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Surviving Infinity: Guardians Intervention
Date of Scene: 30 January 2020
Location: Khundia (Khundian Empire, Sector 422)
Synopsis: The Guardians find two terrans: Tony and Cap!
Cast of Characters: Iron Man, Captain America, Star-Lord, Groot, Rocket Raccoon, Drax
Tinyplot: Surviving Infinity

Iron Man has posed:
Last time on Guardians....

The Guardians 'met', and made some 'choices' about what jobs they felt most enthusiastic about doing. A job related to getting close to Thanos, by doing jobs for his underling Mikonia. The job selected? It is direct bounty-hunter gig; two prisoners have escaped and are loose on a planet in the Khund system, they need to be recaptured. The prisoners are noted as Terran - which makes almost no sense for the Khundian Empire. They are very far flung from Quill's race. And there's only one mention of what crime they committed: Slander. Slander, according to Drax, is "telling someone the truth about how obnoxious they are." Which makes the whole of the expedition easy. In theory.

Until the Milano came across other bounty hunters after the same prize, and deals had to be made, hands both greased with money and some weapons fired...

But now, singed but at least landed, the crew has been able to find a variety of things. The locals of the planet, Newoks, are 3 foot tall, fuzzy squashed-cat-faced creatures. They do, however, speak, and are reasonably intelligent, if primitive. The Khund, the race which dominated their planet (but mostly left them alone like small pests), has had a fairly hands-off take on the small forest planet as a whole, with only a few bunkers and scout facilities.

The Guardians were able to slip by the Khund forces, into a marketplace of a mix of space travelers, Newoks, and a Khund guard or two.


Last time on Avengers....
The Newoks have been relatively kind to Tony and Steve. They got their own tiny little tent to uncomfortably share. They've been stared at and fed stuffed slug-alien on toast. It's been an ordeal. "Your guess is as good as mine where they're taking us," Tony gripes at Steve. "Sold into fuzzy slavery at this point?" Tony suggests dryly as they've been hiking through the trees for a lot longer than Tony can maintain not being crabby. "So far I've got 'northeast' and that there's nothing... no. Scratch that. There's life forms on my scanner now. So giant sacrifice ritual is still a contender..."

Captain America has posed:
"If we're a sacrifice, it makes no sense. 'm not getting any fatter. Not enough calories in the slugs, even if they do taste like pickles." Steve in the absolute tatters of what was once a fine evening suit continues plodding along in his scuffed dress shoes. He's got quite a bit of blond scruff on his jawline at this point, scruffled hair, and a crown of collected alien-bird feathers that the younger Neworks thought to bless him with when he was least expecting it at breakfast. He's continued wearing it out of some weird kindness in his heart; the colors range from yellow to blue with a few red-brown plumes interspersed.

"Slavery's a good guess though," the Captain allows with a shrug of his broad shoulders and glance over at Tony. "We'll get out of it though. 'm not afraid of anything they can dish out. They've been kind to us. What life forms though?" He leans to try and peer at the scanner.

Star-Lord has posed:
Quill has his thumbs hooked in his belt, sort of that casual swagger stance as he looks around the market place. "You know what these things look like... they really look like Jim Henson made them.. I mean... totally muppets."

Of course he is telling this to a Anthromorpic Racoon and a talking tree. Also a Drax.

Irony may be dying somewhere.

"Anyhow... has anyone got any lead from these scruffy muppets about where some fugitives may be hiding on this backwater. I mean .. it isn't like people like me can hide out here easily .. these critters are way too short..." aa head shake. "..." he smacks a small Newock's hand away from his coat. "Hands off Gizmo." with a stern look.

Groot has posed:
     Groot had been following at a good pace, keeping with the rest. "I am Groot?"

  The talking tree bends down and shakes the hand of a Newock child, who'd been interested in seeing this walking plant. Of course, he was the overly gentle creature until he needed to be different. He gave the child a flower from his hand-vine and gave a nice smile. "I am Grooot." he comments towards Peter, and even more so with leads.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Rocket ambles around with a big ass rifle laid across his orange and brown jumpsuited shoulder, scratching in an ear with the tip of a claw, glancing up at his massive best friend with a cackling laugh, harkharkhark, "Yeah, if there's a big meatbag wit all these tiny bags, we'll find'em..." Smacking a critters hand, chittering at it with a snarl.

"DO. YOU. KNOW. WHERE. THE MEATBAGS-" pointing at Quill excessantly, "ARE?"

Everyone knows that if you don't actually /speak/ the language (even if you understand the language) you can communicate with local indegineous peoples by just speaking louder.

Drax has posed:
Drax walks slowly through the marketplace, his thumbs tucked in the waistband of his pants as he looks at the collection of short Newoks moving about doing their shopping and trading. His earlier comment that the coloring of one of the Newoks would make for good lining in his boots was the moment he discovered they were a sentient species. It might have been in the briefing, but Drax rarely does the pre-reading.

Anything to get this job through so he could get closer to the Khund who it seemed had connections to Thanos. Drax's eyes blazed with a particular intensity as he looked around the marketplace for signs of Terrans. Terrans other than the one Drax had come with. Noticing Peter Quill is walking with the same stance, Drax frowns slightly and removes his thumbs from his belt.

"You," Drax says to a passing Newok that he steps in front of to stop after Rocket's louder question. Drax bends at the waist to be at more of an eye level. "Creature of fur most pleasing and soft. Have you seen a bald being such as this before?" he asks, motioning towards Star-Lord. Drax gives a small roll of his eyes as he says in a more conspiratorial tone, "He has become separated from his kind. And will yap incessantly until we reunite them."

Iron Man has posed:
"But your stick is shiny," complains the Newok next to Rocket as a hand is slapped first by Quill then by Rocket. She chitters back in appropriate sass-back tone, taking NO crap from some strange alien that's similar enough to herself to not be frightening! "You courting, with such stick," she explains to Rocket as if he were daft. "Have sister." She points from Rocket towards a more shy Newok that is hiding behind two others. "What is meat-bag? Do not call sister meat-bag."

Groot has now a little parade of single-file Newoks that all want flowers. They are being very polite, but they all have their little paws out. Please sir?

Drax's target looks very alarmed and sputters, at least until the compliments come. Soft fur? Well, yes, he does. He looks across at Star-Lord, dark eyes on the bald one, then to Drax, with a few blinks. "Like red one?" asks the Newok, pointing at one of the lounging, bored Khundian patrol officers. The Khund are a richly reddish skinned race, powerful and tall, with long plaits of black hair, strong armor, and a warrior's way of moving. That particular one is fat; he's here to watch Newok fuzzies, after all, and it's not engaging.


But on Avengers....

Tony gestures to Steve to slow, and shows him the layout ahead of them, that he can get on his device. "Maybe a town?" Tony suggests, unsure. "And I can't tell their species. You have been with me, I have not deciphered each biological signature on this planet yet, beyond cat-thing, slug, and us. Some unknown creatures ahead," Tony clarifies dryly. He hasn't had much to eat lately, and it's added to his sharpness. Tony still takes a deep breath, though, continuing on. "Worth the risk for a ship, I say."

Ahead of them is a break in the trees, leading into the marketplace clearing. Tony's busy looking at his device, less so for signs of danger: and there are some, there are Khund keeping an eye out: after all, there's more than one person seeking the missing Terran pair. They haven't left cover yet, but their escort is cheerfully intending to lead them right into the market, it appears. Steve did draw a nice space-ship picture for them, after all.

Captain America has posed:
"Right," Steve replies to Tony's clarification. He glances up and along their proposed path as the inventor continues. A great welling of sympathy for low blood sugar exists in the super-soldier. Those slugs are only so palatable. Rations from 1943 might seem a veritable feast by now. Still, even if the Captain's lost a few pounds, he's still sharp enough to begin paying close attention to the gathering of beings in the marketplace seen through the trees.

For how abruptly he suddenly puts a barring out in front of Tony, the inventor wouldn't be blamed for bumping into it. "Hold up." A Newok might even bounce off of Steve's leg at this point, he's gone so stock-still. "The guards look a lot like that Mikonia," he adds in a quick undertone to Tony. A nod of his head indicates those with the appropriate skin tone and weaponry. "We're gonna have to avoid 'em."

Steve is silently thankful for his shield still on his back, white star and all.

Star-Lord has posed:
There is just a long. Long. Long. Slow sigh from Quill when Rocket and Drax just break it down like that. "Come on guys..."

Then the Newok starts to come on to Rocket. "Hah... you could totally pay a dowry with your shiny stick Rocket..."

Then the Khund is pointed out "No not like them...." amusement. "Like me... pink skin..." indicates his arm pulling his duster sleeve back.

Groot has posed:
     The reaction to his flower growing makes multiples grow from his body, passing them out because he's gentle like that.

  "I am Groot." He comments about Quill's look.

  Once all of his flowers are given out, Groot joins back up next to Rocket and keeps an eye out for the two they are looking for.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
The shy Newok peeking out at Rocket draws his attention when she's indicated and he stares at her for several long moments in silence. "Hold this." Handing his Nuetron rifle up to Groot, expecting his big buddy to take hold to it as he strolls over closer. Going into a fancy shuffling motion with his arms thrown outwards into a piroette on his right toes.

"If we start with nothing... we've got... nothing to loooose..."

Sliding on his knees after a high jump kick move, "You can, never never never ever, never never NEVER EVER, hide.. your.. heart.." Spinning, sliding his packet of grenades off his shoulders, held in both clawed hands, whipping them from side to side as he shuffles on the pads of his feet towards the Newok. "Don't.. never.. ever.. ever.. ever... triiiiy..."

Turning quickly to lean super cash against a stall, "Sup..." Licking his clawed index finger and pinky to slide back over his bushy eyebrows, "You from aroun' here?"

Maybe he's forgotten what they're here to do.

Maybe he's working the information gathering from a different angle.

Glancing back at Groot, then to his new 'shy' target, thumbing casually at the tree, "My buddy said we're lookin' for a hairless beast... I'm more into fur myself..." Brow bouncing.

Drax has posed:
As the Newok looks at Quill and then motions towards the red-skinned Khundian, Drax visually follows the small pointing hand. "No, that one is the color of a warrior," Drax says in a firm-sounding tone of the Khundian before motioning towards Peter Quill. "This one is much more pale and... sickly looking," Drax says more daintily and with a little shrug of his shoulders as if asking the Newok's forbearance in not reacting more overtly to Quill's light skin.

Drax glances around the market again, checking for anyone tall enough to be a Terran. "Have you seen others of his tepid coloring, but of similar height?" Drax asks. "Possibly trying to stay out of sight until they can rejoin their own kind?" he asks. "Or know any they might turn to for such help?" Drax reaches into a pocket and pulls out a few credits, holding them in a fashion that suggests he would part with them for quality information.

Drax glances over to Rocket putting the moves on the Newok female. His eyes go to Groot for a moment, sharing a look should the walking tree be looking his way, before turning his attention back to the Newok he is trying to get information, and possibly new boot linings, from.

Iron Man has posed:
The children who gathered flowers from Groot all group up together, to pass the flowers along. Together, they create a halo of flowers, woven together with a few feathers. One of them returns to Groot, to attempt to give him the bright halo. "Pretty," says the Newok child. "Please. Bless us, like golden hair god?" she asks of Groot.

The shy female Newok that Rocket is romancing turns a bit purple: her fur does. Maybe that's embarrassment. Maybe she's going to vomit. It can be hard to tell with aliens. As it turns out, it's something other than those, since she comes out and attempts to pet Rocket's whiskers. "I like." She LIKE.

"Pale ones. Like your pale sick one. Scary //gods//," agrees the Newok to Drax, "We pray to them, they bless." The Newok chitters and raises his arms to indicate much prayer. That's a big yes.


Still on Avengers....

"Onnku Kikchik," says the Newok that bounced off Steve's calf and fell down, which neither Tony nor Steve can translate.

"/Language,/" Tony tells the Newok, with a stern look and smirk sideways at Steve.

Tony's starving, but his humor is unstoppable. It just gets harsher and colder over time. "Yeah. Let me see if I can spot any tech now," Tony says, switching his device's modes. He's doing it all one-handed, holding the device in his gauntlet - he has one Iron Man glove on, with the leads running up under his shirt to the power supply: the arc reactor imbedded in his chest. Tony himself lights up to scanners, presently, as the thing can power a massive city and then some, even if he's not visually lighting up at the moment. Unalike Cap's drowned rat look, Tony has his suit jacket slung over a shoulder, and somehow doesn't seem as grubby as his cohort: more like a 007 that got in a bit of a kerfuffle but did get the girl. He's on his victory lap.

Captain America has posed:
At Tony's jibe, the Captain gives him a flat look and a curt huff of reprimand. His eyes fall to the gauntlet-driven device as it's manipulated and then up at the market. He hasn't yet spotted the Guardians, but surely at any moment now, he might catch sight of either Drax or Quill.

"Stay put, I'll scout a bit more while your doohickey does its thing." Revenge for that 'Language' quip, surely. A few steps brings Steve closer to the edge of the marketplace sprawling across the clearing. As he pauses again on the peripheral, ambient light from above catches on his shield in a quick gleam of odd metal material. The Khundian guard glances over and, after a moment of staring, squints. Despite being fat, the guard can certainly radio quickly enough. Out of various exits to the marketplace field itself appear other guards, all athletic and all armed and all very willing to see just what mandated their attention.

Steve, seeing this, takes one slow rolling step back. "Uh...Tony, we might have company."

Star-Lord has posed:
"Okay ... that is something.. pretty sure none of the locals or the red ones have a golden haired god... also what does that even mean." with that Quill looks around.

"Sure Groot will totally bless you, can you tell us more about the othis gods that bless you. We would like to meet them now." he is looking thoughtful. I mean I guess many terrans being double the height might look like gods but really now. "How easy were these muppets to conquer shesh..."

He reaches up and taps his temple his helm expanding and sliding into place as he starts to scan the marketplace for tech and othis things. "Lets see."

"The guards seem to be getting a bit hyper about .... hmm what is that..." staring towards the flash of light as well.

Groot has posed:
     The Neutron rifle is held on his shoulder, and before long, the Newock child is turned to, kneeling down and bowing his head. "I am Groot? I am Groot!" He says, waving his hands at the child with a big smile.

  The raccoon is called to with a wave, pointing to his new halo of flowers and feathers. "I am Groooooot!"

  That was when the flash of light garners his attention, he's standing already before holding out the rifle with his lanky arm to his buddy.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"Yeah, you'll like alright..." Rocket agrees with the Newok, whom he is courting, and about to take to a secluded rendevous for some 'afternoon delight', if you know what I'm sayin'... Reaching out for her her hand reaching out to pet his whiskers, "Save that, it gets weird when people touch the muzzle in public, on account of it gets me g-"


Glancing back at his bag, which is hanging on the side of the stall...

Looking back to the Newok, "On account of it tu-"


"Hold on.." Releasing her to take his bag and dig through for a small device he usually wears on his belt, held up like he's looking for Phase 4 (yeah, you see what I did there) free floating vapor. "Guys..." Glancing up and over at the largely distracted Guardians who probably written him off.

"Guys, I'm detectin' an energy source.. aint nothin' like these backwards people should be havin'. Great Scotts..." Another popculture reference, "The power is over 9000." Another. "Somethin' strange is afoot over by the Circle K." Further beyond the market, over by one of the Khundian guards looking confused and glancing around.

Also another popculture reference.

"Someone with a big ass energy source is gettin' them guards attention over there..." Eyeing the Newok.. frown deep.. Thumb, pinky wiggling by his ear, mouthing Call me. Ambling along beside Quill, taking the Neutron rifle off Groot without even glancing up to know it's there as if the two of them are in complete sink. Rocket climbs up atop Groot's shoulder to get above the heads of the Newok to see what's going on. "Yeah, I think the giant meat-bags are over there.. with gold hair."

Drax has posed:
Drax tries to hold in his laughter, but even he is incapable of such a feat. Great guffaws and wheezing results as he looks and points at Quill. "Ah hah! Ah hah hah hahah!!!" Drax pushes the credits at the Newok, curling his hand around them as if he's earned it for the humorous image if not for the information.

Drax rises up to his full height, the thickly muscled figure likely standing out as he towers over the Newoks, if far less so than Groot. The movements of the guards draw his attention and cut Drax's laughter short even as he's holding at his stomach as if it hurts from those big peals of laughter he gave.

Rocket's confirmation of the energy source is enough to bring that rageful light back to Drax's eyes. "These guards will not stand in our way," he declares and begins striding forward, a hand restraining aside any Newok that would get in his way until he's passed, though showing the much smaller creatures a bit of gentleness with the otherwise forceful gesture. He proceeds in the same direction of the guards, his pace quickening.

Iron Man has posed:
"Aren't you supposed to be our paragon of diplomacy these days?" Tony teases Steve automatically, frowning at his device, but taking a bit of cover from the roused guards. "Maybe it's the godly hat." Meaning, the feathered crown thing Steve is wearing. Tony didn't get one. Tony got scared looks. At the time, it suited him fine.

"I'm locked and loaded; I think I see some kind of ship or two on the opposite side of the market. I'd have said we go 'around' but it seems like maybe run and improvise?" Tony suggests, slipping his device away into a pocket and rotating his gauntleted wrist. There's a 'TWEEEEEEEEE' of charge sound at the edge of audible sound for the humans, but all of the Newoks near them cry and cover their ears. Tony is a horribly scary god of awful noises!

"Yeah, that's me again," Tony comments to the Newoks shamelessly, and moves to follow Steve, sticking near his shoulder, to accept cover from the shield as well as direction from Steve's instincts about where they should move.

The guards moving doesn't scare the Newoks so much as make them sit down and put hands on their heads. Surrender time, they know the drill. The ones near Drax get out of the way, or sit down where they are, which makes them easier to dodge than if they ran everywhere. "No! Beloved!" says the pretty female Newok, who throws danger to the wind and tries to tail after Rocket to help him somehow. She does pick up a pointy stick. Shy with men (or whatever Rocket is), but not with battle, it seems!

There aren't lots of guards, but they are well armed Khund warriors. There are four that come to aid the one with the radio, emerging into the forest clearing and market, and snarling for the Newoks to lay down. At least one Newok, obeying the order, is kicked out of the way as they move to the forest edge, forming into a squad quickly: they're trained. Three have squat guns, probably blasters, the other two have long electrical spears. Covered by the three gunners, the two with the spears draw smaller pistols for their off-hands and move quickly towards the forest edge to engage.

Captain America has posed:
The Captain gives his teammate a quick squint over his shoulder. "You know what, Tony?"

Tony doesn't get to know what because of his gauntlet's sudden engagement. It comes in tandem with Steve plucking the shield from its temporary home on his back and readying it even as he backs away and diagonally more behind the thick trunk of a nearby moss-covered tree.

He dares another look from around the tree, proceeded visually by a bent red-brown feather still fluffed up from his crown of plumage. "Gonna have to improvise, yes. Diplomacy's not gonna go over well when the enemy's drawing more weapons than spears alone," he mutters, profoundly annoyed at the entire affair. The shield's weight is tested with a little lift and curl of Steve's wrist. "Let's see about a bonus point multiplier. I'll throw, you shoot."

Just like the good old times.

Steve's easily seen as he breaks cover to huck the spangled shield like a total lunatic, in full view of all and sundry. Two of the guards' heads snap back as the shield ricochets -- CLANG CLUNK -- and comes back to him, leaving them stunned and wobbling in place with their spears and guns. Back comes the shield and now Steve's crouching down to avoid any counter-shots!

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"HEY!" Rocket, from atop Groot, shouts down at the Khund warrior who just put toes to a Newok, "Nobody steps on a Newok in my town." WHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIR, neutron rifle lowered, armed, and ready to blast... staring down at the soldier across the top of the weapon. Rocket's popculture hour over here.

Eyeing all the tiny furry creatures dropping down in immediate surrender, "What the hell are these turds doin'? There's hundreds of them! RISE UP MY JUNGLE FRIENDS! Aint you never seen Return of the Jedi? Tiny furry creatures named Ewo- oooooooooooooh..." Wiggle pointing at nothing... He sees what the Galaxy done did there.

"RISE UP! Hit these jackasses with sticks!" Rocket will show them what to do.

By firing a bright blast of neutronic energy at the kicking Guard without any warning shot. Disintigration is welcomed for this job, right?

Drax has posed:
As the Newoks drop down into the surrender position, Drax hurries forward, his path to his quarry made all the more clear. The green muscle-bound man lumbers forward with speed if not grace. He isn't intent on attacking just yet. Not until he spots a figure in a tattered suit emerge from behind a tree to throw a shield that bounces off two of the Khundian's heads.

"Terrans!" Drax calls out. "We have come with one of your kind to assist you!" Drax rushes forward, one of the Khundian guards turning as hears Drax's bellowing voice. He turns with his spear, facing down Drax who doesn't bother to draw his knives. "I can take it!" Drax tells his adversary, who stabs forward at Drax with the spear.

Drax's entire body shakes violently as the electric charge is jettisoned into his body. His hand clenches on the spear and he shoves it forward and up into the air, sending the Khundian guard flying like he were a pole vaulter, landing with a crash in the middle of the market, amidst Newoks who scurry away just before he hits.

Drax falls over onto his back with a thud, still being electrocuted for a good six seconds before he manages to pull the spear from where it stuck in his side. He drops it and sits up, body still trembling violently. "I-I-I-I am-m-m-m-m vict-o-o-o-orious!"

Iron Man has posed:
"Don't leave me hanging," Tony replies evenly to Steve as he starts to tell Tony What For. But then there's battle to be done. And that's never stopped Tony's quip machine before, and it doesn't now.

"What I //do// know, Cap," Tony begins as he watches Steve throw, and immediately sends a volley of three shots from the palm of the Iron Man gauntlet to follow the shield. The shots beat the shield in speed, crushing into the legs of the two Steve shot at, the last shot intended to give more cover, blasting the hell out of a tree that splinters and causes a lot of crashing cover.

"Is that the last time we talked about bonus points, you agreed to bite the next monster we fought. I said I would award you extra. That still does stand, although I think with how hungry we are, it might not be as challenging as the initial dare," Tony comments. He drops to a superhero knee behind Steve's shield when he moves to block, then rises and sends another burst of three shots.

"I think we're being hailed," Tony observes dryly to Steve, then stands to shoot one more pulse, and tosses a flippant two-finger wave back. Yep, clearly friendly Terrans. Tony ducks back down. "I think I saw a raccoon. But I haven't eaten a real meal in days, so, could be stress."

Captain America has posed:
Crouching down was a wise plan. Shots fired from other guards' guns hit Steve's shield a la blasts from Star Wars. Vibranium nullifies them rather than sending them at odd angles and risking accidental injury to the cringing Newoks. He's not immediately able to respond to Tony given he's boggling at how the green-skinned human-like being just got stabbed with a spear coursing with electricity and not only shook it off, but disarmed the wielder in the process.

"Glad he's on our side," Steve does manage after he shakes off that sight. A guard attempting to bullrush the Captain to close quarters ends up being knocked dead in the face with the shield. It doesn't save the super-soldier from the sudden headlock and slap of an odd-numbered-fingered hand half across his face.

And then he bites that Khundian hand as hard as he can manage in pure and undiluted spite for Tony's reminder.

The guard yells and lets go of the headlock, shaking the limb in visible reaction to trauma. Steve spits off to one side and snarls at the guard before slamming the shield into the Khundian's face again.

"They taste like chicken!" he announces in dark humor. "'nd we're Terrans, yes! We require aid and rescue!" Steve is sure to use his parade-ground voice to carry across the melee.

Star-Lord has posed:
Honestly Quill glances at Rocket's new girlfriend and just shakes his head amused. Well she does have a sharp stick. Then he sets off following the wake Drax makes. "Remember we need them alive so we can find out why in the drek Thanos wants a couple of Terrans."

"I never should have showed you Star Wars Rocket!" yeah that is yelled over the fray, last thing we need is these critters turning canibal and eating people. Damn creepy teddy bears.

Honestly things are moving so fast that Quill may not even have to draw one of his element blasters. "Wait... a minute." he tilts his head studying Captain America over yonder. "The hell." then he finally does draw a blaster and aims and fires, encasing one of the Khundian's in ice. "I think I may know who that Terran is but that is crazy..." then he calls over the field of kneeling aliens and chaos "Are you Captain America!?"

Honestly it is the SHIELD even if they are both pretty scruffy. Yes Tony also gets no love.

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
Groot grabs hold of a Khund who tries to dive tackle the massive tree being and Rocket scampers down his buddies vine twisting arm onto the guards back, slapping a small round sphere directly between his shoulderblades as he leaps free out of his all-fours run. The small murder, furry, murder midget lands amidst cowering Newok, "Stand up an' fight!" Shoving at a few of them, forcing them to their feet only for them to drop right back down onto their knees.

Groot hurls the Khund absently as if he weighs not but a pound. Launched into the air with a quiet ayieeeeeeeeee he explodes into a shower of Khund-gore when the explosive on his back goes off. Raining down all kinds of terrible stuff upon the furry, cowering creatures beneath.

"SEE?!" Another shove, Rocket has to leap away from a blast. Rifle slung, he moves quickly, unnaturally quickly even for a racoon, in and out of the crowds to keep out of reach of thrown objects, shot objects, punched fists, kicking feet... and basically anything.. closing the distance on the pair of tree hugging heros.

Climbing directly up the side of the tree to crouch above them with beady black eyes staring down, "DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND. ME?" The talking rodent says to one of the smartest people on Earth: Tony Stark. "Quill wants to know if you're-" In the middle of a fight, pointing at Tony, not Steve, because tech must mean higher rank... "-Captain America. Whatever the fek America is.. is that like some kind of Askaverian thing, Quill?" Into the communicators, Diplomatical skill check.

Drax has posed:
Drax comes back to his senses fully, bleeding from the side but it doesn't stop him from rising back to his feet. He was down long enough that the Khundian he threw into the market is getting back to his feet as well. Drax shakes his head as if to throw off the last of the electrical jolt that probably would have been enough to jump-start the Milano's engines.

"Yes!" Drax shouts as he sees the Khundian charging out of the market towards him. "Rodent! Play the Terran battle hymn so they know us as allies!" he cries out toward Rocket as he and the Khundian charge towards each other, the latter drawing a gun and shooting at Drax.

Drax lifts his voice into the joyous song of battle. Terran-style. "OH I WANT TO DANCE WITH SOMEBODY! I WANT TO FEEL THE HEAT WITH SOMEBODY!" he bellows out, somehow managing to switch musical keys halfway through, but one can tell he's heard the song at least. One of the shots hits him in the leg and staggers Drax just before he and the Khundian collide, the red-skinned man's weapon going flying.

The two exchange punches, first one and then the other staggered only to use the separation to put more power into the next punch. Soon it turns into a wrestling match, the Khundian crying out in pain as Drax bends him over backwards. The alien warrior draws a knife and slams it into Drax but it doesn't seem to penetrate his thick skin.

Iron Man has posed:
"They have a Hulk, Steve; don't overthink it," Tony assures his Avenger cohort as Drax does that display in all his mighty green-ness. "Next time, let's get kidnapped with a Hulk, is what I'm taking from this."

Ah! A Rocket! Tony accepts the yelling raccoon in reasonable stride: he's had Newoks scared of him for days, may as well be a racoon now. "Yep," Tony replies to the yelling raccoon. "Captain's with me; best bodyguard I could ask for." It's a compliment: sort of. It also ranks himself nicely compared to said Captain for Rocket's understanding. Tony lands a charged snipe from the gauntlet, having pulled in a significant amount of power, and then launched it in a streak of blistering gold and red energy. It hit one of the energy spears, and there's a satisfying explosion of spear and owner.

"Please tell me we're not on a planet that worships Whitney Houston," Tony adds aside at Steve, but then extends a hand to pat his friend's back twice: looks like things are under control to Tony's view. "I couldn't get the Metallica planet: oh no."

Captain America has posed:
Steve's very lucky to be momentarily an island of stillness in the middle of the fracas when Quill shouts at him. He pauses, stares at the fellow human wearing red goggles across the field, and then calls back,

"Yes, I'm Captain America! Steve Rogers!" If he hears Rocket asking Tony, he doesn't show it -- he's engaged with one last suicidial run of the guard whose fingers he crunched not seconds ago.

"You need to learn to lay down -- " CLANG. " -- 'nd stay down!" CLONK. "Because 'm not eating another slug!" Steve announces with a near-fanatical fervor as he gives the Khundian guard a solid kick right in the chest. Away the guard goes and off the tree for the final limb-flailing thud. Panting, the Captain stands there and takes Tony's back-patpat with his jaw set. He can gauge that the fighting's almost done too; it means less of a defensive stance with the shield, now smeared with off-colored alien blood.

"Could be much worse," Steve comments. "Could be some modern bunk. That's Whitney Houston?" A frown and a beat of pause. "Right, yeah, it is. How'd they end up knowing Whitney Houston?" His gesture encompasses their rescuers.

Star-Lord has posed:
Quill finishes icing the Khundarian and then spins his blaster and holsters it like a wild west cowboy. Someone has seen way too many westerns in their youth. He starts to walk over, carefully stepping around and over traumatized feline locasls. Working his way closer to Captain America and ...whoever that guy is with the gauntlet.

He reaches up causing his mask to retract back into itself exposing a very scruffy looking Terran (not a nerf herder). "Captain America... how... Did you fall into some sort of time space Vortex or something... I mean you are on the other side of the Galaxy and been dead forever..." pause Quill. "I mean... obviously not dead. Hey I had your trading cards... they were my uncles.. gave... you know not important."

He offers Steve his hand. "I'm the legendary Star-Lord... that is Rocket... Groot.. Drax." pause "We are the Guardians of the Galaxy."

Rocket Raccoon has posed:
"Whiney Houston? You mean one of the greatest songstresses from Terra?" Rocket inclines his head, casually shooting the Khund Steve was shield bashing to keep the guard down with his rifle, peeking out from around the tree as if he does this sort of kill stealing shit all the time. "As a CAPTAIN, have you met the great singer? Certainly she sang songs at yer celebration party... I'd totally have her sing at my elevation to Captain if I could."

Talking mostly to himself. Maybe Tony. Also probably Tony.


Clawed hand raised when his name is spoken, "Sup." Cash. "He aint really legendary..." Asiding to Tony, whose gauntlet is definitely more interesting to the racoon than the person in it. "How much for the gauntlet?"

Drax has posed:
Drax and the guard he is fighting roll over and over, and when they come up on the other side the guards knife is lodged in his stomach. He groans and Drax tightens his hold on the Khundian. Bending him over backwards with Drax's knee in the man's back.

Drax keeps forcing him back, the guard crying out in pain until finally there is the sound of bones snapping. The guard goes limp as Drax nods in satisfaction. "With somebody who loves me," he says as he rises, dropping the guard's body. He nods his bald head as Captain America identifies the Terran crooner. "Amorie Handspeth," he agrees, repeating her name.

Drax checks his wound. He pulls a tube from a pocket and whatever comes out of it seals over the wound like fast-drying superglue. He repockets it and then walks over to join the other Guardians, a hand reaching up to pat Groot firmly on the back.

Iron Man has posed:
"Hey. I'm Tony," Tony introduces himself. Then he gestures at the spangled Avenger. "Obviously that's Captain Rogers. We're the Avengers, in part. Terrans, sure," he says, smoothly, without much fanfare about any of it. He's tired, and the extremely low blood sugar isn't helping his patience a lot. Still, Tony is always charismatic, even if he's being overshadowed by Steve: it's sort of amusing to him, in a way: he isn't threatened by it, more amused.

"Tell you what - Rocket, right? - Get me to a strong enough communication hub to send a message out to our planet, and I'll look into making you your own," Tony suggests, with a half-grin, crossing his arms as if he weren't wearing the highly dangerous gauntlet.

"Sorry to tell you, Whitney passed away," Tony adds, "But maybe we can get a concert with somebody else you like. Assuming we get back home, anyway." Then there's a pause. "Did somebody send you looking for us?" A side glance is given to Steve.

Captain America has posed:
Steve reaches out and returns Quill's handshake firmly, smiling faintly if ruefully at the mention of trading cards. "Pleased to meet you, Guardians. We got here via a portal." It's a succinct if true explanation from the blond man. Flip goes the shield around with an easy of long-practice to the make-shift harness he has strung across his back. "'nd I wasn't dead, I was taking a nap on ice. Cold toes are the worst," he continues drolly even as he puts his hands on his hips and glances around. Rocket's appearance has him blinking in surprise and, frankly, so does Groot, but the Captain ends up merely nodding as if this weren't anything completely new in his book.

After all, the modern world just keeps getting weirder.

As subtly as he can manage, Steve returns Tony's side-glance. "We do know a lot of folks, it's true," he adds nonchalantly to sweeten the inventor's offer.

Star-Lord has posed:
"Actually we came here to find out why Thanos was hiring mercenaries to find a couple of Terrans... I mean we thought about taking the job so we could get more info from his lackey and ...well Drax wants his revenge on Thanos." pause "It's a thing."

Quill turns and starts walking back towards the ship now. "Come on we should get back to the Milano. My ship is great you will love it Cap." yup named after one of earth's greastest celebrities. "More of the Khundarians or bounty hunters could show up any minute... and while they aren't dangerous in the grand scheme... they are super annoying." Okay evidently they are taking the Terrans back to the ship. "Also you better be good for the gauntlet or .. well Rocket gets particular about that of thing... that poor guy and his eye..."

Quill seems like he is in a FANTASTIC mood. Captain Fracking America and Gauntlet Tony.

"We can probably get you home eventually.. we haven't visited earth in a while and I could use a new Zune."