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Latest revision as of 06:35, 27 November 2019

Jubilee should not be in charge of Thanksgiving.
Date of Scene: 26 November 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Jubilee is a fantastic counselor and teacher, but admits to her lack of culinary expertise. Enter in Gwendolyn, Shannon, Triage, and Nathaniel to save the day! Mr. McCoy, Cannonball, Bean, and Alexis also join in the fun!
Cast of Characters: Jubilee, Dragonfly (Armenteros), Nightingale, Samuel Morgan, Cannonball, Prismatic, Beast, Triage, Hindsight

Jubilee has posed:
It's Tuesday morning and Jubilee is practicing for Thanksgiving dinner. For some reason, she threw her name in the hat to take charge and step up for this Godly event, and almost instantly she is regretting it.

The kitchen is a nightmare and Gordon Ramsey may fly through the backdoor to scream at her at this rate. There is four burnt turkey's all sitting on the large island, and three pathetic pies that are sunken in. So far the only thing she got right was the stuffing, and that was from a box, add water, microwave it.

Dishes are everywhere and somehow she is covered in flour. She just openly stares at the chaos in front of her, unemotional, detached. This is what dying feels like right now. She is sure of it.

Slowly, she reaches to her phone and taps out a text to Doug: 'Babe. I need help. If you get this, can you come save me in the kitchen? Jean is going to shoot me.'

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
The kitchen normally isn't a nightmare. Gwendolyn, one of the newer students at Xavier's, is well-travelled in the seas between the island of preparation and the coast where the fires burn, and is actually on her way to see if she can poke her head in and help with the thanksgiving preparation when the smell of burning...everything...fills her nostrils.

Her pace increases to a steady jog as she approaches the kitchen and, when she arrives and pushes open the door, it almost appears as if a food bomb went off. Four turkeys. Three pies. All ruined. "Wow..."

Standing there in her jeans and baggy sweater, Gwendolyn turns to survey the wreckage through her visor, just taking it all in for a second because, well, she has to, otherwise she's going to start panicking. Thanksgiving is in /two/ days. "Okay. Um...hi there." She lifts a hand to wave to the dark-haired woman standing amidst the chaos. "I'm Gwendolyn." She takes a hesitant step into the kitchen, nearly wiping out on a drift of flour, catching herself on the counter and straightening. She smiles, though. "Need some help?"

Jubilee has posed:
"Oh! Hello Gwendolyn. Jubilee. Gym teacher by day, student counselor by afternoon. Do I need help? Oh. No! I have this /perfectly/ under control. This place was .. uh.. like this when I got here." The young Chinese woman runs a hand through her hair, then makes a 'yeck' noise as she gets cranberry sauce in her hair that was still stuck to her fingers.

One of her eyes give a visible twitch.

".. Maybe I could use a little bit of help. I don't know what I'm doing wrong and I'm down to three test turkeys." At least she's smart enough to experiment before disappointing a school full of hungry mutant kids.

Nightingale has posed:
     This was the time of morning for either an early lunch, or a very late breakfast. Either way, a familiar winged figure is making her way into the kitchen with one thing on her mind--mac 'n cheese. She's dressed in her favorite light blue jeans, white t-shirt, and old white sneakers. It seemed a good morning to make some comfort food...

     ...until it wasn't. Her nose twitched as she smelled something burning, her steps quickening. Great. Just great. Was she going to be seeing someone in the Wellness Office already?

     Not quite.

     The sight that greets her instead is something caught between comedy and horror, with flour everywhere, four burnt turkeys, and what appears to be an absolutely horrified Jubilee caught in the middle of it all, looking like a child with her hand caught in the cookie jar. Her first thought? Check for injuries. Her second thought? Look from Jubilee, to Gwen, and try not to smile /too/ much at both, as she steps in to help clean up the mess. "'morning, Jubilee. Gwen? Looks like we've got our work cut out for us...."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Gwendolyn nods. "I've seen the name on your office door, and I've seen you around, here and there, but never had a chance to actually say...hi..." She focuses on the ceiling above the stove where a mish-mash of what appears to be cranberry sauce is slowly oozing down the wall. "Is that...you know what...I'm not going to ask." Pulling open a drawer, Gwendolyn retrieves a pair of cooking chopsticks and quickly pins her hair up using the bits of wood.

Shannon's arrival gets a small smile and a shrug, Gwendolyn's attention turning back to Jubilee. "We can fix it, no problem." Well, little problem, but she's not going to say that out loud to a counselor. Gwendolyn fetches an apron and ties it on with conviction. Yes, the seventeen year old new student is taking charge, more or less. "Rule one - before we go any further, we need to get cleaned up. Start fresh and figure out what you're wanting to do. Shannon?" She looks over. "See anything that we can salvage? I mean, yes, turkeys for stock but anything /else?/"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon surveys the culinary carnage as she ties her hair back, pursing her lips for a moment. "I'd say we could salvage the stuffing. Possibly even add a little celery and some additional spices to it, depending on what Jubilee's already done? No sausage, though. Want to keep it kosher for those who need the option open." She offers Jubilee a hug and smiles. "If it's canned cranberry sauce, and there's any of that left, I think I've got an idea of a way to jazz it up a little, though I'd have to make some with and some without walnuts. But yeah. Definitely break down those turkeys for stock first. Hey... it's four extra wishbones we can dry out and make a wish on, so that's not so bad!" Indeed, she's bustling about the kitchen, carrying each turkey over to the center island, to begin the process of breaking down the birds. "Gwen, got a chef's knife over there?"

A smile is given to Jubilee as she sets to work. "Never got to see you again to thank you. You know... for the advice you gave on, well... some things." She leaves the rest unspoken, and just smiles. "And for making that poster. That was funny to see."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    A car comes up the driveway, one of those anonymous black sedans with tinted windows that many government agencies are fond of using, in the mistaken belief that driving identical vehicles will make them less likely to be spotted. At least this one made it past the gate, and therefore must be either expected or invited. It comes to a stop by the front door, where in ages past carriages would have paused to let out their passengers, and an agent emerges from the passenger door, takes a few steps and opens the rear passenger door.

    The front door opens and then slams shut.

    Not too long after that, the door to the kitchen opens and Bean walks in. Much like the kitchen, he's a mess. Ash grey dirt covers him from head to toe, dried silica that will be the devil's own job to scrub off. His hoodie and pants are utterly ruined, and it will take much determined polishing to bring his boots back up to standard. You'd expect him to leave dusty foot prints, but he doesn't... this dirt has had a long time to cake in. Most importantly, his face is set like thunder, eyes red-rimmed and bloodshot. Without a mention of the carnage or his own state, without a word to anyone, he heads to the fridge and gets himself a Mountain Dew, twisting the cap so violently that it skitters away on the floor before taking a long, long, long swig. Ahhh...

Jubilee has posed:
Blinking her eyes slowly, Jubilee clears her throat. "I may have.. uh.. got frustrated and used my powers on the last two turkeys. Something something impatient something something." She says with a cheeky grin. "So, I found out I am not the best replacement for an oven." The fact she has it set to convection may be a reason why. It's going to obviously overcook and burn it after a few hours.

"Is Boston Market still a thing? I could just make a local store rich and order from there. Cut out all of this." She waves a hand franctically. "It can be /our/ secret." She takes a few towels and starts to wipe them down.

"No worries, Shannon. I took the poster down and replaced it with one of Scott trying to look important and I photoshopped a funny hat on his head. You can have the old one if you want it. It's in a tube in my office."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"Yeah, you could." Gwendolyn pulls one of the chef's knives from the block near the sink, placing it on the counter - handle out - for Shannon to grab along with a pair of /giant/ bowls for the scraps to be thrown into for cooking down. "Then you wouldn't have this team building exercise going on, and you wouldn't have the story on Thanksgiving..." Bean wanders by, leaving miasma and grumpiness in his wake on the way to the fridge. Okay... Gwen continues. "We wouldn't have the satisfaction of doing it ourselves. Sure, it might not come out a hundred percent correct, but build on what you got right and don't do what you got wrong."

Grabbing a towel, Gwen starts to load dishes into the dishwasher and scrape down counters so they can get a good work surface to begin again on. Having spare turkeys is a good plan, but Gwen wants to clarify a little. "So, miss Jubilee...what were you wanting to do with the turkey? Cook 'em, obviously, but how. Bake, fry, spatchcock, smoke...we got options." She grins.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon shakes her head. "I'd rather you put it up in your office if it's all the same. Hey, if it gets some kids off their duffs, it's worth being a meme. And if that offer of ice cream and chat is still open, trust me, there are still days that would be -extremely- helpful."

It also looked like today was going to be one of those days. She stops dead in her tracks, a pan full of an extremely well-done turkey in her hands, as she sees Bean coming in. Her first reaction? Drop the pan on the counter where it belongs. Her second? March right on over to Bean and hug him gently--after he's had a chance to get a quick drink of Mountain Dew, of course. A man needs his comfort foods, after all. "Hey... scared the crap out of me last night. You okay?" Her voice is soft, and that look of pure thunder? She doesn't let it faze her. Turkeys can wait a moment. Besties could not.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Blink. Oh... there are people here. The bottle is actually finished by the time Shannon gets to Bean and he returns the hug, as if snapping out of some kind of daze. The expression goes from 'someone is going to die' to 'where am I again?' and settles on 'meh', which is his natural state of being. "Yeah, sorry, disagreement between me and a few agents. Needed some sorting out."

    But now he looks around at the disaster area that is the kitchen and tries to come up with something. Anything. But he needs to start over three times. "Why is... how did... Is everything okay in here? Looks like me trying to bake a cake. Anything I can do to help?"

Jubilee has posed:
"Gwen, you underestimate my internal laziness. I'm a slacker and I own it. My satisfaction would be to have everyone eat, not get sick, and then I can lie straight to Remy's face and tell him that I'm a great cook." Jubilee is at least upfront and honest about her ability to bullshit. She is an excellent role model.

"Far as cooking the turkey? I don't know... put it in the oven, turn the knob, watch TV for a few hours? I figure once I get the turkey part down, I'd be okay with the rest."

When Shannon calls out a bit of alarm towards Bean, she glances over towards the pair, noticing his state. She opens her mouth, then closes it with a click of her teeth as her shoulders drop a bit. She's not qualified for this and she knows it.

"Sure, you can help out. Maybe get a shower first?" He is covered in dirt, and showers tend to help with emotions. It's calming, at least for her.

"Then we can put you on side duties?"

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"Yeah, well...that's the way you do it. I'm not arguing that getting someone else to do it is easier, but if you're going to try to do it the long way and not the easy way, let's do it right." No judgement in that statement, only fact. She's got her own string of failures that she learned from, and this could be one for Jubilee, too. Gwendolyn is busy loading dishes into the dishwasher, closing it, starting it, and starting to load the second, with chaos of cooking surrounding her from Jubilee's attempts at making food.

A pot is slung on to the stove - one of the few clean ones - and Gwendolyn starts to scribble something on a bit of paper. "roasting, huh? Okay. I need this stuff." She passes a small list of spices and stocks to Jubilee - something that should totally be in the pantry. "Let's get this bird to brining."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie comes walking into the kitchen waving his hand in front of his face, and says "What happened in here?" He will look around at the ones in the over, and eyes lingering on Sam and Jubilee, not knowing which one did it, but expecting one of these two. "So someone trying to make sure we go out for thanksgiving?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon quirks a small smile at Bean, and hugs him again. "Well... I'd shower first. Don't worry, Bear's okay. I took care of him this morning. He's one worried doggo, you might want to check in on him soon." A quick glance is given to Gwendolyn, a look of amusement that seems almost to say "We're going to have our hands full here", without a word being spoken.

She eyes what's going on with the next turkey, and the brining in progress, tilting her head. "Huh. Brining? That's one thing I've wanted to try but never really got to. Always did a tried-and-true roasting. Doesn't brining usually take several hours at least, sometimes a day or two?"

Cannonball gets a quirky smile, and she doesn't 'fess up to which one fowl-ed up the kitchen. Nope. Honor amongst women and all that. "Heya, big brother. Nope, we're just trying to make sure a Thanksgiving in turns out okay."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Shower... ah yes, shower. That sounds delightful. "Absolutely right. I need to get this dirt off me. I'll be back down once I'm clean and had a chance to rest." Interrogation rooms are not places designed to encourage restful sleep. Or any, for that matter.

    Sam gets a nod in greeting "Looks like it was an honest attempt at turkey. Calling 'not it' on this one." Bean has no issues with naming the culprit by extrapolation.

    Shannon gets one more hug "Thanks for taking care of him, I knew he'd be in good hands." And then the teenager is gone, pausing only to put the empty bottle in the recycling. "Back as soon as I can."

Jubilee has posed:
Tracking Samuel's departure with her eyes, Jubilee gives a glance to Shannon, then Bigger Sam(TM) once he enters. "Okay, Wings. Start talking. What the heck did you two get into? Why is he covered in dirt?" Seems that Thanksgiving explosion is on pause for a brief moment.

"I'm a terrible cook, Rocket Farts. What can I say? Do you know anything about this?" She says, flailing her hands after Samuel before looking back to him.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
An honest three attempts, to be fair. In answer to Shannon, Gwendolyn starts pouring things into the pot. Vegetable Stock. Peppercorns. Brown Sugar. Candied Ginger. Allspice Berries. A massive quantity of salt. A little water. "It does take at least 24 hours to brine something right. Seeing as this will be in the salt for at least that, we'll be fine."

She reaches up to touch something on the side of her visor. "I can turn off my ears for a while if this is super secret type stuff." Yes, she does air quotes when she says super secret, mixing the pot as it starts to steam.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit watching Sam go, and the young man is gone before he can ask what the deal was. At Jubilee's question and nickname, he looks over to her, and says "You have been around them longer today than Ah have." He will look at the kitchen and says "I thought something might have blown up in here on him."

Nightingale has posed:
     "Okay... please, the poster in the office is cool beans, but I'm a little more than a pair of wings." Shannon's not speaking with any malice or even major annoyance in her voice. Rather, she's quirking a small smile, and moving over to offer Jubilee a hug. "Second... that explanation may be one better given behind closed doors." She grimaces slightly, running her fingers through her hair. "Honestly, I'm actually debating whether or not I should go to Jean on this one." She glances at Sam, with a bit of a shrug. "You... might not be far from the mark."

Jubilee has posed:
Rubbing her face, Jubilee looks clearly frustrated. "Shannon, if you have to ask yourself: 'Should I talk to Jean?' The answer most likely will be /yes/." There is worry in her voice now as she turns her attention to Sam, pointing a finger at him, pointy point, POINT! "You. Go and talk to her, figure out what happened." She says as she plucks one of the burnt turkey's and dumps it into the trashcan.

"Gwen and I can try and salvage my terrible cooking situation and try and make the best of it. At least this was a test run and not the actual dinner." She is clearly worried and tense now as the usual happy go lucky firecracker seems more like a stick of C4.

Prismatic has posed:
    Around the corner pokes a slightly un-familiar face around the school, her lips pursed a moment, her hair pulled back in a loose, messy bun. Her sweatshirt hangs off her form, and she has a questioning look on her face, sniffing a moment.

    "Goodness, I'm not even in the kitchen and already things are burnt." she comments lightly. She has a shopping bag tucked under one arm. "Speicial Delivery for one Sam Goofy?"

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy barges into the kitchen having no idea what's going on. He was in his lab all morning working on mutation control gadgets for a student. As soon as he starts trying to take in what's going on, he bellows "What in the wide wide world of sports is a goin' on here?"

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
The pot on the stove is the one thing that smells good in the kitchen. Gwendolyn gives it a stir, looking over the kitchen. Her and Shannon's cleaning has gotten most of the stuff out of the way, and the birds that Jubilee...ahem...experimented with are in the process of being broken down into component parts. Hank's arrival gets a wave, and the person she doesn't recognize gets a look and a smaller, more careful wave, but right now, she turns her attention to Jubilee because the poor woman looks like she's about to melt down. And in a school of Mutants, that could be a literal thing.

"Okay, so, let's figure things out. Turkey's the biggest part. You want easy, we cover it in Canola oil, throw it in the oven at 500 for like 20 to brown, then kick it down to 350 until it's done. Baste wtih butter, throw on some herbs at the end. Easy enough. Dressing works as far as the box goes. We can go a different route if you want, but box works. Is there something that you, miss Jubilee, would really, really want to have for Thanksgiving? If that's the case...let's make that happen."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will look over and smiles a bit at Alexis." "Hey Hon." He will move to hug her and give her a quick kiss. He adds "Need to talk to Shannon alone a moment, will be right back." he turns to point at people "Jubilee, the mad morning non cooker. Henry McCoy, science teacher, and Gwen, student and over all good kid." He looks to the others "Guys this is Alexis Carr my girl friend, Prof cleared her coming out on occasion and Ah may have talked her into helping with teaching music as an assistant to Alison, if Alison is interested." He looks over to Shannon "You and Ah need to talk." He motions towards the back door and moves to step out expecting her to follow him.

Nightingale has posed:
     "First things first, Jubilee. Please... let us help?" Shannon tries to keep the other turkeys from being tossed in the trash can as she breaks them down for use in stock, worrying about that task first before even beginning to search for a stock pot to put the pieces in. She offers a grateful smile to Gwendolyn for the chef's knife, setting to making short work of the turkeys.

     Alexis' arrival is greeted with a... gigglesnort? "You mean mister Fire Farts over there? There's space on the counter for now. Need a hand with that bag?"

     That's just before Mr. McCoy's entrance and that bellowing brings her up short. Very few things would do that. One was an upset Logan. This was another. "Jubilee was making a test run for the Thanksgiving dinner. We're just trying to help her salvage it and work out the snags in the plan."

     Or one could add a third thing that could put her on edge--and that was a 'we need to talk' from Cannonball. Crap. She shrugs and sets down the chef's knife, and goes to wash her hands from breaking down the turkey. "I'll be back to help out with this, guys. Hopefully this won't take long." She follows him out, not used to him being the one calling her out first and for once looking a little nervous.

Prismatic has posed:
    "HOw do you do, Miss Jubilee, Dr. McCoy, a pleasure to meet your aquaintence." Alexis replies to the hurried introductions, although she seems taken offguard by the sudden bellowing of the good doctor, and mildly alarmed!

    She takes a deep breath, setting the shopping bag on the counter where Shannon indicated, and stands to the side a moment, looking between McCoy, Jubilee, and Gwendolyn, giving an uneasy wave back to the other girl "So... ah... where can I help?"

Jubilee has posed:
Letting out a heavy sigh, Jubilee waits until Sam and Shannon leaves, then she rubs a hand along her face. "I don't know how Jean and Scott does it." She mutters to herself. "Oh. Hey guys." She says to Hank and Alexis. "Yeah, so .. this one is on me. Not the kids for a change. I got frustrated and .. nuked the food.. with my powers.. because I can't use a stove obviously."

"Far as helping goes! Um.. I have three turkeys left that I are thawing. I guess we'll be using those." Um.. She pauses for a long moment. "I need to start over with pies. I probably need to get more groceries .. and three more turkeys." She says as she taps on her phone to place an order with some type of delivery service. Please be in stock, pleeease.

"I am as domestic as a doorknob guys. I'm sorry."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy grins and winks at Jubilee. "Well that's pretty decent of you not to pass the buck." He steps carefully if there's any mess in his way, going to get himself some left overs from the lunch served the kids today. "Thanksgiving. good stuff. Alexis, Gwendolyn, Good afternoon."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Simmering her brine, Gwendolyn nods and leans against the counter. "If you ever want to try something, one on one, you let me know, Miss Jubilee. We can give you something simple and make you the queen of it. Hell, just a good set of rolls would get compliments and isn't that hard. Best response for little risk, y'know?"

Gwendolyn is wearing an apron and a visor, much like Cyclops, and vanishes into the pantry for a second, returning with one of those big yellow coolers. The turkey is dumped inside, along with a large amount of ice from the machine next to the dishwasher and, when the brine is incorporated properly, that's dumped in, too. The lid is slammed on and the whole thing is pushed out of the way. "here's hoping no-one gets thirsty. turkey brine has elecrolytes. And probably some other nasty things you don't want to drink."

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis, meanwhile, is just wearing a simple sweatshirt and jeans as she looks around the kitchen, rubbing the back of her hand a moment before she states: "Well, Miss Jubilee, you'll find doorknobs in near every home, so at least you're a household name?" she offers as a thin joke, looking a little peeved that Sam had abandoned her to two others and a student.

    "I've always fancied attempting to deep-fry a turkey myself, but it's just me, and there's not exactly a whole lot of room in the apartment for a fry station... not to mention I'm not skilled at cooking at all." she sniffs the air again, watching as Gwendolyn dumps the turkey into the cooler, and she rubs the back of her neck as she mutters "eh, I have the dressings for it at least."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy gets himself a plate of chicken, and gets a coke to go with it. "Electrolytes? You know that's what plans crave." he grins. Basically shutting out that the kitchen is a mess, and just enjoying himself.

Jubilee has posed:
Everyone may as well be talking a second language around Jubilee when it comes to cooking. She continues to clean up sheepishly, hoping to get the walls and counters wiped down. "I appreciate you guys bailing me out. It means a lot. This is what I get for being a mall rat my entire life and not bothering to learn how to do more than make a hot pocket."

As she hefts some of the untouched food over to the counters, she starts to line up and take inventory of the good materials that isn't ruined. "So, how is everyone's day going?" She asks curiously as she looks over towards them all. "Aleeexis. Soooooo." She says, her thin brows lifting upwards. "You and Sam, huh?"

She ambles over to Gwen to help out if she can, or at the very least, learn something new. What the heck is brining?

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
With her cooler safely next to the counter, Gwendolyn is in the process of writing something on a strip of tape, warning to not open, drink, or otherwise mess with this bird on pain of death or expulsion from Thanksgiving festivities thanks to a very annoyed Cajun girl. "Come by, then. We can do that too. Just need peanut oil, a burner, and something to lower the bird into the oil with. Oh, and fire extinguishers. You know those stories every year of someone burning down a house? That happened to my next door neighbor when I was eight." They were invited over to eat while the Firefighters saved their house.

Hell of a Thanksgiving that year.

The work that's been done has put a dent in the wreckage of the kitchen, and Gwendolyn, after washing her hands, passes a cloth over to Jubilee to get some of the stuff off of her face. "You're going to need a shower after this, you know. Cooking's not normally a contact sport." She's teasing a little, giving the older teacher a smile. "So, you're a gym teacher and a counselor, right? Anything I could do to get my stamina up? Sam's got me on a running regimen, and flying twice a day but with the weather..." Gwendolyn trails off. With the weather being rainy with occasional snow, she doesn't go out much.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Nice reference." Alexis states, and she sits a little out of the way, pursing her lips a moment as she looks to the taller, bright blue mutant, and gives a soft 'mm', looking between him, Jubilee, and Gwen before Jubilee asks about her and Sam. Her ears turn positively pink -- more than a blush. They're Pink Pink. Barbie would be jealous.

    "Ah, yes, well, Sam and I began dating after we met outside Club Evolution, where I first heard Miss La-- Shannon play and sing during a warm up. It appears he surrounds himself with /intensely/ talented women."

    The olive-skinned girl with the british accent gives a wry smile.

    "You're not the only one Sam's got running around, Miss Gwendolyn." she motions to the bag.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy chuckles. "I'm fine. I'm just fine. I don't quite have my portable, customized suppressors going yet, to replace The Backpack for a new student in crisis. But I'm getting there." He has no comment on the dating situations, and just sips his coke. "Gwendolyn, if you need your stamina up for New Mutant matters, there are resources at your disposal for automated, customized training routines, in addition toa nything you get in person."

Jubilee has posed:
"Yes, Sam definitely has a magnetic personality when it comes to girls who sing. He dated Lila Cheney for a bit. He used to dress up in these ridiculous punk clothes and spiked dog collars to try and impress her." Jubilee cackles quietly. "We used to rip on him all the time about it. What a dweeb."

"Well, Alexis, lemmie give you the 'talk'. Sam is very near and dear to me and if you hurt him..." She makes finger gun motions at her. Pew Pew! Of course, she can't hold her serious face for long before she lets out an amused chortle. "Juuuust kidding. He's said nothing but over the top sweet things 'boutcha. You gonna come for dinner on Thanksgiving?" She asks with a grin.

"Hopefully by then someone else will rescue me from this and make a proper dinner so that way no one dies of heartburn."

At Gwen's question, she says, "Running helps, so does Yoga. Eat a lot of calories and then hit the weights if you can. Don't skip leg day. Try and stand for eight hours. Always keep moving. I know the weather is crummy but if you want to run with me in the morning, we can bundle up together. It just takes time. But Yoga! Definitely Yoga. I teach a Yoga class. YO ALEXIS!" She calls back over. "You're gonna do Yoga with me too! Sam likes his girls all bendy!"

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"I'm in the process of rescuing you right now, Jubilee." Gwendolyn says with a grin. "With the way we get fed around here, if I didn't run, I wouldn't be able to get off the ground without a jet pack or something, which I'm sure Mr. McCoy has bouncing around his lab /somewhere./" She's guessing here, but with all that she's seen, it would be more of a surprise if he didn't have one.

The offer for running in the morning and Yoga? That actually sounds...good. She bobs her head in agreement. "Sure, I'd like that. More fun to run with a person than by yourself. Easier to get motivated that way, too."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will hold the door open for Shannon, and then come back in and says "Ah am going to have to chat with Bean soon." He tells Jubes and Hank. He will walk over to Alexis, and says "Sorry about that teacher counselor had to be taken care of. Oh the thing the other day is all fixed, and a good result." He will tell Alexis .

Prismatic has posed:
    "Mm, so he told me on our first actual date... though the idea of him wearing punk clothing is pretty odd -- I've really only ever seen him in either his work clothes or casual dress." she states, hopping up to grab a bottle of soda from the shopping bag she's brought up. "Would anyone else like a--" she checks the label: "Mr. Thunder?" she asks, and when cracks it open to take a cip, Jubilee comes out with how Sam likes his women *flexible*, and the poor girl sputters, attempting to swallow the carbonated drink before she coughs out, choking on the bargain-brand Dr. Pepper and grabs for dishtowel not currently hosting turkey explosion.

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy has his mistaken asusmption about the New Mutants ignored, and just smiles. Taking a few big mouthfuls of chicken. "Mister Thunder? I'll have some off brand artifical beverage drink."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon follows Sam back into the kitchen, smiling a little as he holds the door open for her, and returns to the task of breaking down the burnt turkeys without a word. She's not molting, thankfully, but pretty well sticks to the messiest, probably most gruesome task in the kitchen right now.

Unfortunately, she's also in the 'splash zone' when Alexis sputters, likely over something quite embarrassing. Yuck. "You alright there, Alexis?"

Jubilee has posed:
Grinning, Jubilee takes her own soda out of the bag and cracks it open, taking a slurp from it. "Cool, so, Saturday morning at nine. We'll have fun." She assures Alexis with a wink. To Gwen, she nods. "It is. Working out with friends is way more fun and healthier. Positive mind means positive body! We'll get some cocoa afterwards too."

She grins at Shannon and Sam as they come back in, lifting a hand upwards. "Place is cleaner and things are moving in the right direction. I think I just needed an army to help me out rather than tackling this solo. I appreciate all the help you guys are giving me, and the pity. Especially the pity."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
Mr. Thunder. Trust him - He's an Accountant.

"I'm working on my stamina, and with Miss Jubilee's help, here, I'll be airborne for longer than a few minutes. I'm up to like three now, even though my back aches after a long flight." Something that'll be worked out with time, apparently. She does pick up on the last bit, almost as an aside. "New Mutant Matters, Dr. McCoy? That club some of the students are in?" This seems to be a thing that's being mentioned around Gwendolyn, time and again. First it was from the kids her own age, but now it's coming from one of the professors.

"Ah, pity's coming from me just because I've been there before. Never 'three turkeys destroyed' there, but still." She gives a small shrug and a smile. "Go big or go home, right?"

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will move to rub Alexis back, and says "You ok, Ah take it missed something." He will say and looks over to Jubes, cause who else would it be but her. His brow raises a bit, and then to Alexis "So speaking of Thanksgiving, you going to come join us up here, you will get to meet my Ma, and brothers and sisters."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon laughs somewhat at Jubilee's assessment of her current situation, and her drooping wings ruffle behind her a little bit. "Hey, it's all good. You really didn't want to see my first attempt at a turkey. I had it flipped around in the pan the wrong way. Figured I'd cook it the way it lived--standing up. Didn't quite work out. Turkey wound up touching the top heating element of the oven at home and I damn near started a fire. Learned my lesson real quick from dad. And a lot of cooking videos and research." Yes, for all it seemed cooking came easy to her most times, even she had her 'learning experiences'.

She does lean over to whisper something to Sam briefly, making a zipping motion across her lips afterwards.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Oh good heavens, Shannon I'm so sorry!" Alexis squeaks, and the girl looks positively mortified, after tending to the Mr. Thunder coming out of her nose she grabs a new dish towel and begins to lightly dab at poor Shannon, the unfortunate victim of Jubilee's verbal attack!

    In between, she does hook up Dr. McCoy with one of the drinks (it's only polite), and she gives a slight wince.

    "Ah... actually, Sam, I'm going to be serving that day at the shelter." she states, and she turns to the grouping.

    "I live in Bushwick, and I help out at one of the shelters attached to St. Madge. I can't cook, but all I'm in charge of is helping to serve, organizing volunteers, and some piano playing afterwards. There's..." she trails off, her shoulders drawing up slightly. "A lot of us who have no place else to go for a hot meal and company that day. Including some teens."

Beast has posed:
Henry McCoy snickers as he grabs his Mr. Thunder with a 'Thank you," and finishes off his lunch. "Well, folks. Do enjoy your Thanksgiving prep. I hope it's as nice as the day itself. Meanwhile, Brad needs me. Good luck." And at that, he heads out.

Triage has posed:
Chris pauses outside the kitchen when he sees that Mr. McCoy is leaving, and then steps into the kitchen. His nose wrinkles and he glances around the room. "This is quite a croud!" He comments. He looks at the food and asks, "Am I in time for lunch?"

Jubilee has posed:
"Hey, Chris." Jubilee calls over to the other healer with a sheepish grin. "I sorta blew the kitchen up in an attempt to practice Thanksgiving dinner. I'm in charge of it this year. So make sure to get your reservations at Denny's early." She teases him as she goes about re-prepping once again.

Tossing a playful wink over to Alexis, she says, "Really though, if you want to come and hang out with me on the weekend, I'm down. I could use more Yoga buddies and it is a good workout."

"Shannon, you're gonna be in pie duty since you're soooooo sweet." She calls out teasingly.

Hindsight has posed:
    Nathaniel comes into the kitchen on Chris' heels, but unlike the older man, he doesn't pause outside of it and strides over to the fridge, wrinkling his nose as dark eyes travel across the room. "Something explode in here?" He's wearing a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants and the necessary gloves.

    If he wasn't, opening the refrigerator door could be problematic, but it's not, and he pulls out a bottle of water.

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
"Be careful." Gwendolyn warns, starting on one of the pie plates that looks pretty destroyed, scraping the contents - are those /pears?/ - into the trash, the plate going into the second dishwasher to get cleaned. "She's ambitious. Give her a task for pies and you'll end up with forty of the damn...er, darn things. And hi Nathaniel." Gwendolyn gives him a wave. "Turkey mishap. It's all taken care of now, though."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Alexis, and says "Andrea has a plan to bring some stuff to the shelter, and Ah was going to help with it, maybe will get to spend a little time there with you, and then come up afterwards. Dinner maybe over by then but still folks about, plenty of food and things going on here if ya want to when your done, or if nor Ah can come back out and help when we finish eatting." He will move to grab a one of the Thunders. "Ah think we will be doing the delivery of stuff around noon. Lots of it just will need heated.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon cracks a bit of a smile at Alexis, and waves off the towel, enfolding her in a wing-hug instead. "Hey, it's all good. I've had worse than a little soda spray." She looks up in time to catch Mr. McCoy heading off with his drink, offering him a smile and a wave. "We'll sure try. If you're hungry later, let me know, I'll work up some mac 'n cheese, or maybe some lasagna." But, just like that, he's gone again. Well, she'd have to make those treats and bring some by his lab later.

Alexis gets a distinct frown, however, and she looks between her and Cannonball, upon hearing her include herself in the 'nowhere to go' crowd. "I'm not saying don't go and be the one to make sure all those folks have some company and a hot meal. Definitely do that. But... you're not alone anymore. Don't forget that."

Glancing back over at Jubilee, she nods, and smiles. "You got it. Even mix of apple pies and pumpkin pies, then? Yoga, too, I'm game for that if everyone else is. Might be right in line with what my therapist would have me do. And please... pretty please put that poster back up in your office? I mean, I'll take it if you insist, but I'd really rather you kept it up in there. Please?" Another idea occurs to her, and she grins. "Ever heard of 'Muddy Buddies'? Also known as 'puppy chow'. It's Chex coated in a mix of peanut butter and chocolate, rolled in powdered sugar, and then left to cool. Little bites of heaven, and super-easy to make en masse for holiday snacks."

By way of explanation to Gwen, she snickers lightly. "Jubilee offered a fitness challenge to Chris and I, and we accepted. 100 push-ups, no stopping. Afterwards, I spralwed out flat on the floor like a bug splat. She got a picture of it, and as it turns out, I became a meme-worthy poster child."

Speak of the devil and he shows his horns! Waving over to Chris, she chuckles a little bit. "If I can get some mac 'n cheese together, sure, but we're mostly working on some Thanksgiving prep right now."

Nathaniel gets a bit of a grin, and she shrugs. "Thanksgiving prep gone awry. I call 'not it' on this one." Borrowing a turn of phrase from Bean, of course!

Triage has posed:
Chris continues across the room and pats Jubileee on the shoulder. "I wouldn't say 'exploded,'" he answers, glancing around the room. "I see no open flames trying to devour the ceiling or anyone with third-degree burns. It smells like a minor baking hazard. Like most arts, baking takes practice. My first batch of chocolate chip cookies came out as little charcoal briquettes." He looks toward Shannon and Alexis and offers, "May I help? I've come afew steps farther since those cookies."

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis glances to Sam with a small smile, "I'm sure everyone would appreciate that, and it's good publicity for both her and for Mutant Kind" she jokes quietly, and she breathes out, rubbing the back of her neck. "Ah, if I'm going to meet your family, there's probably a couple of thins we should talk about first-- and, Shannon, for your information --"

    She sticks her tongue out playfully at the younger singer. "Nyeeh. I was alone for three years. I don't forget that either." she smiles at the winged girl, and gives a wave to the others as they come in, giving Chris a nod in recognition.

    "I'm not sure if I'll make it. I have a teaching engagement for a piano lesson early that morning, and if people are generous during their shopping I could probably make my rent payment playing on Fifth."

Dragonfly (Armenteros) has posed:
With her turkey brining, Gwendolyn lets her hair down and takes off her apron. "I'll see you for running in the morning and Yoga...whenever Yoga happens, I guess, Jubilee." Triage gets a wave, as does Alexis and the rest of the gathered throng. "I've got homework. and cooking later. So I'm going to go pass out for a little while." She pats the cooler. "Don't drink turkey brine. This is your only warning."

With a grin, Gwendolyn skips out of the kitchen.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie 's brow raises a bit and says "Well, we can go talk now or in a bit if you want hon." He will move to put an arm around Alexis' waist and says "Well Ah am sure we will figure something out hon, and Shannon is right your not alone now, so if your wanting to help folks who are you don't have to do that alone either."

Hindsight has posed:
    "I see that," chirps Nathaniel, with a small smile, and he waves to everyone. He opens the water and sips lightly, before setting it down on a clean spot on the island counter. "I can probably help. Not with the cooking, but dishes shouldn't be a problem." He starts on that then, continuing the task of loading dishes into the dishwater now that Gwen is gone.

Jubilee has posed:
"Sure thing, Nathan. You can work on mashed potatoes and stuffing." Jubilee suggests as she delegates amongst the students. Seems like she may have lucked out a bit in doing this all by herself. "I really appreciate this, everyone."

"Alexis, Yoga, yes or no?" She calls over to her before she can escape with Sam, then goes about putting apples in front of Shannon for pie making.

Triage has posed:
Chris grins warmly when Sam comes to hug Alexis and assure her that she's welcome. He waves to Gwen when she hurries toward the door, and then nods to Nathaniel and adds, "This will involve much more than cooking. I'm sure that we'll need to set up tables, deliver flatware, drinkware, and utensils, and a host of other things that are as important as the food itself. Afterward, there will be cleanup." He looks to Jubileee. "I think that you volunteered to reinforce the lesson about working together as a team." He grins. Looking to Shannon, he asks, "Do you need anything else that I can fetch for you?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sticks her tongue right back out at Alexis and chuckles. "Yeah, what he said. So there!" In regards to doing dishes, she grins first at Sam, then at Nathaniel, laughing. "Just don't make a bet that involves dishes with this one..." She points over to Sam. "...unless you're ready to lose. Because you will get stuck with every. Single. Dish. For a week." Chris is given a brief hug, and she flicks an apple up in the air for him to catch. "You just got roped into pie duty, now that you asked." Be careful what you ask for with this one. You just might get it.

Prismatic has posed:
    Alexis rubs the back of her neck a moment, looking at Sam as he wraps an arm around her waist, and she gives a small shrug for a moment, helplessly looking up to Sam.

    "Ah, like I said, I have a teaching engagement -- so you teach Phys Ed, then, Jubilee?" the brunette inquires, leaning a little bit against Sam as she purses her lips, giving a nod to Chris, and ducking back the apple.

    "I'll keep it in the back of my mind -- luckily, I don't own too many dishes, so this just means I never have to eat dinner with him again and I'm completely safe!" Alexis gives a small grin.

Hindsight has posed:
    Nathanial sighs and grins, eyes going upward, but all goodnaturedly. "Fine," He meant to avoid cooking entirely, but after setting another load of dishes for washing, he peels off his leather gloves and sets them aside, flexing his long fingers and running them through warm water with soap. "Huh. Do we have latex gloves?" Because that would be a more sanitary option.

Jubilee has posed:
"I teach Gymnastics, Parkour and Yoga." Jubilee says to Alexis with a grin. "And I can have you come in on Sunday as well, or Monday. Pretty much we can just pick a day and stretch ourselves out. I'll take you Yoga mat shopping too."

To Nathan, she nods her head. "Yeah, we got latex gloves. Don't want you getting spooked from potatoes or anything. Never know where they've been." She heads over to a drawer and roots about until she finds a box of gloves.

"Chris, the way I see it, those who help, get first dibs at the food on Thanksgiving! Rules of Jubilee's Hells Kitchen."

Triage has posed:
Grinning, he snatches the apple from mid-air. He grabs two others and juggles them briefly before catching the three and lining them on the counter. "They'll need peeling, coring, and dicing. I think that I can handle that," he answers Shannon. He starts to look for the cutting board but then pauses when Nathaniel asks about glvoes. "That's a good point," he replies. "I have a box in the office. I'll go and fetch them for you. Do you know what size you wear? If not, I'll bring a box of each and you can pick what you need." He resumes his search, and quickly finds the board, a peeling knife, and a gadget that cores and slices at once while Nathaniel decides. "'Stretch ourselves out' Jubilee? Nothing like a few puns to sttretch the mind, eh?" Chris teases.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon blinks a little as she glances over at Nathaniel. "I've got a few pairs I keep in my little bag here, but if you're talking about the heavy duty dishwashing gloves... yeah, I'm not sure about that." She pats the small brown leather bag with runes on it that she always keeps with her, and smiles somewhat. "Which kind did you mean?" But it seems Jubilee's got that covered, so she shrugs, and smiles.

Jubilee gets a confused look at the mention of all the things she teaches. "Okay. Two out of three of those things made sense. But what is 'parkour'?" Le gasp! How could she not know?!

The pun earns Chris a playful swat from Shannon, as she extends one wing to swat at him, laughing and groaning all at the same time. "Indeed, we all should learn to be more flexible..."

Poor Alexis. If only Shannon knew what she had missed....

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie nods, and says "Ah only bet on the baseball games, aint my fault what team ya like." He jokes at Shannon, and says "Oh Alexis, this is one of our newer students Nathaniel, Nathaniel this is Alexis she may be a teachers assistant soon, but we still working on it." He looks back to Alexis "Only believe about half what Jubilee tells ya." he teases

Prismatic has posed:
    In Jubilee's Kitchen, only God can save you. Or timely intervention by a teacher.
    Alexis pauses a moment, and glances at Jubilee "Parkour.. the jumping tricks part or the 'getting from A to B in the most nonsense possible way invented by the French' part?" she gives a wry smile. "We had a couple youg men who liked it in our corps d'ballet where I attended school."

    Alexis pauses, and leeaaans back a moment, looking up at Sam.

    "And the dog collars part?"

Jubilee has posed:
Sliding up next to Alexis, Jubilee whips her phone out to pull up some 'punk' Cannonball pictures with Lila Cheney when they were younger. "Look at this. Dude literally bought a dog collar and has it on his neck. Check out that shirt. Also, his ears were /huge/." She says with a cackle as she scrolls through the pictures with her. He was so gangly! Also, that flattop. Remember the flattop?

"Yeah, getting from point A to B in the most efficient way possible. It's a great way to build upperbody and core strength, and also just fun. Sammy, you wanna take Yoga with me and Alexis? We're doing it next Monday." She says as she switches the days up.

"Chris, your puns are bad and you should feel bad." She calls to the healer with a waggle of her brows.

Hindsight has posed:
"Looks like Miss Lee has found some, but thanks," Nathaniel gives Shannon and Chris a grateful smile and pulls out a pair of medium-sized latex gloves from the box. "It's not the potatoes I'm worried about. It's everyone else." He grins. "And maybe the potatoes too. Aren't they under the earth before they're harvested? No frickin' thanks." He turns to Samuel and Alexis and waves at the latter. "Hey.

    Luckily for everyone, peeling potatoes doesn't require instruction, and Nathan manages on his own, after locating the peeler and the potatoes.

Triage has posed:
Chris chuckles while he begins to prepare the apples for Shannon. "Puns were good enough for the Bard, Miss Lee!" He jokes, glancing to Jubileee and then Shannon. " He drops each nicely diced apple into a large bowl and then adds its core to a pile that looks like a growing stack of cordwood to one side of the board. Over his shoulder, he calls to Sam, "Which team was that?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon peers over at Nathaniel, raising her eyebrows. "So... why would we have to be worried, then, if you didn't have gloves on? I remember all that talk of powers and everything in the rec room the other day, but that's kind of the point I walked in with Illyana. Might not have heard yours."

She leans back on the counter, peeling an apple, trying to see if she can take off the peel all in one long strip. Many hands make light work, after all, and she offers a grateful smile to Chris. "Thank you. This is really going to help a lot. I'll get the sugar and spices mixed into all this next, and let them soak a bit while I work on the pie crusts." She grins over at him, likely answering the question close to the same time Sam does. "Why, the Red Sox, of course! And the Patriots for football. No Yankees or Giants here! Nope!"

Prismatic has posed:
    "Oh, dear. That is quite the outfit, Sam." Alexis teases lightly, and is suddenly so very, very glad no one has old pictures of her. Yikes.
    She looks over to Chris, "Have you ever had anyone read Shakespeare in Original Pronunciation English? There are even *more* puns. Truly, the man was a genius -- but while most jokes are a shift of wit, most puns /are/ a wift of.... horse apples." she trails off, not particularly willing to curse in this mixed crowd.

    "I'm sorry, your football isn't real football. It's hand-egg. You carry that thing down the field. Just like you can't make a decent tea and drink it all horribly wrong. Especially Sam." Alexis teases, poking Sam in the side. "Far too much sugar, not enough heat."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over and says "It was what was in style for her concerts, and Ah was trying to fit in, and Ah am ok at Soccer, had to learn about it from one of my best friends, but American football is a good game as well. I have played both. And It is ok you don't realize what good tea is." He teases back not seeming bothered by the teasing. "Ah will admit the one Ah don't really understand is cricket. Seems all over the place." He kisses Alexis's cheek. "Won't hold your crazy tea against ya though."

Hindsight has posed:
    "I'm not a germaphobe," Nathanial says to Shannon.. "I just see flashes of the past when I touch things or people," Hence the gloves. "but only sometimes with objects, and while I've never used them on potatoes, I can't imagine I'd see anything good." He ignores the sports talk, since he'd be lucky to even get the names of the teams correct.

Triage has posed:
Chris grins and nods at Alexis's words. "I've heard samples, although not a full play in OP." He answers. "The gentleman explaining it said that they performed 'Romeo and Juliet' in OP and it was a third shorter than in the standard pronunciation. The puns do indeed abound. I'd love to see it gain more acceptance simply for the art." He adds another load of diced apples to the bowl and nods to Shannon. "They're ready when you are, O Keeper of the Spice." He glances to Nathaniel and notes, "I haven't heard about your gift either, but if you want to keep that to yourself for whatever reason, that's fine. Just be sure to tell someone if you have specific medical concerns that we should know." He glances to Sam and then Alexa as well. Then he adds, for Jubilee's sake, "Parkour is also a great weay to learn where you bruise most."

Jubilee has posed:
Once the duties in the kitchen gets situated and it looks like nothing is going to burn down, Jubilee gives a smile to everyone. "I'm going to take a shower and get cranberry out of my hair. Thanks for helping me out guys. Thanksgiving is going to be awesome, I"m sure of it." She says as she starts out the door, waving a hand to everyone.

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie looks over to Alexis, and says "Well since they are cooking, you want to head up to my room, where Ah can answer any questions about ma, and the little ones, might even let ya see the collar. It is a human one not a dog collar by the way." He grins at her.

Prismatic has posed:
    "Oh! Yes, lets. Thank you, all, for the entertaining afternoon." she chirps, picking up a paper bag out of hr plastic shopping bag, taking her Mr. Thunder, and she sets to follow Sam out.

Nightingale has posed:
     "Ohhhhhh shit. Them's fightin' words there, Alexis! Never... NEVER... diss the sweet tea in front of mah big brother!" Alexis might not particularly care to let fly a zinger or two in mixed company, but Shannon had long since gotten past that. Sometimes, much to Sam's or Kurt's dismay! She snickers softly, watching the proverbial feathers fly--all while thankfully not adding any of her own to the fluffy flurry! She does wink at Alexis though, and leans over to stage-whisper, "Of course, anytime you want to have some hot tea, I've got a small electric kettle stashed away somewhere in my dorm, and some nice tea my folks sent in their last care package..."

     Shannon just smiles at Chris, ducking her head and nodding slightly. "Thank you so much, that's a huge help." She gets the sugar and the spices together, measured out, and mixed in with the apples, along with a small splash of lemon juice. Those are set to soak into the apples for a little bit, while the next task to hand is to work on the pie crust. She hums a light little tune, unfamiliar to most here, as she works.

     "Samuel Zachary Guthrie!!!! Sheesh... collars? Really?!" She rolls her eyes and laughs, shaking her head. "What would your ma say? Wait, never mind... I'm not sure I wanna know."

Cannonball has posed:
Samuel Guthrie will wave to the rest as he and Alexis head out "If ya need me, hollar or text me." He will tell them.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon rolls her eyes. "Lovebirds." She sighs a little, turning back to the task of mixing and rolling out the pie crust, and getting the bottom crust into their respective pie plates. Well, at least there were holiday preparations to focus on, though now her wings droop visibly. "So, Nathan... I can't even imagine what a gift like yours is like. Is it like my healing, and it requires physical touch? Is it just people, or objects too?"

Triage has posed:
Chris waves to Jubilee, and again to Sam and Alexis when they leave. Now that most of the 'contributors' have gone, he looks around the kitchen to see if anything more needs attention. He smiles at Shannon's rueful remark. "Don't be too harsh," he cautions. "That's potential family."

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon sighs softly and nods. "I know. Trust me, I know." She closes her eyes tightly for a moment, gripping the edge of the counter and taking a few deep breaths. When she opens her eyes again, she seems a little more composed, turning her focus on getting the filling into the pies, but not saying another word.

Hindsight has posed:
"Both," Nathaniel explains, sliding the potatoes into a bowl. "And yeah, I have to be touching people. So I know you mentioned healing before, but it's probably best you don't try that on me." He says, for both their sakes. He goes quiet, frowning. 'Gift' talk has turned him sulky since he doesn't really see his as a gift at all.

Triage has posed:
After Nathaniel leaves, Chris sighs and shakes his head. Even though Nathaniel might be too far to hear, he calls, "I won't guarantee that if your life is in danger!" Then he looks at the pans crusts with beautiful crusts waiting for their homemade filling. "This should be a wonderful holiday for everyone," he predicts to Shannon.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods slowly, transferring the filling to each crust-lined pie pan. She can't resist taking a small bite of the filling, smiling somewhat. At least she'd managed to get that right. "I sure hope so," she murmurs. When the pans are filled, she rolls out more crust and cuts it into strips, covering each pie with a latticework of crust, and finishing each off with a few leaf-shaped cutouts on top for further decoration. A light wash of beaten egg is brushed over all, and the pies are put into the oven. "Thank you so much for helping with this... it really did make things a lot easier."

Triage has posed:
Chris smiles and helps to ferry pies into the restaurant-sized oven that the school uses. "You know that I would help," he assures. "If you would have told me to be here at first, I would have. This will be a fine celebration and a great exercise in teamwork."