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Latest revision as of 16:26, 26 October 2019

The Night of the Living Sams.
Date of Scene: 22 October 2019
Location: Rec Room - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Wolfman got Nards
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Nightingale, Samuel Morgan, Rift

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has gotten the rec room tonight and set up the night for some of the fun classic not so scary halloween movies. He has put out word on the student boards that food and movies would be there tonight for all who want to join. The first movie of the night is Monster Squad.

Nightingale has posed:
     Horror movies had never really been Shannon's thing. Oh sure, there were a very select few that piqued her interest, but this was a new one on her. She shuffles into the rec room, bringing what looks like a fairly good-size pan of mac 'n cheese with her to add to the feast; it still has most of its contents left, and warm enough that she has to use oven mitts. She finds an empty table to set the pan down on, and sets a serving spoon inside it. Thankfully, it looks like there are paper plates and plastic cutlery handy for movie night, to make cleanup less of a chore. She wiggles a wing at Cannonball in lieu of a wave, and flops down on a beanbag chair with a soft -whump-.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    After the chat earlier today, after the anticipation and anxiety, Bean had to go to his room for a long hot shower. Somehow just talking about a certain place made him feel dirty, and he had to wash the imaginary ash and grime off his skin. Which means that, by the time he comes back downstairs for his second try at 'movie night', he has ditched his more militaristic outfit for something altogether more ... normal? Human? Something /less like Bean/ at any rate. Loose lounge pants, a long sleeved shirt, a thick sweater... he's even in warm socks rather than his usual combat boots. Like with all things, he takes relaxing seriously, it seems.

    His nose leads him as much as any other sense, and by the time he comes into the rec room, he already knows he's going to add a mile to his morning run. There is Mac and Cheese... he must have some. And so Sam gets a respectful nod while he heads straight for the food, only noticing Shannon when he's halfway through scooping himself a large plate. "Oh. Hi!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over tot he two, he has himself some carmal kettle corn, and cheerwine set aside. He looks over to the two of the students that have shown up, and wil say "Hey you two. Ok Sam, whatdo you know of classic horror movie monsters?

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her shoulders a little bit, wincing as she does so. But she smiles over to Bean, extending a wing towards him in lieu of a wave. "Hi, Bean! Hi, big brother!" She debates snatching a bit of the cheerwine, having gained a taste for it on her relatively recent trip to visit her folks. But no, instead she hugs her knees to her chest, listening to the two Sam's.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Don't read the books, stay away from haunted houses, never sleep in the one house near where your car mysteriously breaks down and shoot the head to kill the ghoul?" Yup. If this were a tactical exercise, that might have scored some points. Horror movies... he may need an education. With plate and cutlery, he finds a seat on the sofa... and stretching out rather than sitting rigidly as he usually does. That's practically a slouch! "How many monsters are in this squad?" And, inquiring minds need to know, is there going to be a Monster Platoon, a Monster Company, a Monster Batallion and a Monster Regiment too?

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie chuckles and says "Well I was thinking of specific monsters, Dracula, Frankenstein and such. He hmms and says "5 of them technically, I think. This one is more fun than scary but I think you will both like it, thinking hocus pocus next." He tells the two, and munches some popcorn

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon seems to perk up at mention of 'Hocus Pocus', but doesn't get up. "Anyways, that's Franken-schteen." She tries to give the name its 'correct' pronunciation, bursting into a fit of giggles. "Another great one is 'Storm of the Century'. Definitely wouldn't let the younger kids see that one, but it's one of those that really gets you thinking pretty deep."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Oh, I've heard about most of them. Some things are pretty universal." Omnom, mac'n cheese! This is one happy Bean at the moment, curious as to what the movie is going to be about.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and will start the movie, and says "I think you will enjoy this." He reclines in his seat a bit and watches the movie as well as the kids, making sure to tell them not to torment Andrea with one of the famous lines.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon wrinkles her nose a bit at the movie, but shrugs and smiles. The company was good, there was no denying that. Finally, she can't resist the call of the mac 'n cheese, getting herself a healthy helping of it, with a grin at Bean. She holds up two fingers with a giggle. "At least you won't be running all this off alone in the morning. I'm cleared for normal duty again." She nibbles on the mac 'n cheese, frowning a little in thought. "It was kind of weird. I wanted to make some cookies for this but had to go with mac 'n cheese instead. Couldn't find the baking soda."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Ah, the baking soda... nope, Bean's not going there. He just smiles a private smile, grins at Sam, and leans back after finishing his plate. Leans so far back that, after ten minutes, his legs join him on the sofa. From there it's a very small step to just stretching out and maybe, just maybe, try watching this laying down. Ten minutes after that, the inevitable happens.

    Luckily for the rest of the students, Bean doesn't snore.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles a bit and says "I will put another bag of it on the shopping list it is ok no need to worry about to much. He will tell Shannon. After a bit he looks over and sees sam sleeping "Think he earned it." he says softly.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles, keeping her voice low so as not to wake Bean. "Thanks. Can't figure out what happened to it. Would lose my head if it wasn't on my shoulders." She rubs her shoulders a little bit, and goes back to nomming on the mac 'n cheese. "Guess I never really understood the appeal of horror movies. There's enough blood and gore and misery out there, why would we want to see more of it on screen?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah think more of the folks who enjoy them either have not seen much of them or have become a bit calloused from the world. Then there are just folks who like to be scared Ah think. This one is not bad it is ok for the kidlets even." About that time one of the kids kicks the woman between the legs calling out "Wolfman's got nards" as he does in the movie."

Rift has posed:
A red flare of light comes from the kitchen as Rift portals in. She immediatesly opens the fridge and snags a turkey leg. The whole leg. And then wanders out, her glow fading quickly. "Oh, hi guys. What'cha doin'?" she asks, gnawing on said leg.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon stifles a giggle at that line, covering it with the task of nibbling on some mac 'n cheese. The red flare of light catches her by surprise and she glances around to find the source. "Oh... hi!" Her brows furrow as she tries to figure out who this is, tilting her head and very much looking like someone who must have lost their wits somewhere along the way. "Don't remember you... are you new here?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "Hey Kitora, want to join us for a movie? We are watching Monster squad. Beware the sleeping Sam on the couch, and Kit has ben here for a while Shannon, you two just have not had classes together. She is ahead of you in classes.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua blinks. "I've been here for most of my life," she muses softly, clicking her tongue. "Oooo, monster movies?" she asks, taking another big bite of the turkey leg. "Yeah - I don't go to school here anymore - I'm going to Empire State, but live here after the Sentinel business." She looks around, frowning, the main other spot to see the TV - the couch - taken so she simply shrugs, starts to glow, and taking one of the chairs, sits on the ceiling upside down, gnawing on the turkey leg as she watches.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon looks about to hold her hand out to the other girl and... the chair. The ceiling. The most improbable mixture of all. She cranes her neck, nearly flipping upside down in her efforts to see what is going on. "Oh... wow. That's neat! But aren't you getting a headrush from that or something?" She giggles softly. "Bet that's a killer on April Fool's Day, put people's furniture on the ceiling and make them go 'what the heck'."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will smile a bit at the two and sips his drink. He actually enjoys sitting baclk and just watching folks at times.

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua grins. "No. Down is this way to me," she states, pointing at the ceiling. My powers are gravity-based. So right now - down is literally up." She giggles as she winks at Shannon. "Sorry - did you guys want anything?" she asks as she is still gnawing on the leg.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's phone rings, and he looks at it "Looks like I need to go head out and take this. You two take care, and hocus pocus is qued for next if ya want to watch it juist push play when this finishes

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles. "Oh man... so the world must be like an M.C. Escher painting to you sometimes. You know, the crazy ones that have the stairs looping back in on themselves, and furniture on the walls and ceilings and in all sorts of weird spots." She pouts a little as Sam has to go, getting up and heading over to give him a hug. "By the way, got a small question to ask you when you get back. Triage, Remy and I were tossing around some ideas for before the weather gets real bad out there."

Rift has posed:
Kitora Alua smiles. "I never thought about it that way...." She sighs softly, rubbing her forehead. "I guess it does sometime. But 'down' is what I want it to be." She giggles softly as she winks at you. "What about you? It's nice to meet you, Shannon, by the way."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon giggles, and spreads her wings out a bit. Though she doesn't extend them to their full span, in the interest of keeping knickknacks and food on tables where they belong, it's enough to hint at that span, for sure. "Just a flier, and a healer. My folks called me their little Nightingale, so I kept it. It works." She purses her lips slightly, trying to think of the best way to explain her gifts. "There's still an awful lot I'm learning about my mutation. But basically, with the healing... I touch someone, I absorb their injuries. So it's good that I heal pretty fast, too."