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A Mysterious Transmission: Passing It On Up
Date of Scene: 07 November 2019
Location: Sam's Room (West Halls), Xavier's School
Synopsis: Cannonball and Nightingale discuss the mysterious transmission; Beast's expertise is consulted, and Triage shares what he can as well. Chain of command is maintained.
Cast of Characters: Cannonball, Nightingale, Beast, Triage

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's in his room. He sent Shannon a text to come talk to him when she needs to and he will help out with what ever it is. Tonight he is actually cleaning his rifle.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon's just had a chance to start getting settled into her dorm for the night, putting on her favorite red tartan sweatpants, baggy grey tank top, and sheepdog slippers, when her phone makes a little buzzing sound. Upon checking it, she sees the message from Sam. "Thank heavens," she mutters. This was one sticky situation, and she'd be glad for the input. So she takes her phone with her and heads for his dorm, knocking on the door.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks up from his cleaning as he says "Come in." The young man's hand continue cleaning the rifle something he was taught when he was young and has done many times over the years since then. "Hey kiddo, whats up?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon slips through the door and makes damn sure it's shut. "Something really, seriously weird just happened down in the foyer. I think you might want to see this." That's about all the preamble that Sam gets before she swipes through to a recording on her phone; it's the old radio in the foyer, long dead but somehow come to life, and transmitting a message that sounds as if it ought to be coming from a science fiction novel.

     Begin Transmission


My name is Doctor Mohammad Scott, and I am a researcher within the AIM Site-13 Temporal Studies division. The date is 13 November, 1989.

Myself and my team were abandoned within Site-13 during a recent catastrophic event, the full details of which we do not know.

We are currently surrounded by hostile entities and other hazardous anomalies. Of the original thirty members of my team, only twelve remain.

To any AIM operatives listening on this channel, we are asking for assistance. Our supplies are dangerously low, as is our ammunition. Without aid, it is unlikely that we will last more than another month.

The transmission is wired by dead man's switch to myself, and will be played on a continuous loop until such time that I die.

Please help us. Thank you."

This is followed by a burst of static that has order to it - almost like a puzzle that's been put together wrong. That must be the encrypted information he spoke of. This is followed by a simple "Transmission repeats." and then the broadcast starts again...

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Ok, well Ah reckon the first question is who was around when this played?" He says upon sitting and listening to the full thing.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "It was Triage, Alek, Bean, and myself. I was the first one to hear it, and called Triage out from the wellness office to confirm I wasn't losing my marbles. Bean and Alek were there soon after. I'm guessing by now that Bean and Alek have that static part figured out, that'd be right in their wheelhouse." She frowns slightly. "The thing that really makes me look at this a bit more seriously was that Bean seemed to know who this AIM was. And he called it bad news. So... I can pretty well guess just /why/ he'd know, and if there's even a small chance /that/ organization might be tangled up with this..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "AIM is a bunch of mostly merch scientists, all about the money. So your sure was not Alek or Sam pulling a trick or something. None there seem to have any known temporal powers." He hmmms a bit and scratches his chin in thought."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "Fairly sure. I can't see why they would pull something like this. This is why we pretty well all of us agreed this should probably be passed on up the food chain, see whats you and maybe some of the teachers can make of this. If it helps any," she muses. "There /was/ an aurora borealis happening last night. Bean was thinking something like thats could have helped boost the transmission." She does pause, with a very pointed 'look' at Sam. "I also made sure to impress on them to keep this under their hats. My suggestion would be to talk to Bean or Alek next, see whats they have on thats static bit on the end of thats transmission. Maybe you could run it on up higher in the pecking order, see if there's actually anything to this."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Time travel." He sighs a bit and says "Ok, well I say this is probably something should be taken to Hank or maybe even the professor himself. All my time travel has been accidental. Illyana could make get us there but it is dicey.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "Mr. McCoy was one of the ones I sent the same text message to that you got. I sent it to you, Mr. McCoy, Logan, and Kitty. Figured between you four, one of you would know who to bump this one up to."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to this and says "Well, that would be my best bet as well, to be honest, Ah aint sure what we could do about it, but would not be playing around with the radio

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon holds her hands up and cracks a bit of a smile. "I sure wasn't touching that radio. In point of fact, I was actually on my way to the music room to work on a piece to play at the club when that started up. I'll pass it on to the rest of them to just leave that radio alone. Though how can we keep the rest of the students here from fiddling with it, too?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well might want to put something around it. He hmms and thinking a bit and says Maybe put a shelf backwards over it"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "May need a little help with that. My strength training's been doing a lot of good but if it comes to moving any antiques around, it's something I'd rather not do alone."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and says "Well we will find something to put over it Ah am sure." He finishes cleaning the rifle starting to reassemble it.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sighs a little bit and runs her fingers through her hair. "While it doesn't sound likely... if in fact it does turn out to be for real, those of us who were there, we'd like to do our part to help, too."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well Ah can;t promise anything about that pretty sure the higher ups aint going to want to have the kids time travel, and into a fire fight none the less. I don't know what can be done if we can do anything honestly"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods. "I didn't think they would, it sounds pretty bad. But we can still be here and do what we can to lend some support. And at the very least, it couldn't hurt to have one or both healers involved. If it's that bad, you're going to need it."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to her, and says "There maybe nothing we can do but go looking for the bodies." He hmms maybe the static tells us where it happened at.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sighs softly. "So be it. If that's what we find, then that's what we find. But with any luck, maybe there's actually someone still alive." Her brows furrow, and her lips purse. "Not going to let there be another Daniel if I can help it."

She tilts her head and nods once. "I'm guessing that static was the location of that transmission. If anybody can decrypt it, it'd be Bean and Alek. I'd poke at them and see if they have anything to work with yet."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie would send a message to Hank to come join them up in his room if he gets a chance. This is like 30 years ago. So may have already been done.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy gets a message of some kind. So he makes his way all the way up from the lab. Still in a white coat over his suit, he knocks on Sam's door.

Nightingale has posed:
"I'll get that." Shannon heads over to the door and cracks it open a bit to see who it is. "Mr. McCoy... got ourselves a bit of a head-scratcher here." She steps aside to let him in, glancing over to Sam."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Hank, and says "Ah the man who is needed and who would have more chance of understanding this." He says as he finishes assembling his rifle, and stands to put it back in the gun cabinet. "Seems the kids found something odd.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy nods to Shannon, stepping through the door and inside. Then considering Sam. "They found a gun? What's going on?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "No, the gun is mine have lad it here for years, went out target practicing so knew I needed to clean it."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head. "Not a gun, Mr. McCoy. Something a whole lot more weird. But maybe you might want to hear it for yourself." She taps a few things on her phone, and then turns it towards Hank. "This was happening earlier during the aurora. It was coming from the old radio in the foyer."

     Begin Transmission


My name is Doctor Mohammad Scott, and I am a researcher within the AIM Site-13 Temporal Studies division. The date is 13 November, 1989.

Myself and my team were abandoned within Site-13 during a recent catastrophic event, the full details of which we do not know.

We are currently surrounded by hostile entities and other hazardous anomalies. Of the original thirty members of my team, only twelve remain.

To any AIM operatives listening on this channel, we are asking for assistance. Our supplies are dangerously low, as is our ammunition. Without aid, it is unlikely that we will last more than another month.

The transmission is wired by dead man's switch to myself, and will be played on a continuous loop until such time that I die.

Please help us. Thank you."

This is followed by a burst of static that has order to it - almost like a puzzle that's been put together wrong. That must be the encrypted information he spoke of. This is followed by a simple "Transmission repeats." and then the broadcast starts again...

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy folds his arms as the situation is explained, and he listens to the transmission. "AIM Site-13 Temporal Studies Division. November 13, 1989. That's a long time ago. What's that noise at the end of the transmission? Just a problem with the transmitter?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head. "No, I don't think so. Bean and Alek headed off to the computer lab to work on that, so I'm pretty sure that static is actually encrypted data. What worries me is that Bean had a pretty fair idea of who AIM was, and I quote... 'AIM is... it stands for Advanced Idea Mechanics. They're bad news. As in, bad guy news, okay?'."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods a bit to this and says "Yea, Ah am a bit unsure of what to do here. Ah was thinking we need to get the thing where folks can't play with it. Ah have encountered time travel but Ah don't really know about this bit over my pay grade.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy rumbles out a hum as he considers this. "Well, an organiation that does wrong is still made up of people. The suffering of people is something to consider. And even if we don't wish to help them, it's important to know what they're doing."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon purses her lips slightly and fires off a message to Triage. <<Mind coming up to Cannonball's room? Working on that sticky situation.>> With that done, she glances between Hank and Sam, her brows furrowed. "Exactly. Triage was there as well, I've let him know we're up here. Maybe he could offer some input as well."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "But my question honestly is how do we help them. Ah mean as Ah told Shannon Illyana can time travel, but it not really persice from experiences we had."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy nods and rumbles again. "That's right. Well, i'm glad someone is analyzing the transmission. When we have that report, we may know more on wha twe can do. If anything."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods and crosses her arms. "I made sure to impress on all four of us to keep this to ourselves, and then fired off that message to you, Logan, Sam, and Kitty. The other major concern here besides how do we help these people, is this--are we on a wild goose chase here? Or is this for real?"

Triage has posed:
Another knock comes to the door, measured so that only those within should notice. In the hallway, another new student stops. "Is Mr. Guthrie okay?" he asks.

"He's fine," Chris answers. After a few minutes, Chris taps on the door again and tests the knob. It turns silently. He slips inside and firmly yet quietly closes the door again. Then he nods to the three in the room. "I got the message," he confirms to Shannon. Then, confident that Shannon has told them all that she knows and shared the transcript that they heard, he adds, "Bean and Alek have taken over the computer lab. They're working on clustering the workstations to break that encryption. I'm sure that they'll have an answer before classes in the morning. Bean agrees with me. That packet likely contains details that the transmitter didn't want to send on open channels."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to Hank and says "I am thinking maybe if they have a location, we might be able to head there and see if there is some type of time travel device there or something other than that I am unsure"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy nods, but not really having any more information to add, he folds his arms and nods to the arriving Triage. "Good afternoon. We should probably take this discussion downstairs if it's serious, and dangerous."

Nightingale has posed:
     "If that's the case, then I'm changing out of my PJ's. Are we meeting up downstairs, then?" Shannon glances between the three, uncrossing her arms and starting for the door. "Because I can well imagine it's not going to take Bean and Alek too long to come up with something."

Triage has posed:
"Good afternoon," Chris answers. He glances to Shannon and then Sam. "That's probably a wise idea, especially given what Bean sent to me. He got a location and checked satellite data." He nods to Shannon. "Where should we meet, and does anyone want coffee? I'll stop by the kitchen to bring fuel for this if necessary."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks tot he other and says "Lead the way Ah will be done in just a moment, want to check on something before Ah come down."