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Latest revision as of 16:49, 1 November 2019

Slipstream meets a Power Pack member.
Date of Scene: 28 October 2019
Location: Flushing, Queens
Synopsis: Drake meets Alex and get beat up by Karai. Bromance?
Cast of Characters: Slipstream, Zero-G, Shredder

Slipstream has posed:
Having an ex-girlfriend with insider tips on The Foot Clan sometimes can be beneficial, outside of the awkward phone call. Slipstream is currently perched on the top of a roof on a commercial building, staring across the street with a pair of binoculars as he watches the movement come and go. He is wearing an Overwatch bomber jacket, and his new Legionaire uniform that is still a bit 'too' snug in some spots. Settled on the roof next to him is Snowball, his Starktech companion fashioned after the Overwatch companion.

"Okay, SB." Drake whispers to the robot. "Keep recording and track the front front entrance. Let's try and get a head count of how many we may be up against." He leans forward to scan the street for a moment, then taps along his wrist communicator to murmur, "Hey team, I'll let you know if I get into any trouble, but I should be able to tackle this one. If I need a Superman I'll ping you." He smirks at the response, eyes rolling upwards.

Zero-G has posed:
    Mondays are such a drag. Why killers and miscreants chose to use it as a day of rest, Alex, or Zero-G as of right now, will never understand. He took a break, to pick up something to eat and top off some early week homework, but the patroller in him took control and flew him over the city again. He has been to everywhere he thought there could be trouble but nope.

    Those kids were just loiterers, and the lady just needed help carrying her grocery bags down the street.

    Another heroic type is of some interest, but Zero-G secretly hopes he's a bad apple. Something to do. "Yo," He greets, all friendly, and touches down on the rooftop. His costume is similarly snug, but he's used to it. "Staking out a joint...or are you planning on burglarizing it? I will call the police." It's an idle threat, if the upturned quirk of his lips is anything to go by.

Slipstream has posed:
<< Doot-da-doo! >> Snowball chimes out to drake as her face plate goes X.X, staring up at the descending superhero from the sky.

Slipstream glances over his shoulder, then jerks himself upright to face him as he drops the binoculars to the rooftop beneath him. He eyes him for a moment, then says, "Staaaaking it out... who're you?" He asks as he rocks a bit back and forth on his feet to loosen himself up.

"You look kinda familiar.. wait, waaaaait.. you're.. um... " He points a finger at him, then drops it. "Okay, I got nothing. Who are you?"

Zero-G has posed:
"Zero-G, of Power Pack," Alex says cordially. He's not as strict with his codename versus his civilian identity as a lot of other heroes (hello, no mask), but he spent weeks coming up with his nom de supar, and he will flaunt it!

"You probably recognize me from when I was about yea tall," He illustratively brings a flat hand his chest and continues, "And way cuter." Power Pack, of course, being New York's youngest and most darling heroes for a time before the space-faring kiddos disappeared. Some of them, anyway. Julie's into acting now, and Jack has his youtube chann-

"You're Drake!" His face brightens in recognition. "That streamer dude. My younger brother is a huge fan! What are you doing up here?" He glances at the robot, then back to him. "Is this for a video?"

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh, for real? You're Alex Power? Holy crap! You guys broke the world record for youngest superhero team to actually do something meaningful. Something about an alien invasion, huh? Wow. You're actually still cute, FYI." Drake says with an amused grin on his face. "In that boyband kinda way."

He juts a hand out to him. "I'm Drake, that's me. Overwatch League champion and streamer. I go by Slipstream now. Ex-Avenger, now a member of the Legion of Superheroes. I kinda got super powers by accident. I kinda go real fast and create sonic booms."

Jerking his thumb to the building across the street, he says, "We should get down, they'll probably see us. I'm scouting out The Foot clan. Ninjas who have their hands in everything. They currently took over eight local gangs and implemented themselves in the police force. I've been battling them for a year now. They've been stealing technology to build something big and I haven't had a chance to figure out what it is yet. They're armed and dangerous, very good at hand to hand fighting, and working as a team. I've been stabbed more times than I'd like by these jerks."

".. Hey, can I get your autograph later? Uh.. for my sister.. that I totally don't have."

Zero-G has posed:
"A few invasions actually, but who's counting?" Zero-G is totally counting but shrugs nonchalantly, and gives a big ol' 'aw shucks!' smile. "Hey, thanks!" And because politeness dictates he returns the compliment with one of his own, he says, "I like your costume! It looks space-y?" His pitch suggests a question, but he knows space-y, and that's totally space-y!

Alex gives the hand a firm shake. "Ex-Avenger. Really? So cool. That's always been a dream of mine. What's the Legion?" He tilts his head. "You know, I got powers by accident too. It's a real testament to character when you step up and use unfamiliar circumstances to help the world." He smiles broadly, pride swelling in his chest at a memory.

Getting down, he crouches beside Drake and nods solemnly. "Ninjas. Gotcha." He looks over at him. "And you're sure they're here?"

"Only if I get yours," He says, bumping shoulders lightly. "I actually have a brother who would, like, actually want that, though. Birthday's coming up, you see. Not that I dislike your videos, or anything! Just hard to find the sorta time for youtube between fighting baddies." Damn, the struggle is real.

Slipstream has posed:
"Oh. Yeah. This uniform is new. Thirty-first century technology. Real breathable. Self-healing. Way too tight about the family jewels but I think Brainy did that on purpose to mess wtih me. But it feels good. It doesn't tear itself apart at supersonic speeds." Drake says with a grin as he picks up the binoculars to peer through the windows again.

"Yeah, they're in there. I recognize a few faces and the intel I got is solid. Anyways, The Legionaires are a super team from the thirty-first century that came back in time to help us out. It's led by Lar Gand, who is sorta like Superman. Has all the same powers. He's younger though. He's my best friend. Then there is Brainac 5 who I think has a five hundred IQ. He's a super genius. Then Invisible Kid and Impulse, who is like a mini-Flash. We're going to sorta step up and help protect Metropolis while Superman is kicking up daisies. We're holding tryouts for new members. We were on the news recently for uh.. some special effects."

He jerks the goggles from left to right as he zooms in through a window, then ducks down a bit longer. "I quit playing Overwatch professionally a few months ago and I've all but abandoned my channel. I feel bad about that, but .. with great power comes great yadda yadda, right?"

Shredder has posed:
    Above, the dark shadow of what looks to be a large bird soars overhead, only discernable by the shadow against the light polution in the New York City sky. Very large, actually, with something dangling from it's claws. The wingspan, if one were to be able to gauge from the distance, has to be around fifteen feet across. Truly a massive being. As it reaches the commercial building, its cargo becomes more clear as a person is dropped from its talons onto the roof. The figure disappears as it hits the rooftop, in the shadows as the lightse from below obscure the figure's presence.

Zero-G has posed:
"I have the same issues with this thing," Zero-G chuckles, pinching the Kymellian fabric of his uniform. "But I've had it since before I turned twelve," He shrugs, and quickly adds, "It grows with me, so there's that. And I can fit an elephant in these pockets. Thirsty?" He pats his thigh, and pulls out two water bottles that...definitely were in no way present before he reached for them.

Opening his bottle and sipping lightly, he listens as Drake explains the ranks of the Legion. It might all sound weird to a normie, but he's dabbled heavily in futuristic tech. "That's noble, giving a helping hand. Metropolis is still in mourning in some ways, and people are going to look to take advantage of the enormous power vacuum Superman left behind."

"Oh, man," Alex looks rueful. "Sorry to hear about that. It's a juggling act, balancing heroic life with everything else. You made the right decision, though." He holds his hand out for the binoculars. He wants to see, too!

Slipstream has posed:
"By the way, The Foot likes to mutate animals and turn them into massive creatures. They got two on their roster named Rocksteady and BeBop. Mutant Rhino and Warthog. Super strong, fast, dumb as bricks. They broke my body a few times. They aren't very nice." Drake says as he passes the binoculars to him. "Huge bird just dropped something on the roof. Kidnapped I think. I'm gonna say scientist. Okay, we're jumping across. On my mark."

And with that, the young hero is in 'go' time as he pushes himself upwards. "Snowball, keep up perimeter scan and prepare for deep freeze if necessary." He takes the bottle of water in his hands, takes a brief sip to wet his lips, then puts it down. He steps to the edge of the roof, then /jumps/ forward as he blinks three times in a streak of blue light as he shunts himself across the street to land on the opposite end in a tuck and roll sommarsault before he pops back up.

Shredder has posed:
    The shadow of a bird continues to circle the building high above, and as Drake's burst across the gap is announced with the blue streak of light, there is an announcing screech from high above.

    On the roof itself, however, it's silent. The shadow cast building top is dark save for a single light fixture at the door that leads down to the structure below. The brisk October air carries the scent of exhaust and fallen leaves. No sign of anyone that was dropped is clear, just a series of Air conditioners and a lipped roof top on the mat black tar roof.

Zero-G has posed:
    It is a bird...it is a plane...it's Superman! No, wait, he's still dead. Zero-G blinks into the binoculars, before dropping them into his seemingly endless pockets. "On your mark," He nods, standing tall. When Drake flashes into the street, Gee quite literally takes the higher road, propelling himself with anti-gravitons overhead.

    Black pixel-like particles trail behind him and cover the white on his arms and legs, but against the night sky, they are all but imperceivable. His first priority is the cargo, which happens to be living, or was living before they mysteriously disappeared. Huh.

    If the bird creature is distracted enough, Alex touches down on the rooftop and moves towards the door. Semi-silently. He's not a ninja, but he's well-practiced at sneaking out of the house at night.

Slipstream has posed:
As he searches the rooftop, Drake lets out an annoyed noise in his throat, then whips his gun off his hip and points it at the bird. He fires a far too 'accurate' blast of an ice shard at it, looking to down the noisy bird as Snowball uses her face plate to create a flashlight effect to light up the roof.

"Be careful, door is probably booby trapped. The bird definitely alerted the bad guys and we're going to get company. Can you disable the door and pop it open? That or we can swoop over the edge of the building and go through a side window while they're most certaintly rushing up the stairs at us."

Bad guys are predictable, right?

Shredder has posed:
    The icy shard slices through the air, and the avian figure shifts, the icicle catching a few of the feathers as it veers away, and then down below the roof. It wasn't moving as if it was seriously damaged, but more that it was engaging in evasive maneuvers.

    Long shadows spill across the rooftop, cast by small pebbles and AC hosing and pipes that speckle the rooftop, shifting as Snowball shifts her faceplate. Everything looks fairly normal. Then from the right of snowball, a swift dark shadow bursts, armed with a dark sack, which, if the figure is fast enough, throws over the little robot to be given a quick overhand tie to keep it in place before a jaunt back into the darkness.

Zero-G has posed:
"Disable, no," Zero-G turns to the door and lays a hand on its surface. Those particles cover his hand in its pitch darkness, and with a *push*, Alex forces the weight on gravity against it, with enough power to blow most doors off their hinges. "But this works just as well, too, right?"

He turns around in full, and Snowball got snatched! "What. Where'd your little bot friend go?" His eyes narrow, and he follows the shadows, backing into the building. Something is afoot!

Slipstream has posed:
Gamers have amazing periphrial and game sense and as he senses the movement out of the corner of his eye, Drake whips himself out to catch sight of the robot getting snatched up and darted off into the darkness.


There is emotion in his voice as he cries out, followed by rage. "KARAI!" He shouts out as he feels the ground vibrate beneath him.

"Face me, you bitch!"

Stepping backwards to put himself back to back with Alex, he takes in a deep breath. "She's their leader. Deadly. Beautiful. Stabbed me in the throat once with a short sword. She is a perfect weapon. G-Force, look, I just met you man, but.. you can bail and get help if you need to. I don't want you to die up here. If she's here, this is bad. /Real/ bad."

Shredder has posed:
    "Mr. Winters, you exaggerate, it was only a kunai," the young woman's voice comes from somewhere between Alex and Drake.

    The light is on inside, as might be expected in an emergency staircase, lit by the red exit sign that casts its hue along the walls which are in desperate need of a repainting. It's a quick move as hands grip the side of the door's threshold, and briefly into the light swings a lithe ninja figure, knees first aimed at Alex, seeking to clobber him and knock him down the flight of steps.

Zero-G has posed:
    "You're joking, right?" Alex shakes his head. "I am -not- leaving." He is resolute in those four words, without room for argument. "Beautiful?" That's not at all how he would characterize his killer, but to each their own.

Zero-G takes the blow in the chest, rolling weightlessly with the impact, and tumbling down a few stairs in the process. He pushes upward before he can get too far down, though, and stares up at the female ninja. "Dude, is this, like, your ex from hell or something?" In a blur of black and white, he flies straight into her to tackle her into the ground or, at the very least, get out of this staircase.

Slipstream has posed:
"A kunai /is/ a short sword! I Googled it! Look out --!" Drake calls out to Alex as Karai appears and gives him the boot down the stairs. "No! She's not my ex! My ex used to work for her, and I thought killed her, but obviously that didn't take! They're equally mean."

As Alex flies up the stairs, he jumps back in a blur of speed to create space, then whips his gun forward as he takes aim, waiting to see who else may come flying out from there. He knows better than to shoot at Karai. She would dodge and he'd hit his new friend. He knows better to attack. It will just work against him.

"Man, I shoulda stuck to streaming."

Shredder has posed:
    Karai turns to face Drake as she strikes Alex, assuming that he would fall all of the way down the steps, so she is surprised when she is suddenly tackled by him. She rolls forward, trying to use the momentum to cause a tumbling, and use that momentum to drive her full weight at her attacker's head with an elbow.

    "You should have." It's not Karai's voice, but instead it's another voice behind as a great beating of wings propels forward at Drake. It's the bird. Almost seven lean feet tall, the mutant falcon's voice is malicious as she comes diving forward at Drake talons first to try to pin him to the ground.

Zero-G has posed:
     Zero-G should really squeeze in some self-defense lessons into his schedule. He presses his arms firmly around Karai's waist, but he isn't really a match for the ninja's nimble movements. Once again, he goes weightless before the elbow hits his face, dropping her and spiraling away a bit.

    "Don't listen to her, Drake! You're a natural!" He says encouragingly, bringing a closed fist down and along with it the phantom force of gravity upon the winged beast.

Slipstream has posed:
Whipping the gun around from the door towards the voice, Drake lets out a loud noise of surprise as he is tackled backwards by the large bird. He kicks his feet upwards into it's stomach as they slide along the roof, using his powers to BLINK and hopefully propel the bird off of him, followed by yanking his gun upwards to fire a round of ice into it's chest. PULL! It's like a clay pigeon. Get it?

"I mean, I /was/ really good at it! AP, reverse the gravity around her! We'll send her ass to the moon!" He got them tactics and strats. Alex Powers is sorta like Sigma.

Shredder has posed:
    As Karai is freed from the grapple, she rolls to one knee, spotting as Alex makes his closed fist motion. A furrow of the brow, and she turns to watch as Drake skids out of Koya's grip.
    The falcon finds herself suddenly shoved to the ground. It takes the line of fire and shifts it so that the ice slams into the left shoulder instead, and through her beak she grinds her...teeth? Yes, teeth behind a beak. A truly disturbing sight. "Come back here," she snaps, pressing up to try to pick herself up off the ground.

Zero-G has posed:
    The gravity field around the bird mutant equals that of about five times that of Earth's natural force. Anything more could be lethal, and Zero-G isn't willing to kill or even permanently harm...whatever it is he's found himself fighting. Or Karai, for that matter. "Right."

    He doesn't send her to moon or anything, but his free hand comes up as the world shifts, and she would find herself suspended in another field that pulls her into the air. "We're not interested in fighting you. Or I'm not, at least. Not sure about lover-boy over here...just tell us where the scientist is, and we'll be on our merry way."

    Handling two separate objects without physical contact is a moderate strain on Alex's powers, and both retain a degree of maneuverability. "Drake, see if you can find the cargo. I can keep these two busy." Maybe.

Slipstream has posed:
"She's not my ex!" Drake calls over again as he scrambles to his feet. "And where is Snowball!?" He shouts at Karai angrily. He levels the gun at the bird, feeling it charge up once more in his hands as the tip glows a frosty blue. He levels it at the ninja, eyes squinting. "You've hurt so many people, Karai. I should just end this. The Punisher is still considered a good guy, right?"

He edges towards the door and the staircase, giving a visible frown. "If she as so much as glares in your direction, just do what you need to do. They're murderers, a million times over, Gee." He starts down the stairs, seething.

Shredder has posed:
    "My grandfather killed him," Karai says, commenting on the Punisher. Of course, that's as far as she knows. "So you can be counted with him if you like." She stays in place for the moment, watching as Drake starts down the steps.


    While the falcon may be immobilized, and Karai may be suspended, she can still move her arms. One of them shoots to her side, and she flings an egg in Alex's direction. An actual egg. Only this egg is not filled with yolk, but a pepper concoction. Not lethal, but pepper spray's got nothing on this.

Zero-G has posed:
    Zero-G gives Slipstream a sharp nod, as he blinks away, though what he needs to do and what Drake thinks he needs to do are different matters entirely. To him, a hero saves lives and never ends them. Unfortunately, it looks like his may be the only one needing saving.

    The...egg hits Alex square in the shoulder, and the concoction bursts upon impact. He hisses and cries out, pressing his hands into his eyes...which only makes the pain worse.

    His gravity hold wavers, then.

Slipstream has posed:
As he zips down the stairs in a number of flashing blinks, Drake does a quick assessment of the situation as he holds his gun at the ready. He searches through the warehouse quickly in a number of jumping blinks, trying to find not only Snowball, but any potential prisoners, and or gather intel on what they may be using this warehouse for.

He keeps getting a nagging feeling in the back of his mind that he should have stayed with Alex, but he was sure the more experienced hero had it well in hand. He after all has a /real/ super power. "Snowball?" He calls out.

Shredder has posed:
    Snowball is still on the roof, fairly close to where she was bagged, no where downstairs. Koya shoves up with authority, getting to her hands and knees.

    Meanwhile Karai wriggles, trying to get back to the ground. When she can't, she pulls a kunai, and flings it to follow the egg. "Let me go!" she snaps loudly as the small piercing blade whistles toward Alex. Turns out it is in fact not a sword, but a small diamond shaped projectile.

Zero-G has posed:
    Up until VERY recently, Zero-G operated solely within a group. A group of children, yes, but four, stubborn children, and he was their de facto head. And that Pack was always semi-competent at best, dysfunctional and lucky at worst. So it's entirely possible that Alex has bitten more than he can chew with these two, trained ninjas. No cloud cover, no powerballs, no lightspeed rainbows. He's alone, and the Power kids are always worse off on their own.

    That doesn't stop him from trying, though.

    Instinctively, he sends out a pulse of gravity, and throws everything around him back. Karai gets her wish...well off the building's roof. Alex, himself, falls unto the rooftop, and the tiny sword bites into his shoulder. He winces in pain but doesn't cry out. He's got this! He's only bleeding...and blind. He's got this.

Slipstream has posed:
After peeking around a corner and seeing that this is just a typical office and people are working the late shift, Drake blurs his way back up the stairs quickly to come back out on to the roof. "Holy crap, Gee! You okay?" He asks as he blinks to his side quickly, sweeping his eyes about. Ah! There is the bag that has Snowball!

He reaches over and tugs the bag open so that the little robot can float out with a -.- look upon her face. << Doot! >>

"Where'd she go?"

Shredder has posed:
    Karai lets out a defiant grunt as she is launched over the edge of the building. So much for non-lethal. As she does, Koya forces herself to flight with a mighty beat of her wings. "Monster!" she shouts, taking to the air. The bird plunges over the side of the roof, and dives after Karai. By the time anyone gets to the edge of the building to see what has happened...there's no trace left. Ninja vanish.

Zero-G has posed:
     Alex's eyes are squeezed shut, teary and burning intensely, but his head turns to follow the sound of Drake's voice. "No clue...she pepper sprayed me with...an egg?!" What the hell! Then, he breaks into a coughing fit and falls to his knees. His shoulder's bleeding, too, but...

    "Did you find the target? Are they okay?" That's where his heart's at: the safety of others. "And did you rescue your friend?"

Slipstream has posed:
"I think the bird may have dropped Karai on the roof. Downstairs was a normal office. People are working at their desks. I think one of them may have been a target. Fish one of those waterbottles out of your super pants." Drake says as he helps him up by wrapping an arm around his shoulders, bracing him. "I got a first aid kit across the street on my roof in my backpack. I can at least bandage you up. She stab you with her sword?" This is why she hates him.

Zero-G has posed:
"The short sword? Yeah, but it didn't stick. Just a flesh wound," Alex explains, reaching into his pocket and retrieving a water bottle...and Drake's binoculars. He manages to get himself upright, with help. "I guess I really screwed that one up, didn't I?"

Slipstream has posed:
"I told you that she's ruthless." Drake takes the waterbottle and uncaps it, then starts to spill the water across his face carefully, using a napkin he tugs out of his jacket pocket to wipe the pepper spray away from his face. "But you did fine, man. I never should have left you. That's my bad. I should have stayed here and trusted my gut. We didn't have enough information on the situation and me going down there left you open for attack. Mister Rogers would kick my ass for that." He curls his other arm about him, then pushes himself up to his feet to help him. "Wanna go back to my place and I can patch you up?"

Zero-G has posed:
    "So she was looking for someone inside the building?" Zero-G stills at Drake's administration, mouth slightly ajar and chin tilted upwards. "And we stopped them." He will take that, even if he did get his ass handed to him.

    "It's not your fault. I'm rusty. Like it's been years since I've been out on the streets," He shrugs lightly, wincing as his shoulder flares with a brief but sharp pain. "But yeah, that'd be cool. I can't go home looking like this or my parents will have a panic attack. They...they haven't fully wrapped their heads around the hero thing."

Slipstream has posed:
"You've been a hero since you were in Power Ranger undies and your parents still aren't on board? You're like a big deal, dude." Drake says as he gives him a wry grin on his face. He leans over to take a peek at the wound, humming to himself. "I think I got a self-healer thingy in my room that I snagged off the ship. It's like a spray on thingy that pulls your skin together and doesn't leave a scar. Brainy has a closet full of them." As he lets go of him once he is sure he can stand, he blinks himself across the roof to the other to snag his backpack, throwing it over his shoulder.

Zero-G has posed:
    "It's complicated, and involves a telepathic block from an extraterrestrial mind. We kept it a secret from them for a long time...longer than we had any right to," Zero-G is good to stand. His vision's a little blurry, but he can keep up with Drake, albeit slowly, over the street to the other rooftop and to his home eventually.

    "I don't mind scars," He comments idly. "I have lots of them. They tell the stories of our life. Or valuable lessons to remember. Such as don't engage an unknown threat, without any sense of motive or mission." He won't be letting himself live that one down anytime soon. Drake's right; he's supposed to be the professional, in comparison, anyway.

Slipstream has posed:
"Don't take tonight personal. Karai is an elite badguy. You know you got those kickass chicks that will literally beat you up no matter what? Black Widow? Bat Girl? Silver Sable? Karai. None of them got super powers, but they're just smart and tough as nails and know how to get into your head. She's a lifer trained ninja and a leader of the biggest shadow terror group in the world next to The Hand. She also had a super mutant bird too." Drake bumps his shoulder against his as they walk down the street towards his parked car tucked away in an alley. He has a electric car.

"So, if your parents got this telepathic block thing going on, how do you explain the scars to them? I got a few of those myself. Maaaaybe I'll show you." He sing songs a bit to him. "So, is Power Pack still a thing or are you kinda riding solo now?"

Zero-G has posed:
    "The Hand, The Foot, what's with supervillains and body extremities. It's not even cool, just mustache-twirlingly evil," Zero-G produces a cotton bandage from "Elsewhere" and gingerly applies it to his shoulder wound. It's not perfect, but the pressure halts the bleeding. He nods approvingly, sliding into the passenger seat. "Nice whip."

    "It was temporary. They know now, and...I dunno, it's weird. Sometimes they act like they aren't special enough to be parents to superheroes, but I'm still a kid and I still *need* them," He flops into his seat, brushing some hair from his eyes, and turning to look at Drake. "I'm doing my own thing, for now. It's a bit of a learning curve...not used to working alone. What about you? You said you were apart of a few teams but any family?"

Slipstream has posed:
Settling himself behind the cockpit of his current year Tesla, Drake fires it up as the entire dashboard is an touch LED panel. "If you want, you can connect your phone and charge it or play Overwatch on your side. Controller is in the glove compartment." After buckling in, Drake gives him an amused grin. "Blizzard customized this for me when we won again." In fact, the interior is decked out in New York Static colors. Something straight out of Pimp My Ride.

"Your family will come around. I'm sure it's the same thing with celebrities you know? How do you manage someone that has millions of dollars and adoring fans and super powers? They start to feel ordinary. You just gotta make sure they're loved. Smother them until they figure it out." He suggests.

"I'm not with the Avengers anymore. I took a break from the team when I went back to college to get my degree in video game design, aaaaaand.. I just.. didn't call Tony back. I feel bad too because I idolize him and he did a lot to help me, but I just feel that I never fit in. They're like the real deal super heroes and I am just a speedy kid who gets the shit kicked out of him. But, Lar Gand and I have been best friends since he arrived on Earth and he asked me to join the Legion and become a Legionaire. It fits me better. We're all younger heroes who act like bros. We are /still/ having try-outs." He suggests as he glances over at him.

As far as family goes? Drake gives a shake of his head. "My dad used to beat the hell out of my mom and one day she left. Packed her shit and took off. Then dad started beating me. He used to /really/ hurt me. I couldn't even go to school because of it. Kids there would see me as weak and pick on me too. I was getting beat up from both sides. So one day I ran away and lived on the streets of San Fran for a few years, playing video games in cyber cafes. That's how my career took off. I got discovered on the ladder and got picked up for an open division team, then the Overwatch League. Video games saved my life." He says with a bit of emotion in his voice.

Zero-G has posed:
Really nice whip. Zero-G connects his phone (are those pockets just endless??) to the aux cord and shuffles his playlist, which mostly consists of pop-rock from a lot of mainstream artists and a few obscure ones too. He's not playing video games. That would be rude, right?

"I usually try to give them space. I rationalize it by telling myself they need it to cope, but you could be onto something," Still. Easier said than done. He continues, "When they found out we had amazing powers and had been to space, it was like 'How can we even be your parents? What can we teach that could help you in extraordinary lives?' Turns out there's a lot of stuff superheroing won't help you with." Dating, for example. Sigh.

That's an interesting offer. "Think I'd make the cut. I may not be Superman, but I have experience under my belt," he smirks, already selling himself. "And I'm a pro at being a bro." Okay, that definitely sounded better in his head.

"Man," Alex forgets that for superheroes, family is usually wrapped up in tragedy. He chuckles, humorlessly and a bit awkwardly. "Here I am complaining about my perfectly normal parents, and you've had it way worse. Sorry."

Slipstream has posed:
"It's fine. Life happens in the direction it goes for a reason, right? Wait until you hear about how I got my powers. That one will will bring the tears out, because it wasn't fun and what's happened to me afterwards is not cool either. My powers are killing me when I use them. Hoo-ray! But big Brainy thinks he can fix me." Drake says as he gives him a grin, one that is full of optimism.

"I think you'd make the cut, easy. You're like an experienced superhero, you got cool gravity powers, you've been to space which is where they're all from, so you guys can chat it up. I would vouch for you. We should team up for a bit also if you're up for it. I mostly just watch the streets when I'm not hanging with the team. Right now The Foot are on my radar. I really should poke Tony about this because I just recently found out they took over eight gangs and have united them. That's going to be messy for the police department, especially since they have deep moles in there."

As they electrically whirl down the street in his car, he drums his fingers on the steering wheel. "You really should kick it with your parents when you can though. I bet they worry a lot about you, now that they know who you really are. I kinda see it as a parent who watches their kid join the military and get stuck overseas on a tour. You never know if they're gonna come back. You're lucky though to have that. I'm the biggest video game superstar in the world, or I was at one point. Surely my dad saw me on TV or on a billboard or a commercial or a clip online. He never came looking for me. Hell, at one point I was looking at Tony as a father figure because that's how desperate I was to have someone just tell me that I'm doing a good job, that I'm turning out okay."

Zero-G has posed:
"Would you trade them?" Alex presses some of his weight against the car door, watching the nightly activities of the city. "Your life for your powers." He knows his answer. His life is his powers. "Either way, it's a raw deal."

"Awesome," The blonde smiles brighter now, with the swing in conversation. "Sure, sure. Once you get me patched up, I'll give you my number. I'm generally free 2:30 to midnight on Mondays through Fridays and whenever on the weekends. If you need to reach during school, well, you can still call, but make sure it's an emergency." He adds a little wink.

"You know, I've learned that you can find familial love in the strangest places. I got my siblings and my parents, yeah, but my 'fairy godparent' is a computer, and my cousin is a horse-person. Your father doesn't deserve you, and there's nothing wrong with finding family outside of blood relations."

Slipstream has posed:
"Would I trade them? I don't know. Right now I'd say no. But I guess if that day comes and my body does rip itself apart on a molecular level, I'll probably wish I was normal. It's painful when it happens. It's like being stabbed a million times over and over again. I throw up a lot too." Drake says as he wrinkles his nose. "I got this bracelet." He lifts up his arm. "It tells me where I'm at. Green means good, red means dead."

As they pull into an apartment complex, Drake slips out of his car and gives a stretch. "Here we are. It's a pretty nice. Rent is expensive, but for years I didn't spend a dime living rent free with Blizzard and then the Avengers, so I pocketed all of my streaming cash and Avenger salary in savings so I can live 'okay' for awhile." He takes his keys out and swipes it to open a door down the hallway on the first floor, then nudges his way in.

"I was just hoping my dad would reach out to me so I could tell him to shove it. But I'm sure that wouldn't be healthy for me in the long run." The apartment is a small one bedroom, one bath, but it's in a good neighborhood. The living room is his 'stream room', with four dispays mounted on the wall with his gamer chair, his computer and mutliple view cameras and microphones. Outside of the top of the line computer set up, he doesn't have much else save a raggedy couch and a bean bag chair. No pictures of anyone around, no posters. He lives very light.

"Okay, self healing thingy is... right here." He says as he snags what appears to be a can of spray from a closet without any labels on it. "So, Brainy says I just spray this on a wound and it seals itself together. You wanna test this or bandaid it?"

Zero-G has posed:
"Take it easy on the powers, and stay green, I'm guessing?" Alex follows Drake and steps into the apartment. "Homely, if your idea of home is inside a virtual reality."

"We can try the healing spray. I'm a bit curious to see how it'll work," Even if he has to be the guinea pig. He finds somewhere to sit and carefully pulls his arms from his sleeves. The alien uniform slides from his torso easily, hanging limply at his hips. "Your apartment's pretty sparse. Have people over often?"

Slipstream has posed:
"No, not anymore." Drake says in regards to guests as he flops down next to him to examine the wound. He takes out a wet washcloth he snagged in the bathroom and carefully wipes away the blood, wrinkling his nose. "I had a roommate named Amethyst who moved on awhile ago. She was a Princess from some type of world involving a crystal kingdom I think? She was super powerful. Had a wicked sword. She found the friends she was looking for and moved on to stay with them. She was here for maybe two weeks. At the time I was with the Avengers so I was living there so I didn't mind if she used the place to crash. I came home one day and she was gone. Left a letter that was like a quick thanks and bye type of thing."

Giving the can a shake, he gives a few test sprays in the air to make sure it's not fire or acid or something else. It could be a prank can. It smells minty at least. "Okay, well, if something goes wrong, start screaming so I can quickly panic and not know what to do." He says, then gives a few sprays to cover the wound. Quickly it begins to numb, then heal itself together slowly as the flesh self-replicates. ".. Okay, I wanna live in the thirty-first century now."

Zero-G has posed:
    It is a nasty cut and would need stitches if not for 31st-century medicinal technology. "Don't worry," Alex says, laughing, "If it doesn't work properly, I have a healing factor that should get rid of it within a day or two." It's just a flesh wound!

    He lifts and flexes his arm, watching the mist work its magic over his raw skin. "Huh. That's really neat," He grins and looks up. "Why live in the future when the future comes to us? Your friends are smart. I'd be honored to meet them, I think."

Slipstream has posed:
"Well, Brainy is super smart. I think the rest of us are kinda average. That or we could be smart but Brainy is /so/ smart he makes all of us look dumb." Drake caps the healing spray and lobs it to the side, chuckling. "You got a healing factor too? I /sorta/ have one. My body is revved up in the speedy thingy so bruises and such fade away and small cuts. But if I was to break something, I think it'd take like a week to fix."

Bumping his shoulder to his, he pushes himself up and wanders for the kitchen. "You want something to drink? I got like ten kinds of sponsored energy drinks and stuff to make sandwiches with. Also if you wanna hop on the computer and play a game, by all means. It's all top of the line. I can even turn the stream on if you want and show off my celebrity superhero buddy to the fans. They all know I was an Avenger, so I get a neat mix of fans now that come for Overwatch content, or Avenger content, or both. Chat has been my family for years, so I don't want to neglect them too much."

Zero-G has posed:
"It's another Pack thing, but if I'm around them, I heal pretty quickly. Quicker if we hug," Light pink dusts Alex's cheeks. Yes, the power of love is real, and yes, it has brought him from the brink of death. Doesn't mean it's any less embarrassing. He slips out of his small astronaut boots but leaves the upper half of the uniform off and pads towards the gaming chair. "I really should probably get going."

Oooor he can shoot a text to his mom and hang out with his new friend, that happens to be a superhero. And everyone knows superheroes need their allies, or what good are they? It's the responsible thing to do, really, settling into that comfy gaming chair, spinning a bit, drawing his legs up, and turning on the computer. Really. Building connections and stuff. It's important.

"I'm easy," He smirks. "So how do you turn the stream on?"

Slipstream has posed:
Grinning at him, Drake shifts the cameras a bit, and the microphone, then plops a headset on. He reaches for his pro mouse and launches his broadcasting software, then clicks on his opening scene that has a montage video of him destroying other pros in various games. Loud music comes on through the speakers: Dynamite, by Amaranthe.

"Annnd, we're live. Once this time ticks down, the scene will change to show us on camera. This display here has my chat so we can interact. This screen shows donations, subs, and other content that is pushed to me. Then the game display is right here." He says as h emotions about.

Once the timer ticks down and the camera goes live, Drake takes a few seconds to watch his chat suddenly explode with emotes and salutations of all types. Within a minute he has five thousand viewers and quickly climbing.

"Hey bomb squad! I got a special treat for you tonight. I got with me G-Force from Power Pack! We're hanging out tonight to do some hands on with Overwatch and just talk to you guys if anyone has Q and A's. I've really missed you and I'm sorry I've been a bit busy. So, Chat, what's going on?"

The chat spams so quickly it would be impossible to really follow, but he finds himself laughing as he picks a few things out. "Same Chat. Okay guys, what questions do you have for Gee here?"

"... Okay, I'm not going to ask him that one. Or that one... or that one... you guys are /so/ personal. Okay, /fine/. G, do you have a girl or boyfriend? Chat can't ask about your super powers, nooooo, they want to know your dating life. Feel free to tell them no comment." He says with a laugh. "NO CHAT! I am not going to talk about his sister! Geezus. You guys are thirsty."