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(Fame stinks.)
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Revision as of 06:06, 8 March 2020

Pizza For Thought
Date of Scene: 07 March 2020
Location: Dominos Pizza - Manhattan
Synopsis: Fame stinks.
Cast of Characters: Phantasm (Drago), Buffy Summers, Black Widow (Romanoff), Hulk

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Well, it may not be the greatest pizza that New York has to offer. But Dominos has a few nice things about it. Most people who get Dominos get it either to go or as delivery. It is very well lit, and they have actually introduced places where you can sit down and eat inside. AND you can get pizza by the slice. Good news for Slayers and performers watching their figure and wallets.

Taking the booth furthest from the doorway, Nick walks over and sets down a couple of plates. With the fingertips freed up, the remaining fingers lift upwards, releasing the parmesean and red pepper packets that were hidden under the palms. "Not the finest cuisine but it should do."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers steps in, peering around. With all the planning she's been doing lately, she could really use a break, and some pizza could totally hit the spot. She peers around for a seat, spying a Nick and grins and waves to him walking over, "Hey there, mind another?"

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Good news for Avengers as well. Considering the proximity to the mansion, they did order from here at times. At least, when Tony wasn't around to complain about the low bar they were setting for their taste buds.

Tonight, Natasha was planned on dining in, although she was dressed in casual clothing. Jeans. Tall brown boots that ended just below the knee. A tan jacket which was open, showing the cream colored sweater underneath. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun at the back of her neck as she moved toward a booth. The workers recognized her and started working on her usual order without her even asking. She might come here entirely too much.

Hulk has posed:
On the other hand, being low key is what Bruce Banner has been all about for almost a decade now. Being blamed for the damage The Other Guy causes was never something Bruce was interested in, with how little control he has over his condition. He's redoubled his efforts, even, with his identity as the other side of the Hulk being public now.

Still, there's usually a good chance of being recognized when Doctor Banner walks into the Dominoes for a slice, getting in line for ordering to go, hat down.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
A bit of motion draws Nick's attention up, pale eyes glance up and the only-for-the-duration-of-the-project bearded face gives a slight yet tired smile. "Sure." He slides over one of the paper plates over to the other side of the table for Buffy to get ahold of. "More the merrier."

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles and nods, sliding in the seat opposite Nick, "Awesome, were you expecting company?" she notes the extra plates with a curious arch of the brow. When two of the Avengers come in, she can't help but peer over at them with a thoughtful smile, So what, is this a popular hangout for famous heroes or something?" still it's pretty cool to see the Avengers casually hanging out at a pizza joint, even if it's just the two of them.

And of course in a place that is used to serving such high profile people, it's inevitable that some eager fans will be waiting nearby. Here they come now, at least four eager young faces, swinging through the door and headed right for Natasha and Bruce, specifically honing in on the (sometimes) green guy. "Oooh mister Banner! May we get an autograph? Ooh can I get a glimpse of the green guy?" and so on.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Hearing the door open, Natasha glances up to see Bruce join the line. She gives him a nod of greeting but says nothing, trying to let him have his anonymity as he stands in line with that hat trying to cover his features.

Should've known that wasn't going to work. As the fans come in making a beeline then turning to focus on Bruce, she has to hide a little smile. A moment later, one of the guys working in the back brings out her plate with two slices on it along with a drink cup. No telling what's inside there but it looks clear.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Probably. They have weird hours." Nick replies, glancing up to look over to where Buffy is looking, and to their loving fanbase. He glances down to his pizza slice, obscuring some of the non bearded parts of his face with his hand.

"And 'kind of' on the expecting someone." Nick replies, giving a small chuckle "In the past few months I've just learned when I find myself at a place I didn't intend to walk to initially that I should expect to be talking to someone. So, I grabbed two slices. Although. To be fair, this is the first time it's been to a Dominos."

Hulk has posed:
Oh, great. Bruce hasn't been an optimist for a long time now, so the fans were expected. Still, that means he's going to be on twitter or something within the hour.


Bruce turns to the teenagers, his hat upturning just slightly to get a good look at them, his hands in his coat pockets, "Sure... just keep it off the net until I leave, ok?" Bruce politely requests, "What would you like me to sign?"

Buffy Summers has posed:
The excited fangirls sqeee in delight, some pulling out autograph books, one pulling out a photograph of the Avengers. "Please sign this! Wow you're sooo awesome! Can I see the green guy? Just a peek?" they're all talking over each other, although one of them pauses to peer at Natasha.

"oooh are you the black Widow? Can I get an autograph from you too? Black Widow was always my favourite!" she squeals eagerly, holding out a photo for her to sign.

Buffy watches with a slight smirk, "And this is why I prefer to do the super heroics anonymously.." she murmurs, peering through the menu list.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
"I'd be glad to." Natasha sometimes missed the past. When she was just a SHIELD agent. Undercover. One of the best in the espionage game. Then the aliens came to town and she helped fight them. Instant fame. Thankfully, she was less often recognized when out of costume than some of her teammates.

She took out a pen and quickly signed the picture. She added some little inspirational thing. Fury had told her she was not allowed to write 'Aim for the throat.' anymore after a single incident. Go figure.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
As the fangirls carry on, Nick's brows raise at the display of vocal capability from one of the girls. "So, you can see why I don't readily share what I showed you this afternoon then." he surmises from the comment.

The hand does more than just hide his face, the arm is covering his mouth in the process as he glances down. Taking advantage of the hysterics to speak to Buffy lowly without being heard, "We'll want to talk to Thomas about some type of non verbal signal for him to give me in case he needs me to hand him a stake. From the exchange it seems appropriate he get to do the shot."

Hulk has posed:
"Meanwhile, Bruce was writing 'Stay in school' under his autograph name.

Yes, even now, Bruce is still interested in helping others.

"I'm sorry, it doesn't work like that. The Other Guy coming out here would be... hard." Bruce mutters as he writes, "maybe another time."

Buffy Summers has posed:
The fangirls gush excitedly at their autographs, giggling and whispering to each other. Honestly, they probably didn't expect to see Green Guy come out in such a place, but it doesn't hurt to ask now, does it? "Thank You!!" they call out in giggles unison before lining up for pizza. No doubt they plan to sit in a nearby both and swoon at the two superhero celebrities.

Meanwhile, Buffy nods to Nick knowingly. "Understandable, don't worry, your secret is safe with me.." she does lower her voice to a near whisper, for his ears only. "I assume you're talking about staking Trudy? I'm sure he could sneak in a stake..I just kinda feel like she's planning on double crossing him anyway."

Towards the two Avengers she smiles and nods, raising her voice a bit. "So how's fame treating you? I think it's pretty amazing what you guys did, fighting aliens and saving the world. Must feel good. Don't worry, we're not gonna ask for autographs or anything."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
"Yes. Always good to have a backup stake." Nick murmurs quietly.

Face still partially covered, Nick looks down to his pizza slice, reaching a hand to pick it up. The face is uncovered, allowing for him to take a bite. Oh yes. Must be terrible. Fame. What a bi- This is good pizza.

Hulk has posed:
When the fangirls turn away, Bruce just goes right back to his line, bringing his hat down and going up to the counter.

"I'll have a small plain to go." Bruce requests, pulling out a few dollars for the order and putting them on the counter, "a rush job, please."

Then, a stranger is asking how it feels to be famous, and Bruce gives Buffy a side glance, examining her as he waits.

There's no reply, just a wary observation.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers smiles softly at Nick and nods, "Thank you.." she murmurs, "It means a lot to me, knowing someone will be watching out for him.." she sighs, "Hopefully I don't have to resort to drastic measures if things get out of hand.." that causes her to frown softly as she takes a bite of pizza.

When Bruce doesn't reply, Buffy blinks a few times, an apologetic smile on her face, "Sorry to intrude, just wanted to say 'thank you', that's all..I mean really, we're all grateful. Guess some of us just express it in different ways.." right, now she's babbling. Maybe she should shut up. Looks like Dr. Banner wants to be left alone. Her smile fades a bit.

"Right..."She sighs, focusing on her pizza. "Mmm, this is good stuff, maybe Ill take some home.."

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
After finishing his bite of pizza, Nick gives Banner a bit of a thumbs up. "Hang in there buddy," he comments, giving a smile from the comfort of his seat, kind of enjoying the new found anonymity the new beard has been granting him. He takes another bite.

Hulk has posed:
Upon getting his order, Bruce looks back to Buffy, and gives her a nod, "You're welcome." Bruce finally replies, before he starts to head for the exit.

Back to the mobile home, and relative anonymity.

Buffy Summers has posed:
Buffy Summers blinks slowly. "Um...Take care?" she waves at him, but gets the feeling that he'd have preferred if she pretended not to notice. She draws a deep breath. "Phew, that bad, huh.." drawing a dee breath, Buffy glances at Nick and shrugs, "Right, guess it can be hard being famous. Glad I work in secret." that last part is said more quietly of course.

Black Widow (Romanoff) has posed:
Natasha rises to her feet, having finished off her first slice. She quickly fastens her jacket closed against the chill off the outside. The second slice was picked up and folded in half as she prepared to head out as well.

"We just did what we could. Same as most people would do. There were lots of 'regular' people who were fighting back those days as well. It wasn't just the 'heroes'. It was nice meeting you. Hopefully we can talk more another time." Then she followed Bruce out.

Phantasm (Drago) has posed:
Nick gruns a bit as Natasha goes right into a practiced departure speech. "Oh, you have noooo idea." He agrees. Popping the rest of his slice into his mouth.