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Latest revision as of 03:56, 17 January 2020

Loss of Life
Date of Scene: 16 January 2020
Location: Belle Reve Penitentiary, Houma, Terrebonne, Louisiana
Synopsis: The Suicide Squad prepares for its next mission: preserving the status quo in Markovia. Things will surely turn out well!
Cast of Characters: Rick Flag, Fantomex, Typhoid Mary

Rick Flag has posed:
In a somewhat cramped conference room in Belle Reve Penitentiary...

Six individuals sit around half of a circular table. Across from them sits one, a laptop on the table before them.

The six are an assortment of military, mercenary, and convict. At one end of the semi-circle is Rick Flag, who's positioned some distance between his chair and that of the convict sitting next to him, the woman known as Murder O'Crows.

The lone individual is Amanda Waller, who types a series of keystrokes on her laptop before turning it around to face the group.

"Squad. You're being activated. There's a problem that requires our ... /your/ particular set of skills. Markovia's on the edge of chaos. That chaos needs to be avoided." She places one hand on the table and then rests the other atop it. "The man on the screen is Klaus Gruber. He's the moron son of a corrupt minister. He--"

"So," says an ugly, grinning man, who'd introduced himself to the others a minute ago by the name Caligulax, "you want us to take him out."

"No," Waller replies curtly. "You need to keep him alive."

Fantomex has posed:
    The absurdity of having a bunch of killers around a conference table amuses Fantomex to no end. Working for Waller might be unpleasant at many levels, but it is never boring.
    For instance, she has a very interesting way to blow up expectations. And setting people up to look dumbstruck. "Of course, monsieur Caligulax, why would our dear boss send a group like us abroad if not to save lives?" Asks the masked thief.

Typhoid Mary has posed:
It's been a rough time in jail...., for the other convicts that are on the same block as Typhoid, that personality having been dominant for a few days now, perhaps to assert dominance over that place. It seems to be working well enough if one goes to believe the rumors.

But today was a difference in her normal schedule, which had been to be locked up in solitary for the last 24 hours after a scuffle that resulted in serious injuries to another inmate. Self-defense! And so, dressed in her best orange outfit she is sitting here, leaned back relaxedly and her eyes semi-closed as if her attention was elsewhere.

But at least she seems to be listening. "Can't wait to be a babysitter. I have heard rumors that the last mission went -so- well." she smiles sweetly at Waller, her eyes opening more and she staring at the woman amusedly.

Rick Flag has posed:
Caligulax turns to give Fantomex the stink-eye. "Well," he grumbles, "among other things ... I'm in here because a demon gave me powers specifically for the purpose of torturing my fellow man." He struggles a bit against the massive manacles that cover his forearms and hands. "But I guess you'll just have to take my word for it."

Tumbler, another convict--with a completed mission under her belt, no less--grimaces in response. "I'm just a human lock-pick. And I'd rather just do my time at this point."

Rick Flag exhales deeply and leans back. "Waller, how the hell are we supposed to keep this guy alive? For how long? I'm not interested in an extended stay in Markovia."

"The federal government has received intel that Gruber is going to be appointed to amid-level ministerial position," Waller says flatly. "You're the current team I've got, so you're the team that's going in. And this /will/ be a smoother success than last time," she continues, turning to stare at Mary for a long moment. "That's not up for negotiation."

She clears her throat. "Gruber's likely going to be assassinated at his appointment. We're not entirely sure who, or how, it's going to happen. But it must not happen."

Fantomex has posed:
"I always know when someone is lying," replies Fantomex, patting Caligulax' back friendly-like. The white-clad thief then glances to Mary, another one of the new 'agents'. There is something strange about the redhead he can't figure out yet. Obviously more research is needed.

"Sounds pretty safe, since the assassin is not going to be aiming for us," but safe doesn't mean it will be easy. This group has few body-guarding skills; himself included. To him it means Waller is most likely being duplicitous again.

Typhoid Mary has posed:
"In this life I have learned that -everything- is up for negotiation, one way or another." The sweet smile doesn't leave Mary's expression even if it's one that shows it's hints of malice. Maybe she isn't taking too well being a government lapdog. But well, at least her skills are worth her ..., bad manner.

"Basically you want the status quo to stay the same. At least until you find a better way to dispose of Gruber that facilitates whatever the government has in store for Markovia." The redhead rolls her eyes but then chuckles. "Devious, but I like it. And that's good, count me in." she then eyeing the few others at the table, most faces that she doesn't know or heard about. Yet she can't help but scoff at Caligulax's story. "Demons, huh? Got a few that could use some exorcising."

But then she looks at Flag and Fantomex. "Depends on how much of a show this assassin wants to make, if we are talking about someone with powers."

Rick Flag has posed:
"Well, I'm glad to see that you find your required job so agreeable, Ms. Walker," Waller says, offering a smile entirely devoid of humor. "You are right, though," she says with a nod to Fantomex. "With any luck, there's only one assassin, and they're entirely unprepared for your presence. At the very least, the Squad can anticipate a number of potential scenarios or approaches to Gruber so that he'll survive."

"For now," Flag half-says, half-asks. He frowns.

"Yours is not to question why, Colonel," Waller responds.

Flag frowns harder, the tendons in his neck tightening.

"Hey," Murder O'Crows pipes up. "Do we have to bring in this assassin alive or anything stupid like that?"

"No," Waller says. "But you'll need to stay out of sight. No one should know you were ever there."

Fantomex has posed:
That makes Fantomex laugh of loud. "Wonderful," he decides. Cue to the Impossible Mission soundtrack, please. No? "I suppose this means we are not going to get medals for heroism from the Markovian government," he tsks. "How are we going to infiltrate the country. I doubt a military helicopter would work for this kind of operation. I can arrange for my own transportation, but you know what they say about splitting the party."

Typhoid Mary has posed:
Being called Walker makes Typhoid show teeth and the smile loses it's sweet aspect, she leaning forward a bit towards Waller, "My name is Typhoid Mary. Get it right, Amanda." seems that's important to her, for some reason. But with so many personalities whoever is keeping track of her names anymore!?

Her eyes move from Waller to Rick, watching him in a rather intent manner, a soft mmmm leaving her lips. Lost in her own plots for a moment most likely. But she has a comment for him, "Looks like your shackles are stronger than mine. It's a pity, but you know I am reeaaall good with chains so ..., anytime you want, let me know." and even a little wink in the end, because why not? Regardless, Typhoid seems to revel in trying to put people off-balance.

She nods at what Fantomex says, at least someone that doesn't go for nonsense, "Travel there with false documents, infiltrate the local scene, figure out possible ways that an assassin could go after our target. There's a whole lot of groundwork that can be done. Including setting up a trap if we want, making him look like such a tasty morsel that the assassin will find it the best time and place to strike. A time and place of our choosing, of course."

Rick Flag has posed:
"Reason," Tumbler says quietly. "It's not 'question'. It's 'reason'."

"Oh, there's no reason at all here," Caligulax replies with a high-pitched giggle.

Waller pauses a moment, taking a deep breath before speaking. "We'll get everyone in. Some through conventional means. Others," she adds, glancing at Caligulax, "may require more finesse--but I've got resources to make that happen when necessary."

"Assuming the assassin's not working alone, are you prepared for collateral damage?" Flag asks through gritted teeth, ignoring Mary's taunting, even if his neck and jaw continue to tighten.

"Yes," Waller says. "So long as you remain undetected by the authorities or the populace at large. Do what you do best--but do it /quietly/."

Tumbler glances at Fantomex. "This isn't going to go any better than last time, is it?"

Fantomex has posed:
Fantomex leans back on his seat, looking pretty chill. But he is the guy that can vanish from sight, stealth comes easy for him. "Relax, monsieur Tumbler. You did well enough last time, and an assassin is unlikely to target you since the colonel and myself will be shooting at him, and Caligulax here looks far more threatening. Just open the doors that need to be open and stay out of the way of the bullets."

He looks up, nonchalantly. "What is the worst that can happen? Gruber gets killed because the assassin was really good? So you don't get years off your sentence, but you still went to see a colorful old European country, hmm?"

Typhoid Mary has posed:
"I can be very quiet at what I do." Typhoid replies with a lift of her shoulders at Waller but she has otherwise gone to silence for now, her attentive green gaze travelling from person to person when they speak. She smiles somewhat indulgently. "Good thing you are all so prepared." this said after Fantomex mentions their skills. "I will just have to be the brains of the operation. It's fine, I am used to being in charge." she letting out a faint sigh.

But then she lets out a laugh at those last words from Fantomex. "I don't think we are coming back home if we fail this one. Just got a hunch."

Rick Flag has posed:
"Hey, Frenchie," Murder O'Crows sneers. "My name is /literally/ Murder O'Crows. How come you don't think I'm gonna be a big threat?"

"Maybe it's 'cuz you don't have on these big badass shackles," Caligulax chortles. "Or because 'Murder O' Crows' just means 'group of crows'. I swear, some people are just /crazy/, am I right?" he asks, looking at Fantomex and blinking several times.

Rick Flag rubs his face. "I'd think that the worst that could happen is that we all die because there's little team cohesion or discipline. But that's just me." He sighs. "To say nothing of Markovian-American relations tanking from our interference ... whether that's to preserve the status quo or, if the optics of a successful assassination look bad, blame for the attempt."

"Well, shit," Tumbler mutters.

"Any other questions?" Waller asks, folding her laptop closed.

Rick Flag has posed:
"You're welcome to call yourself the brains of the operation, Ms. Walker," Waller adds, staring at Mary. "But don't presume that you're in charge."

Fantomex has posed:
"I do love a woman with brains," adds Fantomex, finger-pointing Mary. "Are fire girl and ice girl staying home for this one?" He asks, as if noticing Killer Frost and Fahrenheit's absence for the first time.

No additional comments about team cohesion or discipline. Those are not going to happen in this group. Particularly not if half the roster changes each mission.

Typhoid Mary has posed:
Fine, it's Ms. Walker again, is it? She can play that game! "Oh, dear Amanda. You will pity the day that I am not in charge.." maybe it's a call out to her other personalities. Some can be ..., special. But she won't go into detail on them. Instead she keeps that indulgent smile on her expression, perhaps considering ways of strangling dear Amanda. Or fire! Mmmm, if only it wasn't for that meddling bomb in her brain!

"How do you propose that we find more cohesion, Ricky? You are our army man, run them through some drills or something. Specially the Crow there who really thinks they are hotshit when .., really..., murder of crows?" then a chinjerk towards Tumbler. "And that guy looks like they are ready to shit their pants."

She smirks at Fantomex, "Don't we all?" then she arching a brow at 'fire girl' and 'ice girl'.

Rick Flag has posed:
"Waller, why are you doing this?" Flag asks, his sigh audible enough to resemble a groan. "It's not helpful."

"On the contrary, Colonel," Waller replies. "I want each of you to remember this frustration and take it out on the would-be assassins of Klaus Gruber." She stands, slowly, and picks up her laptop. "You're dismissed until it's 'go' time." Waller walks out.

Flag attempts to stand up in time to interject, but he's not quite quick enough to do so. "Goddamnit," he mutters. "Okay, people. You heard the lady. Remember the frustration. I know I'm not going to forget it any time soon." He flexes one hand, cracking his knuckles. "Mary, you get ready for containment and bringing the heat when needed. Tumbler, you focus on strategic entry. It's your thing, after all."

Tumbler nods silently.

Flag pauses before continuing. "Caligulax, I get the sense that you'll get the chance to go buck-wild, but you'll have to keep it in control until it's time. Waller /will/ support that if you can handle it."

"Oh, fuck off," Caligulax replies. "You know I can."

"And Murder," Flag says, "you--"

"Yes," Caligulax says. "I'll murder."

"No! Jesus, man," Flag replies. "Murder O'Crows. Your specialty is summoning murderous crows, right?"

"Well, ravens actually," the woman says, "but it doesn't roll off the tongue so smoothly."

Flag stares at her.

Fantomex has posed:
"Style over substance, Colonel," points out Fantomex. "But ravens are larger than crows. Marginally more threatening, oui?" He didn't get mentioned! That hurts. A little. Okay, not really.

Ironically Fantomex knows everything there is to know about plotting and implementing assassinations. Not so much about preventing them. But he is good at improvising and he will have some insights once he knows the territory.

Typhoid Mary has posed:
"Mmmmm, me with soooo many skills and you only think on how hot I am. But it's fine, you are only a man afterall." Typhoid replies with a long sigh, almost dramatic, maybe one that even Sweet Mary would be proud of (she is the one that really knows how to put the dramatism on a sigh).

"I am hoping I will be given access to my toys, I don't want to be going there and then find myself lacking." The woman continues, but then she gets herself watching the rest of the gang. She can't help but cackle at Murder of Crows, "Oh baby, you are my kinda girl." and she continues laughing it out for a bit longer.

"I think some of you will die. Oh well." But then her attention is on Fantomex. "What about Frenchie here? What will he do?"

Rick Flag has posed:
Murder O'Crows looks at Fantomex while he speaks, but she doesn't respond. Indeed, she even gazes downward at the table surface.

Flag waits for a moment before nodding and turning to Fantomex. "Speaking of which, Fantomex--having seen what you can do, I'm going to assume you're okay with being available to be wherever we need you to be. Rapid response, so to speak. That cool?"

"Okay," he quickly adds, "everyone get some rest, get some food, muse on Waller's unique brand of 'incentive', and we'll have this asshole saved in no time. And yes," Flag points to Mary, "the Wall might be infuriating, but she's not going to handicap you in the field. You'll have the tools you need to do the job."

Tumbler sighs and says in a completely monotonous voice, "Yay."

Fantomex has posed:
"Rapid response troubleshooting, oh la la," Fantomex stands up, as usual sounds mildly amused. "I might be able to do that. And I suppose I will stay in the area until we are ready to go." Which means he -will- find something to keep busy and amused, much to the detriment of Belle Reve sanity and safety levels, no doubt.

Typhoid Mary has posed:
"How about you hit Rick over there?" Typhoid suggests with a grin to Fantomex when he mentions wanting to stay around. "That'd get you a good permanent stay in Belle Reve." but she also gets up to her feet, stretching. She has plans to make, investigations to go through. Namely if Markovia has extradition deals with the US. She bets it doesn't! Now how to get a bomb out of their head..