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Latest revision as of 10:43, 23 January 2020

If you're Happy and you know it...
Date of Scene: 22 January 2020
Location: Flatbush, Brooklyn
Synopsis: A game of Ultimate Frisbee turns into a fight or flight when teams after one of the family!
Cast of Characters: Pippi, Alopex, Nemean

Pippi has posed:
    A little over a week ago, Donatello had found a LOST DOG advert being passed around the Bronx and most recently the Brooklyn neighborhood boards about a lost dog, a Pitbull-Poodle mix in rust and white, by the name of Delta, who has a tattoo in her left ear. The number had gone to a voicemail any time it was called, but was a landline somewhere in Brooklyn itself.

    Which should mean that Pippi should be back in the Lair, training hard.

    Instead, she's got a frisbee in hand as she rebounds off an air conditioning unit, hops over a skylight and, in mid-air, slings it to the next mutant in line -- it's supposed to be an 'open air team building' exersize, and learning how to predict each other's movements in order to battle as a team.

    ... in theory. It could also have been that a certain canine had accidentally sent a frisbee into the sensei's room and managed to land it perfectly on his head.

Alopex has posed:
    One part creativity, one part punishment, perhaps? At least it was a unique exercise that the group could have a bit of fun with. For her part, Alopex had to stretch a little further and lunge a little harder to catch up with Pippi's throw, but she was able to catch, land, roll, and be back on her feet before the quick-approaching rooftop ledge swallowed her down into the alley way below.

    The gap is vaulted at the last possible moment, and it's while the fox is in the air that her gaze turns toward whoever is next, gauging a few things like distance, run speed, and the wind over the rooftops before the disc is thrown forward.

Nemean has posed:
At least they warned him what they were doing before Nemean came out here with all his gear. He's no ninja. That much is obvious. Still he's behind the rest of the group, trying to keep up, "This is why Batman uses a grapnel gun!" He yells out, barely making the jump but at least managing to catch the frisbee. He lands with a hefty thud on the next roof, hopefully not waking up anyone who was asleep inside.

Why is he even out here, he doesn't need to train. He's a literal combat machine, genetically perfected to be able to fight anything that comes his way! But he also likes his friends, and that's why he's struggling to keep up with them on this rooftop.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi skids along a tar rooftop. This roof is ideal. Industrial building. No one should be inside of it this late at night, and it's got a nice, wiiiide and flat area.

    "Yeah, but you're not Batman!" Pippi chirps, and she claps her hands, ready to receive the frisbee back.

    "Besides, I heard on the TruTrivia show that Lions can jump thirty feet! How do they keep 'em in the zoo if they can leap that high?" she questions. Not sure if it's a serious question -- or set up for a really lame joke. Could go either way with Pippi.

    Her breath hangs in the air as she gives a bright, goofy grin.

Alopex has posed:
    It was nice to see Nemean out with them. He was their brute, sure, but a little speed and agility training never hurt, and that's what she would tell him if she could read his mind, but she can't! So this will have to do. "Pretty sure those lions enjoy the free food, I'd think!" Alopex suggests as she comes to a stop a decent distance from the two of them, waiting to see where the frisbee goes before going on the move again.

Nemean has posed:
"It's not 30 feet straight up, it's 30 feet lengthwise." Nemean says, "I could...I mean MAYBE do it.." He has come to a stop, looking towards the duo, figuring who to throw it at, "But I still think like someone who'd splatter like a raw egg if they fell off a rooftop."

He decides on Alopex, turning the frisbee vertically and throwing it. He doesn't throw it straight at her, but instead at a downward angle so it bounces off the ground and should go above her head if she can't intercept it.

Pippi has posed:
    "Ooh. That makes more sense, with a running start and everything." Pippi replies, her ears giving a flap as her head tilts.

    "Hey, do you guys hear a whis-" she begins.

    And the frisbee goes off-course, skidding as it goes flat, a hole sporting melted and splintered plastic along its edges.

Alopex has posed:
    Trick throw! She doesn't have a lot of experience with frisbees, let alone a game of Ultimate Frisbee or Frisbee Golf or any of the other things you can do with a frisbee! What she can do, at least, is react fast enough to crouch and leap upward to take hold of the disc. Easy catch! Or.. wait, noise?!

    There's nothing in the fox's paws as she comes back down, bewildered, wondering what made the frisbee go off course. ... The hole in it is unsettling. Once she's on the roof again, she's already surveying the surroundings, wondering if more than the three of them were around. "Heads up, both of you!"

Nemean has posed:
Nemean is just as surprised when the frisbee hits the rooftop smoldering and melted as the others are, "I didn't think I threw it that hard." He says, though Alopex's warning gets the fur on the back of his neck to stand on end. He reaches for a gun that's not there, and curses himself for not bringing his gear after all.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi turns, her back to the group as her ears drew up, her teeth baring out. She had remembered to grab her gauntlets, at least, and she draws her dukes up and narrows her eyes.

    Her fingers curl as she takes a couple of steps back, her ears twitching every which way. She tests the air.

    There's a whistling sound, and something puffs through Alopex's tail fluff, coming to rest sticking up out of the rooftop. It's a dart, barred with a neon green tuft, and a long needle, perfect for getting through skin and into nice, thick muscle!

Alopex has posed:
    Thank the heavens for all that FLOOF. The fox feels the dart slip through her tail, and since she hasn't spotted whoever is shooting, "Cover, now!" she had a good idea of where the shot came from as a result, but the first thing she's doing is putting something between herself and the sniper. Thankfully most warehouses, even the abandoned ones, tend to have ventilation units up above, which is what she bolts toward immediately. Anyone still in eye sight would get hand motions for where she THINKS the sniper is..

Nemean has posed:
Lets see whoever's shooting try to penetrate Nemean's hide. The lion roars out upon realizing that someone or something is attacking his friends, and instead of going for cover, rushes in the direction that Alopex indicated. If they're firing a tranquilizer they can't be that far away, the range on those things is never more than a few hundred feet. He's hoping he can get them to fire at him and give away their position.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi turns, ducking and covering beneath a vent outlet, away from the direction of the shots, her eyes going wide.

    In the distance, someone yelps "The big one, get the big one!" another sniper shot with the dart whistling through the air, and he might catch the glint off the metal of the gun and the scope, two figures wearing dark clothing, hanging downwind of the predatory mutants, thinking they had it set.

    The needles on the dart are made for roughly human sized creatures, not ones with toughened hides or special armor. The needle sails through the air, whistling, its payload of seditives practically glowing in the light!

    Below, a white van pulls up, unmarked -- with no plate.

Alopex has posed:
    It was her own fault. The fox had forgotten that Nemean's hide was made of sterner stuff than the rest of the family. When he charges, she tsks at herself, not his charge, then peeks around the ventiliation unit to try and spot the sniper, or at least see where Nemean is charging so she can follow in a second.

    There's another moment of thought, then her gaze sweeps toward Pippi. Was this .. ? Hrm. Should she charge or should she stay put and move when one of them needs it? Maybe overwatch is best for now. She'd palm a kunai but, well, like Nemean she didn't bring all her gear. "Won't make this mistake again," she mutters.

Nemean has posed:
The needle hits Nemean's shoulder, which is unprotected, and it sticks, but doesn't go all the way in. It may start to affect him, but it hasn't really hit him yet. He leaps towards the glint of the metal where the scope was, "Come here!" He tries to slam down on top of them with his jump. He'll get information out of them one way or another..Even if he has to eat one of them.

Pippi has posed:
    "MOVE, MOVE!" the handler states, and the two split, each going a differnt direction on their part of the rooftop, the taller one left and the smaller one right.

    "Target accompanied by two unknowns, Unknown A: similar size canine in white, Unknown B LARGE angry leonine! Repeat! ANGRY LION!"

    Pippi looks over to Alopex, her eyes going wide as she breathes out, her tail curling down beneath her.

Alopex has posed:
    Yep, overwatch was the right decision. Hearing the comotion a building over, Alopex makes use of Nemean's distraction to close distance toward Pippi, probably share the cover, reassure by proximity, and make sure no one else tries anything really really dumb. "Hey, you alright?" With how that tail moved, the fox -had- to ask. She trusts Nemean can handle himself.

Nemean has posed:
He can't believe he missed. The drugs must already be kicking in. That means he won't have a ton of timeto try to take these guys down.

He chooses to go after the taller guy, "I'm not done with you!" He is indeed an angry lion that they were not expecting. He glances around. They scattered in a hurry, maybe they left behind some of their gear. More darts, or maybe at least a spotting scope or something heavy that he can throw at the guy.

Pippi has posed:
    "'M fine." Pippi replies, her ears back and not sounding convincing in the least, but she breathes out, and pounds a fist on the roof.

    "I'm not leaving him out there though!" she growls, and she scrambles, coming out from under cover to tail Nemean.

    Two more teams set up on adjacent roofs

    They did, in fact, leave the dart gun with the scope and bipod behind as they booked it -- they might be used to dealing with large, angry animals. The tall one turns, drawing a taser gun, and he takes careful aim, intent on dropping Nemean with the Power of Thunder!

    "We're just here for the dog! Then you can crawl back to whatever rock you're living in, Simba!" he calls out, hoping that maaaybe it might intimidate the angry Nemean.

    "This is Team B, Target Delta has broken cover. Procede to engage from distance." the radio at his side crackles.

Alopex has posed:
    "As long as you're sure," Pex responds before she moves to cover Pippi's charge. Two more teams? She's not aware but as the pair move to help Nemean, Alopex is still scanning the skyline for any other personel. She doesn't think they are as well trained as her former-employers but she isn't leaving anything to chance, either.

Nemean has posed:
They left the rifle, perfect. Nemean kicks it wit his foot, launching it up into the air and grabbing it, bringing it up to his shoulder and sighting in on the guy with the taser. Normally he'd have to adjust for wind and distance but at this range it won't matter. He racks the bolt on the rifle to ensure there is a new round loaded in, and fires without a word, hopefully sending one of those darts right at the guy who's threatening to tase him. If he drops that guy, Pippi and Alopex should be able to nail the other one.

Pippi has posed:
    They goofed when they left a weapon with Nemean. The lion kicks up the rifle, and before the taller of the two shooters can pull the trigger on the taser, he's hit with a dart, square the shoulder, and he turns, takes four steps -- and drops, limping, trying to drag himself. Whatever's in there that they're trying to hit Pippi with, they are *wary* of her.

    Team B has set up, and they begin to sight in at Pippi as she makes her way accross the rooftop, and she closes in on the shorter guy on the quick, more agile than the leonine fighter.

    There is a string of explitives from the Shorter Guy as he attempts to out-manuer the pup and take her into the open again!

Alopex has posed:
    Shorter Guy is in for it as Alopex is hot on Pippi's heels in the 'help-Nemean' department. He may be able to avoid the pup's gauntlets, but he'll have Alopex's fists to deal with too! "Nemean, did they say anything? Radio transmissions? Anything else we need to know?!"

Nemean has posed:
"I heard somebody say Team B, so I doubt these guys are the only ones!" He calls out to Alopex, as he tries to glance around but the stuff they hit him with is starting to take a bit more effect. He drops down to one of his knees, trying to shake it off.

Pippi has posed:
    Ka-THUNK. That fist hits shorter guy, wand with a crack against his eye protection he goes down, fairly well clotheslined by the white fox, his legs going up in front of him before he smals down to the rooftop.

    "Nemean, no time to take a break, man." Pippi states, and she keeps her ears up, listening for the tell-tale whistling, and she reaches for his am to pull him.

    " -- Pex! Do you have any smoke pellets?" she asks.

    "Team B, team C, Engage when you have a clear shot. Retain distance between hostiles." the radio cracks again, the feed for the earpiece haing been broken.

Alopex has posed:
    ! Brilliant! The fox nods, moving over to Nemean, motioning for Pippi to follow. Once they're all close, Pex's hand goes for her belt. She doesn't drop one of the smoke pellets she had, she drops -all- of them. She wasn't taking any chances with whoever this is, how many teams they have, or any other tricks they may have up their sleeves. They were out manuvered, and they had to make tracks. "Time to go!" she informs the team as the pellets erupt in a potent grey smoke that's going to probably cover the entire roof in a moment. She -did- drop all of them, after all.

Nemean has posed:
The lion growls in annoyance. He was not ready to leave this fight, but he was clearly fading fast and at this rate Pippi would end up needing to carry him home if he hit the ground before they made it. Once the smoke fills the air, he does his best to follow Alopex and Pippi off the roof. The ninja should know the best way to get clear, so he'll follow her lead.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi knows that Lion will be laying in a short bit. She's intimately familiar with that grogginess. Pex doesn't make it off the roof.

    There's a creeking sound, and a soft "Hold on!" and Pippi grabs Nemean's arm, tugging him back as the whistling of multiple darts starts peppering the air.

    "Trust me!"

Alopex has posed:
    "He should, and I do! Lets get going before they get a lucky shot!" Alopex calls before moving to follow after Pippi, carrying Nemean.

    And on a quick thought, she'll try to scoop up one of the radios as they go, turning it down a bit. Enough for them to hear, but not so much to give away to the other teams they may be listening! Hopefully, anyway.

Nemean has posed:
Nemean gives a weak thumbs up. He's too groggy to argue with Pippi about wanting to grab one of these guys and interrogate him. Maybe next time. Now they've gone and made it personal, so he'll have to give them a piece of his mind the old fashioned way.

Pippi has posed:
    Pippi sneezes. "Good, this is going to suck."

    And in the smoke, Nemean would find himself flipped. Alopex would find herself flipped, and there's a loud THUD as they hang upside-down.

    ... inside the industrial building. Pippi has one hand on the ridge as the skylight slams back down, shuddering, its glass threatening to break. She has another arm looped around Nemean's arm, and she's got Alopex's leg guard in her teeth as the trio dangles akwardly in the building, with darkness below them, any light muddled by the smokescreen above them.

Alopex has posed:

Well, that's clever. Ninja Vanish indeed. The teams will probably be so sure that the trio had lept off the building that they'll (hopefully) never look inside. Heck, With the sudden orientation switch, the fox isn't sure which way is up or if she even got one of those radios. "Eh wha?! ... Huh? ... Oh. Ooooooooooooh." Pause. The fox glances about a little more, then up at Pippi. "Let go if you need, I have my bearings, now. ..... Well done, Pippi."

Nemean has posed:
It looks like Nemean is finally out in Pippi's grasp. So if she's gonna let Alopex go the fox will no doubt land on her feet, but Nemean will land like a ton of bricks. He'll probably be fine physically, but it looks like the stuff they were planning on dosing Pippi with is way stronger than any of them expected. It didn't even pierce his hide but skin contact was enough for it to take effect.

Pippi has posed:
    Alopex might feel Pippi's tongue against her leg as the canine adjusts her balance, and then with a 'bleh' is released. Nemean is released.

    And then Pippi lets go. Alopex may very well land with grace, Nemean like a sack of potatoes, and Pippi with moderately less grace, but she immediately goes to Nemean, and flops down.

    "Yeah. You're going to need a bucket when that stuff start to wear off, head's up." she states with a sour tone, and then, creepily in the empty building, the radio crackles back to life.

    "If you're happy and you know it, wag your tail!" clap clap
        "If you're happy and you know it, wag your tail!" clap clap
    "If you're happy and you know it,
        "Then your tail will surely show it,
    If you're happy and you know it, wag your tail!" clap clap!