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Christmas Cookies!
Date of Scene: 24 December 2019
Location: Kitchen - Xavier's School
Synopsis: Cookie making and decorating was interrupted with the arrival of several people and some rising tensions that were kept in check in the holiday spirit.
Cast of Characters: Archangel, Siryn, Nightingale, Polaris, Iron Man, Sunspot, Magneto

Archangel has posed:
There is a wonderful smell that's wafting out from the kitchen of the Institute. With his wings tucked behind him, Warren is pulling out a fresh batch of gingerbread cookies to set out on the counter. Not only are they gingerbread cookies, but if one were to get a close look, they're currently in the midsts of being decorated like certain members of the faculty, though Warren was careful not to use their X-costumes.

There's music as well, lively Christmas tunes that have more of a hip-hop lean to them as he works on setting down a fresh cookie sheet and laying out the little gingerbread people on it, though he pauses to glance at a couple, and moves them about. "Sorry Scott," he offers up in a teasing manner, "Putting you too close to Jean there will inevitably end up with the pair of you being fused together.'

Siryn has posed:
Christmas was not Terri's favorite time of year. With her family problems it made it rather... Lonely. It was a trying time for her, and she'd mostly holed up in her room trying to avoid temptations that often came with the season. Unfortunately, she still needed things like food, and PB&J did not always cut it. The smell from the kitchen helps lure her out even if she finds herself cringing internally at the music being played.

When she comes in to see Warren decorating little XMen gingerbread, she can't help but snort with laughter. Clapping a hand over her mouth she grins broadly at the winged mutant. "All right, this was worth getting out of bed for."

Nightingale has posed:
     While Warren is going the gingerbread cookie route, Shannon has opted for something a little different. Often neglected and overlooked on the cookie tray is the humble sugar cookie, and this is what she's chosen to bake in plenty. Hers are cut in the shapes of little snowflakes, and as the gingerbread is coming out of the oven, her trays full of cookies are just going in. Unlike Warren, though, Shannon's wings move back and forth in time with the beat of the music, a fairly reliable barometer of her moods. She's got a piping bag with a narrow tip and some white frosting ready, along with pale blue sugar sprinkles for decoration.

     "Those look heavenly," she remarks, her lips quirking upwards in a smile. "Impressive job on the decorating." Theresa gets a big smile and she waves over to her, chortling. "Hey there!"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna came in through the side door, her arms loaded up with various bags and wrapped gifts in various blues, silvers, and whites. She looked breathlessly about, grinning from ear to ear. "So who's ready to lose everything to me in playing dreidel games?" She called, the door closing shut behind her magnetically. She glanced about, her gaze falling to the cookies and Warren's presence in the kitchen. She inhaled and exhaled once.

"Oh those smell good." She caught sight of Theresa then, and shrugged once.

"I got gifts for people if anyone wants them." She set everything down with a clattering sound and stretched her arms over her head. Bundled up as she was, the green haired mutant clearly did not come from tramping around in Westchester. Her boots and all were clear and free from snow or damp.

"They're fresh from Genosha!"

Archangel has posed:
When Theresa arrives, Warren shoots her a swift and warm smile as he moves to place the cookies in the oven. "Now, bake, my peers, baaaaaaaaake!" he exclaims as if casting a spell, then turns his attention fully to the redhead. "I have enchanted you into my lair, and now, you must... feast! Muhahaha!" After a momentary pause, he adds. "You hungry? I got the pan of misfit cookies over there.." he gestures to a cookie pan that has broken cookies on it. "Accidentally dropped the pan. Totally not five second ruled."

Then there's another new arrival. "Hey there, Princess. Gifts for anyone that wants them? How nebulous. How curious.." Peering over at the pile, the wings on the mutant flick just slightly as he moves to turn down the music. "Everyone here knows Shannon, right?" And after a flicker of amusement, he adds, "No relation."

"And anyone is welcome to decorate. I'm just the baking machine. Stirring and sifting, and mixing my way through the day."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy gives a little shake of her head at everything unfolding in front of her. For just a moment she has a lost sort of look, distant and sad... then she shakes it off. Now was not the time to be all emo about her upbringing. "Always wondered how to play with a top," she responds to Lorna with a chuckle. Shannon's own contribution of sugar cookies is regarded thoughtfully as she grins toward the younger mutant. Then Warren pushes the cookies into the oven causing her to wince just a bit and glance askance at Lorna.

Its immediately dispelled and she shakes her head as she makes a beeline for the fridge. "Might be needing some milk to go with all these cookies. And before I start making jokes that are decidedly not American humor. Really, the lads over in Scotland have no chill what so ever." A little cluck of her tongue is given as she starts to just relax some. "I suppose I ought to give it a go. Decorating I mean. I'm the art history teacher. Should do something with that." The discarded misfits are eyed. "War survivors?"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon grins right back at Theresa, looking about to say something else when... oh, dear. It looked like Lorna had her hands full, so she scampers on over to lend a hand. There's a smudge of flour on her nose but who cares? It's all in the name of good fun, and good food!

Polaris has posed:
Lorna shrugged once more, "For whoever wants it, because while I did try to remember everyone who works here.. or needs a gift 'cause the holidays can suck.. I don't remember everyone. I don't work here. Don't worry about the gifts Shannon, I'll heft them over to where ever they belong in a minute." She drawled, and grinned as she moved further into the kitchen, her coat unzipped and hanging open as she went for the discarded cookie try and promptly swiped one for herself to gnaw on.

A glance was spared for Theresa. "How much eggnog have you had already? Because if its none, then we should have some. I could heat some up if you want.." She drawled, and grinned and took another bite from the cookie.

Her gaze swung briefly toward Shannon and Warren and she arched a brow upward. "Uh huh. Sure. I bet you're all secretly related, just like my family issues.." She muttered, her voice dry and only vaguely amused.

Archangel has posed:
"Lorna, I couldn't even try to top your family issues." While amused, Warren's tone also carries a tone of sympathy with it. "Anyway, help yourself to the decorating, Theresa. Love to see what you come up with. And if we're going with the eggnog, count me in." The cookie tray is looked at and Warren makes a long suffering noise. "They didn't survive the journey from oven to counter, sadly. But they make perfect test subjects for tasting. But also try Shannon's sugar cookies. They're as sweet as she is."

Now that the cookies are in the oven, Warren is cleaning off his hands on his apron before he makes his way over to join Theresa in the decorating department. "So you're the art teacher now? That mean you're back for good?" A hint of hope may be in his tone to the question for the redhead woman.

Siryn has posed:
"Oh gawd, at least I know exactly who I'm related to and aren't. Don't begrudge you that, Lorna. Da kept it in his pants pretty well..." Terri pauses, wincing. "Did not need that mental image come t'think of it. Might need some nog, yes." A wry grin is flashed to the green haired mutant as she pulls out a jug of milk, and nog with a little sigh. "Just one glass. Keep me to that, yeah?" It's set out on the counter before she approaches the fallen cookie heroes to regard them.

One is already stolen off the tray to nibble on when Warren comes beside her with that question. A faint grin is given, along with a nod. "Yeah, I am. Tryin' not to keep running off from my problems. Not that this place was a problem, just..." A little shrug is offered up helplessly. "Seems problems follow me, yeah?" Mostly her own causing. She was woman enough to admit it. "But it's good to be home. So then. Nog and biscuits, and I think I saw some cheese and olives in there if we get tired of sweets. Though I will be sure to try yours as well, Shannon. Haven't yet had something of yours I didn't like."

Polaris has posed:
The greenette shrugged and waved a hand at the comment about her family issues. "I dunno, right now my father is nearing a hundred years old and looks like he's fifty. I'm sure there's always room for it to get even worse." She drawled, and smirked at Theresa's horrible mental image. "I've had worse. For example earlier this year my father sent Rogue perfume." She arched a brow.

"Now you all get to suffer with me on that." She added, moving to get a glass so she could have some eggnog with the various sweets being handed out. "Anyways, I figured I would stop by on my way over to Roberto's, wish everyone a happy whatever and all."

Archangel has posed:
"We'll have to exchange stories sometime, Theresa. I'm sure it can be worse." That's Warren's response as he works on the cookies. As Lorna speaks up and mentions Roberto. "I heard a little about that. I know I have not given an official stance on Worthington Industries yet... but if Genosha needs pharmaceuticals, I would not deny those in need." he offers to her quietly. An olive branch of an offer, at least?

Siryn has posed:
"Ooh la la. Thought you and 'Berto were hitting it off, Lorna. Luck with that," Terri offers to the green headed mutant with a grin. She pauses in nibbling on a cookie long enough to let Warren make his offers for Genosha as she knew darn well how important that was to the woman. Instead she occupies herself with carefully gluing a few of the broken XMen cookies together with icing so that they look amusing. Like the Colossus with his hand on Logan's butt. It's the first of her travesties to come.

"Mmsho, about that eggnog..." Comes mumbled around her half-eaten cookie hanging out of her mouth. Hands dust on her side, ignoring the fact that unlike Warren and Shannon she didn't have an apron and so she ends up with sugary prints on her pants, and she turns to snag a glass for herself.

Polaris has posed:
Lorna coughed lightly, and shrugged, "Thank you Warren, that means a lot to me actually. We need new businesses to come in and work with people.. Other than Lex Corp.." She muttered with a grimace. Her green eyed gaze swung back toward Theresa and she grinned.

"We're hitting it off not officially yet.. his PR team hasn't released anything. And he's still not open to having business ties to Genosha. Not so long as he thinks my father is busy playing dictator. So.. he's well.. it's complicated. He's not 'in bed' with Genosha business wise.. but personally." She grinned, and took a sip of the eggnog.

"Man this needs some rum.." She drawled, shaking her head as she watched Theresa make her cookie monsters. Her frame leaning against the side of the counter top.

Iron Man has posed:
Tony Stark has a way of arriving somewhere as if he did it all the time. He belongs wherever he currently IS. At least, he thinks so, even if the rest of the world is //often// baffled by it. And so Tony is now at the mansion: simple as that. Technically to drop off a few things, but that's now done, and being babysat by one of his assistants.

So now, Tony's kitchen-bound, and this is 'normal'. As if all the people staring at him weren't anything to notice. He takes stares as he always does: with a quick smile and friendly manner, entirely shameless. He's in a suit as always, though this is not an armored one, but a comfortable winter attire.

"Rum?" comes Tony's question as he arrives through the kitchen doorway, virtually swanning in. Tony is never, ever, subtle. "Ooo. With cookies. I was expected," Tony observes, already attempting to snare one, with the steamrolling momentum of the arrival of the charismatic force of Stark.

Archangel has posed:
"Royal coronations tend to lead to royal weddings at some point." Warren quips, but offers Lorna a warm smile. "It'll be something that I can discuss with you later, or with your father if you want." he shrugs his shoulders. "Though it's no rush - I still have to take up the issue with the board and let them vote on it." The eyeroll is audible in that comment.

Glancing over at the cookies, Warren smirks at Theresa's artwork. "That will certainetly get attention." comes the innocent comment about her ColossusXLogan cookie. Taking his own eggnog, he draws from it and nods in his agreement. "Definetly needs some spicing up. At least make it leaded."

And that is when Tony arrives, and Warren's blonde brow rises. "Take a wrong turn, or did the smell of cookies draw you from the business you had, Tony? Been a while."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy lifts a finger to wag in Lorna's direction. She was busy chugging down that thick concoction and needed time to come up for air. With a satisfied little gasp she slams her cup down adding, "Pretending it does. Pretending reeeeally hard," she explains with a wry grin. "No harm in being personally in bed with Berto. You both deserve some good there." After saying this she glances off toward Shannon. "Ah... Figuratively speaking?" Yeah, no, there was no recovering from that.

Thank god for the distraction that is Tony Stark.

"Speaking of rich boys. Aye, there's plenty of cookies. Warren's been baking away." The redhead smooshes another head on a broken cookie creating some sort of two headed cyclops. At least he has two eyes now? "So what was this about betting with a dreidle?"

Polaris has posed:
Lorna colored faintly at Warren's words, "My father wants Roberto dead, I doubt that would go over well." She murmured and nodded at the mention of bringing it up with the board and having a vote. She sighed, but got it. The offer, the promise of working to try to help Genosha was better than she'd gotten from most people or businesses.

"Thanks Warren." Her focus shifted briefly toward Theresa, and she shook her head, laughing softly.

As Tony Stark came striding in, she blinked, and arched a brow. "Yeah, I was complaining about the lack of it in the eggnog. It's not real eggnog without rum." She drawled, "But this is a school and all. So.." She shrugged, "What brings you about Tony? The Avengers Mansion not busy enough this time of year?"

Iron Man has posed:
"Wrong turn? Come on now, say it with me: 'Tony is always right'," Tony immediately fires back at Warren, and, cookie in hand, crosses to offer a warm handshake to the other obnoxiously rich man in the room. "It /has/. You're coming to my New Years' soiree, aren't you? Bigger than last year. Of course. Though that's difficult, I'm a hard person to one-up, even by me," Tony humble-brags, attempting to land a friendly follow-up pat at Warren's shoulder.

Tony's multi-tasking: the X-man cookie he found of Phoenix is lacking an arm now. "These are Worthington originals?" Tony asks, but then looks over the interesting art form that Theresa has added. "Raising the rating, I see. Isn't this a school?" Tony wonders, amused, following Lorna's comment about eggnog being rumless. "Please keep it up: whatever you've done here has helped keep Deadpool off of our doorstep. So: appreciated."

"It's always busy; tis the season for charity," Tony answers Lorna's shrug. "Spreading my holiday cheer here and there, Ms. Dane. Besides, you have quality snacks; always a pleasure to stop by."

Archangel has posed:
"She's using the cookies that will never see the light of day - banished forever to our stomaches." Warren responds glibly. "So they're X-Rated cookies? Maybe?" That is a smile that is offered when Tony makes the offer on the party. "Oh, I will totally make it a point to be there. But it would be so passe to show up alone..." Tapping his fingers as he hears the oven ding, letting him know the latest batch of cookies is done, he steps away from Theresa to retrieve them.

"Besides the cookies and baking we're doing - Shannon's over there working on sugar cookies, we were discussing business ventures in Genosha." he offers with a shrug, before he glances to Theresa as he sets the cookies down to cool. "Theresa, you free to come with me to a New Years soiree? Tony promises it'll be his best yet."

Sunspot has posed:
It is Christmas Eve and Roberto got off work early. Meaning, a bit before dusk. In fact he was pretty much the last one to leave DCI New York offices. Still, not too late! And no work tomorrow. Theoretically. Maybe.

He better turn off the cellphone.

But not yet, because he is talking. And for once, it is not business. "Yes, I know I am technically dating the daughter of my old teacher... no, it is not that funny," pause, "yes, amusing mutant drama, better than soap operas." Roberto opens the kitchen door, and spots Lorna. "Adeus mum, see you soon," he finishes, glancing at the gathered mutants and friends. "Merry Christmas Eve," he offers, flashing a smile to Theresa, then focusing on Lorna, sliding close.

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy holds up the piping bag she'd purploined to start making cookie monstrocities with the broken ones. "I have to uphold my responsibility as art teacher. Where's a Beast one? I need to make Krampus." A dab of frosting is taken off the bag tip onto her finger to scoop into her mouth licking it clean. She wasn't as familiar with Tony as the others, so he merely gets a nod of greeting from her. Sure she knew OF him, but she was rather the errant child in this school. Even if she was no longer a child.

"Mm? How fancy?" She inquires glancing over her shoulder to Warren with a wry grin. "Y'might have to buy me a pretty dress so I don't embarass you. I could go fer a party though. It's been a long year, and this teaching gig is making me really miss my younger days. I can't even recall the last time I got to sing. And don't you get me started on Deadpool," she adds with her attention swinging back around to Tony to wag a finger at him. "He tried decoratin' the tree here with ... Things. That... Prophylactics, all right? Cut into snowflakes. Kind of. And that *GIFT* he gave me!" Her eyes roll upward in exasperation. "It was s'posed to be for Ororo but thank goodness she didn't get it! African fertility statue with a giant wang!" Her hands stretch out as if to show proportions just in time for Roberto to walk in. "Oi, Berto."

Magneto has posed:
     Genosha, being in the Southern Hemisphere, is in its summer months, which is why the monarch has no coat to speak of currently. A green flash of light from the hall and some intentional steps, of course Lorna would feel it was him before he even stepped through the portal.

  Magneto was not unaware of the situations many of the children were in at Xavier's. He also had a vested interest in the school he helped build. The man was 'carrying' behind him gifts of all kinds, teen suitable of course, perched upon a metal table. The last time he and his daughter spoke, there was some things said, most of them directed against Roberto.

  He turned the corner, silver hair manicured to look very stylish, and a shirt and vest, with a Genoshan pin on the lapel. "I brought..." He stops, not expecting to have seen Tony Stark visiting the mansion. "Gifts."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna grinned briefly as she leaned against the counter top, a glass of plain eggnog in her grip and a few discarded cookies before her. She still wore a leather coat she'd donned when leaving Genosha to the school not too long ago. A pile of gifts still stashed by the door. She shifted her weight on her heels, arching a brow at Tony's explanation. "No arguments from me on that, the food here is always good." She mused. Her gaze swung between Theresa and Warren, and she snickered softly as she watched. Roberto's arrival had her turning to press a kiss against his cheek, and she reached for a cookie to hand him.

"Want a reject cookie that Warren said don't make the cut?" She murmured, her smile dropping abruptly as she felt her father's sudden arrival. Words might have been said between her and her father, but she had still been seeing to her duties... and had snuck Roberto around Genosha at least once since then. But that didn't mean she wanted Roberto and her father in the same room.

"Oh shit." She breathed, and slowly took a step to put herself between Roberto and her father's figure as Magneto entered the kitchen area.

"Hey Dad.. you could've just uhh sent those with me.." She murmured, her shoulders slightly tense.

Iron Man has posed:
I //do// in fact promise that," Tony agrees with what Warren has said to Theresa. She even gets a finger gun fired at her. It's patented Tony quality, fresh from the teasing inventor. "Black tie at Stark Tower, yes. Open bar, so leave the kids at home, too."

"Again, appreciation from the Avengers to you: keeps the dick sculptures off our lawn. Although watching Cap hit the ceiling over a sculpture on a bush was entertaining for a time," Tony says teasingly, but there's no real weight in it: he's currently getting along well with Captain America. He may not be familiar with Theresa in particular, but that's never stopped Tony before. In fact, he comes over to look over her shoulder at the odd creations.

At least, until he gets a little buzz, and pulls some sunglasses out of his upper left pocket inside his coat. He doesn't put them on his eyes fully, he puts them on his forehead, but it's enough for him to hear, without the scrolling HUD in his face. It's apparent on the surface of the orange glasses as they light up, seated on his gelled hair, though. "Yep, I'm here, entirely listening, and coming back," Tony comments through the tech, in a distracted way.

"Oh, hey," Tony greets Magneto, with his usual easy quality. "Take over here supervising, would you?" Tony asks, entirely arrogantly, but lifting a brow at Magneto. Tony starts to walk out, with just the torso of a Phoenix-cookie in hand. He flips a wave back, and points more 'seriously' at the others: "New Years party. I expect you," Tony declares. Stark has spoken. In the midst of his weird visit parade, which has had it's attention pulled away. And... to get out of the drama or tension that arrived. Ugh: //feels//!

Archangel has posed:
"Need a dress? Hairdo? Whatever you want, Theresa." Warren grins at the woman. "If that was a yes, that is." Though everything is brought to a pause as Berto and then Erik arrive in short order. The white wings of the mutant flex out, in a defensive posture as he looks between the pair. "Our homeowner's insurance is already through the roof, and I'd perfer you two not blowing up the kitchen, because Shannon and I have been working on these cookies for most of the days."

After a moment of thought, he adds. "The gifts are appreciated though." That is said to Magneto in an effort to try to de-escalate things. "I've already sprung to make sure those kids that aren't going home.. or have been left here have new bicycles this year."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy pauses in her depictions of Beast-Krampus cookies when Warren offers to do more than just help her get a dress. The redhead pauses to apparently consider the offer while wearing a silly grin that left her feeling, for just a moment, like a schoolgirl again. "Aye," she mumbles in affirmation. The finger-gunning from Tony apparently helps cement it with a little snort of amusement.

When Magneto comes in causing the tension to shoot through the roof, she steps over toward the feather-ruffled Warren to offer him her newest cookie abomination. Thankfully he cooked them so they're edible, she's just the designer. "Ease up, I'm sure we're at a truce right now. It's not only Christmas Eve, it's third night of hannukah. Or fourth depending on timezones in Genosha," she has to admit with a glance stolen toward Lorna to confirm. "Very least we can all do is just relax for now, aye? Just for once. In the spirit of the holidays."

Sunspot has posed:
Roberto gives Lorna a brief hug to respond her kiss and settles at the grenette's side, "looks like my mother will be joining us for lunch tomorrow, she is going to be in New York until the weekend," he mentions before noticing Lorna's expression turning.

Hey, Nina DaCosta is not that bad. In fact all the New Mutants like her and Lorna doesn't even know her, soooo... looking for something else upsetting Lorna. And Magneto steps into the kitchen. He blinks quickly a few times. Santagneto?

Roberto takes a bite off the cookie and glances at Lorna. Alarms are not going off, so he guesses he was invited in. "I think your cookies are safe, Mr. Worthington. Unless he is very hungry," he steps ahead, "Mr. Eisenhardt," he offers his hand to the older mutant, "Merry Christmas, happy Hanukkah."

Magneto has posed:
     Erik meets Roberto's eyes for a moment before his attention is pulled to Lorna, there will be words had at a later date, this was not the time nor place. "Despite our words, I wanted to bring them myself, Lorna." He wanted to be seen giving them over of course. The man was one hundred percent aware of public image, when there wasn't a more pressing matter at hand. Such as a factory making giant mutant killing machines.

  Warren's ultimatum goes by about as well as a flatulence in a temple. "Worthington, if I wanted to destroy this place, I would not do so by announcing my presence and presents first." His tone, rather unamused. "Theresa, I am wounded. I built this school too. There need not be a truce when there is no war between us." Of course, he would let the tone and comment slide, in the spirit of the holidays. "Indeed, it is. And as much as I would rather not accept the fact, there are many a youngster here instead of with their own families. I know what it is like, to be alone during the festive time of year."

  The presents glide to an area where they are out of the way, settling down, waiting to be picked and opened.

Archangel has posed:
"Isn't you I was worried about, Magneto." comes the flat response to the older man, and a glance towards Roberto. Hey, Warren knows who the hothead is in this situation. Theresa's offer of a cookie does soothe him, and those wings stiffen, before folding back into place behind him. He glances at the cookie and chuckles. "So you've gotten Scott and now Hank. Going after us OG students are you?" he asks.

His smile is warm at her acceptance for the date, however. "Well, we'll have to see about getting you set up with a time to do the shopping and all. If you want me to come with you, or you know, let you use the card or something and go shopping, like that whole girls out thing."

Polaris has posed:
Lorna blinked as Tony sauntered off, leaving her father 'in charge', she stared a bit thrown off by Stark's ease and blaze demeanor. Yet only for a moment as Warren and Theresa both pause to watch her father. "Third night still in Genosha. At least for a few more hours and the sun rises." She offered, not skipping a beat. She had been tending to the holiday functions in Genosha, and all the duties that that entailed. She had also agreed to meet Roberto's mother at some point. She wasn't entirely sure when that had been scheduled, her mind was a blur of promises made and promptly put into her phone to be forgotten.

Apparently that lunch date meant Christmas. She'd forgotten exactly //when// that was supposed to happen, so one couldn't entirely fault her for that. Time zone changes made everything harder to follow.

Still, the green haired Princess sighed, and promptly made to go to her father and give him a hug. "I'm sure the kids will be happy for the presents, Dad." She glanced at her own bundle of presents. "It's not as if they'll go wanting here at least."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy looks back to Magneto giving a small shrug toward him at his apparent offense. "Wasn't questioning that. Just trying to keep things calm," she points out. It's Lorna that gets a sympathetic smile though. "There's plenty to eat around here," is offered simply with a gesture. "I'm sure the kids will appreciate the gifts. Holidays are always rough." This she knew rather well.

Sunspot has posed:
Magneto ignoring his offered hand was hardly unexpected, but Roberto felt he had to try. Warren's words, though, make him roll his eyes. Why would the winged mutant think he was going to attack his girlfriend's father in the X-Men's kitchen?

A second later, Roberto seems to decide he couldn't care less and goes back to Lorna's side. "No worries, Theresa," he comments. "Remember this school is one of the safest places on Earth."

Archangel has posed:
Glancing down at his phone as it goes off, Warren frowns at something. "I need to take care of this." he rumbles with a sigh. "Theresa, you got the cookie decorating handled?" he asks her before giving her a smile. "And stop by my class sometime, or I'll visit you.. we'll figure out this going out thing." There's a smile offered, before he's heading out of the door. "Good evening, all."

Magneto has posed:
     Magneto gives a small wave to Angel as he leaves, He wasn't far off it himself. "Anyway, the gifts are all mixed, I figure they can trade amongst themselves if they want to."

  He started to walk out, seeing the writing on the wall. "Anyhow, everyone have a good holiday." He offers, giving Lorna a small embrace before starting to walk off. Genosha of course, needed it's King, as much as Lorna had engagements, so did Magneto.