, he returned to Buffy and Willow's place. The gloves had been cleaned. The garbage bag empty, and yet, it was done. Miraculously, he managed to do it without getting anything on his shirt or pants. It was true what they said. A little bit of patience and forethought will get you through anything. "Job's done," he said, and tossed the gloves into the trash. "I wouldn't recommend re-using those." Then he thoroughly washed his hands, drying them on a towel, even if they were clean to begin with, and he got himself some Chinese food. Amazing that he still had an appetite after that. But this was Bludhaven, well, Gotham.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
Willow is quiet and speechless as first Brian goes to deal with the Galoo demon, and Faith says her goodbyes.. She wasn't sure why they were so.. threatening given Buffy was passed out at the other end of the couch and fully unable to appreciate the delivery, and it wasn't like Willow was going to pass the sentiment on.

Finally, she turns to John. "You knew. That was just mean." And then, perhaps even more disgusted than her complaint about him letting her go and attempt to clean the thing up herself, "And just how do you know here anyway? Is she another one of your friends?"

Willow wasn't sure how she felt about that yet, but she was a bit peevish after all the excitement.

Constantine has posed:
John watches Faith's departure and shakes his head. She definitely hadn't changed since he met her. Brian's return is met with mild interest, wondering what it was he did to th thing exactly.

As for the business of how John and Faith met and if she was a 'friend', John laughs, "That's a story better left untold, trust me on that one, luv," he confides to Willow.

Also there'd been a great deal of booze involved as he remembered it so, his actual recollection was a bit hazy.

"Anyhow, I'm sure it was fun," he remarks before downing the last of his beer.

Captain Britain has posed:
With food in hand, Brian headed over towards the couch, sliding in next to Buffy, who seemed to have passed out from alcohol. So, he set his foot on the coffee table, and got up, so he could pick Buffy up into his arms. He would carry her into her bedroom, tucking her in, before returning for his food. Somebody around here had to be a good man after all.

Constantine has posed:
Beer finished, John tosses the can in the trash, no, scratch that, the recycling, before getting up and dusting off his trenchcoat. "Anyhow, you lot enjoy the pizza and beers, I should be on my way," he says with a nod to the remaining, concious members of their little gathering.

"Willow, good luck with school, still want to see you at practice though," he says, "Got to teach you those glamours and such."

John lingers a moment to yank another beer of the six pack he brought before summoning the door to the House of Mystery, and stepping through, with a wave and a jaunty, "Ta," before the door closed and vanished from sight.

Willow Rosenberg has posed:
And just like that, the 'party' ends. Willow still has pizza left for later. Plus a couple more chapters to read before she crashed for the night, belatedly remembering she had news for John with regards to the book. Oh well, she could let him know tomorrow. She had to pick up a few items from the Magic Box anyway.

Empty cartons are gathered. Empty cans as well. Leftover, such as they are, are shoved into the fridge, and with that, Willow calls it a night. Tomorrow, as they say, is another day.