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Latest revision as of 20:45, 2 October 2019

We'd like our Villain back, please
Date of Scene: 26 September 2019
Location: Wellness Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Avengers and X-folks discuss Loki's recent visit.
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Captain America, Moonstar, Nightingale, Shadowcat, Triage

Iron Man has posed:
Arrangements made, the Avengers made it clear they'd be sending a representative or two over to the X-Mansion to connect about the 'adventure' with the magical visitor that the mansion suffered.

As it turned out, the attention ended up being two of the heavyweights from the roster: Steve Rogers and Tony Stark. The arrival was not a huge show, but all business: which meant one of the more low-key vehicles was brought, and there's no intense show of armor. There IS a drone hovering along in Tony's wake, about the size and shape of a Dalek. It does not say 'Exterminate' though, so it might be safe.

"Let's chat over sample collecting," Tony'd suggested, after greetings were made. "I understand there was an exorcism room?"

Captain America has posed:
With hands in the pockets of his light windbreaker, Steve is a silent and watchful presence alongside the dark-haired genius-inventor. He goes through the motions of greetings, smiling politely and shaking hands when needed, and then accompanies the group to the Wellness Office.

"Surprised we didn't hear from the Doctor if it was an exorcism room. Magic's always been his forte," the Captain comments quietly as he lets his eyes roam around the room. He looks for anything sincerely odd and out of place for a medical suite.

Moonstar has posed:
Knowing the Avengers were coming, and having been the latest X Type to see what happened last night, Dani volunteered to meet the two men and escort them where they needed to go. Arriving at the location, Dani remains quiet most of the trip, letting Captain America and Tony Stark discuss things while heading there.

Inside with Cap and Tony, Dani looks around as well, slipping into her "valkyrie" mode, so it was easier to read things, and feel the "magic" emanating from the ichor here. So far, she doesn't speak until spoken to.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon stretches out as she comes up to the foyer, extending her wings to their full span and cracking her neck a bit. It felt good to be out of the medbay; with any luck, perhaps she'd be able to stay out of there for a while. What starts as a smile quickly fades, eyebrows lofting as she spots Dani, Tony, and Captain Rogers all heading for the wellness office. This could not be good. Her mood shifts from relief and sheer delight, to concern and worry, as she draws near, staying just a short distance away, within earshot. It wasn't the first time she'd seen Captain Rogers here, but Tony as well? This was no social call, that much seemed pretty clear.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde doesn't come up from the X-men Base until she hears that the visitors have arrived. She's been busy pulling together any recordings made during Jeremy Larkin's visit, including copies of any medical files or scans. She heads up then, Lockheed riding shotgun as he often does. Kitty has her phone in hand as she emerges from the hidden elevator and then steps out into the hallway.

Passing students are given nods as they head off towards their neck class. One of the students who stole another's book and won't give it back, has a hand reach through his chest to retrieve it and pull it back through him phased before Kitty hands it off to the owner. "Aw, come on, Miss Pryde," the student says. Kitty gives him an understanding look but then motions with her head towards the chemistry lab where he should be.

She turns the corner and sees the group heading into the Wellness Office. Kitty taps something into her phone and sends a copy of the intel off to Tony's section of the Stark Industries information hub, flagged for Avengers type things so he likely will get the notification before she finishes the crossing the remaining dozen feet. "Steve, Tony," she says, giving them both nods of greeting. "Hey Dani," Kitty says warmly. She flashes Shannon a soft grin that might be reassuring.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony is a world-class multitasker: which currently involves working with a handheld mobile tablet while also flashing periodic smiles to various people that they pass on the school grounds and in the hallway to the wellness office area.

"Check your expiration date on your pea soup," Tony recommends with a disgusted expression when they reach the room in question, which has the 'blue ichor' in it burning through surfaces.

"Yeah, sure, take your time. Levitate over that, you weren't raised in a barn," Tony instructs his drone sarcastically as if it were a child, and it obeys silently, moving to start to scrape samples, and not 'step' in anything. Tony himself puts most of his attention on his handheld pad at this point, swiping through various menus. "Got your files, Kitty, great stuff: anticipating the boss's needs gets you promoted," Tony nods to her eyes still on his tablet. "Mind if I partake of your setup here?" Tony asks, pointing sort of vaguely at the room's tech. No need to be an asshole about other people's tech.

"So, otherwise: what's the story?" The Avenger's eyes move to Steve, then across Dani and Kitty. The 'extra' students get a curious look, but not the direct question.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar frowns as she walks around the room. Looking over her shoulder as Kitty arrives, Dani allows herself a smile, reflecting the warmth back, and then notices Shannon, who she offers a smile and a nod. "Hi Kitty. Shannon." Turning her attention back to Tony, she says, "Mr. Stark and Captain America just arrived a few minutes ago and are checking things out."

Taking a deep breath, Dani tells everyone what happened last night, in striking detail. Not leaving out anything, well, except some of the mental communication she had received by the mastermind behind all this. Ending her briefing with a, "It was Loki, shape shifted into a human boy, aged around 14 I think. He was "happy" (yes air quotes, with finger motions, TM) that we had healed him for free and was unhappy I figured him out. Although, I have to admit, I was unsure he was Loki until he actually told me. I had suspicions, but..." Dani shrugs."

Another deep breath, followed by a, "Then he badgered me through telepathy, saying that he suffered these wounds saving Asgard, and that she, as in Asgard, was back. That the "ichor" left behind, unless taken care of, would "eat through Midgard" More air quotes. "There were some comments about stealing Brightwind, and then he vanished when I rushed off to make sure he was safe." A pause, as she scratches her head for a moment, recalling something else. "Oh! Scott informed me via a message that we needed to get out of the room. Strange had said that whoever he was, he was dangerous. Almost forgot that part."

Nightingale has posed:
The color just drains from Shannon's face as she listens to Dani. Loki? One of the few names she knew from Norse mythology. The Trickster. She runs her fingers through her hair and lets out a very deep sigh, with a glance towards Captain Rogers. "I'd say this one's just a bit worse than tripping over your feet on the sidewalk." Her voice and expression are riddled with guilt, but she squares her shoulders to face the music. "Chris and I both met with Jer... sorry, Loki. Neither of us knew who he was, but right before I healed him that night, he was a... little strange." She gestures towards the ichor that still seems to festoon the place. "If you need samples of the stuff, Chris got two uncontaminated ones that we'd intended to give to Mr. McCoy and Doctor Strange."

Triage has posed:
Triage slips as discretely into the room after Kitty arrives, allowing her presence to divert attention while he settles into a chair beside Shannon. Once he is in place, his eyes slowly scan the room. When Dani reveals quite unknown about the 'patient' that he helped to treat, his eyebrows rise, almost knocking his mirrored sunglasses out of position He glances to Shannon as if to confirm what he just heard. Then he looks down at his feet where he placed his messenger bag.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty shows interest in hearing Dani's rendition of it, not having heard it directly from the other woman. Kitty gives a little shake of her head and has a perturbed expression as soon as Loki is mentioned by name. Another frown is given at the mention of the ichor that was left behind.

Kitty crosses her arms and says, "Rogue and I had just arrived at the Sanctum, to find out what had happened there and was it safe again. And also to ask about this Jeremy Lark, as I knew Jean had spoken to Stephen about him previously, though I had no idea who he was, just heard the name. He warned us to get him out of here immediately and not to trust our eyes, and we got word back and then rushed back."

Kitty sees the expression on Triage's face. She reaches over and rests her hand on his shoulder lightly. "I lived, part time, in the same house as Loki impersonating someone, for... I don't know. Weeks? And had no idea. So don't feel bad."

Iron Man has posed:
"All right, so, let's see what we know. Loki got here, claimed to want healing, and made this mess, while pretending to be a student, right?" Stark casts a quick gaze around to check with them. "How did he end up in this room? Did he materialize here?" Tony questions, with a more focused manner. He refers to the security footage Kitty sent him. "Looks like he was teleported in here on a piece of metal," Tony says, and it's sort of a question, he's questioning the beginning of the story, where details are lacking.

"Are we sure he was injured? Can we confirm that? You said you did heal him--- would you have a diagnosis of what was wrong with him, from that?" Tony asks, with curiosity, to Shannon, though there's no force to it, and a smile comes out.

"Think this injury was from the Sanctum fight, Cap?" Tony asides towards Steve.

Captain America has posed:
Tony's question has the soldier's ears pinking. He clears his throat as he shifts his weight in place.

"It's entirely possible. Never saw Loki when I was there. If somebody got to him before I did, I can't confirm it," the Captain replies, his blond eyebrows tightly furrowed. To hear that the Trickster God had somehow bypassed the sanctity and proposed safety of the school has him scowling up a storm.

He eyes the drone at its work. "We'll see what we can do with the samples, let you know what we find." His eyes travel around the X-folk present and he nods curtly.

Moonstar has posed:
Dani Moonstar looks over as the door opens again, and notices Triage with an unfamiliar nod. Distracted to ask about him, Dani snaps her attention back to what Shannon was saying, and says, "That is good Shannon. Uncontaminated samples could be helpful." Ending that supportive comment with a smile, she wanted to let Shannon know Dani didn't blame her. They were all fooled.

"Ah! Kitty! So it was you and your trip to the Sanctum that let us know what was going on. I was wondering about that. Thank you. And Rogue of course." She watches as Kitty does the comfort thing, and nods supportive of that. "I wouldn't be too upset, everyone. I'm supposed to be a frickin' Valkyrie, and I got lucky. That's all. Luck. I was just as fooled at first."

Then Tony started talking. Following his line of thought, Dani nods in pace to the main points, and waits for an opening. Does the man even pause for breath? There. Opening! No...she waits, semi-patiently for Cap to finish. She wouldn't dare interrupt HIM. It was frickin' Captain America! Then, he nods at her, and she pauses. Oh! Right! Talk! Move mouth!

"Oh, he was injured, Mr. Stark. Captain America. Loki stated as much to me that he was in desperate need of healing, and we provided it to him. I suspect that is what the ichor is from, although I have never seen this much of it outside of Hel..." Dani's eyes widen, as she tries to figure it out. "The Sanctum fight? Maybe. Or it could be a bi-product of whatever he was doing to bring Asgard back. Probably all so he could sit on the throne."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nibbles her lower lip, and glances down at her hands. She curls her fingers lightly, as if still amazed that they worked at all. Though she had become more open and outgoing in her brief time at the school, her wings once again form a protective cocoon around her, half-hiding her face, and most of her body. "The injuries were very real, sir. I should know. My healing gift is... odd. It depends on physical contact, and I very literally absorb the wounds." It's a fair guess as to whose blood is on the bed that is -not- stained with ichor.

The smile does reassure the young woman some, and she answers with one of her own. Her wings relax somewhat, at least enough to reveal her face. "There were multiple lacerations all over most of his body. Some shallow, along the arms and legs, and some fairly deep ones along the chest. Very minor cuts on his face. His hands took the worst of it. To put it mildly, it looked as if someone had caught them up in an old-fashioned wringer and run them through a few times." She glances back at the ichor- and blood-stained bed, where the tray had been knocked over and even one or two feathers had fallen to the ground. "The blue material followed the patterns of the veins, as if it were poisoning him. The intent had been to allow him to draw it to the surface, drain it from his body, and I would follow up with healing the wound. The cuts on the face were meant as a test, but once the process started, it couldn't be stopped. It went downhill pretty quickly from there."

Triage has posed:
Triage remains quiet while Shannon explains things but he does focus his attention on her, nodding occasionally. "She's right about the wounds. They seemed perfectly ordinary in the ... patient, except for the blue material." He takes a slow breath and adds, "That was like goo, much thicker than the blood, almost solid in places, and it seemed to be mainly in the veins, arteries, and where the cuts were. I have two samples in sterile plastic bottles."

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty glances to Dani to see if she knows more about how Jeremy, or Loki, arrived. "I wasn't around, but I don't know that anyone thought he was a student. As I heard it, he manifested a girl to call for help. Which, I guess now we can figure that was one of his illusions was how he did. Anyway, he was taken in for treatment. Psylocke was around but I don't know if any kind of mind scan was done at the time," she says, frowning slightly.

Kitty asks Steve Rogers, "Ah, so you were at the Sanctum? I didn't find out what was going on with the impersonation until late. I still have a bone to pick with Stephen over that. I'm glad you were able to expel him out of there. It looked like the Sanctum needs a bit of work to repair the damage."

Kitty adds then, "So Doctor McCoy already examined the blue substance and said it was from a Tesseract. I gather that had something to do with Asgard from what Strange said on our way out?"

Iron Man has posed:
"Right. He said a lot of things. God of lies, so let's not believe most of it," Tony suggests dryly, shaking his head. The drone has collected samples and beeps appreciatively. It likes samples!

"Have something else for samples, something that isn't merged with this bedspread fabric, we'll take one. Pass it to Johnny Five there," Tony instructs the room in a general way about his drone, distracted, as he's looking at what he's already getting test results.

"I don't believe that report about Asgard - Asgard was entirely destroyed -- but we'll talk to Thor," Tony says, because talking to gods is normal. Avenger stuff. "But yes, I can collaborate on the Tesseract thing, I'm seeing that here too. Keep that under your hats, please; that's the sort of information that can get us a city-wide panic. The last time we saw it involved a mass invasion of New York. A lot of people suffered."

Tony pauses, but not for long. "That he had this in his veins, and came to get it removed, well. That I'll buy. I'll work on what it was doing there. Wizards do weird stuff, but I'll sort it out, no problem," Tony snaps his fingers, as if it were, indeed, no problem. Maybe it's not.

"Pretty sure I can speak for the group to say that we're glad he didn't kidnap you, Feathers," Tony says, with a nod towards Shannon and a slide of a 'look' at Steve. Why didn't Loki take her? "Whatever tactic you chose to deal with him, you chose right: you're here and safe. But he could well come back again."

Captain America has posed:
Steve nods towards Kitty. "Yes, present when Strange 'nd his team recaptured it."

He doesn't mention that he had very little to do with expelling the Trickster God.

"I'd hedge a bet on him trying to come back again. Given we know his magical signature now, 'nd that he might have an interest, keep your heads on a swivel." Steve does give Shannon a lingering look. Indeed, Tony, why isn't she vanished? "It's a good thing he didn't take any further interest in you." And the Captain sounds subtly emphatic about this. At this point, he glances over to the drone and its efforts, content to listen and mentally file away fine details, all the better to pull together a possible plan for dealing with the rogue Asgardian mage.

Moonstar has posed:
As Dani listens to Shannon describe the injuries, she begins to get a little upset. Triage adds to it with his comments "Those are...incredible wounds. They don't sound like normal battle wounds. Believe me, I have seen many battle wounds as a Valkyrie, and those are not normal. They seem almost...mystical. Incredible." Looking over at Kitty, Dani tries to understand it.

Shaking her head, Dani tells Kitty she didn't know how the boy was brought in until now. "He manifested a girl...yes. He is very tricky. I don't blame our students, but I do blame our way we dealt with it. Psylocke...hmm. If he fooled her, we really can't blame the younger students here." The anger starts to dissipate from her face and voice as she realises she was getting mad at the wrong person. She should be mad at Loki.

"Wait...Kitty...the Tesseract...I've heard that term before. Where have I heard that before..." Dani closes her eyes, trying to remember. Tony's words strike a cord as well. She knew what it was, just there, tip of the tongue, a memory!

"Ah! So frustrating!" Dani looks around, realising that was out loud. "Sorry..." to the point. "Right Cap." She said Cap. "I think she didn't take Shannon because I showed up? Might have spoiled his plans? Valkyrie=Hela=Not wanting that battle right now? Maybe?" Long shot she knew, but it might have been right.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon ducks her head, a little bit of a smile curling the corners of her mouth upwards. "Feathers. I like it. But please, sir, my call sign is 'Nightingale'. Bit of family sentiment there." A glance around the room, and she winces a bit when she sees the bed that had been hers, before being transferred out of danger in the middle of the night. "All I did was treat him like I would anybody else who came here needing help. Just tried to be kind and do the best I could." She pauses for a brief moment. "He did ask if I wanted anything in repayment, but after the healing we were both a mess. So nothing ever came of it. But... you don't think anything will, do you?"

Indeed, why hadn't she been taken? Captain Rogers' warning did not go unheeded, and she nods slowly; it seems that his words, particularly, bear considerable weight with her. "I'll try my best, but if he got past us this once, who's to say it won't happen again? And should there be some form of contact, what would you suggest doing? He doesn't seem like one I'd want to tick off. Especially since he mentioned that bit about repayment."

Triage has posed:
Triage nods while Shannon answers for the situation. He bends forward in his seat and unzips his bag. From it, he produces two bottles. Once he has straightened in his chair, others can see the bottles are large enough to contain sterile cotton swabs tipped with a gooey blue substance. He looks to Shannon and sighs.

Shadowcat has posed:
Kitty Pryde frowns and glances around the office, though out at the rest of the school is where her thoughts lie. How does one keep someone like that out, even? She turns back and her eyes go to Shannon. "Just to be safe, well, if he did come I don't know that he'd need to make you leave the school. But, just the same if anyone does try to get you to head off campus... make sure it's them? Like, confirm they know something only they would know."

She sighs. There has to be a better way to spot Loki.

Kitty pats Lockheed and then asks Tony, "Do you have enough samples? We need to get this all cleaned up and neutralized if so," she says, sighing and looking at how much of the Wellness Center is going to need to be redone after this over.

Iron Man has posed:
"Cool. Homework for everyone," Tony says, finally turning off his mobile tablet and nodding once at the others in the room. "Dig around on what we know so far, and share notes afterwards. Knowing this mystical prick, there /will/ be a final exam," Tony says, dryly.

"Hey, you don't get to pick your own nicknames. Sometimes not even your super alias. I was given mine," Tony smiles briefly at Shannon. "Yep, I've got what I need here, Kitty. Will be in touch." With that, Tony flashes a general wave around, bright charismatic smile, and he jerks his head at Steve Rogers. Avengers will confer a little outside. No doubt the X-related people have their own discussions ahead.

How DO you solve a problem like Loki?