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Latest revision as of 23:22, 8 October 2019

Quiet In The Medbay At Last
Date of Scene: 06 October 2019
Location: Medical Lab - X-Men Base
Synopsis: A long night in the medbay is lightened by a welcome visit from Megan and Sam, with long talks of family, friends, and plans made for visits to both.
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Cannonball, Pixie

Nightingale has posed:
     The previous night in the medbay had been rather eventful. There had been an unexpected patient in Kurt, and an even more surprising visitor in a certain surly Canuck. Both had left Shannon with a great deal on her mind, and her mood perhaps a bit subdued, bordering on the quiet, shy girl she had been on first arriving at the school. She was civil to the medical staff, of course, but otherwise seemed to be keeping to herself. She's sitting up in bed, humming an unfamiliar melody; her laptop rests on her lap, her headphones on over her ears, and her little mini music keyboard off to the side.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie actually calls down to the ones watching after Shannon and sees if anyone has brought her food down already. He is learning a bit it seems. He comes down with her meal and her rootbeer "Room service." He says as he enters the medbay "Someone order room service here?"

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn wasn't super keen on visiting the med lab after practice sessions, and she tried to avoid asking Shannon to heal her she ever possible, knowing the stress she is often under. Which is why she came to check up on her today, concerned about her well being, and hoping she didn't get herself into more trouble..

Nightingale has posed:
     Amazingly enough, there is little trouble in the med bay. It takes Sam calling out a couple times for her to even hear, as she tries to shut the world out for a little while. But she's not unhappy to see him; in fact, there's a bit of a smile on her face. She taps the screen on her laptop, and slides her headphones off to rest around the back of her neck. "Didn't call, but it's sure welcome!" She sees Megan coming in right behind him and waves--with her better right hand, though she's got some motion back in her left arm today as well, it seems. "Heya, Megan! Don't tell me you clipped your wing again?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie walks over putting the tray on one of the rolling tables, and slides it over to Shannon "Hey thought you could use your dinner, and maybe a little company, seems like I was not the only one thinking company.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn smiles cheerfully and waves to the both of them. "Hiya, hows it going? Looks like you have full on maid service and all.." she winks at Sam as she's says that; hopefully he doesn't take it the wrong way. "How long you planning to stay this time?" she makes a face, "Nah just wanted to check in on you.."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles and smiles a little bit, sliding her laptop off to one side. With the screen still open, it can be seen she's opened up what looks like her music program, with a piece in progress. "You sure you're not the angel here? That smells heavenly! Pleeease please please let it be protein... high protein and calcium actually help the healing go just a little bit faster. Made a note of things like that, like you asked."

She glances over at Megan and rolls her eyes, reaching for a pillow as if to toss it her way. But she thinks better of it, not too keen on ticking off the medical staff, and puts it back down at the head of the bed. "Hoping to be out of here in the next day or so. This was a pretty nasty round of injuries. But it was the least that could be done for the woman who saved those kids."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "Fried chicken, and mashed taters with gravy and biscuits, with some fried okra on the side. You might want to hurry up and heal up if you want to be out of here, when our next new student comes in the next couple days.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins at Shannon, fluttering closer to peek over her shoulder at the computer screen. "Whatcha up to? Oooooo are you making music??" she smiles and produces some daisies and lilacs from behind her back which look like they e been hand picked. "Brought these for you to cheer up your room....But I can't stay long, got another gruelling private training session with Illy.." she rolls her eyes. "zoo that sounds good Sam, did have make it yourself?" She flits towards him, sniffing the food but as she glances at her watch Megan realizes she is later than she thought. "Eeeps, gotta run, see you guys laterrrrrr!,,," FWOOOSH!,

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon blushes a little bit, and gets a bit of a silly, starry-eyed look in her eyes. "Yeah, maybe just a little music. If you don't mind hearing a work in progress..." She unplugs her headset and taps a few things on her screen. A light drumbeat, electric piano, and gentle bass line begin the accompaniment, and... she actually sings her own music, for once.

"I look at you and see
Someone you say you can never be
Why do you hide from yourself?

I've seen it shine so bright
That glowing inner light
Taking my night, turn it to day

You are not what came before
Open up, walk through the door
I'll catch you if you stumble and you fall...."

Her eyes are closed as she sings, but that blush has definitely gotten brighter. "That's all I've got so far... it'll probably be a long time before it's done." She taps the screen of her laptop and closes it this time. Time enough to work on music later. There are more pressing matters now, of the edible variety. She waves to Megan, smiling some. "Thank you! You picked two of my favorite flowers... just like the ones that grew out in front of my home..." Her voice trails off, and instead, she digs right into the absolutely divine dinner. "Thank you so much, Sam... this is incredible! Wait... new student? Who? Someone you know, sounds like?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head and says "Yea, looks like if everything goes the way it is, your not going to be able to call me Guthrie without confusion either." He jokes with her, but says "Sounds nice, and I am sure he will like it when he hears it."

Nightingale has posed:
     Now -that- gets her attention. Shannon pauses, with her forkful of fried okra halfway to her mouth, her eyebrows raising. "Wha...? Are you kidding? More of the clan? NICE!" The okra is sent on its way, and she looks as if she's in heaven. "Which one is it?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says "well if things go the way it is looking Josh maybe coming up and going to school here for a while. He is the one with wings I told ya about.

Nightingale has posed:
     "No kidding? Sweet! I've been hoping to meet some others of the clan one day. Didn't think it'd ever happen, though." She nudges the rolling table to a spot roughly in between them, and grins. "Come on, you made more than enough for two. Ulterior motives there, big brother?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "Ah made enough for a lot, Ah just made sure Ah brought you plenty to keep your strength up, and get better soon. So you know, don't mention the whole me dieing and coming back. Ah aint told them about it Paige knows, but Ah don't want Ma worrying about it.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon goes deathly silent. "Wait... you died and came back??" She sets down her fork, frowning deeply, ruffling her wings. "What happened??"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her and ndos "Ah thought Ah told you about it, Doug and Ah both have different situations. Ah was with Kitty, and a few others we were checking out some sentinels. One somehow got the drop on us. I did not have time to blast, just shoulder blocked Kitty out of the way and got impaled by one of their spears.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon just stays quiet for several moments, going pale when she hears the tale of his unplanned trip to the Other Side. "I remember you telling me Doug had died and come back, but don't remember you talking about your little trip to the pearly gates." She reaches out to squeeze his hand gently and smiles. "I'm real glad you came back. Really glad."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yea right through the chest, Kitty pulled it out and hit a sentinel with it, and a few minutes later I was up fighting again, did not know what had happened. And I may have died on the moon, but not sure on that one."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Sheesh. I may keep winding up in here, but you keep dying! Gotta quit doing that, big brother!" Shannon clicks her tongue, shaking her head. "I'll try to end up in here less, if you quit dying!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Been doing my best only did it one time for sure, and maybe a second but that one is unsure. Seems it is some magic on me, but we aint exactly sure what it is to be honest."

Nightingale has posed:
     "You're a magnet for getting killed like I am for getting hurt. At least that'll end, though." There's a tinge of a sad note to her voice, and she digs into the fried chicken, letting her repast be her focus for a few minutes. "Holy heck, this is -good-..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and pulls a chair over t her, and says "Ok, whats on your mind something seems to upset you besides me dieing on occasion." He offers her a smnile and steals a piece of okra

Nightingale has posed:
     "I kind of promised you guys not to heal for a while last night, when Logan came roaring in here like a hurricane. And it feels fucking lousy. But it'll keep me out of here." She puts a smile on her face and nibbles on some okra. "Just wish I knew what the whole mess with Loki had been for, you know? Why he came in here so hurt and pretty much tricked me into putting my life on the line. I want to know if it was at least for something worthwhile in the end, you know?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well, Ah don't know about that one, but as for the healing, not saying don't heal, just saying be a bit more picky, I even gave ya healing homework remember"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sighs a little and nods. "Hopefully I won't need to do that homework. But... no more volunteering in the wellness office for me for a while. That place is freaking -jinxed-." She chomps down on a little more okra, thinking for a moment. "And despite what Logan said... it'd be real hard to tell Mr. McCoy or most of the teachers here 'no' when it comes to something like that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well Ah aint saying tell them no, but Ah will say remember you do have a choice, if your not feeling it be honest."

Nightingale has posed:
     "I'll try. But if we're being totally honest here... that's going to be incredibly rare, not feeling it. Still, want to know what the one with Loki was all for. I can live with having been tricked, if it was for something worthwhile in the end." Shannon smiles a little bit, brushing the hair away from her eyes, and settles on a change of subject, very quickly. "So, a new student incoming... and a brother, to boot. I've only met you out of the family... what's Josh like?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "He sings, enjoys it a lote, me and he have butted heads on occasion, but he is a good guy. Ah think he is a bit more outgoing than Ah am. He was playing in a band at home, seeing if he wants to play at the club."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles some. "It'll be good to finally meet someone else in the family. Glad to be writing to your ma, though." She pokes at the chicken some, plucking bits of the meat off the bone and nibblng on it. "Glad my folks are okay, too. They got in touch with me about a day later. It was just the phone going out. Just the timing of it all was a perfect storm, ya know?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "Maybe we can go down and you can see the this weekend, once your out of here and feeling better. Make a day of it, so ya get to spend some time with them.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly, her eyes getting misty. "You think I'd be over missing them by now, since I've been here a while. Shouldn't be such a big freaking baby about it." She tests the motion in her left arm, and while it's not quite up to snuff just yet and she -does- wince some, at least she's able to move it about a little bit. "What about you, do you get to visit your family often?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Not as often as Ah would like at times, but since Ah graduated, Ah can head there on my own if Ah want, and only takes a couple hours or flying for me to get there. so that helps." He hmms and says "We can try to set up a trip to see yours every month or two if ya want."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, very quiet, but a lot of tension seeming to drain out of her, at least for the moment. "I'd try to protest that... you've got better things to do than to be flying down to Connecticut every so often... but you'd probably tell me to shush." She smiles a little bit, and finishes some of the chicken. "Thank you."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "If anyone understands family Ah think I might be one of them." He grins a bit at her, and says "Besides looking after my sister from another mister." He grins at her.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Hey, and I've got to look out for my brother from another mother." She rolls her eyes, and actually laughs. "Oh, I can picture it now, when you bring me home for that visit. 'Hey ma, look, you had another kid and you never even had to deal with the whole going to the hospital thing for it!'. Yeah."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "Hey better than when I take you home, might be able to sneak in and ma not even notice the extra head." He teases

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes and laughs. "That'll last until ma Guthrie notices someone else trying to spoil her rotten in the kitchen. Oh yeah, that'd be fun times. Wonder how my folks are going to take it when they realized they just gained a whole other branch of the family without even realizing it?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says I can see you now Mom meet, Sam, Joshua, Joelle, Paige, Elisabeth Guthrie, Jebediah, Melody, Lewis, Cissie and Ray Jr.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles a little. "How am I ever going to keep all of you straight? Oh man... what'd be even more wild is if both our families got together for the holidays. I bet Christmas is a huge thing in your place."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Yea, but usually just like one present each. Maybe a few more if ma had time to make some things. I have tried to make sure to have a few extra things sent back for the little ones, With working at the club I maybe able to do a big one this year.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and chuckles. "I'll have to start real early on presents next year. Find out everyone's favorite colors and all that. Make everyone a nice lap quilt they can curl up with. Not a huge bed-size one, just smaller ones they can drape over themselves watching TV or just chatting or something."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, a bit and says "Well Ah will have to make sure to take ya down there soon as well so you can meet everyone and get to know them.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles and nods. "How are we going to get both our families together? That... would be completely awesome. But it'll take some planning out." She soon shifts from giggling into light hiccuping and sobs, reaching over to hug Sam with one arm. "Miss them so much... should've grown out of this ages ago..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and hugs her, and says "Na, and Ah will wager it might be a bit harder on you than me to he honest. Ah had to get used to sharing ma, and pa when he was alive, and then there was the whole school thing. You were home schooled by them right?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods quickly, taking a few minutes to try and gain her composure. "Right up till coming here. And till you, no siblings either. None that survived, anyways." She's more than happy to let Sam hug her for a little while, not making any attempts to get away. "Mom miscarried a couple times, and lost one to crib death. Lost two sets of twins, and one singleton. There was Heather and Chad... Bree and Kelly... and Jacob. Jacob's the one she lost to crib death. I'm the only one who made it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "We have the one set of twins, and am sorry to hear your mom seemed to have a right tough time of it, but am glad your here with us, and made it.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly, and the tears slow to a trickle. "I didn't tell any of the teachers this... didn't want them feeling sorry for me or thinking it was a mistake to let me come here."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "Ah swear girl, I am gonna hang you up by your wings, if you don't start realizing you belong here, and your worth being here. You know you talk about Sam not thinking he can be a good guy be here, and such, well you got to get it through your thick skull you do too, and your not going to be kicked to the curb.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon tries to swat Sam lightly with one of said wings and almost giggles. "Oh quit that, you're gonna make me start crying all over again!" What winds up actually happening is her wings get involved in the hug, too, in lieu of her left arm.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit down at her, and says "Sometimes Ah think that might be the real proof we are kin, self doubt and worrying we screwed things up." He looks at her, and says "Would ya believe Doug has still recently had to keep telling me, him dieing was not my fault?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles a little bit and nods. "If we're anything alike, then yeah I can believe it. I'd be blaming myself for something like that for forever and a day." She curls up like the kid sister just enjoying a big brother's hug, one of the rare more openly affectionate moments she's dared to show.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie rubs her side and says "You know it is sorta weird Doug and I bought it the first time in the same way, saving a team mate, and getting shot in the back. His was a gun by a crazed scientist, and mine a spear tentacle by a sentinel.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon winces at both scenarios. "I hope I don't have to see that happen to either of you. But it's like you told me by the lake, after Daniel was killed. Sometimes, no matter how hard you hope for it to be otherwise, sometimes it happens." She smiles a little bit, and looks up at him. "That day could come for any of us. Just hope when mine does, it's for something worthwhile."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "We try to live and do what is right and best, and make what time we have here worth while be it a few years or many many years. So, how you feeling, how long ya think till ya up and mobile?"

Nightingale has posed:
     "Got plenty to live for, too, so you can bet I'm not keen on throwing that all away for a hero's end." Shannon smiles and wriggles about a little bit, in a way that suggests she's just testing how things feel. "Well, the world doesn't try to spin off its axis every time I sit up anymore, so I'm guessing that the concussion I took on is pretty much dealt with, but I can't blame them for being cautious. There was some internal stuff, must've been blunt force trauma the woman took. Still a bit stiff and sore inside but it's way better than it was. Her left arm got all chewed up inside, though, that's taking the longest." She purses her lips a few moments, considering. "Hell, if I had my way I'd be out of here today with a brace or something for the arm and just watch it for a while, but the way I keep ending up in here, again, I get the feeling they're just trying to play it safe, so I don't wind up back in here just doing something normal."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "Trying to make sure ya don't take on more injuries, by putting ya where the injured folks go hmmm." he grins at her.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes. "Yeah, well I'm not keen on winding up back here. You think I want to see a pissed off Logan again? Or worse, a pissed off Kurt or Sam Guthrie?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Speaking of Kurt, Ah think I need to borrow what ever you are using to learn German. I speak like 7 languages and German aint one of them. A bit of a pain.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs a bit. "It can be. I fumble it a lot. Went and picked up one of those stupid little travel dictionaries at the mall in Salem Center not too long after I started hanging around with Kurt and Bean. Makes me look like an idiot having to look everything up, but between that and just practice... it helps. Oh and trust me, between those two, no matter how hard you try and avoid it, you'll probably wind up picking up all the... ahem... choice words as well." She giggles, wiggling her eyebrows. "Such as....!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "Well Ah know them in Vietnamese, Spanish, Portuguese, even a few in Russian, and French, might as well go for more." He grins a bit and says "Learned the languages of my team mates when we re young." he does not say how much of that was telepathic help on it.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Merde... so I guess no pulling one over on you in French, then. Damn." Shannon giggles and rolls her eyes. "Wow. That's a lot of different languages there. I'm guessing 'Berto was the one who taught you... Portuguese?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods his head, and says "Between him and Mara, Ah probably should have picked up latin to to be honest, but she did not speak it alot when we were around, she tried to stick to english. Russian is what Ah have picked up from Illyana and Piotr. And Xian was happy to help with the Vietnamese so we could help with her little brother and sister."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles. "I started trying to learn after I met Kurt. Didn't hear anyone else speaking it at the time, and I thought it might be nice if he had someone he could speak the language with. He keeps calling me 'kleine taube'. Or 'little dove'. It's kind of sweet, actually. I like that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Yea, Ah think the first word Ah learn in Russian was snezhinka. Which is snowflake, Piotr calls Illyana his little snowflake. Don't tell her Ah told ya though with Pete back am sure you will hear it first hand

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon tilts her head. "I've never met him. Is he a teacher here, then?" She smiles some seeming to think for a moment. "I wouldn't want to piss Illyana off, but she's got her good moments, too. Not sure how much I like her, but I don't -dislike- her, either."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and says "He just got back in and am pretty sure he will be teching Art

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon perks up immediately, her eyebrows shooting up. "Okay, so -that's- who I ought to be looking for next..." Her wings ruffle, as if she would fly out of there any second if she could. Yeah, someone's definitely getting cabin fever.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "He s a good fellow one of the nicest you will meet. Big Russian hard to miss when ya see him.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "Any idea what is best medium is, by any chance? Or should I be asking someone else about sculpting and stuff like that?" Where could she possibly be leading with this?

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "He is mostly painting and drawing Ah think but he may know a thing or three about other forms. " His phone beeps at him "Looks like I am needed.""

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and reluctantly settles back. "Think they'll let me out of here sometime today?" She brings her laptop back to onto her lap and opens it up. "I'm really starting to go stir crazy in here!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie shrugs and says "Hope so, but I don't know as some folks like to say Ah hit things with my head." He smirks and hugs her again, before heading towards the door.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and hugs back, settling back in for the morning. "Hey.. keep out of trouble, you. See you later, and hopefully not in here!"