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Checking In With The Healer
Date of Scene: 20 October 2019
Location: Wellness Office - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Triage and Shannon talk about one of life's Big Questions, wondering at the existance of violence. Other matters are discussed, and Kaydin even joins them briefly for a snack!
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Triage, Kaydin LeGraize

Nightingale has posed:
     It's a quiet afternoon, with most classes done for the day, except perhaps one or two later ones. A familiar winged figure slips into the wellness office with a small plate in hand, her color greatly improved from the day before. She doesn't make a big scene of coming in, just stays quietly by the door till she's seen. There's no smile, but at least her wings aren't drooping, either.

Triage has posed:
Triage closes a cabinet that is blocking his view, restocking supplies /again/. Taking responsibility for the office apparently means replenishing the inventory of routine supplies. He turns from locking the door, sees Shannon, and smiles warmly. "Hey!" he greets. He beckons with his hand and obviously teases, "Don't block the door! Someone with real problems might come." Then he nods to the chairs. "Pick a chair." While she responds, he snatches the empty box from the floor and quickly disassmbles it to prepare it for recycling.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles and moves away from the door, sliding the plate onto the desk at the center of the room. On it is an assortment of fruits and sliced cheese, a decent afternoon snack. "Figured you might be getting a little hungry by now. It can get pretty crazy in here at times." She perches on one of the chairs, but reaches down for an empty box to break it down. Many hands make light work, after all!

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    A blur moves into the wellness office, and soon the boxes become a part of the blur and soon all were broken down. One of the cheeses vanishes and Kaydin appears eating it. "Hey medic peoples. How goes the ol healing bidness?" He asks as he reaches into a pack and pulls out a jug of hawaiian punch. A blur and he is back with three glasses, pouring them.

Triage has posed:
Chris reaches for the box, and suddenly, with a puff of breeze, it disappears only to reappear, along with others, added to the pile in the corner. Chris blinks and looks to Shannon as if seeking confirmation of what happened. "Great timing," he says. "Things are slow, as you can see." He waves to indicate the otherwise unoccupied room. When Kaydin reappears, setting out the plastic tumblers from the kitchen and preparing to pour the punch, Chris grins. "Thanks! That helped much. I hope that this isn't business for you. Small accidents seem to be in fashion this week, probably because people are excited about fall."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles, a rueful smile turning the corners of her lips upwards. "Less medic and more patient today, I'm afraid, Kaydin. It seemed like a follow-up with Chris here might be wise, and see how much longer I'm on light duty for. But enough about that... how have -you- been?" She relaxes her wings a little bit, letting them ruffle a bit behind her instead of holding them close and tense. "Ooooo... Hawaiian Punch! Haven't had that stuff in, oh, forever!"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I carry a jug with me, no matter where I go." Kaydin says as he offers her the first poured glass. Then then pours Chris a glass and then himself one. "I been fine. Been busy at home. GPS on the phone has trouble keeping up with me." He says as he sips his punch. "So you two having a slow day. Boy I miss those days."

Triage has posed:
"I have," Chris clarifies. "Shannon should be back to classes but careful." He glances to Shannon and then sips the punch. Lowering the glass and swirling it, he adds, "Now that takes me far back, all the way to Michigan and summer breaks from school." He laughs. "'The good old days,' some would say."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles. "I did go to classes today, but I was wondering when it'd be safe to get back to exercising. Morning runs, the danger room, all that happy jazz." Offering Kaydin a grateful smile, she accepts the glass, raising it in a toast to both of them. "Salut!"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    "I been trying to catch the danger room for two weeks already. Seems like all the staff are busy." Kaydin says as he holds his glass up to Shannon and smiles before sipping it. "I been pushing my speed. Going faster and faster. Afraid I will break the time barrier."

Triage has posed:
Chris lowers his glass and looks at Kaydin, titling his head slightly. "Is pushing your speed a good idea?" he asks. "Have you talked to anyone who knows about such things to learn if that might cause problems for your body, or for ..." He shrugs. "For reality itself? You might open a door that you can't close. Then what?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon tilts her head as she listens, raising her eyebrows. "Wow. That's... actually a pretty serious consideration there. I mean... has anyone ever clocked you, Kaydin? Is it even possible to go fast enough to break a time barrier? Whew... and I thought sixty-five to seventy was fast!" She whistles low, sipping her punch and looking between the two gentlemen. "Who could we even ask about this stuff?"

Kaydin LeGraize has posed:
    Kaydin shrugs. "The lightning effect is similar to the Flash's lightning. I believe the cause of my speed is a connection to the speedforce. I been talking to Star Labs and they believe that the same energy which protects my body will keep me from destroying myself with intensive speeds. My top speed has me circling the globe in about 20 to 30 minutes." He says as he as he sips his punch. It is then the zelda theme plays and he answers his phone. "I need to head home. Here keep the jug." He says as he zooms out.

Triage has posed:
Chris's brows furrow while Kaydin details the effect and connects it to the Flash. "Experiments can be useful with good precautions." He reaches to take a piece of fruit from Shannon's plate. "Above all, involve other people who might be able to help if things go badly." Then the phone rings and Kaydin takes the call. When the speedster finishes and and announces his departure, Chris nods. "Thanks!" he calls whe Kaydin races away, leaving the jug of punch in the office.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon opens her mouth to wish Kaydin safe travels--but he's gone. Just like that, in a flash of blue lightning, without even a breeze to mark his passage. "Wow." She chuckles softly, shaking her head. "Definitely some questions to ask about that speed ability of his. Wonder who we should bring it up to?"

Glancing around the wellness office, she smiles faintly, almost ruefully, her eyes unfocusing for just a moment, as if in thought. "Nice to see it quiet in here for a change. Knock on wood. Feels good to lay down the load for a little while."

Triage has posed:
Chris looks toward the exit and nods. "He said that he was pushing it. That implies some control, which is good. The question is, why does he want to push it further? If he's doing that for the wrong reason, even for ego or something like that, he could cause severe problems to himself and others. I always worry about that when people talk about pushing their gifts past the boundaries." He eats the piece of fruit and then sips more of the punch. "I worried about that even with you." He lifts his free hand to silence any protest. "I don't mean that you need to boost your ego, but you worked here alone for a while. You might have begun to feel that you need to do more, simply to cope with that." He takes a piece of cheese. "One of the counselors might need to talk to him about that. As for the power, I think that he should talk to The Flash."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon goes very, very quiet, her wings wrapping around herself as if she were tugging a warm blanket around her shoulders. She gets that unfocused look again, for a few minutes. "I did what I had to. It made it hard sometimes to really understand why they all got so protective. Still don't know how I'll test those abilities and find those limits, without putting myself or someone else in danger." Her voice takes on a very distant quality, as if perhaps she is reminiscing. "Not the first time I've heard, 'make sure you're not alone', either. But it's real hard when there just -isn't- anyone else who can step up." She smiles a little bit. "You've got to find a way to keep going, otherwise how many are going to die if you don't?"

Triage has posed:
Chris eyes Shannon when she retreats visibly, shielding herself with those wings and seeming almost to talk to herself like a Shakespearean actor in one of the famous monologues. He drains the glass and sets it on the desk with a light tap to remind her that he's still here. "That's why I decided to return, and stay," he quietly tells her. "Andrea asked me to consider something, an offer," He shakes his head. "No, she doesn't want me to sing backup for her. Even if she did, I'm not sure what I'd say. Things like that tend to have too many strings if what I've heard is true."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon blinks, ruffling her wings a little and glancing over. They remain folded about her, but she seems to be back in the present. "Heh, the 'offer you can't refuse' kind of thing? What offer was that?" She tilts her head, looking over at Chris. What kind of offer could Andrea have possibly made?

Triage has posed:
"She wants to open a free clinic for people who can't go to regular hospitals," Chris explains. "She'll have nurses there for routine things but she asked me if I would work there to handle the things that ... aren't so routine." He grabs a chair and pulls it near the desk where Shannon is perched. "I asked for time to think about it. I don't know how the community would react to a clinic like that. I do know that the students here need more help."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon's shoulders slump and her wings droop almost immediately, her expression first one of stark dismay, and then resignation. She sighs softly, ducking her head. "Well..." she muses. "...at least things got a little more organized in here first. That'll make it a little easier, I guess."

Triage has posed:
Chris drops into the chair and reaches to rest his hand for a moment on Shannon's arm. "I don't plan to leave this place. I know that other people need help, but I can't help all of them. Even if I spent all of my time in hospitals, I couldn't do that, and both of us know it." He sits back in the chair. "As I said, they might not /welcome/ her or her clinic. People can be like that, especially if they've become a ghetto." He waves to the room. "I know this place. I know the people. Most of them seem to trust me, even if I wasn't able to help much at the coronation. This seems more like home, where I belong."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon lets out a sigh of relief, her expression telling the tale of someone who's just dodged a bullet. "The people out there need help, though. Still... is it wrong I'm really glad you're probably deciding to stay?" She smiles a little bit. "I don't know if I can take on that much alone again. Maybe... if I had to, but I -shouldn't- have to..."

Triage has posed:
"It's not wrong and you shouldn't bear that weight alone," Chris answers. "You're already in trouble with the staff for that. I don't intend for that to happen again. It's not good for you and it's not good for people here who depend on us to help when others won't or can't." He sighs. "I could be wrong, but I haven't heard of any great clamor for a clinic from the people in the community. To me, that's important. It's possible that her lawyers and accountants contrived this as a way to reduce taxes, and then pitched to her under the guise of 'charity.'"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon flinches. "How much trouble...?" Her wings droop still further, and she seems to shrink back into the chair. She'd done what she had to do when it needed doing. No, it wouldn't do to focus on that. She listens to Chris, and frowns slightly. "That... doesn't sound too kosher, when you put it that way. I wonder if she's aware of the possibility?"

Triage has posed:
When Shannon looks as if she might withdraw again, Chris shifts forward. He lays his hand on her arm. "It's nothing more than you already know - Sam and Dr. McCoy scolding you, and Kitty planning to have a chat." He shakes his head. "I haven't heard of anything else but that's more than I'd want. That's why I'm here. Remember?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head a little bit. "Mr. McCoy actually -asked- for my help once. You know the woman who just turned up in those cat videos? Winifred Burkle? She's the one who saved four mutant children. A normal human, actually caring about us and just seeing past all that other stuff. She got hurt pretty bad because of it. Mr. McCoy actually called me in to help her. It was nice, to be wanted and needed... and to give back to someone who really went above and beyond, you know? It was one of those things that gave me hope that maybe someday, all those 'differences' won't matter. So... if he's scolded me about taking on too much, it's the first I've heard of it." She pauses and ducks her head. "That was the time Logan came into the medbay roaring like a hurricane, though. You sure that's not the one you're thinking of? Sam's let me know it more than once, and Kitty... she still hasn't found me for that talk, but maybe I should either find her to talk to her, or write her an apology, at the very least."

She cracks a little bit of a smile, beginning to relax again. "When I heard about those videos and saw how well Fred's doing, it was tempting to contact her and say hi. But... I didn't. Didn't know if it'd be a security risk to the school. But it's a nice thought all the same."

Triage has posed:
Chris nods when Shannon reminds him about that visit to the medbay. "You're right. It was Logan. The place was a madhouse." He smiles. "But we handled it. Didn't we?" he asks, in an encouraging tone. "Andrea, Kitty, and Bean each had their separate messes, but we managed it. Yes, Andrea declined when I offered to help her more, but that's not our fault. In fact, it left me with more to help the others, and you."

"Go and talk to Kitty or ask for an appointment. Don't write. She seems to prefer the personal touch." Then he adds, "I didn't know about that incident with Mr. McCoy. That lady was courageous. I don't think that you should risk contacting her from here, but watch for her. If you see her again, thank her for both of us."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon blinks. "Wait a second... are we talking about the same visit to the medbay here? I'm talking about the one after helping Fred. That's the one where Logan chewed me out." She smiles a little bit. "I don't think he meant badly by it, though. Seemed more worried than anything. Startled the bejeebers out of me at first, though." She rolls her eyes and chuckles a little bit. "But ohhhh yeah, that visit to the medbay was pure chaos. Maybe it's a little presumptuous, but I'm willing to bet that others share the sentiment of being glad you were there."

She nods slowly. "Yeah. What Fred did took a lot of guts. There was no way I was going to refuse that healing. Not after she risked so much to save those kids." She shrugs a little. "It's pretty unlikely I'll run into her again anytime soon, but I'll pass that along. Maybe when I run into Mr. McCoy again, I could ask him to keep an eye out too and maybe relay that from both of us, since he does more of that outreach stuff."

She ducks her head, and for a moment, her wings wrap themselves more tightly around herself, before relaxing once more. "I've been dreading that talk with Kitty. Funny... I can face down gods and kings, but I can't seem to get past the embarrassment of blowing up like that to go talk to her. Go figure."

Triage has posed:
Chris waves his had. "We've had several rough sessions since I returned. I think that they're blurring together in my mind. I do know that both of us have helped many people here, and that things are improving. That's important to me." Then he smiles at a thought. "Several days have passed. Kitty might have changed her mind, or she might be distracted by her boyfriend."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs and smiles a little bit. "Maybe so... but still, it's a talk that should happen. Dreading it, but... it's got to happen. Clean out the wound before it festers." She smiles some, thinking to when Peter was actually back at the school for a while. "Wonder what happened to him. Not used to seeing him in rough shape like that."

Slowly, she shakes her head, pinching the bridge of her nose. "You know, no matter how many times I've asked this, no matter who I've asked, no answer makes sense. Why does there have to be senseless violence that puts innocent people in danger, like those mutant kids? Or puts people like us in the position of having to fight it? Some say it exists just because it does. Some would say it happens because of hate, and fear, and pride."

There's a ghost of a smile, and for a moment, it looks as if she might say something else, but closes her mouth again. Whatever it was, was going to keep.

Triage has posed:
"Talk to her soon, then. Clear the air. Tell her what I've told you about staying," Chris urges. "If she neds more than that, I'll be glad to talk to her." He shrugs and adds, "As for Peter, Kitty asked me to examine him when they were here but I had the feeling that he didn't want it. I couldn't force that issue. Without examining him, I'm not sure what happened, but it must have been quite an ordeal to leave him in bad shape." He frowns and brows furrow when Shannon turns to one of life's Big Questions, the continuing presence of evil in the world. "I like to believe that there's some reason, something beyond our comprehension, in things like that, but on a human level, it still hurts. I'm sure that hate, fear, and pride are important parts." He sees the faint smile and his eyebrows rise, but like her, he remains silent, trusting that when she wants to confide in him, she will.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles a little bit more, looking down at her hands, flexing her fingers slowly. Her eyes unfocus again, and her wings wrap around her as if in some odd, feathery sort of hug. "May not know why violence is, or even if it just.. is. But backing down and giving up is not an option." There's a quiet, oddly steely resolve to her voice for just a few moments. "Even if we don't understand why things are as they are. At least there's still some kindness in the world." Her smile widens a bit more, and her eyes just twinkle a little.

Triage has posed:
"That might be part of the reason behind it," Chris suggests. "The violence is here so that we should fight it and spread that light." he looks at Shannon. "I'm glad to see that smile again," he says. He also smiles. "Life has many mysteries, both great and small."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and chuckles a little bit. "It does. Oh, does it ever." She tilts her head and looks over at him. "You know... maybe I missed the answer. We kind of went off on a tangent there. How much longer am I on light duty?"

Triage has posed:
Chris chuckles. "You lead, but both of us took a turn," he answers. "How does your heart feel? I could check, but I trust you until you give me reason to doubt."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shrugs. "It hasn't been hurting, not like it did when the healing was stopped. But I'd rather be sure. That's something you just don't want to mess around with. What good will I be to anyone here if I keel over because something was missed?" She straightens up in the chair and holds very still, keeping her breath slow, deep and even.

Triage has posed:
Chris rises from his chair. "Do you mind if I look?" he asks. "I know. It's one thing to see other people's wounds, but to allow someone to look at you that completely ..." He nods. "I'll understand if you decline and I'll trust your judgement." To give her time to decide, he collects the bottle of punch and the glasses and heads to the kitchenette.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon actually laughs, quirking her eyebrows. "If I didn't want you to look, I wouldn't have asked in the first place. Besides, you're a gentleman." She starts forward as if to get up and help him clear away the remains of the snack and drinks, but he's already gotten to it. "You've already pulled me out of the fire, so it really won't be any different from then."

Triage has posed:
Chris sets the glasses into the sink for now, and stows the punch in the refrigerator. Then he returns. "I wanted to be sure," he says. "I value your trust. I wouldn't betray it and I don't want to hurt you or even embarrass you." He reaches to touch Shannon's arm, this time closing his eyes and concentrating to sense the activity of her body.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon closes her eyes to see if she can sense what Chris is doing, but his power is different from hers. Within her body, the healing continues, her heart much improved from the day before. Thankfully, there do not seem to be any blockages anywhere in her cardiovascular system, nor is her heart week. One is left with the sense that it could do with a little more rest, but the immediate danger to her is well past.

Triage has posed:
A growing, comfortable warmth spreads while Chris checks Shannon, probing gently and only where necessary. Like Shannon, he breathes slowly, relaxed, with eyes closed while he continues to stand beside her for a few minutes. The warmth begins to subside when he retreats. Finally, he sighs and opens his eyes. "Give it one more day and you should be fine," he declares.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles, getting up from the chair. "Thanks. I'll let Bean know so he won't worry. Frankly, I've missed the morning runs. Should I still ease into those?" She starts heading for the door, looking much relieved that there is an end in sight to the days of light duty. Perhaps things were looking up for once.