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Danger Room Mock Disaster
Date of Scene: 06 January 2020
Location: Danger Room - X-Men Base
Synopsis: Warren sets up a scenario for the students to train and practice first aid in - they escalate it into a full blown ocean rescue!
Cast of Characters: Archangel, Vi, Nightingale, Multiple Man, Cypher, Siryn, Magik, Samuel Morgan

Archangel has posed:
As students and veterans make their way into the room, Warren is currently up in the control booth. "Evening, everyone!" he greets as they drag in, the winged X-Man lifting up his cup of coffee. "And welcome to Advanced First Aid training. The purpose of this exercise is to react to a disaster and treat victims until support can arrive. No, I'm not telling you what the scenario is, you're just going to wing it. But I will say this.. I hope you packed swimsuits!" It's a cryptic comment, before the room starts to change and rotate, holograms starting to come into play.

After several moments, the group will find themselves on a deck of a cruise ship. There's sirens going off across the ship, a major fire alarm, and life boats are being prepared. The ship is heavily stricken, and before they arrived, the ship's captain was calling out an SOS for a ship that has multiple injuries and is floundering.

Well. He had the swimsuit part right?

A loud creaking and groaning noise comes from the ship as the Captain tries to find the leader of the group. Or whoever volunteers to be leader of the group.

Vi has posed:
Vi hasn't had first aid training, but said she had some practical experience with care, and asked if she could take part or at least observe. She assumes a spot in the back of the group, figuring that will be the safest place to watch from. The small nineteen year old is wearing a pair of dark leggings and a hooded sweatshirt with a faded logo on the front that announces she attended the 2021 Monster Jam series. Or at least whoever sold the sweatshirt to where she bought it had.

Vi is used to the room changing to look like something else. Somewhere else. However, her eyes go very wide at the sight of the all that water visible past the ship's railing. She moves over to the railing, looking about in all directions, looking for any sign of land, her expression slightly panicked. "The sound, that's bad, right?" she asks of the alarm.

Nightingale has posed:
     When the scene shifted and the cruise ship formed out of the aether around them, Shannon went deathly pale for a moment. This was not something she had expected to face. Drowning was one of her biggest fears. For a moment, it looked as if the winged healer in training might freeze.

     But she wasn't alone. She wasn't drowning. However, if somebody didn't act, and soon, many would indeed drown. There would only be moments to spare. She looks about the deck to see that yes, there were indeed many injured. But this was going to take coordination. They couldn't just go willy-nilly trying to save everyone.

     First order of business? Keep the team calm. Turning to Vi, she nods, taking a few deep breaths of her own and steeling herself against the sound of the alarms and the immediate threat of drowning. "It is. It's why we're here." Reaching out, she rests a reassuring hand upon the older girl's forearm and smiles. "We'll be okay."

     Second order of business? Talk to someone in charge. Thankfully, it appears the captain is close by, or a least, she certainly hopes that the man she flags down is the captain. "Sir? We received your SOS. Do you have an updated situation report? What sorts of injuries have been reported so far and where?"

Multiple Man has posed:
What to do on a Monday after the holiday season? Could hide. Drink more. Maybe start a fight outside Evolution... Naaaah. Warren made a call. Jamie jumped at the offering left on the proverbial table. Down in the Danger Room with the students, Jamie sparks a cigarette. He's been told over and over that he can't. His thumb disagrees. "Heh. He said 'wing it'." Madrox chuckles while giving Vi a light nudge with his elbow. A stupid, bemused smirk on his face.

That's around the time when things went expectedly south. Sirens. Emergency lighting. Madrox grips the railing with one hand, cigarette in the other. "Yeah, that's generally seen as a bad sound, Vi. Heard. Whichever." Standing out like a sore thumb, not just because of his age compared to the others. Not because of the overcoat and the face tattoo. No, he stands out because there are SO MANY OF HIM.

The panicking passengers, shoving and running for safety all look like Jamie. Why? Because they -are- Jamie. Dupes in suits, cocktail dresses, sailor attire and... was that one in a sequined jumpsuit?

"Guy that spends all day in the clouds is throwing us in the deep end. Did not see that coming." Says Jamie Prime while wrapping his head around the sudden uptick in chaos and danger.

Cypher has posed:
Well it's not exactly a luxury cruise on the sparkling blue sea, is it?

Still, Doug looks around, and then he springs into action. "This way to the lifeboats! This way!" He starts tossing people safety vests. "Don't push! This way!"

He espies a Jamie in an evening gown and diamond necklace and tiara, "This way, Dowager Countess! Yes, I know the heels are handmade Italian, but if you trip and break your ankle we're in real trouble, please carry them with you..."

Siryn has posed:
"So are you giving them the Titanic experience, or the Poseidon?" Terri asks as she leans a hand on the control console careful not to smoosh any buttons in the process. While it wouldn't hurt for her to be down there herself learning a thing or two, she was up in the booth with Warren overseeing it for the moment. A cup if coffee all her own is in her free hand while watching as the various individuals take up different roles all on their own.

Archangel has posed:
Chuckling softly, Warren glances aside to Theresa. "I did say that our next date would be a show..."

He gestures grandiously with his hand. "I present Jamie Madrox and his amazing one man band meets Speed 2: Cruise Control."

As Shannon finds the Capatin, he blinks at her in confusion. "You can't be no more than a kid, what type of help is this?!" Also the Capatin? Is that another Madrox clone wearing a Captain's hat and fuzzy white moustache that probably came from a mop? Maybe!

"We have some minor wounded up here. Cuts, bruises, sprains. And general confusion and mayhem. Down below are the more seriously wounded!" he offers to the winged girl, frowning. "I don't know if you can help with those, though.." Doubting Thomas? Indeeed. As he talks, he takes out a corncob pipe and sticks it in his mouth.

It blows bubbles. No smoking in the Danger Room.

Vi has posed:
Even the sight of a Jamie in sequins, or drag, can't quite get that ominous feeling out of Vi's mind as she eyes the expanses of water. It doesn't hurt though. "Don't freeze. Deal with the problem," she says quietly, remembering something she didn't so much get taught, as overheard being taught.

"Calm down, it's going to be ok," Vi tells two Madri who are arguing over one of the life jackets tossed by Doug. They are both tugging on it trying to get it away from the other. "There's plenty of those to go around," she lies. Ok maybe there are enough, but Vi really has no clue, so to her it is definitely a lie.

The young woman looks around, eyes going to Jamie Prime as if intending to ask for help. Though after a moment's reconsidering she looks instead towards the wounded. "I can help with some of the cuts. Do you have bandages and things?" Vi asks. Planning to start finding things to rip apart to make impromptu bandages if the answer from the Captain is not a yes.

Magik has posed:
Does anyone actually trust Illyana to know how to put someone back together? Murdering eighteen men in the Russian winter is easy enough, but applying plasters to wounded arms or stringing out a length of gauze may be the most she can manage. So, prepared for just about anything, she lounges in the room in the midst of madness settling in slowly and certainly around them. The projections become lifelike to the point she has her back to a listing rail, surely, and the cries of the frightened civilians around her give pause to look over her shoulder. Her eyes narrow, glowing slightly as she falls in behind Madrox. One of the many Madroxi.

"At least with river cruises, you can swim to shore," she suggests dryly while an elderly woman hustles along with at least eighty pounds of luggage, wheels creaking and the smaller roly-poly bag swiveling around in manic circles. When it bumps into someone already choking and coughing in the electric atmosphere. Another exercise in trouble there.

That calls for her to grab the bag and hurl it overboard. "Only the clothes on your back," she calls out, not waiting for the splash. Order calls for someone to help the weak wander into a lifeboat or not bully their way to the front of the line like that jerk over there.

"Clear a space on the deck for the injured, da?"

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy gives Warren a wary side-eye at mention of a show, even if it was proving to be an interesting one down below. "Speed 2?" A ponderous sip of her coffee is taken. "Don't think that one was on the curriculum in my Cult Classic Lit class." Smirking a bit she shifts her attention back to those below attempting to help the 'wounded' Jamie's and organize as well.

Nightingale has posed:
     Shannon offers a brief smile to the Captain, keeping her wings tucked in behind her. "Hopefully enough help to make a difference. And I'm not alone."

     A quick glance around the deck of the stricken ship shows that, thankfully, most of the minor injuries immediately visible were rather minor. There were some dazed and confused passengers, some who looked as if they might have taken a good bump on the head, and a few sprains. Those shouldn't take too much by the way of time or resources to handle. Turning towards Vi, she nods once. "Make sure nobody's bleeding, and bind some of the sprains if you can. Join me down below as soon as you can, I'll probably need a hand down there, getting the injured stabilized and up here to the boats."

     Doug gets a thumbs-up, and she calls out. "Thanks for clearing the decks there! Try to keep some spots on the lifeboats open for the more seriously injured, we'll need to give them priority and get them clear."

     Turning to Illyana, she nods. "Keep a path to the lifeboats cleared for the injured. It looks like Doug's got matters in hand getting the able-bodied off the boat."

     Where the hell was all this coming from? This was not the shy, withering girl who had come to the school a few months ago! Taking hold of her little brown bag--as well as keeping an eye out for the nearest first aid kit, she takes a deep breath to face down yet another one of her demons, and heads below decks to assess the injuries there.

     And some of them were not pretty. There were some deeper cuts, one or two broken limbs, and what looked like a few good burns here and there. Ouch.

Multiple Man has posed:
"First cruise I've ever been on and what do you know?" Jamie says with mock sullen surprise. The crook at the corner of his lips vanishes when water splashes and douses the cigarette in his hand. The rest of him as well. Sputtering, he frowns and flicks the soaked cig away. Making decisions is hard for Jamie. Extensive training helps alleviate some of that anxiety. He knows what to do... the students? Not as much. The urge to start barking out orders is there but muted. "I'll go down into the guts of the beast. Vi. Use this." Shrugging out of his drenched overcoat, he tosses it to Vi. "Rip strips and apply pressure to anything that looks serious. Sprains too, like Wings said." Stepping away from the railing, he ducks a Madrox carrying another Madrox like an oversized child while they scream about 'women and children first'. He shakes his head.

"This is why people get mad at us, Jamie. Things like this." He says with a wry smirk. Watching everyone take charge, Jamie smiles all the wider before he throws himself into the watery madness rising around them. "If anybody finds Keanu, punch him for me. Stabalize, evac and we go down lower. Grab any loose boards, handles or anything to use as a splint or pry bar."

A look to the Captain, Jamie upnods his Dupe. The Captain tips his hat before Madrox Prime opens a door wide to a flood of ankle high water.

Cypher has posed:
    "Well, beautiful," Doug says to Illyana as he hands a life preserver to a Jamie dressed in a child's sailor suit, "You did say you wanted to go on a cruise. Just uh, instead of letting me cling to the side of that door and die of hypothermia, could you pull me up there with you?"
    He turns, and espies a Jamie with a thick moustache and dressed in a plumber's costume who's getting really shovy and snaps his fingers at him. "Hey! Hey! Smetti di spingere! Oppure vai in mare come il bagaglio! In questo modo, rapidamente! Presto! Veloce veloce!"

Magik has posed:
"This is not our moonlit cruise. Still open on the docket." This from the Russian as she leans over, bracing her feet hard on the deck as necessary. "Do you see any land? I can evacuate them all to shore and then we get the civilians out of the water and you off of the boat." Not everyone has wings to run away with or multiple bodies to string out in a chain to haul themselves to shore, after all. She extends her hand to Doug as her solid footing and death-grip on the railing is surely enough to be helpful getting him up better.
Illyana inclines her head in a soft nod to the instructions otherwise given, a fringe of blonde hair laced in front of her eyes. She certainly isn't about to rush after anyone with a cut or a lightly bruised ankle, but anyone demonstrating broken limbs or severe blood-loss gets her aid being carried over towards Vi or Shannon. They know what they are about, and she is perfectly willing and able to be bled upon. That means a heavy-set fellow who clearly suffered some kind of collision with inanimate object, or a wizened older woman with a number of deep gouges in need of help before she goes into shock. Not her area of expertise, but she can give that much assistance.

Nightingale has posed:
     It looked as if the elderly woman that Illyana was guiding over in Shannon's direction was the worst of it so far, with a good egg on her head, and some cuts to her face and arms. She offers a smile to the old woman, reaching out to gently squeeze her hand for a moment. "Ma'am? It's okay, we'll help you. Just let me have a look at you, okay?" Out of her little brown bag comes a pair of non-latex gloves, which she slips on, an alcohol wipe, and a bit of gauze to clean the cuts. The elderly were particularly vulnerable to infections, oftentimes with compromised immune systems, so she had to take a few extra seconds to help clean up the wounds.

     While she's about this, she calls out to Jamie Prime, "Can you find me something to tie these cuts up on this woman's arm? I've got some gauze and tape for her face but the ones on her arm need a bit more pressure."

Siryn has posed:
Theresa Cassidy watches quietly from above in the observation booth. Warren was busy working away at the controls dealing with the variables of the simulation for the moment. That gave her time to just observe instead of exchanging witty, flirtatious banter. Coffee mug in hand she leans closer to the window to just watch quietly for a few moments before remarking, "Shannon's picking up rather well given she looked scared as hell at first. Good leadership there in a pinch. Wouldn't have guessed, honestly." Still. Knowing how someone was in the kitchen and social situations was far different from seeing them in the heat of the moment. This was as close to the heat of the moment as they were likely to get without it being a serious, for real, thing. "Yana's good as always, of course," she adds with a nod toward the other blonde down there. "Let's see how the boys do."

Vi has posed:
Vi really doesn't know what she's about, but if she's managing to suppress her dread of water she can't stand in long enough for anyone to think she is, she's probably doing something well. Vi catches the jacket from Jamie, momentarily reluctant about tearing it up. She can't seem to focus on it being a simulation when looking at all that water, but she likes Jamie's jacket.

Still, when the Captain shrugs to her and says something about a shortage of first aid kits, Vi begins shredding the overcoat, not seeming to have any issues with tearing the thick fabric with her hands. "You'll be ok," she tells a Jamie who is crying like a five year old over a moderately-sized cut on his arm. Perhaps he's meant to be a five year old, she's not really sure. Though seeing him behave that way puts a little bit of levity in the moment for Vi, causing the young woman to grin slightly as she deals with the wound.

As Illyana brings injured people over, Vi checks the leg of one who is hobbling. No bones poking through the skin, but the Madri's protest he can't walk causes her to look around. Vi rips the armrest off a deck chair and begins using it to splint his leg.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Madness, mayhem and panic. It's the perfect atmosphere for one of the more unstable elements of the New Mutants to appear into. Judging by his outfit, which is a pair of black coveralls, black combat boots and black gloves, he's been in the garage. Bear, his trusty companion, is not with him... on an actual mission, he wouldn't have the luxury of the canine by his side, so there's no point taking him into a simulation. Besides, the Shepherd isn't too fond of all the loud noises.

    First things first, the black clad Bean with black highlights on black trim grabs himself a high-vis life vest from the stack on the deck and puts it on without inflating it. You can't help anyone when you've become a casualty yourself. Looking around, he spots the 'Captain' but also Vi, and decides that one is a more reliable source of information than the other.

    "Sitrep?" he asks of Vi, kneeling down by her side so he can hear the answer. He's always said he'd stand to the Birkenhead Drill... it looks like he might end up having to actually deliver on that.

Multiple Man has posed:
Silently thanking the holographic stars that Illyana is here to take charge of tbe situation, Jamie breathes a sigh of relief. Out of the hot seat, Jamie OG gets to refocus his ever challenging state of mind to... doing what he was trained to do. Well, one of him was trained to do it. He's got a concerned eye on Vi as she reluctantly starts to shred his overcoat. Something dies inside him at the sight but is restored by the theatrical sobbing of a Dupe. Jeez, he really is a ham, isn't he? "Vi, if he keeps that up, gag him." A middle finger is given from his Dupe but the frantic sobs didn't even pause. Impressed, Jamie moves on. "Shanny, Vi has the supply. Remember to tight high for deeper wounds. Direct pressure for smaller."

Sloshing ahead, hand on the wall to steady himself as the ship begins to list, Madrox gives a hand down in the belly of the beast. Illyana carting the wounded up while Jamie puts his two years of EMT training to use. Stabilizing. Evaluating. Experience takes hold and he makes do with what he has on hand. Debris, mostly. Sleeves rolled up, hands bloody and water logged to the bones, Jamie puts in the work. "I'd give you a few hands, Rasputina but I'm a little stretched thin right now."

That's no joke. He feels numb when spread this thin. Dozens of Dupes. It's going to be a rough time absorbing them all and making sense of the anarchy of so many memories.

Cypher has posed:
Doug grips Illyana's arm, and pulls himself up. "Remember," he says to the others, "Work as a team! You can be a force multiplier for your other teammates if you know how to work with each other and not against each other. Focus on your task, listen to each other, and work together! Lone wolves starve!"

He glances back at Illyana. "It never made me feel any better," He says, sotto voce, "But it makes sense." He grabs a Jamie who appears to have his wits about him. "*You*. Hand out life jackets." And other, "And you. Help people who need it onto the lifeboats! Where the heck is the crew!"

Magik has posed:
The slanting of the decks provides too much of a barrier for some passengers, already toting life preservers or bedraggled in their night clothes, to bear. The sight of the ocean, so primordial and so unrelenting, gives a certain element of terror for them. When they have to navigate dark passageways with the cold seawater sloshing around their ankles or their knees, no wonder the fear grips their innards. For every lifeline to bring someone up to the railings, another five or ten exist underneath.

"This is too slow," mutters Illyana, glancing at the lifeboats and the wave-wracked coast that turns to spume, marking at least -- one hopes -- a place she can imagine. If not, however many dozen digital projections are literally going to Limbo. "Shannon, Vi, can you cordon off the most immediate injuries? I'm taking the rest of the less or non-injured passengers out of here. Too many are going under if the ship gets any lower." With a quick spin and turn back to the raggedy lines making their way up to the deck, she gestures quickly at one of the Jamies wandering by. "Herd them together and tell me where to find you. Groups of ten to fifteen, it will be faster, da?"

The darkness bubbles and hisses around them as she pulls out the blade, an easier focus for her to manage those brilliant portals weeping golden light from a fissure in the world's heart. Ephemeral fire leaks out from around the white-blue Souldsword, waving the thin sabre around like a baton. Maybe people will mistake it for a really fancy glowy stick from an emergency kit! "Everyone on the sun deck, get close together. You're about to be evacuated out." A kiss blown to the others and she flings the portal under the nearest mass of humanity. Presumably it's not to some barren desert island to have a really intersting game of Lord of the Flies or Survivor.

Nightingale has posed:
     Thankfully, this was a simulation and Shannon had the luxury of learning on the job. It was one she was going to take full advantage of. Someone had to take charge initially to get the ball rolling, but she also had some fairly experienced teammates with her--something she was very grateful for right at the moment. While she's keeping one ear on Doug, she nods to Jamie OG, and offering him a grateful smile for that tidbit of knowledge. Well, at least she'd been on the right track. This was one she was going to have to pay a bit more attention to, with what appeared to be some good, solid training behind him--possibly an EMT in one of his many lives?

     One cut on the old woman's arm is a bit on the deep side, whereas most of them were fairly minor. Grabbing a bandage from Vi, she ties it on just -above- the wound, and with enough pressure to slow the bleeding from there. As soon as the elderly woman's tended to, she flags down one of the Madri that seem to have their wits about them. "Get her to a lifeboat, would you?"

     Calling out to Illyana, she gives her a thumbs-up. "You got it. Most of the worst are belowdecks, we need to go get them stabilized. Not sure how they'd do through Limbo. Could you get the less injured to safety, clear the decks for the rest?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    The sitrep Bean gets from Vi is succinct, as expected, and at least now he knows roughly what's going on and where everyone is. Next step? Coordination! And the key to coordination is communication.

    A ping on everyone's phone is the only warning they get that technopath shenanigans have started to go on, as Bean fits the cheap bluetooth headset to his ear and broadcasts to his team. "Comms are now live. Please observe proper protocol. Will see about buying us some more time. Techno out."

    And, so said, so delivered. Next Bean collars the 'Captain'. "Engineering support. What's the damage to the ship? How long until she founders, and is there anything we can do to buy ourselves a bit more time?"

Vi has posed:
Vi fills in Samuel. "We're on a boat. It's sinking. I think. And people are hurt." Quite succinct indeed. She finishes tying off the broken leg and then there is another person there waiting to be treated. And another. And another. Vi may be used to having to rough it as far as medical care goes, but isn't used to anything on this sort of scale.

She continues ripping up the coat into bandages, and when it's gone she pulls off her hoodie, revealing a t-shirt beneath, and does the same with the black garment. They are passed on to others.

The quip from Jamie gets a quick smile from Vi, the older man doing a good job of keeping her spirits up. Vi rises as she finishes tying a bandage around the shoulder of one of the dupes. "Alright," she tells Illyana at the instruction to cordon people away so she can begin moving them to shore. "Please, there's room over here," she says. "Stay clear of the area here," she says, moving along and urging people back away from the area. As one Jamie ignores and tries to go past, he suddenly is pulled by an invisible force, or more accurately his pants seem to be as he's dragged on his feet back over to the younger woman. "That way," she insists, getting a cheeky grin from the dupe before he nods and moves off.

Magik has posed:
A flicker flash announces the disappearance of the lesser wounded passengers. Civilians evacuated to the middle of a lovely shopping mall -- at least that's the intention -- can surely be seen to by a flotilla of fast food workers, fancy shop girls, and other assorted personnel. Illyana's portal goes both ways, after all, and allows her to fall right back through the vault of space to her original spot. How, exactly, the Danger Room handles this is a matter of interesting curiosity. Maybe she's just doing Kurt-style bamfing around while Warren deletes people off the screen.

Next up, reappearing deeper into the ship with some direction from the Madroxites of varied elements to presumably find a target. Masses of people tossed off the ship, who knows, maybe the lack of human weight will serve as a means to slow a hulking metal ship.

Cypher has posed:
"You know I never understood how your powers worked when you were interfacing with Danger Room holograms?" Doug says, as he looks up from his work organizing the passengers to help create an orderly exit from the ship. He's not shy about it, either, visibly grabbing hold of a Jamie who's just being too rough.

"Remember," He says, into his communicator, "Your goal isn't to save the ship, you just want to delay its sinking long enough for everyone to get off--"

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon feels her phone doing it's little buzzing dance in her pocket, and pops her little Bluetooth headset into her ear. "Nightingale here. Understood, thanks for the assist, Techno. Still got wounded belowdecks." It's a mercy that a few of the Madri are dealing with the well and truly seriously injured--as good as the first aid training has been so far, overall, she's only been here a few months and was starting to get a tiny bit frazzled. Illyana's intervention with her portals was definitely welcome as well, as was Vi's assistance setting broken bones, binding cuts, and being a very helpful pair of helping hands to tend to the injured.

"As soon as they're stable, Vi, get them over to Doug so he can help evacuate them, please?" She smiled for a moment, allowing a brief burst of pride at how everyone's starting to play off of each other's strengths. Even on a sinking ship, sometimes things could go right.

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    There's things to consider when Bean gets the information from the captain. Most importantly, he starts to calculate the time he's seen it take to launch the boats, the capacity of the boats, does a quick tally of everyone on deck, gets a souls on board from the Captain, and comes to a conclusion. No time. Not enough time. And she's settling port first, meaning the angle will soon make the boats on the starboard beyond their critical launch angle. At that point, they won't get everyone off without starting the emergency rafts overboard. And he has no intention of starting a panic.

    With purpose, but without running, Bean walks towards the entrance to below decks, talking normally into his comms but making sure that he won't be overheard by passengers.

    "Status update. Critical launch angle for starboard launch will be reached in about ten minutes. I plan on delaying that by another ten, but those boats need to be out by then. Someone tally passengers, get them to the boats starboard, and send everyone else port to start launching there. Critical time is about thirty minutes. Everyone still on board at that point is going out by raft only. I will be below, pumping seawater into the starboard fuel tanks to settle the ship. Be aware this means she will go down a few minutes faster. Techno, out."

Vi has posed:
Vi helps with getting people to higher parts of the ship. The slow list causing the deck to have that small slant is alarming to her. She knows nothing about boats except what she saw of the freighter she stowed away on, but she doesn't think it's supposed to be tilting like that.

Vi moves with another group of Jamies, ushering them to one of the life boats which is filling up and about to set underway. Just as they are about to set off, one of them grabs her and pulls her into the boat. "Women and children first!" he exclaims all nobly as the boat drops quickly towards the water.

Magik has posed:
She listens, obviously, the best she can to the comm link in her uniform. Illyana's leaping through places and spaces presumably take her all around the room. Lights on, lights off. Who knows what it takes? Back and forth one can try to go, working at speed to gather up the needed. Illyana plows her way down the stairs to the deepest parts of the boat, hopeful that she might be able to recover those who need to be brought up at least to the deck. In this, at least, she can be trusted to be speedy.

At least, then, Shannon can work on the last of the wounded and Doug shove the needy into the boats available to them. Her steady progress nibbles away at the numbers while she strategically herds who she can. "Come on, Jamies and others, off you go."

Cypher has posed:
Doug obligingly passes the one of the last Jamies their handbag, and lets the lifeboat go. He stands on the deck, and straightens up, before he whistles the first view bars of 'Nearer My God, To Thee'.

"In articulo mortis, Caelitus mihi vires..."

He gives Illyana a sheepish look. "I think this's traditional when going down with the ship?

Nightingale has posed:
     Thankfully, between the concerted efforts of the Madri, Vi, Illyana, Bean, Doug, and herself, the vast majority of the injured seem to have made it to the lifeboats. But Shannon's got one more left, a child with a broken bone that, unfortunately, is poking through. She knows better than to try and straighten the break, and frowns. This was not one she wanted to move to the lifeboats.

     Instead, she applies a splint improvised from the remains of a small table and some torn-up strips of the little tablecloth that had been atop it. "You're doing great," she reassures the frightened little girl. "You're so brave. I'll get this splint on you and then I have a friend that'll take you on a trip out of here, okay?"

     As soon as the split is in place, and the little girl's lower right leg is immobilized, she taps her headset. "Illyana, I've got one down here that needs your help. Bad break, don't want to move her. Young child, maybe six or seven years old, cute as a button."

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    The further down he goes, the worse things get. But soon enough Bean gets to well below the waterline, wading through the engineering spaces, tapping engineers on the shoulder and sending them up. No point in sticking around any longer. All except the two that won't go. He knows the kind. Respects them, and so they get a nod as he sets out the task and ends with a grin. "So, let's set this ship to rights, and then head up. Port side boats will have space left."

    It takes five minutes.

    When they're done, they're chest deep. Bean is just about neck deep. But the ship is upright again, creaking and groaning with the stress. A last look around, and he nods to the catwalks. "Nothing left we can do. Everyone out, let's go!"

    They even give him a hand up, which was unexpected, but not unwelcome.

    He passes the critical case on his way up, sending the engineers ahead, and checking as best he can that nobody is left further down. His phone is utterly waterlogged, and with it his comms had gone down, although the network is restored as he gets close enough to Shannon, where he kneels, smiling encouragingly at the kid but mouthing 'five minutes' to Shannon. The water is not too far behind him. "Don't suppose you know the words to 'Nearer my god, to thee'?

Magik has posed:
A wink: vanished.

In those deep places invaded by cold seawater and grimy oil, the bilge slew percolating through floating luggage and awful amounts of debris must be handled. No lights in some spaces force the hellish nightmare down, breathing for air in pockets pressed to the ceiling and feeling the current pushing ever inwards as the ship succumbs to gravity and the siren song of the restless deeps. This, at least, would be what Illyana potentially experiences now and then. Why subject herself to it? Why feel her way by touch through those corridors seeking the desperate hands banging on walls?

Bean is down there for one. Engineers going down with their ship or standing at their posts almost to the end echo stories of heroism and sorrow in the Atlantic and Pacific theatres, in Indian Ocean voyages and journeys no further than across a strait. The girl holds up her sword, slinking through the waters to hold open doors or offer a bright beacon of hope to...

A rat? A floating Louis Vuitton bag? Really, who spends that much money on /luggage/? Whatever it is, the girl in need of help from Shannon and the rest will soon be found as she slogs through that numbing water that even leather and her typical armour is fairly resistant to. And so, and so, and so...

"Hold on," she says and flings her hand out where that child is with Samuel and Shannon (one hopes) and the child. "Is there anyone left?" Sliding tongues of water creep ever higher as she sends them up to a lifeboat by transit through... maybe Limbo? Maybe spell-land variations thereof?

Herself, sopping wet, grimly wringing her hair out a minute later.

Nightingale has posed:
Shannon nods, and smiles to the little girl and Bean. "Just sing with us? Our friend will be here in a moment, and we'll be okay." Though her own voice quavers for a moment, it picks up strength to hopefully guide Illyana to them.

"Or if, on joyful wing
Cleaving the sky,
Sun, moon, and stars forgot,
Upward I fly..."

Illyana, thankfully, has the timing of--well, of an angel, there in just the nick of time to pull the small group from the jaws of a watery death. "Keep your eyes closed and hold on tight, kiddo!" Yeah, the kiddo didn't need memories of Limbo haunting her dreams right along with rising waters on a sinking ship.

Taking a deep breath, she looks around one last time, looking a bit grim. "If there's anyone left, I can't reach them now. Bean?"

Samuel Morgan has posed:
    Are there people left? Not that he could feel. But, in that water, there is no way to track people by his usual means, all tech shorted or so soaked with water that even the hardiest of devices have given up. He passed doors he couldn't open, hallways he couldn't check without drowning. Are people left in those pockets? Possibly. Can they be saved by now, with the ship only a few minutes from going under? No. Absolutely not. So Bean gives the answer that people need to hear.

    "No. There's nobody left."

    His conscience isn't exactly clear to begin with. He can live with this deception, if it means bringing the team home.

Magik has posed:
A girl has a right to be tired, to be done -- and the night sure is done, the session burning the midnight oil. Illyana closes her eyes and swampily heaves her way up the deck. Somewhere onto a boat, preferably without being asked to row so she can regain her equilibrium just a little longer.

"After a shower," she says, "cocoa is definitely in order."

Archangel has posed:
As he watches the results of their efforts, Warren rubs a hand over his face...

The mission has no parameters for how they all went above and beyond in this scenario. All he can do now is let them finish and then shut down the scenario, and return the Danger Room to normal - and give Madrox time to round himself up.

He's not even sure how to grade this. Finally, he just jots down some information, and saves the scenario so he can come back down and scan it over again for proper grading.

Nightingale has posed:
     Even the strongest in body and spirit would eventually reach the end of their rope. Right now, Shannon was at that point, as any sane being would be. This was going to be a night for cocoa, or for chamomile tea, following a hot shower and some music. Simulation or no, she would likely have some nightmares that evening herself. She'd had to face a few more of her inner demons, and push them aside to help others. Now, as she had been reminded so many times by her friends, it was time to take care of herself as well. Reaching back for Bean, she helps him make his way up to the deck, where both are able to make it to the boats in time.

     Her lone, silky alto voice rings out in the night, with the sound of a familiar hymn, as the ship settled below the waves.

"Dirige nos domine
Ad augusta per angusta
Sic itur ad astra