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Time to learn something about the sentinels... maybe.
Date of Scene: 17 September 2019
Location: X-Corp Headquarters
Synopsis: The Xers learn about a possible threat and get some advice going
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Nightingale, Cypher, Blurr

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has asked Doug to join him and Shannon as they were planning on meeting "Will" the Cybertronian they had recently talked to. One Sam knew Doug enjoys meeting aliens, and two if the guy is hiding something from them Doug will know. He is waiting outside the building for the others.

Nightingale has posed:
     Doug wasn't the only one who enjoyed meeting aliens, it seemed. Shannon was like a little kid at Christmas, completely psyched out about the entire thing. Her wings are all a-flutter, and she's got a huge smile plastered on her face. "You know, Sam," she remarked. "I never thought I'd wind up with sort of a first contact thing. You realize I've never met anyone from outside this world before all this happened?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug walks out of the building, pulling on a coat and sipping a red bull. He looks tired, but he's always tired these days. "...I'm happy to help, Sam," He says, "But are you sure bringing the Cybertronian here was the best idea? I mean..." He gestures with one hand, before letting it flop to his side. "Kinda my baby."

Blurr has posed:
    It isn't long before that very slick-looking sports car Sam and Shannon had noticed at the cafe in Bushwick earlier comes flying down the street. The speed it's going, it doesn't look like it's going to be stopping or changing directions any time soon. But amazingly, it swerves sharply at the last second, executing an impossible-looking hairpin turn into the parking lot of X-Corp before simply sailing right into an open slot.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Doug and says "If we are going to be helping mutants and others as well, your baby might get scuffed up a bit man, but I think it is built to withstand it. To Shannon he says "Not quite first contact but close enough." He offers her a smile and as the car pulls up "I believe our friend is over there." He starts to lead the trio to the car.

Cypher has posed:
Doug crosses his arms, and then looks up as the sports-car shows up, and then pulls in. He curls his lip in a surprised grin, and barks out a "Ha! Of course... total show-off." He pinches the bridge of his nose.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Hey, it's first contact for me! Don't knock it!" Shannon's eyes go wide as dinner plates when she sees that high-speed hairpin turn, her wings spreading out as if to take flight towards a potentially injured driver. When the sports car comes to a stop, she breathes a sigh of relief, and grins from ear to ear, applauding a little. "Sweet moves there!" she calls out, laughing with sheer delight. She follows Sam and Doug over, to see what can be seen.

Blurr has posed:
    In the driver's seat is what appears to be the same blond teenager they'd seen earlier. He gets out of the car through the door like a normal person. "Hey guys." he greets, grinning at Shannon's compliment. "Thanks." He peers at Doug. Hasn't he seen that guy before or something?

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "So, you wanted to talk with us, care to come inside and chat or is there somewhere you would rather chat at?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug peers at the hologram, and then holds up his hand, going through a series of elaborate gestures. "Bah-weep-Graaaaagnah wheep ni ni bong." He says, "I think we did meet before, though you look like you've gotten new rims since then."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon grins right back at Will. "You're welcome." She peers over at Doug next, looking a little dumbfounded. There was that tongue-twister again! "This is going to sound supremely stupid, but what does that actually translate as? All I know is it's a greeting I can't twist my tongue around!" She laughs, smiling a bit sheepishly.

Blurr has posed:
    "Well, is it private and secure and stuff in there?" Blurr questions Sam in response to the suggestion. "If so, then sure."

    Then Doug starts reciting the universal greeting again. He chuckles and responds to that in neocybex. "I don't suppose you were the one who taught that to Sam?" To Doug, of course, it's perfectly intelligible, though to Sam and Shannon, it just sounds like a lot of warbled electronic noises.

Cypher has posed:
Doug looks to Sam, and then back, and he says, "Oh, well, he picked it off of me. I was taught it by an alien friend of mine. He said if I ever wound up in trouble with an ET, I should try it, and it might de-escalate the situation." He responds... in that same language, though only having human vocal chords does give him an accent.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "One of the more secure places Ah know of, and we have access to probably the second most secure spot in the building." He looks over to Doug a brow raised a bit but he does seem somewhat used to it. To Shannon "Doug just said it was a universal greeting, and Ah heard him say it to someone first so Ah am pretty sure it aint "Hey I am a big dumb god please do not pull my underwear over my head."

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon just looks between the two, completely confused. Then she shakes her head, laughing a bit, and just pins Doug with a look. "After this, I don't want to hear you putting down your gifts. Ever. Again." She tends to stay back a bit more towards Sam, letting him and Doug mostly take point on this one. It seemed there was going to be a lot to learn today! Sam's assessment of the 'universal greeting' has her giggling up a storm, and she lightly swats him with one wing.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr arches a brow at Doug, looking impressed. "Wow." he comments, the translator switched back on so that everyone can understand him again. "That's--really neat. I didn't think you Terrans were capable of even coming close to speaking our language, with how different your physiology is. I guess I stand corrected. Anyway, I suppose I'll know who to find if my emulator ever malfunctions too much." he chuckles.

    Then he nods at Sam. "Let's go inside then. Lead the way."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and will lead them in and towards the main elevator. There place seems top of the line and freshly done. He looks over to Doug and asks "Whats the best room to use?"

Cypher has posed:
Doug pauses. "We might -- need to take the entrance through the loading dock." He heads back inside, and a moment later, the loading dock overhead doors open. "You're a little tall to just walk into the atrium." He says, to Blurr, over an intercom. "...Just in case." The loading garage isn't elegant, but it is spacious. "Uh, hm."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon is just happy to be along, and see where this whole thing goes. When she saw what looked like a possible mutant teen in need, and sought Sam's help, never in a million years would she have thought it'd turn out like this! Elegant or not, the setting didn't matter quite so much to her, the winged teen taking almost child-like delight in the entire situation. She peers at 'Will', then takes in the general size of the loading garage, then looks back at Will, as if more curious than anything else.

Blurr has posed:
    "Oh, I don't have to actually go in there." The avatar says, chuckling. "I can just use this." he says, as the projection sort of motions toward itself in general. "It would be a lot less conspicuous."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie waits letting Doug lead the way as, as he said earlier this si his baby.

Cypher has posed:
"Well it'd be rude to leave you outside." Doug says, before he tilts his head, "However you feel more comfortable, really." He seems easygoing that way. The building is exceptionally modern, by Earth standards, designed to be appealing and stimulating to the senses while still maximizing the efficiency of foot traffic and enabling the rapid movement of security through the building.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon brings up the rear of the group, still smiling wide, but also looking around as if trying to take in everything at once. "Wow... this is pretty sweet, Doug."

Blurr has posed:
    "You wouldn't be leaving me outside." Blurr insists. "Well, sort of. Think of it this way. It's like I can be in more than one place at once. Almost." A smirk, as the avatar follows Doug into the building.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look to him and says "So still wanting us to call you will, or is there something you might be a bit more comfortable with us calling you ? He will ask the avatar, as the head to where ever.

Cypher has posed:
Doug sighs, and then gestures. "So," He asks the holo-avatar, "How can we be of help to you, buddy? I mean... what you guys are is still pretty mysterious to us-- but we've got some experience with ETs... we might be in a better position to assist you than some."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon tilts her head slightly as she glances between the three, settling back to watch the maestro of languages at work. For now, she is content to remain silent, observing and learning what she can.

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr chuckles at Sam. "You know it's okay to ask for my real name if you wanted it." He remarks. "But sure, it's Blurr."

    Once the four of them have presumably settled into a private room inside, Doug is quick to get to the point, it seems. His expression sobers at this. "It's about the Sentinels. They -really- need to be destroyed. All of them. And every blueprint, schematic, plan, piece of data, and any all trace of them."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "We have been trying to, I don't know if it is possible to destroy all the date thought, that is a rather big task. The saying about with the internet once it is there it is always there. Do you have any ideas on it?"

Cypher has posed:
    "This is genie that's going to be hard to put into the bottle." Doug says. "At a certain point in the future, the Sentinels iterate to full cognizance, though they maintain their basic programming drive."
    "To be honest, I'm not really sure how we can scrub that data. Not without killing every party who might try to resurrect the program, and that's really not what we're about." He scratches the back of his neck, and then says, "The problem with a decentralized data network is that it's almost impossible to completely scrub a piece of information from it."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon's smile fades as she listens. Not one bit of this was sounding good. Though she glances at the door, she makes no move to leave. No, she was the one who had pleaded to see if Blurr needed help, so she wasn't going to run now. "Well, you were hiding for a reason, but we couldn't just keep saying 'hey you'." She does smile a little bit. " 'Blurr' suits you well."

Blurr has posed:
    "Nono." Blurr says, shaking his head urgently. "You don't understand. We -need- to destroy ALL trace of them, every last bit of data." He stares at Doug, not quite comprehending the genie in a bottle analogy. "You may not be sure how to, but -I- am. You just need to tell me -where- they are. Physically, and digitally. And yes, that includes anyone anywhere who might have the ability to save any trace of it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the man and says "With the way the internet works there could be info anywhere. Looks to the man, and says "I don't think it is possible to do it, may I ask, why you feel it needs to be done? I mean I can understand not wanting people to you things they learned from you to hurt people, but you seem a bit more pressured to do it.

Cypher has posed:
Doug pauses -- and then says, "I... have to ask you, Blurr. If this was a Cybertronian problem, would you have any hesitation killing your own kind over this?" He keeps his hand on his chin. "You've got to know that puts us in something of a bind... right?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon feels her heart sink as she listens. Damn it all! She'd had such high hopes about the whole thing but this... this put a new light on it, and that light shone harsh enough to cast shadows she did not like the look of. Well, nobody said any of this would ever be easy....

Blurr has posed:
    "That's why we need to find a way to track it. There -has- to be a way." Blurr insists. He sighs. "..."

    There's a pause as he considers the best way to exlain this all. "Okay. A long time ago, toward the beginning of the second war, a well-meaning mech named Chief Justice Tyrest established a set of rules for the war to abide by. Both faction leaders agreed to them, and the Tyrest Accords were signed into interplanetary law. Tyrest has since holed himself up somewhere, and built an army of drones called Legislators to enforce the law for him. Sounds proper, right? But--I don't know why or when or how, but over the vorns Tyrest kind of lost his circuits, bending and twisting the Accords to fit his agenda, whatever the slag that is. Now, he and his Legislators don't exactly practice very much discretion. Any time, anywhere a law gets broken, the drones show up and wreck -everything- trying to get at whoever or whatever caused or is causing the breach. And, yep, you guessed it. The Sentinels are against the Tyrest Accords. Annex III, article 14, section 55 to be precise. How do I know that? Well let's just say -experience-..." he shakes his head.

    "Bottom line is if we don't destroy them, the Legislators will. And they'll raze this planet to its core doing it." A pointed look is directed at Doug. "So if I have to kill a few people, whether Terran, Cybertronian, or Kree, or Shi'ar or Skrull or Xandarian or whatever the frag they may be, then so be it."

Cypher has posed:
    Doug frowns at that, and then he looks up. "...So basically what you're saying is that now not only are we dealing with robots designed to kill us... we have a time limit for dealing with the problem before more robots show up, which will not only kill us, but will kill everyone on the planet." Of course that's what Blurr is saying, he just needed to repeat it.

    "Well." Doug says, "It could be worse... it could be a Phalanx infestation." He looks at his hand, which is now techno-organic, shiny and black and threaded with gold circuitry.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie sighs a bit and looks over to Doug, and then back to Blurr. "Well, Ah gotta ask the main question, how is this fellow going to know? Ah am all for stopping the sentinels, killing folks not so much. Be there human, robot or what not. If you want to help stop the sentinels am all for it, your the second who has offered, the first seems to have dropped off the face of the planet, though not sure if that is a bad thing. "Ah think we can actually confirm, this Tirerest, fellow does not hear about it as we have seen a few things from the future, and aint heard anything about that." the misspronouncing of the name does not seem intentional.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon frowns a little bit as she listens, steepling her hands near her face. This one was way out of her league, and yet, when push came to shove, she would not sit idly by. But which side was right? Which was wrong? She bites her lower lip, thinking for a long moment. "Look, maybe I'm just sixteen here and maybe this one's way out of my league. But I do know it's got to be asked... when push comes to shove, can any of this be done without killing?"

Blurr has posed:
    "Basically." Blurr says, nodding to Doug. He shrugs at Sam's question. "Slag if I know. You have no idea how many fragging times I've asked -myself- that question -after- the Legislators showed up and I barely escaped with my spark intact. So do you -really- want to bet on that?" He folds his arms. "Look, if you guys won't help me, I can't force you. But -I'm- going to do whatever it takes."

    He glances at Shannon. "If it can be, then sure. I'm for it. But if not, then I'm not going to let a few lives in the way of an entire -planet-."

Cypher has posed:
    Doug frowns, and then says, "I need to see the bigger picture. There's got to be a better way." He looks at Blurr, and says, "That symbol, the one you're wearing, it's *different* than the one Megatron had --" He adds, "Less militaristic. It denotes a... labor caste." He studies that Autobot symbol. "But more than that, one devoted to science and growth as ends in and of themselves. Not conquest."
    "...I'd like to talk to your superior about this, if I could. I understand that the clock is ticking, and you do everything with speed. But our resources are limited."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head a bit to this and looks over to Doug at the talk of the symbol a brow raised for a moment. For now he is letting Doug take the lead as Sam is ok with computers and information, but this is Dougs thing, if anyone knows more about information and dealing with it. Sam does not know them.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon tilts her head as she, too, now takes a good look at the Autobot symbol. Her brows furrow, and her voice is soft. "I'd guess that symbol has a lot of history behind it," she murmurs. "And not always a pleasant one. Beneath the eyes, the lines almost look like... well, like tears."

Blurr has posed:
    Blurr scoffs slightly at Doug's analysis. "As -if-." he mutters. "No, this is the First Face, it used to represent all of Cybertron, that is, until Megatron decided to come up with the -other- one. Speaking of which, you met him, huh? Pff, bet that went well." The Autobot remarks wryly.

    He arches a brow at Shannon. "Tears? Uhhhm...sure." A shrug. "Anyway, nothing much else to say. Either you help me or you don't. If you change your mind, you know how to contact me." And with that, the holomatter fades from view.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie sighs a bit and looks over to Doug "Well that went well, more information is well Ah guess, but honestly aint sure what we can do to help.

Cypher has posed:
Doug pinches the bridge of his nose. "You know who he reminds me of? *Bobby*." He turns to Sam. "You know who needs to go into hardcore negotiation mode with him next time?" He points in the direction of Roberto's office. "Cause I can't communicate with people who don't *listen*, Sam."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon flops back in her seat, running her fingers through her hair and letting out a deep sigh. "Holy shit," she muttered. "What can of worms have we opened with this one?" Even her wings seem to droop, as she looks over to where Blurr was just a few moments before. "Now what do we do?" Mention of Bobby has her grimacing visibly, as if she had just taken a very large bite of a particularly sour lemon.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles at Shannon and says "I think he means Berto, Bobby not Iceman Bobby." He tells her at the grimace. To Doug he nods a bit to this and says "You know for having rules about folks not using their tech, they seem to leave that shit scattered al over the place.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon mutters, "I'll give him 'Ice Man'... his heart's gotta be made of the stuff..." There are a few other oaths questioning his origins, most of which fade into general grumbling, as she crosses her arms over her chest. "Roberto is Roberto. Bobby is Bobby. Ne'er the twain shall meet."

Cypher has posed:
"No, Roberto is 'Berto, but he's also Bobby." Doug says, relaxing a bit. "We are not in the business of cleaning up after their fucked-up intergalactic civil war, Sam. There's something very sad about the Cybertronians, but they look down on Organic life, and they really need to cut that shit out."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "And we have known a few not so friendly non organic life forms. I wish Lock was around maybe he could get through to them, and I think Shannon would love him, and she would probably be selfbakerfriend." He grins a bit thinking about their friend. "So, you think you can make sure you know if he starts trying to check our systems?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon frowns a little, trying to turn her thoughts away from that sour taste that had somehow gotten into her mouth. "Pardon my language, but if the shit hits the fan here... and it's looking like a pretty strong possibility... then what are we going to do? And you asked about talking to Blurr's superiors... who would that be? Do you think we oughta at least try that and see if there's some way around this possibility of killing?" She purses her lips a little bit. "I can't shake the feeling I had about that symbol, that it looked like it was crying. Don't know, maybe it's a bit of a stretch, but symbols and art are like that, they can encapsulate so much into so little. I wonder if there's something we can appeal to there, or if we're up shit's creek?"

Cypher has posed:
"Oh I'll know. The problem is, what happens if he's right and they do come here to sterilize the planet?" Doug says, rubbing the back of his neck. "The problem is that Warlock's not here, is he?" Doug looks a little frustrated for a moment. "That's why I want to talk to someone more senior than Blurr... who's probably exceptionally old by our standards. Not so much by theirs."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit and says "Well, he is only the second of their kind I have seen, Megatron, him, and that data storage thing on the moon. " He sighs a bit and says "Well if they come, we will have to teach them a bit of why ya don't mess with earth, and how it aint turned out well for anyone who has tried.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sighs a little. "I just hope we can still find some allies in this in them, instead of making enemies." She cracks a little smile. "I know, stuff like that's not always possible. But that's not going to stop me from hoping for it." A short laugh escapes her, and she glances over to Sam. "You know, you sounded so much like Captain Rogers just then. You sure you two aren't related somewhere along the line?"

Cypher has posed:
"Actually Sam's family can be traced back to Scotland... the Guthries were actually wealthy landowners in Kentucky until the Civil War caused a divide between the two branches. One part of the Guthries sided with the union, they kept the lands and the money -- Sam's side of the family sided with the Confederacy... and wound up farmers." Doug says. "I believe Captain America is actually second generation Irish."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Yea, Ah think if we were somehow related to Cap we would know about it. Ah honestly don't know what to do on this one, you seemed to have met him before Doug?""

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon just chuckles and shakes her head, rolling her eyes slightly. Those two just didn't get it. She smiles to herself, listening.

Cypher has posed:
"Only briefly. I just read a lot." Doug admits. He glances back to Shannon, and shrugs. He's playing dumb, a little bit.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well we have at least got the warning, you want to write it up for the team so they know we are dealing with and maybe one of them have some connection with another Cybertronian."

Cypher has posed:
Doug sighs, "Sure, I can write up a report..." He says, "Just put it on the pile." He definately seems like he needs a vacation... already.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sighs a little and puts her head in her hands. "Something tells me this is probably about par for the course, for the kinds of things we deal with?" She smiles a bit. "So where and when do we start with this one?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "No clue on who is above him, as Ah said only know the two. Right now, I would say we try to keep a lid on where the tech came from, continue fighting it, maybe keep an eye on Blurr as best we can, and I might set Alek, and Samuel to work on those cybertronian records we got.""

Cypher has posed:
"All I know is that that civilization is old, Sam. One of the oldest in the galaxy, possibly. To them, our lifespans are... insectoid." He shakes his head. "I don't know how to deal with this. It's all... too much."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs a little. "I know this is a whole lot bigger than studying for a test, but the idea's the same. Take the problem in smaller bites. Figure out what questions you need to ask, then ask them." She smiles a little bit, reaching over to touch Doug's hand briefly, and Sam's as well. "None of us has to shoulder the load alone, that's the best part."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Doug and says "We will deal with it the same way we deal with anything together. He smiles a bit at Shannon's words. And for the record, we are going to start hitting a couple sci fi cones over the next couple months, maybe even drag Shannon here to the Thee-ooo-con next month with us.

Cypher has posed:
Doug sighs, and pinches the bridge of his nose. "...I don't have time, Sam. I don't--" He holds up his hands. "We'll talk about it later, okay?" He says, before he looks to Shannon, and adds, "Sorry. Just... a little stressed out. I think this was the straw that broke the camel's back for today. I -- need to get back to work. Just intercom me if you need anything." He backs out, for now.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sighs a little, bowing her head. For all the good intentions, she's fouled up again, and knows it. Without another word, she gets up and turns to go, starting on the way back home. The moment she's outside, she spreads her wings as if to take off...

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "And where are you going Shannon?" He will ask, a brow raised at her.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Home, and hopefully out of the way, and out of trouble." She glances back where Doug took off, her wings relaxing for just a moment. "Even when I do things right, they come out all wrong. Who knows how many are going to get hurt by it this time."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah swear girl, Ah think you about have to be my cousin, cause only person Ah know who beats themselves up after one small thing is maybe me. You did not mess anything up here. In face you may have done something very good. If the crazies do come like Blurr thinks they might then we are pre warned. Your not responsible to overloading Doug, Doug is working his ass off for a good cause but he aint letting himself rest and recharge, is why he is going to be going to some sci fi cons, if I have to hog tie him and fly him there kicking and swarming. He knows Ah will do it, and may argue but Doug overworking himself aint your faught, that is from what Ah am pretty sure two things. One he truly wants to help people with the most he can, and...." He looks over to where his friend has left to "Ah think he is trying to make sure he makes a lasting difference something to be remembered by getting things done. Ah think he is more aware of his own mortality than most would be after coming back, and wants to make his difference before he is gone.""

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon just turns to stare Sam right down. "You think this is a small thing? I don't know what you've been putting in your morning coffee, but I'd sure like some of it, if this is 'small'. If we're talking about possibly sterilizing the whole freaking planet here, that ain't exactly 'small'. And all that because I just couldn't let things alone, because it looked like someone might need help." She sighs a little bit, rubbing her temples, but her wings relax a bit more. If she takes off, there will at least be some warning. "Guess that's all any of us want, is to make a difference, or we wouldn't be doing what we do."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shakes his head, and looks at her and says "Oh so you reversed enginered the sentinels and made them? Damn you." He looks to her, and says "You figured out someone was special, and through digging your teeth into it, you figured out what he was. Maybe Blurr might not have known about the sentinels being from them, but he aint going to go tell the tiregear fellows, he wants to protect the Earth, not yea he might end up killing some folks, and if we know he is for sure we will fight to stop him, even if it means protecting racist bastards. What you did was alert us to a possible threat, and maybe at the absolute worse is give some information to someone who might act on it badly.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes. "Tell that to Iceheart there. He gets wind of this, and yeaaaah... he won't give two shits about anything that was done right, all he'll see is what was done wrong. And he wouldn't be wrong to do that, because like you said, a leader's got to see all the angles." She shakes her head. "Reverse engineered the Sentinels, my ass. I ain't good at jack squat, sure as hell not that. Worst part is..." She sighs heavily. "...I keep hoping somehow that we'll wind up allies instead of enemies, because it sure sounds like neither side wants any of this to happen."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Ok, come here and sit down, you and Ah are going to talk. first off, if I had been the one to bust you and call you on the carpet the first time, would Ah now be that southern fried asshole?" He looks to her, and says "Bobby called you out and with some points to it, even you admitted that, and now you act like he is the biggest jack ass in the school. You do know he is the smart ass jokester right? If your going to go around Bobby is going to be mad at me if ah do this or that, your going to give yourself a stroke. Important life lesson "We fuck up, we try to fix it and do out best and usually fuck up a few more times, but the important part is we get up dust ourselves off and try to do better. I talked to both you and Megan over what happened, and have given you both extra sessions and lessons. Talked to Bobby once, you want me to tell you who is being the hardest on you, who is treating you badly, and not letting you live it down. You are." Looks at her, and says "Think about all those things your in your head saying this is my fault, that is my fault. Now imagine someone was saying all that was my fault, or all Megans, or hell even new Sam who ya barely know, you would be all get off their case their trying their best. So Shannon, get off Shannon's case she is trying her best.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon looks completely dumbfounded. "A jokester? You're kidding, right? Only time I ever really talk to him... or rather get talked at by him... and he was anything but. Never seen him again since. There's not a whole lot to go on there." She cracks a little bit of a smile. "As for the sessions, well... still waiting on those." She shrugs. "It'll happen when it happens." She plops back down in her seat, running her fingers through her hair. "You're anything but an asshole. Just listen to yourself, calling me out now. And as for me being on my own case..." She frowns deeply. "...sorry to bring him up again, but he said a lot that stuck really, really hard. It was like he thought I didn't realize it's life or death out there. It is and I damn well know it. And now have things just gotten worse?" She closes her eyes, thinking for a moment. "And now I don't even know if it's safe to go out by the lake for a run or a flight, or just to chill out and get my head on straight."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will stand up, and walk over leaning down and giver her a hug and says "It aint no more dangerous to do any of that than it was yesterday. you worry the sun is going to explode cause some cosmic entity decides it should will drive you insane, trust me on that one. There are some things we can't stop some things happen, and we never even know it is happening. But the more we know the more we can try to effect it. And we do the best we can and keep trying. You say what he said struck hard, well how about you just make sure it aint real, and quit worrying the big bad iceman.... I am willing the only person who ever said that before is probably Bobby himself by the way... But anyways quit worrying he is going to come sliding up on his ice sled out from behind the closest closed door and say "Bad Shannon." He hugs her again, and says "Your not going to get kicked out of the school for a simple mistake Shannon, and most definitly not for trying to help people.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Oh for fuck's sake..." Shannon rolls her eyes a little bit at the image, her cheeks flaming. But she hugs Sam tightly, and keeps her voice low. "Actually, yeah it might be. Heard Logan got chewed up pretty bad out there the night Samuel got to the school, but no idea who or what did it. There hasn't been any word about it since... so who knows." She's not at all inclined to let go for a while, at least. "Simple mistakes... this ain't exactly tripping over my feet on the sidewalk. Still... if we don't pick up and keep going somehow, it'll just be a whole lot worse."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and pats her on the shoulder, and says "Well the best part there is maybe try to talk to Logan about it, Ah think if it was something we needed to worry about he would tell us. Ah would be more willing to bet it was something personal, most of hsi fights are Ah think.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods a little. "Last thing I need is to be doing something stupid and wandering into trouble, though." She shrugs lightly. "Don't think he's in much shape for talking, last I heard. If something was able to knock him down, it's probably not something I want to risk tangling with."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Oh I agree, but also he is the quickest healer we have, so he might be up and walking around now, even if he was fubared last night."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs, and just kind of looks off into nothingness for a moment or two. "Here's hoping. Now I've just got to find some way to blow off steam, and trying to burn it all off in the gym ain't cutting it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmmms and says "So, you wanting to punch some stuff in the danger room tonight?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon tilts her head, thinking for a moment. "Maybe that'd kill two birds with one stone. Pardon the pun. It sure beats sitting around stewing. At least maybe it'd be doing something constructive." She smiles a bit. "Might stop in the medbay either on the way in or out, see how things are. Heard it was pretty bad, so... yeah."