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So, about those Daxamites...
Date of Scene: 31 August 2019
Location: Milky Way Galaxy
Synopsis: The Guardians head back to Theseus for their 'client' to retieve something important. Lar and Beta Ray Bill set to work on helping the survivors of the invasion while Star-Lord offers to bring help off-world.
Cast of Characters: Mon-El, Star-Lord, Gamora, Beta Ray Bill

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar and the Legion are still on Theseus, doing their best to try to get the natives to trust them enough to let them help. Which isn't going all that well, unfortunately. Well at least the rain of fire from the CME has stopped. A lot of stuff is still on fire, though.

    As for the Guardians, they had barely gotten past the first jump point when Deren suddenly started insisting they go back to the primitive planet. Apparently he forgot Something Very Important. Either that or he's too embarrassed to tell them what it is. Or maybe both, who knows...

Star-Lord has posed:
One jump point down, three more to go.

Well, it /was/ three jump points, until Deren went to the Captains cabin and had a chat with Star-Lord. Five minutes later, and Peter hit the intercom, "Guardians, our friend left something back at the planet it seems, and last I heard off the comm relays the planet wasn't exploding, so we're going back." Peter turns off the intercom, then grumbles as he settles into the bridge helm.

"Hang onto your hats, we're jumping immediately." Peter continues over the intercom as he spins the Milano in place, then maxes out the throttle right back where they came from, breaking the jumpspace barrier within seconds.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora is back in the armory, checking the assorted weapons back in and making sure that everything is reloaded. It's a post-action ritual that's become a part of her seasoned warrior's training. All that's left are the submachine guns when the announcement hits the intercom.

The green woman stabs the intercom button with her thumb. "Peter, tell me you're joking. In case you've already forgotten, they weren't exactly raising statues in our honor bac-...." She grabs onto one of the racks as the ship spins around.

Catching her balance again, Gamora stalks forward to the cockpit.

Star-Lord has posed:
"We're about to find out. We can just go back through the point if the a-holes attack us." Peter replies back through the intercom as they get through jumpspace.

Soon, those with sensors back at the planet will see the Milano through the jump point. Time to find out if any ships were still around. They had their own jump or warp engines, after all.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora makes her way up to the cockpit as the Milano comes out of jumpspace. She grips the back of Peter's chair, peering over her shoulder out through the front screen. "You're not powering up the guns?" she asks, almost incredulously.

At least the assassin has calmed down a bit during the short sprint up to the cockpit. "For the record, I still don't think this is a good idea." Pause to push away from the chair backs. "I'm going to break out the guns. Again."

Mon-El has posed:
    When the Milano returns to Theseus' orbit, Peter will see that the Daxamite fleet is still gone, although the Legion cruiser remained.

    Back down planetside, Lar is trying desperately to save some of the people who had gotten left behind to die by his family. Unfortunately, those that had already been exposed to the Guardian's lead ammo, and without XY-4 genetically tailored specifically to each individual, which would take weeks, are lost. He receives an alert from the cruiser, that Milano has once again entered orbit. He shakes his head. Grife, what do those jerks want -now-?

Star-Lord has posed:
"I don't plan on sticking around if someone shoots at us." Star-Lord notes in reply to Gamora. "Sure we could get into a fight... but the jump point is right there, why bother? We have bigger priorities than babysitting this backwater." Peter continues as he pilots the Milano towards the planet.

Peter hits the intercom, "We're heading down, and we're gonna land right at the bunker. Hopefully, this won't be more than five minutes." Then, he tags the Legion cruiser with a hail over the comm system.

Ring Ring, Star-Lord wants to talk.

Gamora has posed:
Gamora is already breaking out the submachineguns when Peter hits the comm. "Since when have we -ever- just 'talked', Peter?" she replies, pausing to stab the intercomm button again. And dispite his best intentions, she starts stuffing clips into a satchel.

Gamora knows that Peter often has trouble telling time, especially when it comes to 'five more minutes'. She can't see what's on the sensors up there, but just in case Gamora pokes the intercomm again. "And power up for combat, just in case someone is waiting for us."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar sighs as yet another of his injured kin succumbs to his injures. He reaches down, closing the man's eyes as a gesture of respect. Then his comms are going off as they are synched to the cruiser right now. Well, he supposes he'll be finding -out- what Star-Lord and his crew want. He flips it on, answering the hail. << Back so soon? >> he asks tiredly.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Seeing the sights, sampling the local culture." Star-Lord's sarcasm is as legendary as the rest of his reputation, "Turns out we forgot something and we're just visiting. Since this planet didn't get barbaqued by the sun, did you need anything when we're gone? I've got no hard feelings about what happened here, and am open to playing messenger when we get back into the Core Nova worlds."

Over his shoulder, Peter shouts, "Gamora, can you bring Deren to the bunker? I'll keep the shield and engines going."

Gamora has posed:
Gamora shouts back. "Peter, I still think this is a STUPID idea. The important part of the term 'getaway' is to actually. Get. Away." She makes more noises of a generally exasperated nature, and there's some loud banging around in the back of the Milano.

After a few moments, Gamora calls back. "Fine. I will see that he gets to the bunker. And back."

Beta Ray Bill has posed:
Flying through space by holding onto Stormbreaker when he threw it from Knowhere, Beta Ray Bill comes across Theseus, and had heard word that this planet was in an extreme period of danger some time ago, and thus decides to examine the situation.

The Milano would probably pick him up first, unless Mon-El's technology could do the trick. But there is a sound of thunder on the planet when Beta Ray Bill descends, landing softly on the ground. He is wearing Asgardian armor, and wields the mighty war maul Stormbreaker in his right hand. He approaches Mon-El. "How is the situation, and how can I be of service?" Of course, Mon-El could always just...you know, say no.

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar groans at Star-Lord's typical sarcasm. Pff. << Yeah, actually, I'd appreciate it if you guys would help us help these people -not- have their civilization die off, you know, since a lot of things are still on fire, and most of their cities and homes and other things they rely on for surviving are in ruins. >>

    Then Bill suddenly appears. Lar peers at him, thinking he looked familiar. Had he seen this guy before? "Uh, who are you?" he asks.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Maybe you'll be quicker with stopping the soldiers next time, then." Star-Lord replies, cheerfully, before he turns the sensors on the newcomer. "We don't have any fire suppression on that scale, but we can easily bring your situation to Novan attention. Didn't that Lantern stay to help? I thought those a-holes loved to play space police."

Gamora has posed:
A light on the console signals that the hatch is opening, and Gamora continues the conversation on her headset. "Okay, we're stepping out now. You're talking to them, right? Just keep right on talking and we'll try to make this quick."

Beta Ray Bill has posed:
Beta Ray Bill looks upon Mon-El and he introduces himself. "My name is Beta Ray Bill of Asgard. I am here to offer assistance as needed, once I had heard of this world's plight." How did he hear about it though? Nevertheless, he seems to be a friend. Well, most things are still on fire, so...

Evactuation, maybe?

He doesn't seem to pay much attention to the Milano, but it looks like they're semi-here to help too.

Mon-El has posed:
    << We -had- the situation under control, Star-Lord. Obviously. We didn't need your help. You -didn't- need to kill them, they were already weakened. You -saw- it with your own eyes. Tell me, how much good did it do to kill them, other than satisfy your girlfriend's violent urges?? >> Lar doesn't really know what kind of relationship he has with Gamora, but hey, one guess is as good as any other.

    He watches Bill a bit apprehensively, but the Asgardian's words seems to be genuine as far as he can tell. "Lar Gand." he says, sticking out a hand. "You heard about this, huh? Grife, I guess news travels fast in this galaxy."

Star-Lord has posed:
"So... no messages?" Star-Lord can't help but prod Lar. "And she's not a girlfriend."

Gamora has posed:
Meanwhile, Star-Lord's *not-girlfriend* is leading Daren back to the bunker. There's a submachinegun on her hip and she keeps a free hand on her sword hilt. NOTHING is ever a 'milk run' with the Guardians, and Gamora hasn't stayed alive this long by treating it so.

Beta Ray Bill has posed:
Beta Ray Bill looks upon Mon-El. "A pleasure, Lar Gand." Bill gives his hand a firm shake. "Indeed it does. It is both a blessing and a curse, no doubt." Bill seems to sympathize with Lar before he turns his head to Gamora as she leads Daren. Bill narrows his eyes upon her for a moment, but since she's not harming anyone, he leaves her be.

"Are these people friends?" He asks Mon-El and gestures to the Milano with Stormbreaker.

Mon-El has posed:
    << Girlfriend, female friend, whatever. >> Lar replies tartly. << No, we don't need the Nova Corps getting involved here. It's messy enough as it is. >>

    Lar rolls his eyes at Bill's question, sighing. "Yes...." he admits finally, although he sounds somewhat reluctant, and pretty annoyed.

    Whatever Deren was looking for though, it's nowhere to be found. At least not in that bunker. If that is where he left it, someone probably stole it.

Star-Lord has posed:
"I don't have to talk to the Nova Corps, you know. Mercenaries, remember?" Star-Lord reminds Lar. "give me some credits, and I can have a relief fleet of paid for mercs within a couple days here."

Gamora has posed:
"And you're *positive* you left something in the bunker?" Gamora mutters to Deren while they hoof it to the bunker. "I mean, was it something important? Please tell me we didn't go back for a music player or something." She pauses to look back at Deren, then. "No, stay behind me."

Beta Ray Bill has posed:
Bill keeps his attention on Lar Gand for a moment. "You do not sound confident." But then he looks over at the Milano, unaware of Lar Gand and Peter Quill's conversation. Either way he then looks over at Gamora and Deren as they apparently enter a bunker. He's tempted to join them, but instead with a twirl and throw of Stormbreaker, whilst holding onto it, Bill gets to helping people get out of burning homes.

Mon-El has posed:
    << What type of relief fleet? >> Lar asks, sounding somewhat suspicious. << Ugh, fine. I guess I trust your judgment. Talk to Brainiac about the money. >> he finally concedes. << What exactly did you come back here for, anyway? And yes I know it wasn't just 'sightseeing'. Not exactly much of a sight to see around here right now anyway. You're looking for something. >>

    He sighs at Bill. "They are my friends, okay. Just..." he shakes his. "Even friends let you down sometimes, right?"

    Inside the bunker, there is definitely evidence that someone or multiple someone elses have been in here. And from the look of how wrecked everything is (that is much moreso than when they'd left it), one can make a call regarding just what type of -who- it was.

Mon-El has posed:
    When Bill goes to start helping the natives, who are pretty humanoid, but rather primitive, they seem to be fully terrified of him...

Star-Lord has posed:
"Mercenaries are contracted to do what they're told. I can get a couple of the larger outfits out this way within the week." Peter offers. Hey, it pays to know someone with Underverse contacts, and Star-Lord is one of the best at this sort of thing.

If you want someone in the know and who won't screw you over (unless you're the Collector, fuck that guy) you could do a lot worse.

"Brainiac... right." Star-Lord sounds a bit off kilter with that name, "Sure. I can do that."

Mon-El has posed:
    << Fine, fine. You never told me what you were doing here in the first place. >> Lar points out. << You seemed pretty eager to get yourselves out of here before. Must've been important if you actually came back to a potential fireball. >>

Star-Lord has posed:
"You're right, I didn't." Peter once again replies cheerfully. "Stand by, Lar."

The comm is switched to Gamora's frequency, "What do you mean it's not there? Damnit, fine."

The comm is switched back to Lar, "So did any of your people loot the place Gamora is in?"

Mon-El has posed:
    << Fine, I guess you -don't- want my help finding whatever it is you need, despite the fact that I could listen to a paramecium fluttering its cilia from a mile away if I wanted to. >> Lar replies wryly. Okay maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration. But maybe not as much as one might think.

    He sighs at the question. << Does it look trashed? Because if so, then probably yes. >> he groans and heads over to the bunker to investigate himself. Yep, sure looked about right. << Listen, they're desperate, all right? Their leader kind of left them to die. >>

Star-Lord has posed:
"I'd rather not transmit someone personal business over a commlink, Lar. Nothing personal against you." Star-Lord. "Suffice to say my client lost something in there. Let me check with him."

Mon-El has posed:
    Lar shrugs, sifting slowly through the wreckage. Nope, there was definitely nothing of value here. << Okay, well I can't help you if you won't tell me what I need to be looking for. Let me know if you change your mind... >>