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Latest revision as of 15:52, 18 October 2019

A scent that beats Pixie's
Date of Scene: 15 October 2019
Location: Hank's Lab - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Extra credit was had by all, except Shannon who had extra rainbows
Cast of Characters: Beast, Nightingale, Triage, Pixie, Rage

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy has the fume hood going. Anyone who comes in will hear the faint hum of the high powered fans inside the fume hood going. Inside the hood are a pair of, yup, grenades, each tagged as defused. Hank puts on goggles, and a white coat over his suit, and some gloves for good measure. To whoever's in here, he starts "don't worry about the fumes getting outside. We have industrial scrubbers that prevent any bad stuff from exahusting from the base."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods once as she listens to Hank, coming in alongside Triage. "Should we all be wearing goggles, Mr. McCoy?" She peers at the grenades, keeping her arms crossed over her chest, and not leaning in too close. "So these are the chemical ones that were meant to send Laura off the rails?"

Triage has posed:
"Already on it," Triage answers. He looks around until he finds more goggles and begins to hand them around to the others. "Here's hoping that we didn't buy free trips to the moon." He hands the last pair to Andrea and teases, "This is one way to avoid the stink on social media but I wouldn't recommend it."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn wasn't really keen on science classes, mostly because she had a habit of setting stuff off once it reacted to a few handfuls of misplaced Pixie dust, so when she steps rather hesitantly into Hank's lab, she shivers a bit at the sigh of thos friggin' grenades, keeping a safe distance. "Sooo, are we like, gonna make bombs today, or what?" she asks, cheerfully. She beams at Triage as he hands her goggles, thankful for a pair, but still keeping a distance from fuse hoods and explody things.

Rage has posed:
Taking a goggle, Andrea puts them on. "If something goes off, you guys can always just hide behind me. I'm sure my war form can take a grenade to the chest." She says with a bit of jest, and some measure of confidece.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy smiles to the students who are here. "Yes I suggest you all wear safety goggles and coats. It's good practice whenever doing this kind of lab work. And no, we're not making bombs. These grenades are defused. I'm going to demonstrate how to take a sample and do an analysis on it. So, here I have some test tubes, and a sterile cotton swab. Once you're all safe, let me know if you see where I'm going with this."

Triage has posed:
Triage nods and looks around for coats. Again, he gathers enough for the group. He drapes them over one shoulder and moves from one person to the next, offering a coat and helping the wearer into it if necessary. "Just a precaution, like chemistry class at the school," he remarks.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and accepts the coat as well, tucking her wings in tight behind her to make it a bit easier to put the thing on. "I'd guess if these are the grenades from the attack the other day, we'd be taking samples to see just what the compound is made of, and maybe find if there's a way to counter it." Perhaps answering Megan and Hank both in one fell swoop--no pun intended. She steps back so others can get a look at the grenades and the sampling process if they want.

Rage has posed:
Throwing her coat on, Andrea fashionably rocks it with a hairband that she uses to pull her hair back and away from her face. "I'm really not all that great at science. So, just tell me what to do and I can just robotically do it. I'm more curious about that monster I fought and what that thing was made of. My claws was slicing into it, but it was like deep scratches."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn shivers and nods, taking a lab coat and wrapping it over her body, her sharp wings popping out. "Wow, is that even safe? I mean, is this something we'd have to do one day too? Playing with...Err, I mean..Defusing grenades and bombs n' stuff?" even as she shivers, that's the least of her worries. Megan seems to have developed a bit of a cold, and she sniffles, and suddenly sneezes, sending a small sprinkle of pink dust to fly. Hopefully no one is too close by!

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy shakes his head. "No Megan, you won't have to be defusing bombs. BUt you may someday need to help in a lab, with someone's life on the line. So what I'd like eachof you to do is take a Q tip, and rub it on,and inside one of the grenades, tag it with which grenade it was, and drop it into one of these test tubes. Including you, Andrea. It's good to practice, in case you need to to it. Because you're right, practice means you can robotically do it, in a pinch."

Nightingale has posed:
"Bless y..." Oh, dear. Too late. Shannon's right in the 'splash zone' near poor Megan, and... yep. Pixie dust. As many times as she's been able to avoid the stuff, her luck has finally run out. It lands on her face and hands, and she tries to rub the stuff away, but it only gets ground into her skin. Her expression goes from almost stoic, to wide-eyed, and then... the giggles. She can't wipe the silly grin off of her face, and she reaches up as if to poke at something in the air only visible to her eyes.

Triage has posed:
Following the doctor's order, Triage locates sampling swabs, adhesive tags, and several pens, and a box of sterile latex gloves. Again, he makes his round to be sure that each participant has the necessary materials. He is far enough from the area of impact to miss the blast of dust. He fishes a tissue from a pocket and daubs at Shannon's face with it. "We might need some moisture for this," he concludes. He leaves to rummage in another of those secret places in every lab where any good scientist stashes sterile wipes. He also finds a surgical mask for Pixie. He returns to Shannon and instructs, "Hold still."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn laughs nervously, coming cautiously closer to the fume hood. "Yikes! Excuse me..Thanks Triage.." How very helpful. She takes the sticky tags and pen and especially the mask, wrapping it around her mouth, wishing she could cover her wings with two big masks or something!

"Uhh...suuure..Just touching bombs..No sweat!" hopefully she wont sneeze over everything or spew out more of that crazy fairy dust on everyone. Who knows what might happen then? But looks like it's too late for Shannon, "ah, sorry about that! Just enjoy the ride, it'll fade soon..Hopefully. Eventually?" Her hands are still shaking as she nears the hood, eyeing those crazy grenades nervously as she reaches cautiously to wipe the q-tip inside one of them before labelling it and placing the q-tip in said test tube. "Sooo are we gonna test this stuff too? This stuff isn't gonna make us sick, is it?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy snickers. "It's not going to make you sick because it's in the fume hood. The hood is sucking up any of the gases and scrubbing them. now what I wan tyou to do is put these stoppers on top of the tubes, make sure the labels are stuck on security, and take turns putting the tubes into that machine over there. Save the results on this memory stick, and boom. You've done real world science. Now pardon me while I Take this call." apparently at student is misbehaving... he'll have to take this call outside.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon is oblivious to Megan, Hank, and anyone else in her vicinity. She sort of drifts towards the back of the group, holding up her left hand as if something's landed on it. Giggling softly, she motions as if petting some creature on her hand, in a world all her own. She's not putting up much of a fight to anyone, but neither is she very responsive at the present moment.

Triage has posed:
Triage watches warily when Shannon backs away from the others. In her case, retreating is probably safe, so he steps toward the table where the grenades await. He glances to Pixie. "It's easy but delicate work," he explains. He labels one of the Q-tips that he meant for Shannon to use, and then carefully collects a sample from the grenade's crevices. Then he slips the sample into a vial. "See? Now you try." He steps back to provide room for Pixie.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn arches a brow at Shannon, patting her on the back. "Heeey, are you alright? What do you see?" she's a little curious actually, even though she *thinks* her fairy dust can't cause any serious damage. She pouts a bit at Triage and Henry. "Oh suure it's easy. Delicate is what I'm worried about.." Megan sniffles a bit, trying hard not to sneeze again. She may be wearing a mask, but her wings are still exposed and wouldn't fit under the lab coat. "Okaaay.." she carefully places the stopper on the tube, reaching for another grenade with a swab and places that in another tube before stoppering it. She manages to swab three or four before she has to step back a few paces and sneeze again, trying extra hard not to get any fairy dust on anyone this time. "PHew, are we almost done?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles softly, turning towards Megan and holding her hand out to the girl. "Can't you see the big blue butterfly? It's saying hi!" Yeah, no, she's not coming down off of this trip for a while. But, on the plus side of things, at least she's not seeing anything terrifying, either! She turns towards Triage, holding her hand out in his direction, too, as if trying to show him something. "You see it, don't y... whoah... wait, when did you two turn into pink fluffy teddy bears?" She has the goofiest grin on her face as she looks between Triage and Pixie.

Triage has posed:
"You did well," Triage encourages. "We should get several samples from each grenade." He glances over his shoulder to Shannon, in time for her question. "It's a remarkable specimen!" he answers. "If you will, keep it near the door while I finish here." He looks to Megan. "I'd like to help you with that sneezing later, if you agree. I'm not sure how much good I can do but I'd like to try." When Shannon seems to enter a new phase to her little adventure, he frowns. "I probably will need to help Shannon when she recovers. She might have a headache, or worse."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy comes back in, shaking his head. "Hope you kids are being good. Someone just got detention for two weeks. Gardening. Might turn that to groundskeeping since it's not exactly gardening season in New York." He looks around. "Looking good but uh.. Shannon. Did you... Shannon. Come lie down."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn grins at Shannon, "Wow, you sure got a lot of dust!" she giggles, "Nah, there are no talking butterflies up there, and we're not giant teddybears, it's just your imagination. Cool, huh?" she comes back over once the sneeze has settled and beams at Triage. "You must have done this before, you now where everything is, and exactly what to do!" she does arch a curious brow at his offer of help. "Ooh, you're a healer too, aren't you? But can you really heal a cold like a wound?" well she's totally open to finding out and she nods with a grin. "Sure, let's try it a bit later maybe? I dont wanna dust everyone by mistake!" although it would be super fun!

Megan just makes a face at Henry. "Of course we're behaving. Like, totally!" she winks at Shannon.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon is all giggles, and does not put up any fight at all as Hank helps her find somewhere to lie down and let the pixie dust take its course. As she settles down, she has a silly little smile on her face, and is humming some familiar old tune from the sixties... my god, was that 'Age of Aquarius'?!

Triage has posed:
Triage caps and labels the last of the bottles, and then carries them to the analyzer. He inserts each vial in its chamber and nods to his former teacher. "They're ready when you are, sir." Then he turns to Megan and bows. "Thank you. And yes ... I've handled quite a few of the recent injuries. Yours is the first real case of the sniffles, but that's fine. It's a nice change." Then he glances to Shannon who is now drifting in her own blissful world. "Do you have any idea how long she'll be ..." He shrugs. "Out of touch?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy shakes his head,and starts guiding Shannon along. "Okay, she'll rest. You three get extra credit for your legitimate science work. Later when we publish the findings, I'll make sure you get credit. Even if it's likely only to be published internally. Now go get some dinner. Good work."