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Latest revision as of 16:05, 22 November 2019

Narrow Choices
Date of Scene: 21 November 2019
Location: The Narrows, Burnley
Synopsis: Pippi is lost in GOthAM, of all places! Found and inadvertantly rescued by DETECTIVE CHIMP, the smartest simian ensures she returns to the train stion from whence she came, where they meet with the Artic Fox mutant -- and Pippi's teacher -- ALOPEX.

A return visit for hamburgers is highly suggested.

Cast of Characters: Pippi, Detective Chimp, Alopex

Pippi has posed:
    She hadn't meant to end up here. It didn't smell like New York. It didn't feel like New York. The air had more of a clammy, greasy feel in this section of town, the low buildings and spraypainted store fronts were unfriendly, even worse than Mutant Town.

    So she stuck to alley ways, passing around mounds of trash and creepy side-door businesses, trying to sniff her way back to the station she had fled.

    She has her hood pulled up over her head, and a dark sweatshirt hanging from her frame.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp maybe a bit of an odd smell for the lady. the fist being his cigar, and the booze, but those are not to unusual in this part of town, maybe the cigars a bit higher quality than normally, and no hint of wacky weed mixed in. The oddness is there is a chimpanzee and cherry blossom conditioner coming from one one of the fire escapes. To someone on the same level it maybe a pile of cardboard boxes but those boxes have monkey feet.

Pippi has posed:
    Detective Chimp was indeed a curious scent to pick up. Pippi pauses, and sniffs the air a moment, not really... familiar with the scent of a chimpanze with cherry blossom conditioner. She tilts her head back again, snuffing at the air before she she knocks against a fire escape support, which rattles it enough to loosen the ladder -- which slams to the alleyway floor with a sudden CLANG, which spooks the pooch, which sends her backing up out of the alleyway and right into oncoming traffic!

    Thankfully, foot traffic. Unfortunately, gangs sometimes travel on foot, and she knocks someone's fries and milkshake from their hands, spilling it all ove rtheir jacket.

    "... hey, kid. That. Was my favorite. Milkshake."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will look over and blinks did that kid just bark, and was it actual words, not just the woof woof of a goofy teen. He stands up, and at the interaction with the gang he will sigh a bit. He sets his camera to do some automatic pictures over next 20 minutes or so, and then heads up the fire escape, and then digging his fingers into crevices in the brick, he will climb out to the corner 2-3 floors up and sees what is going t happen, if he needs to interfer.

Pippi has posed:
    She didn't bark, in fact, but there had been a short cry of alarm before the big gang leader and his two flunkies begin to fan out around the smaller figure. When Pippi speaks, it is a gruff approximation of a Brooklyn accents:

    "Trust me, guys, you don't wanna do this!" the teen's voice comes out, shaking as if in fright, and then she turns and she books right back into the alleyway again, and as she passes the small figure manages to reach up and tug not a trash can, but a *dumpster* into the way of her pursuers!

    "HEY! GET BACK HERE! Get her!"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will look at this a brow raised, but seeing such at this is not unheard of. He looks around and sees a pool of light where girl and thugs may run through he will hussleing to get there. once there he will turn his hat upside down letting the bill and back point up holding it on his head. He will put his back to the light. so once the girl runs through the light a silhouette many gothamites know and bad ones fear shows on the ground, or at least an ok version of it. He makes his voice as deep and gravely as he can "I wouldn't do that." he cals out.

Pippi has posed:
    "IT'S BATMAN!" one of the milkshake-covered goons pipe up, and begins to skid to a stop, knocking into the other two.

    Pippi also skids to a stop, around a corner, and she peers around "... the batman?" she questions, her ears pricking up as she winces, figuring out just where she was. And she didn't even have the chance to call Red Robin.

    "I'm in trouble." she mutters, ducking down into some boxes as the goons appear to debate, briefly, the pros and cons of fighting a dead man -- and then decide to turn tail and /run/.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will wait till they are out of hearing range "What a bunch of maroons." He will chuckle and with a leap a bit of swinging he will come down near the girl but outside arms reach. He fixes his hat, and says "They are run off now miss you are safe. Is everything ok?" His brow raises a bit getting her sent a bit himself now.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi blinks as she lets out a small huff, and pushes aside the boxes. Her amber eyes peer out from beneath a dark hood, and she's gotten a green bandana pulled up moderately hiding her muzzle.

    "I'm good, everything's good here... and you..." she pauses, and looks the detective up and down a moment.

    "/Are/ you Batman?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp smiles a bit and says "Na, I am the better detective." He grins a bit at her, and says "I am Detective Chimp", and offers her a hand "And you are?" He will chew lightly on his unlit cigar.

Pippi has posed:
    "... very confused." Pippi states, crossing her arms a moment before she reaches out and shakes the chimp's hand. Her hand is calloused, with some traces of scarring along her left palm. They're also tipped with dull, rounded claws instead of fingernails.

    This kid most certainly is not human. She sniffs the air a moment, then slowly reaches up to lower her bandana.

    ".. are you a mutant?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp 's brow raises a bit and says "Would you believe this is the second time I have been asked that this week. Nope I am a Chimpanzee, and a detective, hence the name Detective Chimp." He offers a smile and says "And you are?'

Pippi has posed:
    "Not as confused as I was a minute ago." she states, and remembering her manners, she rubs the back of her head with her free hand. "Ah, Pippi. I'm called Pippi. It's a long story."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods his head and says "Well Pippi, what brings you to Gotham tonight, does not seem your normal place to hang out. " He will bring his cigar from his lips. "It is a bit of a dangerous place here."

Pippi has posed:
    "Oh, it's not. Typically I'm in Brooklyn, but I think I got turned around because I meant to take the 52 to the North Side because there's a peirogie place there I really like that will let you order out the back door for cash but I'm pretty sure I got on the wrong train and ended up in Gotham and I promised if I were to show up in Gotham I would give someone a call but I'm not a hundred percent sure on how to contac them and the Robins might get really mad and Leo and Alopex are going to have /cats/ when they realize I'm in the /wrong freaking city/!"

    She started out calm at the beginning, friendly even, but at the end there's a hint of panic and she rubs at her face a moment.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks to her, and says "Ok Pippi stay calm, your ok, Leo? Leonardo?" He will hmms, and says "Ok, how about you and I go grab a burger or something to eat and you can figure out who ya need to call, and after you have had something to eat, I will help you get home?"

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi's weight shifts, and she rubs the back of her head. She shouldn't have given any names, and she exhales a moment. "I... I'm honoed that you'd help me out, but I need to get back to New York. I don't think either Robin or Red Robin are in any state to deal with me right now. My /sempai/ would be worried about me."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp shrugs a bit and says "Well if you feel that way I can help ya get back, you walking, got a car or subways or what?' He will ask her, and seems honestly wanting to help.

Pippi has posed:
    "I mostly walked, except the part where I was on the train and had to get off." she explains. She lets out a breath, and rubs the back of her head.

    "So, it sounded like you knew who I was talking about when I said 'Leo'." she states, and she hops up, onto a trash can, and then from the trash can to the fire escape, and she begins to climb up.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods and says "I believe so, I ran into Leo and Raph just recently. I was in New York. I am an old friend of their fathers." He will tell her and swings up past her, and actually offers her a hand up.

Pippi has posed:
    "/Huh/. Small world." Pippi states, and she reaches up to accept the hand, pulling herself up.

    "Leo's awesome and who I spend a lot of time training with, and Alopex is my best-friend-and-kinda-sister. She found me." Pippi explains, "So we both train under Splinter now."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods a bit and will not use the name that he used for splinter since this is one of his students. "Yea, the boys were a bit weirded out I knew who they were, but in a world of folks without fur, those with fur and scales and such occasioanlly stand out.

Pippi has posed:
    "I'm decently sure --" Pippi grapss a it of the wrought iron, and then launches herself into the air, grabbing onto another stair, and swinging herself up, she gives a slight grin down to the chimp.

    "It's more that /no one/ calls him anything except Splinter or Sensei execpt them. Or..." she looks sheepish "certain other people who shall remain nameless..." she trails off, and rubs her side a moment, then gets to the rooftop.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will walk along with her, pulling a flash from his jacket, and takes a sip, and starts to offer it and says "How old are ya kid?"

Pippi has posed:
    "Uh... in human years or dog years?" she questions, shaking out the back of her jacket and letting her tail drop. It gives a stiff sort of wag as she walks along on the roof. Easy enough place to be seen by patrolling Bat Family.

    "... because 'I don't know' is actually an answer."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks at her and says "Well I got a feeling what ever the answer your a bit young for this." He sips again and puts the lid on it, and back into his pocket. "Ok, so you asked if I was a mutant, and nope I am just your average talking Chimp. I know it aint average, but may I ask, you started life off as a normal dog?" He asks from her comments.

Pippi has posed:
    "Probably would make me sick anyway." Pippi sniffs the air, and her nose wrinkled at the scent of the flask.

    "Average talking chimp? Are there above-average talking chimps?" she questions quietly, attempting to dodge the question about starting off like a normal dog.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp smiles and says "Well ok maybe I am a bit above average, but not a lot of talking chimps I have met, more gorillas that talk than chimps." He notices the hesitation and says "My best friend is actually a talking dog. His name is Rex, he and I gained the ability to talk together.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi glances over at the good Detective, and she gives a small shrug, "I used to be a normal dog. Then stuff happened, and now I guess I'm a slightly-different-than-average talking dog?" Pippi replies, rubbing the back of her head again. "A talking dog named Rex, huh? Is he like me or... more like a normal dog?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp says, "More normal dog still in physical form, but very smart fellow and a true friend. my oldest actually." He looks at her and says "And don't let what other folks think form your self image, one thing I have learned, is people aint just the humans or even us who can speak. All living things can talk in their own way, and deserve at least our respect for what they are and do.""

Pippi has posed:
    "That's a nice sediment," Pippi states, using the wrong word for sentiment, "but when you're not normal looking, you tend to stand out in the wrong ways." the pitbull-poodle cross states, running a hand through her curling hair.

    "But that's okay. Humans don't even like the kinda dog I am regardless. They kinda suck. All that really matters is that I do my best." she replies, and she gives a sad little smile. "An' I try to respect animals. Except squirrels, and geese."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp chuckles and says "Squirrels can be ok, rather useful as spies, but more geese are jerks yea." He grins a bit at her and says "I get a bit better treatment around my neighborhood, Leo and Raph were surprised when i walked right into a pizza joint in town when I met them.

Pippi has posed:
    "Well, yeah. Some people who saw me apparently thought I was a baby-eating /werewolf/." Pippi rolls her eyes for effect, and leaps an alleyway, as easy as you please. "Re/dic/ulous!" she calls back, "Human babies are kinda cute, in a wrinkly sort of alien way."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp smiles and it takes him a bit more effort than her perhaps. The chimp is smaller than a human, but he is a bit stronger than them as well, not Pippi strong but it is enough. He smiles and says "Yea little hairless for my tastes, but they are generally nicer the smaller they are.

Pippi has posed:
    "And they tend to only smell good in certain stages!" Pippi replies, her tail giving a bit of a wag. Seems that the pooch has a chip on her shoulder concerning humans.

    "I still wouldn't eat 'em though!"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "Na, trust me I would not either, might bite ones nose off in a fight but not eat it, not that that has happened but it is a bit of an instinct I have to fight." He jokes a bit and says "So, how long you been like you are now?

Pippi has posed:
    "I... don't know that either." Pippi admits, rubbig the back of her head again as she pauses on an exhaust chimney.

    "A while? I have a hard time figuring out how many days." she adds.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, a bit and says "I am sure it was a bit confusing, since your talking english am sure there was some changes in the brain as well as the body that were physical changes. Things seem to be getting easier to figure out and learn and remember things?

Pippi has posed:
    "Why are you asking so many questions?" Pippi asks, she hops off the chimney and makes her way to another rooftop. "The guys don't ask this many questions. It's not like it matters anyway. An' of course I'm talkin' English. I'm a New Yorker, born and raised. What'd I be speaking, French?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks to her and says "Information is a very important thing. It can allow you to know more about your friends so you can help them or protect you from your enemies. I believe your a friend, and might be the fact am just an old monkey who likes to help you kids.

Pippi has posed:
    "How old /is/ an Old Monkey? And I thought chimps weren't monkies, I thought they were apes, not like April but ape-ape?" she blinks, her lips pursing a moment as her ears draw up. "It's all very confusing."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp says, "Technical terms, but yea, most people think I am a monkey so I just sorta embrace it, and I am 77 this year," He says after taking a moment to count."

Pippi has posed:
    "... you're ancient." the mutant pooch replies, her eyebrow-like markings rising up a moment, and she consides. "You might be the oldest person I know."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "Yea, one of the side effect of what changed Rex and Me. We have stayed pretty much the same since that little drink many many years ago. It is a little more obvious with Rex.

Pippi has posed:
    "So... does that mean Rex is also in his seventies?!" Pippi pauses, her ears drawing up as she stops in her tracks. "That... that's ancient! Especially for a dog!" she scratches her head a moment, her ears leaning back as she looks at her hand a moment, wiggling her fingers as she tries to math it out. "That's like, four hundred in dog years!"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp continues to walk along with her, and says "He maybe in his 60s, I aint exactly sure how old he was before he drank from the fountain. With us both being Adults when we drank I would think he would be anywhere from five to ten years younger than me, just by species life span, but we consider one another the same age.

Pippi has posed:
    "Aaaiiinccheeeiii-ullay Master Splinter would probably be disappointed if I was poking fun at a friend of his." Pippi states woefully, and rubs the back of her head. "I'm trying very hard to be a good student, but it's hard. But I've got really good other-students -- ah.. sen.. senpai? Sempai? The word's Japanese. I don't know very much of the language yet"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp 's brow raises a bit and says "Your teaching others, well I am sure he would be proud of it. Ha... Splinter" He corrects himself "And I go back, and were a bit less serious, but he has been raising kids, I am sure he has had to get more serious.

Alopex has posed:
    Most times, Alopex doesn't mind it much when Pippi is out for a while. It's when the pup goes unseen for an entire day that concern starts to creep in. While the fox's mutated nose wasn't as good as Pippi's, she was still able to use it to track her. All the way to Gotham? That was a surprise. Maybe an accident? Maybe something happened? She wasn't certain. Alopex was just hoping to check in on a close friend, and that's why she's riding in on the roof of a train as it enters a station in Gotham. "Now.. where to start...?"

Pippi has posed:
    "N-no, actually I learn from them. Mostly Leo and Alopex, though I try to learn from Donnie but he goes all super-brains and I understand some of it but not a whole lot, and Raph goes all out when sparring and he's really scarry and intimidating..." Pippi trails off, and she gives a huff as she tilts he rhead back, and takes a deep breath. She's purpsefully dabbed anise on the wall of a couple of the buildings she's passed, the strong smelling spice carrying well.

    "I think this train depot I arrived at is this way." she states, and she hops over another alley way.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods and will nots ands says "Up here on the right." He tells her. "I should probably learn some martial arts. I don't like to fight but when I do I am a bit more of a brawler, and sneaky fighter." He admits.

Alopex has posed:
    Over at the station the train is only just now coming to a halt, throngs of people moving on and off, mail being moved, other things. For now, the fox just hops up to a good vantage point and takes it all in, trying to get a good view of things. "Hrmm.."

Pippi has posed:
    Alopex may be able to pick up the dab of Aniseon the train's overhead roof. Pippi, on the other hand, sees the train coming in, and her head tilts a moment before she hops off the roof, and puts her nose to the wind again.

    "One of the first things I was taught was that fighting is a last resort. If you don't have to fight, don't. If you do? Win."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods his head a bit to her, and while Pippi has her features hidden in her hoodie, he is blatant in being a chip. He will just give those who might stare at him a "Evening, good day, evening. "That is a good policy.

Alopex has posed:
    There's a LOT of scents in the station, lots of different people, the train, the ch- .. wait, is that another one like her and the brothers? "... Huh." It's at about the same time she catches sight of the one walking along with the detective. "Figures," she muses with a grin before starting to head for the same level. Her hood is up, but if Pippi has as sharp an eye as her nose.. or the chimp is in a similar way, one of them will probably spot the fox as she closes distance.

Pippi has posed:
    "Wh-what are you doing?! You can't just walk out there like --" Pippi begins in a panic, keeping to the sides and the shadows before the glances around helplessly, and then hops from the ground to a dumpster to the overhead of the station, drawing herself up and crouching, watching Detective Chimp to make sure he's not suddenly going to be attacked by humans!

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp lives in Gotham, odd things happen in Gotham, plus he is a Chimp, while a chimp in a suit maybe odd, it is not unheard of. The fact he gets looked at for talking , he just smirks and says to Pippi. "Most think I am a mutant I think, but folks don't mess with other folks in Gotham very often, they think it is best not to poke the freaks, to many poke back here.

Alopex has posed:
    Or maybe not. The two seem to be discussing a few things. So, rather than let them possibly walk by without noticing, Pex just gives a short little whistle. It's almost a trill, but it IS a whistle that Pippi should recognize."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi's ears shift under her hood, and from the roof of the train stop, Pippi turns to the sound of the whistling, and she gives a bright, cheery sound to herself Of course sheknew that whistle -- Alopex's signal.

    So she turns, booking it towards the sound along the rooftop of the train shelter.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will raise a brow, but does move to follow. The chimp moves with the grace of someone whose natural state is swinging through trees, and as he lands he says "I am going to have to get a line or something maybe one of those stormtrooper belts."

Alopex has posed:
    Well, with that reaction, Pex is certain of at least one friend's imminent arrival, along with a most pecuiliar second. "So strange, to just stand out in public, I could get used to this.."

Pippi has posed:
    "PEEEEEEHX!" comes an excited-to-be-found Pippi, who skids to a stop /just/ short of knocking the fox over.

    "Alopex I am /so sorry/ I didn't mean to get lost I thought I was taking the 52 to the North End because I really wanted some of those buffalo chicken pierogies and I think I got on the wrong train but no one saw me until just a ccouple of minutes ago except this one guy who I accidentally got his milkshake all over him and oh yeah this is Detective Chimp and he's a friend of the sensei's apparently and Detective Chimp this is my best friend and teacher, Alopex." Pippi pauses, taking a big, deeeep breath.

    "... am I in trouble, Pex?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will walk over and says offers a hand. He has a cigar in his mouth but has let it go out while they were walking "She is ok, and aint got in to much trouble." He tells her friend. "A pleasure to meet you, and I am a bit to grumpy to hide from people.

Alopex has posed:
    The fox had braced herself for the ramble that was to come. After it's settled, she turns to regard the chimp who... is clearly not even a mutant. Huh. "No, no. You are not in trouble. You were just gone for a while and I wanted to see if you were alright, and you are, so that is fine."

    Pex's gaze shifts to the chimp, the offered hand, and she accepts his offer for a shake. "Force of habit for us. Our training always wanted us to stay low, out of sight, but there is something refreshing to be standing within the public with no issue. Nice to meet you, and thank you for looking after Pippi here."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi is getting predictable. The younger mutant gives a nervous 'ahaaah' sound, and rubs the back of her head.

    "That and whenever I show my face in NYC, someone shoots at me." she states with a small shrug, and she looks to Alopex, then Detective Chimp, and the other people around them.

    "Huh... they... really don't care, do they?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp says, "You get some, but you got to remember this is a town where we have a man dressed as a bat, fights a clown this week, and a man bat next week, and a a croc man the week after that. I aint doing anything offensive, and if they call the cops, the cops know me, so they get the whole. He is ok, he is a detective. I even have an office here in town."

Alopex has posed:
    "There are all kinds, it would seem, Pippi. Those that fear us, and those that tolerate us. And then there are those that are simply indifferent to us, and those are the kind I believe we are in the midst of. I still feel Splinter is correct in keeping to the shadows, but it is good to know we can walk in freedom in some places."

    The detective is given a nod, "I imagine people being familiar with you also helps. After being in the shadows so long, some habits take a while to fade." The fox actually tugs her hood down, in public, for the first time in ... a very long time, and then just smiles at Pippi. "Maybe standing in the light isn't so bad, hmm?"

Pippi has posed:
    "It's awful. I feel like I'm naked again, and I'd rather be hiding." the younger ninja trainee states, crossing her arms and giving a little huff of breath, her tail curling down.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks to them, and says "I need to find a way to talk to Leo again, and suggest you all come out and have something to eat with me at the little dinner I go to. A night of being able to be yourselves in public. Can start a rumor filming a show or furry gathering or something just to let you kids have a bit of normal time.

Alopex has posed:
    She can't fault Pippi for feeling like that. The pup had really lived nearly her entire new life under ninja rules. "Alright, alright, lets see about getting back home. The train will probably be heading out pretty soon," Pex states before looking to the detective again. "We actually got back from a vacation not all that long ago, but I'll put in a word with Leonardo and Splinter and see if what I can do. I imagine it'd be nice to have somewhere to go that isn't such a long drive to get to."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks at the schedule and says "Got about 30 min or so, let me go grab something right quick before you head back home ok?'

Pippi has posed:
    "Oh... all right, ah... thank you." the canine replies to Detective Chimp, then she turns to Alopex, and with a rather concerned expression very, very quietly asks "Alopex... /what/ is a 'furry'?"

Alopex has posed:
    The pup only earns a shrug in answer to the question, "I'm not sure what he meant by that," is her follow-up reply. "Lets see what he wants before we go, though."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will come back after not to long. He is carrying a brown paper bag, and walks over to Alopex, and says "Give this to Splinter, and tell him Bobo, is glad to meet some more of his students."

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi gives a sniff, and her nose wrinkles a moment as she turns to Alopex, and then she puts her palms together, and gives a bow to Detective Chimp.

    "Thank you again for your help getting back to the train station, Detective." she states, politely and with as much ease as someone who's been lost for most of the day can muster.

Alopex has posed:
    The fox gives a similar bow upon receiving the bag from the Detective. "Thank you, I'll be sure to deliver it to him personally. Again, thank you for looking after Pippi here. I'm sure we will run into you again sometime soon. ... Actually..." she sets the bottle down for just a moment, fishes around in her hoodie, and finally produces a paper and pen to scrawl some numbers on, "If you ever need a hand with that clown, or bat, or crocodile, or what have you."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and pulls out his wallet putting the numbers away into it, and pulling two business cards out and offers them to the ladies "Detective Chimp, let us see if they are up to monkey business" The cards say "And if your back in Gotham and need help from being lost or just wanting to grab a burger give me a call."