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Latest revision as of 17:43, 12 November 2019

Chance Encounters in the front yard
Date of Scene: 03 November 2019
Location: Frontyard - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Fans are met and declarations made at the meeting of many in mid-autumn.
Cast of Characters: Dazzler, Samuel Morgan, Pixie, Sunspot, Rage, Cannonball

Dazzler has posed:
Famous people are supposed to have flashy cars, lots of bling, and things like that. So things like MTV would have people believe, at least. Out in the driveway, outside the garage is one such famous person and their not at all flashy motorcycle.

Dazzler is dressed down in jeans and a t-shirt, hair tugged up into a ponytail and she seems to be doing the rather odd task of changing the oil on her motorcycle. Not very skillfully, at that. But she's enthusiastic about the activity, humming quietly to herself.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There is something to be said about motorcycles. Okay, several things. Fine, a myriad of things. But chiefly among them, which most owners will agree on, is that it's just so much fun to work on them. Bean certainly did, to the point where after just about a month of hard work, the tetanus factory that he was given as a project is finally ready to roll out of the garage.

    Roll only, mind, since the fuel tank is empty, the oil pan likewise, and the hydraulic lines just as dry. But the day is sunny, and there's no reason to confine this work to the garage where the delicately inlaid floor could get stained by accidental spillages. Nobody would mind a splash here and there on the concrete of the ramp. Hopefully.

    Cans and bottles clank down on the ground as Bean sets the bike on the kickstand, giving a nod to Dazzler

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn needed some fresh air after a post-Halloween hangover, and a lot of new questions that she had started to mull over. After some long, exhausting classes today, she had retreated to the front yard, enjoying the sights and sounds of nature and greenergy, humming lightly to herself as she admired the golden brown falling leaves of autumn..Noticing some people working on their bikes, she pauses a moment to watch them, taking a double take at the woman..."Heeeey...She looks familiar..." eyes narrow as she steps closer to them for a better look.

Sunspot has posed:
Someone mentioned flashy cars? Here comes one. Roberto rarely drives his Jaguar all the way into Xavier's, but later today rain is expected, and he prefers not to fly under the rain in one of his expensive suits.

On the other hand if he had come flying he would have missed Dazzler, so today it might be a lucky day for one Mr. Da Costa. His vehicle screeches into a full stop by the garage door and he peers out, surprised. "Dazzler?..." he grins, "hey, welcome back!" He says louder.

Dazzler has posed:
"Hi!" The greeting is bright and cheerful, so much more than just a simple nod. Alison gets to her feet, wiping a hand across her brow, which leaves a trail of oil behind. "Beautiful day, isn't it?"

The flashy Jag gets a look, but it's not until the person that is driving calls her name that she really pays attention, a smile spreading even wider as she lifts her hand, "Hey! Thanks." Which draws her attention towards Megan, and she gives her a smaller wave of greeting.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Looks like rain later." Bean comments, but returns the smile with one of his own. Well. Almost a smile. The corners of his mouth move the requisite distance, several facial muscles are engaged, and the resulting totality of motion is, at the barest essence, a smile. But there's no mirth in it. The eyes don't seem to want to join in. Wordlessly, he hands over a clean rag and motions to Dazzler's forehead. "Smudged a bit."

    He eyes the fancy car coming up the drive, eyes it all the way up to the garage, takes note of the driver, and keeps an eye on the driver through the gleaming nickel coating of the engine block of his Honda Shadow as he unscrews the cap from the oil reservoir. Dipstick proves what he already knows... utterly empty.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn's eyes widen as she crosses to the other side of the front yard, recognizing Dazzler even without the flashy costumes. Although she's never actually met her in person, in real life, in the flesh! Her wings flutter excitedly, glimmering in shades of bright pink and silver as she steps towards Dazzler. "Wooooowww! It's really you! This is SO amazing! Dazzler, in person!!!" she giggles excitedly, suddenly pulling out an autograph album out of seemingly nowhere. "Would you do me the honour of signing this?! I'm like, your number ONE faan!!!"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto pulls back his car a few feet, to make sure there is space for other vehicles, and slides out of the vehicle, grinning. "More beautiful a day now," replies the young man. "It is really good to see you. Your name has been mentioned often the past few weeks and..." and then Megan comes as to confirm it, which makes Roberto laugh in good mood for a few instants. "Mostly by adoring fans, but also due to some business concerns," he notes, still grinning.

Dazzler has posed:
The rag is taken, and Alison starts to scrub at her forehead in an attempt to clean the smudge. Then she checks it, then scrubs again just to make sure before she starts to hand the rag back to Samuel, "Thanks."

The mention of business concerns gets a curious look, but she turns her attention to Megan first, offering her a smile as she reaches for the autograph album, "Sure, who should I make it out to?" She wonders with a slightly curious tilt of her head, waiting to catch a name of her number one fan.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Another nod from Bean as he takes the rag back and opens a bottle of engine oil. With great care, he starts to pour it into the reservoir, giving it a pause every now and then to make sure it makes it through and settles rather than spilling back as air comes rushing out of the new oil pan. He's still looking at people, using the reflection of them in the engine block, figuring that the other bike rider must be famous somehow. He's so behind the times on popular culture...

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn is all blushy and giggly now, her wings still fluttering excitedly, her shock of neon pink hair seeming to literally light up in her excitement as she hands Dazzler a pen. "The name's Megan Gwynn. And let me just say, I think you're well, well tidy! I'm sooo excited to see your next concert!"

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto takes advantage of Megan's distraction to send a couple texts from his cellphone. Then he pipes in, "some business, with the X-Corporation and the Evolutions Club in Mutant Town. We can talk about it later, once you finish with the bike?" He offers.

Rage has posed:
Heading into the front yard is Andrea, once her white BMW is parked in her 'spot' for Seniors. She has a red welt on her face and neck, wearing a pair of denim jeans and a baggy sweater. There is a bit of a limp in her step as she goes, tapping away at her cell phone.

Dazzler has posed:
"Thanks." Alison replies to the hint that she's tidy. She assumes that it means she got all the oil off her forehead, which is always a good thing. The album and the pen are taken and she makes out a quick note to Megan, signed Dazzler. Then she turns the book back towards her and offers it in return, "I'll let you know when the next one is. I don't have any firm dates yet." She glances then at Roberto, hesitating a moment before she nods, "I should be done, so if you don't mind me taking a quick second to wash up, we can talk?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    With the oil done, it's time for the more time consuming hydraulic reservoir. As people chat around him, Bean just quietly replaces the cap on the oil reservoir, opens the hydraulic reservoir, and starts to pour the liquid until it reaches nearly to the brim. Then he stands to pump the brakes several times, watching the fluid level drop, and topping it up again. Honestly... this is going to take a while.

    It's roughly at that time that he spots Andrea come into the front yard... injured? Eyes now track her, trying to keep the entire gathering in his field of vision, calling out to the senior New Mutant. "Hi there. Everything okay? And don't tell me doors were involved."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn watches with wide-eyed wonder as Dazzler signs her autograph card, blushing and giggling once she hands it back, and inspects the work of art with a large grin on her face. "Oooooooooh, this is perfect!! I'm gonna frame it and hang it on my wall...Forever!!! Thanks sooooooo much!!!!!!!!" Dammit, she probably shouldn't have eaten all that Halloween candy last night and this morning!

Finally she glances over at Samuel and Roberto. "Oh yeaaaah, Roberto, you run Club Evolution with Sam dontcha? When can Dazzler play there again? That place was pretty awesome!!!!!!" still in good spirits, she beams and nods at Bean. "How's it going, Bean?"

It's only then that Megan notices Andrea, looking a bit bruised and limping, and her smile slowly fades. "Huh, Andrea? What happened to you? Are you okay!?"

Rage has posed:
As attention is called over towards her, Andrea straightens up and brushes some hair across her face to try and hide the splotchy skin and bruising along her face. Taking in a deep breath, she angles for them, shifting her weight off her more injured hip to try and not reveal the extent of her pain. "Hello. I am fine. Had a concert in Gotham last night and the Friends of Humanity were waiting for me near my tour bus. Robin showed up to help bail me out."

Any other details she leaves off for now. She offers up a bright and confident smile to her friends regardless, always the professional. "I see you met Dazzler, Megan." She says with a grin. "Did I just lose my number fan?" She says clearly joking as she bumps her shoulder against her friend's. "I can tell you more about last night later, if you want to hear it Sam."

"Hello again, Miss Blaire." This time she isn't fan girling. No. She is determined to make a better impression. "Hello Roberto."

Sunspot has posed:
"Andrea," Roberto's dark eyes narrow when the young woman comes closer and she appears injured. "The Friends... have you checked with Doctor McCoy? Are your bodyguards alright?" There are also other questions, like how is it was not in the news he read. But hate crimes against mutants often only show up in mutant places in the nets. Besides... Gotham.

He nods to Alison, then Megan. "Well, Sam runs the club. I just put the money. We should actually go find him."

Dazzler has posed:
There is a small, very sympathetic look from Dazzler at the news about Andrea's recent brush with the not so Friendly Friends. But she doesn't chime in with anything, instead she turns her attention back to the motorcycle and cleaning up her mess.

She was asking for a second or two to clean up before talking business, which it seems like she's going to take the time to get it done. Part of it.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Firmly on stage three then..." Bean comments, wiping his hands on the by now much grimier rag as he continues his work. Kneel to fill, stand and mount bike to operate brakes, watch fluid level, dismount and kneel to fill... Would be so much faster with someone helping. But it's done steadily and methodically, with an almost singular focus. His eyes only leave the bike once, and that's to find Andrea's. "Next time you give a concert, you're taking me along as security. Your team should have had a corridor ready for you. Your bus would have been the obvious soft target. They failed to anticipate."

    Pixie gets a wink from Bean, which is a pretty rare gesture from the teen. "Going okay. Glad you got your autograph." And yet he still has no idea who the celebrity is he failed to identity.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking out of the mansion about that time, perhaps it is people talking about him, perhaps Berto sent him a text earlier, but he is here now. He looks around at the people getting out "Hello Everyone," As he sees Andrea, he does a quick scan of her wounds, and looks over not rushing to her, but does start heading to her. he asks what others have "You ok? Lets get you into the wellness office.

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn frowns a bit at Andrea's explanation. "Oh no...I'm soo sorry I wasn't there to help you. Those wounds look painful, maybe you should go see Shannon or Triage or..." she bites her lip. No way, those two are waaaay overworked. "Orrr maybe you should just rest a bit."

Megan smiles a bit, shaking her head. "No way, I still love your music too, Andrea! I can't wait to see the two of you playing together! That would just be the most lush thing ever!!" she smiles and nods to Bean. "Thanks. You're right, we should all have each other's backs. And yeah, were your bodyguards not enough? Maybe you need more firepower, y'know? We're always here for you.."

When Sam emerges, she smiles and waves to him. "Hii Sam! How are you doing? Speak of the devil.." she smirks at Roberto.

Rage has posed:
"I am fine. My regeneration will have this cleared up by tomorrow. I just got a bit manhandled before my security team and myself took care of them with the support of Robin. James, my bodyguard took a bullet to the chest but he had his vest on, so he's fine as well. The bus was parked at the back of the building and we had a sound exit strategy. A group of them with automatic rifles showed up and rushed the bus. James .. " Andrea pauses as she gives a glance to the others before she settles her gaze upon Bean. "James was able to permanently resolve the situation."

It does not appear that she is going to go into many more details about how the night was resolved, but by the edge in her voice, violence was utilized at a high level. Her eyes trail after Dazzler again for a moment, looking a bit anxious as she rocks on her feet. "I would love to be able to sing with Dazzler. It's only been my dream since I was a kid." She says with a soft laugh, reaching out to loop an arm around Megan's shoulders, squeezing her. "Hi Sam." She says to her team leader. "I'm cool, really. Robin even apologized to me for that whole funeral situation."

Sunspot has posed:
"Text the devil, actually," Roberto winks an eye to Megan and then nods to Sam. "But actually I think we should talk about it over lunch, Dazzler. Your adoring fans demand your time now." He glances back. "And I better leave the car inside and out of the way." So he heads back to do just that.

Dazzler has posed:
Lunch. Right. Dazzler probably fully agrees, if she wasn pre-occupied with getting cleaned up.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "That's something, at least." Bean comments, knowing very well what a permanent resolution looks like. "But you're still taking me on as security next time you're giving a concert. Your security stands out, I don't."

    After a short look to all gathered, Bean nods to Sam as he leaves the mansion. "Mister Guthrie. Nice day out today." Pump brakes, watch fluid level, dismount, kneel and refill...

    He watches the fancy car move, still none the wiser as to who the driver was. Honestly, people are just showing up out of nowhere to the school. His security assessment is going to need an update.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Andrea and says "Well make sure you stop by the office and get checked out. I know you will healing but want to make sure nothing is hidden in the wounds, or no surprises. I want to double sure your ok."

Pixie has posed:
Megan Gwynn blinks a little at Andrea's off-handed comment about a funeral. "Err...Funeral? Who died?" presumably a friend of humanity or...She bites her lip, clutching her newly acquired autograph protectively. However, maybe she doesn't want to find out and with a yawn and stretch, Megan peers back towards the mansion. "Well, it's been a long day, I should turn in early for the night..See y'all later!"

Rage has posed:
Waving to Megan as she heads off, Andrea turns to the pair of Sam's, folding her arms over her chest. "I'm fine, seriously. You should see what the other guys looked like.. I didn't kill anyone though. There was four of them, three are apprehended by the law, one .. James put a couple of rounds into his skull. I'm going to have nightmares about that." She runs a hand along her face. "I'm not even hurt. It was just some rough grappling."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    He shouldn't comment. Killing was supposedly against the ethos. So things like 'the only way to make sure' and 'good riddance' are likely to be received poorly. So instead he keeps on working, pumping brakes, using the clutch, making sure all the hydraulic lines are filled. Finally, the fluid level refuses to go down, and he can top up the reservoir and seal it off. "I suggest you go see a counselor. Seeing someone get shot is... disturbing, at first."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods and does frown a bit at the mention of killing. He looks over to her, and says "Well, am glad to hear your ok at the least. " He will look to her, and says"Is your bus armored or anything like that if not, we may want to look into it.

Rage has posed:
"I have /been/ shot before, multiple times. I've been stabbed multiple times. I've killed before. I'm already in counseling. I'm starting to become so numb to all of this." Andrea sighs as she glances upwards to the sky for a moment. "Anyways, enough about that. How is your days going?" In regards to her transportation? "No, just my personal car is."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Cap the reservoir, ensure the seal is proper, cap the bottle of liquid, remove all traces from the metal. You can almost see Bean ticking off the items off a mental list. Next comes the fuel tank, with its chromed cap. "Numbness is a sign of shock. And it's perfectly okay to be terrified of what happened." Fuel can in hand, Bean looks over to Andrea, with an expression that is deadly serious. "Go do something fun. Anything. Get your mind off whatever happened. And if you don't have nightmares tonight, let your counselor know."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie hmms and nods his head a bit to this thinking about her bus a bit, and says "Well you need anything you know where we are, even just need someone to eat and chat with at one in the morning. How you doing Sam?

Rage has posed:
Settling herself on the porch, Andrea taps along her phone a few times with her thumbs against the glass. "I'll try and find something fun to do." Like maybe a game of Angry Birds, or working through this queue of incidents mailed to her by Starlight House. Though that is more work than fun.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "Good. Relaxation is important. And if you don't decompress from a traumatic experience, you will end up with PTSD." Valuable advice from the resident sufferer of a collection of mental issues. For now Bean seems to be calm and collected, meticulously filling the fuel tank, with pauses to let the fuel run into the lines. "I'm doing okay, Mister Guthrie. With your permission, I would like to teach Andrea how to fire a pistol properly..." he gives her a glance before turning back to what he's doing. "She can use the practice, and it sounds like it may come in handy sooner rather than later."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and hmms "You wanting to learn to shoot Andrea? " He will ask watching both her and the other Sam's reactions both for now.

Rage has posed:
"I don't think that's a good idea. I'm surrounded by too much violence as it is. I think tomorrow I'm going back to church." Andrea says as she continues to stare at her phone, tapping along the glass. "Do you think Jay will want to go with me?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There is a blink. Then a moment where Bean actually /stares/ at Andrea, before he remembers what he was doing and stops filling the tank before it overflows. The fuel can is closed. The cap goes back on the fuel tank. "Clearly I misunderstood the intention of the training session a short while ago. If you would excuse me..." And so Bean loads all the cans and bottles onto the seat of the bike, and pushes it back into the garage.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Possible, you could talk to him, would say an ok chance he would want to. To Sam;'s reaction he asks "Ah miss something?'

Rage has posed:
"Yes, you did misunderstood the intention. It was a social simulation. Something real, not fake like your computer program. I was giving you a chance to engage in conversation with two people with a topic that you were comfortable and familiar with. I was giving you a chance to be excited about a topic and lead the conversation. Instead, you discovered I already knew how to use a gun and took that time to make me feel stupid, which hurt my feelings, especially since you were laying it on thick in front of Vi." Andrea taps again along her screen. "Maybe you need to have your trainer include emotional social cues to your simulations so that you can read your audience better."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    For a moment, Bean stops. Just... stops. His back turned to Andrea, his hands grip the handle bars of the bike so tightly that his knuckles turn white. There is a deep breath, and the teenager takes the high road and keeps going, into the garage, towards the berth for his bike. Overhead, the lights flicker for a moment.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie frowns a bit looking between the two and says "Ok diffinetly seemed I missed something. "I doubt he ment to hurt yopur feelings, any chance of you two talking this out?'

Rage has posed:
As Bean heads off, Andrea glances up from her phone for a moment, then lets out a soft sigh. "Bean.." She pauses, then gives a shake of her head as she looks to Sam. She chews on her bottom lip, then says, "Effective immediately, I'm resigning as a member of the New Mutants. This isn't working. I don't fit in to this 'new' ... group...style.. whatever this is. I'm a senior and I'm graduating soon so there is no point. This way I won't be a distraction."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    "You said what you said." Comes the response from inside the garage, after the sound of a bike being put on its kickstand. And then Bean comes back, wiping his hands on that rag, looking between Sam and Andrea. "I have little time for someone who deliberately mishandles a firearm. She assured me that it was a genuine mistake, that she wanted to learn, and now she's saying that her mistakes were deliberate. I tried to do what the training says I should do, to not take it personally and offer some kind of reconciliation. But the offer of my time and expertise are clearly not wanted, so I fail to see what else I can do."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie sighs a bit and says "Ah would like to talk to you both a bit, I don't think Andrea ment it personal, more ment to help you learn how to interact, and Andrea if your teaching someone if they are doing it wrong need to let them know so they can get better. Ah would hate for you to leave the team andrea. I would like to talk to you proivatly on that before you make it official.

Rage has posed:
Rubbing a hand on her face, Andrea looks frustrated. "There's no point. I don't fit in. Good luck guys." She says as she rises up and heads into the house after tucking her phone back into her pocket.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There is not the meanest stirring on Bean's features at the declaration. Not a twitch of regret or contrition. Instead he simply turns around and walks back into the garage, hands behind his back. Undoubtedly, the punching bag down in the gym is going to have a rough time of it soon.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie sighs a bit watching them both walk away and ponders a bit what he can do to fix it, and has a bit more respect for the Prof and Magneto in that moment.