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Latest revision as of 04:25, 23 September 2019

Education & Studies
Date of Scene: 15 September 2019
Location: West Harlem, Manhattan
Synopsis: A college visit ends in new friends and awkward new potential.
Cast of Characters: Zeta, Pink Ranger, Mercy Thompson, Green Ranger

Zeta has posed:
    Collage students walked the sidewalks, along with teachers, every day people looking to learn something, or even those exploring the sights of what this place had to offer.

From several different collages, to even a great Cathedral, there was all types of things one could get themselves involved with.

One such individual managed to 'trick' a few computers at the collages to allow him a few rental of books. This one such person had a satchel around his shoulder, while he was wearing a t-shirt, blue jeans, and had his hair back in a pony-tail.

    By the normal-day observation, this young, athletic man was just like any other college student walking around. What was, however, odd was not only how he could read and so easily weave among the people walking, but the speed he was able to turn the page of the large book.

Either this black haired young man was just skimming or he was an extremely fast reader! Either way, he does come to stop at a cross-walk, and waits for the indicator to walk, never seeming to move his eyes from the pages.

Pink Ranger has posed:
It's that time of year. Senior year for Kimberly, that is. And while she's not exactly a New Yorker, it's time for college campus tours and applications. Luckily for her, the tour was this morning and her flight home isn't until tomorrow morning, so she's got a free afternoon to explore the city. Also luckily for her, she fits right in with the college students wandering the streets.

"Excuse me," she says, approaching a pair of girls at the crosswalk by Zeta. "Hi. Sorry. I was wondering, if there anywhere really good to eat around here? Like...something super New York?" All right, maybe she's not great at not being a tourist.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's out in front of her store, sweeping away. Her hair's tied back and she's keeping her bit of Harlem clean. Never mind the baked in oil and transmission fluids, or the five million different odors, even. She's good like that and yet she's not a neat freak. She's doing just enough to keep the garage presentable. Taking the broom with her, she's heading toward Zeta and the others, with her hair trailing behind her, and her coveralls on with her name on them. Then again, anyone who works on cars is valuable. Mercy doubly so for who she is.

Zeta has posed:
    Zeta went to flip to the next page as he heard the young woman asking for instructions. This might not go well, was his first thoughts knowing how some of the younger minds can be under his casual observation of human behavior.

Before the young ladies could actually answer, he spoke up, looking directly at Kimberly, "There is a place about two streets down ahead and then make a right. It is a small little store, but sells things such as chicken fingers, dipped wings, french friends and has home made lemonade." He tilts his head a bit to the side. "It has good reviews. I could show you if you like."

Not that he has ever eaten there before, given he can't even eat or drink, but he can base on percentages of patrons and returning costumers, that it must be good food.

    It was about then he spotted Mercy. He did mean to stop by her store; Though not by the front of the shop, but the back. Spare parts and items that might be useful for his own repairs. While maybe not the best of use-- for some things, it did work in a pinch. It also meant if she was out...

That said, Mercy may notice the book Zeta had in his hands was dealing with mythological studies of magic and myths.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy does and quirks a brow at it. Given her history degree she's curious, but she's hanging back and just observing. She shakes her head and steps forward. "Hey" he says. Simple enough, really. Simple enough

Pink Ranger has posed:
Kimberly looks over when Zeta offers his suggestion, a smile flashing. "Yeah? I guess I kind of assumed New York meant, like, pizza, but if it's a popular local place it must be good, right?" She tucks a piece of hair behind her ear, then offers over a hand. "I'm Kimberly. You don't have to take me if you're busy, though, I can totally follow directions. Hi," she adds with a swift smile as Mercy comes over as well. Definitely not a New Yorker, this one.

Zeta has posed:
    Zeta closes the book easily with one snap of one hand, as large as that book is, he has to have strong hands right? He accepts Kimberly's handshake with his own, keeping his grip firm, but careful. "Zee." He muses after he says that. "At least that is what friend's call me.. And it would not be a problem."

He then looks over to Mercy, his green eyes staring directly at her, "Hello." He says back in greetings. "Is there something I, or," He looks at Kimberly seeming unsure if he should say this, but he does anyways, "We, might help you with?" So much for his idea of sneaking around the back after he takes Kimberly to the restaurant it seems.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks to the book and quirks a brow before she smiles. "Nothing, nothing at all. I was cleaning in front of my garage" she says and waves the broom for emphasis. She shakes her head and smiles jut a bit. "Question is. What can I help you with?" she asks, leaning on the broom and watching them. She's cautiously wary as Mercy is keeping her guard up, but she's also not wanting to be that offputting.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Oh, I was just asking around about anywhere good to eat," Kimberly replies to Mercy with an easy smile. "And Zee here said there's a place a couple blocks up that does great...chicken fingers and fries, you said?" she asks, looking back to Zeta. "If you've got a shop here, maybe you've heard of it? What's called?" she asks, looking between the pair.

Zeta has posed:
    Zeta looks to Mercy, "Nothing really, unless you happen to have some boxes of old parts you no longer require." Worth a shot! He then motions to the Garage, "If the owner is okay with such a thing."

He then looks over to Kimberly. "Chicken n' Wings. Family ran since 1989." He answer her with a minor smile. He shrugs his shoulders.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy's eyes glint. "And how much would you want if I did have old boxes?" she asks, watching them now then nods to Kimberly. "That's the place, but I don't go there that much. When you cook and bake at home, little point" Mercy admits. "So I don't go out to eat a whole deal but home cooking is just good" she explains and glances between them.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"I'm just visiting," Kimberly admits, as if it wasn't already obvious. "So unless I want to do some experimenting with a coffee maker and a microwave, cooking is right out." A crooked smile flashes across her features, but then she's looking between the pair of them with curious interest, then over Mercy's shoulder toward the shop to see what kind of place it is.

Zeta has posed:
    Zeta frowns a little at her request of money. It was one thing to hack an ATM and produce funds, but he rather not do such a thing, as it came with risks. Risks such as having to never use a holographic form that looks that way again.

However, this was a college area right? So, he could perhaps make some excuse, which he attempts. With a rub of the back of his neck and a nervous grin, he tries to explain to Mercy his-- broke situation. "Sadly, I would not have the funds to pay. Most of it goes into my college education and loan. That is why I was only looking for broken parts and old bits. I might be able to work with those and craft them into some what of workable use."

He glances over to Kimberly, with her curious look. "I--" He tries to find the right words. "-- have some knowledge in mechanical operations dealing with robotics." Well, it was somewhat true, given what he /really/ was. Then he places the book in his satchel. "So, given what this shop handles, I figured that they might have some items of little use." His eyes turn back to Mercy, before looking back to Kimberly, "What are you visiting for or who? Unless that is to forward to ask?"

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks skeptical for a moment. "You can have the broken bits for free. Just don't come banging on my door if you +1up/all

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks skeptical for a moment. "You can have the broken bits for free. Just don't come banging on my door if youget hurt" Mercy says gently with a smile watching them. Looking from one to the other, Mercy looks pleased to get that box off her property.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Oh no, it's cool," Kimberly waves of Zee's concern. "I'm checking out schools. I mean, it's kind of a long way from home, but there are a lot of good schools here, for sure. But you can see a lot in just a few days, so it's a good place to check out. Are you a student here? Studying...Some sort of robotics?" She looks to the box in front of Mercy's shop, curious without any real frame of reference.

Zeta has posed:
    "Awesome. Thank you!" Zeta says quickly, clasping his hands together with, well, an actual honest smile! "I'll come back and get it once I show Kimberly here to that restaurant." He says, still glad that went over so smoothly. He then ponders, contemplating maybe even a risky request.

"Do," He looks at Mercy, "You know if the shop is hiring by chance? Or looking for someone to work at least under the table? Maybe that way I can at least repay, in some manner, for such parts? Get a bit more... education in another form of engineering." Though he looks just a tad nervous after he says this.

    Zeta nods his head to Kimberly, giving a smile. "I hope you find the school you are look for here in New York!" He grins, before he hrms a little and responds simply. "Yes." But he doesn't go into further detail.

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy looks over at the 'long way from home' remark. "So you're a long way from home, too?" Mercy asks with a sympathetic look. "Well the schools around here are good, just....do your research is all" Mercy says gently, her tone softening. She's well awaree of what it's like to be far from home. She nods to Kimberley. "I hear you on being away from home. New York's home but.....I miss my actual home, you know?" she says gently.

Green Ranger has posed:
And here comes Tommy.

He glances about, clearly trying to spot Kimberly, as if searching for her. The handsome teen is dressed in tight, dark jeans and boots, along with a faded shirt of some Indie band from a decade or so ago (In the 2010's). It's too warm for his usual jacket, so instead he is wearing a green and black baseball cap. His long hair is pulled back into a simply ponytail.

He smiles a bit to himself when he catches sight of the girl, but then looks a bit curious when he sees the folks she is talking to. He raises a hand to flag her down, calling out.

"Hey, Kim! Any luck at the last stop?," he asks. He's here for the same reason she is, it would seem.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Angel Grove is great," Kimberly assures Mercy. "Just not exactly a big college town. Although to be fair, I'm not exactly an academic powerhouse either, so..." She grins, shrugging, only to raise her hand to wave Tommy over when she catches sight of him. "Hey, Tommy. Tommy, this is Zee, and this is...I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name," she apologizes to Mercy. "School was okay. Zee here says there's a really good chicken and wings place a couple blocks from here thought, to get a bite to eat. Guys, this is Tommy. He's a classmate," she adds.

Zeta has posed:
    Gets no response from Mercy and shrugs gently, seeming to accept the silence. Zeta knows what silence means and doesn't push the issue. His eyes turn to Tommy, given the young man a once over. One looks close enough they /might/ catch a strange glow in those green eyes for a split second. "Hello." He says with a friendly smile to Tommy.

He then extends his hand out to him, keeping up the warm smile. "As Kimberly has introduced, my name is Zee, at least by what my friends call me." He grins a little. "And yes, I was going to show her to a family owned restaurant not far from here, as she was hungry and unsure where to go." He tilts his head. "And classmate?" He looks to Kimberly, then back to Tommy. "So, you two know one another fairly well then. That is good to hear."

Mercy Thompson has posed:
Mercy shakes her head at Kimberley. "Long way from home. I grew up in the middle of nowhere so I hear ya" she says quietly as she then nods to Z. "You be careful with those old Vee Dub parts, okay?" she asks and smiles, then steps back at the food talk. She's wishing sh'd brought some brownie or something to eat, really. Mercy's slowly getting hungry. Not that she's that hungry yet, and if anything she can just go four pawed and catch a rat or something. Ah the life of a walker.

Green Ranger has posed:
    Tommy reaches out to take the offered hand, and he shakes it. The youth has rough hands, but a friendly smile. "Hey, man. It's nice to meet you. Yeah, I'm Tommy. Kim and I have known eachother for awhile." He arches an eyebrow and glances over at Kim and then back again. "...I could go for some wings. If you don't mind me tagging along?" He directs the question at Kim, specifically.

    "And yeah, Angel Grove is great. Even our school teams are pretty good...though our hockey team has never beaten Riverdale High..." He grumbles softly to that and adjusts his baseball cap. Hey, they're Canadian schools. That matters!

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Yeah, of course," Kim waves off Tommy's question. "And hey, the hockey team might not win, but the gymnastics team is pretty top of the line," she winks, crossing her arms loosely over her chest. "What're you planning on doing with the parts?" she asks with a curious look to Zee. "Some kind of school project? We've got a friend who's nuts about putting things together."

Zeta has posed:
    Zeta decides to go ahead and take the box now, given his realization of what time it was, or would soon be. He seems to pick up the box with no problems at all, holding it in both hands, as he looks at the group. "I can show you where this restaurant is, though I am sure," He looks to Mercy, "She can show you as well, if she desires?" He asks with a tilt of his head.

"As once we arrive at the restaurant, I should be going." he adds with a minor frown on his face. "Time does not stop for one man or anyone, after all." Then at Kim's question and her 'joke', he cant help but chuckle a little, before smiling softly. "Its all for me, honestly. As I said earlier, for a little person project to see about cleaning up some of the parts, seeing what I can use, and just... kiting things together. For fun... and grades." He shifts the box a little.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy grins at Kim and nods. "Alright, no lies there. That last meet was insane." He glances between the others, falling silent for the moment to let them finish their conversations. He doesn't want to interrupt, after all! He tucks his hands into the pockets of his jeans.

He moves to follow along with the others towards the restaurant. He seems content to be mostly quietly. He is sometimes better at listening then he is at talking, it seems.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Sounds like a good time." For someone, at least. Probably not so much for Kimberly, but hey, everyone has their thing. "Yeah, let's go check out this restaurant though," she agrees, uncrossing her arms. "I swear, I'm getting hungrier by the minute. It could turn out to be a McDonalds and I'd probably be thrilled."

Zeta has posed:
    Zeta chuckles lightly and shows them the way, once they arrive. It is indeed a small restaurant with a few tables still available, but it seems pretty busy! They even have a mock-up jukebox.

He nods his head in the direction of the place. "This is it." he says with a soft smile. "It was nice to meet you both," He then looks to Tommy, "And I am sorry we did not get a chance to speak more." He then looks to Kim and back to Tommy. "Maybe our paths will cross again. Till then, do take care. Both of you."

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy Oliver climbs out of the car and offers a wave to the departing driver. He plucks his green baseball cap off to brush his fingers back and then adjust his ponytail. He turns his gaze to Kim and grins.

"Well, they seemed nice. You have this habit of making friends anywhere you go. It's actually kind of inspiring."

He steps to the door of the hot wing place, opening it and holding it open for a couple departing, and then for Kim.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"It's a gift," Kim says cheerfully, flashing a grin as she slips inside the restaurant and takes a look around. "Might as well, right? It gives you a chance to learn more. Sometimes about the people, sometimes about a really good place to eat." It doesn't look like there's a hostess stand or anything, so she slides into one of the booths, reaching for a menu tucked against the wall behind the napkin holder.

"What'd you go do while I was checking out the school?" she asks as she flips the menu from one side to the other, getting an idea of what's on it.

Green Ranger has posed:
He slides into the booth across from her and reaches out to snag a menu, too. "Well, it's a cool gift, then." Tommy furrows his brow and considers the various sauces and sides on the menu. He plucks his cap off and sets it beside him on the booth seat. "The lemon pepper sounds good. So does the pinapple habanero, though..."

Tommy glances up at her question. "Not much, really. Oh! This..." He reaches into his backpack and withdraws a small paper shopping bag. He hesitates for a moment and then hands it over. If she looks inside there is a pretty necklace with her birthstone. "I...saw this randomly and kind of thought you might like it.."

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Oh!" Kimberly sets the menu down, brows rising even as a hint of color touches her cheeks. "Tommy. That's...that's really sweet." She looks at the necklace, features softening as she looks back up at him. "Really, it's beautiful." Taking the box in her hand, she slides out of the booth on her side to sit on his side, turning her back to him and pulling her hair over her shoulder. "Help me put it on?"

Green Ranger has posed:
He seems a bit flustered and like he doesn't know what to say. On the battlefield or while Morphed, he is the image of stoic badass. But here...he is just a teen. He clears his throat and nods and turns when she sits beside him. "Sure thing. I guess you like it then?," he asks. He saved up a bit of money over the Summer to buy it. While he says it was spur of the moment, it was a piece he'd called ahead for from Angel Grove. His heart is racing.

He reaches out to take the necklace and carefully brings it around her beck, his thumb brushing the soft skin as he fastens it in place. "...There you go."

Pink Ranger has posed:
"I love it." Kim ducks her chin, keeping her hair forward, then turns back toward him once it's fastened in place. With just about anyone else, the friendly relationship is almost effortless. With him though, it's a little harder. After all, she doesn't want to screw things up with him.

"Thanks, Tommy," she says with a warm smile.

She doesn't move back to her side of the booth, instead sliding over a little bit to look at his menu with him. "Why don't we split a combo thing?" she suggests. "We'll get a bunch of things and we can share." As she speaks, she keeps one hand on the necklace, sliding the pendant back and forth along the chain.

Green Ranger has posed:
His heart beats a bit faster when she stays on his side of the booth, and he nods with a smile. "Sounds great." He clear his throat and turns back to the menu before the server comes back. He lets Kim order a few of the things, then he adds his own in. He then slides the menu back.

"So, what do you think of New York?," he asks, curiously.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"It's big. And busy. And crazy." Kimberly shakes a hand through her hair, leaning her elbows onto the table as she twists to stay facing him at least a little bit. "I mean, there's no way I'm actually //going// here," she adds, just a little rueful. "Can you imagine a zord here? Talk about property damage. And the time difference. And even with the teleporter, can you imagine going back and forth all the time? There's no way it'd work. But it's nice to visit, right?"

Green Ranger has posed:
He grins a bit and nods. "It wouldn't go well." His voice drops a bit. "Besides, this city has more then enough heroes." Tommy nods at her reasoning, and he picks up his cup of water once it is set down, taking a sip.

"Visiting is nice, though. We should really use that more often. See more of the world, you know? I'm sure Z would understand if we told him it was for...like...research or something?" He chuckles.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Mmmm, maybe," Kimberly laughs. "I feel like that's edging toward personal gain, but it's definitely nice to think about," she admits. "Besides, at least if something goes wrong and we have to teleport out, there's no one around to know who we are if they see us. That's sort of responsible, right?"

She props her chin up in one hand, head tilting as she continues to play with the necklace. "Where would you go, if you could go anywhere just because?"

Green Ranger has posed:
"Yeah, I guess you're right." He grins a bit and nods to her, leaning back a bit. Even with a nice New York restaurant around them and a lot to likely see, Kim has all of his attention. He blinks at her question, and he considers.

"Europe would be cool. I've always wanted to see the French countryside. Or...maybe the Great Wall, or some small village in Japan? Really, there are a lot of places. I wouldn't want to go alone, though..."

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Definitely not alone," Kim agrees, grin flashing. "I mean, you're making memories. Those are things you want to share. Paris would be nice," she muses. "And the tulip fields, in Amsterdam. One of those amazing beaches in Fiji or something, with the little huts where you can dive right into the water?"

She sighs, wistful. "Yeah. Some day. Probably when we have to go and fight some giant monster," she grins. "But I can work with that. That's when you need a vacation anyhow, right?"

Green Ranger has posed:
The boy grins softly at all of that and nods. "Well, how about when we -do- get a chance to enjoy those sorts of things, we do it together? Deal?"

At that point the food arrives! He begins to eat it while washing it down with sips of his beverage, chatting all the while.

"What do you think you'll go to school for?"

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Deal." Kim leans back as the food arrives, tucking a napkin into her t-shirt before she starts in on the wings. There's no actual neat way to eat wings, but she tries to be fastidious about it. As much as she can, at least.

"I'm thinking maybe environmental science," she answers, though she looks over a little nervously as she says it. Kimberly isn't the most academic member of the team, after all, and any science is going to be a tough course.

Green Ranger has posed:
He grins softly as he sees her try to be neat with the wings. He doesn't bother trying, but he isn't a total mess, either. Just eats them normally. Tommy arches an eyebrow at that.

"Oh, wow. That's a big choice, Kim. I respect that. If it's what you want to do, then go for it."

Pink Ranger has posed:
"I mean, it's something I believe in." Kim sets the bones aside, sucking her thumb clean. "I want to make the world a better place. I want to clean things up. I'm...definitely nervous about the sciences," she admits. "It's going to be hard. But I also can't think of much of anything else that I really want to do. Maybe teach? Dance, or gymnastics?"

She reaches for another wing, thinking it over. "I'll probably keep volunteering, though, no matter what. What about you?" she asks, looking back to him. "What're your plans after high school?"

Green Ranger has posed:
He nods as she explains, smiling softly. He's always been an excellent listern, and right now is no different. "Well, if you've proven anything since we've known eachother, it's that you can do what you put your mind to."

He works at the wings and sides too, as they talk. He blinks at her question, though, and Tommy hesitates. "I haven't given it a lot of thought. I...kind of considered spending more time focusing on the whole Ranger thing..."

Pink Ranger has posed:
"What about your parents?" Kimberly quirks a brow. "Mine would //flip// if I told them I didn't have any plans. I mean, if nothing else, you're still going to have to do something to pay the bills. Unless you want to live with Zordon and Alpha-5, but if you're seriously considering that, I think you've underestimated the sheer amount of //weird// that would come with that."

Green Ranger has posed:
"Well, in the...normal world...I'm focusing on martial arts tournaments and possibly teaching. Kind of like Jason, I guess. But he seems like the college type, too..." He trails off and shrugs. "I got a job offer at the local Kung Fu school. I think I might take the guy up on it..."

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Hey, that's great," Kim smiles swiftly. "You're amazing at teaching. //And// fighting. You know, give it a few years and I bet you and Jason could open your own place together. If you can keep from murdering each other," she teases. "I'm hoping I can get a gymnastics scholarship," she adds. "That would make things a little easier." Not that her parents can't afford it, but it's also something she just enjoys.

Green Ranger has posed:
He smiles softly and clears his throat, glancing down into his glass. "Uh, thanks. Yeah, that'd be pretty cool. But that's just an idea, anyways. I'll play it by ear. But I hope wherever you DO go to college that it isn't too far or anything."

He looks over, then. "You should get a gymnastics scholarship pretty easily, I figure."

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Definitely not going far." Kim shakes her head, picking out another wing. "I can't even imagine being away from you guys. That would be crazy." She looks over at him, licking her lower lip clean as she hesitates. "Hey, thanks for coming with me, by the way. I know it's kind of weird, since it's not like I'm going to come here, but...It would've been even weirder alone."

Green Ranger has posed:
He smiles softly and nods. "It's all good. Happy to have come. It was fun. We still need to check out Central Park before we head back, though. I mean...how could we not, right? We're tourists." Tommy winks at her and sits back, clearly done eating, but not in a rush.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"For sure," Kimberly agrees quickly, finishing off her wing and trying to get her fingers clean. "Anything else you want to check out while we're here? Like the Empire State building or something? Flight doesn't leave until tomorrow morning, we might as well enjoy ourselves before we head back to classes. Assuming we don't end up back a lot sooner than anticipated," she adds, glancing over to her communicator as if thinking about it will make it go off.

Green Ranger has posed:
He grins and reaches into his pocket. He pulls out his wallet and pays for the meal. "Well, I chose Central Park, so you get to choose another place to visit. Sounds fair, right?" He puts his baseball cap back on, glancing over.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Deal. Now I just have to decide." Kimberly slides out of the booth once he has his hat back on, looking to the table and stepping aside. "You have to let me get dinner," she warns when he leaves the money, starting to back toward the door with an easy smile. "No arguments!"

Green Ranger has posed:
He climbs to his feet and grins. He nods to that, adjusting his cap as he moves to follow her. "Well, alright. You know I have a hard time saying no to you, anyways..." The boy grins as they head out into the early afternoon street. He steps up beside her and glances up and down the street. "Now...uh...taxi?"

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Subway," Kimberly declares, pulling out her phone to check a map. "We can't go to New York and not use the subway. Plus it's cheaper." Once she has her bearings, she reaches over to link arms with him, all the better to pull him along to the nearest subway station.

Green Ranger has posed:
Tommy chuckles and nods. Her arm loops with his, and she can feel the firm muscles. He walks along with her, smiling. He tends to smile more with her then when he's just with the other Rangers. They make their way down the stairs into the subway itself, anf he glances about at the ads and all of the things to see.

Pink Ranger has posed:
As they wait for the train, Kimberly is in constant motion. Walking up and down the platform, reading all the signs. Seeing where everything is coming from. Maybe she's just excited about the experience, but underneath it all, there's still a little bit of nerves. Usually there's the buffer of other members of the team, or some sort of organized activity to fall back on. Now...there's nothing left to hide behind. "Do you think everything is okay back home?" she asks as she rejoins him, fidgeting. "They'd call us if there was trouble, right?"

Green Ranger has posed:
He watches her fidget and pace. Tommy, meanwhile, hides his nerves under a small smile and stoicism. Meanwhile, he is all nerves and heart inside. He watches her, his mouth a bit dry, his hands in his pockets. He blinks when she finally talks, and he shakes his head. "If anything is fine they will have no issue contacting us. Remember all the peaceful moments interrupted by that -very- familiar beeping jingle?"

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Yeah, of course." Kimberly pauses, smile slipping crooked with wry humor. "Kind of why I'm on edge," she laughs softly. "This is too much fun not to be interrupted." One hand brushes her hair behind her ear, then goes back to the necklace, rolling the pendant between finger and thumb. That's a good thing, right? Guys don't get jewelry for girls they just kind of like.

Green Ranger has posed:
He watches when she brushes her hair behind her ear, and he feels his heart skip. Everyone has those little, idle gestures that they have, and that is one of hers. It's also something he really enjoys. Tommy grins and nods to her, stepping away from the column as their train shows up and slows. "Well, we better enjoy it while we can then, right?"

Pink Ranger has posed:
"It's a plan." Kimberly watches him for a moment, especially that smile. He's usually so serious, so bold and certain. But every new and then she'll see that softer smile that makes her stomach flip. The one that makes her think maybe her feelings aren't entirely unreciprocated.

As the doors open and people start stepping out, she takes a step closer to him, reaching over to take his hand. "Don't want to lose you," she offers in explanation, stepping onto the train once there's a chance and seeking out a spot where they can both fit.

Green Ranger has posed:
He nods and lets her take his hand, and he follows her onto the train. It's the end of the lunch rush, and a lot of people are heading back to work, however. Because of this they are both left standing, each holding onto a pole for stability...and very, very close to eachother. He clears his throat and grins down at her, Kim less then a foot in front of him.

"You have a meet coming up next week, right?," he asks, trying to act casual.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Yeah, Saturday," Kim nods, stepping a little closer into his space as other move around the train. Better to share space with someone familiar than a stranger...even if it leaves her very aware of the fact that she's practically in his arms, which sends a few other thoughts spiraling through her mind. "It's supposed to be a tough one, there are some really good competitors in there. But if I do well, it should give me a leg up for the rest of the year."

Green Ranger has posed:
"You're going to kick ass as always," he says with a small grin, looking into her eyes. "Nobody has a finger on you." He notices some of her hair fall free. It's the same locke that she tends to tuck behind her ear, but Tommy reaches out and beats her to it. His fingertips briefly brush her cheek and temple as he tucks the hair behind her ear.

Pink Ranger has posed:
Kimberly's breath catches at the touch, cheeks flushing suddenly in time with her heart pounding in her ears. "Thanks," she says with a shy smile, voice cracking in the first moment before she clears her throat. "You guys'll be there, right?" she asks, though it's clear from how she holds his gaze that she's not really asking about the rest of the team.

Green Ranger has posed:
He nods to her. "Only alien monster attacks would make me miss it," he promises. His hand hesitates and stays on her cheek for a moment. He looks into her eyes and there is the briefest moment where it feels like he might lean down and kiss her. That is when the subway pulls to a stop, and the two are jostled together, with him fumbling slightly into her, which possibly pushes her back against the pole a bit. This might be worse.

Pink Ranger has posed:
"Oof!" Kimberly laughs softly as the sway of the train leaves her trapped between him and the pole, her heart in her throat. But then there's the bustle of people shuffling for the doors, moving in and out of the train, and when it's finished, she slips to the side into a new space, all the while mentally berating herself for doing it. "Looks like a couple more stops," she says, leaning over to get a look at the map on the wall. It might even give the blush a chance to fade.