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Pixie gets the sniffles
Date of Scene: 19 October 2019
Location: Wellness Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Triage and Shannon attempt to cure Pixie of the flu..With interesting results.
Cast of Characters: Pixie, Triage, Nightingale

Pixie has posed:
A few hours after arriving back at the school since the coronation that went rather awry, Megan stumbles into the wellness office, sniffling and sneezing and looking markedly sicker as she searches for a med bed, and with any luck she might find a healer to help her rapidly worsening cold. Now she seems to be getting the chills and is starting to wonder if she has the flu or something worse. "Aarrrrgh, I feel like hell.." she murmurs between sniffles.

Triage has posed:
Before entering the portal, Chris had paused to look at Pixie. His face showed his concern. "You don't look at all well," he worried with a shake of his head. "When we're back and safe, I'd like to help." Without waiting for an answer, he slipped through the swirling field of energy and arrived on the other side, back in the mansion. He had hurried to the Wellness Office to stow the satchel before Megan could see it again and recall its gruesome contents. While he waited, he tended to other matters, including paperwork, the bane of all organizations.

When she arrives, he looks up from the forms. Even though she looks worse than ever, he smiles in welcome, hoping to put her at ease. "You're my only patient. I don't think that we met when I was here as a student but if I can help you, I will."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon wanders into the wellness office, looking for something to ease a stress headache that was brewing just behind and above her eyes. This had been a particularly rough night, and her already 'off' mood was not helped by it in the least. She nods to both already present, and frowns slightly. Pixie did -not- sound good, and the last time she'd gotten in the way of a sneeze, she'd been high as a kite and had the weirdest visions ever. "Hey... wow, sounds like you've got one helluva doozy there, Megan."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn sighs and shivers some more as she crawls into one of the beds, pulling the covers over her. "I think I'm coming down with the flu.." she sniffles, a look of pure horror in her eyes for some reason. "I've never really been sick much as a kid or when my powers manifested, except once...And it took me a long time to get better. I had pneumonia and I nearly died, cuz the medicine didn't work very well.." well apparently the many medicines they tried on her eventually worked or she wouldn't have got better, but the memory still stayed with her. When Triage and Shannon enter, she smiles faintly, "Hi Shannon, Triage! Your real name is Chris right? We met a couple times briefly. I'm Megan. Is it true you're a healer too? Can you really heal colds and stuff too?"

Triage has posed:
Triage strolls to the bed that Megan chose. "Yes, it's Chris," he confirms. He glances to Shannon. "We work in different ways, but we're both healers. Most of the students are resilient about routine illnesses. Shannon usually helps with injuries. Still, I've wondered if she can deal with problems like yours." While he talks, he gently rests his hand on Megan's shoulder, sensing her condition by touch.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs, and nods to Triage. "That's something I've never had a chance to find out. Nobody's ever bothered asking." She stays nearby, just in case she's needed or wanted, ignoring the pounding behind her eyes for now.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn nods and smiles nervously, unsure how their powers might work on her unique physiology. "Yeah, I don't usually get sick but when I do it's pretty scary.." she does stiffen a bit as he touches her though. "Careful! I'm pretty contagious, keep spewing faerie dust everywhere now...Ahhhhh--" she tries to stifle the sneeze but it comes anyway, even as she covers her mouth. "Choo!!" as her body shudders, a burst of faerie dust explodes suddenly from her wings.

Triage has posed:
"Shannon, before we do anything, if you have even a slight risk of being sick, you should take something," he suggests. He closes his eyes, concentrating. He frowns. "She definitely has --" Then Megan sneezes. He's not directly in the line of fire, but with faerie dust, even remotely close is enough to cause problems, and he is touching her. In her state, direct contact might be even more of a risk, especially for someone who heals by such contact. His body twitches. He manages enough control to finish that one thoguht. "She ... has the flu." Then the effect deepens. A euphoric grin begins to spread over his face. He looks at Megan again. He raises his hand from her shoulder and then playfully combs his fingers through her hair. "I ... don't ... know ..." he says dreamily. "How could I forget such pretty pink hair ... and eyes ... if I met you?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes ever so slightly and gently guides Chris away from Pixie, to help him sit down on one of the other beds. She knew all too well from firsthand experience the potent effects of that faerie dust, and right now, Chris was in no fit state to be healing anybody. Once she helps him sit down out of the 'splash zone', she turns back to Megan.

She was going to have to act quickly, before the girl sneezed again and the chance was lost. But could she do it? Could she absorb illness as well as injury?

There was only one way to find out.

She strides right back to Megan's bed, and smiles a little bit at her. "Just try not to sneeze for a minute or two, okay?" Resting her hand on her friend's forehead, she closed her eyes, and began to tap into her gift, opening herself to the illness within Megan.

"You know the drill... just like with your ankle that one time. Just a little warmth and tingling, if this works..."

She hisses softly as, for some inexplicable reason, she begins to feel like utter -crap-. A sniffle escapes her, but she's got the answer to her question. It seems she'll really have to be careful with colds and flu as well; she was glad that at least Josh had helped her learn to guard against inadvertantly absorbing an injury or illness.

This, though, was deliberate. She was soaking up that illness like a sponge, hopefully bringing Megan some relief, and removing the danger of another outburst of faerie dust.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks in surprise at Chris' reaction towards her, and for a moment she blushes and giggles, flattered. "What? you really think so..?" then of course she realizes it's the faerie dust talking and she pouts a little as Shannon pushes him away. So embarrassing! "I'm sooo sorry! I can't control it!" with a sigh, she proceeds to dive further under the covers, until Shannon touches her and starts to transfer the illness to herself. Megan does indeed feel a warm, tingling sensation as Shannon does her thing but as she takes on her own illness, Megan frowns and attempts to push her away before she can take on too much. "That's enough, Shannon, no need to hurt yourself in the process, I'll be okay.."

Triage has posed:
"Hey!" Chris objects when Shannon starts to lead him away from Megan's bed. "Where ... where am I ... going?" he wonders. He stumbles backward. If not for Shannon's sure hand, he probably would land flat on his butt on the floor. Instead, he plops onto the next bed beside Megan's, where he laughs for a minute. Then he starts to sing, "Honey I just wonder what you do there in the back of your pink Cadillac, pink Cadillac!" while keeping the tempo to the song with his hands on the mattress of the bed.

Nightingale has posed:
     Megan might have done well to let the connection between healer and patient alone. As Shannon is pushed away and the connection is forcibly broken, she stumbles backwards, gasping. Beads of sweat break out on her forehead, and her hand goes to her chest. Her breathing becomes shallow, and her color is definitely -not- good. Her eyes are wide, and she winds up backing into one of the beds on the other side of Megan, the impact enough to land her on her rear end.

     This was not a good day for her /at all/.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn had thought she was doing a good thing by not letting Shannon take on her full illness, perhaps not understanding the full capabilities or consequences or her powers. Even as she feels some of her own strength returning, Megan notices how much weaker Shannon is, and doesn't she have a bit of a healing factor or something too? "Oh no, what have I done?" she's still aware of Chris' singing, which would be sweet under other circumstances were it real..But right now it just seems like she has incapacitated the two people who can actually help her. Megan drags herself out of bed, not quite as sick as before but not fully healed either, and attempts to catch Shannon before she can fall on the floor, gently trying to lower her on the nearby bed. "Chris, please help me, you gotta snap out of it!" usually her pixie dust can take some 10 to 20 min to wear off, hopefully his healing factor might make it go by faster, but even Logan has suffered lingering effects from it in the past..

Triage has posed:
Chris is still in his own world, singing the song until Shannon stumbles backward and hits the bed. It could have been worse. She could have smacked onto the floor, but her imopact is enough for the bed to protest with a loud creak. The noise causes Chris to flinch. His eyes widen as adrenaline surges through his body, forcing his already hyper-resilient healing system into overdrive. He shakes his head vigorously. "What?" he wonders, looking around him. Then he hears Shannon's gasps. He bolts from the bed and hurries across the room. "Shannon!" he yells to her. He grabs her shoulder and closes his eyes. Exactly as he did when he first discovered his gift, he focuses healing power on helping her.

Nightingale has posed:
     Within the young winged mutant, a battle for her life is underway. On one side of the battle lines is her own body, her heart rebelling as the connection to Megan was forcibly broken. On the other is Triage, who is pouring his healing into her. Her eyes are wide with terror and shock--never has anyone tried to do this, never has anyone forced the healing to stop. Shannon grips the edge of the bed, her breathing labored, fighting to hold on to life. "Don't... let me... die..."

     As Chris continues to work on her, her breathing becomes a little deeper, but there are still beads of sweat on her forehead. It's working, but may take a little longer yet.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn watches in wide eyed horror, taking a step back, fearful of messing up again. "Omigosh omigosh what have I done?! please tell me she'll be alright!,, I'm sooo sorry!" she sinks against the nearby wall, head in her hands, tears streaming down her face. If something happens to Shannon, she will never forgive herself..

Triage has posed:
"Fight, Shannon! Fight!" Chris whispers, still pressing his hand to her shoulder. Instinctively, his other hand reaches for her hand. "Come back! Please, come back!" He hears Megan's sobs and assures, "I'm helping her!"

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon is indeed fighting. While her heart is rebelling against her, Triage is finally able to stabilize her. Her color begins to return to normal, her breathing even out, and the grimace of agony and terror on her face begin to shift to something a bit less distressing. She glances at Chris, then Megan, taking several breaths, gulping in life-giving air.

     "It's gonna be okay..."