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Latest revision as of 11:25, 8 January 2020

An Apology.
Date of Scene: 07 January 2020
Location: Roof, Titans Tower
Synopsis: Tyran'tar beared kory's rage and made amends
Cast of Characters: Tyran'tar, Starfire, Beast Boy

Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar sent a message to the Starfire, that he was coming to earth. Rumors of Tamaran being in chaos also went with him. His ship was following the starfire and was in orbit. He sent a message to Koriand'r to meet him on the roof. A green light shines in the night sky as it gets brighter and brighter and soon Tyran'tar lands on the roof. He looks around for Kory, and begins to take off his green ring, his green lantern uniform vanishing and he wears nothing, waiting for the repercussions.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r slams open her window halfway down the tower, rockets up the tower, and floats there, staring at Tyran'tar. With an unhinged shriek, she flings starbolts towards Tyran'tar, even though he's obviously disarming and flies rapidly twoards him, feet-first, seeking to turn herself into a human missile, right on the heels of her starbolts which she doesn't even notice if they landed or not.

Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar turns when he hears the shriek and dodges the star bolts. The kick however he lets hit and knock him into the roof of the tower. He looks at her and he begins to get to his feet. He looks to her and he holds his hands up as if expecting her to fight him.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r doesn't stop. She just yells one word. "TRAITOR!" She charges right at Tyran'tar, and aims a stomp right on his head. She is completely unhinged, in a blood rage. She was emotionally scarred by what happened with Lobo, and she now has someone to take it out on.

Tyran'tar has posed:
    Koriand'r was in a rage and he knew she wouldnt stop until he was slain or until he pinned her down. Unfortunately he isnt as strong as her and he wont use the ring on her. He instead goes through various alien martial arts to keep her off balance and from hurting him too much. "Koriand'r, calm down. I came to this backwater to face your judgement. Believe me when I say I intentionally tried to lead lobo away from earth." He says as he grunts and tries to pin her so her own strength will be used against her.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r would normally win against Tyran'tar. Her enhancements make her stronger and faster - but she's enraged and Tyran'tar is using her strength against her as she ends up pinned by Tyran'tar's superiour technique. She's screaming and thrashing, trying to get free, starbolts shooting every which way but somehow missing her attacker as she's acting like a wild animal.

Beast Boy has posed:
It just so happens that Gar is monitoring a few of the Titan Tower's security systems when the..tussle comes up on screen courtesy of video cameras set up on the roof. "Hmm, I wonder if that's a fam.." Speculation comes to a rapid close as Kory goes right into an attack. "Ooh, glad I'm not in the middle of that." A frown. "I'm gonna have to get in the middle of that, aren't I?" Exiting through a window, he takes a winged form in the shape of a hawk - green as always - and gets up to the rooftop just in time for a starbolt to fly right past him. "Hey! Too close for comfort! Knock it off, all right? Is this really necessary?"

Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar tries to keep her pinned. With the angle she is at she wont hit him with starbolts. He sighs as he lets go of her and leaps to the side, his ring flying onto his finger and once more the green lantern uniform appears covering his naked body. He then uses the ring to encase Kory into a force field. Knowing her fear of imprisonment, he keeps her encased in a forcefield which keeps her pinned down. "Calm down." He says, the ring translating his words to english for beast boy.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r squirms as she tries to break free. "Traitor! You sold us all out to Kom!" She's raving still, angry and bashing against the forcefield, even firing starbolts at it, not caring that they backlash against her as she is unaware of Beast Boy's presence. "You dishonor your Corps! You belong in the Yellow!" she shrieks at full rage.

Beast Boy has posed:
"Whoa, easy!" the hawk shouts again, trying to get through that anger and rage. At least the starbolts have stopped going everywhere. "This isn't gonna solve anything!" he adds, and rather than remain a midair target, he lands atop the roof as his usual self, costume reforming. "Let's talk this out!"

Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar feels rage from that, and was about to react poorly to that accusation. However he keeps his head and he takes a breath. Her attacks pounded against his will and it was that which brought him back from his rage. "If I sold you out to Komand'r then where is the forces to capture you? Whats stopping her from sending lobo back after you?" He says as he watches her. The green hawk gets his attention. When it becomes a green man, he just remains silent. "If you can calm her down, I can explain everything."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r keeps pounding on the field, but slowly calms down, seeing Gar and then Tyran'tar. "You sold me out to Lobo. You told him where I was. You had me dragged to her feet. Why are you here? To try again? Go back to your mistress...." And then Kory utters an untranslatable word which is quite possibly one of the worst insults in her native tongue.

Beast Boy has posed:
"So I left my 'Tamaran-to-English' translator back in my room, but that didn't sound very nice," Gar points out, though he keeps what he believes to be a safe distance. "So, yeah, what happened with all that was very bad, but..aw, hell. I'm not cut out for dealing with alien arguments. Just..stop all of this and I'll go get you your favorite brand of mustard or something, all right? Peace offering?" His hands are up, a placating way about him before he turns attention toward Tyran'tar. "And just a word of advice. Even if you're easy on the eyes, showing up somewhere naked is not usually accepted around here."

Tyran'tar has posed:
    "If you want the honest truth, I told lobo you were in a sector away from earth. He tracked you down on his own. Besides, your sister wants me dead." He says as he uses his ring to show a hologram indicating that Kormand'r wanted Tyran'tar dead or alive, more dead. "She tried to execute me for refusing to go after you. I had to expose myself as a lantern to avoid being executed. And now I do what I can to help those who resist her." He says as he makes the hologram vanish. He then turns to Beast boy. "Oh yes...you people are weird here." He says softly.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r just sighs softly as she slumps, sighing softly. "I'm okay now... and bring enough for us both please..." She then blinks. "Naked? I didn't notice. Perhaps you should find something to wear when among prudes like Terrans." She sighs softly as she just lies there. "Please... turn this off? I'm getting rather... cleithrophobic...."

Beast Boy has posed:
Beast Boy returns a roll of the eyes. "Yes, you like mustard on everything and we're the weird ones for not going around naked everywhere. Even if I, you know, totally could if I wanted to."

Hands begin to lower as he takes a look over Tyran'tar's Green Lantern uniform, listening to what he's telling them. "I don't really have anything I think I can add to that, but everyone makes mistakes. Maybe the two of you are more on the same side than you know."

Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar releases Koriand'r from the force field. "If you want to beat me within an inch of my life, I will let you. I never wanted lobo to find you." He says softly as he nods. "Besides being punished for betraying you, I came here with a purpose. Kormand'r is cracking down against the resistance. I need a place to house the families of the resistance members. So far I been keeping them safe in safehouses but with Kormand'r and her new commander, they are executing anyone who sympthasizes with us. I will need to talk to the green lantern of earth, but there are only so many planets in my sector which I can house people without drawing attention."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r just murmurs, "That is a problem. Though with how much alien involvement Earth gets, an influx of Tamaranean refugees might draw the Citadel's attention." She sighs softly. "I'd talk to the other Lanterns - smuggle them away. To somewhere that can handle it. I don't know if this is the place. This world isn't ready for a Citadel attack."

Beast Boy has posed:
Beast Boy's head tilts. "Forget about trying to kill each other. What's this about a Citadel and a resistance and needing to hide them somewhere?" he asks, hands at his hips as he works his lower lip a bit, the underbite showing more prominently.

Tyran'tar has posed:
    "I tried to petition the guardians for aid, but they say Kormand'r is the ruler of New Tamaran. That the people need to handle it themslves." Tyran'tar says as he watches her. He then turns to Garfield. "The Citadel is an alien race of conquerers. They conquered tamaran thanks to the help of Kormand'r. We actually fought them to a stand still, they had superior technology but we had better trained soldiers. Kormand'r betrayed us to them. It is thanks to a treaty which has made us abandoned our warrior culture." He says as he nods. "I am currently speaking to a few lanterns on what to do. Some are sympathetic, but cant interfere since it isnt their sector." He says calmly. "The guardians claim that if Kormand'r threatened the galaxy, then they could intervene but until such a time, she is allowed to do what she wants."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r just sighs softly. "I can't help you. I don't... know what to do. I mean, bringing thousands of Tamaraneans wouldn't be easy - you'd easily be traced. Of course those blue trolls wouldn't help..." She just sighs softly as she shakes her head. "I don't know what to do...."

Beast Boy has posed:
Beast Boy rubs the side of his face. "This sounds like a real mess. I only played someone on a show about being in space. I don't know anything about actually dealing with real space problems." All the same, he looks and sounds apologetic about the matter. "Still, there's got to be someone we can talk to that will know what to do."

Tyran'tar has posed:
    Tyran'tar shrugs to Beast boy. "I dont know what to do. In the mean time I will track down the lanterns who are sympathetic. In the mean time." He says "I have been trying to apologise to you Koriand'r. I am truely sorry." He says as he watches the woman. He then looks to Garfield. "I am Tyran'tar, green lantern of sector 2525. I used to be commander of Tamaran's defense force. Now I am a rebel and a criminal. My parents will be real proud."

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r nods slowly as she decides to leave the roof for a bit, saying a noncommittal 'be right back'. She returns with three bottles. All three bottles are filled with yellow liquid. Two appear to be mustard (she tosses one to Tyran'tar), and the other appears to be bubbling. Mountain Dew? She tosses it to Gar. Then she drinks the final bottle of mustard. "Your apology is accepted. And I wish to offer my own for... rather acting like a madwoman."

Beast Boy has posed:
Looking around after Kory's departed, even if only for a few minutes, it leaves the two behind to stand around awkwardly in Gar's case, at least. "Uh, yeah. I'm Beast Boy, of the Titans. Famous TV and movie star..mostly." The last word is said more quietly, but he grins as he says, "I can send you back home with some of my stuff on whatever digital device you may have." Once she's returned with the soda for him, and the..mustard..for them, he carefully opens his so it doesn't fizz all over the place. "Ah, thanks."

Tyran'tar has posed:
    "You reacted justly." Tyran'tar says as his ring glows and he accepts the mustard and drinks it. "I need to head to Knowhere." He says as he looks to Beast Boy. "An entertainer. A fickle life, living for the whims of others. Before becoming a lantern I was a soldier. Fought against the citedal all my life. I am Tyran'tar. Any friend of Starfire's is a friend of mine." He says as he smiles at Kory and moves to gently rub her shoulder. "I am sorry once more. I should have stopped him." He says softly.

Starfire has posed:
Koriand'r just sighs softly. "I should have listened. I... was mad at you for weeks. Your appearance...." She shakes her head. "It was very unprincesslike of me. I shamed myself." She bows her head. "I submit myself to physical justice." She spreads her arms wide, inviting Tyran'tar to assualt her physically as recompense.

Beast Boy has posed:
Beast Boy rolls a shoulder in a slight shrug. "If I can make people smile or laugh, I feel like I did something worthwhile." He keeps his distance from the two Tamaraneans, just in case, and even he has the good sense to opt for a moment of quiet over speaking further. Interrupting their moment, he decides not to do.

Tyran'tar has posed:
    "I would rather cut off my nose then strike you, Koriand'r." He says with a smile. He then smiles. "In the mean time I look forward to hearing of your battles here on earth. You do us proud." He says with a comforting tone. He then looks to Beast boy and smiles. "You seem like a good soul. I will rely on you to protect her. She has chosen her friends well." He says as he begins to head out.