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City Fall: The Punisher and the Foot
Date of Scene: 19 August 2019
Location: Foot Operations, East Warehouse
Synopsis: After Nemean captures The Punisher, he takes him in fron of Shredder, who defeats the wounded vigilante and orders him disposed of.
Cast of Characters: Nemean, Shredder, Punisher

Nemean has posed:
The Punisher had managed to destroy a safehouse that he had located via intel from the traitorous Alopex, but in doing so had drawn the ire of Nemean. The lion had ambushed the vigilante after he had fought his way through numerous Foot troops, and although the safehouse was destroyed, Nemean had gotten a prize big enough to warrant the destruction.

He had zipcuffed the Punisher and taken him back to the HQ. He had done everything he could to make sure that Punisher didn't have any trackers or anything on him, including ditching all his weapons at the battle van and taking a few alternate routes. He knew Punisher tended to use drones as eyes in the sky, so had made sure he wasn't followed by any of them.

At the moment, Punisher had a blackout bag over his head, and was still zipcuffed, though the room he was in was the one that Shredder had directed Nemean to leave him in. He had no doubt that the big boss would want to make a big entrance, after all.

Shredder has posed:
    The Shredder was pleased to say the least. He had ordered the killing of Punisher, but Nemean's ability to bring him in alive anyway was an additional bonus. He brought Nemean with him for the interrogation, the lion's prowess had proven a worthwhile investment.

    The sound of the door swinging open, only a slight creak on the hinge. His steps are naturally silent, makint it difficult to detect his presence before he speaks.

    "Frank Castle." He looks down at the bound man. "Or I understand you prefer the moniker, "The Punisher". The man who has buzzed around my operations like a gnat about the face of a horse. You have gone to a great deal of trouble to attract my attention."

Punisher has posed:
The Punisher had been silent the entire way. He indeed had a tracker in the gear web, so when Nemean tossed that, Microchip lost the only technological means of locating Punisher. The drone had tried to keep up with him... but the first tunnel Nemean had used made that impossible. It was a safe bet that the Punisher would be taken to the Warehouse HQ the Punisher had found previously... but Microchip had no way to confirm that, with the sheer amount of assets he knew about.

The Punisher was on his own now.

It was a few hours later that the Punisher had woken up to darkness, thanks to the hood.

"And you must be the asshole who likes to call himself Shredder." Punisher grates out, "what, was Jackoff taken?"

Nemean has posed:
The lion had been standing in silence in the corner of the room, arms folded across his chest. He frowned a bit as Shredder made his way in, watching the procedings. He was trying to access his memories of Punisher, because he knew deep down inside he'd had more run-ins with him than Punisher trying to blow him up.

Once Frank finally speaks up, the lion snorts faintly, but doesn't say anything. After all, this is Shredder's show. He's just here because he's the one who brought the vigilante in.

Punisher has posed:
"You assholes are preying on the weak and gullible, trying to bring the Manhatten trash under your control for whatever reason." Punisher spits out blood from his mouth from when he bit his tongue from the head kick. "I can only assume from my research and your MO it's nothin' good."

He finally looks up to Shredder. Shredder is probably used to fear, or terror, or shame. Or anger...

What he sees in Punisher's eyes... is amusement.

"You countin' the assholes at the chop shop as family too, or just the assholes you sent after my garage? How's the bitch, by the way. I heard you spanked the cops and got her released, despite the assault charge."

Punisher has posed:
"Pretendin' the Foot is makin' the world a better place. All you jackasses are the same. You think you know what's best and you murder and blackmail your way into it." Punisher gives a little laugh, "every single piece of trash I kill has a story. They all could have led lives."

He looks to Nemean, "they could have done somethin' with their lives that didn't involve makin' others suffer for their gain." Punisher looks back to Shredder, "I call Sandra in the wrong place at the wrong time. I call Jeremy a parasite usin' blood money to become a worse parasite." He smiles. It's a bit sadistic, "I call Ron someone who should have done somethin' better with his life, and he got fucked by your lies, choosin' to side with an asshole."

"I don't have any remorse for any of them. Every single one of them could have gone on to cause more suffering from your bullshit." He leans forward, right up to Shredder's face, "my only regret is not bein' able to drag it out like Ron for all of em."

Nemean has posed:
The lion snorts again, and then finally speaks up, "No wonder none of the other vigilantes in this town want to work with you." He says, "You give all of them a bad name. At least some of them try to make the world a better place, even if they go about it in a weird way."

Punisher has posed:
"I wage my war because no one should go through what I did. Frank Castle died in a hospital bed, years ago. I make sure no one else suffers like he did because of people like you." Punisher grates in response. "My war is over when there's no more trash to deal with." Implying he's never going to stop.

Then, he looks to Nemean, a cold, focused stare, "I don't need any of em." Punisher confidently notes... before he gives a small grunt of pain as that bicep is clawed, and he looks back to Shredder, "And you're some ninja asshole with delusions of pride." Punisher shoots back at Shredder, grated with pain.

Nemean has posed:
"Yeah." Nemean says, "And look where you are because of it." He replies to Punisher. He does wince, ever so subtilly, when Punisher's arm gets stabbed. He figured this would be an interrogation...So far it's starting to just look like it might turn into a torture session.

Nemean has posed:
Nemean follows along behind Shredder and Punisher as the Foot leader drags him through the hall and into the training hall. Lots of weapons to choose from. He actually arches a brow a bit at the request, but shrugs,

"Sure." He says, as he steps up behind the chair, and pulls the krambit knife from his own tac vest, cutting the zip cuffs and then reaching down to free his legs as well, before he takes a couple of steps back. He has a feeling Shredder won't want him to get involved. Unless Punisher decides he wants round two.

Punisher has posed:
"Christ, you're an idiot." Punisher snipes back at Shredder. "Maybe it's the Japanese in you or somethin', I don't know." Punisher continues. "So do you go by Oroku Saki, or Shredder? I kind of figured you'd have the same identity goin', but might have judged this whole thing wrong." Punisher grates out as he stands. His gear web is gone, but his black clothing remains. A dead stare looks from Shredder, to Nemean, to the others in the room.

"Didn't figure you'd like an audience." Punisher muses, before he turns around to Shredder. Then, he spits blood on the floor; a leftover from his fight with Nemean, "Frank Castle is dead, but Punisher lives to be sure that punks like these assholes don't do the same to others." Punisher starts to walk over to one of the racks, picking out some escrima sticks, "vengeance is an emotional reaction. I'm not looking for vengeance."

Punisher turns back around to Shredder, and stands there for a moment. "I want punishment. Punishment against those who keep the cycle goin'." Punisher points a stick at Shredder, "people like you."

Shredder has posed:
    Shredder seems unconcerned with barbs and insults. "Is that so?" he returns. "You stoop to childish insults, you are willing to put yourself into harms way to an unassailable challenge, you have not yet turned to flee. Bravery nor foolishness exists in a vacuum. You are emotional, whatever your external facade may show."

    "So steel yourself or flee, because you face the Shredder." His stance is remarkably casual, not as if he were entering a formal combat, but as if the event was nothing to him. He starts walking steadily toward the Punisher, not bothering to arm himself beyond the armor that covers his body.

Nemean has posed:
"Should have stopped to get some popcorn." Nemean says, mostly to himself, as he gets out of the way. He figures Shredder will fight the Punisher, and seeing the two of them in the fight, it'll be to the death.

He takes another couple of steps back. He's not the type to get involved in someone's honor duel or whatever.

Punisher has posed:
There's almost a calm before the storm sort of moment as Punisher watches Shredder... He stands there, watching the man. Shredder, being a grandmaster of the martial arts, will recognize an expert martial artist in Punisher himself, with his stance and the way his eyes are taking in all of Shredder.

Punisher, to the trained eye, is gauging the movements of Shredder for weaknesses.

Then, there's a roar, almost of rage, as Punisher charges at Shredder, his sticks in attack position as he goes in hard and fast to start striking at the joints.

For a normal human, Punisher is astonishingly quick. It's easy to see how he went toe to toe with Karai and fought her to a stalemate.

Shredder has posed:
    Shredder's reactions show quickly an incredible economy of energy and movement. There are no extra expenses. The first strike is blocked simply as an adjustment of his stance, the escrima stick claning loudly against the forearm instead of the elbow. Followed by a raised leg to block a knee shot on the shin guards. Instead of trying to make his movements faster, he simply makes them shorter. Following the second block, his left hand comes out in a snap to respond to the forward momentum, a palm strike toward the sternum.

Nemean has posed:
This fight is fast. Faster than Nemean would have expected. Neither one of them is enhanced, at least as far as he knows. Just peak human performance. His eyes narrow, doing his best to keep track of the fight.

Punisher has posed:
Whether it's a test, or something else going on, Punisher doesn't let up. His attacks are quite brutal and efficient, but he's not focusing on conservation. Shredder would recognize the work of US armed forces in training the Punisher, along with elements of other styles he's trained in over the years. The result is a lethally effective unique style to the Punisher that's a bit bastardized for his chosen lifestyle.

When that palm strike shoots out, it's actually a bit interesting how he responds. Normally, Punisher would be just fast enough to dodge backwards and then move into a backwards flip to kip up backwards. Instead, Punisher blatantly dodges to the side, diving away with his momentum. It's a massive expense of energy, but given his arm is still injured, it's clear he doesn't believe he can manage it.

He does a twirling kip up in place, getting back into an offensive stance as he watches Shredder.

Shredder has posed:
    It's during the kip that the Shredder goes on the offensive, attempting to interrupt the maneuver, throwing out a powerful kick, a strength behind it that may show that he is quite a bit stronger than he appears, or at least has the ability to focus the movement to make it have the same effect.

Punisher has posed:
Punisher is fast... but he's injured, and he's having to compensate far too much to keep in this fight. If he were in his prime? He might be able to stay in a defensive battle with Shredder. Here? It's clear that Punisher is fighting a losing battle, and the kip up costs him.

As he tries to get up, Shredder's kick manages to connect with Punisher square in the side of the ribs just near the end of the maneuver. He goes flying across the room from the force, slamming into one of the racks and going to the ground with them.

Yet... despite probably gaining one or two broken ribs from that, Punisher stands up, grabbing his escrima sticks, and manages to remain upright.

How he's still standing after that blow, only he knows.

Shredder has posed:
    The following gait of Shredder continues casually. "Your resilience is admirable, warrior," comes the compliment. "But your wisdom is lacking." He reaches out with his left hand to swat away the escrima sticks.
    "Your wisdom /was/ lacking." He slings forward with a closed fist toward Punisher's gut, the claws coming forward in an upper cut fashion straight toward the abs.

Punisher has posed:
"You're nothin' but a wannabe with delusions of-" And that's when the claws go into his abs, and he grunts in pain... before there's a cough, and blood starts to drip down his clothing onto his legs.

"I'll..." With that, Punisher is once again knocked out.

Nemean has posed:
Nemean actually visibly winces when he sees the final strike that Shredder lands, "I think he's had enough, boss." He says th Shredder, as he looks down at the unconcious Punisher, "We should get a medic in here."

Shredder has posed:
    Shredder's left hand comes up to pull up the Punisher's face, showing it to Nemean. "This man was our enemy. He killed our people. We destroy those who wish to hurt our family, so that they cannot destroy us." He takes hold of the shirt, dragging the bleeding out vigilante by the back of the collar the way that a child might drag a rag doll. He tosses him toward a few of the genin. "Dispose the of him in the river," he instructs the young recruits. Blood still runs down the claws, and he doesn't even bother to note that Punisher is still breathing. "Nemean. You must learn to treat our enemies the way they would treat us. There is no room for mercy. Should I have shown mercy, know that he would have returned. He would have continued to kill our people."

Nemean has posed:
That's not the outcome that Nemean had expected. He wants to argue with Shredder. Find out why he's just throwing away a possible source of intel. But he doesn't say anything for now. Last thing he wants is to get stabbed in the gut and thrown in the trash like he's doing for Punisher.

"I'll go with them. Make sure the job gets done correctly." He says to Shredder, looking at the genin who are to take Punisher away.