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Latest revision as of 05:59, 20 November 2019

A mammoth of a time
Date of Scene: 20 November 2019
Location: Avalon Heights, Avalon
Synopsis: Welcome to Excalibur. Population weird.
Cast of Characters: Captain Britain, Nightcrawler, Buffy Summers, Dracula, Wolfsbane, Winifred Burkle

Captain Britain has posed:
It was a snowy winter evening in the Avalon Heights area Blüdhaven, New Jersey. Everything seemed to be pretty quiet. Most people were at home, cuddling up in front of the fire, watching a streaming service, or out drinking. People were always out drinking somewhere. The streets were fairly deserted, with snow covering the road, and any car parked by the side of it.

Brian was just leaving a store, all bundled up in a black woolen jacket, grey turtleneck with a vertical rope pattern, as well as some stripes, black leather gloves, and burgundy trousers. He then wrapped a scarf around his neck, doing one loop. He was carrying two large shopping bags, some early Christmas shopping.

At which point his phone beeped. It was a bit difficult for him to reach into his right jacket pocket and fetch it. But social media was abuzz with some kind of prank story. Apparently, people were under the impression that some Mammoths had been witnessed roaming the streets. Another area said that there was some kind of electrical storm going on. And yet another area had mentioned sightings of some kind of monster. Honestly, people would believe anything.

Nightcrawler has posed:
Brian was right. Somewhere there was always someone drinking. Kurt was at Harry's, having a stein of beer. Elbows on the table, hands folding around his drink. It's good to be without an image inducer, and Harry's is one of those places he can do so.

People are talking, pulling out phones or tablets, looking at goings on and Kurt just wants his peace and quiet, finish his beer - eat a half pound of mints so that Rahne will let him in the cabin... Maybe convince her to watch streaming services with him. Snugglecrawler. He keeps his eyes shut, trying not to go over, or look at his own phone. Just once.

Just once.

He sighs when his tail starts to wrap around the outsized smartphone in his jacket pocket.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Honestly, winter always catches Buffy by surprise every time. She's bundled up in a long woolen coat, and cheerful pink toque, a scarf wrapped around her face as she trudges through the snow. As luck would have it, she comes from the opposite direction of Brian, carrying some bags full of Christmas shopping herself, heading in his general direction. It's been a long day with classes and then shopping and she pulls her scarf tight around her face, probably nigh unrecognizable in this outfit to most at least.

Dracula has posed:
Amidst the snow a figure begins to shamble down the road. There's no jacket, no scarf, just a dirt covered, ripped white t-shirt, torn black work pants, dirty brown dress shoes, and a half torn black tie around his neck. He seems to be talking to himself, struggling with his words. At times his hands cover his face and he begins to whisper, seemingly to himself, in an aggravated tone. He's pretty pale too. Otherwise he's clean cut with short, gray hair.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Speaking of that cabin, Wolfsbane is there while Kurt does his thing at Harry's, while others elsewhere shop and socialize. She's in the small kitchen, trying to follow along with a video recipe on a tablet. The trip overseas with Kurt had its ups and downs, and while both have been back Stateside for a week or so by now, the fact is Things Happened that put both of them in difficult spots, but brought them closer together as a result.

She's also not hiding her wolfen side, given where she is, clad in casual clothing. A coat hangs on a rack near the door and she hums distractedly to herself. Seems some kind of rouladen is in the cards if she can get it right, a German dish. A surprise?

Captain Britain has posed:
Something was going on, but no one really knew what it was. It could be a some kind of a prank, but there were too many smartphone videos, too many calls to the police. Whatever was going on in Blüdhaven, it was big, and it needed someone to address it. The herd of Mammoths were currently going down West Webster Avenue, and were quickly approaching the five way intersection with Amsterdam and Oakwood.

The electrical storm had been reported a bit further south, near West 1st Avenue and Grove Street. And the monster was near West Clay Avenue and Columbus Place. There were videos being uploaded to twitter and other social media, from people in high rise apartments, of the Mammoths wandering down the street. The monster seemed to have feathers. There were no photos of the electrical storm, but enough reports that it had begun trending.

When Brian met up with Buffy, he smiled, trying to shift the gifts to one hand so he could see what was going on with his phone. "Oh, Buffy, it's great to see you." Hoisting the bags, "some of this is for you, so no peeking." And then as he managed to see what was up, "hey, have you seen this?" And he held up a photo of a herd of mammoths. It wasn't too far from where they were.

Buffy Summers has posed:
A cool breeze ruffles her scarf and Buffy pulls it tighter around her face, pausing not far from Brian, beaming and waving as she spots him - which is never hard to do. "Hey, Brian! How's it going, venturing out into the cold like this?" she grins, pulling her own bags behind her. "ditto..No peeking either, 'k?" her smile fades a bit as she peers at the photo. "Er..Mammoths? Really? That's...Different.." she hasn't spotted Rahne or Kurt yet, but she does spie a man ambling along in thin clothes unsuitable for this weather. "Hey, who's that guy? Looks pretty cold.." Well, she had bought a cheap little blanket for her apartment, and she fumbles with it now, waving to the man. "Hey! You cold? Here.."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Gott in Himmel... You have got to be kidding me." Kurt mutters as he looks at the news, looks at the footage, and immediately dials 'home' as it were. Waiting the couple moments before she answers,

"Ja, Darling..." he frowns, "Ja. I expect Brian will be calling." he stands and tosses a few bills on the table as he starts for the door, slipping his earpiece in. "Nein, he'll be calling - welcome to Excalibur. Population weird." another nod and a sloppy salute tipped to Harry as he slips out the door.

"Ja, I'll be home in a second. No I'll appear outside." he doesn't want that scolding again. "Ja, be ready."


Dracula has posed:
The shambling figure drops to his knees for a moment and cries out in pain. Hands digging into the snow, he stands back up again, cracking his neck slowly. All of his movements still seem strained, weak. Indeed the man is quite frail and looks rather unhealthy, malnourished even. He begins to head in Buffy's direction walking more like a zombie than a person. It's as if he's too weak to walk at a normal pace.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane does not have the news on, but she frowns as the phone rings and she explains, "But I was about tae surprise ye wi'.." She cuts off before she says it, having flipped the news on only to stare at what she's seeing. "Whit in th' world..?"

Fortunately nothing's reached the point of being cooked yet, so she shoves what she was working on in the fridge. Maybe the surprise will still work so she doesn't have to have a distracted elf thinking about the food. Everything is turned off and she exits, locking up behind her after grabbing her coat.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
How in the world did Fred end up here? Well, Angel said he had 'shopping' to do. So Angel told Fred to 'distract' Buffy so she wouldn't see whatever it is he was planning on buying for her. And so it is Fred finds herself mixed up in...whatever this was. There was a sick looking person, and a bunch of other people Angel never told her about, so she'll latch on to the most logical person.

"Buffy, hi! So, um, what're ya'll doing out here?"

Captain Britain has posed:
"I'm well, but you look great," Brian said to Buffy, "I love the toque. Is it new?" He didn't remember seeing her in that. When she told him not to peek at her gifts, he was thankful that he was tall. Alas, he couldn't get a great view of whatever was hidden in them.

"Don't know, but he's liable to catch his death out here." When she went to investigate the poor guy, Brian quickly sent off a text message to the members of Excalibur, hopining that some, if not all, of them could make it. He then set the gifts down into the back seat of his car, before heading over to join Buffy and Fred with the poorly dressed man.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers grins at Brian, "Thanks! You're not too shabby yourself. I guess you can make even the most plain clothes look fit for a nobleman.." or something. She is briefly distracted by the appearance of a Winifred, whom she doesn't know that well, but had met once or twice through her connections with Angel.

"O migosh, Fred! It's been ages! How have you been?" she smiles, stepping towards her, offering her hugs if she will accept it. They don't know each other that well, but they are allies after all. "I don't suppose Angel's around...?" But sadly, looks like she's alone.

However, she has not forgotten the sickly looking man, and she frowns deeply, hurrying to his side, quickly wrapping the blanket around his shoulders. "Hey, what are you doing out here..?" was he a homeless person? Why else would he be so underdressed in such cold weather? "Come on, let's get you someplace warm.." she glances around, nodding to Brian, 'C'mon, there should be a cafe or something around here. Let's get you something to eat.." Whatever it on the news has her slightly worried, but her immediate concern right now is the homeless guy who looks like he's on his last legs.

Nightcrawler has posed:

Appearing in a cloud of indigo reeking of brimstone, Kurt and Rahne arrive. Several hops, and rests for both their sakes, spent to arrive. Nightcrawler takes a knee to catch his breath - the message sent having allowed him to locate easy enough. "Hey... Brian..." a few deep breaths. "Another day in the life, ja?" pausing to look at the man being attended to by Buffy, giving a slow blink, trying to make sure of what he's seeing.

Dracula has posed:
The frail figure allows himself to be helped, staring into Buffy's eyes silently for a moment before looking away, and towards the others, then back to Buffy, "You're... Buffy?" That's when he can't hold it back anymore, not enough blood, not enough energy. His eyes turn red and his face grows even more gaunt, even more pale, corpse-like. The fingernails grow long like claws. Whatever this thing is, it's probably not human! A weak grin settles across his face slowly, as if every bit of energy he has is going into these simple gestures, and breathing in deep he says, "Every bit.. as potent.. as they say. My gods.. they've.. never tasted.. it.. have they?"

His raspy voice continues.. "Your.. blood?" His fangs are now visible. If there was any doubt that this was a vampire, it's gone now.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
"Angel is, um...busy." Maybe if she keeps it vague, Buffy won't bother to inquire exactly what Angel is doing or why he's doing it. Or for whom he's doing it. Angel likes his cards very close to the vest, and she's here to help make sure they stay close to the vest! Fred to the rescue...

Until she catches sight of the homeless guy's face and says, "Buffy, look out! Stake him fast!" Clearly, Fred is entirely used to the presence of vampires. She's also used to those around her staking them quickly. Except for nice ones like Angel and sometimes Spike.

Wolfsbane has posed:
If Kurt needs a reprieve after multiple hops and pauses - it may take them a few minutes all told - so does Wolfsbane, though at least she has recuperative abilities to help with that. And, she pinched her nose as well to help with the stench no bath can truly get rid of. "Ahh, whit's going on? Is th' whole world going crazy again?" she wonders, sticking close to the fuzzy elf as she looks around to get her bearings. There's Brian, someone else, and..what is /that/ over with Buffy?

Captain Britain has posed:
Brian blushes at Buffy's compliments, "I think you might be biased," he offers, before extending a hand to Fred, "my name's Brian Braddock. Any friend of Buffy's is a friend of mine." He was English, very English. He even removed his gloved hand to shake, and he spoke with what was commonly referred to as a Posh accent, similar to Wesley Wyndam-Price.

And then there was that sulphur and brimstone cloud. "Kurt, Rahne," he called out. It was fortunate that he had chosen to wear his suit under his clothes today. The helmet was in the car. But what to do about Fred. He didn't know her. He'd have to check with Buffy to see about how trustworthy she was. "Just another day that ends in Y," he agreed.

Because he was greeting Kurt and Rahne, and Fred earlier, he had turned his back on the homeless man, not that Buffy wasn't experienced and capable of handling a vampire all by herself.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is totally focused on the poor, weakened man now. "C'mon, lemme help you to your feet.." and then he says her name. Her heart skips a beat. "Uh...How'd you know...?" And then there are those fangs. And her Slayer sense is going off the hook. Eyes narrow, pushing him away quickly, dropping her bags in the next moment and pulling a wooden stake from her coat pocket.

"Seriously, this is the worst trick you coulda pulled. I mean, how low can you go? And I'm totally taking back that blanket once I've dusted you, so try not to dirty it much.." She crouches into her defensive stance, thankful that her coat is not too bulky, poised to strike. "Just tell me one thing before I end you. Who are you and who sent you?"

Nightcrawler has posed:
Another blink, more curiosity. Kurt stands while reaching a hand out to Rahne to help keep his balance. "Vampire... Seriously? Was ist das?" shaking his head and watching "So we just... he tried to kill someone... But can he not be helped?" Redemption for all.

Dracula has posed:
The figure cackles low, strained, but amused. He staggers back as Buffy pushes him away, still laughing. He spreads his arms out so that Buffy can get a free shot in, knees quivering. Then the wide grin starts to fade, his eyes widening. His face becomes feral as if a switch was flipped and his personality changed. He wheezes, inhaling raspily, like someone who hasn't drank any water in days. He seems FAR weaker now, hardly able to stand, vision blurring. He stumbles towards Buffy, his raspy exhaling continuing. It isn't breathing, after all this thing is undead, but rather the strain of movement after being nearly depleted of blood causes a forgotten panting reflex to kick in.

Arms outstretched he shambles towards Buffy, "Gone... made it.. stop.. the voice. Father.. betrayed.. father.. give.. me.. blood.." He screams and tries to charge at Buffy.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
To Brian, "Hi, I'm Fred. Nice to meet you!" Pause. "Winifred Burkle, but I go by Fred." Meanwhile, she just continues to cheer Buffy on. "Get him, Buffy! We have, um...things to do! And worlds to save. And...what else were we doing again?" She does recognize the decisively english in the Wesley sort of way accent.

"Hi, Kurt, Rahne, I'm Fred!" Hopefully they overheard the full name and she doesn't have to repeat it.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Vampires? The werewolf, who is not really a werewolf in the first place, ends up sticking closer to Kurt as her eyes widen on the display between Buffy and..that guy, and Winifred of Fred or whoever acting like a bloodthirsty cheerleader or something, and there's Brian over there as well.

"..whit did we just show up tae th' middle o'? Is tha' a /vampire?/" Leave it to Wolfsbane to make such a thing sound unbelievable. She does hesitate to make any closer moves. That sure does look like a wooden stake Buffy's come up with, too. Eyes seek out Kurt's, full of questions.

Captain Britain has posed:
To Brian, vampires have kind of become second nature. Just as the walkers became routine later on in the Walking Dead. After you've killed enough of them, they're more of an inconvenience than anything else. So he picks up Buffy's bags, making sure nothing happens to them, and calmly explains to Kurt and Rahne, "ah, first time?" He asks with genuine interest.

"Well, vampires are real. Bit of a problem in this area. Pretty much the all the stories are true, cut off their head, burn them, holy water, holy items, no reflection, vulnerable to silver, wood, stake through the heart, sunlight, they have enhanced strength, speed, and agility. The authorities call it spontaneous neck rupture around here."

It was a big thing to accept and deal with, but by now, Brian was a pro, not as good as Buffy, but fairly. And then the herd reached them. There were around twelve mammoths walking down the street. "Uh? that's? new?" he blinked and rubbed his eyes.

Buffy Summers has posed:
The vamp charges, but his movements are slow. Buffy moves quickly, darting to the side, attempting to grab his arm and twist it behind him, pinning him against a nearby wall if she can. She's used to a good fight, used to at least a bit of a challenge. But this..Vampire, if it is indeed a vampire, seems so frail, so..Human. It causes her to hesitate, to let down her guard as she peers at it for a moment. "..What ARE you? Who did this to you? I've never seen a vampire so weak, so...So human..Before.." her hand clutches the stake tightly, but she makes no move to dust it yet. No, she wants answers. Was this vamp tortured? Was it a possessed human? Something just doesn't sit right with her...

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Darling you're a genetic evolution that exhibits all of the benefits of Lycantropy with none of the side-effects and I look like a blue demon that travels between realities in less than a second in order to travel miles in seconds, can stick to ceilings und have a tail... Vampires are difficult to accept?" giving her a little smile, Kurt attempts to put a kiss on Rahne's cheek.

"You are adorable beyond all reasoning darling." winking at her. He watches Buffy again, brow knitting while watches her with the undead.

Dracula has posed:
The figure is hardly lucid at this point and begins cackling with insane glee, "If you betray The Master you don't get blood pudding.. you don't even get the flies.. just the dirt.. for nights and nights.. nights.. nights.. can't see a thing.. but The Master's voice is always there.. in my head.." His fangs are still evident, "I.. TAKE.. YOURS.. YOUR.. BLOOD!" The frail creature is probably half of Buffy's strength at this point but it's not enough to support himself for much longer. He tries to dig his claws into the nearest, most accessible part of Buffy's body.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Fred just kinda nods. "Yeah, I know. I live with her boyfriend at his hotel. They used to be fond of 'gang related, PCP.' They also relied on deeply stupid cops." Despite this, she's just watching Buffy and wondering why she hasn't staked the vampire.

"Just stake him already Buffy. Even evil vampires seem to live a better unlife than that one. It's probably a mercy kill at this point." Fred continues to vote for 'stake him.'

Wolfsbane has posed:
"Och, I canna watch," Wolfsbane says, turning her head and most of her body away from the scene. She can /hear/ it just fine, the undead man's ranting and raving more than enough to convince her of how terrible this is. A hand clutches at Kurt's arm as she murmurs, "I dinna want tae get intae semantics right noo. This is awful." First time, whatever the time, this is not a good thing to be witnessing!

That's when she spots the herd. "Ye have go' tae be kidding me." Now she's looking toward Kurt, as if he can help explain all of this.

Captain Britain has posed:
Brian was struggling to figure this out. On one hand, he could see several large extinct species walking down the snow covered street. On the other hand, there was some kind of special vampire. So it surprises even him that the thing he ends up focusing on was that Fred suggested that she lived with Buffy's boyfriend. He gave a look, trying not to look hurt, and failing miserably. "Boyfriend?" He asked, shaking his head in disbelief. Then he brought his hand to his forehead, "anyone got an bright ideas of what to do with our wooly friends over there?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers's eyes widen at the name. Did he just say...Master? "Damn you.." she grits her teeth, pressing the stake close to the vampire's neck. He sure smells like a vampire, looks like a vampire. But it's like he's been deliberately starved..Tortured. Why..Who...

That name. Master. Dammit. How dare he..."How...DARE you utter that name! The Master is dead!"she hesitates, and in that moment the vamp manages to scratch at her temporarily exposed neck as her scarf comes loose. She snarls, losing her patience and her temper.

"I've heard enough." With a defiant yell, she pulls back the stake and stabs him through the back towards his heart. And twists it slowly, then pulls it out, shoving him hard against the wall. Buffy is not usually so..So violent and torurous with vamps, but this one totally hit a nerve.

Oh yeah, did someone say mammoths? She's still stunned, still in disbelief at what the vamp just told her.."Er...I dont know...Brian..?" she stares blankly at him, still in disbelief. He's the leader afterall. And she can't think straight right now. Oh yeah, Fred's comment does cause her to twitch, clutching her neck idly. "Ex-boyfriend.." Arrgh, when it rains, it pours..

Dracula has posed:
Another figure with a long, heavy coat, old fashioned top hat, and an black onyx cane stands watching the scene unfold. Was he always there? The figure is a silhouette and there isn't any detail at such a distance down the road. Oddly the wind starts to pick up a bit and the snow is falling just a bit harder.

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Ja... I know Rahne. Just." frowning and trying to keep a brighter disposition, Kurt actually puts an arm around Rahne, attempting to cover her ears with palm and tail while the yelling about the 'Master' goes on. Who? Not sure... Kurt's only suspicion coming from movies and storybooks.

Storybooks, right?

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Fred seems wistful, somehow. "...That wasn't your choice Buffy. It wasn't even his. I keep telling him to go see Dr. Strange or Zatanna or somebody about it. For reasons I don't understand he hasn't done it yet. But...things don't have to be the way they are, and destiny doesn't have to play out as it has. You just...have to find it in yourself to tell the inevitable you're evitable! And then convince him to do the same."

Oh well, at least the vampire's...gone, right?

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane can still hear the results of the staking, even if Kurt is trying to help keep it from her. First time, second time, fiftieth time...could she ever get used to something like putting a stake through a vampire's heart? Whether she's heard of the undead or things like this before or not, seeing it for real is a shock, even for someone who has the 'gifts' she does. "I just want tae be back home making tha' rouladen for ye, Kurt," she tells him quietly. So spoils the surprise, though as the wind and snow picks up, the mammoths still on the move, she looks back up and..pauses on that figure down the way, squinting. Then she blinks, as if to confirm or deny what she might have just seen.

Captain Britain has posed:
Oh yeah, the Master was a trigger for Buffy. The look on Brian's face when she reacts was palpable. He was at the same time sorry, as he was angry himself. He furrowed his brows, thoughts about the boyfriend forgotten for now, and later softened further by the addition of 'ex-' before it.

Did it just get colder out here? Brian could swear he felt a cold chill run down his spine, and looks about, seeing a man in a top hat. He thought to himself, was he always there? But then, with the mammoths coming down the street, could he really blame someone for being a bit dumbfounded.

"Okay, containment first. There's park a couple of blocks away. Let's see if we can herd them there, so at least they're fed, and not causing problems, while we figure out just what to do. Kurt, there's supposed to be some kind of electrical storm going on. Think you could scout it out. And what was the third thing, oh right, some kind of feathered monster. Buffy, you know the area best. Rahne can help. And Fred too," since she knew Buffy, and figured it was the safest of the three. He was already heading back to the car, with Buffy's bags, so he could get his helmet and remove the clothes over his suit. Screw it, he was just going to become Captain Britain here and there. "While I see about dealing with them."

Nightcrawler has posed:
"Have a location for the storm? Address? Picture. I need to see where I am going, ja?" Kurt frowns, stepping towards Brian after giving Rahne a reassuring squeeze. "Also, if a naked Austrian appears in the middle of the electrical storm, I'm out." still trying to find humor in all of this, even with the death of a man made monster.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers is still a bit out of it, so much so that she totally misses the shady figure on the horizon. Shivering a bit, she wraps her scarf tighter around her face, sighing at the sight of the dusty blanket. "Ugh...I picked the worst day ever for shopping.."

Still, she does her best to hide her three bags behind a nearby trashcan, hoping that this particular district wont be crawling with homeless people only too eager to steal her hard earned property.

Unfortunately, while she's started to carry various weapons on her excursions, today she has none other than the typical stakes, and so she snaps off a large branch from a nearby tree. It's something, incase she needs to swat a giant fly.

"Feathered creature, huh. Let's hope it's not too big. Can we just herd 'em back towards the portal?" she nods to Fred and Rahne. "Okay, first thing's first, let's find the feathery monster and try and herd it towards the portal. Minimal damage. I'll take point." It shouldn't be hard to find, and she peers towards the streets, looking for the large animals.

Dracula has posed:
The wind starts blowing harder and the snow -starts- to obscure the somewhat distant figure. A whisper carries on the winds, its' voice indistinguishable, its' accent unclear, and Buffy will hear it much better than the others, "You're the one that sets me free Buffy.." The sound of bats can be heard in the distance, the snow blowing much harder now to the point where the figure cannot be seen. Then as quickly as it started, the brief snowstorm ends, and that figure? Gone.

Winifred Burkle has posed:
Well, this is...inconvenient. Fred the ordinary human...is supposed to help find a giant T-rex? This seems fated to end poorly, what with her penchant for nearly dying recently. "...I'm about to have another near death experience aren't I? I've already had two of those within the last 30 days."

Fred is a little pessimistic about her survival chances, but no less brave for all that. "...Anyone got a flare? If I remember the Jurassic Park movies, a T Rex will follow a flare." Also, she's pretty cold, and puts the hood of her jacket up. This is more cold than she was expecting.

Wolfsbane has posed:
Wolfsbane agrees to help out as she can with this, but she admits, "I'm feeling in way over muh head here. Just..watch muh back an' I'll watch yuirs," she says to Buffy, unaware of whatever whisper has reached the ears of the Slayer. As Kurt heads off, she wraps her arms around herself and moves off as needed, not exactly ready for this, but ready to try.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers glances slowly towards the horizon, spying the distant figure that sends shivers down her spine..She did not miss the dramatic fluttering bats either, or the blowing wind. It's the wind that really gets to her, as if she can hear voices coming from it, no matter how far away it is. "Shut up. Just shut the hell up..." she murmurs, rubbing her eyes, slapping her face to stay awake. Maybe she's just tired. But they've got a more important job to do right now. "Rahne, think you can sniff out the feathery monster we're after? Point us in the right direction? And Fred, you're the expert on portals, right? Can you figure out where they are and where they're going? I'll try and herd the T-rex towards the portal, but I dunno which one to send it to or how to get it to close after it..You openned one once so maybe your calculations or spells or whatever can close it yeah?"

Captain Britain has posed:
Excalibur had not been together for very long, and there were still a lot of growing pains, both now, and in the future, but there was a solid foundation behind it all. The Fuzzy Elf was able to scout the electrical storm, which turned out to be two portals, one apparently leading to an icy tundra like environment, and the other a far warmer climate, seemingly tropical. It was a sight to behold as the portal, still open and surrounded by blue, yellow, and red energies, had melted the snow leading to the tropical one. Kurt was able to report back and coordinate with the group.

Despite Wolfsbane feeling a bit overwhelmed, she helped out, protecting Buffy's back, and Fred, who was by all appearances, a civilian among them.

Buffy won the prize. She got to play fetch with a Tyrannosaurs Rex, and as it turned out, they did have feathers? assuming of course it was a Tyrannosaurus Rex. For all she or anyone else knew, it was some other species of dinosaur, but it looked like one in all the movies, just with some feathers on its head, and trailing down its back.

Brian was able to play the part of a cowboy, using a mixture of his powers, flight, strength, speed, to herd the Mammoths, sending them towards the portals that Kurt had reported on.

With a bit of ingenuity and team work, they were able to send the mammoths back through the portal leading to the tundra, figuring that was where they came from, and Buffy was able to get the T-Rex to head through the one to the sunnier climes.

And just in time too. Once both sets had crossed the paths, the portals began to close in on them, shrinking until they appeared to be sealed. Little did they know that the Bludhaven Zoo was about to get a new exhibit, as a lone baby mammoth had gotten separated. But that was a tale for another story?