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Latest revision as of 22:26, 18 November 2019

Introductions and Questions
Date of Scene: 14 November 2019
Location: Breakstone, Westchester County
Synopsis: Cannonball and Triage finally get to meet Poseidon, and hopefully concerns for Shannon's safety are laid to rest. The blessing of love and friendship is found to be the greatest gift of all!
Cast of Characters: Nightingale, Cannonball, Triage, Poseidon

Nightingale has posed:
     It might seem an odd place for introductions, a little brook out in the woods, a short distance away from the school. But this time, Shannon was not alone. She was dressed warmly for the season, with her cream tunic sweater, dark blue jeans, and knee-length caramel boots. She's also got a pair of... oh lordy, she's broken out the fuzzy leopard print earmuffs again! There's also a small censer dangling from chains in one hand, filled partway with sand, and a small bag with a few indeterminate items in her other hand. "I was pretty lucky the last time I came out here," she tells Sam and Chris, who had fortunately been able to join her on this small trek. "Who knows if this will work again. But, at least you two can tell me one way or the other if I'm losing my marbles or not." Pressing her lips together in something of a grimace, she lets out a little huff. "I'd rather not repeat history, if you catch the meaning."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's bro raises and says "And what exactly are you trying to do kiddo?" He asks wearing a jacket and jeans. He has a toboggan on his head, and no not the sled the knit hat. He will walk along looking over between Shannon and Triage a brow raises.

Triage has posed:
"I don't think that you're in danger of that," Chris answers, shaking his head when they reach the brook. He might have seen this spot in the past on hikes around the lake, but he never thought about it as a special spot until Shannon mentioned such places to him recently. "It's good that the water hasn't begun to freeze," he adds, looking at the splashing brook. He wears hiking boots, jeans, and a colorful Coogi sweater. From his shoulder dangles his vintage medic's kit, and he carries his staff.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon looks right at Sam and Chris both. "I've told you both about meeting with Poseidon, and well... given recent history, I'd sure appreciate your point of view on the whole thing. And the best way for that..." There is a flat rock nearby that looks level enough to hold the censer. She sets the little brass thing down and removes the top, rooting around in her other bag for a bit of charcoal, a match, and what looks like a small amount of a pale gold-colored resin. "...is to let you see for yourself." She smiles a bit as she lights the charcoal and sets it on the sand in the censer, waiting for it to finish sparking and go silent. A few bits of the resin are sprinkled over the charcoal, wisps of smoke bearing distinct citrus-like and slightly metallic notes rising into the air; if one is versed in such things, it might be recognizable as frankincense. She closes her eyes, hoping and praying that this is a fortunate day....

Poseidon has posed:
If it was hard, in the beginning, to get used to the fact that humans don't sacrifice to him, don't pray to him, and generally speaking don't care about him one way or another, now Poseidon is not only used to it but finds it actually gives him a lot of freedom, or to better define it, a lot of time to just sit on his throne doing absolutely nothing but wait and observe.
Being shannon at least a regular source of prayers, or at the very least of good mornings, part of his mind is focused on her, and when he senses her trying to get in touch, in intentions at least, a quick spell comes to his help allowing him to see the trio of people near the brook.
"now, this may be intresting..." he mumbles, standing from his throne and summoning on himself the blue scaled armour, the golden cape and keeping the appearance that is his natural one, with the ageless face and the white shoulder lenght hair. The incense burning is almost his signal, or most likely the one he had been waiting for. Magical energies start to gather around him as he prepares to teleport, considering a dramatic entrance for a moment but instead deciding against it. And so it is that Poseidon, god of the seas, earthshaker, stormcaller and tousands of other names appears out of nowhere at the summoning of Shannon herself, standing though on the brook's waters as if they were solid ground. Nothing announces his appearance, no loud sounds, no sudden movements, he simply materializes, where there was nothing before. Perhaps, this was a dramatic entrance after all.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's bro raises a bit as he looks over at her "Well was thinking more you ran into him on the streets somewhere." He starts to say, but as the man appears Sam looks him over. The look is not one of shock or worry more a bit of judging perhaps, trying to get the feel of the man, deciding if he thinks he is legit or someone conning Shannon. Sam does seem protective of her.

Triage has posed:
Chris shakes his head. "I wasnt' sure where, but Shannon did mention water to me, so I guessed that it would be near a fountain, at least." Then he sees it, first an invisible life-sign, and then the definite form hovering over the water. He steps close to Shannon, nudges her elbow, and nods in the direction where the object of her quest has appeared.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon is a bit slower to respond, as this entrance was both understated and yet dramatic at the same time. But when she opens her ice blue eyes, a smile curls her lips upwards, and she stands, making sure the censer is secure and not about to tip out its contents. "Hello there." She sketches a little bit of a bow, ruffling her wings behind her. "You gave me a lot to think about the last we spoke. Thank you for that." Glancing between Sam and Chris, she inclines her head towards each. "You told me to never stop asking questions, and I trust these two implicitly to make sure I'm not losing my proverbial marbles. May I introduce my adoptive big brother, Samuel Guthrie, and a dear friend and healer of even greater strength than I, Christopher Muse."

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon remains still, and quiet, for a couple of seconds, just studying the three with a quite neutral gaze. Then his ageless face twists into the parvence of a smile, when his eyes finally settle on Shannon "good day" he speaks, giving a polite nod as a form of greeting while speaking in a serene voice. "well, it is good to meet you two, then, Christopher and Samuel. Who" he shifts his eyes towards Samuel "apparently already knows one of my colleagues, and I'd say not just one of the lower spheres... Am I sensing wrong, Samuel?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks to the man and says "I have met quite a few of the Norse pantheon and have been to Asgard, but have not had much run in with those of the Greek side of things. " He hmms a bit and seems to give the man a bit of a point for knowing this but then again Shannon may have told him, so he still is not 100% convinced.

Triage has posed:
"Shannon has praised you well to me, sir," Chris answers, nodding to his winged friend. "When she mentioned you, and then suggested that she might have opportunity to speak with you again in my company, I was glad. I count it as an honor."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head and glances over towards Sam, catching the look on his face. "The only one I mentioned was Loki, and that being my own run-ins with him, the last time we spoke." She peers over at Poseidon, smiling a little bit. "If it's not prying, who was it you were sensing?"

Smiling at Chris, she demurs a bit. "You were there for that run-in as well, when he came seeking healing. I value your point of view on all this."

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon turns his head, and gaze, towards Chris at first at whom he aims a small smile and another nod of aknowledgement "always good to meet a healer, even if that's not exactly my field I still respect the profession..." he states. Refocusing towards shannon, though, he shakes his head slightly "it is for him to tell you, Shannon. Plus, I may sense the influence of another deity on him, but I'd actually need to concentrate and cast some spells to actually know the story around it. But yes, Samuel" and he turns towards Sam now "I know it was not an olympian... After we tried to destroy eachother, a lot of years ago, after the peace between asgardians and olympians, I consider them as colleagues nonetheless..."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, a bit to this and says "They like most other folks have some good folk and bad folk. Ah will admit, when Shannon mentioned meeting you, I sorta imagined more her running into you as you were wandering about experiencing humanity and all that. But it is a pleasure to meet you and Ah hope my bit of skepticism does not offend, but Ah am protective of friends and family, so believe in caution when meeting someone of your.. status." he chooses the word after a moment consideration.

Triage has posed:
"I, too, am cautious for Shannon's sake," Chris adds. "Through the years, particularly with my gift, I have learned that not all who seem dark are beyond hope." He bows his head briefly and then notes, "Life is a treasure to most beings." He looks to Shannon and urges, "We should not delay an important request, however."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon chuckles softly and grins a little at Sam. "Actually, the first time I ran into him, you weren't too far off. It was within days after the protest in which Daniel was lost, in a little park in Salem Center." A slightly sheepish, yet no less warm smile is offered to Poseidon. "I hope you're not offended I thought to bring these two dear ones with me. But I didn't want to hide this from them, and they -are- rather protective. It's because of their great hearts. Hearts that I daresay are as big as the sea--and you would know about that part."

She chuckles softly at the mild teasing, but then glances over to Chris, raising her eyebrows in inquiry.

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon chuckles lightly, his eyes still on Samuel "I don't mind skepticism, in some cases it denotes some common sense in people. As long as people are respectful they can be as skeptical as they want, when they stop being respectful it's there that I feel the hurge of doing some less than pleasant things." he shrugs, his cloak shifting from side to side at the movement.
Chris is the next to get his attention "right? Not all those who look dark are dark... The problem is that some of those who look and are dark know of your, soft spot for redeeming people and all that, and actually play on that. Hopefully, the wisdom to discern what is what and who is who will be a gift that you three will share, unfortunately it is one that builds with experience" he turns then curious eyes on shannon, and Chris again "request? And yeah, we met in a park, Samuel, while I was doing my thing and she was doing hers. She had, though, if memory serves me well, a great book with her that made me approach her. Didn't you, Shannon? And no, I don't mind you having brought them, I am glad someone's protecting you"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "My Ma taught me to respect folks, and treat them like I would want to treat, and then a cheesy more taught me to be nice till it is time not to be nice. I try to live by those rules amongst others. Ah will be honest this is not exactly where I would expect to meet you, but so far you have seemed a decent fellow so it is a pleasure to meet you." He will do something might shock someone but he does offer his hand in greeting to Poseidon.

Triage has posed:
Along with the raised eyebrow come a few whispered words, which Chris answers. Incining his head again to Poseidon. "I thought that there would be more, but her request is this meeting itself," he explains. "Because we are close to Shannon, she wanted us to see, and not worry for her." He nods to Sam and then adds, "I believe that you have allayed her fears. I am grateful for that. Life brings many real worries without our adding imaginary ones." He nods to the incense. "In future, will it be enough for her to come here without carrying that? I ask because winter might dampen the fire, but certainly not her spirit."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles softly. "The peace of mind I hope that these two who are dear to me might come away from meeting you with, is the request, because of my love for them, and the greatest gift they could gain. Great book...?" For a moment, the young winged girl looks a little confused. What could he mean...? "Oh!! I think you must mean my laptop. Yes, I was working on some music on that, and adding in the ocean sounds that underlie the entire piece. I'd hoped to find refuge in the music that day but came away with something a bit more than expected. Hopefully, now we all have." Her smile just grows wider as she sees Sam offering his hand, her wings fluttering, then spreading out to their full span. Even if she does molt one feather. Just one, for the season.

Poseidon has posed:
"I see..." Poseidon states, perhaps in answer to all of the words that the humans just said. He nods his head towards Chris, glancing at the incense burner "that is not necessary indeed but" he extends his right hand in the burner's direction, and channeling some magic into the object isn't difficult at all for him, causing the object itself to glow briefly. "any incense burning into it will not be affected by the weather from now on..." he states plainly, redirecting his hand to accept Sam's handshake, gripping the man's hand firmly yet using an human amount of strength.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie steps back after the hand shake, and does smirk about the comment about the weather, as they do know the one to put that to a test if they decide to later. "Ah must admit I am a bit curious what one of the old gods do on earth to pass time. Ah mean Thor and Hercules do the whole thing and no offence know Hercules is at most a demigod not a full fledge if I have my termanology correct

Triage has posed:
Chris looks to the censor when Poseidon gestures to it, and smiles at the brief glow when the magic of the sea envelops and then settles on it. "That should help greatly," he answers. "I'm sure that even in times of old, emergency prevented people from coming to you in a proper manner. A generous heart would overlook such things due to the circumstance." Then he watches the handshake. "I am sure that you have Shannon's thanks for that gift, and now mine as well on her behalf. I could ask no more than for her safety."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon smiles broadly at all three, and right then and there, she actually up and hugs Poseidon. "Thank you," she whispers, a massive smile on her face. "You don't realize just what a precious gift this is." A little bit sheepish, she steps back after a minute or two, her wings outspread and her smile even bigger than before. Could the day possibly get any better?

Poseidon has posed:
Poseidon hugs shannon back, holding her for as long as she wants before releasing her "well, now though I'm afraid I will have to leave you... There are, matters I should attend to! And that" he grins "answers the question... Thor saves the world, I make sure there's something to be saved and that you humans don't mess with the oceans too much..." he winks slightly "and yeah, he's a demigod, Hercules I mean... So, well" he smiles one last time "be well, and you three know where to find me should you need me. Or, rather, know how to get in touch." that said he steps back, gives a last nod, and as suddenly as he appeared he dematerializes, vanishing instantly to reappear, probably, in his throne room again.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs to herself, taking care to douse the charcoal in the censer and giving the metal time to cool before carrying it back home. She glances back over at Sam and Chris, seeming almost to dance in place with her wings outspread. "How are you two feeling about all this," she asks, her eyes all a-twinkle. "Think I'm losing my marbles or does everything seem on the up and up?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie says, "Well he is real will give ya that, as for actual Poseidon possible but don't let him talk you into anything you don't want to do or dangerous.'"

Triage has posed:
When Poseidon vanishes as quickly as he appeared, Chris turns to Shannon. "You have witnesses, now," he assure. "Now that I've seen several like him, I still marvel but I wouldn't say that you've lost anything. In fact, I think that you've gained from these things." Then n he nods to Sam. "Good advice on any occasion. Some pretty flowers bear deadly poisons."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly as she finally gathers up the censer and puts the lid on it, carrying it by its chain as she hugs them both fiercely. "Then the three of you are thinking alike. How did I become so fortunate as to know all of you? That has got to be one of the greatest blessings of all." With that, she starts on the short hike back, and it seems quite likely the smile will not be wiped from her face for some time to come.