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Latest revision as of 13:59, 30 October 2019

Lunch..the day after.
Date of Scene: 29 October 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: A nice family dinner, and no one gets stabed with a fork.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Rage, Dragonfly (Armenteros), Samuel Morgan, Icarus, Nightingale, Triage

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is down in the kitchen. He has looked through the fridge not finding any left overs he particularly likes. He has some fries in the over and is pan frying a couple hamburger patties. He has his phone playing a bit of music not to loud but enough to occupy the empty space since he is alone for not.

Rage has posed:
Heading down into the kitchen is Andrea. She looks tired. Dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a baggy Xavier's sweater, she heads to the fridge and opens it up. "Hey, Sam." She says to the older Guthrie. "How'd last night go?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and flips his burgers after a moment says "Pretty good Ah think, we are going to go out some time again. Thinking about asking the Prof if ah can bring her up and show her the school.

Rage has posed:
"That's cool. Glad to hear that." Andrea roots through the fridge to pull out a bottle of water, then a cheese stick, and a pack of crackers tucked away in the back. "She seemed really nice." Tucking the cheese sticks into her pocket, she yanks the crackers open with her teeth, then peels back the plastic to pop one out and take a bite. "Everything else okay?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Mostly, dealing with some stuff here, trying to figure out what I should do about Sam. What about you?"

Rage has posed:
"I don't know. I'm fine I guess. I got accepted to NYU and I decided to take the offer. There was a few other colleges that wanted me, but I landed on one that was still close to here. Going to study production and get my feet wet behind the scenes of movies and music videos. Almost done with my third album. All the songs are approved and got a set list. All of them are recorded and just in final mix. I'm hoping it does well." Andrea says as she takes a seat at the table, popping another cracker into her mouth. "Talked to Jay last night."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's nods and says "I am taking a class or two at empire state myself, but mostly online stuff. Oh something wrong there?" he asks of the way she says this less dreamily than when she is talking about his brother most of the time.

Rage has posed:
"No, nothing's wrong. He made it really clear last night we're going to be just friends. So I'm going to ease off. Give him space." Andrea says as she snaps another cracker in half. "All good. I can't be messing things up while he's trying to fix himself. Sides, I have a busy schedule coming up. I should focus on that."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to her, and says "Sorry to hear it Andrea, Ah know ya like him and all, but Ah was worried you were maybe going a little fast for him. Ah aint talked to him, about it mind you, but Ah think if your interested there you got a long slow road a head of ya.

Rage has posed:
"It's cool. I'm not worried about it. Him getting better is far more important than some quick crush I had on your brother. You know how high school is. Sides, I'm kinda 'extra' and got a lot going on and I don't really want to drag someone along this road with me." Andrea says as she peels the cheese stick in strips. "So I get to live vicariously through you."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie gets his food from the pan after a moment, and will turn the over off, and walk over and without saying a word, gently pull Andrea into a hug and rub her back.

Rage has posed:
Leaning into him a bit, Andrea lets out a soft huff. "Oh come on, I'm not gonna turn the waterworks on about this. I'm really fine. I'm not upset by this in the least. I just feel bad I was making him uncomfortable. I should be more self-aware."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie rubs her back, and says "If you are interested, there maybe a chance but it will take time. Guthries can be a bit hard headed at times, you all thought it was my powers that let me go through walls head first." He jokes, and will step back. "If your not wanting to cover ma and the little ones coming up, Ah am sure We can swing it."

Rage has posed:
Squinting her eyes at him, Andrea pokes him hard in the stomach. "Of course I want to fly your family out. It would be good for them to see Jay healthy, and to see you and Shannon. I wasn't flying them out to impress Jay or show off or try and get his attention. I was doing it because I care about you guys." She lets out a noisy, angry huff in her throat that comes out as a rumble. "I'm not a bitch, Sam."

~Yes you are. Stop pretending. No one wants Mason's sloppy seconds. That's why the flying chicken hates you.~

<< I don't need this right now. Shut up. >>

Scowling at her crackers, Andrea smashes it in her fist, then slams it hard on the table in front of her. "Oh, go fuck yourself." She hisses outloud.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hold his hand sup and says "Hey now, no reason to go there, Ah was not saying you were one, Ah was more thinking you were flying them out cause you wanted to meet them and maybe get a read on the guy you were interested in, see if they were all pain in the butt like me, no need to be pissed off at me

Rage has posed:
Staring off into space for a few moments, Andrea's eyes glaze over as her fist tightens around the cracker, feeling the crumbs spill out on to the table. She gives a visible sniff, then glances off to the side.

~You are /so/ weak, pup. Look at you. I am Alpha. I am Rage. You need to own it.~

"Sorry Mister Guthrie. I didn't sleep good last night."

~I'm hungry. Feed me.~

She picks up the cheese stick and crams it into her mouth, chewing heavily before she swallows.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie studies her for a moment, and says "Andrea, is something wrong besides Jay?" His own food forgotten for now, as he looks to her concern showing on his face.

Rage has posed:

Andrea gives a visible jolt in her seat as she looks over at Sam, blinking a few times. "No, it's all good. Just was up all night doing homework, then had classes this morning. Then had a few calls with my agent this morning about the album." She puts on a bright smile for him, tucking her hair back behind her ear before she peels off another strip of cheese.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit to this and thinks she maybe hiding something but not alot he can do about it if she aint wanting to talk. He will get his fries from the over and start assembeling his cheeseburgers.

Rage has posed:
Giving a few sniffs at the air, Andrea feels her stomach rumble. "Can I have one of those? Rare?" She asks as she stuffs the cheese into her mouth for a few chews.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and a brow raise a bit but says "Sure, how big a one you want, and want fries?" He will ask, before washing his hands again, and moving to get the hamburger meat out.

Rage has posed:
"Whatever. Just a regular burger. No fries." Andrea says as she offers up a wider than usual smile towards Sam, one that stretches along her face before she clamps it shut. She brushes the cracker crumbs on the table into her hand, then rises up to dump it into the trash.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie is near the sink,, he has two cheseburgers and fries on a plate, but is working on making another hamburger from some fresh meat he has gotten out of the fridge. he starts shaping the patty up and says "Ok, just making sure." He will say to her

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Classes have been going well for Gwendolyn. Now that she's been given goggles that fit and work and has the option to use a visualizer, she's gotten a little more comfortable in her own skin. Still, in the middle of the x-mansion, she goes without, even though the chunky bit of technology is still available on her wrist. Pushing open the door to the kitchen, the girl stops when she sees a gathered trio, looking from one face to the other. "So..." She says, hesitantly. "Emergency meeting over what to have for lunch?"

Rage has posed:
"Hey Gwen." Andrea says as she perks up a bit. "Nothing too emergency like. Just working on the lunch part itself. Mister Guthrie is being nice and making me a burger. You want one too?" She asks as she smooths down her sweater to work some crumbs off it. "Hey, love the new shades by the way. Those look super cool on you and all cutting edge like. Everything going okay?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over, and says "Yea, looks like I am the lunch chef for today, want a burger, some fries?" He will ask the new arrival. He seems good naturedly joking about being the chef but does offer food none the less.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Food she doesn't have to cook? Sign Gwendolyn up. Shifting her backpack from one shoulder to the little chair by the door of the kitchen, she nods, reaching up to adjust her goggles a little, still self-concious about them, but not as much as she was when they were bright orange ski goggles. "If there's food to be had, I'll take some, sure. I think I owe you guys a po'boy or some gumbo once it gets cold." She comes closer. "Thanks." A small smile appears then, Gwendolyn brushing her hair back behind her shoulders in an unconscious motion. "You really like them? They're supposed to be based off of some guy named Scott's? I haven't met him, but they work really well, dampening down the world so I can, y'know, function."

Rage has posed:
"Totally like them. They're way less clunky and more fashionable. You look awesome." Andrea says as she reaches out to give her a quick hug, then passes her a cheese stick to tide her over before the burgers arrive. "Mister Summers is one of the teachers here. He has optic beams that come out of his eyes but he can't control them without his own visor. So they keep the lasers back and in check." She tucks her own hair back behind her ear. "If you're still interested in Glee, we're going to do a Lady Gaga week and try and do some mashups with Michael Jackson and Madonna."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Also he has to wear some type of them most of the time, so probably a bit more comfortable than the ones Ah wear when I fly, might have to check into that." He hmms, and ends up making most of the meat into patties knowing they won't go to waste around here "How do you like yours Gwen?" He will ask as he starts to cook.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"Cooked." Gwendolyn says with a smirk, taking the cheese stick and returning the hug, plunking down on one of the bar stools on the opposite side of where Sam is cooking, resting her elbows on the bar. "If'n it were a steak, medium rare, but burgers, like medium? Somewhere around there. Not gray all the way through, I mean."

Rage has posed:
Sitting down again next to Gwen, Andrea continues to sniff the air, watching Sam anxiously at the grill. "Medium is good too." She says with a low rumble in her throat that she cuts out quickly as she clears her chest. She takes another bite of her cheesestick. "Classes going okay for you, Gwen? If you need tutors we have plenty and I can even help out in some if you need a study buddy."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie listens to the two talk not butting in for now, knowing sometimes between girl talk and student talk it is best if he lets others talk and just listens. He will make two type of burgers some nice thick ones and some thin smashed crispy ones as he cookes.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"So far it's going okay." There was a cheesestick in Gwen's hand, and now there's not. Apparently breakfast wasn't a thing this morning so the snack while burgers were cooking was a really good thing for her. "I'm having a little trouble with some of the science stuff. I mean, coming from Louisiana schools to this place is like night and day, y'know? No creationism, vaccines work, etc. etc. etc." She giggles. "Nice to stretch a little more than was expected up here."

Rage has posed:
"Gotcha. Bean is super good at science as a head's up. I do 'okay' with it, but I know he has a big brain for that and math. You could hit him up for some help. I do pretty good with the liberal arts stuff, history, music and speech. I pass math and science and I don't brag about it." Andrea laughs as she gives her friend a grin. "Also, if you ever just need to kick it with someone, feel free to grab me. I know I got a busy plate but if you see me walking, just drag me outside for some fresh air or whatever. We can go shopping or whatever you want. Maybe we get Megan and Shannon together and do a sleep over with movies and s'mores."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "No punching me at sleep overs, thats a rule" He jokes and as the first sets of burgers are done, he puts them up for the ladies to make their own burgers. He checks the fries and says "Bit longer for the fries, but you can steal mine if ya want."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwendolyn bobs her head and smiles. "I'd really like that, Andrea. Thanks."

Rage has posed:
"Why would we be punching you at a sleepover?" Andrea laughs softly at Sam, eyes rolling upwards. "Girl sleepovers isn't the Hunger Games where we stalk a guy down in the hallway and beat them up. It's more curlers and pajamas." She bumps her shoulder to Gwen's, then happily takes her burger once Sam brings it over. She plucks the maet out of the bun picking it up between her hands and takes a large, bloody bite. She did want it rare.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over from where he is cooking some more patties for folks as they come and go. "It has happened in the past long story." He will tell them. He does get a fork so he can munch a couple fries as he cooks.

Rage has posed:
"Is this the long story that involves you skinny dipping in the lake that Doug was telling us about?" Andrea laughs as she takes another bloody bite of her meat, followed by a lick of her lips. She wipes her chin with the back of her hand, leaving a streak of red upon her skin.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Enter the wild Bean. Elusive, rarely spotted in its own habitat, and prone to defend its own territory. With the coming of winter, it appear to be wrapping itself in a protective cocoon to stave... wait, no, that's just a mostly clean set of coveralls, black as night. He must have been out working on something in the garage. A staffer sticks his head in as the teenager enters, spots Sam, and withdraws. No further supervision needed, it seems. But Bean doesn't appear to be in a very jovial mood, reserving a semi-genuine smile for Gwendolyn and Andrea, and a slightly more reserved and respectful nod for Sam. "Don't mind me." His objective? The fridge. How dastardly...

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Ah got burgers and fries cooking if your interested in the Sam. " He will telling the younger man motioning to some already done and ready. He looks over to Andrea "Same night but Ah was fully dressed when this happened. I was a bit oblivious and got taught a lesson for it."

Rage has posed:
"So you started out with clothes on, got beat up by girls and then ended up naked in the lake?" Andrea's brows rise up even higher. "Wow. Here I thought us Hollywood types had all the fun." She lifts her hand and waves to Sam, right before taking another juicy bite of her burger. She is holding a piece of meat in her hands, bloody, chewing on it as her bun and veggies lay on the plate below her. "Hey Sam. Gwen was saying she was having some trouble with science. Think you could help tutor her? You're super smart."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
There's a little blush at the mention of someone being naked in a lake that's visible around the goggles. She scoots the offered plate in front of her and takes a big bite of the burger. It's messy, but that's the best kind of burger. With a bun and vegetables. She glances over at Andrea and her hunk of beef and blinks...or, at least, she does, even though it isn't seen. "Note to self..." she says, more to herself and Andrea than anyone else. "When cooking steaks for Andrea, rare."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I'm not going to say no." Bean confirms and pauses only to grab a drink from the fridge. Mountain Dew. Not water. There's only the most perfunctory check of the seal before he cracks it and takes a sip, getting a plate and cutlery for himself before getting a helping of burger. Yum. "Thank you Mister Guthrie." Seems we're not back to 'Sam' yet.

    Andrea gets his attention with the request, and he looks over to Gwendolyn, finding a seat at the same time. "I'd be happy to help. But aren't you in a higher class than me?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "I was punched before the swimming, figured boys were not welcome around the mansion so went for a swim out in the lake, it was the night Berto and Ah found Warlock." he finishes cooking and gets the fresh fries out offering them to the kids.

Rage has posed:
"I still think the chain of events is fishy and deserves investigation." Andrea teases Cannonball with a grin before she looks to the other two. She gives a lick of her lips, cleaning the blood away before something Gwen says catches her off guard. She pauses, glancing down at the meat in her hands before she drops it on to the plate with a wet thump. She stares at her bloodied hands in confusion for a moment before she reaches out and snags a napkin to start cleaning herself. "I think her older school wasn't on the same curriculum as ours, Bean."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwendolyn leans over, bumping Andrea with her shoulder, lightly, shifting her burger to one hand and lightly patting the other girl's shoulder with the other. She's there for the other girl, it seems. And that said, she goes back to eating her burger, listening to the conversations. Listening to the normal.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Neither was mine, when you get right down to it." Bean actually smiles and takes a bite out of the burger. He should, in hindsight, have asked what was actually in it... and it only now dawns on him that he's eating something he didn't see someone cook. Oh well... Fries are scooped up, fork and knife, and transferred to his plate. None of that grabbing or tilting nonsense here. "'s just that I don't know what the school teaches in higher years. I've asked my counselor to skip a few years ahead, but we'll see what happens."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over, and says "Each student gets a bit of specialization here, we try to make sure everyone has a chance of learning stuff on their own level. Each year has a base line, but we have realized here some students have had a bit harder life than others and cause of it, maybe at different levels than the other kids their age. When we first came in we were all learning somewhat of the same thing even being years apart."

Rage has posed:
"Jay says that he is doing double the course work because his old school was so behind." Andrea says with a frown. "And it's causing him to not be able to socialize as much with the student body. Is there something you can do about that Mister Guthrie? Maybe see if he can test out of some of it?" She offers a small smile to Gwen at the pat to her shoulder as she cleans the blood from her hands, then nudges her plate forward.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"I guess I was lucky since I was in AP stuff. Still, that's just the baseline here." Gwendolyn takes another bite of her burger, setting it aside to chase it with a fry or two. "It's the way of the world - we all run the race at a different speed."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Burger. Hands on. Fries. Cutlery. Burger. Hands on. Honestly, watching Bean eat a burger is something of a chore. He looks like he'd be happier taking knife and fork to the burger instead, but seems to recognise that there is some form of social compact against this sort of thing. "Look. Just saying, I'd be very happy to help people study. Even if they're in a higher class. No pressure."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Ah don't think it is so much school was behind. Jay joined us mid term, so he is trying to cover for anything he missed before getting here. We maybe from the back woods a bit but they still teach us pretty much the same stuff they teach in other schools too."

Rage has posed:
"Well, even if he joined mid-term, it doesn't mean he should cram in all the work from the start of the year. How is that fair? If he took similiar coursework at his old school, then what he's doing is repeating work he has already learned. He should test the material so he can jump forward and even out." Andrea is stubbornly stubborn. In front of her is a half-ate bloody rare meat patty that isn't in a bun and she is currently cleaning blood off her mouth. "And social life is just as important as coursework. I don't want him to get behind in the hallways as well as the books. It's important."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwendolyn finishes her hamburger and slips off her stool, taking her plate to the dishwasher to get cleaned up later.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Study is its own reward." is the eternal wisdom from Bean, applying himself to this conversation about as much as he does to any social occasion. It's vastly overshadowed by his consideration for food.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Andrea, and says "Ah will talk to him, and see what Ah can do, but if Ah know him he is just trying to make sure he gets as good on his first exams here or better than Paige or Ah did. None of us really want to let any of the others show us up."

Rage has posed:
"Mmkay." Andrea says as she stares down at her rare burger again, then covers the meat with a bun, then goes about picking at the fries off her plate. Good thing Sam snuck some on there anyways. "I don't like homework that much to be competitive with it." She says as she gives a glance over to Bean. "How you doing Beans?" She asks, honest question. "Wanna get some DR practice in later?"

Icarus has posed:
Cue kitchen door in 3...2...1...

Jay steps into the room, pushing the door open without really looking at the room proper. He has his earbuds in. Casually dressed in jeans and tank top, wings folded behind him as he slips into the room. He shuts the door and glances around, realizing he isn't alone. The earbuds are popped out one after the other as he pulls out his phone and pauses whatever was playing. "Hey everyone. That smells good." Beeline for his brother and the food he's preparing.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "I would, but it's also time for my... my social simulations. I've been neglecting them for a while." Yup. The one thing Bean doesn't like to study, the only thing that he doesn't want to go to the DR for, it learning how to be a proper kid. Galling. Luckily Jay walks in right then to stop him from having to hopefully answer any follow-up questions. "Hi there. Your brother's fattening us up for the christmas roast." Wait, was that a joke?

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over and says "Hey Bro, burgers and fries, got smashed crispy and thick ones, right to left by doneness." he informs his brother. "Yea we have always been a bit competitive in school stuff. Make sure if someone has troubles we help them out, and don't put them down for it, but they have always seemed to have fun when your one of the younger ones and can look at the older one and say "I got a better grade than you did in miss crumps class" He quotes one time Jay gave him grief when they were younger.

Rage has posed:
Smirking at CB, Andrea takes another fry and pops it into her mouth, chewing around it. "Hey, Jay." She says amicably over to him before giving a glance at Sam. "Social simulations? Is this one right now?" She asks as she lifts her brows upwards. "Or do you have like a DR simulation involving you learning what fork to use at dinner? If you need social help, Beans, I can tutor you."

Icarus has posed:
Jay moves to get a plate and begins adding food. Medium rare burger on a bun with everything but onions. He does dig out the Duke's from the fridge to put on it instead of whatever that other stuff is people use. Then he scoots some of the cripsy fries onto his plate before moving toward the table.

"Well I did get a better grade. And she was a hard one to get an A from," he says with a smirk as he settles into the seat. "Hey, Andrea." He eyes the burger in front of Andrea, arching a brow, then gives a glance to Samuel. He's never known the guy to crack a joke before. That was a shock. It did make him smile though. "Guthrie habit. Ma seems to think we are all going to die if we don't eat all the time."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "No, as in, actual holograms and scenario simulations." Bean admits, picking at his food now. Not his favorite topic. "Picking up social cues, appropriate responses, how not to crush someone's windpipe when disagreeing... you know, those little things." Another joke? In context, probably not... "Haven't seen you around much, Jay. Not since Genosha. Sorry 'bout the phone intrusion, I promise I didn't steal your number from someone. It's just... well... you were in range, it couldn't be helped."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit at his brother "Well the fact ma was pretty much cooking for a football team, Ah think she wanted to make sure there was always plenty even for the last one to get some, even if it was just fried taters and hotdogs." He comments about some of the harder times they had. He looks over to Samuel, and says "You are doing really good with those by the way Sam.

Icarus has posed:
"That's true," Jay mutters around a bite of burger, which Ma would've smacked him on the back of the head for talking with his mouth full. Choking hazard aside. It would've happened. Somehow they all survived and it had happened more than once to the brood.

When he swallows, he continues to Samuel. "No problem. Everyone apparently had earpieces or something too? It was good you did it. Just don't know what you can do really other than apparently use my phone when it's in my pocket."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Thanks Mister Guthrie." Bean nods in return. "Only one casualty in two weeks. I'm... kind of hoping I can keep the body count to zero for a month." Yeah, don't take him to a family dinner. Not yet anyway. Maybe over Christmas.

    It seems like not just Ma Guthrie has her opinions about eating with your mouth full, if the look he gives Jay for a moment is anything to go by, but it passes soon enough. Doctor Eisen would have put him over his knees for that. "The term I'm hearing most is that I'm a technopath. Like telepathy, but, well, for technology. It's about what you expect." And the smoke detector gets a sharp glance. "Some devices have an attitude, I'll tell you that much."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smirks a bit over at the boys and says ""I have been thinking about something Sam. Can you communicate with devices that don't have computers in them? I mean like a purely mechanical device, say for example my motorcycle." He say after thinking a moment for one around that might not actually have a computer chip in it.

Rage has posed:
As she eats the fries, Andrea self-consciously covers the rest of her burger with the bun and lettuce so not to be seen. After a moment, she plucks the plate up and heads to dump it in the trash, then heads for the sink to rinse it off as she listens to the boys talk.

Icarus has posed:
"Huh. Heard of it. Never met anyone that did it until now. Seems like it would be useful. Especially when you get that blue screen of death on the computer. Just chat with it and fix things. Maybe buy it dinner? I dunno." Jay glances up at the fire alarm, wondering what that is about but not pressing as his brother asks a question. That leaves Jay to continue stuffing his face.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Hey, you have any computer issues, come to me. I'll have a quiet talk with it. Or talk to Alek, or Doug. Between the three of us, we can pretty much handle any IT problem." And many, many others.

    "It's different without a computer." Bean admits, finishing his burger and making sure his mouth is empty before replying. It's a perfect way to stall for time and organise his response. "It seems to be entirely based on if the thing is powered up or not. If it's powered, then yeah, I can. But a bike, even if it has a battery, that battery isn't actually powering anything, you know? When it's up and running, when the engine is on, that's different. I can't rev it or change gears unless it's an automatic gearbox, but I can tell you if it's ... if it's feeling okay, if it's running fine. That's how I can tell if something is beyond repair. If you put a battery in it, and turn it on, and it's not talking to me? The thing's dead." Most of those insights come from working on his own bike, which is currently standing fully assembled in its berth in the garage, minus the gearbox.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon slips into the kitchen, wings tucked in tightly behind her. Those already present in the room get a quick nod, but from the way this girl is striding towards the pots and pans, and the fridge, tells the tale of a girl on a mission. She is on the hunt, and will not stop until her prey is in the oven. She bustles about, gathering macaroni, flour, butter, salt, pepper, milk, and... cheese. A crapton of cheese, divided evenly between cheddar and colby-jack. Oh, yes. Her prey seems to be the mother of all comfort foods. Only when she has all the ingredients gathered does she stop and pause, running her fingers through her hair, a small smile offered to everyone. "Hi..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie has burgers and fries made and laid out where people can assemble burgers for themselves. He looks over and says "Hey Shannon." In greeting as she comes in. Then looks over to Sam. "Ok, how about memory of items with a computer chip in it, I mean like lets take the smoke detector, can it tell you who was in the room say 30 minutes ago.

Rage has posed:
"Hey, Shannon." Andrea says as she finishes scrubbing her plate, then goes about drying it off before she places it back in the cupboard. "Mister Guthrie is making burgers if you want one." She'll keep assigning Sam as the head chef this afternoon. She heads back to the table an slips down into a seat, moving a bit rigidly and stiffly. Thump.

Icarus has posed:
Jay is busy stuffing his face with burger, listening to others talking around him. He does give a nod to Samuel's offer of who to go to with computer problems. Hands full, he considers wiping to wave then give up and uses a wing to wave a hello to Shannon instead. He didn't want to try to talk with his mouth full. Again.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Bean gives Shannon a wave when she comes in, but recognises that mood. It's odd how he can spot these moods quickly in people he knows, but not in complete strangers. At least, not without a significant amount of observation. Instead he returns to safer topics. Like just what the heck is it that he can actually do?

    "No, not a chance, because that's not what it does. It doesn't actually see anyone come in here, it just detects smoke." Another sharp glance at the device, and a raised eyebrow before he returns to topic. "I can't make something do what it wasn't designed for. Devices without memory chips? They don't actually remember anything. All of them have a... a voice, a personality, but that doesn't make them sentient. No. It doesn't. Shut up. If that was a camera, and it had internal storage for a buffer, I could tell you what it had seen as far as the limits of that buffer. If it's networked, we're talking anything that's on the storage media."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon lofts an eyebrow slightly at Jay, but relents with a smile, leaning against the sink and extending her right wing in a wave right back. "Hey there." A wry smile is offered to Bean and she glances between the burgers, and the fixings for mac 'n cheese. Rolling her eyes, she just holds up three fingers to him, and chuckles. "Soon as I'm cleared for full duty again, mornings are going to get a lot earlier." She smiles at Sam and Andrea, and shrugs. "Burgers sound great. I'll just make some mac 'n cheese and we'll make a feast of it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Trying to get to thinking more about outside of the box power uses." He looks around and sees the three who might give him the most ribbing and figures might as well bring it up now "Alexis might be coming up to see the school, gotta get it cleared first, and if so Ah will let you know cause ah want all the ribbing out before she gets here got it?" He looks to Andrea, Shannon and Jay.

Rage has posed:
"I'm the one who set you up, I'm not going to rib on you." Andrea says as she heads over to Shannon once she pushes herself out of her seat. "Do you want me to help you out?" She looks curiously over to Jay. "Actually, this is like your thing, huh? You wanna help Shannon out?" She calls over to the red winged mutant.

Icarus has posed:
"Huh?" There is that sparkling wit that Jay is so known for. He takes a moment to figure out what was just asked of him then looks to his half eaten burger. "I mean it's not what I do but I can help if you want, sure." Cause a gentleman would offer but a Southern gentleman knows to be asked first before going near a kitchen. He might lose a digit.

Then a glance over to Sam. "Why would I rib you without her being present to watch your discomfort?" he asks with amusement.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Yeah, I'm afraid I'm a bit of a one trick pony." Says Bean as he mentally links to his phone to connect to the internet, looks up a recipe for mac'n cheese, looks at the ideal oven temperature and remotely sets up and turns on the oven while eating the last of his fries. No flexibility in him. He looks at Sam. "From what I understand, that is a significant social milestone. Are congratulations in order?" ... and he was the one least likely to do it too...

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon grins from ear to ear at Sam, relishing the ribbing. She hums a very well-known, traditional theme and silly, goofy kissing sounds, giggling madly now. Who could resist a chance to tease the living heck out of him? "Yeah right, you /really/ think the teasing's gonna stop once she gets here? As if!" She knocks lightly on his forehead, and grins from ear to ear. Jay gets a wide grin at that, and for once, she actually laughs. A good, hearty belly laugh. "We think alike." She moves aside, gathering the flour, butter, salt, and pepper, and getting a saucepan. "Sure, if either of you want to get the macaroni going, that'd be great, I'll work on the sauce. Thank you, really."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks at them and shakes his head a bit and to the fourth muskateer's add in he says "No, it is just a second date, and she enjoys teaching folk, it is part of what we were talking about. We talked about a lot of things, even said she might have to learn the penny whistle so she can keep ahead of Jay here on instruments played." He seems in good humor over this though.

Rage has posed:
When Jay pops up to join them, Andrea tags his shoulder, as if to tag him in and to tag herself out. "Too many chefs spoil the soup." She sing songs and then flops back down next to Sam at the table. Mission accomplished in her opinion. "I can't wait to see her again and maybe show her around the gardens. She is so nice and sweet. I'm really glad you guys had a good night."

Icarus has posed:
What the...? Jay has the feeling he was just played like a guitar by Andrea. Suddenly she is sitting down and he's been volunteered. Well, volunteered himself. Whatever!

But the offer was made and thus he sets down his burger with one last sad look then rises to his feet. He goes to the sink first to wash his hands then begins the process of finding pot, filling with water, salting said water and adding just a touch of oil and putting the whole thing on the stovetop to start heating up. "Well, I'm the little brother. My job is to tell her stories about you as a kid that will horrify you and entertain her." He glances at Shannon with a grin. "And since Shannon is our adopted baby sis, then she has to do the same. It's in the Guthrie Family handbook." He tells Shannon in a stage whisper. "I'll get you a copy later."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Just call Bean d'Artagnan. He watches the play between siblings and pseudo-siblings with rapt fascination. None of the simulations have come close to this, it's amazing how much this is like the fourth stage of teamwork. He doesn't make the logical connection that a team can be much like a family, and that's why close knit teams behave as they do. There is, instead, something else that was on his mind.

    "Shannon, there's a movie playing in Salem that I think you would like to see. Would you like to join me, tomorrow?"

Nightingale has posed:
"You know, if she really wanted, I could teach her some on the flute," Shannon adds, as she turns towards the stove to melt the butter in a saucepan, and make the base for the sauce. "Even if it was during off-hours at the club. Heck, if any of you wanted to learn, I'd be happy to help."

Shannon giggles and returns the stage whisper, "Yeah, gonna need a copy of that one. Including all the embarrassing stories I missed out on being grafted onto the family tree. And embarrassing baby pictures. Gotta have those." For an only child, she seems to be picking up on this whole picking on the siblings thing pretty quickly! The sauce is coming along fairly quickly, as mac 'n cheese is a simple thing, with milk soon being added and the heat on the burner turned down enough to prevent scorching.

Bean's question stops her in her tracks, and she raises her eyebrows with a smile. "That sounds great, thank you! What movie is it?"

Rage has posed:
The brows of Andrea lifts upwards as well at Bean's invitation to go see a movie. She gives him a slow head cock in his direction, then props her chin up in her hand. She gives a glance over towards Jay and Shannon as they interact and talk, her lips tugging slightly on her face in a smile. Picking up her phone, she starts to tap along the glass a few times absently. "Sure, I'll learn the flute. That sounds like it could be fun."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and looks at the bunch and says "Well remember it is still just a possibility her coming out here, but Ah do think she might be interested in seeing you play the fiddle some time Jay. She likes all kind of music it seems but she does not seem to familiar with a bit of back home type music. Not that Ah plan on asking her to a square dance any time soon. " He looks to Shannon "Stories you can get but think Ma, keeps the pictures so she has something to embaress us all with.

Icarus has posed:
Once the water is on a boil, the pasta is added to it. Jay spends the first full minute mixing it with a wooden spoon. Because it is supposed to be a wooden spoon. For no other reason than that is how Ma did it. It never occurs to him any spoon would work just fine for that.

"We'll need to plan out our strategy fully," he says to Shannon. "I'll get some stories to you."

Then he focuses on cooking to not interrupt her and Samuel, smiling a bit at the date request.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "The movie is called 'Alien'. I think it's compatible with the preferences you expressed." There's no hint of self-consciousness in Bean when he says it, as if just relaying raw information upon request. But he is becoming aware of the looks he's getting, and vaguely wonders what has happened that he didn't pick up on.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon cackles madly at Jay and nods, humming the Mission: Impossible theme. "Mission accepted." With the sauce well underway, she adds in the cheese, lowering the heat a little bit more. More cheese, and a dash of black pepper, and the familiar ooey, gooey, savory smell that folks know so well begin to fill the room. "I'll see about writing ma Guthrie about those pictures, too. Or you could. As long as they get here."

Bean gets a raised eyebrow, and something of a cockeyed smile. She shrugs, considering the movie choice. "Believe it or not, that's not one I've ever seen. Should be interesting."

She nods towards Andrea and smiles. "I've only got the one flute, but it should be enough to at least start you on. If it turns out to be something you like, I'd get one yourself. Just hit me up when you want to start lessons."

Sam gets a wiggle of the eyebrows and silly kissy noises again. Why? Just because! Teasing siblings--even and /especially/ adopted ones--needs no reason!

Rage has posed:
"I'll buy a flute tonight and have it overnighted." Andrea says as she taps a few more times on the glass of her phone. She launches a shopping app and starts to search through it with a few flicks of her fingers.

"I got the flights booked for the family, Sam. Hotels booked also. I was able to get a pretty steep discount from a friend of mine who manages the building. Got it at the employee rate."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Sam at his movie choice. His brow raised a bit and says "Um, so ya know it is a bit of a scary one." He will tell the two "Not terrifying but it has a bit of a creepiness to it at points." He knows Shannon aint the biggest fan of horror movies, and does not think Sam knows much about it "Really good movie though," He does add giving them the thumbs up. He sighs a bit at Shannon and Jay, and then turns to Andrea thankfully changing the subject a bit "Send me a total on it?"

Triage has posed:
Chris strolls into the kitchen, drawn by the familiar aroma and then the voices. The latest of those can draws a grin to his face. "A movie?" he asks. "Classic or modern?" He looks around the room at the assemblage. "I'm hardly an expert, but a good movie can draw a crowd."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Alien" Bean repeats, giving Triage a nod as he enters. "Shannon has agreed to go see it with me tomorrow." And that, it appears, is all he thinks there is to it.

Rage has posed:
"Maaaybe." Andrea says to Sam Guthrie as she continues to scan the Internet for a flute, at least one that she desires. Humming to herself, she rubs at her arm with one hand, raking it with her fingernails as she leaves red welts along the skin the slowly fade away. "Maybe I'll wait until after the concert so it's not on your mind."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and smiles somewhat. "Never seen it. Should be pretty interesting." She pulls the pasta off the stove when the timer goes off, drains it, and stirs it into the sauce she made. The whole mess goes into a baking pan, topped with bread crumbs, and into the oven for half an hour. Fin. On her way to the oven, she passes by Chris, and whispers something to him.

Mac 'n cheese mission objective complete, she turns and grins at Andrea. "Shop around before you go and pick one. Yamaha and Jupiter may be two of your better brands to check out. Mine's a Jupiter, was my mom's first but she passed it down to me when I wanted to learn to play. I was about 12 when I started."

Triage has posed:
"Alien?" Chris echoes. "The first one? That wasn't /horror/ in quite the sense that some were, but wow! Full of suspense, somewhat like a murder mystery but with more ... surprise and punch." He nods to Sam. "The Thing is another of those. You leave the theater thinking, 'What just happened?' If you're lucky, it's not the last showing of the night and you can go again, if you dare, to figure out just what /did/ happen while." When Shannon approaches and whispers something to him. He looks at her and nods. He whispers something in reply, and then asks, "Is food service open to anyone? If so, I can start on fetching dishes and utensiles." Expecting a positive answer, he heads for the cabinets where the dishes normally hide. He looks again at the others and asks, "How is everyone?"

Icarus has posed:
Now that sous chef is finished, Jay is able to go back to his half eaten burger. He settles back in after giving a wave to Chris in greeting before taking another big bite of his meal. It was cool now but still just as delicious at least. The fries? Crispy but also not really warm. He had to reach for the ketchup to put a liberal amount on his plate by the fries, for dipping purposes.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    An empty plate has been sitting in front of Bean for the past few minutes, and it seems he's not going anywhere until he's managed to get some of that mac'n cheese on it. It's not just a comfort food for him, it's so much more... he also nods back to Shannon, holding up three fingers. These morning runs were going to be marathons soon if they kept this up.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie had made burgers and fries earlier, there are extra patties and fries left out. Sam, looks over, and says "Ok, well Ah will start getting you some money on it this week, on payday to start paying it back. Might be a bit less than what I plan on per week or month which ever way ya prefer it.

Rage has posed:
Giving a smile to Jay at the table, Andrea scoots her chair over closer to his, then goes back to tapping away at her phone. "I'll go for a Yamaha. I know that name pretty well. Do you want a new flute?" Andrea casually asks Shannon as she taps two more times on the glass as if adding something to a basket. Her free hand reaches out to snag a fry off Jay's plate, dabs it in red sauce, then pops it into her mouth. Nom. "Don't worry about it, Sam. Really. Don't focus on the money thing right now."

Triage has posed:
After surveying the group and seeing that most already have plates, some still with food on them, Chris nods and grabs plates, silverware, and glasses for himself and Shannon. He brings them to the table and then settles in a chair. He grins when he sees Andrea swiping and dunking Jay's fries. "What are you buying, Andrea? You said Yamaha. They make many different things, all good from what I've heard." Then he looks to Sam and back to Jay "Are you planning a vacation? I hope that the weather holds for it." Then, in an ominous voice, he adds, "Winter is coming!"

Icarus has posed:
"Hey!" The protest is half hearted as Andrea steals one of his fries. Jay has plenty. Not like it's an issue. It's simply the principle. He shakes his head at the vacation question. "Not for us. For our family to come here and see one of Andrea's shows. The littles will love it. Hopefully Ma will too."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Probably will be coming out here meeting al the folks as well, the way things have been going no clue how many more of them will be coming up here for school in the next few years." He tells chris.

Rage has posed:
"Hey is for horses, hayseed." Andrea says to Jay with a smile, sticking the tip of the fry out of her mouth at him, before sucking it in between her teeth to swallow it down after a few chews. "I'm buying a flute so that Shannon can teach me how to use it. She said the Yamahas were the best so I'm going to pick one up." Her hand slowly tip toes along the table back towards Jay's plate, reaching out for another fry.

Triage has posed:
"Cool!" Chris exclaims to Jay. He looks to Sam and his eyebrows rise for a moment. "I hope that they'll enjoy the Big Apple. It's an amazing place." here. He looks to Bean, who seems to have become very quiet, possibly contemplating the mac 'n' cheese. Chris grins. "The good stuff should be ready soon," he predicts. "You can't rush things like that." Finally, and in a teasing tone, he warns, "Watch those fingers, Andrea. When I was a kid and tried that, my cousin stabbed me with a fork. There was red but it wasn't catsup."

Icarus has posed:
As those fingers get close, Jay picks up a fork--which he has not used for the entire meal cause fries are for fingers--and brandishes it threateningly at Andrea's fingers. "Don't make me use this. Then they'd have to heal your hand. And all my parts when you beat the heck out of me for stabbing your fingers."

Then Chris gives his warning, making Jay smile. "See!"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    The contemplation is broken, and Bean snaps out of whatever reverie he was in. But for someone who talks to electronics, who knows what he was speaking to the entire time. He gives a smile, in general, considering that's always an acceptable gesture, and replays the last minute or two of the conversation in his mind. Because yes, he does that. "New York is a pretty big city to enjoy, something for everyone. Are you going to bring them here too?"

Rage has posed:
There is one thing that no boy can resist, and that is puppy dog eyes. Andrea is part wolf, therefore, she's part-puppy! Also, as an actress, she can totally manipulate her audience. She stares up at Jay, eyes widening, bottom lip sticking out as she bats her lashes a few times. Then, softly, under her breath? She lets out a low sad whimper. Aw.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Yamahas and Jupiters are two of the best, either one would do well for you." She shakes her head at the offer of a new flute and smiles. "Thank you for the offer, but I like the one I have. It was my mother's. She wasn't playing it so much anymore, so when I wanted to play, she passed it on down to me."

     A warm smile is offered to Jay, and a thumbs-up. "Thank you, I really appreciate the help. Hey, maybe you could tell me sometime if I nailed the recipe for apple brown betty? Sam seems to think it's close, but I need a second opinion."

     A silvery little giggle escapes her, and she nods towards Bean, with a rueful smile. "At least," she confirms. "As soon as I'm cleared, anyways." At which, she glances over at Chris, lofting her eyebrows. "Hopefully soon... going to get cabin fever soon enough when Old Man Winter comes a-knockin'."

     Finally, the oven timer goes off, and she's off to grab an oven mitt, and sets a trivet down on the counter for the pan to cool. She shuts off the oven and the timer first, then grabs the pan from the oven, and deposits it on the trivet. Yum. Ooey, gooey deliciousness in a pan. Comfort food supreme. She steps back from the feeding frenzy. "Now, now, no forks in tender bits here, don't forget, I'd rather not wind up in the medbay again!"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to them and says "Ah remember one of my first times in New York alone. Ah went in to buy ma a hat. Remember it?" He asks Jay. "Well almost lost the dang thing ended up helping spiderman fight this electrical giant, we stopped it but it got away after we dumped it in the hudson."

Triage has posed:
Chris grins when Jay brandishes the fork. "See?" he asks Andrea. "I warned you." Then he glances to Sam and asks, "What became of the hat?" He nods to Bean and agrees, "If you can't find something in the New York, it probably doesn't exist or some billionaire bought the last one." Shannon's non-verbal query catches his attention, however, and he nods. "I'd say that you're ready to run again. Just be careful. If your heartbeat becomes irregular, tell Bean to bring you to the office at once. Okay?" Whatever had happened to inspire that note of caution?

Icarus has posed:
Aw man! That was cheating.

Jay just sighed, put down the fork and pushed his plate over closer to Andrea so she wouldn't have to reach as far for the forks.

But when the mac&cheese came out? All bets were off. He pulled the plate back so he could quickly serve up a large portion. "I'm always up for testing food. Sweets, savory, whatever," he tells Shannon.

When he gets the plate back over in front of him, he looks around and finds another fork which he offers to Andrea since she had already cleaned up her own plate.

He left the story to Sam though, since it was his story to tell.

Rage has posed:
Mission accomplished!

Andrea turns off the ultimate puppy and reaches for a fry and OH NO HE IS PULLING THE PLATE AWAY!

"Waugh!" She complains, nose scrunching up a bit.

But, he is offering her a fork! (Insert victory music).

Taking it from him, she scoots in a bit closer to him and dips it into the gooey Mac, after he takes the first bite of course. She stares up at him adoringly. Puppy wuv.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Bean lets Jay get the first serving of the mac and cheese. That's just good manners. After that, it would be a very courageous diner that would stand between him and the ultimate of foods, the ambrosia of times dimly remembered. The portion he takes is large, very large, and he knows he's taking more than his share... but as he starts to ply his fork, it's obvious that any less would not have satisfied...

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie smiles and says "Ah was able to keep it safe with Spiderman and the lady in the helicopter helped. almost lost it a few times, but we got it safe and got it home to Ma. Think it was her sunday has for a while, not sure if she is still wearing it. " He admits. "Was one of the first times, I pulled off the momentum u-turn I was showing you Shannon.

Triage has posed:
Chris grins when the golden sea of gooeyness arrives. He nods to Shannon and proclaims, "Another triumph!" Then he waits while Jay, and then Bean, help themselves. Then he takes the plate beside his and spoons a large helping onto it. He returns it to its place, and finally grabs his plate to help himself. while he reaches for his fork, he looks to Sam, and when the man delivers the story, he grins. "He's quite a character, but I'm glad that he and all of the ohters are on our side."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon bursts out laughing when she sees the feeding frenzy that ensues, stepping back. Waaaaaaaay back. If the chef gets any of the mac 'n cheese this time, it will be a miracle. "Wow, looks like I'll have to make another batch later." Her eyes twinkle with mirth, and she nods to Jay. "Sounds good. That'll give me a chance to work on that fried chicken, too. Going to nail that one sooner or later."

Smiling ruefully at Chris, she just nods her assent. "Okay, but that's really only a factor if someone stops a healing forcibly. Otherwise, my heart's fine." She gives a pointed look to everyone in turn, driving that tidbit of information home. "So, if I'm healing you, don't pull away, okay? That could actually do more harm than the healing."

Holding up four fingers to Bean, she giggles. "That's what you're eating right now. Enjoy it while you can, it'll be time to pay the piper in the morning."

She glances over to Sam, and raises her eyebrows. "You mean that first time you took me down to the danger room, when I first got here? Nice! Hey, with any luck, maybe your ma will still have that hat. And some embarrassing baby pictures."

Looking back to Chris, she grins and ducks her head slightly. "Bah, it's just basic mac 'n cheese. No real triumph to it. Besides, I had a fantastic sous chef helping me out." Jay gets a smile and a jaunty little salute in his direction. "Thanks for the help with the mac, Jay, really appreciate it."

She accepts her plate from Chris, tucking into the meal and enjoying the company of everyone there. Good food, good friends, good times. Who could ask for anything more?